Q&A Session on Soul Healing with Katie Souza

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eighty Susan with expected in ministries and we're doing another live webstream I love these times we get to hang out together and talk because you get to chat in stuff like chatting in questions tonight because tonight is a question and answer session meaning if you've been dying to know Oh what do I do about this or why isn't that working now is your chance you can chat in a question and I'll help you through that issue as best as possible okay now while you're getting your little fingers on the typing machine there I just want to mention a couple dates all right we're going to be in Clearwater Florida next week I'm going to do a live interview at Orlando super station with Claude Barros it's gonna be super fun I think that's Thursday night of next week and then I have an event at Legacy Church and I forget what the city is Heidi what's the city Clearwater that's right March 26th at Legacy Church I'm going to do two sessions there so you should come if you live in that area okay and then we're going to Denver Colorado the week of April 7th it's like the 8th 9th and 10th on the meeting and it's gonna be amazing I love Pastor Richardson at my father's house we always have like massive miracles when I hit Denver so if you're in Colorado you should go and even if you're in the surrounding areas you know jump on a plane or get in the car it's gonna be super fun alright and then Camarillo Texas I have a prison event so excited I love doing prisons but while I'm there I'm gonna visit some my favorite people The Osbournes they're doing and it's not Aussie by the way they're doing it's Roddy and his lovely wife and they're doing an amazing conference their masters Aero ministries and I think I'm speaking on April 21st which I believe is a Thursday night and Tony Kemp's is gonna be there too and handy domain like two of my favorite guys they're both miracle workers and every time I've worked with them we've seen major healings in the meeting so you need to go okay all right so we're gonna do question answers tonight now first as we start if you don't know anything about soul healing maybe this is the first time you've seen me or you've just started to discover our ministry you should definitely go on our website suza calm and watch the episodes we have a program called healing your soul real keys to the miraculous and we have like I don't know 50 plus episodes loaded up on our website you should go there and start an episode one in every episode I explained from the very first basic steps of soul healing all the way through to complex stuff how to get rid of Legion how to cause your bones to grow back how to have your early death by sickness and disease be prevented by getting your soul healed and I mean I covered that gambit of questions and connections of the soul and how it causes all kinds of different issues including problems in your relationships and your finances okay and I cover them in these episodes very thoroughly and I do prayer activations in almost every single episode okay so you can pray along after you learn and get healed and this stuff really works okay I've got so many people tell me crazy crazy testimonies about watching the broadcast and getting healed whether while they're doing the prayers this one guy in prison they watch it every Wednesday and the prisoner in so exciting okay and he said that he had been suffering for 11 years with severe edema in his leg okay his left leg was so swollen that when you touched it the whole from your finger would stay in his leg 11 years of that and they had tried everything okay he's praying the prayers in my show one day and suddenly he feels something lift off of him and the next day he wakes up and the leg is completely healed okay another guy he's in prison he's watching this show and he had swollen lips rash on his body okay was completely gross he had been to medical like three times they'd give him all kinds of different medication nothing worked he turns on the TV in his cell one night and sees my show for the very first time praise the prayers one time he breaks the prayers on the show wakes up the next morning his lips are not swollen the rash is completely gone he's totally healed alright so you need to watch the programs okay so we're gonna do some question answers tonight and Amy what's our first question if you feel like you've forgiven someone and then you feel like you've forgiven them and then when you're back around them again you get all riled up again okay so there's two things involved in that if you okay so let me repeat the question what do you do if you forgiven someone and then when you get back around them you feel riled up again in your soul all right that can be a sign first of all that you didn't get totally healed okay now what I mean by that you repent it doesn't that do it well actually healing your soul is two-step process okay we need to apply the blood from the cross because that takes care of the sin the sin of being offended at that person or you know forgiving that person repentance and forgiveness we're forgiving that person for the things they've done to wound you all right but then once you apply the cross then you need to apply the resurrection what I mean by that Jesus didn't just die on the cross he was resurrected from the dead see if Jesus didn't have the resurrection happened he would still be a dead man in a tomb and all the promises and the victories that he won for us would never be able to go in effect but because he is resurrected from the dead it kind of it puts that stamp that seal of approval on his on his sacrifice on the cross saying yeah okay my son you did it and now to show you did it your sacrifice goes into effect now because I'm raising you from death to life so you can defeat death defeat the curse defeats in defeat sickness okay so you need resurrection power what is that well when you're born again resurrection power comes to live inside your spirit man okay the Bible says you know Paul talks about resurrection power he said in Romans 1 I I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power unto salvation okay he's talking about resurrection power there and how that power when we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior comes into us and resurrects us unto our salvation unto eternal life it resurrects our dead spirit man unto our eternal position in God okay our our everlasting life with the Lord in heaven okay so Paul there's talking about this this power that does that well that power has a name it's not just resurrection parts Dunamis and that power comes to live inside of you when you're born again