QUESTIONS TO ASK AT THE END OF AN INTERVIEW! (7 GREAT Questions to ASK at the end of Job Interview!)

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hi there my name is richard mcmahon from the interview training website and in this tutorial i'm going to tell you the questions you should ask at the end of a job interview so when your interview comes to an end the hiring manager is going to say to you that's the end of your interview do you have any questions you would like to ask us and it is really important you ask them a number of smart and intelligent questions and during this tutorial to help you pass your interview this is what i will cover i will explain why it is so important that you ask them a number of questions don't do what the majority of people do and say no it's okay you've answered everything i need to know i don't have any questions that is a big mistake i will give you three crucial tips for asking questions that will impress the interviewer i will then give you a number of brilliant questions you can ask at the end of your job interview to succeed and these questions are relevant to all job roles i will then tell you how you can get access to further interview training resources right here on youtube that will help you to be the standout candidate during your interview and just very quickly please do make sure you subscribe to this channel lots of you are passing your job interviews as a result and i don't want you to miss out you can also connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals and please do give the video a like because that tells me you find the content useful thank you very much here's what not to say at the end of your job interview when they say to you do you have any questions you'd like to ask don't say this no thank you you answered everything already during the interview i have no questions now you might think there's nothing wrong with saying that but this can come across negatively as if you don't care about the job or their organization this is your opportunity to ask them some smart and intelligent questions so why is it so important to ask questions at the end of your interview number one if you don't ask any questions it can come across that you're not that interested in the role and number two asking questions is your opportunity to show that you care about their organization so my advice is to ask them questions that focus on their organization and its future success let me now give you three tips for asking the right questions that will impress the interviewer and then we will move on to the questions themselves so tip number one ask three questions at the end of your interview no more than that i've been sat in interviews before where people have asked me five six or even seven questions don't forget the interviewer has to interview more candidates so we don't want to take up too much of their time just ask three questions only tip number two ask questions that assess what they are looking for now there is a clever way of doing that and i will teach you this very soon so a lot of people say to me here on youtube richard what question should i not ask in a job interview so do not ask any of the following questions make sure you avoid these at all costs the first one is how much time off will i get or what's the salary do not ask these questions unless they say to you you know do you have any holiday coming up or what are your salary expectations don't ask questions about salary and leave do not ask this question either providing i do the required hours can i start early or leave late okay do not ask this kind of question about flexibility in the role you are better off asking these kind of questions when you are established in the position and do not say this who's your biggest competitor the reason why you shouldn't ask this question is because if you have carried out your own research during the job preparation stage then you should know who their competitor is so what about questions what questions should you ask at the end of an interview let's take a look at seven and you can then choose three of them to ask at the end of your interview question number one this is a really good one do you have any questions yes what are the plans for the company over the next five to ten years that is a brilliant question and the reason why is because this question shows you are forward thinking and you care about the success of their company it also indicates you plan to stay working there for a long period of time which is attractive to any hiring manager so what are the plans for the company over the next five to ten years let's have a look at another question question number two do you have any questions yes what's the culture like within the company i've heard some great things about the way you work so what's the culture like within the company this shows you care about their organization this question demonstrates that you care about the environment that you work in and it also demonstrates that you are a supportive team worker what's the culture like within the company and this gives the interviewer the opportunity to talk about their organization and what they are passionate about question number three do you have any questions yes what advice would you give to someone like me who wants to perform well in this role that is brilliant that is a great question because it shows you respect their opinion and you are willing to take on board advice and feedback so the question is what advice would you give to someone like me who wants to perform well in the role let's take a look at some more questions question four do you have any questions if i am successful what would you need me to concentrate on in the first few weeks of starting so this is a good question because it shows you are thinking ahead and you are getting yourself ready for starting work so the question again is if i am successful what would you need me to concentrate on in the first few weeks of starting so those four questions are brilliant they are smart they are intelligent and above all you are focusing on their organization let's now take a look at some questions for those people who are applying for manager supervisor or team leader positions question number five do you have any questions yes how do you see the company evolving over the next five years and how could i help you to achieve your goals that is a smart question to ask if you are applying to be a manager a team leader or a supervisor because the question shows you are forward thinking and you are keen to help them achieve their commercial and finite financial objectives so it's attractive to any hiring manager question number six is another one do you have any questions what are the biggest challenges facing the company right now now part of your job as a manager team leader or supervisor is to respond to challenges and this question shows your awareness of that fact and that you are planning for what is to come in the role so what are the biggest challenges facing the company right now it's a really good question to ask and question number seven do you have any questions what would you want me to accomplish in the first six months in the role i love this question because the question shows you are already thinking about achieving in the role that word accomplish is brilliant it demonstrates you are a completer finisher basically somebody who gets things done so what would you want me to accomplish in the first six months in the role so there's seven questions there for you to choose from for all roles if you would like a copy of these slides and also 21 great answers to other tough interview questions click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video it will take you through to my website and you can download these slides as a bonus and also a pdf guide that contains 21 great answers to tough interview questions it's a brilliant resource for helping you pass any job interview i hope you found that useful if you would like me to create a video form for you tell me in the comments section below and i will get straight onto it don't forget to subscribe connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and please give the video a like that tells me you find the content useful thank you for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 32,224
Rating: 4.9573069 out of 5
Keywords: QUESTIONS TO ASK AT THE END OF AN INTERVIEW, what questions should I ask in an interview, what questions should I ask at the end of my interview, interview questions and answers, questions to ask at end of an internal interview, What questions should you ask at end of interview, What are the top 5 questions to ask an interviewer, How do you stand out in an internal interview, killer questions to ask at the end of an interview, killer interview questions to ask employers
Id: zonly_USG7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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