SECOND INTERVIEW TIPS! (2nd Interview Questions you MUST PREPARE FOR!)

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in this video i am going to teach you how to pass a second interview so if you've been invited along for a second interview it's really good news but you still have to prepare fully for it now to help you pass your second interview i am going to cover a number of things during this tutorial the first thing is i will answer some of the more common questions that people ask about second interviews i will then give you some really important second interview tips to help you succeed and finally i will give you a number of second interview questions i strongly recommend you prepare for so if you have a second interview coming up make sure you stay tuned because i promise to help you succeed let's start off and let's answer some of the more common questions people ask about second interviews so the first question that i want to answer about second interviews is does being invited along for a second interview automatically mean i am going to get the job and the answer to that question is no a second interview is not a formality you still have to prepare really well for a second interview and i suggest that you put in just as much effort into your preparation for the second interview as you did for the first interview now i will often invite people along for a second interview because i want to double check that they are the right person for the job so you still need to make sure that you dress smart you still need to act professionally and you still need to impress the interviewer now you should also be aware that there might be another person at the second interview who wasn't at the first interview and that sometimes happens because the interviewer wants to get a second opinion so you need to impress the second person who might turn up to your second interview so don't treat your second interview as a formality because it is not you still need to impress the interviewer so the second question that i want to answer during this tutorial about second interviews is what questions am i going to get asked during my second interview well with me today i've brought along the exact questions that i always ask candidates during their second interview so let me start working through these with you and you can then start to prepare answers for them so the first one is what strengths can you bring to this position so when i ask that question during a second interview i am specifically looking for strengths that are aligned to the job description so make sure you read the job description again before you go along to the second interview and you consider the different strengths you have that you can bring to the role the second question that i always ask during second interviews is describe yourself in three words now that's a very tricky question because it puts you on the spot how do you describe yourself in three words now whenever you answer this difficult second interview question you should think about the different words that describe you that make you stand out from the other candidates i recommend you say that you are commercially aware this is a great word to use when describing yourself being commercially aware means that you fully understand that in order for their business to be successful you need to carry out your duties to a very high standard another good word to use when describing yourself during a second interview is to say that you are loyal and trustworthy okay so i want to employ somebody who is loyal to my company and they are going to stay working for me for a number of years into the future and another good word to describe yourself during your second interview is that you are evolving you are always looking to improve and develop so those are three really good words that you can use when describing yourself during an interview and in particular when answering that second interview question describe yourself in three words the next second interview question that i recommend you prepare for is what's the first thing you will do in this role if i decide to hire you now sometimes the interviewer will ask it in a different way they might say to you what will you do within the first 30 days of starting in this role so if they ask you this second interview question make sure you demonstrate that you already have a plan in place of what you are going to do when you start work now the type of answer that i want to hear from a candidate during a second interview is that they will first of all sit down with me their manager and they will obtain a brief of what i want them to do they will then introduce themselves to the team they will then find out how they can start collaborating with other people within the team or within the organization and they will also more importantly do something of significance within a role within 30 days to show that they are the right person for this position so make sure you have a plan in place of what you are going to do within the first 30 days of starting in the role now the next interview question that i recommend you prepare for for your second interview is what type of work environment do you prefer now my advice when you answer this question is to say that you want to work in an environment that is dynamic that is forward thinking and that way you get to collaborate with other people to help achieve the organization's commercial and financial objectives so i want to hear you say in your second interview that you want to work in a fast-paced environment where people are all working together to achieve the company's goals the next question you need to prepare for is what are your career aspirations so my advice when you answer this second interview question is that you say first of all you are looking to stay working for their organization for a long period of time you are looking for stable employment with their company because this then means if i am investing in you i am going to get a good return on my investment you should also say when answering that question what are your career aspirations that you are looking for a job where you can develop in the role and you can also learn new skills as the years go by but i would also want to hear that you are potentially looking to advance in the organization i want to hear a level of enthusiasm from you that shows that you are going to be a high-performing employee and you are going to help me and my business to progress now the next second interview question that is highly likely to come up during your second interview is what salary would you expect for this role or what are your salary expectations so this is a very difficult interview question to answer if they are asking you the salary question then there is a strong possibility you will be getting hired for this role but we don't want to ask for an amount that is either out of their range or that is not a match for your skills qualities and your experience now my advice when you answer the question what salary would you expect for this position is to show that you've carried out some research so i would be saying prior to attending this interview i carried out some research into the average salary range for this position and the average salary range is between 29 000 and 39 000 now i need to prove to you my worth because you don't know me even though i believe i'm worth the higher end of that salary range of thirty nine thousand dollars i need to prove to you my worth so i would be comfortable with a salary range of thirty five thousand dollars so that shows that you are prepared for that question what are