I Played Roblox for the First Time...

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If you've clicked this video then you're probably one of two people. You've either, like me, never played Roblox in your life and don't know what it is or you have played Roblox and you want to watch this idiot try out for the first time. So let's load up Roblox. Why... This- Why does this game look like an app store? Seriou- What? What is this? Right, I'm immediately overwhelmed. I'm gonna call in a professional. Tim, this isn't a game. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] No, it's- it's a game</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">with games inside of it.</font> [GRIAN] I see Dwayne the Rock Johnson that says "Don't call me at 3 am". <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Well, you shouldn't be calling Dwayne Johnson at 3 am.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">I'm gonna get you to join me-</font> [GRIAN] Why is there "Shrek in the Backrooms"?! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] No, just ignore Shrek, ignore all these.</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Look at this! Welcome to the hotel</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">and welcome to doors.</font> [GRIAN] I don't think I've customized anything. I think I'm the default guy. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You are basically Steve.</font> [GRIAN] Is this the Oof guy? I'm trying to go into this with an open mind. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah, your mind is gonna be closed by the end of this.</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] Noo. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] By the way, this is one of the best Roblox games I've ever played.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">It feels good.</font> [GRIAN] This game looks so like ultra realistic and then your stupid Lego face. [BOTH laugh] <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Right so, I'll give you a rundown of this.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">We've just checked into the hotel.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">There's 100 doors that we need to go through.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">If we get to door 100,</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] we beat the game, alright? [GRIAN] Easy.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You can't get through there.</font> [GRIAN] Why? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You need a key and it's over there.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Go on, go get it!</font> [GRIAN] How do I stand up? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] "C" Hit "C".</font> [GRIAN] I don't know the buttons! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You got it?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, the title of this video is: I'm playing for literally the first time. So please don't get angry at me. Right, this is easy. Right, door number one, done. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] I'm giving you a pre-warning because I want you-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Get out of the closet, Grian.</font> [GRIAN] No. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] [laughs] I'm gonna give you a warning, okay?</font> [GRIAN] No, I kinda like Roblox and I don't want to admit it. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You won't, if you play any other game</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">that isn't "doors" you won't.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">I've made you have a good start here.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh yeah, I didn't tell you,</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">this is a slight horror game.</font> [GRIAN] Oh cool, you know I don't like horror games even outside of Roblox? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Nice, well we're gonna have a great time.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Right, we're 10% through.</font> [GRIAN] There's no- Oo that's clearly something. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Right, I don't wanna ruin it for you</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">so I'm gonna let you-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Nice you-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Yeah you're doing things, you're smart.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">I've got one, there it is.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah yeah, got to just match the shapes up, easy. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Nice.</font> [GRIAN] Boom!<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] Nice!</font> [BOTH] Oooh! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Keep going, we keep going.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, simple as that. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Get in the closet, get in the closet.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Any one of them, not in the same one.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Don't come out once he's gone. [GRIAN] How did you know?</font> [GRIAN] I don't like that. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait, wait, wait.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">And now leave, now get out.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh wait up for me, dude!</font> [GRIAN] I wait for no one. I wanna get through this Roblox video as fast as possible. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY laughs]</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] There you are,</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">There's my default Roblox player.</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] There's my professional Robloxer. [GRIAN] Where's this-<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] Get in the wardrobe!</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh wait. Is he coming?</font> [GRIAN] Nothing. Nothing? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Do you know what? That was a tease there.</font> [GRIAN sighs] [GRIAN] Oh there's a key. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh I've got a key as well.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">How cute.</font> [GRIAN] Can I just use- If you use the key, does the key- <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Has it gone?</font> [GRIAN] Ooh.<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] Oh my-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] What? Hello? [GRIAN] Ooh.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Are you in this random room? [GRIAN] Yes.</font> [GRIAN] There's no cupboard. [GRIAN] AH!<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] Just sprint to the end.</font> [GRIAN] I died! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Ah! Just sprint to the end.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Are you out?</font> [GRIAN] No, I can see- <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh my- I died.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">I don't know what's going on there.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] What?</font> [GRIAN] Good game.<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] What happened there?