High Ready Rifle Presentation with Retired Navy SEAL Greg Hake

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Presenting out: strip safety, finger on trigger ready for full presentation. Some good advice. Also the 3/4ers rule: fast to slow, breathe, positive identification, marksmanship fundamentals, shot release.

Let's ignore the cult-like following of both high and low ready and instead simply use them situationally. πŸ˜…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cqbteam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi how's it goin my name is Greg cakey I'm a 22 year Navy SEAL veteran recently retired and we're here at the Glock store today in beautiful San Diego and we're going to be going over the high ready with the m4 assault rifle variant this can be applied to any type of variant out there with an aka variant it's gonna be a little it's gonna be slightly different we're not gonna go over that today though so the high ready you want to make sure that you've got a good grip on your rifle ideally you're driving your gun with your support hand here within the community that I come from you know I'm seal we would say that this is my seal hand here this is my support hand this is the one that does all the work and this just shows up for the killing primarily I want most of my grip on the fore grip here driving the gun and this grip is kind of lazy now here what I like to do for myself is I like to be able to grip primarily with my with my last two fingers and then loosen things up and I also have a pretty high grip on on the on the the weapon as well that's just my personal preference I know guys that have a lot larger hands than me and they grip down here me personally I like to cheat up so I can get as much meat on the gun as possible give us gain as much real estate on the weapon and be able to comfortably strip and manipulate this safety as as easily as I can because everyone's hands are different some people's sums are really long and they can have a nice relaxed grip down here me personally mine are a little short I cheat up on the handle I you don't have to hold all the way down I just cheat up bring it around more like a your traditional rifle grip like you would your grandfather's hunting rifle and that allows me to put a lot more of my on to this space right here on the weapon so here I've got a good grip I'm driving the weapon with my left hand and I'm gonna position it in such a way that the the barrel or the front sight is in my field of view this is me walking around a target I'm in an aggressive posture or on the range if you will and I'm getting ready to engage targets and what I like to do when I'm rolling around the target or doing whatever and shots have been exchanged is I like to kind of make sure that I'm not over gripping this because if I am and I'm present and I'm just death gripping this thing I'm gonna jerk the trigger and at at close quarters combat ranges that's not going to make that much of a difference but within the realm of longer range engagements out past say a hundred two hundred three hundred you're getting in excess of three hundred yards like in Afghanistan the enemy often like to contact us outside of six hundred yards and beyond because they knew that they were in trouble if they engaged us at close range those sort of marksmanship fundamentals absolutely matter now my presentation should not change regardless of the distance the speed pace my shooting program should not change based on the distance I have a target at 300 yards this is my presentation I'm here a little slow I have a target at five yards this is my presentation it should not change because you're acceptable sight picture and you're shooting program are solid it just might take you a little bit longer to acquire the target out at range but we don't want to be changing things up just based on distance so I'm here I'm set I'm ready I've got my nice aggressive stance my weight on the balls of my feet and I'm leaning slightly forward so I'm here I'm gonna present out and as I present you're gonna want to keep in mind some talking points here so safety finger when you present out you want to strip the safety and put your finger on the trigger at the same motion you've already committed to the fact that you're presenting your weapon and that there is a threat and or something that you need to engage so if your gun goes off prior to it shouldn't matter because it's already pointed in a safe direction relative to you your family your teammates whatever else may be going on out there so I'm here I present my weapon out you can hear the safety click as I strip it and put my finger on the trigger safety finger and here here's a key is I want to bring the gun to my head and I don't know if you notice but there's a slight can't in my gun I want to adjust my head in this way as little as possible what right looks like is this right here I'm presenting my weapon out I'm bringing it into my chin for me I learned through pain so I hit myself in the chin really hard and it's that's just how I did not really hard because I don't want to bring my sights off the target I bring it in to my shoulder and here I go that's that's my presentation we're gonna go into a few finer points but one of the reasons why I want to can't my weapon in such a way is to prevent this bringing my eyes to the sights instead of the sights to my eyes