Livestream Crossing into your Promised Land

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hey everybody its Katie Souza and welcome to our web stream for this month we have a cool cool message tonight and I really think that you're going to get a breakthrough and you're going to get helped all right before we get into the message though I just want to quickly tell you a couple of the upcoming events we have April 21st which is next week actually I'm going to be in Amarillo at the come and see gathering Tony Kemp is going to be there and Randy domain two of my most favorite people okay Tony camp never does a meeting without working miracles he is just a walking miracle worker so you can expect to have miracles happen if you come to the event and Randy domain is the most humbling ever and he's just filled with power and he's also a miracle worker so it's going to be like a triple hitter between us and Rodney Osborne who is the host of the meeting he's going to be speaking to okay now may 12th and 14th is women on the front line okay in New York with Joan hunter and an array of amazing gifted women I'm one of them I'm so honored to be a part of women on the front line so I'll be speaking Friday morning and Friday night in New York you should come it's going to be super exciting okay and then May 26 and 29 it's Arizona women on the front line okay Wow they have so many people like Heidi Baker and Stacey Campbell and calories fluent and Patricia King and myself and boy I could just make the list go on and on I mean there's some heavy hitters in the wof el Arizona women on the front line okay so you definitely can't miss that definitely go it's going to be packed with teaching revelation healing miracles signs and wonders revival is going to be there amen so you should come to those events because they're going to be amazing amazing amazing okay tonight we're going to talk about how this year 2016 is the year that you should cross over in your promised land and collect your inheritance okay I mean numerous very notable very reliable profits have been speaking this word that revival is here now breakthrough is happening walls that have been in front of you for years decades even are coming down you're going to see sicknesses and diseases that you have not been able to break off totally healed totally delivered you're going to see increase in prosperity revelation visitation from the Lord this is an exciting year 2016 you know everybody's afraid oh the economy is doing this it doesn't look good you know the politics are crazy terrorism and we're being terrorized people are being killed it's it's like if you watch the news it's a horrible word and it could just install fear inside of you and doubt that the word that I'm saying and numerous people are saying is actually going to come to pass but we're not of this world we're not of this world we're citizens of heaven we're citizens of heaven we're seated in heavenly realms with Christ and we don't have to be under the oppression the depression the anxiety the fear of the world okay or of the financial lack that the world is suffering okay we have an economy that is rooted in heaven which has endless supply of everything we need not only to live our lives abundantly but for the kingdom to manifest through us or our ministries through our churches in our neighborhoods in our regions and in the world around us okay so this year is going to be exciting year and I believe that many of you are going to cross over into your promised land and collect your inheritance okay now I've heard this word preached before about you know crossing over into your promised land and I've listened to many people preach this word and then never seen it come to pass and I remember feeling very irritated about that I'm like okay I know the story in Joshua 3 is true it's real okay that millions of people the Israelites had been in the desert for 40 years and finally they reached that moment where they got to cross over the Jordan into their inheritance and collect it now yes they had battles when they went in but they won those battles the only time they didn't totally mash the enemy and win every battle was when someone within their own camp stole things that God had said to set aside as sacred for him okay but otherwise besides that one event with akin they want every one of their battles okay so there was a fight there was warfare in the promised land but they won and they got to collect our arrogance and live in the land flowing with milk and honey I mean houses that they didn't have to build wells they didn't have to dig vineyards they didn't have to plant they collected their inheritance so this is a real story in the Bible and the Bible is our example for us what God is going to do and is doing in our lives so how come when you hear people preaching oh you're gonna cross over in your promised land it doesn't happen for you I believe according to what I see in scripture it's because if we're not able to collect our inheritance it's because we don't have enough soul healing yet what does the Bible say that you will prosper that's prosperity and finances prosperity in your marriage prosperity in your business frustrating your church you will prosper and be in health that's physical healing even as your soul prospers okay to me that's the promised land prospering in every area of your life your relationships your business your jobs your your ministry and prospering in your health prospering in your money in your health and every other aspect of your existence that is living in the promised land okay so when you get prosperity of soul you step into the land flowing with milk and honey now is that what happened is there other examples of a happening in scripture yes there are it's in the story of Joshua 3 where the people finally after being in the desert are you tired of being in the desert yet finally those people got to cross over into their inheritance and collect their land that God had allotted for them now when you look at that story it's an amazing story it's like one of the biggest miracles in the Bible right there with the Red Sea God comes you know the people are there they're marching with the arc and the arc marches out with the you know the Israelite leadership the Levites carrying it and the Jordan