1v1 Arabia | Turks vs Mongols | Cavalry Archers vs Mangudai

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Perks the modern km km I wish I knew what km km was I appreciate the five skinship scary atheist link for Prime MB first female day let's go Matthew 99 a thank you very much for your subscription what's our mashup right yep MBL is a beast do the forward lumber camp or that's a goose well you're gonna probe your nose not gonna probe actually okay ooh now especially spy Sieben eins think of a crime right he needs to apparently is I've swapped the place of the cars he needs to minister says yeah regarding the surgery I don't know exactly what they're doing they're going into my nose I'm gonna clean it up and make it easier for me to breathe that's all I know so I can say good luck tomorrow thank you do you think playing 1tc is good for a new player or should I try going for multiple teases to learn macro I think new players should do multiple TCS and once you become comfortable with that you can start making in someone TC place down them what's up with my chair position that works I hope is actually getting a plastic surgery to look like doubt that's the next one it's a good surgery I know people who got it and they're able to be it very well I'm not sure if they have the same thing I'm gonna have but if they can breathe very well that sounds promising to me the even now left one is completely clogged right one is RT cloud claw clogged annoying will you be bald as I search I hope not then there I don't know what they're doing then I live in Leipzig breathing is important otherwise you die you're a very wise man you understand German some German yes I do indeed not great the German but I a lot of German words are similar to Norwegian as well so I usually it's very rarely whereas wouldn't understand the context of a conversation or something $15,000 what are you talking about a reticle how much did but how much did use something I didn't catch that sorry hot in Germany it's fairly healthy it's just very humid today been raining a lot but it's so humid order a donor no well you upload YouTube videos yes I will welcome back to twitch thank you you learned German in school actually I had German for half a year in school yes well actually one and a half years even but I had forgotten everything by the time I came here you got like $15,000 for a year with mixer did I boy oh boy I actually hadn't watched Schindler's List until let's say two months ago would there be showed it to me I had never seen it watch it before that's pretty good actually the t90 stole your breathing we're not surprised me yo six locks were 65 IP why you don't name yourself - lounge I change each prolong it that's what I'm called in these parts this lung del Viper yeah thank you for six euro and I'm kind of committed to the Viper right now I don't think it's clever by me to change my whole brand to digital anger which is German and only Germans would kind understand that there is don't I just think it's maybe not optimal business decision-making Weiss I think I can make better decisions with my career and brand all right all right where are you going woman it would be T VIPRE and not this long anyway true that point I mean there we play a base it's basically Germany China and South America right I'm sure if I agree with that statement there are definitely a lot of players from those countries yes life is so freaking bright today [Music] what is the downside of having so many viewers and followers would you prefer a small nice group of fans or a huge viewership like here on twitch with a lot of nerf herders your thoughts on that with a lot of nerve furs nerf herders what does that even mean is that mean people that are just crying from nerves nerfs it depends right the magical answer I I definitely remember when I started streaming and had like 200 viewers it was very different you're 30 to start with your friends okay it's very different because you have an easy way to communicate obviously with individuals there's less people in chat so you have more back and forth between people but at the same time the bigger channel is the more successful at red in terms of financially maybe self-esteem all those things you know I think a nice mix is ideal the perfect balance right okay I think we're in a good place right now the slipper thing for seven months I'm thankful five Mastiff kiya Patman I'm sure what that means sounds German he should be there let's do a second let me come there not sure how he will play this but I'm guessing Scouts I will try to match him and go Scouts into characters misterx have these new characters we should to do a bumboat our woman bill he loves that up we go I'm guessing he's already up I'll probably have some aggression coming from you see it rushing I see it camp in there Matthew thinks one bit school play we won D again and time in future what about we te when it comes out I'm planning to give h3d chance play three campaigns etc age one I cannot promise anything that I would actually play it you know the age three it's definitely something I want to give it to I give a go at when when the game game comes out the de version that is of course six locks negative primers for subs well did appreciate it time to dodge his scout for now because I know he's probably looking for me I feel like the caches with without dumbing effect like my granny Spencer walking stick probably not accurate representation of Watchers what tethers are the best selling game yeah because we did twenty pop yeah I'm ready show yourself to me do you think things down the field with many Scouts is good misterx going to Casa three handsome upgrade if you have them alive hitting Castle age obviously can be really good