Quackity Teaches TommyInnit About Roblox

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chad chad so today i'm going to teach tomy in it i'm going to teach tomy in it oh my god the gift actually froze also thank you for the twitch friends appreciate it chat today i'm going to teach tomy in it tell me it how to play [ __ ] roblox all right listen listen chad we've played it with bad boy halo we've played it with george not found all these minecraft youtubers and they're in their silly little minecraft game with the minecraft dirt blocks and the minecraft thingies this is this is way better this is way better chat listen we've been we've been in a little bit of trouble with roblox recently we've been we've been in trouble all right listen check this out they [ __ ] hate me these roblox people they despise me and let me show you let me show you why here i'm going to share i'm going to show you my screen i'm going to show [Music] goddammit let's go look at this chat look at this look at this chat are you kidding me are you kidding me that is ridiculous they hate me they straight up hate me chad and i and i don't oh my god what the hell hat what the hell happened to okay i fixed my green screen they hate me chat they straight up despise me my account was deleted last time we played with george not found the entire goddamn game went down so i'm so excited i'm very excited to finally teach tomy and it how to play roblox listen i don't understand i don't understand why they banned my account mike hawk is very huge the the really the the real reason is because they don't like people called mike my name is mike my last name is hawk and i'm very i'm a huge guy i'm i'm a big man i'm i'm strong i am strong let's go let's [ __ ] go so i don't understand why they banned me it's uh it's a band for no reason chat it's a bad for no reason essentially so that's kind of [ __ ] anyways today i'm going to teach told me today how to play this game first things first i need a new account i literally need a new account i have to make a new account so that that's something i have to do chat also also thank you for the twitch friends appreciate it chad which what should i call my name i can't use my real name what should i call my name we gotta have an account for tommy in it but show me in it uh let's see let's see um ah chad bend over bend over hold on it has to be something that can't get us ban chat it has to be something that cannot get us [ __ ] banned because i actually want to show tommy in it some very excellent games some very very good games oh let's go let's go [Music] alpha alpha kenny buddy with several y's oh my god that that is perfect that is perfect hold on [ __ ] don't take it don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me don't take it from me oh you guys probably already took it from me you guys literally oh you guys took it from me uh you guys took you guys literally took it from me you guys [ __ ] took it god damn it uh that was such a mistake that was such a goddamn why did you guys take it from me why to chat i'm trying to do something here chat i'm trying to do something don't take my username i'm trying to get a good goddamn username here chad anyways this is gonna be an excellent transition from the minecraft content to roblox which is infinitely so many times more worse let me give you guys a brief background of me with this game chat play royal high with tommy chat you cannot say the word quackity you literally cannot say the word quackity in game you're not allowed to say quacky the word quackity is abandoned game they've deleted absolutely every single account that i've made up to this point and they're probably and they they hate me they hate me the [ __ ] roblox guys despise me and it's so sad it's so very sad let's go let's go baby alpha kenny buddy ah let's go why why too let's go chad let's go let's [ __ ] go i'm so excited i'm so excited we got several games that i want to show tommy in it we did this with george not found and bad boy halo and let me tell you they were thrilled with the results they were thrilled with the results they said aft after do georgetown founds it off the dream smp i'm go i'm gonna go ahead and interstream roblox and i'm like goodbye let's go let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go so we're gonna get two me in it to try out roblox listen we have several games uh i have a list of games here let me show you how [ __ ] bad these games are oh my god these games are [ __ ] awful i i have i have several ones i have several ones but i want to show you guys i want to show you guys a clip i want to show you guys some clip of george not found of georgetown found playing roblox with me it is the absolute [ __ ] funniest thing ever let me show you guys your name is already let's go quacky poggers thank you for the 5000 bits i appreciate it what what do you guys what do you guys mean that my name is censored what do you guys mean that my name is censored what is what does that mean exactly what what what do you guys mean i'm already banned i'm already [ __ ] you're not you're joking you guys are joking we'll check it we'll check it in a second chat i just want to see you some of the footage that we captured with george not found last time this is how [ __ ] crazy this game is having so much fun join me in the bed come right come right inside yes this is very good now as i was telling you i have two noses so you i have one nose which is in my face that's i can't i can't i'm so excited i am so excited chad i am so excited for what's to come toby in it is going to love roblox tommy has never played it before so this is just gonna make it so much better this is gonna make it so much better chad oh my god no there's no way there's no way my account there's no way my account got [ __ ] banned okay no we're fine we even have 472 followers chad we literally have 470 followers we're entirely fine alpha kenny buddy you you can probably search them up right you can probably search them up okay epic okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter chat it doesn't matter they're not gonna stop us they're not gonna [ __ ] stop us we're gonna be entirely fine don't worry about it don't worry about it listen what i hate about roblox is that i buy robux with real goddamn money and when i buy it with real god can i even join a game please tell me i can join a game okay this what okay i i can't join a game we're fine we're totally fine chad we're totally fine don't worry all right let's let's check out the first game tomi and it will be here in a second but first off we got to choose the very first cable let's go let's go let's go let's go oh let's go let's go what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] oh jesus good job should i show him a good game or a bad game first should i show him a good game or a bad game oh for [ __ ] sake these are going to be so awful these are going to be so awful [Music] i know i gave her some first i know what came to show at first i don't want game to show my first chat check this out check this out let's go tommy in it tommy is a big role play fan tommy in it is a big role play fan so he's absolutely gonna love family guy universe [Laughter] we're to make tommy and it role play we're going to make him role play we're going to make him role play with us this is the new dream smp lore any depths we have here is absolutely canon lost vida thank you thank you everyone so much for giving i'm sorry i i've been reading them thank you guys so very much lolzamina um thank you so much i appreciate it strawberry thank you so much also thank you you switch my way when the soap goes off all right chad oh my god oh my god royal high we're taking tomi in it back to school let's go let's go oh no no no no okay okay chat chat chat we can act professional we gotta act professional we gotta act totally fine [Music] okay okay why do you think it's taken why do you think because it's tommy in it tommy tell me have you ever played roblox in your entire life i've never played roblox before why is the name wife haven't appropriate roblox yes yes okay just booting up dashlane so i can make a 20 generated random password tommy tommy tommy did you know the word quackity is censored in this entire game you literally cannot say anything yes it is it's [ __ ] oh my god they hate me tommy they hate me here i'll send you my i'll send you my uh my roblox account so you can add me all right one sec i'm verifying it's me [Music] here i sent you the link i said to the link tommy i said you're like they're a fourth oh thank you yeah yeah yeah i don't think you should read what do you think you're supposed to do of course you gotta make a rollback on the verification yes you did verify so many images oh actually the worst thing ever let's go let's go send me your profile send me your profile told me your profile i'm still uh this is very confusing have you actually never played it before have you ever played it before i played it loads when i was little and i played on this army role play server and i go around shouting man down man down and then and then i would i would never be the man down big q that's my secret oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you are a strong man am i logged in yes all right yes all right all right what i'm the roblox guy yeah no i know you're the role you're playing roblox we're playing literal roblox i've got a pending message builder man hello you want me to record sure yeah yeah yeah record for you record from your end we have so many games that i got to show you we have so many incredible games that i got to show you okay okay i'm so excited i'm so excited recording let's go let's go yeah all right all right please make sure you you leak my you don't show my dash lane with all of my passwords that's it i'm gonna have to keep that in the recording in the highlight what five thousand friends now no you don't no you don't all right no you have no friends you have no friends in this game i'm your only friend hanging out with me anybody [Laughter] wait hey let me dm you whoa what can i dm you did you get my dm yeah you're typing yeah yeah wait because i put the word alpha i bet um wait no i just can't message you i can't message you why the [ __ ] am i banned they're either through the wrong shadow banning me nobody shadow banning me that's what they're doing it's so annoying okay wait i refreshed i'm back okay okay oh don't mean it it's typing don't read it let's go let's go let's go let's go what why is do you know any hot girls in my local area band you're not even messaging me what are you doing i put the word high it's not coming through no it's not it's not are you banned all right should we game the [ __ ] character looks ugly as hell what the hell tell me you can't show up to you you're face shaping me you know i'm sensitive to my face being shamed i'd have to say you can't show up to these games looking like this tommy this is just very embarrassing for me how do i add an about section my entire [ __ ] chrome just crashed i have 16 000 pending friends 16 000 how many wives do you have tommy i can't answer that load up my buyer load up my bio hold on my entire roblox just crashed like my chrome i'm pretty sure they're lagging the [ __ ] website oh i got it the dark theme i've just gone to dark theme don't don't enable dark theme on goddamn roblox what is wrong i'm on dark mode why why you dark no don't get dark mode on roblox what the hell you don't you don't need dark mode you don't need dark mode just just play it normally tommy just play normally all right hold on [ __ ] my turn [ __ ] just crashed okay okay perfect perfect tommy in it tell me in it are you ready for this take my profile check my profile wait let's see let's see what about it what about it what about you about does it have my links have my links think my linked accounts yeah it says i'm hot and i'm big what is my link i'd find my link to my link link socials why are you linking your social media an account called try and link my socials they're gonna look at your twitch they're gonna be like this guy doesn't have this guy doesn't have wives you go to the top i need you to check my profile in a second just give me one second anyway it's hillary clinton hillary clinton [Music] on twitter she is she's gotta be no she's not she's not she pushed it out she's like okay check me out let's see let's you're my desktop don't click the messages in the bottom right hand or it will show you okay let's see let's see i'm gonna i'm gonna add a phone number 911. [Laughter] you can add a [ __ ] phone number i'm not i'm the ambulance baby i heal people don't set that as your phone number do not set that as your phone number what is wrong with you i mean what the hell is wrong with you okay okay i'm ready to play alpha okay okay okay don't call me that don't call me the voice chat i'll [ __ ] anybody stop you can't say my full name you're not allowed anybody please please my name not allowed to say my name is not allowed i steal a big q i pick them up but i leave them no no i leave their shoes i wanted to have you ever seen family guy peter griffin very funny man she's still alive you know oh she's still alive and he does have a wife all right literally what do you happen to see you're not going to take peter whipping tommy you cannot take peter's griffin wife okay you cannot do that check this out louis griffin will be happier with me lick that game click that game we're gonna play we're gonna we're gonna play family family family guy family adjusting my webcam okay sorry don't worry so it will be better for your video because it's your video so i'm i'm adjusting myself in obs tommy the recording will see that pov and go wow wow wow sorry i'm just gonna pop your stream i need to download it they've opened up roblox playlist i'm opening it is it a virus yes oh my god they're going to stop mining bitcoin any goddamn second i can already hate my computer tommy tommy i'm waiting for you in this stream i'm getting in a call with phil's in minecraft and i'm going to get a new pc oh really oh really because i'm going to use this one i'm going to use this one to buy it to mine dogecoin no no no no you don't want to mind those going to mine once then it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what everyone thinks what's happened with bitcoin is going to happen with dogecoin so they're going to evaluate to