they have to cross the Jordan to get in the Promised Land it's running at full flood stage because that's what time of the year it was and they have to get over the Jordan a million people and all their belongings and God does a a wonder he does a wonder okay when the Ark is brought into the River Jordan the river stops flowing and the people get to cross over in dry land this is really cool it's a huge miracle in the natural we see it it's like wow this is like the Red Sea parting to escape the Egyptians okay but there was more going on in this story than meets the eye okay when they crossed over this is what Joshua said I want you to listen to this statement he made okay this is verse 5 of Joshua 3 says this and Josh was said to the people sanctify ourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you ok so what does that mean he will do a wonder among you well I just described the obvious wonder that he did he stopped the flow of the Jordan so the people could cross over into the into their inheritance but there's a lot more going on in that one single sentence okay the word right there among you he will do wonders among you let me read what it means according to Strong's Concordance okay that word among you means the inward parts the heart the mind the seat of thoughts and desires nothing about that what's the mind it's part of your soul isn't it what's your heart the word heart means the soul doesn't it okay where is the seat of your thoughts and your desires those are also in your soul man aren't they those are all a part of your soul and there Josh was saying God's gonna do a wonder among you not just around you how you being able to see the Jordan stopped flowing so that they could cross over but he's gonna to a wonder among you inside you inside your thoughts inside your mind inside your desires in other words God was gonna do some soul healing he was gonna do some soul healing you're like what what God is going to steal the people's souls when they crossed over the Jordan are you crazy Kate no I'm not think about it what went before them as they're crossing the Jordan the ark the ark went before them now what's the Ark represent it represents Jesus it represents Jesus the wooden parts of the Ark represents his human being his human nature he came here as man the Bible says a man he shed his divinity temporarily to come here as man a man without sin now the ark the wooden parts of the box of the Ark were overlaid with gold that represents his divinity he is the son of God the only living son of God and that gold represented the parts of him that were divine amen now think about what else was on the ark on the top of it was the mercy seat right that's where the priests would come into the temple into the most holy place and they'd sprinkle the blood on top of the mercy seat - to atone for the sins of Israel that's where the high priest would do every year on the day of atonement well think about it who is the high priest it's Jesus and what does he do he sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat when he died on the cross see the Ark is Jesus amen and think about what's inside the art well part of it is is the mana is inside the art what does the mana represent the Living Word he said I am The Living bread that came from heaven Jesus is the word okay he is the word of God and the ark contained the mana which was the bread he's the Living bread that came down from heaven okay also in the ark was the budding almond rod that belonged to Aaron the high priest remember everybody had a fight about who is going to be high priest so God said go bring a cut-off of a branch from a nama tree bring it before the ark and lay it there and who's ever buds or comes back to life because when you chop off a branch from a tree it dies who's ever comes back to life is High Priest while Aaron's rod butted it not only made flowers but it made almonds and everything else and everybody's but didn't his his dead almond stick got resurrected he's the high priest and his Omron got resurrected back to life well Jesus is a high priest and he got resurrected back to life from death when he was crucified on the cross he so see that everything in the ark and about the Ark is Jesus it's Jesus and it said the Ark went ahead of the people it passed over in front of them when they cross the Jordan okay now think about that there's the Ark it's got the blood from the mercy seat what's the first thing that heals your soul when your soul is wounded your soul gets wounded by sin and by by trauma by people sinning against you by you sinning by you living through a trauma well that blood takes care of that the blood takes care that's was Jesus the Ark is crossing over the Jordan right the blood is being released because Joshua said that God was going to do wonders among them the word among means the mind the desires thoughts okay he was doing wonders in their soul okay and the blood was being released as the ark crossed in front of them and it was healing oh my gosh the sins that it wounded their soul hear what I'm saying and as the ark is going across okay remember that almond rod the high priests almond rod that came back to life was resurrected back to life it's in there too so it's the Ark with which is Jesus it's crossing me for the people what's being released resurrection power so the Bloods being released to take care of the sin but resurrection powers been released - what does that do well in Romans 1 Paul talks about the power of the gospel and he's not ashamed of the power of the gospel for the power that leads us unto salvation that were powers Dunamis its resurrection power that causes us to be saved comes in resurrects our dead spirit man under eternal life will that resurrection power which was in the ark that day has the name is Dunamis and it means excellence of soul so it's the ark is passing before the people that days are crossing over resurrection Dunamis power is making the people excellent of soul it's healing them that's why Joshua said hope God's gonna do some wonders among you tomorrow when you cross over wonders were happening not just around them with Jordan stopping and backing up but wonders among them inside of them in their mind where they were thinking wrong thoughts in their desires and in their emotions whether desiring