Katie and Team Minister to the Women of Chillicothe Correctional Center

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we want to see some miracles happen today we have a lot of ministries that are here represented all the way from Chicago to Arizona people that love Jesus and they're ready to see a move today so we're gonna get this party started alright let's get this party started let's all stand up okay now you are all in my choir you have the words pretend like you've been singing these songs forever all right all right all right we're so glad we're here we're so glad that you join us we're so happy because you know what God has a divine appointment with you you have a divine appointment today but save us it's a new day say that it's a new day it's a new day you're never gonna be the same never never never gonna be the same did you come hungry did you come expecting ah you can work with that pig in one minute ah all right here we go a new day is dawning a new season has begun to hear the struggle in my soul with healing in your ways come and overshadow me with the fire of your presence consumed in every [Music] a new day is dawning juice [Music] with the fire of your presence consuming everything he's coming [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and some Oh [Music] let's start [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus I have an amazing choir I think you're here to worship I got some more choppers in this place sure Jesus Jesus somebody say his name jeepers oh there's power behind that come on say it again that's the power behind that sing it again she [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] celebrate his greatness celebrate his greatness celebrate his goodness celebrate Jesus come on you can do better than that [Music] thank you [Applause] sit down ladies thank you thank you wouldn't that will wasn't that worship awesome amen so how many of you have read my book the ultimate pardon okay so quite a few of you have not read my book so I'm gonna just I'm gonna share about two three minutes of my testimony with you and then I would you know if you want to hear more get the book and read it I know the books the book is around here because I've talked to people that say they've got my book in the room and some of you read it in the county jail or whatever but so my name is Bill coram and I would be nothing without Jesus ladies let me tell you so let me tell you this too for Katie's sake don't clap every time I say something because we're gonna run out of time so listen to me real quick so I don't know how many of you feel only you and God knows how you feel if somebody comes up and tells you they know how you feel look them in the eye and say you're a liar because no one knows how you feel except you and God but I do know what you're going through I've been locked up in ten states I've ridden 2500 miles and handcuffs leg irons and waist chains I've walked behind the 40-foot walls and the gun towers I've had my freedom taken away from me I've wore jail clothes and prison clothes and I know what it's like to have your freedom taken away so I don't know how you feel today ladies but I know what you're going through okay so just 36 years ago I was getting ready to go back to prison for the rest of my life I was implicated as being one of the leading cocaine dealers in Kansas City Missouri I had three things in life I wanted money power and influence and I had all three of them I stayed in $500 night hotels I rode in limousines I bought twenty thousand dollars worth of cocaine for a one night party so I had money I had enough power to make a phone call to have somebody killed so I had power and I had enough influence that when I was arrested on a Sunday afternoon after putting a hundred I put a hundred stitches in the back of a guy's head with a baseball bat so wasn't a traffic ticket it was a very serious offense and I was arrested at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon and I was out of jail in less than 12 hours without ever seeing a judge because when I got put in jail I made my phone call and we got in touch with the judge that we were selling cocaine to and let me tell you when you're selling cocaine to a judge he don't want you in jail so I walked out of that jail realizing something I had the three things I'd always wanted I had money I had power and I had influence but there was something missing in my life and it's the same thing missing in every human beings life and that's peace and the only way that you'll ever have that peace is to come into a relationship with your Creator and that can only happen through His Son Jesus Christ and so when that happened to me ladies April 15 1983 I had a $500 a day cocaine habit I was drinking two quarts of whiskey a day people say well you couldn't drink that much I said you never did cocaine did you so everybody that laughs I know it's done cocaine right I had a $500 a day cocaine habit drinking two quarts of whiskey a day smoking three packs of non-filtered camels a day I used to kiss my wife who's with me today I used to kiss her goodbye and I'd say I'll see you tonight and I wouldn't come home for weeks and I'd be with a