but can you keep them alive in Cass Lake so maybe he is he could also be leaving cheekier and just be playing archery something like it's fairly fast up from just arches yes go that's definitely Scouts why I only got one hit there look the hell that was so weird what's the post that way more damage there but just a goal a boy budget go up Nigel I see I have him spotted I have him spotted Hawaii Oh BAM yes I didn't shush up I should make more Scouts I get it feels like he's not making Scouts there all this as well this I'm not gonna make more Scouts well carry on like this we take those and let us get a counter tax I don't see anything and he's about to be a wall okay I'm not scared of contacts anymore I mean I'm gonna be fully walled by the time he could possibly use that Scout advance for anything so I'm not too concerned about this that's okay for me he's probably he should be fully walled himself let's go couches wonder if he wants to go manga by here would be should be interesting either way KAV archers Sargam you got your wish just with a different sieve sort of I guess Danny Boy Danny Boy see a blacksmith market this feels an awful lot like manga die lay maybe your character with sabahi are better than manga are they and say with no I want to keep these guys alive now so they get turned into life cap let's see here that looks like the manga I to me let's do three ranges them I have my autoscout alive let's go home Parkers and the kid all got nikitos thank you for that one of its good luck on your surgery thank you very much I'm sure it will all go very well that was unfortunate to lose my incoming Lightcap read through mouth that's what I'm gonna have to do for next foreseeable future vipin mod me I am your oldest viewer it's a bold statement all right I really like my setup here actually terms of eco balance how everything's looking looks really nice how Olli you where that spear is gonna get through in 17 minutes so I'm concerned man scary stuff I'm gonna send one guy or woman to make a gate there anyone and the intruder is in there you hope a v4 is faster paced games like Starcraft 2 a fine balance would be nice like in between h2 and Starcraft 2 lv like optimal in my all right let's check I assume he has his castle up already you know for sure that would assume so James UK thanks a bit I'll try to get on some stone aye sir so I can get my C pie that there will be the surgeon I will trust her with my life oh by all means can it husbandry need elastics now we're good to go hello is there any way in kasnia houses yeah I think I just have to group up my army and wait for him to move out once he starts being active I can start using my army right now I can't really use my army actively myself right now that's a big chance if he gets like 10 manga you can just catch these guys apart we try to make sure that doesn't happen expecting the computers would line us why I'm camping there I would kill post immature couches in manga I'm not sure actually I don't think I've ever played that so I don't know which is better right yes bloodlines now's the time to save for ballistics he's using buildings as well as a good sweat and what will make building is you can use anything in walls really and yes buildings are good as as well even sure if he's even making manga maybe is just doing don't see his arm anywhere did I do ballistics without knowing or what I have ballistics I don't remember actually doing it I feel like he is just booming honestly I'm like yeah this could be pretty nice stop he's out on the map I have way more numbers scary for him like this though right now I'm ready I have beliefs newsman yes I think I idling lien promising maybe I guess they're just following my orders of patrolling around tell him to go it's my own fault Nikki's gone to a second castle there and I should do my best to deny that actually I want my castle there I think about it oh I opened the gate I opened the gate here and a fire rate of my car watch is compared to this man you die night and day that's nice though you can missing a second building what do you use to attack more patrol I'm using patrol over attack mode well if I ever do not really I just know how patrol works and I'm comfortable with that all right I got some relics well that's good stuff upgrades thumb ring I need three silver shops I don't think so I also have free house sorry actually answer the transition now should be pretty smooth for us oh I never the husband dream see by another pastor game though in many ways make mock us to heal I'd rather collect the relics for now I think that should be higher on the priority list be fair three castles I'm guessing is gonna do what would make sense here which is manga de-icer maybe maybe there Ram begin and I will have some bombard Kent's my composition he's gonna obviously have a castle there that look at that 90hp gorgeous should I have a majority and we have the relic advantage so question is does he yeah ballistics question is now the sea-doo Ram so does it do i sir don't think you should have eco for us sir I'm actually not sure which half T goes for first appeared wanna rape avoid looks a lot there they're not that great though but he has played live a greedy manga style Mongols should have a an edge in general let's prepare some more I think he wants to jump on those oh can you explain how Patrol works versus attack move for all the plebs like me thanks for the content fight be good luck with the surgery I don't know how it works man I wish I could tell you I don't actually know it I wouldn't be able to tell you the exactly hey the reason this works like this and that works like that I wouldn't actually be able to tell you that's a little bit difficult for me what how did his castle