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describe yourself in three words is a very common interview question now if you have a job interview coming up i strongly recommend you prepare your answer to this interview question in advance now to help you answer this question correctly this is what i'm going to cover during this presentation i will tell you the number one reason why the hiring manager will ask you the question describe yourself in three words i will then tell you what they want to hear in your answer and i will then give you seven brilliant example answers to help you pass your interview now these seven answers are designed to cover all job roles including standard job roles job roles where you have no experience sales job roles customer service technical roles health care roles and also answers for team leaders and managers so there is an answer for everybody i will also then tell you how you can access further resources to help you succeed at your job interview so let's get straight to it here is the number one reason why the hiring manager is asking you the interview question describe yourself in three words now this interview question is designed to put you on the spot now if you haven't prepared your answer in advance how do you answer it in a unique way that is attractive to the interviewer now this interview question assesses the type of person you are so the number one reason why the hiring manager is asking you the question describe yourself in three words is because they want to get to know the real you now virtually all the other candidates will answer the question this way describe yourself in three words they will say something like i would describe myself as hard working enthusiastic and professional now no thought has really gone into that answer everybody will say that that's not a great response to give so what does the interviewer want to hear in your answer they want to hear the following things number one they want to hear three words that tell them exactly who you are and what you will be like in the job role number two they want to hear that you are self-aware and that you understand what you are like as a person and number three they want to hear something different from all the other candidates and the standard cliched answers now before i give you those seven example answers to the interview question describe yourself in three words let me give you 12 great words that you can use to describe yourself in any interview now the first one is dependable this is attractive to hiring managers because it demonstrates that you can be left alone to get on with your job and to do it to a high standard and that's really attractive the second one is either resilient or resourceful i love resourceful because it demonstrates that you will solve difficult problems and you will take it upon yourself to deal with things the next word is self-motivated if you are self-motivated you are somebody who will take it upon themselves to learn the role quickly and you will need little supervision the next word now there are three words here but you can choose one of them they are all as good as each other you are loyal honest or trustworthy now trustworthiness is one of the top attractive traits for all managers hiring managers and recruiters they look out for trustworthiness so it's a great word to use when describing yourself another one is energetic that's a great word to use if you are applying for a sales role you are able capable or even a multi-tasker somebody who can take on lots of different tasks and complete them on time and to the right standard now this is one of my favorite words you are commercially aware this means that you understand that you have to do a good job in your role in order for their business to be successful and i would use that personally when describing myself you are experienced or technically astute those are two really good words to use if you are applying for a technical job role you are kind and compassionate those are two really good words to use if you are applying for a healthcare position you are flexible that is great in any type of role you are results driven again that's great for customer service roles or sales roles now this one this is an interesting one you are a work in progress now this way to describe yourself is perfect if you are a fresher or you have no work experience because it shows that you are self-aware and yes i am a work in progress i have a lot to learn so those are great words to use when describing yourself let's now take a look at seven brilliant example answers to the question describe yourself in three words now i am going to cover seven answers the first one is for a standard job interview and this is useful for anyone applying for any job the second answer i will give you is an answer for freshers and for people with little or no work experience i will give you an answer to the question describe yourself in three words for customer service job roles a sales interview answer manager or team leader interview answer a technical job interview answer and also for those people who are applying for health care roles now i have put timestamp links in the description below the video to all seven answers so if you want to jump to the one that's applicable to you please feel free to do so so the first answer example answer to the interview question describe yourself in three words is for standard job interviews you can use this for any job role here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as energetic loyal and self-motivated now my energy means you will be getting someone who will always work hard and who will always seek to grow and improve my loyalty means i will respect your company brand i will respect your customers and i will always act with professionalism finally my self-motivation means i will get up and running quickly in the role and i will need little supervision now what i love about answering this question in this manner is you give them the three words but you then explain how they are of benefit to their organization and that is how i would personally answer the interview question describe yourself in three words give them the three words and then outline how they are of benefit to their company let's now take a look at the second example answer to the interview question describe yourself in three words and this is for freshers and people with either no work experience or you are applying for your first job here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as trustworthy self-motivated and dependable now my trustworthiness means that i plan to stay working with you for a lengthy period of time i will be a positive role model for the company and you can rely on me to do a good job for you my levels of self-motivation mean i will come into the role and i will dedicate the time needed to learn the job quickly and to make sure i do it to a high standard with little supervision and finally my dependability means i will never let you down and i will be available to work at short notice if needed to help out that's a great answer the next one describe yourself in three words is for customer service job roles here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as commercially aware positive and confident my commercial awareness means i understand that for your business to be successful i must treat your customers well provide great service and make it my objective to make every customer a loyal one my positiveness means i will be able to communicate and engage with your customers so they feel valued and appreciated and finally my confidence means i can deal quickly and effectively with any type of situation that i encounter including customer complaints and problems the next answer describe yourself in three words is for sales job interviews here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as hungry resilient and keen to learn now my hunger means i will always push to not only meet my sales targets but to also ensure i seek ways to improve my resilience means i will never be phased by anything that happens in sales and i will be positive in my pursuit of achieving commercial success for your company finally my keenness to learn means i will always be seeking to develop my sales techniques and my ability to interact positively with your leads and customers so i give them what they want in this sales role the next answer to the interview question describe yourself in three words is for manager and team leader roles here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as strategically focused loyal and decisive now my strategic focus means everything both i and my team do will be geared towards helping you achieve financial and commercial success my loyalty means everything i do as a manager or a team leader will be in line with the company objectives and i will support you in your short medium and long term goals and finally my decisiveness sorry my decisiveness means i will make the right decisions that are in the best interest of the company and i will not be afraid to make tough calls as and when they are needed another great answer describe yourself in three words this is for technical job interviews here we go describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as technically astute analytical and resourceful my technical abilities and my experience are a strong match for the job description so i am confident i have the skills and qualities needed to make a positive difference quickly in the role my analytical qualities mean i will persevere and use my knowledge to find assess and resolve problems quickly finally my resourcefulness means i have an abundance of options i can draw upon to deal with any type of technical situation now this gives you the peace of mind i will be successful in my duties and i will contribute positively to the team's goals and also describe yourself in three words for health care or nhs job roles describe yourself in three words i would describe myself as compassionate a good communicator and flexible my compassion means i will demonstrate patience whilst dealing with patients and i will be understanding of their situation i understand how important it is in this healthcare role to provide a first-class service to all patients and clients my ability to communicate effectively means i can adapt my approach to suit the situation i am responsible for i am also a very good listener which i believe is essential within healthcare finally my flexibility means i will be available to work the hours needed and to help out with extra shifts and duties as and when my team need me so you can see with all the answers we are telling them the three words that describe ourselves and then explaining how they are of benefit to their company now if you would like a copy of these slides make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video so you can download a copy of these slides and also a copy of my 21 great answers to tough interview questions i hope you've enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video please make sure you subscribe to the channel lots of you are passing your interviews which is great news and please give the video a like because that motivates me to create more content for you thank you for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 437,698
Rating: 4.9261637 out of 5
Keywords: describe yourself in 3 words, describe yourself in three words, how to describe yourself, describe yourself in 3 words interview question, How do you describe yourself in 3 words interview answer, How can I describe myself in few words, list of words to describe yourself, how to describe yourself examples, how to introduce yourself in a job interview, tell me about yourself, How would you describe yourself?, Can you tell me about yourself sample answer, interview tips
Id: RyRbgY8Muq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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