wrong things feeling wrong emotions in their will where there was wounded areas that was making them make bad choices you see you can't have any of that stuff when you go over in the promised land otherwise you'll never be able to collect your inheritance you never will okay that's why God has to do a wonder among you when you cross over into the promised land because you got to have that stuff in your mind healed in order to collect your inheritance you got to have that wounded stuff inside your emotions you know healed in order for you to collect your inheritance this is super important and God knew for the people oh my gosh to collect the land that have been allotted to them the land flowing with milk and honey buildings they didn't have to build vineyards they didn't have to plant wells they didn't have to dig that in order for them to steward all the stuff they were getting without messing it up they had to be healed first inside here in their inner man so Jesus the ark went before them and did wonders among them now this is so cool check this out it said that the Ark passed over before them I'll read it to you watch Joshua 3 6 and Joshua spoke unto the priests and says take up the Ark of the Covenant that's Jesus and pass over States yourself right now pass over before the peep so they took up the Ark of the Covenant and passed over before the people okay check this out what the word Passover means it means to make the law invalid and obsolete see the stuff in your soul gives the enemy the legal right to enact the law against you oh you messed up here you messed up there so that gives me the legal right to mess with you but here it's said that the art which is Jesus passed over before the people and when he did he made the law that was set up against the people invalid and obsolete and valid and obsolete and valid and obsolete the stuff that was inside their soul that would have caused the the law to be able to come against them and say you know you can't have that land you can't have that inheritance because you broke the law here you broke the law there you broke the law here so you've been knowing voided your paperwork your contract for this inheritance has been nullified but no according to this Jesus passed over before them he made the law that was against them in valid and invalid and obsolete now check this out he not only wiped out the law that was against you that's going to prevent you from collecting your inheritance but he did it all the way back to the garden check it out when the Ark when the high priest stepped into the Jordan with the ark it says that the waters backed up into a big heap all the way to a city called Adam that's not coincidence that's not coincidence see the art Jesus Christ was doing the Wonder among the people is healing them in their souls of all the stuff they had in their souls and all the law that was against them in their bloodline all the way back to Adam Jesus time-traveled them he time-traveled oh man he took out everything that was against them all the law oh my gosh all the way back to Adam this is crazy awesome okay this this is crazy awesome this is so amazing okay they had to have that happen they had to have to have a look I'm going to show you another reason why I watch terrific mind reading on this terrific my peeps are here feeding me tea just when I needed it okay watch I hope I can find the scripture let me see it if not I'm gonna I'm going to go and look at it in my phone I guess eek well I might have to this is it ready okay Joshua 3:10 this Josh was saying this knows and he says by this she shall know that the Living God is among you remember the word among means in the soul God is in your soul by this you shall know that the Living God is among you and that he will doubt with and that he without fail will drive out before you the Canaanites the Hittites the Hittites the parasites the girgashites the Amu's am your the amorite and the jab you sides so here's Joshua saying God is among you meaning he's doing miracles inside your soul and because he's doing that he will quote not fail to drive out from before you all the ayats that have illegally taken possession of your inheritance okay so there's enemies right now that are possessing your promised land okay but God's doing a wonder among you as you cross the Jordan because the Ark is healing your soul and because of that God will not fail to drive out all the enemies he will not fail to drive out every single bite that's holding your land and your inheritance okay see Jesus said he said when we have something in common with the enemy then the enemy has power over us John 14 he said the princess world is coming but he has nothing in me that's in Soul realm that's in common with him so he has no power over me see the enemy will have no power over you when you have nothing in you that's in common so as God doesn't wonder among you then he can drive out all the ice from before you that are in your apportioning inheritance I'm sorry but this story is so terrific man it just makes me freak out how cool this story in Joshua 3 is alright and you know in this soul healing moment you got to know I believe they were healed of every single thing in them in their souls that were preventing them from taking land every single thing see we have to go through processes now we have to go through layers of stuff to get rid of all the stuff in us and it takes a while it's taken me you know years of digging and this problem in that problem in this assignment that assignment to get it all broken off but I believe it all happened for them and that day because the Bible says the last verses and then the people passed clean clean over the Jordan meeting a had been completely cleaned it been completely cleansed in their souls now of course once they had that happen it was up to them to make good decisions from that point on amen but see anything wow they got healed of everything in that moment yeah well think about it think about the power that was available at that moment okay remember Joshua told all the people that they should stay back from the ark 2,000 cubits okay that's what it says 2,000 cubits that's in verse 4 he says let there be a space between you and the Ark about 2,000 cubits by measure do not come near it so you may know the way by