different woman every day let me tell you what happened in 1983 did it work I have inmates tell me I tried God Bill and he didn't work I say he didn't work the way you tried him because if you try God your way he'll never work but if you try him his way he'll always work 36 years ago thirty-six years ago I tried God his way did it work for me I've not done an illegal drug since 1983 I've not smoked a cigarette hold on ladies I have not smoked a cigarette since 83 I have not had a drop of alcohol since 83 and I've not kissed another woman since 1983 so yes God works and in the last 32 years I've been in prison ministry I'm 75 years old I've been in prison ministry 32 years I travel all over the country do 80 or 90 prisons a year but 30 years ago I was coming to Chillicothe to visit a woman in prison my wife and I would come up here and visit her 30 years ago and today that woman is my pastor and I would like to introduce to you my pastor [Music] [Applause] thank you how many of you how many of you sit down please how many of you have read the book next to the last vain Lisa Stribling I love you I love you oh I love you you know I do you got my heart hi ladies oh you're so kind you know I love Bill chorim and Debbie chorim I love them and he's right he came to visit me while I was locked up in Chillicothe and I have followed him for the last 30 years him and his wife he is a picture of humility he serves all of us and when I grow up I want to look just like Bill chorim so the Bible says in Hosea that God wounds us and after three days he heals us and today I want to talk to you about a subject that's gonna wound you I want to talk to you for just a couple of minutes about the Kinze I want to talk about our kids and it's gonna hurt I'm gonna wound you and then Katie's gonna come up here in a minute and she's gonna get you healed right it's how it works God's gonna come in and he's gonna mmm and then he's gonna come in and he's gonna fix you up can I talk to you for just a second about the kids I don't have a lot of time but I was a junkie I was the one that walked around with two black guys with an old man who beat me all the time I was that girl I was the dope man I ran with the dope I ran with the big boys I knew how to write I could get anybody's identity I could walk in any store I could get anything I want any bank do whatever we had all the people that knew how to do all the stuff and all of you know what I'm talking about so I don't want to take a lot of time doing it I had my first baby I got pregnant when I was 14 years old and a really good-looking boyfriend then in walked an exceptionally good-looking boy with a big old bag of speed and off we went and here we are today celebrating 40 years being together I want to give that to you as a place of hope before I get to the next part of the story because it always didn't look like that because he was a killer he was treacherous he was a very violent man and we lived our lives like that and if you couldn't stand in a room and watch somebody get completely knocked out without making a face you was in the wrong line of work right and that's how we grew up I was 16 years old when I met him and we went into the deal when we got in with the old heads and we we just ran Kansas City south into kids city and you guys here for Barbara I'll come on we got one too anyway the cops started kicking in the door I want to just tell you a real quick little bit of the story cops start kicking in the door we're 15 years in I'm 27 years old one night I've had it I'm leaving peace I got an old man I got a new boyfriend I'm telling my old man I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I got four babies I've had three abortions every single one of my children are watching everything in every bedroom and every table in every hotel room on every street corner in every backseat my children watched every bit of it and before I get too far into it I want you to know at 12 years old when I turned my son was 12 years old when I turned my life around and I lost him to the to the penitentiary for eight years that's what I did I did that he did four years in maximum juvenile and then at 16 he got an armed robbery and he went behind the walls and he did another four I did that I did that I had a seven-year-old who I was in the Jackson County Jail and she was fitting in that that through the glass in that elevator screaming they could hear her on the 10th floor mommy don't leave me again mommy don't leave me there's hope ladies there's hope there's hope cops kicked the door in one night and then the next night they was coming back they wanted to bring down the house right I told my old man I'm out of here he said no don't leave he took a drill a high-powered drill and he drilled every window and every door in my house shut so I couldn't leave you know what goes on in your houses like that right ladies yeah it does come home next next morning real early in the morning I said well I will just go to sleep you gotta go get dope sometime we'll just go to sleep so I'm cool I'll just stay here tonight can't get out the house anyway next morning police there they were they kicked through the door we stopped who's going