AR15 Rifle Setup for Beginners // RealWorld Tactical

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it's going on YouTube so after so many questions that I've had in the last couple of months because of all the craziness that's going on here we're here back here at the range and I'm gonna do a quick rifle setup give you an example of what they begin a rifle or what my rifle setup is and what you need the basics of what you need on your a our platform okay a lot of guys come to my courses and I see if they have like hundred different things on the rifle that are unnecessary and make the weight of the rifle two times three times what it should be okay this is a land tack USA will be saw an ar-15 ok 14.5 you can run a 10 with a pistol brace and you don't need a tax stamp or you can run a 16 this is a mid-range AR platform set okay this is what I've used in law enforcement and the only time that I've used I've used anything shorter than this and would be a 10-inch set up would be during SWAT operations ok we're doing a close quarter battle CQB type stuff but other than that I've always used this for everything else which be a 14.5 which is perfect for the urban environment now the setup that I use is for the urban environment guys obviously if you're gonna go into a wooded area or into the mountains and all this type of stuff then you're probably going to use 1/16 okay or just a longer platform whatever it is they decide to use and a heavier caliber if you're going to be shooting large animals okay this for humans is fine now going into the setup basics what you would need for a basic class alright you don't need any nvg stuff any ir stuff you don't need any other that's oh you don't need any of that on your right okay just for a basic class for a beginner setup pretty much what you need is a sling this is your sling your basic sling what sling do I use I use a Magpul sling okay I usually run my rifle one point okay recently I did a video with John LaBelle you can look it up on the card in the corner about one point two points leagues whether you run a one point or two points Ling it's up to you it's gonna be your training on what you want to do okay I usually run a one point how I ran a two point before when I needed it yes I have okay this particular rifle here is setup for a one point ok my mini draco is set up for my two point so it just depends on what our money or what I'm gonna be doing for that day what is your mission at the end of the day will determine whether you run a one point or two point okay for me a lot of the urban stuff hands-on type stuff where you going hands-on dynamically one point has always worked better for me there are two points this is a Magpul I can't remember this is a gem to Jan or what Genesis but here is this particular sling you can go from a one point or a two point options anything you get you always want options so either one point or two points up to you okay sling number one sling will cost you around sixty to seventy dollars depending on the sling that you have okay number two when you get your rifle you're gonna need an optic you're gonna need either a red dot or some form of a 1x4 optics anything other than that bigger than a one by four it's going to just be unnecessary in the urban environment or you can run a regular red dot with a bang the fire in the back whatever you want okay I here is an aim point optics that I recommend at endpoint will run you anywhere between 500 to 650 dollars is a micro h1 I believe 500 to 700 ollars or they're cheaper updates yes there are do I recommend use paying five to seven hundred ollars if you're not a guy that uses a rifle and regular basis no you can save your money but with a vortex part or a right on which I have on my on my mini draco 200 bucks 250 bucks two to three hundred dollars you're saving a couple hundred dollars okay on your octave very important you don't want it to fail so you want to get a decent optic good thing about the vortex park is they have a 100% money-back guarantee for the lifetime of it so you can and their stuff is like you can send it back bring it back you know but I've always chosen employee never had a name Romans in point a running input for a lot of years it's never gone down on me and I just you can see this rifle is pretty freakin dirty because I've been using it for a long time and and I use it a lot okay and it drain with it a lot all right now here's a big discussion or a big debate some guys run pop-up backup sites okay I do not I run failsafe sites so if you run pop-up backup sites like the Magpul ones or whatever where you have to press and press press pops up press pops up then you just have to make sure that they're cold witnessed with your red dot okay so when you're looking through them if you're red that went down and you're looking through your backup sites your iron sites you have to make sure that you can see through here okay and see to the front your front sight and your rear sight are pretty much in the middle with this okay if not if you have them to load and this is gonna hit and you're not gonna be able to see anything so that's huge with that okay um fail-safe sights are usually at a 45 degree angle they don't save sites as you can see here they're off to the side of the rifle I don't have to mess with my optic whatsoever I don't worry about coal witnessing or anything like that okay not a big thing I don't have to pop them up meaning like if my optic goes down or get shot or gets hit or something happens where the it gets cracked or something I can't see through it now all I have to do is pretty much just turn my right foot and can't it just a little bit and I have this at this okay I've ran I've ran these are Griffon armament I've been running these sights probably for over ten years or close to it I've run these sights from 100 yards all the way in these sites these iron sites are good at 100 yards point of a point of impact obviously you know you have to offset a little bit as you go far back down whatever um that would be for a course but you're good to go on a human able-bodied target at 100 yards all the way in from a hundred yards sawed it no problem with these failsafe sites now in the urban environment you know it's been statistically proven that most engagements are going to always be within 15 yards and in with a rifle or 15 max 20 25 yards why because you have too many friendlies running around in the urban environment you're gonna have too many people going crazy running around when they start hearing the gunshots so anything other than that you're really risking taking a shot at a hundred yards you you know at that point you better be at an elevated position and most likely hopefully you don't have any kind of obstructions between you and that actual subject or the target you're engaging okay so at 15 20 yards these are perfect okay bang-bang up that goes down all you're doing is boom boom up it goes down oh [ __ ] up this down okay just turn it around Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and you're good to go you don't have to worry about getting behind cover flipping flipping and now coming back over okay it's just literally boom boom is down okay turning around and are you going to go this is my preferred way okay does it have to be yours you can run the backup sites pop-up sites or whatever you want it's up to you but this is how I run my rifle okay obviously you need a light all right so I have a light on my rifle just in case for any nighttime stuff with that said any other stuff you can do to the rifle is privilege it's not necessary necessary sling optic light