which you must go for you have not passed this way before so he's saying don't come too close to the ark 2,000 cubits is 3,000 feet it's like 10 football fields why did Joshua have the people stand 10 football fields away from the ark because of the amount of power coming up it's okay I mean the power of the cross was pouring out of the ark resurrection power was pulling pouring out of the ark the word was pouring out of the art it was Jesus so may the power was so great I mean it sent the water it stopped it from flowing and then sent it all the way back to Adam which was miles and miles and miles upstream okay that so much power was available and you think well that kind of power isn't available today you know what we can put our faith on and increase a multiplication of the power we're having right now and it will increase it will increase you know I'm not trying to make this a sales pitch I'm just trying to help you okay I did a whole series on this it's just actually to just set rather I did a whole teaching on soul crossing taking a promised land it's up on your screen right now on YouTube don't click it on right now because it'll take you to our website and you'll miss the rest of the preach but you should click on it at the end of the preach and get this because I not only teach but on the second disc in this I produced a soaking disc where I'm reading Joshua 3 over and over again and decree the truth about okay the law is becoming you know invalid and obsolete right now okay God's doing a wander among your soul here you're passing clean over the Jordan okay the Jordans backing up all the way to Adam and my friend janie duvall who produce 600 Sidra shows do you think she's anointed oh yeah she did the music behind it and she's got merging sounds and water sounds going back you know as the water goes back and she's got the horns blasting and and there's just this is one of the best anointed discs ever and I I will play it over and over and like just soak into it pray into it play it when I'm asleep at night and I've had some crazy miracles a friend of mine we did this for her son when her son suddenly out of nowhere went into an unexplainable coma he had rash all over him he had to be on a liver dialysis machine while he was in the coma his brain was swelling so much that they would have to drain his brain from the liquid that was filling up in his skull because his brain was being overwhelmed and he was going to die they were certain he was going to die and we listened to this disk and we played it over and over again herself Jean Malkin her husband John and I sat in this living room played this disc over and over and all three of us went into a trance exactly at the same time we don't even remember what happened usually I'll see stuff but it was so deep of a sleep that none of us remember what happened and we all woke up like an hour and a half later at the exact same time so we knew God did something amazing and you know what it worked her son suddenly woke up the rash went away his brain stopped swelling his liver started freaking out and the doctors were like oh my gosh what what happened they called him the miracle boy I mean okay it was crazy okay because wow this is real and so I just want to let you know about this because we're going to activate right now but you can get the Soaker and you'll love this and every time I play it at like a meeting and so people at the meeting everybody sees stuff like they they see ancient stuff that was in their blood Lanka's remember it went all the way back to Adam and they see some stuff and get stuff broken off of them or that was causing problems that they couldn't figure out before what the reason was okay so definitely get that okay so we are going to activate let me find how much time we have first Amy 30 minutes okay so we're going to activate present a bit and then I'll probably take some questions okay so let's just let's just kind of like just be a little still for a minute can I just want you to remember that right now we're going to decree that Jesus is going before you he's the Ark you're tired of being in the desert you're worn out you're ready to cross over and finally get into your inheritance okay so the Ark is going to go before you and it's going to do what Joshua said Oh wander among you okay among you that word among means the mind your thoughts the seed of your thoughts the seed of your desires okay so it's going to start healing your soul all right and that way you can possess the promise because that way you will have three John what happened you will prosper that's every part of you your money and every year marriages your relationships your business everything and be in health even as your soul prospers okay so just kind of pray with me ready just say the ark which is Jesus is going before me as I cross over into my promised land the mercy seat you plant keep praying with me the mercy seat is where Jesus shed his blood and every sin I have in my bloodline all the way back to Adam is going to be washed away the budding almond branch is in the ark so resurrection Dunamis power is going to be released as I cross over the Jordan and it's going to cause me to be excellent of soul and the word is in the ark and James says the word has the power to save my soul say I decree all those things being released for me right now in Jesus name okay keep praying with me just say now the Lord is doing wonders among me now he's doing wonders among me now all my wrong thinking is being healed everything connected to my will that's causing me to make bad choices is being healed right now it's a wonder among me all bad emotions like depression fear anxiety anger impatience depression I already said it's it again depression bitterness offense worry they're all being healed now say it I'm being healed now in my emotions as God does a wonder among me say I'm becoming excellent of soul kicki praying with me say my blood line is being cleansed of every sin every trespass every rebellion and every iniquity all the way back to Adam say it again all the way back to Adam the blood of Jesus from the mercy seat is cleansing me and every person in my bloodline now of every sin of rebellion trespass iniquity in Jesus name naki praying with me we're just going to keep pressing in okay right say the