</font> [GRIAN] You died to who called you Halt. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Halt was the-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">the monster.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh my god, I didn't know how to escape that.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">There was no cupboard.</font> [GRIAN] Where you supposed to like step to the side? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] No idea!</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Do we get in? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah, yeah yeah.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait until it goes all the way back. [GRIAN] Oh yeah, I heard him.</font> [GRIAN] We're back at room 20. Hey, it's like we never died. Do you see that? That's editing! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] That is the power of editing.</font> [GRIAN] Do you wanna see how much power an editor has? Show em, show em! [too many noises to subtitle] [beep] [GRIAN] Ooh. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Just run, just run.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Just follow.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh my holy moly! Something has-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Something was in my face.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">I did not like that at all.</font> [GRIAN] OH MY GOD! OH! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] I looked back to see you</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">and it looked at me!</font> [GRIAN] What was that? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] That was not nice.</font> [GRIAN] What was that? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] I don't know what it was.</font> [GRIAN] I'm scared of a Roblox now. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Of a Roblox?</font> [GRIAN] Yeah that's what it is. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh oh, in the cupboard!</font> [GRIAN] I haven't got a cupboard! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Please, Grian!</font> [GRIAN] Ahhh which one are you in? NO! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Did you die? [GRIAN] Yeap.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You died? [GRIAN] I definitely died.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Noooo!</font> [GRIAN] Right, we're gonna play a different game. We're gonna play my choice and we're gonna play something really fun. We're gonna play "Don't call at 3 am". with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> [GRIAN] Well I mean, this isn't a good sign. Wait, what's going on? I'm lost, I'm lost in a Roblox. There's a key- Am I playing the game or what's going on?! Let me call 911. We're in the UK so I'm gonna call 999. Excuse me, officer help me. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait, I'm joining you. [GRIAN] I'm lost in Roblox.</font> [GRIAN] We're gonna play eating simulator. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh gosh.</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Right tell me when you're in and I'll join you.</font> [GRIAN laughs] [GRIAN] I want to dislike Roblox but when you see stuff like this [laughs] it's kinda hard. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait, how are you already bigger than me?</font> [GRIAN] It's because I'm eating chips. [GRIAN] Is this the game?<font color="#C5BFFF"> [TIMMY] I kinda wanna slap you Grian.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait, come here.</font> [GRIAN] This is the game. Hey! You're hitting me! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Does it make you- I think it makes you smaller no? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Wait.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Let us just keep hitting each other.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh you actually killed me.</font> [GRIAN] Oh I'm at max food. Oh, sell your food or upgrade your DNA. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] I'm selling my chips.</font> [GRIAN] No, it wants me to spend money. Sell. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah I just-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Yeah we just sold.</font> [GRIAN] Is this the game? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Dude, this is the game.</font> [GRIAN] Are we pla- This is Roblox. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] This</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">is one part of a Roblock.</font> [GRIAN] And then- [sighs] I just don't- Am I supposed to understand the game? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] This is it, I promise you</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">this is it.</font> [GRIAN] I really want to hate it. I mean I couldn't play this for more than- I couldn't play this longer than this. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] This is it, this is done.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">This is complete.</font> [GRIAN] This is it. I'm starting to regret- <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Let me just kill you, give me a sec.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Then you can quit.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Get outta here!</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Wait, I like it when you choose games.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Choose another one. [GRIAN laughs]</font> [GRIAN] Well, I wanna play Shrek in the Backrooms. I've got to play Shrek in the Backrooms. <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> [GRIAN] Let's just see what happens. This is a Roblox. What's the purpose of this game? Where is Shrek? Is this going the way Shrek is? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh my goodness! [GRIAN] Aaahhh! That's not Shrek!</font> [GRIAN] This is not what I signed up for. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] I want Shrek, I've never said that before but-</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Ah! I'm back at spawn.</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Let me...</font> [GRIAN] Mumbo Jumbo?! This might be the real Mumbo Jumbo for all we know. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah basically,</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">this is how it works.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">You pick which one you want to be</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">and then you beat each other up.</font> [GRIAN] What?! This is a Roblox? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] This is a Roblox.</font> [GRIAN] This is what millions of people play every day? <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] I came into this with zero opinions and it started high, it went down, it went up a little bit when there was a prospect of Shrek and then it shot right back down again. Give up your laptop for a week, give up your phone for a week. Well, laptop because I don't even have one. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Laptop, 100%.</font> [GRIAN] This is stupid because your phone and your laptop essentially do the same thing. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">And I can't live without my phone.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] It's sad but I can't. [GRIAN] That is sad.