and to when I transition into night work I am NOT going to be changing my shooting program as much or if any at all for myself I've used an EOTech the majority of my career I would always set mine far enough forward on my weapon system so I can use my yokai taz opposed to relying on my laser all the time that reduced that's does a couple of things for you one from day to night when I present my weapon it changes almost nothing pretty much nothing at all if I am gonna use my laser I can just bring my head up slightly I don't have night vision on right now let's put on our imagination caps I would just bring my night vision up a little bit so I can see over the top of my sights but often more often than not for me personally I'm gonna be looking through my optic that makes sense another important thing in the realm of the high ready presentation a lot of people don't like to do it because they like to have a point of reference on their body the low ready presentation is really super popular across the community at least that I come from because it's a lot easier I get I bring my weapon down and then I can come up here there's not as much operating in space if you just follow these instructions it's gonna work out just fine I utilize the high ready presentation almost exclusively very rarely do I go to a low ready personally it's something that I was taught right from the get-go and it's just it's just a good tool to have in the toolbox so I'm here just like we talked about earlier I've got my field of view at the end of the barrel or if you have a suppressor off the off the front sight the virtual front sight there because most often not we're not rolling with iron's anymore my train with them probably a good idea but we're not rolling out with our iron's exposed at least I don't so as I present I'm stripping that safety I'm bringing it out we're going nice and slow but in a position where I'm doing this for real and I'm presenting quickly I want to utilize what we refer to as the three-quarter rule which is 75% of the time I'm going as fast as I can and I get to that point where I'm almost at the end of my presentation I want to slow down because if I'm presenting as fast and as hard as I can all the time it is going to it is going to create a sloppy front sight picture or just a sloppy sight picture overall so when I'm presenting I'm here and I slow down I present and I'm over-exaggerating so you guys can get the picture of it I get to this point here and as I bring it in I'm slowing it down I'm getting that better acceptable sight picture as opposed to doing this as fast as possible and like I'm here at the end ideally once my buttstock hits my chin and again I'm probably a little more aggressive than most in that realm but just because I learned through pain I put my weapon right here and I can take accurate shots without my weapon being seated in my shoulder at this point right here I can take accurate shots I've got a good acceptable sight picture and if I need to as I'm bringing it back sorry I didn't have to have the safety stripped as I'm bringing it back I can put shots I can put rounds on target that's what we want to get to we when you're in that competition area obviously you're focused a lot more on accuracy but in the tactical realm if I have a serious legitimate threat that needs to be addressed immediately I'm here I see that threat boom my barrels pointed downrange I'm putting rounds on target if I can and then we'll assess the situation from there something else to keep keep in mind is I am NOT looking to perfectly seat my stock immediately from the high ready position I'm not short stroking this and bringing it up in this fashion one of the primary reasons why from a tactical perspective is that I want to clear my kit right now I'm a lazy non operator I've got a sexy you know civilian outfit on so to speak I don't have plates I don't have a helmet I don't have comms I don't have magazines breaching equipment any of that stuff I've got a t-shirt on I can bring it up and I'll be reasonably fine to get it into this position without my stalk catching up on anything but in a tactical environment Here I am rolling around a target or I'm out in the field engaging the enemy when I present I want to clear that space in order to ensure that I have a clean presentation and it's as efficient as possible so often why not was doing this for real I would have my weapon canted out in this in this fashion and this space was clear so it wasn't hanging up on my kit causing any unnecessary friction and I was able to present cleanly and efficiently and get my sights on target as accurately as possible so in summary for the high ready presentation make sure that you've got a good grip you're a support hand is driving the gun from a talking point safety finger get that good cheek weld bring it back into my shoulder acceptable sight picture and then fire if you have any questions please reach out to me on tactical hive comm and I will try and take care of you
Channel: Tactical Hyve
Views: 100,700
Rating: 4.9357858 out of 5
Keywords: greg hake, tactical hyve, navy seals, high ready position, rifle presentation, glockstore, carbine drills, high ready, carbine, ar 15, ar pistol, pewpew, pew pew, pew pew life, subject matter expert
Id: 4k8xk54EV8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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