Minecraft's Funniest YouTuber Talent Show...

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so i'm going to need you to make a little channel [Music] keep going so uh i held a minecraft talent show i i should not have been allowed to do this listen i'm an ambitious guy youtubers they just they just believe anything i say so this idea hit me like a ton of bricks let's get them on my minecraft server and just make them expose their most secret most ridiculous talents you will not believe what some of the youtubers did man this was just stupidly funny also if you enjoy please consider subscribing or like i want to convince youtubers to do just more stupid stuff like today so getting that subscriber count up that really helps with my reputation don't want to be a big pain but if you can just check the subscribe button it really helps so much so i could just live this stupid dream oh god enjoy welcome welcome to the tommy and it talent show your folks i'll sit next to you boys my talent is that i'm really good at judging people [Music] wow all right next is he allowed to do all right next up uh because of his absolute just appalling attendance so now he's gonna have to sit through all of the next acts for an hour he's gonna perform revenge he actually is because that's all he's good for um hi everybody hi prepare show us your rock hard abs oh okay actually it's a good idea because this isn't what i looked like back then let me change that really quick uh here we go and then [Music] for this talent show i'm gonna do the rap part of revenge because i didn't sing the whole thing and some people have that misconception i just want to give tryhart ninja the credit that he deserves dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds get it baby go enforce that like you so mlg pro the sword's made of diamonds so come at me bro training in your room under this porch light on that phone to get you ready for the big fight look at me look at you take my revenge that's what i'm gonna do cause i'm a war you baby but that you knew emma blade's gonna tear through you bring it oh yeah that was that was good that was good there we go that was all right i didn't understand why there was a lack of like percussion or any instrumentals it was very acapella it was it was a daring move to go fully acapella it was ballsy but you know that's what i like about you captain you you're just full of balls yes sir sparkles i i think next up we have itmg everybody now i'm a long-term fan of itmg even a plagiarist at times now i think i think you take a little bit of setup don't you tmg i just want i just judges i just want you to be aware i love sand undertale dude shut up whoa [Music] how dare you oh my god oh oh no no you can't no what is this it's rick how talented ashley is i don't care get him off wait what's that shield no they're impervious to our judgments now guys can we just take a step around to the judge's lounge for a minute what do we score [ __ ] this is the this is the judge's lunch just yeah yeah yeah yeah we stay we stay around mud to be grounded what did we feel like it relied a little bit too much on the uh on the fireworks it had me in the start and then at the end no i just the ending dude whole wood barrier thing i mean that's that's just against the the nature of the that was yeah that was very that felt very counter-intuitive you know it shows a lack of confidence in his art that he put up a protective barrier he's sure it was a lack of confidence in the judges because i'd maybe are we murdering too much no no no no i i mean i don't know i know the barriers around everyone i love i'll give him an i'll give him i'll give him a piece of wood was that that was a word out of ten that was a word out you give him here a little yeah a little piece of wood a little trapdoor too you've earned it now never come back in fact walk in this direction and don't stop don't stop until you don't stop trying to stop believing oh next up i wrote down cg5 hey cg5 welcome to uh my talent show my name is tommy in it and today i am red and i am wearing a red suit so what are you are you having a stroke cg5 i always do um okay so why did the chicken cross the road why i said why did the chicken cross the road [Music] no no [Music] but i have one more thing guys if you could have a song made about anything your heart desires what would it be about captain sparkles abs amen anything else facial hair does anybody else have [Music] when you're looking off of really high cliff and you have the urge to jump there's also anxiety you guys have a lot of problems okay i'm going to come back okay yeah that's true i am going to come back later and show you a 30 second song put together about your topics all together i've got it written down here okay thank right see you soon next up we've got time dio [Music] has got baritone on or something let's get good cps this is a guess what it is yet before you finish it is this the talent i mean if you want to get no um i am a professional game designer and i need someone up here to play my game with me [Music] wow yeah you i'm embarrassed of that last time all right so this is diotacto it's like tic-tac-toe but you only need to get two in a row so can i go first no i always go first wait but that's you [Music] where i can take over your any piece that