and it just doesn't make you an eternal being that's just one of the things that does the word Dunamis means excellent of soul so you got excellence of soul power in here tankful of it never runs out so let's say you're mad at that person they hurt you they said something to you and you forgive them and you repent for being offended but when you get around them you still feel like and you want to choke them right okay maybe it's because you didn't do Dunamis maybe it's because you after you're repented and forgive you didn't do the second step you didn't go okay I got a tank full of resurrection power here I'm gonna release him to my soul because my sins of being angry at them okay and being hurt by them could have wounded me but now I'm gonna command that resurrection power to to flow out of my spirit into my soul and make me what that word Dunamis means excellent of soul okay so if you haven't done that then that could be the reason why you still feel like inside yourself when you see that person cuz you're still wounded by what happened between you okay you got to get rid of that wound by releasing Dunamis which causes you to be excellent of soul because that wound lives in the son in the soul realm so that's one thing that's happening and another thing that's happening is you just got a baby sit when you get back around somebody that you've been contending with and fighting with sometimes it's hard to break through that pattern so you just got a baby sit your soul and as you're communicating with them slow down try not to react okay be peaceful be full of love and just try to keep calm while your reestablishing the relationship on a new level in a new place okay okay now I hope that helped alright a man so now what else we got a me tons of questions great awesome okay so how long and how often do i do decrease okay decrees are great because job says Jo 22 says when you decree a thing it shall be established okay so when you start decreeing healing for your soul like just go around simple you can do simple decrees like I am excellent of soul say that while you're taking your bath or brushing your teeth I'm Mike from soul rule you know you know do it while you're washing dishes I'm excellent of soul I'm excellent of soul find scriptures that talk about how God heals binds up the brokenhearted and heals their wounds you know talk about you know start making decrees like that so how long should you do it do it until you feel it break do it until you feel it break you know it's like I'll do decrees and if I still don't feel the shift I'll keep on going now it's like I don't want to turn it into a work or get exhausted so I'll go until I feel like okay you know that's enough for now and then I'll maybe pick it up and you know at the end of the day or the next day but just I just try to be consistent sometimes I'll just tell myself okay I'm gonna keep on decreasing stuff over my soul until I feel it break and I'll spend 10 to 15 minutes a day doing it until that happens and so I just keep it up I keep faithful I'll do 10 15 minutes and then okay I stop so I don't get exhausted or I don't get overcome and then the next day I do it again I just keep consistent until finally there's a shift okay now if you haven't if you don't know this go on our website and look up one of our brand new releases we just had a remaster release of a book called soul decrees it's really cool I'm not trying to make you spend money but if you go and get this little book it's not very expensive at all it has these chapters that explain different parts of soul healing and different things that are connected to the soul that are causing me trouble and then at the end of each chapter there's a list of decrees maybe you could get that book and just do one chapter a day and just keep on decree in until you hit it and then you get the breakthrough amen okay what else you got Amy your kind of teachings to people coming from traditional backgrounds what's the best most easiest way that's introduced it approach okay so when you're introducing my teachings to somebody that comes from a more traditional background what's the easiest way to produce it always plow the ground with prayer first you'd be a shock to what will happen if you spend 10 to 15 minutes a day praying for that person who you want to approach for the healing of their soul okay it's like let's say you want to tell your pastor or a leader it's very important for you to prep the ground because you want to honor them you want to show them respect but you know inside yourself that you've heard this great teaching that you really believe can change people's lives but you know it that it that if you go and approach somebody in leadership or or some a family member or something that they might not receive it okay so make make a pact with yourself you know set up a schedule say okay I don't want to go tell my sister about this or my mom and dad or I want to tell my pastor so I so god I'm gonna pray for them for 10 or 15 minutes a day and before I go talk to them and then you do that spend a week doing it okay and just spend like 15 minutes I I like to split it in half I start with the blood repentance of forgiveness for like seven minutes I'll say Lord you know I forgive them of I know that you've forgiven them of all their sins and you're washing them clean of anything in their life that might have wounded their soul and I decree that if they're angry at anyone that you're gonna forgive them for that and you're thinking well can I actually do that do I have the legal right to pray for somebody like that you do because in 2 Timothy 2:26 it says that we should pray for people to receive the free gift of repentance okay so you can pray that for people jesus said I who's ever since that haven't you have that have not been wrong who's ever since I say that have you have not remitted will not be forgiven who's ever that you have forgiven will be forgiven okay so he's given us the right to pray for people's sins so spend seven minutes doing that because it's sin that wounded their soul and those wounds are gonna block them from hearing the word that you want to speak the news you want to speak about the soul healing then it's been the last seven minutes saying you know what they're full of Dunamis every wound in them that came from any sin that they were born with or any sin they committed is being healed right now by resurrection power I command it to flow into their soul into the deepest darkest places of their inner man and totally heal them of every wound just spend that time praying for them every single day and then you'll know when to stop cuz you'll feel the release or God will give you a scripture to say you know