Things You Should Never Change | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message so I want to speak to you in this session please write this down this is important session on the subject things you should never change things you should never change what a subject we've been talking about change for the last three months we've been talking about why it's important to understand change we've also been emphasizing the importance to change and there are some things that need changing in the world but I want to talk to you in this session about some things you shouldn't touch there are some things you should never change in other words I want you to understand there are some things that should remain permanent and I call them principles principles are supposed to be permanent the problem with the world right now is that everybody's excited about change but change is the most powerful and predictable reality in our world it is one of the things that no one can escape change is inherent in creation everything God traded will change naturally mountains are changing every day they are being affected by the climate around them rivers are changing every day they are expanding or dying animals are changing everyday they're growing older trees are changing every moment they are going through the change that takes place in their leaves and in their branches and then you are changing every second you are getting older you are five minutes older than you were five minutes ago in other words the power to change is in everything God created but here's the problem we are the only creatures who can decide changes the animal world live on instinct so you never find an animal sitting down planning change I've never seen twenty sharks meeting together deciding the future I've never seen a group of trees in the forest having a congress on what to do with the forest next year we are the only creatures God created who can actually sit down and we can plan what kind of future we want we can actually control change this is called the power of will write it down the will is a beautiful gift and yet it's the most dangerous gift God ever gave man because the power of will gives us the ability to decide against God God took a great chance when he gave us a will but in order to make us like himself he had to give us a will because God is a God who has ultimate authority and to create a creature in his own image he had to give that creature the same quality this is why a man who was created by God could actually tell God he doesn't exist it's the power of will but this power of will therefore is the power God placed in your hand to decide the future of the world every time I hear of some g7 meeting g8 meeting now it's G 12 meetings I get nervous because these are people meeting somewhere in the world in a closed room debating and deciding the future of the world and we are not present therefore we become a victim of other people's decisions and their will have you ever wondered why Jesus said these words when the disciples asked him what should we pray for and how should we pray and he said pray like this our Father who is not in a meeting on earth because he doesn't trust the meetings on earth our Father whose we're in heaven as the headquarters holy is his name character then he says here's what you pray for thy kingdom come that's your country come to earth and then the next statement is powerful thy will be done your will be done why we got our own he said don't pray for man's will to be done on earth because man is planning without God's advice this is why I'm afraid I don't trust in no human I don't trust the Prime Minister I don't trust the president I have no trust in a senator I don't trust the congressman I don't trust the parliamentarian I don't trust none of y'all I only trust the will of God so he said when you pray pray thy will be done where on earth how just like it is in heaven you don't want your will done on earth God says because your will is contaminated you disconnected yourself from heaven in Genesis chapter 3 you developed your own ideas this is why God placed the future of the world in our hands but he never wanted the world to be out of his will I put it to you then and write this down that all nations are experiencing these major will changes let me give you a list very quickly we are experiencing political confusion we are experiencing constitutional revisions in every country there are nations who are actually changing their constitutions we are experiencing social transitions ideological renovations we are experiencing philosophical instability all over the world we experiencing moral manipulation values our vacillating we're not sure what values are anymore we experiencing religious conflict we are experiencing scientific change technological advancement we experiencing economic independence can I use the word interdependence and most dangerously we are experiencing the redefinition of we are redefining everything in the world that's change now I want to warn us today that change has always been a part of the planet and here are some terms I mentioned earlier and I want to quickly remind you of them every civilization that we went through we gave it an identification let me give you the first one they call it a Renaissance change then there was a change they called the age of reason that's when the Greek civilization took over the world then we went through the modern age and the postmodern age and then the age of secularization we went to the age of science we passed that one now then we came to the age of enlightenment and then the age of humanism and now we in an age that they're calling the new normal I don't know they mean but I am defining this particular age as the age of experimentation we don't know what we do it we experimenting with two men being married and have no idea about the consequences that's an experiment we experimenting with two women being married and calling it a marriage and we have