my dogecoin please please tell me you don't know what you're talking about you haven't you know nothing about cryptocurrency i watched one episode on stocks and now i have no [ __ ] oh no no you don't no you don't tell me no you don't tell me did you join my game i'm waiting for you i'm sorry i'm adjusting me why are you changing your character no no how am i not you have to join my private server i sent you a link on discord check the discord i can click that link and then i click and scroll down no no but private servers are on the bottom i'm waiting for you tommy okay waiting for you oh it says roblox is now learning play i don't want all right all right danny just just join me just join me we can move probably what will the lore have no okay wait where's your private link where's your private link i said it on discord [ __ ] my throat yeah i clicked that i clicked that and then what happened that already hurts all right you click on the right click on the private server link and it'll start the game immediately okay yeah yeah let's go thank you yes do you like [ __ ] what that's what you that's what that's what you said what that's what you said to me the other day all right reconnect tell me in it i'm talking about that come in at me go stop me go starting with me huh you're on you're you're on something can you join my game tommy please i'm waiting for you i'm getting ddosed no no actually i'm trying i'm just loading in apparently should i click the link no no no no just wait just wait for it call me tell me we gotta we gotta play [ __ ] family guy and [ __ ] oh i just really have to buy the peter griffin house to get in what what to buy the peter griffin expansion pass i have to buy the peter griffin expansion factory this is [ __ ] some [ __ ] i'm gonna buy roblox are you actually what can i have some please no no no you can't you can buy them yourself i make no money no what do you do as you do what are you talking about i'm not loading it i'm not loading in god [ __ ] damn it you're doing everything so wrong to the point where i think you are dumb you want to bad boy halo learns faster oh my god that's because he has the american school system oh i'm in oh let's go let's go tommy hello why does it just hashtag me hq we look the exact same tommy we look the exact same right now what are you typing what are you talking about we gotta create lord this is how this is how this roblox stream is going to kick off if we create lore here you see the button that says morph yes let's go let's go no no no no no hello hello lois griffin you're cleveland you're wait what's his name wait wait is that this guy you know where you're sharing the show i'm joe you know yes he is but he got better he got better tommy no he didn't no he didn't wait he's right here look i'm driving a motorcycle driving i can drive me costa rica okay fine fine fine lois griffin oh what the hell is that l dog have you ever seen family guy yeah yeah yeah it's like [ __ ] that's not how he talks tommy tell me what i sound like tell me what i sound like [Music] tell me what i sound like you're not speaking you just no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it come follow me inside the house this is roblox this is roblox oh my god this guy looks like me would i like to enter yeah they sent us to a whole different [ __ ] server different server we're going to be in the same server now i [ __ ] hope so i hope no i would stretch you shrek and billy fan i [ __ ] hate this i hate this so much tommy roblox is such a [ __ ] game it is such a [ __ ] game i guess what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] i hate this i hit this so much zombie let's go let's go to another hey hey you've been hanging out with fundy right you hang out with fun i know where this is going and i refuse no you you hang out with funny tommy don't worry don't worry we'll get something up fundy's ally check this out i'm gonna send it to you that's one word for away from dance your cogs off and that is nice i mean that's i have 27 000 pending friends what the [ __ ] i'm gonna accept some friends you click on the little on the little pentagon at the top it's like it's like it's like have you ever seen those satan books why isn't hilary duff followed those back hillary duff doesn't care about us tommy no what are you talking about hillary clinton hillary hillary clinton when a wife she knows disappears the [ __ ] up please please tell me please i'm trying to hear here let's start off simple let's start off simple okay okay we're playing roblox let's play a roblox game i sent it to you all right let's play a roblox man let's start simple let's do i'd love yeah yeah just join that link just join that link tommy don't worry i'm johnny yeah okay okay okay good good good we're we're waiting for an available server don't worry no no no you're in a bit [ __ ] [ __ ] i brought you the rocks over i joined the rocks over here i mean i'm in i'm in you're in okay perfect we're we're going to play a normal normal a normal game what the [ __ ] what what what tommy tommy you in the game what the hell that was the penguin made that sound not me yes i'm in the gundam okay okay why am i not going quicker hello [Music] hello i don't want to speak to you anymore but she has to be the uh she has to okay oh no no that's that i'm pretty sure that's all right i'm pretty sure that's all right tell me tell me tell me we're already greeted with real estate and capitalism we can sell our pizza pizza let's go you like pizza i like pizza oh my god this guy hey these guys do you ready ready ready yeah yeah yeah fly me too [Music] let me sing [Music] why did you do that my [ __ ] ear turns are gone tommy they're gone you [ __ ] them up you [ __ ] them i can't hear you anymore goodbye goodbye toby goodbye toby goodbye tommy roll play with me role play with me okay this is a mexican pizza place amen hello amen every virus why is it where is your father starving oh oh he's homeless this is very sad for your father yeah yeah his mother was stabbed to death it's very sad very sad yes look at me look at me i'm speed running i'm spinning the [ __ ] out of running i have no idea wait wait thank you come back come back what what is it what is a toby in it what is it i just worked out oh told me come right outside i'm stuck to the door i literally can't move me you're inside for me what oh hello what what the [ __ ] what is going on hey hey hey look what is going on hello [Music] who has the hottest beverage i do my own it's just the two of us tommy it's literally just i'm role playing with one word the [ __ ] are you doing i did this so much as a child there's no one there is no one here sorry there is no one in front of us right now you heard [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] psycho you're a [ __ ] psychopath here you're following me to my igloo follow me to michael i want to show you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what all right i am stuck inside i'm trying to get out i'm trying to get out sorry okay okay you see me you see me right oh yes how are you running so quick you press a waddle you press on waddle tummy you press on waddle do look at me i go fast i go fast you go slow wait