go forward leap over the wall and you know speak the word preach the nation preach to the nation's he'll give you a scripture to confirm you got it and go forward I just got a email from a woman whose son hadn't talked her for seven years and he would go visit the family like right down the street aunts uncles cousins and then not make it enough time to come over and see her and she would hear about it neighbor coho saw your son today uh you know not realizing that it was just totally breaking her heart to hear that he was going and visiting everyone else from her and everyone else but her and so one day after hearing like the fifteenth phone call about this I'm feeling so so broken about it she said you know what I'm gonna pray for my soul but I'm gonna pray for my son's soul so she prayed for her own soul first and she felt like peace and joy and confidence and love just flow into her soul because she got the wounded area that had come from their broken relationship and then she prayed for her son's soul and you know what within an hour he called her and then he came over and then they hugged and cried and talked and laughed and it happened after she did it one time praying like spending just a little time putting the blood on the sins in his soul and Dunamis power to make him excellent of soul and they've been totally reconciled together okay that's the power you can pray long-distance for people like that knit we're really really work so I suggest that's how you get prepared to tell them amen okay what else we have Amy yeah yeah yeah a lot of people I guess are saying online right now that you know how do you pray for somebody else that's how you do it that's how you do it just commit commit how much do you love that person how much do you want them to have their breakthrough commit to 15 minutes a day until you see it okay seven minutes on the blood look up let's scriptures just start quoting them over them that their sins are forgiven and washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus and then look up scriptures about the light of God the glory of God cuz that's all Dunamis power about Dunamis power and quote those over the person get our decree book and make those decrees but put their name into it okay and you think oh this seems so stupid I'm just talking to myself in my room no Jesus did long distance healing all the time and in fact when that one Centurion came to him and said oh you don't need to come to my my house to heal my servant just say the word and he'll be healed Jesus was so impressed that he believed in long distance healing that he said Wow never have I seen such faith in Israel be it done unto you as you have believed so it really impresses Jesus when you believe that you can pray for somebody long distance and they'll be healed okay I mean that's when he says wow never have I seen such faith in Israel I prayed for many many people long distance I can't say names but I pray for some people that are very in high influential places of ministry and Christian television and they have gotten amazing amazing miracles and breakthroughs and even though they were across the world on the other side of the planet okay I have high faith for long distance healing and you can too just start cultivating your belief for it and and exercising your faith to do it you will see results I guarantee it okay Amen Amy what else do we have you know for me the eyes are the windows to the soul right you've heard that saying before right the eyes are the windows to the soul so when you're cleansed in your soul of the woundedness in your soul your eyes will open now just in the natural but in the spiritual realm - I can remember once when I was really going for getting more of my seer anointing and I just wanted to see more open eyed visions get more you know encounters with the Lord I was already having a lot of dreams and things like that and so it was really pressing in for it and the Lord said you got to open the gate to your eye and I'm like okay I already do that what does that mean and he said well start putting the blood on your gates because thin has closed the gates to slam shut and I was like okay that makes sense because you know when the Israelites were in Egypt and the Death Angel passed over they slathered the doorways with blood right so any sin that they had in that household was covered with the blood so that the enemy the Death Angel would have to pass by so a lot of times we see you know like Jesus it even says he was crucified outside the gate why would it say that outside the gate because it's trying to show us that that Jesus went outside the gate so that his blood could be shed on any gate even from the outside even if it's locked from the inside and he would still be able to get in that gate his blood is shed on our gates including like our ear gate or mouth Gate or eye gate and when we do that it opens up those areas for us to hear the Lord better to see in the spirit better so I was like I would be slathering my eyes with the blood to open up that gate so I could see and then I would be commanding like I you know some 24 says lift up your heads over your ancient gates be lifted up so the King of glory can come in will I be commanding my ancient gates to be lifted up so the King of glory could come in so I could see the Lord see his revelation see is his impo his his will for my life and I would I was going through an exercise of doing that and then God gave me a vision one day I was on an airplane actually and he showed me I was like Nehemiah and I was on this big beast and I was riding remember Neum I said he was on this beast and he was riding through to inspect the walls and the gates of Jerusalem because the gates have been burned down because of the Israelites going into captivity and he was inspecting him and he came to a gate called the fountain gate and it said he couldn't get in the fountain gate because his beast was too big so in the stream I'm doing this same thing and all of a sudden in order to be able to get in the fountain gate I killed the Beast you know standing on top of this beast like with all Victor's Laurel around my head going yes I killed the Beast and when I came out of this vision I was like oh my gosh God what does that mean it's crazy he said look up that word fountain gate in Nia in the story of Nehemiah so I did you know what the word fountain gate means it means the eye the eye gate the eye gate and I was riding around on some sort of Beast that was blocking me and said the Beast was too big and couldn't get in the found gate so I killed it and I could get into that place so by slathered in the gates of your eyes of the blood and then commanding that Dunamis to go into