no idea no tests no no figures of what might happen no scientific or psychological impact on a child being with two men for 25 years we are experimenting how can a government sit and make a decision without any data we cannot just follow emotions and will be called rights what are we doing we experimenting let me taste some experimentation the age of experimentation will always to guessing could you imagine we are paying people to guess our future put it in let me fail a little warning without change there can be no improvement we agree on that but not all change is improvement we know that we shouldn't change just because we think it's time to change there are some things we shouldn't change and we gotta tell a difference between what is permanent and what is flexible I put it to you that we must choose to change we desire now I want to just warn us also a society and in your country that fools multiply when wise men are silent evil men succeed when righteous men do nothing darkness rules when light is absent hiding in your church buildings will destroy your country staying in your prayer meetings will corrupt your nation you cannot expect change in your nation if you stay away from the nation impossible problems rain when solutions are ignored can I put it this way and this is important you cannot stop or avoid change and you have two options and change either you become a victim of it or an agent of it and we have to now decide which one we're gonna be being a victim of change means you let other people decide for you being an agent of change means you involve yourself in the process to make sure that the change is what you desire how many people are sitting in this room from so many countries where your government has passed laws you disagree with can you remember this as long as you live an agent of change initiate the changes they want if you don't be proactive you're going to be reactive we're supposed to react to life as Kingdom citizens we supposed to decide life we're supposed to be proactive that's why Christ says go into all the world and decipher the nation's don't wait for them to disciple you we supposed to initiate the change and therefore we will either be agents or victims and that is why change is something we must get involved with to advance and progress and develop change is necessary we agree yes right now for example there's a lot of inequality between male and females in our society because we came out of a patriarchal culture where the man was the dominant figure in our culture so women were treated as second-class citizen we have to change that so there are a lot of changes that need to take place but we got to be careful that even though we need to change there are some things we shouldn't change I call it the danger of change as the danger all true change must occur within boundaries and those boundaries I call natural and spiritual principles or laws please write this down this is very important teach this to your entire staff change is necessary but all change must be regulated by certain boundaries and those boundaries are what I call natural and spiritual laws they're principles that were created in creation by God for example God created trees with roots to grow in the soil that is a principle God traded the trees to absorb sunlight which is the the the Rays of the Sun the ultraviolet rays and that ray actually interacts with chemicals in the in the leaf of the tree that creates what they call chlorophyll chlorophyll is plant food so the plant needs Sun that's the law for it to create chlorophyll that's the food for the plant to live that's life if you take a plant a beautiful plant and put it in a box and seal it and you come back in two weeks the plant is completely dead why you took away one of the laws you touch the principle you can pray for that plant you can you can speak in tongues over the plant you can quote scripture over the plant and the plant will still die you could pass a law that all plants were no longer receive light and the plants will ignore your law because no man-made law can cancel natural law write that down please no man-made law can cancel spiritual law no man-made law can cancel an eternal principle so don't live your life on man's laws first you must first discover what are the natural laws created by the Creator and what are the spirit laws that he placed in creation this is why God laughs at man because he knows that there's a limitation to your intelligence all of your PhDs are subject to nature never be impressed by a scientist never I went to university I got 5 degrees I'm not a dumb man and I'm never impressed with a scientist a scientist is a copycat he studies what's already there gives it his name but he can't claim creation of it all science just does is discover they don't create they discover things you can discover what was never created all of our learning is a victim of natural law and this is why we must know when our boundaries have been meant write this down please not all changes improvement not all change is advancement not all change is progress not all change is development how many times have you heard we're a country passed along to create certain economic development in certain areas and in six years they destroyed a certain specie why because they try to violate natural law with a progressive decision there's a beach here in the Bahamas not too far from here it's called Sanders Beach yes i'ma talk about it my wife and I passed there yesterday again our government made a decision the former government to create a beach to create a beach garden create this Beach to create a beach and they did some stuff they put some rocks there and and you know there for the first couple of months it looked good then nature visited us nature's name was sandy and sandy said let me see how well you've built what God didn't build and in a matter of 25 minutes the beach was removed millions of dollars was wasted and today they are still nervous for