Meet me at the Rock Hole

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hello my front porch friend so good to be with you today i'm out here at the rock hole right now palmer's around here somewhere you never know where he'll show up in a minute but i have a word for you and it is out of psalms 46 verse 10 and it says this be still and know that i am god now i know that is a familiar verse to you but today i pray that you will hear it with fresh ears what this spirit is wanting to say to us in fact that whole chapter of psalms 46 it's just one of my favorites in fact the chapter opens up with this verse listen to this it says god is our refuge god is our strength he is a very present help in the time of trouble i love those words i love to meditate on just the fact that god is my refuge he's the place we hide in this crazy world god is my refuge i don't have to worry about running to other people or running to things or substances to keep my mind and to keep my heart no god is my refuge he's the place i run god is my strength i don't have to depend on my own strength that's so limited god is a present help in the time of trouble that is so beautiful i love the word that just says he's present in other words he's here he's here right now he's here y'all remember when i was a little girl in school and they were calling the role and they would say you know they call your name carol present jim present that's that's that's their it's our way of saying it's their way of saying i'm here calling my name i'm present i'm here and today god is saying to you i'm present i'm here i'm right there where you are i'm with you right now in the midst of this trouble but a lot of times we can't see that because we're so moaning and groaning over the fact that we don't we don't feel like he is present we don't act like we believe he is present in fact the truth is sometimes i think we we seem to feel like he is far away he's just far away from us instead of being so near we we feel like that that maybe we're not worthy of him being near because because we can't see him at work because we can't feel him you know why that is is because we are being led more by our natural senses than we are by the spirit we are being more we are we we are being more shaken by our natural senses in other words by the things that we see the things that we're hearing in the natural the things that we are tasting and smelling the things that we are feeling or don't feel in the natural that's what's moving us but see honey our faith our faith is not born it is this natural realm is not the source of our faith [Music] no this natural realm is not where our faith is operating our faith comes from a realm outside of our natural senses even outside of our natural understanding our faith comes from the realm of the spirit no yes it comes from the realm of god i love romans 10 and 17 that says faith comes by hearing a word not just any word and not just hearing in the natural our faith comes from hearing with our spirit ear not just any word but the word of god our our faith comes from hearing the voice of god and once you hear the voice of god our faith is born but our faith is activated when we believe what we hear well let me say that again our faith is born when we hear a word but our faith is activated when we believe a word and activated faith honey can move mountains activated faith can heal the sick activated faith can raise the dead activated faith can bring protocols home it can cast out devils activated faith can do the impossible but here's the problem our world right now is so loud we can't hear a word because we can't hear the voice our world right now around us is so noisy it's so loud with kids and tvs and phones and jobs spouses and people and circumstances and noises and noises and noises and voices voices voices voices to weak we can't hear we're finding we're finding ourselves overwhelmed by the circumstances of our lives that we're really supposed to be changing we find ourselves running from the enemies that we're supposed to be confronting and defeating just like elijah did in in first kings chapter 19. oh i love i love i love any story about elijah but the bible says in in in first kings chapters 18 and 19 in chapters 18 elijah had just experienced the manifestation of god he had just seen fire on the mountain and he had just experienced the rain in the middle of the drought but in in chapter 19 he has gotten news that jezebel the enemy of god was after him to kill him so he takes off running from the enemy of god running to hide and when he does that he finds himself exhausted and depressed and he's all down and out and i i have to smile when i even read these verses because the bible says that god comes to elijah when he's in that depressed state of despair and and god says to elijah elijah what are you doing here and elijah's kind of moaning he's about his circumstances he's saying god he said god you know i've been i've been faithful to you god and i've been the zealous one lord i've been zealously zealously fighting for you god and and now my nation all of israel has just turned their back on you and they're over here they've broken their covenants and they've torn down their altars they're killing the prophets and now god they're coming after me and i'm the only one left god i'm the only one left out here god says elijah it's in i i think in other words it's like god is thinking to himself i'm gonna have to help that man get a perspective shift just like i think some of us today need a change of perspective god says elijah get up on the mountain and come and present yourself before me so elijah did have the good sense to get up that mountain and get himself before god some of us need today to climb the high place because we need a shift in the way we're seeing things because we're one feeling overwhelmed and all along we're the only ones out here no we're not gets up on the mountain oh it's such a powerful passage the bible says he gets up there on the mountain and he's waiting for god listening for god and the bible says that as god begins to draw near that all of a sudden in the natural realm this great whirlwind comes and this wind starts blowing and it's this massive wind storm starts blowing everywhere around elijah and the circumstances around him are crazy but god's not in that wind then all of a sudden out of nowhere if that wind storm is not enough there's an earthquake and everything around elijah is shaking and the mountain is shaking and the rocks are tumbling and everything around him is whirling in the wind and shaking in the earthquake and the bible says god's not in that earthquake all of a sudden if that ain't enough a fire breaks out and there's fire everywhere god's not in the fire but at least elijah stays in the middle of the wind and the quake in the fire and he's still listening looking for god because god wasn't in any of the natural circumstances when all of a sudden he hears it the bible says he hears a still small voice god wasn't in all the chaos god was found in this stillness god was in the smallness god was in the voice so for you and me today when our lives feel like we are in those circumstances like elijah how do we hear god in the middle of our windstorms in the middle of our earthquakes and our fiery trials how do we