to jail is it me or is it you oh my god who's calling dead silence mister Stribling put your hands behind your back I said it's you peace gotta go see you write me baby I'll send you some pictures of the babies that we ain't taking care of right he goes on to jail and I'm running the deal and I set out to destroy myself but for the next 30 days I did just that if you could destroy yourself anymore one night I came in through the door and I got into the mailbox and there he was staying true to what I told him to write me he wrote me and this is what he said I just gave my life to Jesus Christ I'm in a jail cell right like this and the power of the Holy Spirit blew through my life and delivered me of all drugs now he didn't know this but it delivered him of all violence that dude knocked me out every time he saw me that's the kind of life I live that dude was the guy that have a lift kit on his vehicle and he'd get in his vehicle if you owed him money he'd just drive over your vehicle and dare you to say something to him these are people that drove butcher knives in people's backs and blew people's heads off in front of other people didn't matter that's the kind of life we lived he said to me I just gave my life to Jesus and the wind of God blew all the way through me he never put his hands on me again he got out I don't have time to tell that story but I never did a shot of dope again but guess what happened we was going to prison we had charges pending but then there's God you see you pray that prayer get me out of here get me out of here right but then here we sit in tan jumpsuits and we wonder well what kind of God would let us come to prison I'm telling you ladies God will answer your prayer he's answering your prayer I'm gonna wound you real quick what about the babies what about the babies I'm gonna give you some hope real quick I was pregnant I stood before that Judge I said I'm a born-again believer judge look I got 20 people sitting here in the courtroom I got a little baby in my belly don't send me to jail please mr. judge he said no you're going to prison he said you caught a case ten days after I let you out last time you're going to prison and off I went went in went through our dough four months pregnant get into Chillicothe seven months pregnant ding-ding-ding-ding-ding it's your turn to go to the doctor they put me up on the table put a sonogram to my belly man says I gotta go get the doctor I said what's wrong he said I can't tell you doctor comes in the doctor Chillicothe Hospital Thoren can't talk look city says your baby died today your baby died today he said I'm sending you down the streets you're gonna go get a late-term abortion today but guess what you've got two babies in your belly you're pregnant what could joint twins so I found out I was having twins and that I was gonna lose my twins and one day they were conjoined they sent me down the road they put my leg in a chain they chained me up they started the medicine one day two day three day four there comes the babies they were born alive little while later they died there it was in the birth and in the funeral all in one day I've got five dead children I know we don't count those other two three that we had backed when I got sober it took me a few years to go how many oh my goodness I got four living children I got five they're gone I got nine kids I got nine kids oh my goodness down my babies they're all over the place see I was the one that had that baby and I didn't know her birthday cuz I was so high when I had her I lost her I went to vital statistics I said can you find my baby they said wait no baby by that name I said you got a baby by that name cuz I got her or somebody's got her I don't know why I left her they said what's her name I said I don't even know how I spelled her name I want you to know who ladies that's my 31 year old beautiful daughter who's got a criminal justice degree and works for the federal government today [Applause] we'll go in and out of the penitentiary with me and tell her story she was that baby that I dropped on her head and she said mama did you really drop me on my hand I said yes I dropped you on your head they look they took you out of the dope house I didn't know where you were you were gone for a couple of weeks they passed you round and want you but today I have you and I'm so glad God gave you to me there's hope there's hope my son is 41 years old he did eight years he looked at me said you did this to me I said yes I did it to you I did it to you but come on we can do this together I'm gonna tell you the truth I'm not gonna look and say well he did it well he did it well she did it well he did it well you don't want to smoke a little pot from time to time come on ladies I looked at my daughter said you'd be a hooker down on the boulevard of Jesus didn't come in to save our lives you'd be selling that booty down on the streets if Jesus didn't come into our life the only way forward is Jesus that's it what happens in that hospital room they undid my leg and they sent me back to my dorm house for maternity and I started getting sick and I'm like something's wrong real sick one day they said you got the flu it's count