the next hurricane why because you have to be careful when you start shifting things that God didn't greet natural law can never be canceled by human law therefore any Lord or the government makes must first line up with two laws one natural law two spiritual law any time a government thinks it is smarter than natural law or spiritual law that government will completely be a failure guaranteed and they will destroy a generation I'll put it to you that change can develop or destroy save it me change can develop or destroy hmm absolutely so we got to be careful let me talk about change now we want to change we want to improve things but we must never forget that change must have some boundaries within which things change you know change is like when you go home you decide that you want to rearrange your house you don't remove the walls do you you change the furniture you move them around see that's change that's that's the kind of change God allows you to do you can you can reorganize the furniture but don't touch the walls why the walls are what we call boundary and they are built on what foundations and you touched the walls of life you are canceling the house can I submit to you a simple thought here's the thought remember this the only key we have therefore to regulating and controlling changes we have to plan the change and the ability to plan is God's gift to us because we can regulate the future and planning is man's proactive response to the inevitable nature of change we can plan how to respond to inevitable change we can actually regulate the change but we must do it within boundaries no change is more important or dangerous than uncontrolled change unregulated change change that is not wise I want to show you something this is very important to the most uncontrollable power net has changed that's true but what has changed write this down change is to deviate from a set of references change is what to deviate from a set reference in other words change is to move away from a norm it is normal for a tree to be put in soil is that normal yes so if you decide to take the tree out of the soil because you feel like it you're violating a known change therefore is to transition from a set state you cannot change unless you know the original state so you cannot just change because you feel like changing you got to first decide what is the original stake in the ground in other words change means to violate some rules what are those rules let me just precaution you there are some rules you ain't supposed to violate so we shouldn't just be experimenting with change we might be touching the rules that shouldn't be moved the Bahamas has a Building Code every building should be built 10 feet from the boundary that's a law right around the corner here from this church I was driving home and I saw an apartment building going up it looks like six feet from the boundary now I'm trying to figure out which officer did the inspection someone's breaking the law here and by the way I'm talking about the road boundary now this you think is around the road this is violation you can't just build anywhere there are some boundaries I think when we talk about national change and social change there has to be somebody in the meeting who knows the boundaries you're definitely before I go there got to be someone to say excuse me y'all excuse me guys excuse me sir that violates nature you cannot regulate and legislate my rectum to be an entrance go ahead smile get over it in other words we debating revoking but no one stand up saying wait a minute there's a natural law here and I want to go in the record that I disagree with y'all and I go in public with it for me on the body I ain't gonna fall against God's natural law that comes a point where a collective responsibility has to be violated because your first responsibility is not to a group of men it's to God only I want to die and my casket with my conscience clean I did would please God to the best of my ability shout hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it doesn't matter what they say about this ministry one thing everyone else a little boy they stood for would they believe clap clap clap at least they stood I read an announcement three days ago that one of the persons who ran in the Boston Marathon didn't finish so they were running to finish it two days ago and they asked him why he said because I have to be able to say I finished it I was so impressed with that spirit in other words I got a win or your mister point he said I got a win I gotta be able to say I stood I finished what are you standing for let it be known on that force that you didn't compromise your convictions for nobody no commander you are always remember for what you stood for not for what you fell for [Applause] I want you to find someone in history who compromised and I'll give you $25 history never remembers those who compromised it remember those who stood for a conviction that's why we can't forget Martin Luther King he said put me in jail that's why we can't forget mr. Hoffman I'm happy Gandhi he said put me in jail that's why we can't forget mr. Mandela he said put me in jail what are you going to go to jail for conviction can I put it this way if you're going to change something make sure you don't change the original law change is impossible without an original reference in other words original reference is the original source or the original state or the original point or the original law or the original principle and you cannot touch the original this whole generation we are living in in every country it's a it's a generation of change everybody want to change stuff and no one's questioning saying wait a minute what are we changing from are we tampering with things that shouldn't be moved this is the question we have to deal with this question in other words we need to find what I call true north write it down true demas is the original state true north it's a very important term true north