backup sights right privilege what you would like to do to your rifle what you can't do with your rifle but it's not necessary okay charging handle and with next raise charging handle right side left side okay that is privileged it's not necessary but it helps and it's not is a very cheap option okay trigger you always want a aftermarket trigger on your rifle it is it necessary no it's not does it help yes it does once you become proficient and you know the fundamentals of shooting with an AR platform ambidextrous safety is it necessary no it's not does it help if you're one of those type of guys I like to go from right shoulder left shoulder yes it does because every single time you shoot this platform right after you're done and the stock comes out of your shoulder okay that the weapon should be on safety okay if you have an AR that has a stock that is completely like some old style and it doesn't move meaning it to make it smaller or bigger you know longer or whatever yeah I would definitely get one of these and try to get an in our platform that has that is new enough to where you can change this up okay rail I like to have a rail pretty much almost the length of the barrel compensator when you need one not really but it's cool to have one that's about it guys I have the grip I change its of easy grips grip I like VZ grips they're good people and I put it on this rifle as you can see on this one I have the ambidextrous charging handle ambidextrous safety selector switch okay and then I have a half of happy hyper fire trigger in its land tack I would recommend hyper fire trigger or a guys to trigger one of those two should be fine so those are my two preferred triggers for the airport AR platform now magazines I personally like these Troy magazines a lot this is what I use just because of the way that it is the the I like the that it's very slick and it goes in and out of the pocket really easily I've been running them for some years now I never had an issue with a single one mag poles are just finding fault with the Magpul with the Magpul max you have Teran tacticals base plates that you can put on them add a couple extra rounds as well it's another big thing there but I have these two you know just a lot of this stuff believe it or not guys he's just preferred and whether or not you want to add it on to your rifle you're talking about I don't recommend anybody who's just a novice shooter doesn't do this professionally whether you're a cop or professional shooter to spend any more than about $1,500 on a rifle there's no need for it this rifle here runs around 1,500 bucks and as a cop I've always tried a rifle that has been around that range 1500 no more than $2,000 even when I was with other companies that offered me any rifles that were 35 $1 I turned them down because always been the type of person to like run something that I that I know I'm a blue-collar workers my cops and all the technical guys couldn't afford most guys are not gonna do it a for $30,000 rifle so I'm not gonna run with you don't need to spend that kind of money on a rifle you can right that's 1,500 bucks and you'll be fine take care of it you know clean it every so often you'll be penned and you're good to go so necessity is one more time just to break it down and assess things a must you pay your $1500 for a rifle you're 12 or $13 dollars for you're right for whatever rifle you get 50 60 bucks on a sling two to three hundred dollars for an optic okay back up sights another 75 to 100 bucks whatever liked you use I have an in force light on here okay but you can have in force surefire there's a whole bunch of stream light it's a whole bunch of different companies you can use alright what company do I recommend I've never had an issue with this on in force before so I recommend this one I like it the fact that you're pressing it's on or whatever I took off the the light here because I don't like to waste the battery but you pretty much press it and in the on and off you know so and then it comes out I like the fact that it comes out just a little bit off the rifle my preferred just you know preference if you like a surefire and you like a press pad just find two surefire a little bit more expensive little bit bigger as well so it just depends on what you want you know they're all these people are is like you must have this and you must have that [ __ ] you you don't need to have that [ __ ] you know and saying you don't have to have this one or have to have that one and this is the only one I recommend yeah the only one you [ __ ] recommend because they're [ __ ] paying you to recommend it okay at the end of the day a setup is how you want it you know how you feel comfortable and as long as the products that you're running are decent products and good products and aren't gonna break down on you then you're good to go you know what I'm saying I can say this is the best this is the best this is what I recommend hundred-percent but at the end of the day it's gonna be because of my experience with it but there's other guys that have experienced the same concepts with the same stuff that I've used they have bad experiences with them you know so just depends and I like to be completely and you know straight up for with you guys and that's just how it is you know one thing I can pretty much guarantee you when it comes to an optic ain't nobody in the industry and and I've been a firearms instructor in the social media world and the internet world longer than 95% of these instructors here you know aim point is product top top dog you know when it comes to a red dot you know what I'm saying there are no there are no other companies that's better than any point you know so that's just talking about the optic now and um other than that you know rifles let's talk about rifles and and what rifles I know that are good and they have lasted a long time okay uh BCM it's a good rifle daniel defense good rifle land tack good rifle and i'm able to tell you guys this cuz you know I'm not with for manufacture a lot of guys will just tell you they're getting paid by certain companies they're not gonna be able to tell you or promote other companies you know whatever company you use or whatever a rifle manufacturer use just make sure it's a reputable company pay the extra couple hundred dollars to get one so it doesn't malfunction on you every other round you know I'm saying get a decent rifle you can get a decent rifle now today fifteen fifteen hundred bucks you know I'm saying that's the goal and don't don't get all like googly eyed would you hear milspec no spec means absolutely nothing no spec is milspec its military supposedly minutes of a military grade and that they're the lowest bidder okay so mills bag is nothing special oh now I hope you enjoyed the video of my rifle setup if you have any questions or comments leave the questions or comments I'm gonna go get some shooting done and I hope you guys enjoyed video man subscribe comment tell your friends we're here our year on to the next one
Channel: RealWorld Tactical aka Tony Sentmanat
Views: 1,224,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rifle setup, ar15 setup, realworld tactical, tony sentmanat, ar 15 setup 2020, ar 15 setup for beginners, ar 15 setup for law enforcement, basic rifle setup, ar15 basic setup, inforce light, aimpoint sights for rifles, aimpoint, vz grips ar 15, magpul sling, ar15 sling, ar15 light, ar15 grip, ar 15 beginner, ar 15 beginner setup, ar15 beginner setup, ar 15 training
Id: OrtXtT3BfDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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