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Foundation principles for male and female relationships I want to begin with a scripture can you turn to descriptive for me please because I want you to read in your Bible it's found in proverbs chapter 24 I read this scripture before I was married and I remember I was reading through the whole Bible as a teenager I was about eighteen years old and I read the scripture and I was shocked when I read the scripture because suddenly I understood it as a teenager it was very young but the scripture has become the foundation of understanding relationships the scripture is about building a strong marriage a strong home and a strong family it is the wisdom of God spoken through Solomon regarding how to build a strong marriage a strong home and a strong family so here's what it says by wisdom our house is built and through understanding it is established and through knowledge it's rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure and go powerful stuff the Bible here in the words of Solomon are telling us how to build a strong relationship a strong marriage a successful home and a strong family and it's not difficult to understand it except we keep ignoring it now here's God telling us here's what you need to build a strong home a strong family and a strong marriage and he doesn't mention love he doesn't mention sex he doesn't mention holding hands and cuddling kissing he doesn't mention emotions and yet God gives us the formula for a successful family home and marriage we keep ignoring it this verse also tells us what qualifies you to marry someone the only way you should really feel comfortable and confident in marrying someone is if they qualify with this verse for that right away it makes you wait by wisdom our house is built through understanding you establish it that means it is firmly rooted and then through knowledge its rooms are filled with precious treasure let me explain the last part you've been in a house where the people weren't speaking to each other come on you know something happens ready it's kind of quiet you can feel ice in the house now that's not bad and tell you marriage it gets real bad there especially sleeping back-to-back it happens because people don't understand that the key to keeping ice out of your house is knowledge you read it again it says every room supposed to be like beautiful treasure is in this place precious things it's a nice place to come home to you want to be in every room together every room seemed to be like a special place of treasure it's a beautiful atmosphere the Word of God says every room supposed to be precious boy have some days shifts this is tough to even go to the whole house you know one go back to the way you go back to the house period but yet he says no if you do it right every room is a joy I want to remember this love does not build nor guarantee a successful marriage as a frightening statement this verse tells me that love as you know it is not enough I have sat in my office right here in this Center with couples sitting in front of me with the divorce paper in their bag and I hear them say to me I can't live with him and I hear say hey I'm saying to her she's crazy I can't live with her either and then I asked the famous question do you still love him why you can do what it can't stand but you love him yes some confuse now as a pastor game so I asked him dude is a lover he's really cool now yeah why minor she's crazy man but your lover the way again divorce I can't live in it but your lover yes do you know that 99% of the people who get divorced in love one another 99% they still love one another during all the divorce process procedure they still love one another but you see they confuse love with wisdom knowledge and understanding I'm gonna give you a lot of dumb examples in this session but I want to remember the exam because examples are good feel it to understand the principles for example do you love your car no but I think you love your car because what it does for you right okay let's say you love your car just love keep your car running come on if you kiss your car and tell how lovely it was and wonderful it is it does it does it still run no your car doesn't run on love what do you need gasoline [Music] how do you know that's what the God needs because you know that's what the car needs because you would know no matter how wonderful you say this car is and you love the color of it is beautiful and cute car and lovely car nice car you don't put gas in that car it quits on you even while you kiss it human beings are no different from that car you see according to the Word of God the key to relationships is not love ok I'm gonna put these in order alright in order to understand this list you get a staff on the bottom so I want you to write in your notes the product you put on the top the bottom word first you need to get knowledge so write knowledge that's the first principle to build successful relationships you need what knowledge and then you move up and you need what understanding the second principle and then you move to the final one and that's what wisdom you need wisdom oh do you need wisdom to live and now I'm going to teach you in this series you're gonna get knowledge a lot of it then you're gonna get hopefully understanding you understand the knowledge my job is to break it down and so you can understand what it's saying because you cannot apply what you don't understand and then we are going to learn how to be wise let me define the three words for you very quickly the word knowledge put next to it information you need information no relationship works without information and this is usually the last thing you and I go after we go