everyone who has a compass have to work with true north no matter where you turn in a compass it goes back to north you can turn any direction it goes back to north and that is your safety North protects you from creating your own North and God built into creation North and no marina no sailor no no professional no PhD with five degrees could change north if you give the smartest man in the world a compass the compass still ignores him it goes north if you are lost you find North if you are confused you find North you know pastor Jay is here today he he was to be a captain of our boat we went on every week ambassador told you you know he always used to tell us now we got to find North and then find a North Star sometime in the Pope in the night be fishing in the night no light he said let's find the North Star and then it points the north okay now I know where we are so that way is east that way is west see once you find North you know where you are say it once you find North you know where you are the problem is we are moving north we try to shift north if you move north you are lost forever North gives you direction and we'll say it again North gives you direction without North you have no direction without truth principles without the originals fake you end up with these words lost confuse unsure unclear perplexed disoriented and bewildered that sounds like your country doesn't it I tried to define America the other day and these two words I came up with I tried to define England the other day least the words I came up with I tried to define China these the words I came up with I tried to define a Holland and Amsterdam my god that's what I came up with I tried to define South America South Africa this is the words I came up with everybody seemed to be unclear disoriented perplexed and they are making decisions they don't listen to the news the last week five governments was changed before the time five countries had a change of government before the term was up we are perplexed do you know what that means that means we don't know who we want to lead us no election is secure that's what it means you can win the election and be fired in two years because the people are so disoriented they are demanding change even before the changes do what would we live in but his solution please write this down is it important I'll give you a verse of scripture Deuteronomy 28 verse 28 says if you walk away from my laws the Lord will afflict you with madness blindness and confusion of mind you will be unsuccessful in everything you do this is in the Bible read that in Parliament God says look if you walk away from what my laws my stakes I will what inflict on you nationally personnally community madness blindness and confusion some of the laws they're debating it's a sign of madmen just madness and I think it is they are announcing it on TV another country have agreed on certain laws other we are what that's a mad law it doesn't even make biological sense I'm watching them I wonder if the Bahamas can plant along something so onto people announcing as if this pride it's a proud same-sex marriage is now available in this country seems like this can what are you proud of that's a dumb biological decision two men cannot produce I'm not an announcement don't write me no lettuce I go answer them let's go to your biological book because it's what you'll be mad madness means you will make decisions that make no sense blindness means you can't even see it doesn't make any sense confusion means you think it made sense what brings madness what brings blindness what brings confusion simple walking away from laws don't touch the laws he says unsuccessful in other words the secret of success in times of confusion is going back to default all of us are all a computer no but that right when the computer begins to misbehave you don't try to figure it out you shut it down and reboot everybody's a reboot say refresh reboot all of God's words are reboot were it's redeem restore recompense repent revive rep a reconcile redeem he's always saying come back Riddick when we won't change we got to first go back to default to make sure that the chain line change lines up with the manufacturers state default means going back to the original manufacturer state my telephone was my Telford doing something funny yesterday and I kept trying to sorrow what's going on I got kind of confused and then I remember turn it off everybody say it some of us got to shut our whole countries off just cut them off home and say let's go back let's do this rest reboot because the way our country is going the way our city is going we are confused reboot we got to start again my friends default means to return to the manufacturer God created everything he is the manufacturer he created the heavens and the earth and the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they the people who dwell in it are also his so anything goes from any part of this stuff he says reboot shutdown stop go back your future is not ahead of you your future is behind you thoughts has come back to your future it's in default this is why I am I am so confident you know here's a couple of thoughts about North the knowledge of direction first requires knowledge of the north secondly the nature of change is defined by the unchanging nature of the north thirdly the greatest challenge in life is establishing who's the source of your North and the fourth one is whoever defines your true north is your god oh boy this is why in order for people to change against God's north they have to get rid of God if you get rid of God you create your own north this is why we heard our founding fathers tell us when they were here in the same building they said don't touch the preamble our present governor said these words he said the preamble is the underpinning of the Constitution of the Bahamas the preamble says this country shall be governed in respect of Christian principles and spiritual values that's in our Constitution