reach me always under his cast let me add a tribe as well I could also just push this side enough to deal with this let's do the armor I don't have to deal with the hill there actually I want to keep him off the gold I do both oh he's there ah stars go go go [Music] [Music] that's tough for me sure that's one that's what we're going for now he's already there if I'd look to it say I couldn't put my stuff there well acting so weird oh hello I'll send some car washes as well [Music] [Music] he wants to get my ball McKenna's not the bomba cannons [Music] so they were trading finer we have Sipahi Sipahi the beast of an upgrade oh not like this though look these mags are gone I'm satisfied with this and complain oh yeah huh store as well I mean this is disaster he shouldn't lose depth okay we should get that sell some stone when a bomb would come is left but he's out of storm there's no what we're seeing here looks like he's surrendering that we take those we take those up that we also still have three relics think it is over I don't think he can ever come back from this deficit now we also left gold looks like he's trying to add something there [Music] make bomber towers didn't someone talk about the in the hospital he says eyes and tells Debbie he loves her he is relaxed ready for surgery he has been told he will have the best surgeon that Germany has to offer he is counting backwards from ten nine eight seven interesting how much gold is this 500 get that very very interesting indeed thank you for what was 600 bits and Derek Bullard death how is gonna play out oh boy oh boy now I have the hill he's making ramps as soon it could be honest as well to be fair all the bomber towers let's go give him a taste of his own medicine yes he's on a time he's gonna have to go where it's preparing the castor forever I'm here here it comes here comes the big [Laughter] anymore neat ship read more hussars why are you guys not fighting score is getting closer the Porsche is not working we lost the trips all the tread lives the trip is dead quiet and I making camels stop it part two just as he can feel himself falling asleep he hears that the anesthesiologists say hello doctor his soon to be surgeon approaches him he recognizes his face but no it can't be why is he there the last thing he sees as everything fades the last thing he sees as all the the texture speed is being cut off ah I see last thing he sees as everything fades to black is doubt oh my god Oh imagine that oh my god that's actually terrifying that's actually terrifying oh my god am i evil for I feel like I'm towing a bit with my food now am i evil for doing that or you guys appreciate that tie with anymore working on it man we are working on it open the gate [Music] 65 farmers think we are satisfied with that I'm using my markers to heal instead of herbal medicine that's actually that's fine I want to feel like my fruity was still lacking with 66 farmers it's strange he's just preparing his push his Papa push or how many ramps is gonna bring your table well it's a lot of ramps not I'm keeping my couches here from now just so he doesn't know where they are but they will join once he push em it comes to push it's the it's the push trying to target fire the ramps the manga with my bomber to keep the towers Oh none of them died I lost oh I didn't even lose bomb with cannons oh he's pushing everywhere if I only had hoardings that's my only castle am i tough to and might have to [Music] make a new castle in exactly the same spot because that's the only viable option here she is probably first didn't work cold coffee he kind of just boxed himself in the corner and never got out that make sense not kidding about streaming the surgery I'm not gonna stream my surgery but I mean donation goal am i right I must have taken a huge equally it with with our position here here I always compared with my fingers yeah actually not huge equally just slightly better but I've better army and the transition are the same Floyd the honor think of a prime sharks shark fin soup you said this dong-gun of Minister prime camping Carl was at Kay with the prime and tribute five minutes thanks for those for that if I sold out that's the last thing laying down a surgery table entering on it like going black and then I sit out this last thing I better hope I don't wake up and I mean quacky Oh think of it a prime mr. Toby tends to prime as well as that FG dog with the five euro asking about the can you explain how patrol works versus attack move I think attack move will just attack everything in his path patrol patrols back and forth but the main thing patrol feels less buggy to me but in theory they perform the same task but patrolling and attack patrolling you are supposedly retargeting to a new target pasture then if you just right-click and also it feels less buggy I haven't tried attack move too much though because it didn't work well in HD and I kind of just didn't bother trying if it works here the patrol doesn't work so yeah troll feels like smarter targeting maybe where was the black spot I mean now I can see the whole map damn it we should go back and see where the black spot was his bad man he got one relic but he had one where like right next to his caste later they never took which is weird smaller stairs there and XC bo I think reprime became Mario's thinking for the raid there sir we should that move for our thanks for gifting us up to fire scroll all the way up now damned panda thanks for trying all oil barons ball things with prongs well very much appreciate the support [Music]
Channel: TheViper
Views: 67,802
Rating: 4.9655471 out of 5
Id: Sgk8-2Y981s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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