what is over here what are you going with what the [ __ ] where are you going the pub [Music] what the what is this oh yeah yeah you know i'm gonna play in this let's play the playground this is what kids you know play the playground okay play the playground this is great what the [ __ ] is this what's a uterus what's the uterus tommy tommy told me stand in front of me stand in front of me right here stand where i am stand where i am when child born they go they go they go through this that's how they pop oh kindergarten and meet women no no no no yes women yes all right let's go let's go to these industrial areas since we are in the uh oh yeah oh i love closing night club let's do it in the middle of a pandemic let's go let's go strippers in club penguin i'm gonna be pissed there better not be once i don't think they're strippers and club penguin i don't think they're strippers in club penguin oh my god tell me tell me i have an excellent song i have an excellent song to play right now it's it's it's it's dad stands in the dance floor with me no no no actually you dance along i can't no no no press e i'm thinking about all the terrible terrible things that have happened in 2020 and all the terrible things that will happen in 2021 please don't please no no no no no you're going to fix it you're going to jinx the year you type e and space and then dance tommy i'm afraid there's no strippers i'm afraid there's no strippers in in club penguin what the [ __ ] what am i doing i better not be stripping right now you're not about it i'm done do you want to think about what i want to think about what are you thinking about something big i'm thinking about all the um all the orphans out there no no don't think about the orphans hey any orphans in the church [Music] [ __ ] man oh my god [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] tommy tommy tommy i i just realized tommy we are we no stop tommy we i realized we got way too ahead of ourselves okay oh really yeah no no we got way too ahead of ourselves tommy therefore i want to take a step back i want to take a step back tommy okay here here join this game join this game okay oh my god that this isn't my this isn't yeah yeah yeah you will understand this all good all good okay let's let's just let's just take a step back for a second right toby all right toby yeah this is right up your alley tommy this is right up your alley this is home this feels like home tommy what do you say what do you say oh [ __ ] there's other people in here there's tommy thank you tommy hello oh my miner didn't go off no no no no no okay don't worry there's somebody sweden remix tell me where are you follow me there's a mexican dream skin what the [ __ ] is going on tommy where are you there's a naked man right here there's a naked man into the house he has a ball haircut he looks like a tick tocker look at the top right captain noob says i'm gonna laugh let's go let's go tell me where are you you're not around we have diamond swords and [ __ ] we're greeted with diamonds stream would hate this i'm attacking yeah yeah wait can you kill people that'd be that'd be [ __ ] sick why is there a [ __ ] dream skinny wait why do i have admin commands i have admin commands tommy why do you have admin command i don't know why i have adamant commands oh [ __ ] all right let's go mining let's go mining tommy where are you where are you i'm placing tnt they're blowing up [ __ ] stop it no maybe maybe perhaps perhaps you do can you ban people try and ban people try and bend people for a second tommy people are saying you're having a wilbur moment you're you're cosplaying right now oh i think they might be on to me if you check the top left tommy tommy follow me to the man but it's me minecraft steve i'm right in front of you i'm right in front of you it's me it's me i'm minecraft steve let's go let's go chummy and let's go to the man bug let's go to the man book oh [ __ ] you're causing ruckus and [ __ ] i will not make fun of role play i don't think okay oh okay sorry yeah did i oh man is that a is that a sound a line in the sand that you just want yeah yeah i guess i get it yeah yeah hey there's a game i used to play which is my favorite game it's called survive the disasters i really remember that oh no no no you want to play survive the disasters no one's used to i've spent robux on that game spent roblox on this goddamn game i remember i can't remember my old why are you spending roblox on this [ __ ] it was such a good game survive the disasters yes all right all right well i want to play survive the disasters but before we get into that we have to get in the capitalist in the capitals mindset that this game wants to set us on i think we should buy you close tommy i think we should buy you clothes you know what i would love that yeah yeah you have the default skin and we're and that's just not allowed that is not allowed at all so you know what there's probably some tommy in it shirts out there let's let's look up tommy in it in avatar wait how do you find it avatar no just getting late look up tommy oh my oh no they have dream merch they have dreamers in this [ __ ] stores why do they only have my trousers that i don't [ __ ] how do i how much is it yeah you're gonna have to spend real life money i'm not spending real life i'm spending real life money right now well how many roblox should i buy roblox i'm gonna buy twenty dollars worth of robux and then they can't ban me and then they can't ban me i'll buy five dollars okay yeah yeah yeah they can't ban us if we spend real life money right you're going to see my credit card implement this recording yes yes holy [ __ ] what should i buy with his credit card number what should i buy with his credit card number chad i want to have his credit card number when again he's going to make a deductible he's going to make a deductible i reckon this is tax this is for work purposes tommy tell me tell me tell me tell what the [ __ ] is this let me buy me why do i have to pay to look like me that is stupid for [ __ ] sake little nas old town road dance that is the first thing i'm gonna buy i'm gonna buy that on roblox i can buy the little nas old town road dance tommy tommy you gotta change your clothes okay you gotta look more like time you're gonna you're gonna be unrecognizable you've gotta pop off you've gotta pop off all right i gotta where's the animations where's the animations where's the emotes let's go let's go let's go yeah you did yeah you [ __ ] did holy [ __ ] i look [ __ ] amazing how do you find me you know what i've noticed you know what i've noticed a lot tommy when you say something when you say something with an o and an f you you put an r in the middle of it so you go i'm going to put more i'm going to pump off no no no god damn it you [ __ ] no you you changed it tell me did you buy your goddamn shirt or not dude you've got this i'm buying others you're gonna be a wreck no you're not supposed to have fun in this game you gotta talk about fun they banned me tommy you gotta talk [ __ ] about this goddamn game why is there a fundy bra please no is there funny is there funny shirts let's see oh it's looking fun um why is there a bunny bra what the [ __ ] there's a