preamble he said it's the underpinning let me ask you a question what is the underpinning of this building the foundation what's holding it up the foundation was giving the walls from falling the foundation in other words without the foundation this whole thing just collapses what they were saying is if you take the Christian principles out of the Constitution you have no house so our recommendation and I say it publicly again to our constitutional reform committee is to place the preamble no longer as a preamble but make it enshrined in the Constitution as article 1 so that no one can cut up 6 years 10 years from now and say we can take it out we need to make it a permanent part of the building because without true north you have another gloried why do you think those who want to violate God's law constantly try to get rid of God they march the streets you know no religion in politics no religion important what everybody's saying is no God in our fears no God in our affairs they say things like separation of church and state what are you talking about that what they're saying don't God to be in our state this is dangerous philosophy they say things like you preachers stay in your churches and will stay in the polymer are you crazy they're trying to get rid of God and people get their agenda they got their agenda and they work in rear behind-the-scenes trunnion trying to be philosophically technologically intellectually you know cool but I've got my eye on you better help me you you can't get away with this stuff I don't want you to address your atheism into intellectualism don't intellectualize atheism we know people get ideas to get rid of God and Dominican Republic when I read your national anthem when I saw your flag their flag has the Bible on it come on wave of me Dominican Republic come on wave they got the Bible is on their fly in other words the country says the Bible is our foundation what a good country now pastor told me they're debating these issues of homosexuality and Dominican Republic so what I can do it the Bible then take it off the flag because the Bible says if a man sleeps with another man that's an abomination that's in that book that's not my opinion that's in the book don't take it personal and if it discriminates against you then deal with God that ain't my problem take it up with God sometimes people act as if when you quote God's word it is you talking but you know I'm an ambassador ambassador let's never speak the personal opinion they always say things like my government's position is so I say to all of you around the world my government position is this is what it says in our constitution only a few hands clapping that's okay I'm I'll be all right Dominican Republic clapping thank you all very much and I'm like lettuce they won't go eat chicken right now it's okay your entire country is at stake and you won't go eat steak listen yo your pastor's heart is crying out I'm afraid for your great-grandchildren what country will they live in you deciding it right now write this down please everything would change but here's the paradox change is only possible where something is consonant if you told me you moved it means that you were stationary so any change indicates there was a constant in excellence in essence we must be careful what we change and we must be careful because not everything should be changed some things were created to remain unchanged stable and it's my job to scream to the world don't touch that one [Applause] in other words never confuse change with growth oh this is a deep statement do you realize that you grew from a boy to a man but you are still a male now that's too deep let me try one more time you grew from a girl into a woman but you are still a female in other words you grew but you never changed [Applause] don't confuse growth but change our country is growing yeah but has it changed from what it's supposed to be are you becoming a gambling mecca while you're trying to get more jobs are you becoming a crime center while you are getting more business oh yes you're growing but have you changed the US government made an announcement this week is public they said warning to all US travelers to the Bahamas against personal crime announcement so the government you know listen today now one of the news reporters acts the ambassador of America why did you say that that could affect us he said it is my responsibility not to Bahamas your miss ambassador he's a marathon of the Bahamas I'm responsible to my country who sent me to protect my citizen I say the day I was sent from heaven my country is heaven my king is God and I'm not yet I ain't didn't y'all behaviour I mention it what God said y'all better shop with me before I go in other words when you start violating my citizens safety friendship gotta go on the side America and Bahamas are friends yes we're friends until you start affecting my citizens I love on my politician friends you know every one of them and be friends but let me tell you something when you touch the law of God and you attempt to meddle with that we ain't friends no more come on you see you're getting nervous [Applause] my friendship will never be at the expense of compromising my convictions anybody in the back there here I'm saying some of y'all got some friends on the job you got to talk to your friends say honey if you keep doing that I can't eat not with you anymore the Bible says if a man is caught in a sin and he confesses restore him but if a man is caught in a sin and he does not repent it says disassociate yourself in that man that's in the Bible oh no I don't want nobody thinking I with you if you ain't with him it has to be some standards don't confuse change with growth I didn't know brother miles you know our country need to advance never heard that we need to become more progressive remember those words we need to become more liberal the world is moving ahead we are being left behind oh I hate that statement yes leave me in the right