Ark which is Jesus is passing over before me say it again it's passing over before me pass over means to make the law in valid and obsolete keep praying say I decree every ah the enemy is using as a legal right to afflict me is being made invalid and obsolete now now in Jesus name because the ark is passing over before me all law being made invalid and obsolete I believe it I receive it and I decree it in Jesus name and it is being done now now okay now say all the ayats that have illegal possession of my inheritance will have nothing in me that's in common with them so they will have no power over me say the enemy has no power over me because I have nothing in me that's in common with him I'm being cleansed right now the i'ts are going to have to get out of my inheritance I will win every battle against them because God's doing a wonder among me and I have nothing in me that's in common with them okay would say one more thing and then we'll say Amen say right now because of the Ark I am passing clean or the Jordan I am clean I am clean say it again I am clean I am clean because of Jesus doing a wonder among me now say in Jesus name Amen whoo I got on that amen whoo okay now look that's just a small example of some of the prayers that I have on this soul crossing taking your promised land but it's even better because I've set it to the great music it's very I love this disc it sounds so awesome you feel like you're right there with the marching in the water and the blowing of the trumpets and all that it's super awesome I really you know I usually don't you know press a press a product but I do think you should get a hold of this go on our website Seoul crossing taking your promised land okay so now I'm going to take some questions so chat on get on your chat right there you can you can put your questions in right now and I'm going to answer some questions let me take a sip of this and then Amy's going to tell me what we're getting I'll repeat him back as she tells them to me so you can hear them real clearly okay okay so some people are struggling with weight issues and no matter what they try they're still I'm having a struggle you know honestly I have a new book coming out called bent and it is about ancient spirits from Genesis six the Nephilim you know I've read some really fine books on that but it left me with they left me with questions like what does this have to do with us and you know are they afflicting us and how do we get written well honestly they're in our soul and I've seen a lot of them a lot of those spirits there's so many assignments about food a lot of those spirits are actually over food you know I usually wouldn't quote a book without having some substantial foundation for the validity of that book but I will now and then you need to do your own homework The Book of Enoch which is not considered equal at all in the porosity of the biblical text but it is considered a very historical document that was read and quoted by people in in the Bible and ancient people I mean the Israelite people read it it was part of their life they they you know when they read the account of the Fallen watcher angels mating with human women they just knew it was true Jude actually quotes the Book of Enoch in the book of Jude all right so if you read The Book of Enoch it says that the Giants of the land were always hungry always hungry and they ate so much that they actually ate up all the possessions of men I mean they raised the earth of its natural resources because these were huge monsters you know their parents were giants I mean we're huge angels that I mean in the in Revelations you see one of the angels having a foot in the sea and put on the land I mean he was a monster angel and that was like one of the parents like one of the parents of the of these giants okay so they had this insatiable appetite now the Bible excuse me Enoch says that when these beings these monsters died in the flood that the spirits that were in them because they were part eternal part human because they had eternal parents these angels and human beings that their Eternal Spirit came out and that those spirits are still wandering in Earth or the lot of the demonic spirits we deal with today and that they're always hungry because they can't eat anymore always hungry always hungry wanting to eat eat eat food okay um and they they can't eat though because they're spirits now if you were spirit and you were a giant and you were always hungry and want to eat what would you do would you like torment harass the people that you were assigned to and drive them to eat to live kind of vicariously through them that is definitely one of the things that I've seen when I got delivered of these spirits the giant spirits my hunger completely diminished now I had had layers of stuff I had idolatry in my soul and that caused drove me to eat think about it what did they do in every Idol ceremony they would dedicate food to demon gods and then eat that food to become one with that God so a lot of times we have idolatry in our life or stuff in our bloodline connected to our dolla tree those spirits drive you to eat they're still trying to make us dedicate food to them and sacrifice food to them and eat and eat and eat okay I have a lot to say about that but I would suggest that just continue putting fire and Dunamis on your soul and that you wait for this new book I have coming out it will be not too far from now in a few months and definitely read that it's going to help you but also in the natural don't eat anything else that it has gluten GMO and organic I'm telling you right now when you eat that you blows up it causes inflammation in your body causes you to gain weight causes you to put on pounds and you don't need to you know right now they're saying that 70% of our daily food intake is made up of ultra-processed foods those alter processed foods or foods that have no nutritional value and they only put on weight we have to stop eating those kinds of foods because they are hurting us and they are making us gain weight and making us unable to and the GMO is a genetically modified food let me tell you something you know who made the first genetically modified food it was the Giants the giant grapes in the land of the Giants yeah they had angelic technology to be able to