funny bro i gotta wear the funny bra i gotta wear the funny bra i'm gonna have tummy top and tubbo pants what the hell's a tub of pants what what how do they know what pants he wears that is strange that is very strange i don't think i don't think i agree with that okay okay kill joy i have the funny bro i have the funny bruh do you think i can buy thick bodies do you think i can buy a thing where do you buy dancers [Music] tommy i've just received a roblox game i've just received what is it what is it what is it look at my stream to look at my screen just stop stop god click this link tommy click this wait i'm gonna buy an emote quite into this now click the link told me click the link can i buy an email first please yeah yeah yeah buy your email buy your email buy your evo not i'm not done i'm not done okay okay don't worry i will i will check the game for you i will check what the [ __ ] is this what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what up what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god i have a what the [ __ ] is this how do i set all my things tommy what the [ __ ] is this i'm trying to change my clothes i'm quite self-conscious okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm dumbfounded how do you say that word i'm dumbfounded do you know that word dumbfounded tommy i do i do i'm trying to i'm i'm just getting my i'm changing my hair okay okay let me see let me see where do i where do i set my emotion what did you turn where do i get my emotes you go to avatar shop and then you know you've got them where do i equip them in game you have to use them in game that's already used i've already equipped do they just auto equip them yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i'm ready to go yeah yeah yeah click click click [Music] my god [Music] are you insane [Music] are you insane [Music] [Music] are you insane what happens when we kill me and that's what i'm [ __ ] trying to do this is literally what i'm trying to do tommy [ __ ] steady [Music] click click click click click click click on one of these my other ones aren't there though my new ones aren't there i pay good money this is how it this is not how it feels to join a tommy in his stream you [ __ ] guess this is not how it feels to join a tommy in his stream are you are you insane just kidding just everyone [Music] every time you die you do like a split you feel like a banana every time i die the tuba fans go in my face a dad says you were almost done with you we're almost done with you don't worry don't worry are you insane i got you two why can't i shoot you why can't i shoot you it's actually a thing i say try not to turn off this one it's going past you it's going fast one of my streams yes yes yes you should scream one of one of your infamous quotes are you interested now [Music] keep coming through dude voice lights are coming through it's amazing what is that going like a slinky we're almost done [Music] yeah come on okay let's go let's go let's go what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we're teleporting and [ __ ] what the hell okay we're almost done kill me kill me kill me let's go i want me to end you just showed up on a wheelchair tommy what what the [ __ ] is this game [Music] there's only room for one tommy survive the disasters are you [ __ ] kidding me survive the disasters you won't play [ __ ] survivor how about how about a mongoose have you ever played this i want to play survive the disasters fine find your goddamn child god damn it you you please no you're going to make me look bad they're going to you're going to just i'll stop farming off stop farming oz right now oh i'm gonna go check my indirects no no mommy tell me you cannot farm you cannot farm oz in my chat that's not allowed in my chat tommy you cannot farm oz in my chat don't worry don't worry i have something i have something wait what is this what the hell is this toby i have a brand new game for us to play i have a brand new game for us to play so yes yes yes yes yes it's even better than survival games or whatever the [ __ ] it's called are you ready are you ready tell me join that server join that server i'm ready oh you're gonna have so much fun in this game you're gonna have so much absolute fun in this game man if only a certain person was here but they're not so you know what i just got wait what oh thank you look at that and that's [ __ ] up i'm literally roblox is going you're a child i got kicked out too oh my god why don't the furries wanna want us to play with them oh what the [ __ ] we literally kept late someone sent us your account no i'm kidding i'm kidding dude do not do that dude let's get parker i'm gonna find survive the disasters oh for [ __ ] sake you want to fight we'll [ __ ] play survive the disaster saw me but but for that you have to change your you have to change to something else you have to change this to something else all right that's you're body shaming me no no i'm talking about clothes tommy i'm talking about clothes okay fine i'll take off the turbo pants not pantsless other players so you want to make our own private server how where's where how do i equip emotes you got to go into your avatar just go into your avatar just go into emotes and just just put that [ __ ] on just put that [ __ ] on tommy okay let me watch your stream where's emo you go you go to you go to avatar then you go to animations animations go to animations i don't have any recent i i bought some yeah yeah they're right there [Music] oh it's on me tony thomas tony yes yes tommy tommy tommy this is not this is not tommy tommy told me tell me they have the floss dance they have the floss oh my god they have the flow stance tommy what the [ __ ] they have lost oh let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go they got the flu stance i'm equipping the floss dance and now we're gonna play adopt a child okay all right what is the doctor child adopt a child is a game where we have to it's i mean it's right up your alley you know like you know like like orphan and i'm ready you know what tommy you have a little more experience with roblox tell me which game you'd like i want how many times do i have to [ __ ] tell you i want to play survive the disasters no i found a game this is the map i used to play no i found a game no i want to play something no no no no no i found a better game i found a better game tommy you like school you like school right you're a big school guy no you're a big school guy have you ever thought about going back have you hey man i just quit this link and it almost just [ __ ] look at this it just went there you go it just pulled a bit like oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it wouldn't look like i got hacked oh my god tommy tommy you should tweet that out you should tweet that out right now tommy disaster decisions you have a little more experience with survive the disaster so again i'm gonna you know what this is your birthday tommy since it's your birthday let's let's go ahead let's play [ __ ] survive the disasters oh my god thank you you wanna play you wanna play survive the disasters we're gonna play survive the disasters i don't know what the [ __ ] is this tommy tommy