position go go go go I would love to be left in the right position say it with me I love to be left in the right book not a way to leave me if you want to I ain't gonna leave right to be wrong [Applause] Jesus no don't you get it I'm telling you something that they're doing right now you were here at all next week they keep telling you when you leave we have to advance we have to grow with the world community of nations they are growing into oblivion they are growing into confusion you want to grow with them don't confuse growth for change let me say one more thing and get back to this thing about males when he was born a male he was born a male he was a baby four inches long he was a male now you are big six feet tall you are still a meal you grew but you didn't change into something else and I promise you you will die a meal so you could cut your hair put earrings in your ears break your wrist you can walk anywhere brother you are a you grew but you didn't change is this good sir okay I want you to write this down you see that lighthouse lighthouses are principals lighthouses never move ocean moves around them waves move ships move Michaels never move that's why the lightest is so important the most important thing to a ship a sailor a marina is the Latos everything else he can't trust you know the story about the guy who who's the Avro and they were doing war games in the north ocean by Alaska and the the the Russian and the American continents kind of meet together up there so they all do exercises in the ocean of their in their big ships under sir today says a true story said that the American rare Admiral was taking his men out on a training mission in the ocean and they were you know teaching the Manhattan you know shoot the guns and how to deal with waves and all this stuff and the Russian had the same thing going on on the other side and the fog came down they couldn't see each other anymore and that a blow of the American ship saw a light in the fog and he knew in his mind that was the Russian ship and they were heading directly toward the light and so he sent a message by radio and said will you please turn three degrees to the left not west or we will collide and the light flashed back a message and said you turn three degrees to the right not rest or you will crash he will collide with me and the American captain became very insulted and he said how dare this Russian captain tell me what to do and by this time they are much closer now on their way to collision and he sent me a message and he said do you know who I am I am rare Admiral of the fleet of the top US military and naval command I am directly related to the President and it's no less he gave therefore you must move now three degrees to the right or we will collide and the light flash back a message I am a lighthouse [Applause] everybody's a true north God is saying look I am moving you adjust yourself to be keep going a handful unchanging laws natural law divine precepts write these words down these are all principles principles natural laws divine precepts truth roots foundation a tree can never outgrow its roots no matter how big it grows it stays attached to the root a fish can never outgrow water no matter how big the fish grows it must stay in the water our house can never outgrow its foundation no matter how many stories you put on top of it it has a remain on the same foundation humans can never outgrow oxygen no matter how big you think you grow in other words there are some things you cannot outgrow when you touch these laws they don't die you die the light oh says I ain't gonna die you gonna die we cannot change unless we know the lighthouse read aloud with me please proverbs 22 verse 20 a dream do not move an action boundary stone set by your ancestors that's in the Bible don't touch the ancient stones another verse read Jeremiah 16 read verse 6 6 verse 16 read this is what the Lord says stand at the crossroads and look ax for the ancient paths ax where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls but you say we will not walk in it God says look at that verse Stan we're at the crossroads every country right now is at the crossroads with moral decisions value systems of decisions we get economic decisions and constant look you are the crossroads when you're at the cross when he says ax for what the ancient paths don't go forward go backward he says connect yourself to what you left you cannot grow the original you know this verse again read it read it probably 22 verse 23 do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers a different verse altogether notice your forefathers we are our forefathers here three weeks ago on the stage and they told us why you're touching the Constitution be careful he says you don't know what you have already pastor Richard's father is here today can you stand up please mr. Pender this is the father of our pastor that's what you can you stand the place now which one look older don't actually answer that question now let me tell you something I want you to watch this no matter how big or old past which it grows he can never outgrow this man being his father stadi stand up then remain standing he's done up here please I want to get a picture this come daddy this is my father now these are two father two handsome men don't ask me from the whole day either bring me my daddy now they are always our father my father's 88 it'll be 89 on Friday how do you back daddy is 80 look good huh now what we see here is two sons who can never outgrow their fathers these are our forefathers these these are our foundations and we learn from them how to love our wives how to seek God how to pray how to love the Bible these men taught us they didn't give us money because money is not a principle they didn't give us property property is not a principle they gave us their God their God is a principle they gave us the laws of God those laws are our principles we want to say to your publicly thank you so much for