Why Should We Hire You? | Best Answer (from former CEO)

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hey everyone welcome to the second video in my series on getting hired today I'm gonna give you the best answer to the common job interview question why should we hire you okay there are many different forms of this question why do you want to work here why should we hire you why do you want to work at this company why do you want to work for us it's all the same question and you always give the same answer each time I'm gonna let you in on a little secret here this is actually a really good question to be asked in a job interview this is your moment to shine this is your moment to make a case for yourself see often during formal job interviews that are very structured you don't really get a chance to speak freely you spend your entire time answering very specific formal questions I mean you could have been the first person in history to discover finally the meaning of life but you would have never had a chance to say it in a formal structured job interview where all that happens is they ask you very specific formal questions like how many eras experience do you have using Microsoft Excel so this question is your chance to shine and really be able to say whatever you want to make a case for yourself in fact if I was asked this question during a job interview the first thing I would say is I was hoping you'd ask me that now before we talk about how to answer this question really we need to understand something first about recruiters recruiters are paid to find candidates that meet a list of requirements that's their job that's what recruiters are paid to do whether they're internal to a company or their external operating as an intra crew ting firm that's their job that's how they get paid what they care about our requirements they don't write the requirements they are given a list of requirements usually by a hiring manager or a client if it's an external company and they are paid to provide candidates that meet those requirements now hiring managers are a little bit different they're not the same thing as recruiters if you end up getting the job chances are the hiring manager will be your boss usually they're the ones that write the requirements and give them to the recruiter they might not necessarily be hung up on specific requirements they tend to care more about whether they like and they think that you'll be good in the role if you can bring something extra to the role maybe that might be a factor and that's for the hiring manager to decide you like that expression you know you had one job well you have one job in a job interview and that is to communicate to the recruiter how you meet all the requirements for the job so if somebody asks you the question why should we hire you a good answer is to say well as I understand it you're looking for somebody who and then you go down the list of job requirements and say how you satisfy each one now that's the answer that many many big dollar resume writers and hiring consultants will give you I would like to add an optional extra to end off and that would be to show a little bit of personality and a little bit of desire for the position maybe you could say something like well I've always wanted to work at an organization like this for this reason so that's why I'm hoping you'll select me okay so an important note here you know that if you get called in for a job interview you're gonna have to be doing some preparation for the interview one of the things that you need to do is make sure that you print out the job description which has a list of the requirements what I would recommend is taking a highlighter and highlighting maybe one word on each of the requirements so you can quickly scan down that list then when you're in the interview make sure that you have that paper in front of you among perhaps other papers and when you get asked this question when you go down the list of requirements you have the paper in front of you so you know that you're speaking to each one and you're not forgetting or omitting any of the requirements so once again you get the question why should we hire you a great response is to say I'm glad you asked me that question as I understand it you're looking for somebody who and then you go down the list of requirements speaking to each one for example three years experience in this I do I actually have five that has this particular degree I have that actually I got that degree with honors you're also looking for somebody who's familiar with this software well I do I actually have five years of using that software practically every day I'm in advanced user for it and I've always wanted to work for this company because I do know a couple of people that work here and I've heard good things about how they treat their employees so that's why I'm hoping you'll select me so there you go hopefully this was helpful to you if you want to see more of my videos that can help explain how you can get hired please take a moment now to click the like subscribe and bell buttons and consider supporting me on patreon if you do you get a bunch of extra videos that go more in depth and the ability to direct message me and ask me some business questions so once again I'm Bill the company's expert thank you so much for being here and watching my videos you know what you're awesome you
Channel: The Companies Expert
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Keywords: why should we hire you, why should we hire you best answer sample, why should we hire you best answer, why should we hire you best answer example, why should we hire you interview question, why do you want to work here, why do you want to work at our company, why do you want to work for us, why do you want to work for us examples, what makes you the best candidate, why do you want this job, why do you want this job best answers, why do you want to join our company, job interview
Id: WQ6snVCCgt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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