time I'm like no something's wrong something's wrong with me something's wrong they said no you gotta come on out I said no you can't you wanna count me in here on the toilet I know there's men in here I can't get up there's something wrong I can't make it I don't have no strength of me ladies I start losing blood like no body's business but time they got me into the infirmary I was hemorrhaging then lady in there the nurses screaming they're driving cars across the yard to put me in the car they chained me up and put a belly chain upon my body they put some trash bags down I got blood coming out my ears see there's nothing good about what happened to me in that hospital nothing at seven and a half months pregnant nothing I want to just make that statement really clear nothing they get me into the next hospital I get out I'm in the emergency room they let me out of the car I'm standing in the parking lot I barely walk in because I'm bleeding to death I'm walking in there and I stand in there in the emergency room and there's a whole room full of people 40 50 people there staring at me and I got blood from him to my toes I said could somebody help me I've chained up I'm all chained up I got shackles on I got chains on I stick it I got stonewashed jeans on it's 1990 I know I like don't ruin those jeans those are the only ones I got give them back to me after I woke up I'm like I gotta have my jeans they ain't gonna send me out of here in a skirt or something with the back side showing anyhow and you have no stay closed right right here though this is my point today it's a picture of what we look like when we come to God we're bloody and Chinkin huffing it's a bloody battle out there on them streets there's nothing cool there's nothing fun that's not right or die no you're gonna die if you keep running with these people there's nothing nothing nothing nothing not then that's going on here that's worth your time but I want to tell you it's a picture of when Jesus comes in he's looking at me go and get your life real when it comes to these babies cuz I got a plan for these kids get to you people all the time today today your kids are gonna remember these moments and if they're grown God will restore you I watch it every day miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle miracle after miracle in that business down in the streets of Kansas City watching the miracles go back together miracle after miracle after restoration God gives it all back to us if we would just keep it real okay so here's what we're gonna do Aaron swinger if you come up here to this here's what we're gonna do I only want you to listen to me from this point on if you really want to change your life otherwise just own out man it's just a good story and you all got one and maybe one day you'll get to tell it right maybe one day you'll get to walk in and be the old cheese pastor how's that happen like what's happening there what happened how's it happened someone wounds you real quick but Katie's gonna come heal you but we got to get you saved first I want you to listen to what I'm saying the power of the Holy Spirit will come instantly it doesn't matter what you did yesterday didn't want it matter what you did this morning if you want change he'll come right now in your life the power is here I say this windows of opportunity only open for junkies like me and you maybe once or twice in a lifetime it isn't a window that remains open at your free will to walk in and out anytime you choose to you don't walk off on God like that it's only open and it's free and it's changed and I got my babies back I got my babies back my 36 year old daughter is my best friend and she fast and prays for me like there's no other and I fasted and pray for her and I could tell you the story but I don't have time I want to activate you real quick to pray for your children I want every one of you that have a pen to write down this verse acts 2:17 write it down 17 18 19 20 21 you got it and if you don't have a pen you're gonna go find your friends and I want to do this real quick too I need three of you on this side that her leaders stand up three just three three three give me one all right there you go all of you just stay there I need Roxy to stand there money Traci to stand up real quick just stay right where you're at right we're here I want you as here the second we're gonna get everybody that wants to pray and give their life to Jesus cause Katie's got some business she wants to take care of with you guys but we I want to activate you and praying for your children see these people right here you just stood up and you volunteered to have prayer circles in your pods you just volunteered yes you did and I want you to pray for your children because you have the same ability to turn this thing around in the United States of America that's going down into the tank they're lying to you it's going into the tank and it's our responsibility I'm up in the penitentiary because I'm the one shooting dope not the federal government come on get real with your situation how you ever gonna get your kids lives right if you keep running around and pretending get it real get real right I want you you mobilize