that area of your being you'll start seeing in the spirit better the fountain gate which is the eye gate will open up I hope that was a too complex for anybody if you understood everybody right yay and if you didn't say boo however getting hazed and boos okay all right so all right so let's go to the next question oh yeah definitely and okay the question is do I feel you have to sever ungodly soul ties of course because when you are tied in your soul to another person you think like them you respond like them you pick up negative characteristics that they had your still affected by traumas and things that both of you went through together it's still in your soul controlling you affecting the way you think affecting the words that you say and the decisions that you make so you definitely need to sever soul ties and the answer is how you do it is just what I've been preaching the blood and Dunamis power you start with the blood you repent for that ungodly soul tie you repent for anything you did against that person you repent for any unholy activity that you committed with that person and then you forgive you forgive that person of anything they said to you anything any actions they took against you any things they did to you can you start with the blood and then once you spend some time in the blood then you just decree it now I'm gonna command my soul be filled with Dunamis so I can be what Dunamis means excellent of soul when you're X on the soul that ungodly soul tie has to go amen it has to go you break it like that with the blood and with Dunamis power I remember my husband and I when we first got married I started having dreams about every boyfriend I'd be with that I had been with in my life which was a lot okay so I would have these dreams about these guys and they were creepy guys I'm sorry I'm just telling you the truth and then but in the dream I'd be like oh I just love you so much I was like I wake up I got up I don't even love them so much I hate their gods and I'd be like why am I having this dream about these horrible people well you know in the Bible there was a guy named Shechem who raped Jacobs daughter Diana and then it said that Shechem soul clung to Diana even though he raped her and he was evil towards her his soul was clinging to her and that would be like how be in my dreams I'd be clean do these creepy guys go I just love you so much right and so that's what happens your soul is still clinging to people that weren't nice to you and you weren't nice to them and you gotta get rid of that stuff okay and so I got rid of all of them systematically every time I dream about one I would apply the blood and apply the Dunamis and then I'd stop dreaming about them and then after I got rid of all mine the Lord told me prophesied your husband that he's now gonna break get rid of every tie he has to every woman he's ever been with so one Hittite he told him you know what all the women you've been with that are still trapped in your soul they're coming out now and he goes what what are you talking about and I'm like you'll see so he makes it the next morning and he sheepishly looks at me he goes you're not gonna believe this I said what he was last night I had a dream about one of my exes I said see I told you those women are coming out of there name of Jesus hey so that's how you get rid of them people's you kick them to the curb poof with the blood and Dunamis amen all right next question Amy can't even read the question now I'm starting to sweat this is so funny oh my gosh okay let's hear it a lot of people are having questions about specific health issues okay how to get rid of them alright let's talk about it okay okay whoa slow down there homey oh they're all weight stuff but except the author itis let's talk about the bone stuff in the author itis first okay there's a scripture in Joe but I think it's job 33 it says one man dies with Mel marrow and moistening in his veins wait I'm sorry one man dies with marylin moistening his bones while another man dies in bitterness of soul okay so saying one guy's gonna die you know it's actually I want to read in the amplified but my phone's not working because I turn it off but it actually talks about milk and his pails and his veins and marrow and moistening in his bones so it's saying that there's a one type of person is going to die with their bones full of marrow and moist meaning they don't have arthritis or any other type inflammation cartilage discs bone disorders okay because they're gonna die with marrow and moistening in their bones okay they're gonna die in their full strength they're gonna die when they go they're gonna be healthy running around playing with their grandkids and then one day they're just gonna lay down and go to sleep and be in glory okay but they're gonna be healthy until that day gonna die with marrow and moistening in their bones but the other man dies in bitterness of soul okay meaning there was bitterness there was anger that was offense there was judgment in the soul and it wounded the soul so bad that they died of that that it caused diseases that were opposite of their bones being full of marrow and moistening so if you have bone issues cartilage issues any type of skeletal problems or pain a lot of times it's because you've got woundedness in the soul bitterness of soul offense in your soul anger in the soul okay so definitely just take the two steps that we've been talking about and you're gonna have marrow and moistening in your bones instead okay now as far as weight issues it's okay as is the first weight issues you know all that stuff the thyroid you know the colon diseases they the cholesterol things like that many many times those can be helped and treated with organic foods non-gmo gluten-free stuff I recommend eating like that to every single person in fact I have a new book coming out and I have a chapter on that but a lot of it's also connected to your soul the word appetite in the Bible doesn't just mean you know you're hungry and want to eat the word appetite in the Bible means these words you're ready the soul why would the word appetite mean the soul because a lot of times your appetite thus all the things that are connected to it like diseases and disorders in the colon and the stomach and the weight gain and and and problems like that are being driven by the wounds in your soul that are making you hungry that's why the word what appetite means a soul because our appetites sometimes calm from wounded areas you know what I'm talking about you've had those moments when you're just like having a really bad day so what do you do before the bag of Doritos and the Caribbean dip that was my favorite okay I mean I had major food problems