your salary expectations you've carried out some research you are not going for the very high end of the salary range you are coming down a little bit because you are saying to the interviewer that you understand that you need to prove to them your worth and that's a very clever way of answering that common second interview question now there is one interview question i can pretty much guarantee is going to come up during your second interview and that is is there anything you would like to say to convince us to hire you what do you say to that common second interview question you need to say something that makes you stand out so i would be saying the fact that the skills the qualities and the experience i have is a strong match for the job description and that means that i can come into the role i will learn the position quickly and i will be able to make a fast and immediate impact that helps their organization to continue and grow i would also say that i have personal goals outside of work and the only way that i will achieve those goals is if i do a brilliant job for my employer i would also say that i am a passionate and driven person who wants to do a really good job at work because we spend lots of time at work and therefore the time that i do spend at work i want that to be put to good use so i would be passionate in my answer to that question is there anything you would like to say that might convince us to hire you so once your second interview comes to the end they are going to say to you do you have any questions for us now my advice is to ask a couple of smart questions that are focused on helping their organization to improve so you could say what challenges are the organization facing right now and how can i help you in this role to overcome them that's a really smart question you could also ask another question that is as follows what advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to do a really good job in this role so you are trying to tap in there to their experience so those are two really good questions that you can ask at the end of your second interview now i have more interview questions that i want you to prepare for for your second interview so make sure you click that link right now in the top left hand corner of this video and you can go through to my website where you can check out that full list of second interview questions that i strongly recommend you prepare for and you can also download a copy of the answers let me now go into some really important second interview tips that i believe are going to make a massive difference to your performance during your second interview now in this next stage of the presentation i want to give you some really important second interview tips that are going to make a big difference to your performance on the day now the first tip is to make sure that you are positive and enthusiastic about the job that you are applying for you need to be really enthusiastic about the position and this should come across in how you answer the interview questions how you communicate with the interviewer and also the level of tone that you use when answering the questions make sure you smile have really good body language and try and build a rapport with the interviewer so make sure that you are positive about the role and you are enthusiastic to get started the second interview tip that i want to give you to help you pass your second interview is to make sure that you are fully professional there is a tendency with candidates who go along for a second interview to relax a little bit because they think they are going to get the job but as i said at the start of this presentation it's not a formality it's not a foregone conclusion so make sure that you are just as professional as you were for the first interview and make sure that you dress to impress it's really important you can wear the same outfit for the second interview as you did for the first if you want to but make sure it is smart dress up for the interview make sure you look the part because that tells me that you are a person who cares and you also have very high standards now the next second interview tip that i want to share with you is only a very small one but i believe it demonstrates really good manners you should thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity to be invited along for a second interview so at the start of the interview i would say i just want to say thank you very much for giving me the opportunity for being invited along for a second interview and that as i say demonstrates really good manners so the next second interview tip that i want to give you is to make sure you give detailed answers to the interview questions and make sure you give as much evidence as possible that shows that you have the skills the qualities and the experience that is a match for the job description so give detailed answers to the questions and really importantly make sure you give as much evidence as possible that shows that you are the right person for the role now during your second interview try and build a rapport with the interviewer all interviewers want to employ people who they are going to get on with from a professional perspective i want to like you because i want people within my organization that i get on with and also who are going to get on with other people who are already working within the company so try and build a rapport with the interviewer now if the interviewer says to you i would like to now show you around the organization get to meet some of the people who are working in the team this is a really good sign but when you are walking around the company if they do show you around make sure you smile be positive ask questions and whenever you see other people within the team say hello to them and introduce yourself to them so try and build a rapport with the interviewer and also if you get shown around the company show that you are enthusiastic ask questions and introduce yourself to the people who work there so i hope all of that information has made a big difference to your preparation for your second interview just before you go a couple of things make sure that you pay as much attention to your preparation for the second interview as you did for the first one as i said at the start it's really really important that you treat this as seriously as you did for the first interview i see people come along to second interviews and they fail because they think it's a foregone conclusion it's not so make sure you put in loads of effort to your preparation make sure you prepare for those questions that i gave you earlier on and don't forget in the top corner of the screen the top right hand corner of this video you can click a link that will take you through to a page on my website where you can download the questions and example answers that will help you to pass your interview so all that's left for me to say is i genuinely hope you are successful at your second interview let me know your experiences within the comments section below the video and i wish you all the best
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 52,460
Rating: 4.9356985 out of 5
Keywords: second interview questions, second interview tips, how to prepare for a second interview, What does Second Interview mean, How do I prepare for a 2nd interview, Does a second interview mean I got the job, What can I expect from a second interview, Chances of getting job after second interview, Had 2nd interview Now what, 2nd interview tips
Id: TF6LcrHqbo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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