</font> [GRIAN] I think Roblox has opened up a deeper emotional need here. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Who is that? [laughs] <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh no.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Get him! [GRIAN laughs]</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Oh this is sad.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Look at him running.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] Okay I take it back, this is the best thing ever. [laughs] You know what? Everyone else can take care of this. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] You just sit back, relax.</font> [GRIAN] I'm just gonna watch Be temporarily lost in a store from your parent- Ah- Tim! <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Have your mom leave you at check out line</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">to go get one last item.</font> <font color="#C5BFFF">That is bad!</font> [GRIAN] Tim, are we too old for this? Neither of these mean anything to me because I am an adult. I've learned a few things today. One that you get promised Shrek and they don't deliver. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] Two that Roblox can have some good games with Doors. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] And I might be too old to play Roblox when the questions on the would you rather are have your mom leave you at check out to go get one last item. I haven't been shopping with my mum in 15 years. <font color="#C5BFFF">[TIMMY] She's actually probably quite upset about that.</font> [GRIAN] [laughs] I'm gonna go call my mum. <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> [GRIAN] Okay before we do anything, I gotta change how I look. I don't think I can change anything without spending the moneys. Ah- What? This is- This- This is a Roblox? Oh my god. Oh my goodness. I'm Breaking Bad. You know what? I'm quite happy with the defaults to be honest with you. So we've already played with Tim. Now Tim loves Roblox. He makes Roblox videos. He knows what's going on, he loves this game. Now here's the thing about Joel. He absolutely loves Roblox. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Me? Oh you better not be talking about me.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I absolutely do not love Roblox.</font> [GRIAN] Your profile picture- Oh my- <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Haven't touched brown.</font> [GRIAN] I can't touch yellow. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] What is this?</font> [GRIAN] I don't- I don't- This is like the dumbest game. This is the game. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] You can pay to get stuff.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Do we have money? Are we gaining money?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Free re-roll.</font> [GRIAN] Joel, I don't understand this game. The purpose is to not touch a colour that it tells you to but- <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] That means I could just stand still.</font> [GRIAN] Yeah, I- I- I don't understand. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] What happens if you do touch that colour?</font> [GRIAN] You die! Are we meant to do parkour? Is that the point of this game? I think we're meant to do parkour. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Aahh I hate this.</font> [GRIAN] But what's the point? You get to the end and there's nothing there. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I've got to the end and</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I'm stood on a purple circle.</font> [GRIAN] What's the purpose of this game?! Alright, this is a bust we're leaving. Right it's your turn, you'll go pick a game this time. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh no, don't put that pressure on me.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, I found one.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's called Mr. Stinky's Detention.</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> [GRIAN] Er alright, do I click- Ohh Joel. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Are you in?</font> [GRIAN] Joel, what is this? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Look over here, can you see this as well?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Homework due now.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">1+1=3.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">What?</font> [GRIAN] Is this- This is Roblox. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] This is Roblox.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oo there's some things here.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[GRIAN] Noooo. [JOEL] Oh that's a pay to win, pay to win.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Wait look!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Uh-oh.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Grian, are they coming for us?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">What's happening?</font> [GRIAN] This is a Ro- Oh he's coming for me. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] He's gonna actually catch me!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I can't get away, Grian. [GRIAN] Joel, this is a Roblox!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Ah he's got me!</font> [GRIAN] He's bonked me. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] He's bonked me as well.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We're back.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is Roblox right here.</font> [GRIAN] Don't you like this game? I've never played anything- <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Are you dead again?</font> [GRIAN] I'm dead again. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I've made it to the stairs, he got stuck on the pillar.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I'll wait for you.</font> [GRIAN] I think you're meant to sneak past them. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Wait, you can sneak?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Is he sleeping for you?</font> [GRIAN] Waaahhh! I made it. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Nice. [GRIAN] Ah.</font> [GRIAN] What? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Are you dead again?</font> [GRIAN] No, no, do you see that? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] He's asleep right now, right?</font> [GRIAN] He just fell asleep. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Yeah.</font> [GRIAN] Who's making these games? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I don't know, Grian. I don't know</font> <font color="#00FFFF">but I'm Shrek.</font> [GRIAN] This map is a bit of parkour but if you want to, you can spend real money to skip this. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Okay, so it's- Roblox is pay to win.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Interesting.</font> [GRIAN] They just like present you with a fairly easy challenge and then you can pay to skip it with a helicopter. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Yeah but when you get to the end I bet it's gonna be tricky</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and we're gonna be like</font> <font color="#00FFFF">how much is it?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Alright, oh my goodness me! [GRIAN] There's a boss.