you're gonna have to give me what the [ __ ] is this oh no no not this game just fine i'm not this game not this [ __ ] game tommy tommy literally all we're gonna do is stand here and wait for [ __ ] a 47 second intermission are you guys telling me the disasters are on their way this is actually the game i used to play for so long like i i'd spend hours on this man holy [ __ ] yeah do you want a little strike down to this track you come up this thing oh my god this is sick you come up this and so you can either go to the top of this but however if there's me yours that's quite inefficient or you can probably i i usually probably hover about here and actually second layer up um god i forgot jesus i i'd hover about here so protect you from the top but yeah about here tell me tommy tell me that [Music] what the [ __ ] zombie this is not even the right one this is the [ __ ] wrong one tommy because it says the spring coils over there the [ __ ] do you know this explosive noobs okay so what you do here is they they come from the bottom and they're going to explode right there okay okay i'm just gonna no no tommy this is not a speedrun this is not a photo oh what the [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] you just blew up the bottom of my house this is this is not a fun game i'm very scared i'm very scared there's trash there's there's a racing music there's some racing music playing right now come on come on come on you know they survived it the cool thing is the map stays destroyed tommy tummy tummy look at me look at me in the ass look at me in the ice look at me in the ice tommy what the [ __ ] what can i do my emotes either i can't breathe oh my god oh my god i'm still going i'm sorry i'll have you here i'm saying did you do your email he says what the [ __ ] oh you're the disaster you're the oh infrastructure in mexico this is like my family family family tree no run from the giant noob run from the giants yeah but come here i've got something to give to you oh bloxy cola buy one for yours oh my god oh my god [ __ ] this [ __ ] piss but he's [ __ ] mad right now he's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] in this [ __ ] bunny's okay i'll admit when i was like a 10 year old i forgot that i didn't realize this furry meant as insinuated as much as it did what do you mean what are you [ __ ] talking about if you click the bottom right you can mute the sounds if you click the bottom right you can mute the sounds i don't want to mute the sounds i don't want to mute the sounds hey i've got tommy but for some reason i still have my minecraft character's body nobody survived tommy tommy it's okay it's okay tommy we have played your favorite game are you happy are you happy now okay let's just see what the next one is this is why it's indicative because right when you think you want to quit okay [Music] can you pray with me in spanish can you pray with me in spanish no no tommy tommy you know what i'm exiting this game you know why oh i'm going to i'm going back to school i'm going back to school [ __ ] okay okay you know what you know what i am you know what i am i'm a drama queen i love drama therefore therefore we're going to go back to high school this thing called i'm sorry i just don't know what this game is i don't know what the [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] royale high i don't know what the [ __ ] this is tommy i don't know what this is and i'm kind of scared to find out okay okay don't worry i'll create a private server tommy tommy you like school right you're you're a big school guy right yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah he said yes he said yes the man said yes the man said yes here click on that link click on that i'm going to go and watch the best of wilbur what i'm going to go and watch the best of wilbur suits in high school i want to see what he's been up to this year oh my god thank you so much for the five gifted shops appreciated all right tommy tommy join join new royale high uh uh yes yes thank you there's a new animation tomorrow at 6am let's go let's [ __ ] go why don't you just stop flying how did you just start flying i don't know what the [ __ ] do i stop him tell me how the [ __ ] do i stop don't worry thank you tell me how the [ __ ] do i stuff like wait vic you look at me yes yes what the [ __ ] is this tommy how the [ __ ] do i stop flying how the [ __ ] are the stuff look at me look at me in the iceberg yes look where are you oh my god this music is so basic look at me look at me look at me yes [Music] watch watch [Music] tell me tell me i'm going to make a [ __ ] up joke i'm going to make a [ __ ] up joke are you ready are you ready what is it you ready yeah no no no no look at me look at that yes i'm not seeing the energy i'm not seeing tommy told me let's go to high school let's go oh my god oh if you just double tap oh let's go we're in creative mode hello hello hi guys ladies why am i what the you've challenged 2020 was challenging but you powered through i did cheers to a wonderful 2021 friends love heart emoji tommy did you power through can't wait to read more of your stories huh what they're reading about diaries they're reading they're reading the the the wilbur books the [ __ ] little man big [ __ ] where where are you where are you uh okay okay let's go to high school tommy i'm ready i'm ready for it i'm on my way oh we can dress up we can dress up is the game really really loud for you let's find out dmca that's the mca that's dmc how the [ __ ] do i turn this off how the [ __ ] do i turn this off tommy no i don't know how to turn this off i don't know how to turn it on i don't either do you want to delete what uh wait what's happening setting up a server of the cordless royals i have something wait i'm doing amazing screen wait did you get tp'd out did you get tv no i didn't where are you where are you where'd you go oh tommy told me i'm ready for high school i'm ready for high school tell me i'm go i'm telling you go to go go to your phone go to teleport and go to royale high roya classic or new campus no classic classic let's go to classic let's go to classic tommy we're going to the classic height yeah let's go i'm so wait what the [ __ ] where are we teleporting another server oh man oh no oh no are you with me yeah no no we're still in the same server tommy tommy tommy told me tell me tell me i'm going into the ladies restroom see what it looks like i'm going to see what it looks like toby are there any hot women in here no no no no no told me tell me there's no urinals there's no urinals don't you go to the man's restroom and let's kill everyone no no there's no urine out wait this makes no well this makes no sense because it's like a reflection of a mountain but there's a wall on the other side because it's too restrictive it just makes no tommy who the [ __ ] is going to go to a room full of like you're going to sit here on your bean bag while you're here you hear frederick going it's going to be [ __ ] smelling like [ __ ] while you're watching family guy on tv it's gonna be the worst thing ever what the [ __ ] dude uh wait class is starting [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] gotta go hold [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] i'm flying to class oh [ __ ] let's go let's go let's go i'm flying to class wait people are saying this one sucks let's go to teleport and let's go to the to the real one to the real one not the classic one let's go to the new campus teleport ticks royal high school teleports are you ready are you ready crossing you through the milky way galaxy you're lying the milky way isn't real the milky way isn't real planet is is hung over what is real what is real what is it you know our planet is hung over a turtle tommy it is i don't like you know i don't like joking about physics why what the [ __ ] is this dog what the [ __ ] are these holy [ __ ] i've just opened my journal yo what are you gonna write are you gonna write where's your journal i want to open my journal too on the top of the screen i don't see it i don't see it all i see storm classes let's go let's go to class backpack backpack tommy do you like your classes what's your favorite what's your favorite subject tommy what's your favorite subject of school of high school what's your favorite subject told me english english why why is that why is that you wouldn't say anything no one say spanish why would you say something like spanish tommy because i mean english okay not right well that is just a terrible terrible excuse for that oh wait we can dress up we gotta we gotta dress up for class we're not gonna walk in looking like this we're not gonna we're not gonna walk we gotta glow up oh yes i gotta wear my crown well i think i just texted someone i hate darling what i just what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] tommy look at me tell me i have ears now i haven't heard me [Music] why do i stand like this look at me this is how i work tommy tommy please please this is so inappropriate this is [Laughter] there's fractals in this game there's rectals in this game it's breakfast time fuel your body we're not cars tommy we're not cars they're implying that we are vehicles and i don't like that let's go to the breakfast let's go to the breakfast breakfast what's your favorite food tommy what's your favorite food um pancake bacon and sausage that that is that is so basic you're so basic you're so busy well i just opened them [ __ ] talk to me i don't have to play diamonds i don't talk to basic [ __ ] all right i don't talk to basic [ __ ] tommy i'm sorry i cannot i don't know if i am just a basic [ __ ] well i'm sorry i cannot speak to you yes i'm a [ __ ] then what is this i just spent twelve dollars the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how come you could just there's a [ __ ] phone on tommy my credit card is showing on stream my credit card is literally showing on stream right now thank you holy [ __ ] what what is it help me your tommy tommy is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what are you doing come behind the counter tell me tell me twenty two twenty twenty twenty relax just relax tell me [ __ ] tell me my credit card my credit card is leaking my credit card i don't know i don't know how to get rid of it can you please look at me let's see let's see where are you where are you hold on i'm trying to look for where the [ __ ] are you over the counter over the counter help me what is going on what the [ __ ] is going on what is going on tell me tell me please please tell me please tell me do you just listen to my neck no i think i've snapped my you're gonna live you're gonna live tell me tommy tommy told me tell me tell me go to let's go let's go to uh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's apartments there's apartments all right tell me there's one last place i want to take you to okay there's one last place i want to take you to this is the place i take everyone to tommy okay okay i'm on my way all right i don't actually know where it is so that's no no don't worry dory tommy this is um this is a special place for me to check snapchat five pounds no no no no [ __ ] them streaks [ __ ] them streaks you don't need streaks okay tommy yes yes give me one second i i just need to like figure out in my mind why is obama not following me back tommy are you ready are you ready tommy yes we're going to mexico tommy we're going to mexico baby we're going to me we're going to mexico city really really yes we are the town of what's it the town of the town of the town of tacos in in mexico and mexicans yes tommy let's go to mexico let's go to mexico i took georgetown here and he was incredibly disrespectful you know what he said he said what did he said i do not oh i do not like mexico what the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up where's the statue of liberty it's right over there it's right over there tommy right over my god welcome to mexico man oh my god oh my god thank you so much for having me what do you want to go first thanks for having me in mexico come come and mike come in my car man i will i will thank you for having me in mexico taxi man oh my maracas going through the uh the side of the wall no no no you [ __ ] don't mess with my windshield man don't mess with me man what am i holding on wait wait wait so bad where's it like why is it awful you wouldn't think it would be just this demanding but all right all right tommy take me around no start start no no start start the engine start the engine i'm lying i'm dropping frames i'm dropping frames too you're telling me tell me tell me i would like to erase you in my mind in the middle of my screen no no no no tommy tommy i'm like we're [ __ ] crashed we [ __ ] quite ready i'm ready oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i guess car accidents and orphans no no no no no no no no only because i feel no tommy tommy contrary to popular belief oh my god building that's not the empire state that's not the empire state the empire state i'm on the roof who the hell is this you know i just flew did you did you oh yeah because you put on the [ __ ] the [ __ ] coil on that's why you did it tell me where are you where are you tell me tell me where are you where are you i got to pick you up you see me you cannot be in mexico city alone no where are you i don't [ __ ] see the tower look to the top of the tower [Music] skeppy's car tommy the lamborghini the lamborghini oh you have a lamborghini yeah let me in oh my god i envy your envy yes you like skippy's car don't you i'm in yeah tommy number one tacos we have number one tacos too you know what they do they're they're they're in there they do they forgot you had a fundy brown oh my god i'm playing dmc music i'm playing [ __ ] dmca music right now [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yo say thank you so much for [ __ ] dude all right tommy told me tell me i have to show you something i have to show you something i want something mexico also has oh [ __ ] mexico also has a thing called you want to know what they're called what do they call a lamborghini no levantones men it's called kidnapping it's called kidnapping it's called kidnapping tommy get in the bag and get in the backseat right now okay get in the backseat [ __ ] look at the backseat i am i am an employee i am an employee from from the couple do you know what the carpet