you have so i i i win this it's just not that's not even necessary it's not even necessary i want a rematch rematch [Applause] yeah get out of there do you want to play uh with me yeah sure okay i'm revising the rules of the of the game so now i always get to go first okay that's actually the rules oh it's not that is who's you know [Music] all right so am i okay yeah part of the rules of the game tommy is that i can actually just come and do this that's not fair that's i don't like deo tacto it's the rules he didn't make them up i didn't make him up looks like i won i don't like the attack time yeah because that's your you're just a big loser i'm not i mean i'm not a loser never won you've never won again i've never been so i need a volunteer i need someone to build me a parkour who's not me if you could do that i got it i didn't think it was okay yeah we do parkour in coney island bing bong all right so i'm not [ __ ] done yet this is joe biden's parkour course that's a bar that's a bar graph just do it already just do it man yeah come on why are you scared what are you not like joe biden i need something a little more difficult this guy likes trump no going to be doing this parkour backwards that's my thing today wow uh just kidding but it's it's it's physically impossible this is a talent show nothing's impossible [Music] am i weird i just think your arm's on backwards king [Music] i could play the harmonica yeah go on [Music] it's november 24th why do you guys hate christmas spirits jesus christ he must have a bad birthday wait are you still why do you hold the sword like that i'm [ __ ] committed to this [ __ ] actually had my uh wsd inverted and my mouse inverted switching back could just could we go to our lounge for a moment let's go to the hovel i'm not sure how i felt about the parkour joined harmonica what kind of sicko does parkour and then starts [ __ ] blowing at a harmonica don't turn around you'll be traumatized for life oh that's [ __ ] weird tana what do you think i gotta hit it with a down vote what do we give people when they're bad other than murder let's give him a backwards reward wha what's the opposite of murder you save his life from me you're gonna go in this fun cage from now on techno i can't tell which way is forward anymore oh my god this next contestant everyone they end me on twitter saying we have the best act of all time and that we're gonna piss ourselves this is our first duo act sip over and and muk yum how's the song about anxiety coming along cg5 [Music] he's on definitely oh well well well george george this is a really awkward time to join ignore the forwards thrusting man i i you're not a judge george yeah you could you stand behind schlatt i am you stay there that's a sight tip over show us your act so we got it all set up um here is going to tell you what our talent is because you're probably wondering i am we are so confused [Music] speak louder oh wait a second wait uh-oh yeah okay i'm on my phone right now my damn computer isn't working okay so this is called the love machine it's pretty simple you just have to press the level right here and the love of your life will come out in a book and it will be 100 accurate okay which one of the judges want to come out first wait wait if i'm going to meet her once i gotta look so damn good this is an original suit no one else yeah wow where'd you get that so what do you go by look i go by my gum you pronounce my name right i'm so sorry monkey am i i i'm overwhelmed i'm gonna get the love of my will why are you overwhelmed deliver my life your soulmate is go on to next page what is this what's this it's blank oh um [Music] to the stage right now actually we did something special for you phil so your love life was especially interesting to this machine so it randomly generated one out of nowhere oh could you please read the book sure could you please look at me while you read the book uh it's got a little love heart and then in brackets it says your love life is false your true love may be right in front of you well would you look at that mickey i'm glad you said my name like that you know [Music] off the stage because it's meant to be okay come back here man this this love machine i think it's broken i think it's a bit funny uh definitely you're not the love of my life i'm sorry i'm sorry are you calling us frauds we're experts we please ben filzer he can't accept the truth okay i don't think he is inside of this okay could we ban him please i don't know he's saying it pretty assertively i think we're gonna pen him you better ban me [Music] [Laughter] i know i'm late but uh can i cut in the queue i want to watch the mr b squid game video in nine minutes dude there's like george we gotta hurry up it's in nine minutes wait wait carl carl where did you wouldn't i get to cut the queue for that for one car i'm i need some items first hang on you can go okay all right check this out ready i am a magician and i am doing a magic act what is this what does boat do swim float swim yes i need i need one judge to come up here and say the magic words that now you go i'm done with it i'm pissed i would like you to just do kind of like a um a ritual kind of no no no no get out the boat i go in the boat this is a magician okay so um one second okay so i'm gonna need you to make a little