prayer you mobilize prayer acts 2:17 through 21 you are gonna pray in your prayer circles and you're gonna ignite this place for your children dreams and visions the Sun and the moon grow dark in the hour that we're in and guess what your kids are gonna be encountered by God because you spent your time locked up not out there running game but praying and interceding for your children amen but I really need you saved before anybody's listening to your prayers that are coming out and going onto the floor it don't matter if you haven't given your life to Jesus you pray all day long you ain't praying to nobody so this is what I want to do everybody that wants change in their life in that series old you jump to your feet real quick that's right I don't think we could touch each other so I'm not gonna have you hold hands but typically this is where we'd hold hands I'm gonna pray this prayer I'm gonna pray it out loud for time you're just gonna repeat it under your breath it's okay all right I'm gonna pray this prayer Jesus my leadership is messed up go ahead but your leadership I hear is perfect my life is messed up I want to give my life into your leadership I want to give my kids into your hands I want to forgive those who hurt me I ask that you would forgive me for my sins I ask that you would forgive me for being a bad mom I ask that you'd forgive me for being a bad daughter [Music] I want you to stay there for a second it's okay it's okay it's alright God's touching you right now he's touching you [Music] and I ask that you'd forgive me for being a bad wife [Music] the healing will come really fast in your life if you admit that you are part of the problem in that broken relationship the healing will come way faster ladies I'm 40 years today to the date the healing will come a lot faster if you admit you're part of the problem Jesus I turned my life over to you completely 7 21 19 I surrender come into my life and take it let's lift up a hallelujah I know some of you felt the stuff that you'd never felt before you know what I want to invite you to stay in that place write it down keep it real keep it real stay away from negativity reach for the positive you got your prayer leaders on the dorms right so I want to invite Katie up here I'm gonna pass this microphone to her that's right give her a shout [Music] [Applause] you expect it in right here come on give Lisa be praised right now give her a big clap thank you Jesus turn to your neighbor and say you're gonna give you free today come on turn to your other neighbor and say you too now give God one more big praise as you take your seat today hallelujah I know some of you know who I am and some of you don't my name is Katie Souza I'm with is expected in ministries I'm so happy to work with Bill and Lisa today and all our whole team we came here to serve you but to make sure that when we leave that you're different and you're changed and you're healed so I'm gonna tell you some stories but I'm also gonna teach you the secrets from the Word of God on how to totally change your life amen and then when you leave here you won't come back you won't come back you won't come back look I was selling out for years okay I was up on the street I was cooking meth I was cooking on dope I was doing my own zone and I was doing collections I was doing collections for the mob I was doing collections for biker clubs I was doing collections against biker clubs when somebody didn't pay their dope debt I went in I got the money I like that part of my job the best actually because I was really angry all the time angry angry angry all the time so I liked being aggressive I liked going and sticking my pistol in somebody's face taking their stuff because it made me feel good it was a way for me to express my anger and my emotions right so I've did that for many years and I cook mint for many years and I was in and out of prison for many years and I was very violent crime and then in the end what happened to me is everything started to slide downward I did a collection on a biker club they didn't like it oh well and they decided they were gonna kill me so I came to meet with them one night and while I was in meeting with the president they went out to my motorcycle they took off the master link off of my chain and when I came out I got on my bike and I took off to go beat them at the clubhouse to go get some more money and the chain snapped because they took the master link off it wrapped them on my back tire when I was doing about and I just punched it into about 60 70 and I went into a straight skid t-bone occurred flipped over three or four times had massive injuries and broke my collarbone I still have it sticking out if you can see it to this day that's my little war wound from my war with a biker club anyway I ended up having to limp back to their club to there where they would fix all their cars and motorcycles and hide from the police because when I wrecked the guy in the parking lot called the called the police called the ambulance but I had my weapon on me and I had dope on me I the bike was stolen that I was on so I had to run and hide and the cops looked for me all night long helicopters everything trying