but I was eating like even when I was definitely not hungry I wasn't hungry physically my soul needed comfort my soul was hungry okay I had pain inside my inner man and I was using food to medicate it and then what happens is the Bible says you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so let's say you have a soul wound in you that's driving your appetite to eat and everything else well that same wound can be causing you to have sicknesses in your body that are connected to food issues you know like the colon problems and the thyroid problems and the weight gain problems and things like that because you will prosper and be in health be in health even as your soul prospers when you get prospered in the Soul realm your physical health will follow and because the word appetite means the soul these food issues are a lot of times coming from our soul and they're causing the food related sicknesses and obesity's and other problems that we're facing in the food room I'm telling you what I I have had a battle with food and I won the battle I've won the battle okay I have lost weight supernaturally I've never lost weight by dieting and exercise it would never come off it just doesn't work okay every time I lost weight I lost weight supernaturally like overnight I lost 10 pounds one time another time I lost six pounds in a one-minute prayer another time I lost another six pounds in like a three-hour prayer I mean this is more than just I want to eat food this is your soul is hungry and that same moon that's driving that hunger is also making your body physically sick apply the blood and apply Dunamis and get our teaching soul food there's a lot of activations on that I talk about stuff that gets passed down to you that you were born with that's causing obesity or issues with you unable to lose weight you could have a you could have inherited it but it's in the soul realm amen okay fine and watch up it's a four-part divisions in definitely get a breakthrough by watching those episodes episode 68 and on for four episodes about food and the issues coming from the soul okay Jesus amen it's a you know autoimmune disorder I think that it is a combination I believe listen to me I believe most disorders are either from the soul I'm just gonna blanket answer the list of diseases that are being put on our site right now and it's a long list I believe it's a combination of two things one it's the soul you will prosper and be in health even as a soul prospers when it says being health it doesn't say just being health in your you know your liver or your kidney or your heart it's being held that's everything that's every part of you saying every part of you can be in health even as your soul prospers so I think that you nephew definitely need to go after soul healing and you definitely need to change the way you're eating I'm just be honest with you everybody okay this is okay I'm gonna give you the 20 punch I just recovered from my third round of cancer okay my first two times I had cancer I was supernaturally healed both times the first time over overnight and the second time in a three-hour prayer okay healed of cancer I had breast cancer with an indentation in my breast and after I pulled a spirit off of my breast the indentation grew back in three days I was healed okay it took me a minute to pull it off and in three days for it to grow back so the first two times I dealt with cancer I was supernaturally healed well the third time was my hardest time okay it took prayer but it also took changing my diet all right I the doctor said you're gonna die I had a cyst that burst spread the cancer throughout my system okay and they said you're gonna die if you don't do chemo and if you don't do radiation and my husband and I had researched it and we came into agreement together that we would never do chemo because there were other things that were just as powerful and better for you then killing every cell in your body by irradiating it or poisoning it with mustard gas which is what chemo chemo is okay so we prayed and we took steps in the natural took steps the natural I don't eat any gluten now I don't need any GMO foods I don't eat organic foods okay and I I don't eat any sugar at all not even honey because honey has fructose and glucose which feeds cancer it actually causes cancer cells to multiply I've changed my way of eating you need to change your way if you get your soul healed and you completely change what you're putting in your body you're gonna see those diseases just start falling away and you won't need all those medications which are causing more side effects to create even more disease in you amen okay amen yes Amy what else you got yeah what can you do here cut better you know when I can't hear God when I'm stuck like Chuck you know what I do I worship and I worship and I worship and I worship until I clear out the demonic resistance I break through the membrane and I clear the atmosphere and then boom I start getting revelation I start seeing visions I start seeing dreams whenever I'm stuck I there is one tool that will never fail you and that is worship on a consistent basis okay even if you don't have you think oh I am so busy I can't you know set aside hours and hours worth of time to worship because I used to do that I wish to worship up to eight hours a day and man could I hear God so clear and revelations so clear but then as I grew in ministry it's like wow I have all these admin duties to do and all these things to do how can I do this God and still hear you how can I fit in all my responsibilities and still get in my worship why make it happen I make it happen okay I will sometimes if I have no time at all I'll make myself stop for five minutes every single hour in just a hardcore worship for five minutes and then go back to work and then the next hour okay five minutes and I'll just worship for five minutes and I'll do that all day long sometimes if I have other time I'll be like 15 minutes every couple of hours you know and I just make myself put aside that time until I get the breakthrough okay worship is going to make you hear God better just get in his presence and be consistent about it okay what else you got Amy nope nope nope the gates are they just the eye ear and mouth okay check this out here we go when the Spirit of Lord comes in you it fills up your spirit man okay now remember the Bible says that Jesus ripped the veil between the holy place and the most holy place right he ripped the veil when he was on the cross rips a veil and he rips the veil between the holy place in the most holy place you know that was in the temple you know we're the temple right that's what the Bible says we're the temple and we have