modify genetically modified food to make a bigger plumper like our chickens and like all the food that we eat the corn and everything else that's genetically modified that stuff is giant based it's a Nephilim based food don't put it in your mouth anymore sorry just saying anyway next okay look so Amy's saying if you want some help go to the soul food episodes on the website it's episode number 68 through 71 and there's prayers in there and you can say the prayers that's going to start that's going to help you to just keep on digging till you get it 68 through 71 those are the episode numbers go to our website and watch those and there are activations in those listen to those and go and pray along with them that's going to help you it is okay what else you got Amy there's a whole lot of questions weigh extensive maybe encourage people that all the episodes are online and to start watching okay so she's saying there's so many extensive questions it's just too hard to answer them all and she's saying if you haven't watched the episodes of healing your soul Rick real keys to the miraculous on the website go started episode 1 I mean you know it's free watch them do a you know like you know Netflix how they have those you know everybody just like and let's have a Netflix marathon for the whole weekend thanks Amy you know and then they just binge on them go binge on the episodes because there's probably healing activations in 90% of those episodes and so those will answer a lot of your questions right there because I guess there's so many questions being asked right now okay so that's one thing I would definitely do that if you haven't watched all the episodes there's a pile of information there free information that can help you with with everything from you know cancer to food to attitude problems to money issues to marriage problems to diseases of all kinds is I mean there's just piles of information there for sure okay Amy how much time do we have first let's check 20 minutes so we have a ton of questions so we're gonna just need to quick okay so okay okay please please please I didn't get the answer last time what's the sum of warfare against the enemy well I love Psalm 18 is a great sum song okay she's asking what Psalm is the psalm of warfare against the enemy okay Psalm 18 is terrific alright I mean David just goes on and on you teach my arms to bend a bow of bronze you come down you know from the heavens you Thunder and you lightning against the enemies definitely Psalm 18 is one of the top warfare Psalms I would definitely say that and you know of course Psalm 91 is a workfare Psalm in itself it says not only some of protection but it's a warfare Psalm and Psalm 68 it sounds kind of weird but Psalm 68 tons about the snow on Mount Salman and the enemies well when you release the snow and the hail the Bible says that the snow and the hail are four times of warn and battle when the people of God are in trouble so I like to play like snow and hail chapters and decree those and meditate on those and listen to those like Joshua 10 where the big hail came down from the heaven and beat down the enemies remember that's what job says this in the hailer for the time of warm battle there's something about releasing the snow and hail and it comes down and beats down the enemy okay remember I think it's Exodus 9 where one of the plagues against the many demonic gods of Egypt was the snow and the hail so sometimes I'll play Exodus 9 on repeat and and then I'll see stuff in the spirit you know God sending huge eyeballs down to match the heads of the enemies so you know those are all good choices I would definitely play any of those or all good choices or meditate on those decree any of those what else you got a me okay we got a buck like I said there's a whole ton of them here okay here's a good one is the glory of God and Dunamis power the same and are they the Holy Spirit okay so she's saying is the glory of God and Dunas power the same and are they from the Holy Spirit yes they are okay so Paul says in Romans 1 I'm not ashamed of the gospel which is the power unto salvation okay so he's saying there's a power that brought you into your salvation caused you to be born again okay that word power there it means Dunamis in the Greek Dunamis now Dunamis means the power to perform miracles but it also means excellence of soul so here's Paul he's talking about this power that brought us unto salvation so that power is Dunamis it came in to us when we were when we said Jesus be our Lord and Savior when we see Jesus as king it fills up your spirit man with Dunamis power and that power makes you excellent of soul now that power manifests in many different ways okay Jesus when he was going up on the Mount of Transfiguration said some of you here he said this to his disciples may not die before you see the kingdom of heaven come in its power that's Dunamis that's the word Dunamis so he's saying some of you here may well not die before you get to see the kingdom come with its Dunamis power okay so he goes up on the mountain with the disciples and he's saying you're gonna get to see what Dunamis looks like and what it what happened it said that his clothes became as white as light bright light his face became as bright as a Sun and a cloud of glory overshadowed him so he said you're going to get to see the kingdom having come in its power which is Dunamis and then they got to see what that Dunamis power look like and it was light and glory he was covered with light and a glory cloud surrounded him see because light and glory are Dunamis if you could look inside your spirit man right now be super bright filled with light illuminated like Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration and it also would be full of glory you could see glory cloud the presence of man the majesty of God in there now think about it both the light and the Lord do what Dunamis do they make you excellent of soul okay so let's take the glory right in 2 Corinthians 3:18 the Bible says that we are transformed into his image into his likeness from what glory to glory so the glory power transforms you where in your spirit no your spirits instantly transformed when you were born again where the transformation happens progressively from glory to glory is in your soul okay so glory is