to find me and I finally limped out of there in the morning without being killed by them or being found by the cops but it didn't last for long because now I was injured and I was having a hard time I would always bash up right I would always cook a couple batches now I couldn't hardly batch because I couldn't go get my cams I couldn't find a place to batch so I had these guys who I didn't like and I didn't trust they came to me because they wanted me to cook dope for them so they said we'll find you a place but my spider-sense was going oh don't do it don't do it but I went anyway because I was desperate but how many of you know that God will use your desperate situation to get it you right where he wants you to be I ended up getting arrested by the feds not the state the feds at this house that they took me to batchat how do you know that God will arrange it so that you get arrested and that you're in here this is not an accident this is the will of God for your life in this season but then after you learn what you're supposed to learn while you're here then God wants to get you out and that's what happened to me the feds caught up with me they gave me 12 and a half years in prison ok so I went in and right away guys start working on me man right away I mean I would like would start praying my spiritual which supernaturally met by God I mean God started raising me up I started being hungry for the word I couldn't stop reading the word enough back and forth I read the Bible over and over again from the front to the back from the front to the back like three four times pretty soon God has leading me to teach Bible studies I'm teaching everybody in the unit and then we're praying God get us out so we can teach all the other women's units and they're like that'll never happen because no inmates allowed to lord over other inmates but sure enough man God made a way when he hired it when they brought in a brand-new chaplain and when we came to go see this brand-new chaplain and he's sitting there and he says this is going to be really great I'm so glad to be with you ladies but I want you ladies to be more involved in the services so you and he points to me he said you're gonna start leading Bible studies and we know I've been praying for that so we're all I guess it's the first miracle man God is real and God start making a way for me to demonstrate my gifts he's gonna do the same for you start walking in your gifts now while you're inside here now because this is your training ground this is where you get prepared for life is in this place this is Bible College for you take advantage of it don't be out on the yard doing cutting it up get in the word so I started teaching Bible studies and then I went to I went to my court case right and I lied my way my face off on the stand don't do that God doesn't honor it it don't work and I got sentenced to 12 years I got shipped off to prison so I'm in prison now and God is still he starts gathering leaders key people to come together including myself to start a big group of women inside the prison a big fellowship you all need to stop being little clicky peoples you need to get together this whole group should be meeting every day to pray up on the yard put aside your petty differences and become a body Christ in the air if you got an issue with a woman in here you better by the time we're done tonight go to that woman and say I'm sorry forgive me be my friend because I love you did you hear me women settle your differences and do it today so we started gaining power in this group and we started teaching I started we started ministering we had prayer groups we started getting together it was awesome we would we would pray and things would happen we would pray for people to be healed and miracles would happen things started moving and then one night I'm in my room I'm in my cell and I and I'm praying to God I was like God you know no you know I don't really like it here but I know you want me here for this season it's cool but I just really would like to know when you're gonna get me out and I already had this feeling like in my spirit right that I was gonna get out by Thanksgiving of that year which was about a couple months away and I said you know I really feel like you might be like wanting to get me out on Thanksgiving right so is that true if it's true which that would be November 21st of this year just tell me how many days aren't tilt from here until there don't tell me y'all haven't tried to do something like this if y'all tried to do something like that Bible dip in for an answer right so I said so if it's true God give me how many days there are from now until November 21st and all sudden I heard my mind 57 and then I get up towards November 21st I'm like 55 and landed right on November 21st I was like no way I better count again one two three all right and it came out November 21st I was like yes I'm out of here yes so the next day I go out and I tell everybody hey God said 57 counting up to November 21st come out of here November 21st I'm telling everybody and pretty somebody in the day the entire facility is like sixteen hundred women they're all saying you know that crazy cruise the 