a holy place in a most holy place our most holy places where the spirit man lives that's where that Dunamis came in and totally filled you up then them then the holy place is the soul realm and then the outer court that's your physical body well Jesus when you get born again he comes into the most holy place fills that most holy place up with Dunamis rips a veil and so that power can come out of the most holy place your spirit man and go into the holy place which is your soul it even says that in Hebrews it says that Jesus ripped through the veil and this is the anchor the hope for our soul yeah see you ripped the veil and that becomes the hope for your soul so right now Dunamis power that's in your spirit man can flow into your soul but your soul then it stops in there it gets stuck because your soul man has gates gates to the mind gates to the intellect gates that lead to your thoughts to subconscious in your conscious mind your gates to your will gates to your emotions it's like how do you know that where does it say that in the Bible that there was gates to our mind look at the word gates in the Bible it actually means this the mind the reasoning see the word gate actually means the mind it actually means reasoning okay so there is gates in your soul that lead to your mind to reasoning to your intellect to your imagination and if sin has happened at the gate it sucks that gate down and then that Dunamis power inside you can't get there to heal that area of you let's say you use your imagination to picture you know horrible things violent acts or sexual perversions well then that gate your imagination could slam shut and now you want it healed because you're getting these tormenting thoughts of pornography in your mind or violent images in your mind and you want that gate to be healed you want what's behind that gate to be healed so what do you do you repent for using your imagination to sin for perversions for lusts for violence and you put the blood on that gate till it opens and then that Dunas part then you command that Dunas power okay now the gates open dude events flow into that gate cause me to be excellent a soul in my imagination cleanse my imagination and you can do that for every single gate in your body you need to get my teaching that I have coming out called opening the ancient soul gates I'm actually working on a soak with it right now or get in the mist traveling through space and time and disc four of that is one of the most powerful soakers I have I mean I listen to it and I get healed but it goes systematically through every single gate and I lead you through every single gay decree in the blood over that gay and the Dunamis power of that gate and you you know step by step open up each one of those gates and think about it so the power is here it goes out your spirit man into your soul through every gate in your soul and then it goes out your soul into your physical body and starts healing only illnesses and your body then it goes out your body onto other people and heals out their people so you got to get those gates open to the flow cuz you think about it you feel the resurrection power your spirit man how come you're getting old how come you're getting sick because that power can't get to every part of your being cuz there's gates that are shut and blocking the flow amen okay what do else to guard a me oh yes does a need for soul healing affect your finances you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers man you know okay I oh my gosh this is major people wonder why they're not prospering they're tithing they're doing stuff that they everything the Bible says they're doing but they're not getting sold their souls healed you will prosper and be in health even as your soul is prospered see you got wounded areas in your mind your will your emotions that are controlling the way you handle your money they're controlling your thoughts so will you think about money they're controlling your will the choices you make about money they're controlling your emotions your getting emotional about money doing emotional spending and frivolous spending or overspending bad stewardship and God's not gonna give you huh hello that's not gonna give you a big ol blessing oh I'm believing for the million dollars I'm believing for the big blessing you're not gonna get it until your souls healed you know why because God is not gonna give it to you until he can trust you till he can trust you anything I like Here I am I was a big old criminal okay I have sinned so much with money I mean I robbed people I held people at gunpoint I took things from people i strong-armed people I kicked people's doors in and collected money from them that they owed on drug debts I mean that's a lot of sin and all that sin wounded me okay so I had wounds all over my being that were connected to money all right but I got them all healed and now this is a B honestly this is a multi-million dollar ministry why would God allow people to give us millions of dollars because we can be trusted I'm just being real I'm not saying that we'll never make a mistake but we're gonna do everything we can not to make a mistake and we've joined you know all the different people at the ECF a and everything else that we need to be you know accountable for officially accountable to the IRS for but the reason why all that's happened is because our souls have been healed and so we're making good solid Integris decisions with our money so God trusts us and he enables us to be blessed even more you gotta get your soul healed okay that's what's gonna bring that financial increase what else you got Amy okay and how much time do we have just so I know okay probably you're having a lot of suicides in your community do you have a spirit of death in the community Pete yes probably but that spirit is attached to a soul wound it will not have the right to hurt people to drive them to want to kill themselves unless they have something in their soul that's giving that spirit the right example the woman bowed over with the spirit of infirmity remember her 18 years she's bad or with a spirit of infirmity Jesus comes in lose sirup loses her okay so she was being attacked by a spirit a spirit of infirmity what enabled that spirit to bend her spine well that word infirmity means weakness and infirmity of the body and of the soul check my work it's in Strong's Strong's Concordance that word infirmity means weakness of the body and of the soul so she had a weakness and affirming in her soul that allowed a spirit to attack her many of the people in your community are being driven by a spirit to kill themselves and it's because they have wounded areas in their inner man maybe they were abused