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] He's kicking off.</font> [GRIAN] Oh what do I do? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Can I pick this thing up?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You got one, how do I get one?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I don't have one! [GRIAN] Help!</font> [GRIAN] Help!! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I'm dead!</font> [GRIAN] What is this game? This is Roblox. I can also shoot backwards. All I have to do is run away and click. Oh I'm gonna get bonked. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL laughs]</font> <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Alright, play.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Play.</font> [GRIAN] Bread. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] There's a hot surface over here.</font> [GRIAN] I'm already bored. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] There's just burgers everywhere.</font> [GRIAN] Joel, I hate this. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I've found some steak, Grian. I'm gonna go cook it.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Alright?</font> [GRIAN] This is Roblox. I just... Joel. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Grian, we're in a bloody restaurant Grian!</font> [GRIAN] I know! I don't understand Roblox still. I've been playing for an hour and I still don't get it. Why are there dishes in the oil? Where's the cheese? Where's the cheese?! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] There's cheese here.</font> [GRIAN] I've found cheese outside. It's all over the street. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] It's perfect!</font> [GRIAN] You know what? Let's give it to the bloke. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Let's serve it.</font> [GRIAN] There you go, I've given it to him let's see what he says. That's not what I ordered. So this- this is the game. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Okay, place cash here.</font> [GRIAN] I'm trying, there we go. Yeah, we made money! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Nice, you've made 2 dollars and I've made nothing.</font> [GRIAN] Ah I'll tell you what I've made, absolutely nothing of my life, what am I doing? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] What is this guy? He's got a fire extinguisher</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and he's running away.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Is that another restaurant?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] It's a supermarket can we buy food? [GRIAN] What?</font> [GRIAN] Why is this game? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] What's over here? What does this guy sell at the supermarket?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Oo you can place money</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and buy mysterious potions</font> <font color="#00FFFF">or a cat.</font> [GRIAN] That's quite clearly a Minecraft cat. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] This shopkeeper is not doing anything.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I'm just wrecking his store. [GRIAN laughs]</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] This is the worst thing I've ever played in my life.</font> [GRIAN] I really wanted to pick something and have fun and we're just- [laughs] I had high hopes for this because it said there was like 5000 people playing. Is there 5000 people just running around like we are going "What is this?". Why is this ketchup spinning at top speed? Look, do you see how fast this is spinning? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] There's a cat!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I've got like a burger disc,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">do you want it, cat?</font> [GRIAN laughs] <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I've got the cat, Grian.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Wait, I'll come feed him.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Eat the bloody burger, cat.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Eat the bloody burger.</font> [GRIAN] I think that's our cue to leave. There's 5000 people playing that game. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh my gosh.</font> [GRIAN] I understand that people are gonna be like "[sighs] Grian," "You're playing all these games wrong." "You're not giving it the time of day". Surely within the first few minutes I should get it. I'm gonna see if I can find the worst looking game. Okay, there's a cart ride around nothing. <font color="#00FF00">[MUSIC]</font> Cart ride around nothing and there's 12000 people playing this game and I hope it's exactly what it says it is. Am I doing this? I think I'm doing this. Oh oh oh oh ooh! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh goodness gracious me.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, let's not let you drive in the future.</font> [GRIAN] I don't understand! I don't know what I did. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Grian, you're rocking the boat. [GRIAN] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Sit down! [GRIAN] I'm trying to sit down!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh you've bloody fallen off again.</font> [GRIAN] Alright, alright, alright. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh for goodness sake!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Who designs these weird games? [GRIAN laughs]</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] No I don't- Oh wait-</font> [GRIAN] I don't understand! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] I hate Roblox.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I just wanna go back to Minecraft.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I don't understand this game!</font> [GRIAN] I have to go absurdly slow. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Nice nice nice. [GRIAN] This is it! We're Robloxing.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Oh there's a bloody obstruction.</font> [GRIAN] Oh there's a cart. [GRIAN] What?! <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Off we go!</font> [GRIAN] I'm having so much fun. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL laughs]</font> [GRIAN] I'm having lots of fun. What events in my life have led to this with a Shrek with a cat on its shoulder driving around. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Is this what Roblox youtubers do?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I don't think it is.</font> [GRIAN] I have no idea. Is this what it is? <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Is this Roblox?</font> [GRIAN] Is this- I've been asking that this entire episode. Is this Roblox? Because I think everything I've experienced is Roblox and yet I'm so confused. Sloowww! Oh that's- No. <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Ah, well we made it pretty far.</font> [GRIAN] I've found the solution, Joel <font color="#00FFFF">[JOEL] Is it the "L" to leave?</font> [GRIAN] It's the "L" button.
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,932,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: stXb-3-kIJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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