91 she thinks she's leaving November 21st she thinks God spoke to her and pretty soon the word gets back to my my my I don't know what you call them here counselor I guess you call him right my counselor her name was Miss stocking she hated God right he got so much this my counselor it's like when I moved into my room the first room I put my Bibles on the back of the toilet she wants it she just wore satin ago my Bibles she lifts us up the lid and throws them in she just a don't belong in the back of the toilet oh but they belong in the toilet right what right so she hated God so she pages me over over the paging to come to her office I walk in I said yeah she was sold I heard you're like being told by God that you're getting out on November 21st and I said yeah she was well I called your lawyer he said you got 12 happier sent you in game you didn't go nowhere I said that's not what God said just saying it's just well I think you might be like you know maybe losing it suicide or something you need to go to the counselor I said no God spoken to me I don't need to go nowhere but him and when I said every time I said God riser boyega's so pretty she's like all right she reaches over the phone she picks it up and she calls the police right the CEOs come running up in there all like there's something like there's a Throwdown fight or something right they're running there they grabbed me and they take me all the way out to the to the facility psychiatrist so I walk in there and she says so I hear you think you're hearing God's voice I said this is God I said I Miriam say you know it's the Holy Spirit speaking to me I said but you don't believe because you don't believe it's just well whatever the case is I'm gonna schedule you for an appointment to come in here on November 21st because when it doesn't happen you're gonna need to be seeing me and I went okay you know what whatever loser so they send me out right so now the countdown begins now everybody on the yard knows what's up so now the countdown begins right I'll be walking to the yard say how many days left Kate I'll be like 18 they're like how many tasks 14 okay like doing the countdown and even the believers we're asking me about it how many days left Kate you know why because you may think okay those are people are unbelievers they don't believe all that but they need something to believe in they want to believe they want they secretly they want the miracle to happen so they can go WOW maybe there is a God so the countdown was going and then finally it was November 21st right we're all inside the chapel right oh my whole group and we're like the virgin see praying about honey my voice sick of all right and and so we're all in there then suddenly one of the girls runs into the chapel hey Kate you've just been pasted records okay I think you know what I'm saying you don't get paid to records and sell until unless something big happens so sir she said you got pace records I'm like I jump I'm like this is it so we all go out right now y'all know you can't run on the yard so unlike me my friends were like speed walking ball in our face off drugs like speed walking all the way to records right so I go down the whole bus England Oracle you paged me oh oh it's devastated nothing happened okay now at this point the devastation wasn't because I wasn't going home cuz at this point I'll be honest I was sold out Jesus was it for me man it was moral saying to me than I that I heard his voice wrong then it wasn't going home so I didn't know what to do Here I am I'm the big leader you know and now everybody was counting on me to get it right and now I have to go out and say no it didn't work I ain't going home and I had shame I had condemnation I had confusion I had depression I was like both what else have I heard from the Lord that's wrong I started to question everything but when that kind of thing happens to where you're at the end of the rope and you don't you're questioning everything you don't know what to do you don't know where to go nothing seems to be happening of all the things God told you were gonna happen what do you do you keep coming for God you keep going you keep going so I pushed aside the shame I pushed aside the embarrassment and I kept studying I can't worship me I kept teaching the group I kept leading the group and the group gave me grace because how many of you know even the most holy people are not gonna totally get it right every single time so you gotta give people grace and I kept going I kept going and then about I don't know six months later three months I think later I got a call from Miss stocking to go in and see her I walk into her office ago what's what what she goes still wounded what and she goes your folks have been trying to call you it's an emergency no oh man so I run pick up the phone as I pick up on my mom because guess what I said what she goes we won the right for you to go back to to be resentence we won so now I see I'm a Fed I'm a Fed I'm in the Fed so I gotta fly right I gotta fly back to my original state for the original court so they gave me over you know you know hours transport to 3 feet through to 3 p.m. and you're all chained up changing like