being great fathers and we love and respect you god bless you thank God for good fathers amen give God a hand for our fathers our forefathers thank you very much you're better thank God that being passed Richard got good fathers that's why you got good pastures and these men are here supporting us have you support our children and their children after them this is what principles of the forefathers let me close with this verse Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 it says see to it that no one takes you captive through what a deceptive philosophy well as a description a hollow deceptive philosophy which depend on what human education tradition and depend on what the basic principles of this system this world he said don't let them what take you captive you can get caught up in would they say they'll convince you by their philosophical arguments that what they are saying is true how can you convince a politician that two men can be married some something happen in the discussion where you became captive there are politicians today who are watching who will fall on against first I was against it and then somebody philosophically deceptively with Harlow arguments convince them and took them what captive and now they changed their vote the Bible has everything in it see notice what it says Paul said they will catch you by one philosophy thing unquote no script you know they can philosophic eyes you have a new word right they they were they were they were come with reasonable arguments arguments like well you know that I have a right to choose my orientation after all I have a right to have my alternative that lies that see I got one I got an alternative one so you know I choose the alternative one because I got alternative one I want an alternative one and they argue that and when you listen to them even not careful you go wow that's deep read the Bible again it says what see to it see to it means you watch out for that wake up wake up wake up he said don't let them do that to you boy when you speak out against something they get angry but guess what there you never see to it see to it me and say something in the discussion in the office everybody talking and you said say it see to it see to it means you see to it you make sure you tell them oh I don't believe that there's no time to be nice it's time to be right yeah you know the main doc yeah we can't just sit by them this long discussion you know I think it is they like talk plenty and they stand it very intellectually philosophically we dwell suit stress real nice and you know clothes stuff hey I see into it I present and I see into it when you feel it talking I'm going to talk deceptive means it's gonna sound so good it can deceive you but it's based on what worldly principles traditions that men invented these are not true north he said see to it you know this is a this is a reason why I love this concept of principles it means first law the word prince means first hey where's the first Prince means first that's why I'm in a child you know it's born into a king he's called a prince he's the first in line if it's a woman he's called a princess first in line first Prince means first write it down again first so we see the word principal it means first law in other words the second law a third law for all these laws we create he said go back to the principal the first law the first law you don't change the first law which is natural law creation law I've never seen a man grow into a woman and maybe y'all seen this I've seen some stories where you know they decide to do some things cosmetic surgery I call it put some hormones in your breasts and they swell Latino baby boy Bahamian coming out there that's Baytown short of digits now have to wake you up [Applause] see see now are you from West Africa scene of a bloody see don't take you only one she's an African sister they say that - Bobby shooting yourself and hormones to make your breasts grow doesn't change what you are is cosmetic surgery having a sex change in the hospital a man cut his penis off what they couldn't do is give him a wound on what makes a woman a woman is how wound the original right is wound man woman wound man if you have a warm you are a woman if you ain't got a warm your brother clap now praise God for though you don't grow into another you don't change so we gotta be careful when they stand there philosophize but they're hollow arguments and they give these long speeches and we sit there being captivated by it stay with God's principles stay regards principle oh man I'm gonna get to a verse the next we can pick up here next week readers versus please and Jesus comes in the picture two thousand years after Rome and the Greeks and he says these words do not think that I have come to abolish the laws he says look I didn't come to change the law of God I came to enforce it don't you ever exchange law for grace grace does not cancel law I did not come to destroy the law he says all the prophets who spoke them but I came to fulfill them I came to put the spirit back in them I came to reinforce them I came to reestablish them you don't believe me read the rest of it I tell you the truth until heaven and earth pass away not one jot tittle or stroke of the pen of the law will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished look at verse 19 anyone who breaks any one of the least of these laws and teaches others to break them shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but if any man teaches these laws and teaches others to keep them they shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven you know I don't need you to call me great at all he already called me great cuz I am teaching the laws of God thank you very much god bless you thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 531,096
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: eByidZQwfPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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