list tommy no the couple you didn't pay you didn't pay tommy tommy you didn't pay the couple you didn't pay the couple you didn't pay the copy i'm trying i'm trying to just say are you insane are you insane no all right tommy i can i can't do it i live on tone because because you know [ __ ] card didn't work uh anyways tommy i would like to get and i'm going to turn off this i'm going to turn off the music and everything and i'm going to look at you directly tommy i'm in this car with you right now tommy i need you to give me your honest opinion about mexico there's no music tommy yes are you insane are you insane are you insane tommy are you insane tommy we have nothing we have now seen mexico tommy i hope you're like oh [ __ ] what's up oh don't worry i'm sweet talking oh no hello there man hello there man don't worry don't worry we follow the law yeah i sing you i sing you song i sing you songs you give us money fair we sing you musical tell me what have you ever been to an oxo tommy [ __ ] so they call them oxo what's up oh jesus christ yourself going identity fraud this this there's a problem with british people it's a scary game that's not actually fun but they want me to play it but it's not fun come in my tesla come in my tesla min i've got my tesla man i'm trying to get in you get in my desk all right tommy [ __ ] it so one final interview tommy what did you think about this roblox i thought you thank you you made it so special for me you and your fundy bra you really did you did you did you really think my funny bra was great why are there no [ __ ] emotes you did thank you you didn't look at this check this out check this out are you ready are you ready yes i'm ready are you are you ready are you ready oh [ __ ] i can't do my emails it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't all right tommy and what did you think about mexico uh you know what you know what for the sake of twitter.com i loved it i thought it was equal to every other country good guy tommy is a good man he said i'm a good man i'm a good man well the minecraft i'm a good man tommy in it this is the end of our roblox tour this is the end of our role thank you for having me thank you so much for having me thank you for being i'm gonna go on reddit now no we're really we're gonna go anywhere what are you gonna play on reddit what are you gonna play on reddit tommy i don't play reddit i don't know i don't want i don't like i don't like crossing reddit with business okay thanks for the gold's kind stranger [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you time that's that's [ __ ] oh okay i'm sorry that was just kind of kind of that's i didn't get banned this time around because i bought robux i bought so much money worth of robux i bought so much money worth of robux tommy this is actually this is this is a good thing tommy this is a good thing this is a good name and the fact that i did not get banned is an accomplishment for me so that's a good thing that is a good thing tommy in it any last words i can't no no no you know i don't speak words i speak sounds okay or make a sound i'll speak to you no i won't make a sound on request you know you think i am thank you very much for your help and joining me on this roblox roblox thing it was so fun thank you i'm so damn tired i'm gonna go well i'm ready if you are you deafening and ending now yes gonna play pubg maybe we will see tommy okay no no no i don't i don't know if i can i'll see you okay this is epic are you insane tommy tommy annette thank you so much to tomi the man for coming on roblox today see the thing with tommy in it is that he had prior experience to roblox so he taught me a few things about roblox instead of me teaching him which is crazy how the tables turn how to turn tables okay chat thank you so very much for coming to the stream today thank you very much i very much appreciated your guys's support to coming to the stream and watching it please do not call me and say and please do not call me insane chad please that is very that is very [ __ ] up of you that's very [ __ ] up of you chad thank you so very much though thank you so very much for watching the stream i appreciate it chat thank you so much for the support on the latest [ __ ] video we are literally it was this morning it was number three but check this out chad check this out i want to show you guys something i want to show you guys something chat chat check this out holy [ __ ] this is actually no clump instrument check this out check this out number four on tragic baby let's go chad number four on training the ksi video number four and trending worldwide world [ __ ] wood no actually not worldwide in the us but that's like real trending that's not like trending for gaming it's real trending judd let's go let's go chat thank you guys so much for the support on that video i [ __ ] appreciate it so so massively i [ __ ] appreciate it oh my god i'm so excited i'm so excited for future for future videos and stuff um chat chat i need to tell you something i need to tell you something chad recently i've been um i've been playing these roblox games and me getting banned off these games is like almost a thrill man who knows man maybe maybe maybe return of the raids one day i don't know i don't know we don't know we don't know yet we don't know chat for comparison chat for comparison when we did our last raid our top viewership was 40 000 viewers like 30 to 40 000. and now there's like over 100k viewers that who knows maybe return of the raid someday we don't know we don't know ted we don't know but we will see chat these roblox streams have been very fun have been very absolutely fun i love them i'm glad tommy and it got to experience roblox with me that is a very good thing anyways chat chat thank you so much for all the [ __ ] support recently thank you oh my we almost hit the uh actually we hit our sub gold like twice a few nights ago which was insane thank you guys so much for all your [ __ ] support i i'm all i'm thank you thank you so much i always appreciate it thank you guys for coming to the streams as well [ __ ] means a lot to me we are going to go ahead and raid someone chad we're going to go ahead and raid someone we are going to going to go ahead and raid mr funday funday oh thank you for all the hearts guys appreciate it also if you guys got twitch primes you can use it actually no one will see it because i played an ad no one said because i played an ad well today we are going to raid mr fundy we're going to raid fundy uh thank you guys so much again for the support and everything i [ __ ] appreciate it and i'll see you guys very very soon
Channel: QuackityVODS
Views: 2,259,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LivestreamArchive, Livestream Archive, Full Stream, Twitch, Twitch Stream, twitch.tv, Quackity, QuackityHQ, QuackityHQ Full Stream, Quackity Stream, QuackityHQ Stream, Quackity Twitch, Quackity Full Stream, TommyInnit, Roblox, Quackity Roblox, Quackity Tommy, Tommy, Quackity TommyInnit, TommyInnit Roblox
Id: kG4otEJlEp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 26sec (4886 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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