after hugging and kissing and holding hands but we don't go after information and that's the first thing you should go after the other problem is if we do go after 11 information we go for the wrong information like me get I've made from Oprah Winfrey or we got information from some magazine on the Shelf of people who be married five times bad source of information I can't think really of too many people who are successful Hollywood stars who will ever be a model for you in marriage and yet we read all those magazines and we spent our money on those magazines and then books from them place and we try to emulate these failures the other problem is we do go for knowledge we go to get knowledge from our friends who have been divorced before talking to your sister who marriage ain't working and she giving you advice about your boyfriend bad source of information or even your mother who been divorced five times or your father who been divorced five times getting advice from him it's not a good source of information when you get you information from but you got to get knowledge from somewhere first the second word is what understanding right next to that word write the word comprehension comprehension it's a big word to comprehend means to able to be able to mentally cognitively relate to the information to the point where you can assimilate it to understand means you can you can take information and the concepts can be assimilated you understand them the Bible says you must get that for example I can tell you you should love one another okay that's information the problem is do you comprehend that no but you might know what I mean by love you know what love is matter of fact there are three words there actually four words that are translated love in the Bible three of them are very common let me think of three of them so when I say I love you or you say you love your wife we're not sure what you mean so you got to be able to comprehend when the Word of God says to love your wife what does it mean can you comprehend it if you don't comprehend it then you can't apply it and that's why you need teaching teaching is to help you comprehend information I know how to love my wife rule I know how to do it and it took me thousands of hours of reading to learn how to love my wife buying my wife a dress is not love you'll be amazed what a woman calls love you'll be amazed and by the way the Bible never tells a woman to love a man and yet men need love but but it's not love the way a woman thinks love is if you buy a man flowers he thinks you are stupid you see love to a man is different than it is for a woman so I got a comprehend when you say how do I love my husband you gotta learn what love means to a man the woman spells love not LOV a woman spells love differently she doesn't love [Music] now you got try to figure what affection means to a woman that's a whole new ball game again and yet she calls that love for what its affectionate we can take two weeks just to study that one but they complicated man if your wife is mad and you buy her a diamond ring she's still mad it ain't rich she wants something else you missed you know in the Bahamas we have this saying patch it up with the chicken in the back years ago and back don't work no more brother you bring all the chicken you want oh she's still ain't even deal with you because it's different for example one way that a man spells love wisdom word wisdom right next to the right avoid application wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge effectively wisdom is what the ability to apply knowledge effectively let me tell you something even though you may learn a lot about how to live with a husband you got to also learn how to apply what you learn properly because you can take information that's good and make it a bad experience that's why wisdom is called the supreme wisdom is supreme wisdom is the ultimate if you can apply it effectively you get it wisdom is the most important thing in life that's why I never said she's a price made unto us understanding he never says Christ made unto us knowledge no he's made unto us what the wisdom of God he is God he is he's not just information he's the application of divinity he shows you how to apply God it's the ultimate of Jesus and so it is in relationships how do you have a successful relationship with someone for your life you need a lot of knowledge a lot of understanding and the truck and go to wisdom and that's what the Bible says the rooms are then be filled with treasure you can have a wonderful home every sink media office would be like a treasured place even going to work would be happier if you could have good relationships with people there are some folks who don't want to go to work tomorrow why they got to face somebody they're upset with or vice versa and it's not a nice place to work when people around you ain't speaking to you so how do you relate to people where it's a joy it's a treasured place to go there and he Majan not being able to come home to a place like very important [Music] you [Music] thank you so much for watching please remember you can support our work on our patreon page and you get access to exclusive content and full videos and please hit that subscribe button if you 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Channel: Wisdom for Dominion
Views: 1,041,085
Rating: 4.9144001 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, love, relationship, kingdom principles myles munroe, myles munroe relationship and marriage, successful relationship, wisdom for dominion, bodas djoumessi, relationship secrets, dating, marriage
Id: DBk7cnffRJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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