charlie you know louder [Music] i'll catch you i have one more trick for you actually for my final trick i will need creative mode though you did that in survival yes okay now if this works it'll be very funny uh tommy oh first word that comes to your mind balls what the [ __ ] i rest my case what the what right next up we'll have uh bow i am going to be saying 500 miles by the pro hold on proclaimers feel free to join in if you right why are you [ __ ] are you aiming your [ __ ] at me no no no i'm just getting ready just stretching it just oh look at this just if it sucks you know it's just it's insurance right i'm big i'm beginning i really need the toilet bow is this the act i should like we during um no no i'm sorry i'm sorry so graciously need to piss and you piss what that it's just you're just saying i'm not i [Music] hold on i have a backup song [Music] but the fact is i can never get off of my oh deck are you so sad kid did you have a small penis that's what that's what the point of the mask is so terrifying because my penis is sweating no you got it involved so um five stars yeah like uh how many yeses so how many am i going to hollywood no no you get you're gonna stay in glasgow where you belong i is it done yeah you can come back i see you in the grass over there let's have larry can we all clap valerian post you sat editing this on the proper timeline of swapping between up to povs talent like into a talent show if you ask me oh yeah yeah it's it's it's it's it's don't worry about that my talent is i'm gonna edit this video okay so we're all sat here it'll look awesome on youtube don't worry about it yeah up you go i am incredibly unprepared for this so i thought i could just go around and just maybe say voice is so deep give me some things to say and i come please don't say that say uh my name is eric and i'm exiting the stage to the left my name is eric and i'm leaving i'm nexting the stage farewell is this the left oh carl jacobs you go up there and you blow us all away no check this out schlatt this one's actually for you one second what are you doing for sure i'm making a quick sand trap okay can somebody read that out loud pov oh you go out oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it goes bigger hey listen we've had some tough acts to follow but uh oh schlapp are you well you go up no man my performing days are over i don't have any materials you've still got to earn you i know you didn't look at me you know i know [Music] [Music] hello everyone hello everybody my name is schlett [Music] tell some jokes that's all right [Music] yeah yeah go for it yeah i invented a new word [Music] but where [Music] guys this guy is funny guys don't talk over him this is his first time can everyone be a bit more respectful laugh if you're going to laugh and if you're not going to laugh jesus this is the best act of all time he made a tribute to minecraft people i'm sorry i'm sorry you ready to zip over but you [ __ ] what my uh my wife accused me of cheating oh no that one goes back home my wife accused me of cheating who so did you what [Music] i like to remind my wife who's in charge [Music] [Laughter] it's like slam poetry i haven't spoken to my wife for 18 months [Laughter] [Music] no no no trust me man i'm sure i'll tell you the jokes i had and then you you say them okay okay okay so the joker said you you don't say a punchline right yes yeah yeah i'm an intellectual not like these people but when i get up there there's no coming down i need you to keep sending him i've got some jokes yo for you all tonight hi please be respectful and laugh [Music] what do you call a boomerang that won't goop me back [Music] [Music] that's a fair decision [Music] i'll try one more oh okay well i heard they took the queen to hospital last week [Music] [Applause] okay guys guys my mum was not a fan of me playing xxx tentacion at max volume at 10 pm but you played that through speakers oh my god okay stop now you go up did please kill him off the stage i love you i love you too tommy today i'll be showing you guys my my greatest talent it's gotta be taken apart the [ __ ] really far oh my [ __ ] yeah we built this [ __ ] schlatt decided to leave piece of his act on the stage what what that's the [ __ ] money that's the best act of all time why what is it when people are just destroying things before i i show this this sign this is in fact my greatest talent [Music] all right everyone i think we have the last act coming up cg5 is that another penis stop with the pain oh my god god i wanted you guys to come up with topics for me to make a song about the topics i got was kevin sparkle's abs uh schlatt's facial hair anxiety more anxiety more anxiety and even more anxiety compounded compounded king this is all your fault you got some sparkly abs the beautiful facial hair you make me wanna jump on offer facial [Music] never gonna give you up just kidding oh my god
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 10,908,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, jschlatt, philza, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, technoblade, tommy talent show, minecraft talent, Minecraft's Funniest YouTuber Talent Show...
Id: a3ejYq70wps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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