hear god in this day he told me this week you'll hear me when you get steel and when you get small when you get steel and when you get small in other words pull away is karen how am i going to pull away i can't i don't have a rock hole to go to but for one thing you got this one cause you come out here with me you're always welcome here but it's bigger than this you can pull away in the middle of the wind and in the middle of the quake you can still if you will stand there long enough in the middle of the chaos you know what you can just close your eyes begin to meditate on his nearness and even in the middle of the craziness that's surrounding you right now you're gonna realize oh he is here he's here with me he's not all this crazy chaos i'm hearing him when i pull away inside and i begin to meditate on my god he is with me he is near me he is here he's here and you begin to get still and quiet you'll hear him you know what happens when you hear him you'll get small when you start saying god i humble myself i humble myself and realize that you are god i humble myself and i realize god in this world i am small but god you are great you're the god of the universe lord i just thank you it's like the little child song says lord i am weak but you are strong i am little but you are big lord i realize today i'm getting still and i'm getting small i'm getting steal by just meditating on your nearness i'm getting small by meditating on your greatness oh come on honey that's how you do it you change your perspective i love this hebrews 11 6 says this it says he that come it's first of all it says without faith it is impossible to even please god for he that comes to god must first of all believe that he is that's what that means it means god i am going to meditate on the fact that you are god i'm gonna meditate he that comes to god must believe that he is god what does that mean it means he is he's enough that's what that means it means he is he is my healer i am meditating on the fact that today you are god and you're greater than these circumstances you're greater than the wind you're greater than the earthquake you're greater than this fiery trial god i am standing in the middle of all of these circumstances but you are with me and i meditate on the fact you are god and you're greater than all of it god oh i love that be still and know he's god he that comes to god must believe he is i love that when moses said what am i going to tell them who who am i going to tell them sent me what's your name he said you tell them my name is i am that means i am i am everything you need i am i am ever who you need me to be that's who i am that's what my name is you need me to be a doctor then my name is jehovah rapha the healer you need me to be a provider then my name is jehovah jireh i am you need me to be near you right now then my name is jehovah sharma that means i am here i am present you need me to be god to you i am whoever whatever you need me to be that's who god is oh be still and no i am still today and i know what do i know i know my god is a present help in the time of trouble i am still today and i know that my god supplies all of my needs according to his riches and glory i am still today and i know that i can trust god with all of my heart all of my soul all of my mind all of my strength that means i can trust god with everything i've got into me i know today i know this is what i know i may not know the answers to all these circumstances but i know this i know i can trust god with all of my heart and lean not to my own understanding in all of my ways i acknowledge him and he will direct my path that's what i know i may not have answers for the circumstances in my life i may not know the whys to things that have hurt and devastated my life but i can tell you what i know i know he can and i know he will but if he doesn't then i know i can trust him i had a pastor friend today pastor sailor tell me that yesterday he said i know he can i know he will but if he doesn't i'll still believe honey that's where faith lands that's where trust is i've had some loved ones friends of ours that have passed away from even from covet these past few days why why i've got people today that are needing healing in their bodies and i i land right here he i know he can i know he will but if he doesn't i will trust him how can you say that karen because i'm still and i know he's god what is your word today in the middle of the chaos in the middle of the questions be still when people around you are swirling and reeling questioning shaking you be the rock and say no today i'm getting steel to hear his voice because i know he's here and i know he's god because i know he's god he's bigger than my understanding and i trust him years ago jason upton one of my favorite people on earth came to the ramp and he said something i never forgot he was talking about that beautiful verse in psalms 46 10. and he said it in a way i had never heard it before it's the only verse that i know of you can do this with that verse says volumes in so many ways that verse speaks and here's the way jason upton said it that night he said be still and know that i am god. then he said take off one word at a time and listen to it be still and know that i am be still and know that i be still and know be still and be still be father my friend today needs to hear your voice i pray god you would break through all the other voices and give her your word today or my brother give it to him today a word that settles everything sometimes when there's no answers you're enough and there's no answers to our questions just knowing your god is enough and we trust you you surround us you do not forsake us you are near us when we fill you you are near us when we do not lord today i pray for my friend as she is believing for the return of her prodigal god go get them today and bring them home the restoration of her marriage lord heal what only you can heal restore father what has been taken from their home father for those that are believing for healing in their bodies you are our jehovah rapha healer for those that need a miracle financially for a job i praise you that you are our provider and our trust is in you you are enough for us today we are still and we look to you god you're everything to us god you are everything to us god you are you are you are life itself to us god you are in jesus name my friend comment below and let me hear from you will you do that i love to hear what you need it's our point of agreement it's our place of contact and i believe in god that today in this next week you're going to experience the manifestation of his presence which results in miracles of healing salvation deliverance restoration and life you're very dear to me i think i see palmer somewhere over there can you see palmer i knew he'd probably drop in before we left today to say hello palmer palmer say hello okay you gotta shake at least thanks for coming and being with me today at the rock hall i'm glad we can share this place and time together i love you dearly you are my dear front porch friend i look forward to talking to you again next week till then be still and
Channel: Karen Wheaton
Views: 8,479
Rating: 4.9742212 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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