What to Say At the End of a Job Interview

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hey everybody Don Georgevich here job interview tools today I want to talk to you about closing a job interview so this is at the end of the interview could be the first interview second or third it doesn't matter so much but you want to close out the interview because they're going to ask you if you have any questions for them because the whole time you've been answering their questions well they're going to turn it over to you and they're going to say do you have any questions for us yeah you shouldn't have a blank list of paper with your questions on it what you should have are some questions already written out ahead of time that you plan to ask questions that are meaningful to you questions that are going to help you decide whether you want to work there or not so don't just ask questions for the sake of asking questions don't just Google best questions to ask come up with your own list of questions that are gonna help you decide if you want to work there or not you want to ask that employer challenging questions that are going to make them sell you on the position you know you might ask them questions about you know what are the first year accountabilities for this position or how would you evaluate how do you plan to evaluate my performance after a year or you might have read something in the trade magazines about this company that where maybe one of their competitors has a new product you might ask him say you know hey I read you know so-and-so has this new product out how is that going to compete with yours challenge them put kind of put them off a little bit and make them go to work and try to sell you on coming to work for them make them make them overcome your objections because your questions should should be somewhat of an objection or a concern so make that employer work to overcome your concerns so that you feel better about the position the job the location you know whatever it is now another way to come up with questions is write some things down wow you are in the interview so as you're going through the interview and they're there answering some of your questions and and you're talking to them write down some little ideas that pop into your head where you want to know more information but you know at that time when the interview just not right the right time to ask so you want to save that question for the end of the interview so you have this little stack of questions now the closing of the interview make sure you don't ask them questions that they've already answered like you know how many employees do you have here you know they may have already told you early on in the interview that they have 502 employees so if you ask that question again you know it just kind of shows that you weren't paying attention so ask some questions you need to know the answer to and don't ask them questions where they may have already indirectly answer your questions now the last the very last question you should ask and you should always ask this is when do you plan to make a hiring decision always want to ask that that gives you the time that gives you their time frame so you know what to expect and then you might follow up with but do you mind if I follow up with you in a couple of weeks on this position now align your follow-up time with their hiring time frame so if they don't plan to make a decision for maybe a month then you might say well do you mind if I follow up with you in about three weeks can I give you a call or can I send you an email obviously they're going to say yes and then you ask them for their contact information can I have your best phone number what's a good phone number to reach you at or what's your best email address now if they say you know we plan to make a hiring decision in about a week then you might say well do you mind if I follow up with you in a couple of days because if they're gonna make a hiring decision in a week you definitely want to touch base with them a couple of days to you know to refresh them to refresh you in their memory so that they think about you during this their hiring decision time all right does that make sense now if you want to go farther with questions to ask I do have an entire section and the completing of you answer guide that gives you a lot of ideas for questions to ask there's probably like 30 40 different possible questions you might want to ask an employer I put those in this guide I really don't have time to go through them all in this video but don't ask them all don't ask your interviewer 30 or 40 questions that would be the worst thing you could do only ask them questions that make sense to you where that answer is important to you I mean like I said I've got 30 or 40 questions to ask employers in this guide but they're not all questions that are going to be right for you to ask they're not going to be appropriate maybe though you'll get you know 5 or 10 out of it but the point here is they're going to give you ideas they give you give you better ideas for questions to ask and and you know what maybe maybe you don't have any questions to ask but you probably just don't know what to ask or there's something that you don't want to know or you know what maybe you're like I don't care I just want this job I don't care I don't want I don't want to scare them off by asking them questions I just want this job so I'm not gonna ask him anything by not asking them questions it showed it demonstrates that you were disinterested in them so it's important that you ask them questions because that shows you're interested in them it shows that you are envisioning yourself working there and you want to know more details about that so even if you are desperate and and we all are I have been - they've been jobs where I've gone into where it's like I just want this job no matter what I don't care I'm gonna take it because I need it yeah I know I haven't had a job for six months I'm not gonna rock the boat it's the worst thing you can do you still have to go out there and you have to push back you have to give them some resistance and that resistance shows that you were interested and when someone weren't there and when they can see that you are interested that's gonna make them more interested in you it's gonna make you look like a more natural serious and genuine candidate that's how you go farther in the interview process so before your next interview grab a copy of this guy it's going to give you the best questions to ask and mainly to help you form you formulate your own and it's also gonna teach you how to prepare for your interview it's going to teach you how to answer questions and what as well this guide has about 140 different questions in it behavioral questions tell me about yourself you know why do you want to work here you know why you left your last job goes into great detail on all of those it also comes in hardcopy book like you see here it's available in audio mp3 tracts video and ebook you can download the ebook from job interview tools calm for like 50 bucks I'll put a link for that below and it's really all I have for you today if you like this video or you like this channel you want to see more about what I'm doing here leave me your comment below let me know let me know how your interview went and let me know you know if you find these videos helpful share that with me in the comments and if you like this video yeah give it a thumbs up and share it with a friend and I wish you all the best in your next interview and I'll see you in the next video bye now
Channel: Don Georgevich
Views: 44,176
Rating: 4.8838558 out of 5
Keywords: end of interview questions, employer questions, do you have any questions for us, what to say at the end of an interview
Id: fG02TZV48xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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