7 Tricky Interview Questions & Answers! (PASS Guaranteed!)

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hi everybody its Richard McMunn again from the interview training company past my interview comm and in this tutorial I am going to teach you how to answer tricky interview questions so tricky interview questions are tough and challenging questions that are designed to assess whether you are a right fit for the job you are being interviewed for more and more employers and hiring managers are using tricky interview questions as part of the selection process and I'm gonna go through seven of these seven that are being used more and more during interviews and I will tell you how to answer them so please do stick around because I don't want you to fail your interview now very warm welcome to this tricky interview question training tutorial my name is Richard McMunn that's me there in the center the Balch app and as always I've been helping people for about twenty years now to pass their interviews loads of you are passing your interviews after watching these tutorials which is great so on that basis please do make sure you subscribe by clicking the red button below the video and then you are not going to miss out on my weekly training videos and if you enjoy this tutorial I would very very much appreciate your support if you gave the video a like thank you very much so what is a tricky interview question so a tricky interview question is a tough and difficult interview question there is one of those where if you say the wrong thing you simply won't get hired so you could be going through the whole of the interview and you could be doing brilliantly and then they ask you one question and you get it wrong you say the wrong thing and this happens a lot so I'm going to tell you all of the tricky interview questions and then make sure you answer them correctly using the tips and the high scoring answers that I'm gonna provide you with so the first tricky interview question is describe yourself in one word and you might think well this is not really tricky I could do that however it is tricky because you can quite easily give a word that is of no benefit whatsoever to the employer or hiring manager so you are being interviewed against a load of other people so we want to give them a and there are some words that you should give which I'm gonna disclose in a second that will make you the ideal candidate so we want to think about what the hiring manager wants so give one word that is a total benefit to the interviewer so this is what I would suggest you say to that tricky interview question describe yourself in one word in one word I would say I am a person of integrity now that's because I will always do a great job I am loyal to my employer and above all you can rely on me to be professional in my roles so I've given a word that I am a person of integrity and then I've explained why that's the important part so you can either pause the video and write that down if you want to which is probably the best thing to do or you can re-watch the video once I finished now there are of course other words that you might decide to use here's a list of powerful words that will put you across as someone highly employable now this is one that I think is great I would say I'm driven because I am from a personal and professional perspective I'm driven and that would be great if you are a hiring manager and you said yeah I'm a driven person that's great because you are somebody who wants to do a great job and do lots of work professional is another word that I would recommend you use dedicated I am loyal I am responsible and compassionate I'm self disciplined I am positive and I'm reliable so those are words pick any one you want to but that one a person of integrity is in my view the top number one word quality that is attractive to any hiring manager the second difficult and tough and tricky interview question is why do you want to leave your job now why is this tricky well because if you are negative about your employer or your manager or your work colleagues you won't get the job I can guarantee that so when they say why do you want to leave your job if you say I don't really agree with the direction the company's going in or you know there's been some changes that have not been happy with or my manager doesn't really understand me or I don't get on with a couple of people in their team you won't get the job so what we need to do is be very careful in our answer to these tough tricky interview question why'd you want to leave your job so my advice is to be positive about your previous employer please please do that as hard as it might be for some people be positive about them because that demonstrates professionalism and integrity so here is my answer to why'd you want to leave your job I want to leave my job because I feel I am ready for a new challenge now my employer has been amazing and we've achieved some great things together but when I saw this job advertised I knew I had to go for it I will leave my employer on great terms but I'm ready for a new fresh and challenging role that's the perfect answer to that tricky and tough interview question why do you want to leave your job tough and challenging interview question number three what's your greatest achievement now again you might think that's not tricky but it is this is your opportunity to gain lots of extra points during the interview now most people will either talk about their personal achievements you know their grades you know my greatest achievement is I managed to get the ax grades that I wanted so I can apply for this job or they will even say my greatest achievement is my family you know very proud of my family I love them they're very healthy and that's great we are all very you know proud of our family or even some people might say another this before they'll say my greatest achievement is the fact that I've managed to stay married to my partner for 15 years don't say that and don't say any of the other ones okay whilst they might be truthful what I would say is something that is a benefit to the employer so tell them about a work-related achievement where you or a team of people did something of significance for your employer let me give you an example the great answer to the tricky interview question what's your greatest achievement I'd say my greatest achievement would have to be when I worked as part of a team to win a big contract for my previous employer now we had been working on the contract for three months and the stakes were really high if we succeeded our company stood to gain a significant financial reward but if we failed we would not get this level of opportunity again for some time we all work together really hard to make sure the contract proposal was to a very high standard now thankfully due to our combined team effort we won the contract which enabled the business to really move forward and grow within the industry if you said that to me if I asked you the question what's your greatest achievement I would think this person is passionate about the organization and they want to do