as children maybe they're being bullied or abused or heckled or her embarrassed or humiliated in their school maybe they've lost their jobs and they see no future no way to take care of their family no way to to handle any of their expenses no way to continue life no reason to continue life it's because the things they've lived through the things that have happened to them and maybe even the things they've done to themselves with drug addiction or whatever other sins have wounded their soul and then that spirit who's over that region that spirit of death comes in sees that opening in the soul realm takes advantage of it as a legal right to drive people to kill themselves you need to start corporately praying for everyone in your region for their souls to be healed do the two steps just corporately repent for everyone's sins that have wounded their soul decree they are forgiven then release Dunamis on them so that they can become exon soul you can do it you can do it I bet you if you take this project on because obviously this is on your heart because you've asked this question I bet you've you've spent 15 20 minutes a day you would see those numbers of suicides dramatically drop in your region dramatically drop you know I commissioned you to do this I commissioned you to take on this assignment and you're gonna see miracles happen and I just released the Lord of the inside of the Lord to guide you through this as you began to pray for yours other room past okay so uh a woman is right and hmm and she has her husband did that trauma over your soul have you ever have you ever had that they used to have this little game where you looked at a picture and you looked at it for 30 seconds then you close your eyes and as you close your eyes inside your eyes it form the face of Jesus it's because when you look at something for long enough it burns an image of that thing in your soul you know you can do it right now you can look at a light right now you know one of the lights in your room and then close your eyes and as you wait you'll see that light in your eyes because that has it has burned up that image in your soul you've had that image of this horrible trauma burning your soul and I want to help you break close your eyes and receive the prayer right now Father in the name of Jesus we know how much you love Sharon and she has been through probably one of the most devastating events in her life and now the picture of discovering her husband and seeing him at that moment his burned into her soul and she can't shake that image and it's tormenting her Lord and I know that you want her to remember all the good things that they've shared together all the happy moments all the joyful moments all the wonderful memories that they made together and not this picture so Lord in the name of Jesus I ask that you would come with Dunamis power and penetrate into Sharon's soul into that place where she is hurting so bad and heal her of that trauma right now caused her to become X on a soul Lord take away that pain she'll still grieve but take away the pain in the grieving Lord take away that trauma Lord that horror Lord that picture that's replaying over and over her mind erase it right now by the power of Dunamis and caused her to be excellent in her mind cause her memory to be excellent cause her emotions to be excellent cost completely healed right now you're loved by your goodbye your Dunamis power I'll break off the trauma and decree complete healing peace and joy right now in the Holy Ghost in Jesus name a in our office and tell her your progress I would really really appreciate that I walk you through that and I believe God is visiting amen you one more question just try to see yes there's just so many so weary and fear from soul wounds it's a are weary are worried and fear from Solon's yeah a lot of times yes it's a spirit that is gaining access and causing the fear and the anxiety to come because there's a legal right in the soul of a place you've been wounded and then it's a matter so so you want to go after soul healing and specifically ask God whatever that wound is you probably won't even ever know whatever that wound is that's allowing that spirit to attack me I put blood and Dunamis on it and just keep going on that in worship during your worship time your private time until you feel it start to break in and make sure after you spend time you know commanding those wounds whatever they are to be full of blood and Dunamis that you command that spirit to leave because if you don't it'll hang around as long as it can until you actually pick up your dominion command to leave and then it's a matter of resisting thoughts because the enemy is still gonna try to come and see if you'll take the bait he's gonna try to put those worried thoughts and those anxious thoughts in your mind those fearful thoughts and see if you'll like take the bait if you'll swallow it and keep on thinking about it oh my gosh what if that happens oh no that would be terrible what would I do then you know it's like you'll start you'll accept that thought he's planting and then you start chewing on it rotating on it and thinking about it over and over again when those thoughts come because it won't he wants to see if he can still be there it's called the familiar spirit because he's familiar with you thinking those thoughts that you resist them you say oh wait a minute stop my thought I'm not fearful anymore I'm not worried anymore and you'd be vicious about it oh no it's not my thought and then it'll come again in 30 seconds I said that's not my thought I'm not worried and I'm not fearful then it'll come a minute later oh I said get away that's not my thought I'm not worried and I'm not fearful and then a half an hour it'll try to come back and then a day it'll try to come back and it'll get less and less the more you can tit and consistently resist it resist the devil and he will flee amen okay and then it just suddenly stops and now you can't ascend what should you do if you uh heaven is sending multiple times and gotten major breakthroughs and then it stops you know if you're stuck worship I can't tell that's the answer to so many questions worship you just keep on worshipping and you keep on working and keep on worshipping and you will get the breakthrough and when you lay in bed at night just say I'm stepping through that veil because I am already a citizen of heaven I'm already seated in Heaven's you know seated next to Christ in the heavenly realms okay you just worship and then use your faith in your decrees and then we'll come back it will it might take a while sometimes we go through these dry periods but if you just keep up the worship you will get the breakthrough