due to power it lives in here you have glory inside of you right now jesus said the glory the father gave me I give to you you already have it I'm sorry but we're all trying to drum up stuff that we already have her spirit has filled with Dunamis and it is glory Jesus already gave it to us and in glory we are transformed in our soul into his image and his likeness from glory to glory okay well Jesus they also saw light up on Mount of Transfiguration well light is Dunamis okay Jesus said I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light which is life what is he talking about there that's a soul healing scripture said you'll not walk in darkness if you believe if you follow me because you'll have the light which is life well that where darkness means the soul that's lost it's perceptive powers so he's saying look when you follow me on the light of the world you won't be walking in the darkness of your soul but you'll have my light which is life meaning my life will heal you I am the light of the world it's a part of me light is a part of who I am and my light heals you that's why Malachi 4:2 says that in the amplified says the Sun of righteousness that Jesus arises on you with healing in his wings and his beams that's beams of light meaning the light heals you okay so light glory Dunamis they're all the same they're all connected and yes the Holy Spirit comes in because you asked is that the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit comes in and brings those things with him when you're born again okay all right and you know and Dunamis is fire - I mean I could go on and on with this I'm serious but yes all those things they're all connected and they're all already in there so you can be healed by the light of Christ you can be healed by his glory you can be helped by his dumas they all make you excellent a soul okay Amy Wells what else you got brain and central nervous well that's a okay she's asking if brain and central nervous are connected to what okay there can be a couple things definitely it might be Legion definitely it might be witchcraft I've seen both healed both those issues healed when either one of those spirits left you know honestly when you're watching TV or some one night just clamp your hand on your head and say I'm filled with light of Christ okay the light is life I'm not walking in the darkness of my soul I'm being transformed into his image from glory to glory I fill my mind with glory I release it from here through my arm into my head and I I sometimes I just clamp I get all the light scriptures out in the in the Bible and I print them out on one paper you know it says in him in him as the fountain of life in him a fountain of light his light brings life I mean that's in the Psalms you know and I just will read the light scriptures and pump light into my brain do you think oh that's so ridiculous Kate oh we are light beings okay and light comes out of us and when we decree stuff it releases the light that's in here out through us and you can you can you know point it in your head onto somebody else's head you know into another part lay hands on yourself but I will talk about laying hands on the sick so and they will get well they will recover so lay hands on yourself if you're sick I lay I've laid hands on my brain my mind many times and gotten healing from it I mean your hypothalamus is in here it's right down below this part of your head and it is connected to your eyes and to your gland system now why is your hypothalamus your hypothalamus it controls all the secretions of your hormones like your you know your your different hormones that you have to have in order for your body to run very balanced at a homeostasis level well your hypothalamus is powered by light yes if you were to look at your eyes there's two nerves that come off your eyes one goes to your up sip Racal lobe so you can see what you're looking at the other one goes to your hypothalamus because the light coming into your eyes and the daylight of the sunlight powers your hypothalamus and makes you have homeostasis makes you be in balance balance is your brain balances way you're thinking balances your hormonal system your central nervous system and all that so if you're not getting enough light you know put your hand on top of your head put your hand in front of your eyes and decree light sometimes I have to sit there and go light light light light light light one time I did that so much that my eyelashes fell off because I was reaiiy kidding I was releasing so much light that it actually dried up my eyelashes and burnt them and they fell off because there was so much light coming out from my spirit man out of my hand into my eyes but I'm telling you what my eyelashes might have fell off but I felt great because I was having light properly control my home my my hypothalamus to cause me to be homeostasis so pump some light into your brain print out those light scriptures decree them while you're putting your hand on your head or up here in front of your eyes unless you want to I do it here so I don't burn up my own lashes anymore but anyway it really works I'm not laughing because of anything but I this really works it's really true and it is biblical okay so let's have another question okay and if you think it might be legion because remember why would it be legion oh my gosh remember that man that was delivered of legion he sat there clothed and in his right mind here that he sat there clothed and in his right mind so if you're have some mind issues it could also be Legion your dwelling among the tombs that weird well refers to the soul and powers being able to control you because of what's in your soul okay so it might be Legion now if you're saying oh my gosh explain that okay listen go to episode 6 through 9 of healing your soul real keys and records on our website and it talks all about Legion and there's activations about it so definitely do that and if I were all of you honestly I'm not trying to sell product go online but this I listen to this I tune up with this one disc I've had this disc now it's kingdom of the Sun listen to me kingdom of the Sun disc 7 you can buy it as a single kingdom of the Sun disc 7 it's all about the light scriptures the glory scriptures the Dunamis scriptures the Blood scriptures I tune up