a great job that's the way to answer the top interview question what's your greatest achievement I'm gonna move on to a few more now so please do stick around don't forget if you haven't subscribed yet please do and if you're enjoying this or very much appreciate it if you gave the video a like thank you next question what's your biggest weakness obviously this is a tricky difficult tough and challenging interview question now it's very easy to give a weakness that is an essential requirement of the job you are applying for so if you are say for example you're applying for a call center where you have to deal with customs on the telephone and you say well one of my weaknesses is that sometimes I'm not very confident when dealing with people you won't get the job so what we have to do is give a weakness that actually puts you across in a positive light something that is of benefit to the hiring manager so try and turn your weakness into a positive one so here is my suggested answer to the tricky interview question what's your biggest weakness I guess my biggest weakness is that I find it difficult to strike a healthy work-life balance I like to get stuck into my work and I often end up taking on extra tasks and working long hours as a result much to the dissatisfaction of my partner however I am learning to make sure I take time for myself and my family while still being a committed and dedicated employee that tells me that you are somebody who's gonna work a lot and you are gonna really put your work first and you might work late into the evening at times that would be music to my ears as a recruiting manager question number five about tricky interview questions how do you define success this is a difficult one and it's used quite a lot so why is this tricky well it's tricky because again it's really easy to lose track of what this interview question is a setting are you a company person or do you put your own success above everything else so somebody some people will say well I define success as you know staying in my job or having a brilliant paycheck or getting a promotion now there is a great way to answer this question think about how your definition of success can be of benefit to the hiring manager or interviewer let me give you a great answer to the difficult interview question how do you define success success to me is doing a brilliant job for my employer whilst also building on the successes that the team has already achieved so I'm not someone who likes to sit back and just get by I want to consistently achieve great things whether that's delivering brilliant service for your customers getting the company more leads or even increasing sales higher than the previous year's record so you are putting the organization first which is really important when answering that interview question tricky interview question number 6 have you ever disagreed with how your manager wanted you to approach a task now this is tricky because most people will say no I've never disagreed with them but that would not tell me you are a person who's going to support your manager and come up with different alternative suggestions at times now it's okay to say no but there is a better way of demonstrating but you actually have an opinion and you want to be supportive of your money of your manager so say you have disagreed on the odd occasion but you did respect their decision here is the way to answer the tricky and tough interview question have you ever disagreed with how your manager wanted you to approach a task only on the odd occasion of our disagreed with my manager and whenever I have disagreed I've put forward my suggestion in a respectful manner and I explain the benefits of perhaps try and get a different way on one occasion my manager agreed with me and then on the other occasion she disagreed with me but whatever the situation though I would always respect my managers decision and I would do what they asked so that shows that you are not somebody who consistently disagrees with them but you respect their decision but you want to offer up alternative ways of doing at times if you think that there is a better way of doing that I have a manager who challenges me on occasions he is brilliant I like it because he does come up with some brilliant ways of doing things differently but it is how you challenge your manager that is important question number seven tell me about a time sorry tell me about a mistake you made at work this is a tricky interview question but why is it tricky well this is tricky because you could make yourself out to be foolhardy and even incompetent and obviously we don't want to do that so it's perfectly okay to make mistakes at work because we all do it but it's how you respond to the mistake that's really important here's a great way to answer the difficult interview question tell me about a mistake you made it work I've only ever made a couple of mistakes and I learn a huge amount from both situations in my early days at work I failed to double-check a stock tank that I was responsible for and the figures came out wrong now as soon as I noticed the mistake I was mortified and I informed my manager I apologized and I put it right immediately now in the rare occasion where I do make a mistake I will always take ownership and I will sort it out quickly that's the perfect answer to that question that's great because it's how you put it across as well I said as soon as I noticed I was mortified and I informed my manager straightaway so this question does assess your levels of honesty your integrity and your values but also most importantly you take ownership those two words I take ownership of situations and I sort it out quickly that is the perfect answer to that question now I hope you enjoyed that if you would like to download my 21 great answers to top interview questions comes in a PDF guide that you can download straight away click that link in the top right hand corner and it will take you through to my website post my interview com where you can get all of the answers to the questions I hope you enjoyed don't forget to re-watch the video if you need to you've got any questions put them in the comment section below you can also connect with me on LinkedIn I've put my LinkedIn description sorry my LinkedIn link in the description below the video hope you've enjoyed that and I wish you all the best for passing your interview thank you for watching guys bye
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 159,400
Rating: 4.9462628 out of 5
Keywords: interview questions and answers, tricky interview questions, tough interview questions, difficult interview questions, how to answer interview questions, Describe yourself in one word, Why do you want to leave your job, What’s your greatest achievement, How do you define success, what's your biggest weakness, what's your greatest weakness, Tell me about a mistake you made at work, how to answer conflict interview questions, tell me about yourself, why do you want this job
Id: 4Ijm5VtFFO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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