worship you know I there's like praise and okay what's the difference the question is I'm sorry what's the difference between worship and soaking okay well you know there's a difference between praise worship soaking dancing you know praise is more like you're up and you're really getting into it and you're singing you're releasing your voice you know you're releasing your praises hi exaltations you know and things like that that's praise whereas worship is more like adoration and love of God and and just pouring out your your heart to him and magnifying him and you know releasing the names of who he is you're awesome you're great you're the mighty god you're my shelter in times of trouble a shade in the in the in the in the heat a shelter in the storm your magnificent your glorious you know that's more like worship or you're just pouring out your adoration to god and then soaking is more like laying in the presence and sometimes like keeping your focus on maybe the scriptures you're soaking too and then other times just as you're you know maybe you've kept your focus on the scriptures and then you feel the weight of the glory and you just let yourself lay maybe even sleep or nap in the presence and then God does some really deep in those times too so there's a lot of difference and I think that kind of gives you a little bit more clarity on that okay go ahead Amy what else do you have oh okay discernment and when you're picking up and you're discerning things in the atmospheres or times it isn't connected your soul sure there's times when it's connected to something that's going on in the room or something that's going on with another person and sometimes it's it's you're picking up a demonic attack that's coming against you that's probably there because you have a area in your soul that's giving it the legal right to be there so it's a matter of practice it's a matter of just continually going through those types of encounters and starting to you know sense the subtle differences between when you're being assaulted you know and how does that feel what does it look like what are you sensing or when someone else is being assaulted and what's the difference and how that comes to you everybody you know I can't tell you specifically because everyone is different in the way they discern you know or maybe you're getting a feeling of what's going on in the overall atmosphere just ask God to heighten your awareness of the subtle differences because they will be subtle you know I know when I'm fighting up against something that's on somebody because I'll feel like if it's a spirit of infirmity I'll feel the infirmity I'll feel akina's I'll feel sickness coming off of them and then if it's for me like I usually get hit in like my neck or my back and I'll feel pain in those areas and I'll be like okay there's there's an assault coming against me because I can feel pain in those areas and then if there if it's in an atmosphere then I usually get like an over a whole region or in a church God will usually give me a vision or dream now I'm not saying that's exactly how it's gonna happen for you because everyone's different but it's process you walk through the process and you experience different situations and as you do you'll cultivate your ability to recognize what the differences are amen what else we got Amy okay let's see okay we only have a few minutes left so I'm just going to pray through some of these so just quietly just you know close your eyes and receive father there's so many people on line tonight and they all need you and the thing is is you love them so you want to help them there's no ifs ands or buts about it there's no sin that can get in the way of you helping them there's no demon that can stop you from helping them there's no situation that would make you not want to help them your love is so intense as you sent your only Son for every person that's watching so your desire is for them to walk in complete wholeness for them to prosper and be in health even as their soul prospers so we start right there God if there has been anything that the enemy has used against them to cause sickness and disease any sin either in their own lifetime or in their family line we put the blood on it right now we put the blood on it right now we're just sitting there listening to produce receive that just say I just receive the blood I received the power of the Cross right now just pray with me in my soul as the blood cleanses me of every sin that the enemy is using to attack me right now I'll receive just keep on praying with me just say I receive the power of the blood I am completely forgiven I am washed of every sin that Satan is using to assault me I am washed of every sin that has opened the door for my soul to being wounded in G this name okay keep praying with me and say and I forgive I forgive anyone and everyone of anything they've done against me every word they've spoken every action they've taken everything they've done to wound me I put under the blood right now I forgive family spouses children parents grandparents friends bosses pastors leaders and even strangers I forgive them all right now in the name of Jesus keep praying with me I put every sin that's wounded my soul under the power of the blood okay now put your hand on your belly keep praying with me and say now I slather my gates with the blood and command them to be lifted up every gate in my mind my will and my emotions be slathered with the blood and open now open now be lifted up so the king of glory can come in and I command keep praying with me and I command that as my gates open Dunamis power is flowing into every gate to make me excellent a soul the gates of my mind are being filled with Dunamis the gates of my imagination are being filled with Dunamis the gates to my subconscious mind are being filled with Dunamis the gates to my intellect are being filled with Dunamis the gates to my conscious mind are being filled with Dunamis the gates to my will are being filled with doing the gates to my emotions are being filled with Dunamis just make this decree over yourself I am excellent of soul say it again I am excellent of soul say it again I am excellent of soul come on two more times stay with me I am excellent of soul one more time I am excellent of soul in Jesus name in Jesus name okay we love you guys I have to go our time is up we'll see you soon on our next webcast bye you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 15,982
Rating: 4.9324327 out of 5
Keywords: soul, healing, questions, answers, live, free, souza, katie, livestream
Id: gzCjYQFbAd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2016
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