with that like once a week or once every 2 weeks and it makes a major difference ok you definitely get that and you'll get rid of Legion and you'll be clothed and in your right mind in your right mind like that man who's delivered of Legion in mark 5 ok definitely that's like a staple if you don't have that disc you don't have the staple you got to have that I listen to it it's my own disc I hate listening to myself ok Lars me crazy but that disc works it's got oil on it big-time big-time big-time big-time ok Amy what else you got ok there's how do you know when your soul is filled enough to trust your perception and choices you'll feel peace oh she says how do you know when your soul's well enough to trust yourself and your choices you'll feel peace you won't feel conflict inside yourself when you make a decision you'll feel like it land did you ever have that happen where you come up with an idea or something you make a decision and how soon you just feel that a surety you feel that confidence you feel like wow I really landed and then check yourself if you go okay I feel good about this I feel a witness let me go to counselors and ask them and then go to people who you know are smarter than you don't go to your friends that are on the equal realm go to people who are smarter than you and say this is what I'm thinking and I have this big decision to make and I feel like God's telling me this do you get a witness because the Bible says that every matter will be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses okay so once you get your witness then go to two or three other people you know and ask them for their witness and then you'll see and then that'll be really cool because not only will you make a right decision if they say yes that was really good I feel oil on that but you'll feel more confidence like wow you know what I am getting healed this is super cool I'm starting to make better choices now so I would I would try that and I think you'll feel really comfortable and confident in that okay what else you got Amy okay okay we have five minutes left so we're just going to do like one more question or if you want to pray we have every we have people on here that are desperate for healing okay and everything ranging from horrible illnesses to divorce to trying to get delivered from smoking right trying everything okay so she's Amy saying there's just a list of you they're having major issues and you're not being able to break through it you know with smoking with divorce with sicknesses with finances with hair loss with just all kinds of things so I'm going to pray and when I say a blanket prayer trust and believe I can say a blanket prayer and Jesus will customize it for you amen you know customized it for you okay so I'm going to pray right now Lord you know honestly you told me this was a breakthrough year and not just for me but for all your people you want your people to not be sick anymore cannot be broken anymore to not have relationship issues and marriage breakups and any of those issues because it's the devil working in our lives to try to get us to stay in a place where we can't just be free of sickness disease and financial lack and then we can be free to serve the kingdom Lord you told me you want your people well so that they can just focus on their assignment so they can focus on releasing your kingdom on earth so right now I decree your will is being done right now for every single person that is watching I speak specifically to their individual issues that each one of them is battling with right now and I say you are being healed now I command the power of God Dunamis power the light of Christ the glory of Christ the fire of God to penetrate into your soul and heal you in every single area that you are wounded that is holding you back and causing these issues i decree it's happening now that you will have visitations in the night as you sleep angels will be dispatched now to come and minister to you the power of the Lord will be present in your room now in your room tonight with you tomorrow and all the days of your life I command every ancient gate inside your mind your will and your emotions to be open with the blood of Jesus Christ and I command power to flow into your soul power to flow into your body power to flow into and out of you onto other people a command power to visit your ministry your business your wallets your finances your children your parents your grandparents your grandchildren I command power to visit every and invade every part of your life and I break the assignment of the enemy I decree your being now you have nothing in you that's in common with Satan or any of the demonic assignments he has against you I break every curse I break every demonic assignment I command bones and hair and and skin and organs to regrow and be brand new in Jesus name right now I brake smoking off right now in the name of Jesus I command that spirit to leave I command your taste for that to just end right now now I command supernatural delivery of the toxins and all the things in the cigarettes that are causing the cravings to leave your cells to leave your blood to leave your skin to leave your mouth to leave your stomach to leave your mind right now in Jesus name be whole be made well and be whole according to this decree in Jesus name Amen amen well I can't wait to spend next month with you we'll be sending out our notification so you'll know when the WIMP the live webstream is if you didn't get to watch all of this go back and watch the replay go through the healing activations again and don't forget please I'm encouraging you I'm not trying to make you spend money but you can click on underneath the description of this product right next to the screen soul crossing taking your promised land and there's a link that will take you directly to our store you can buy this it's a two disc set it's not very expensive and it will change your life start soaking to it right away okay I love everybody we love you we'll see you next month bye bye
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 33,350
Rating: 4.9185061 out of 5
Keywords: souza, katie, soul, healing, soul crossing, promised land
Id: 19O6aR4i1MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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