they're marching Union and all the bus but I got to go on the plane there is such a thing as Conair just to let you know if you're in the Fed you do ride Connie it don't look like the movie but there is a culinary it's so like me doing the shuffle we call that the shuffle they change duffel in and out of the plane hey what's up in and out for like the next 12 hours I finally get to the core train we get into the court and we're talking to the my attorneys and the prosecuting attorney comes and he goes oh he's mad right he's mad he can't stand that we won the right to come back to possibly have our Time Lord so he comes in and he threatens he goes if you guys try to get her Time Lord I'm gonna go down to the chemical Locker and get all the cans that we found at her lab and I'm gonna charge her with even more time I'm gonna give her 20 years instead of 12 and so I'm sitting there go he's trying to get us to drop the motion and then all I hear the Lord speaks so clearly and he spoke to me from Isaiah 44 and he said this to me all who rage against you will be as nothing as soon as I heard the Holy Spirit say I turned looked at my lawyer and I said let's do this so he goes we're pressing forward for the motion so then so then we get into the courtroom with this judge who hates my guts used to call me the hairy Tweaker that was my nickname so I'm up there and and the prosecuting attorney comes up because Your Honor the defendants would like to put in a motion to have a reduction of time but I am putting in a count of motion your honor to have them have even more time because I would like to go down to the chemical Locker and weigh all of their chemicals and the judge says do it so away they go they take me to the back to wait while they go down to the chemical Locker to seal my doom so while I'm there I remember something that happened like about a year and a half earlier when I was still in holding I was still holding at the time and this lady had been on a transport from one prison to the next and they stopped at our facility to rest now this lady she was like one of the girlfriends of the most of the biggest most powerful Hells Angels presidents there's ever been I won't say his name okay so she comes in but the thing is even though she was once like totally out there right she comes in now she's totally been saved through Marilyn hickeys ministry and it's totally rockin the Lord so she walks up into our facility they take her to my unit but I'm in lockdown yeah it takes a minute to get him I threw down with somebody I forget but I'm locked down again right so she walks up in the unit never heard of my name doesn't know me so she walks in I'm told this later she walks in the door she goes where's Katie he never he goes gates up and lockdown he goes she goes somebody needs to throw down with me right now because I gotta get taken to lockdown so I can get the word of the Lord to Katie [Applause] so they start cutting it up and they're going on here cuz the police they roll up in there and they grab her right they pull her out they chained her back up and they said my friends said that as she was walking past the unit or you know all chained up and in for lockdown she looked at everybody with like like wow you're laughing and happy because you're going to lockdown what's up you must be possessed by God if you're doing that right so I'm down in lockdown I don't know this is happening I'm in my cell I'm saying god I screwed up again I'm sorry I mean I've been to lockdown so many times tonight okay get me out of this cycle right and I hear the door open way down the end of hall and I hear chains ching ching coming and changing and Austin I hear she's walking along with the police she finally makes it to my window and she makes the police stop she looks masseuse are you Katie I said yeah she was I have the word of the Lord for you and then she tells the police pull me the cell next door and they obeyed her so she gets up in the cell next to me right so we do what every inmate does we gets down in the vent and starts talking through the vent so we're in the vent right I got a word from the Lord for you I said give it to me she goes sonically monoclinic screamo Hanabi scale and go to my caucus kappa hahaha and I go like this I go interpretation and I could hear her disgust through the vicious like I was supposed to know she does saith the Lord the chemicals in your case have been destroyed and I go like this I went whoa that's cool and everything but man I was sentenced you know like though you know like a year ago and it's already too late they've already given me the 12 enough years they already weighed the cans it's already done she's nevertheless da saith the Lord the chemicals in your case have been destroyed and I go like this I go amen so not fast forward right here I am back in the holding behind the courtroom they're going downstairs to weigh the chemicals so they can give me more time a couple hours passed by they come back they get me they dragged me out to the court now here's the prosecutor knee he was all before now he's all like this it comes up in front of judge goes Lana it seems as though because of the dangerous nature of those chemicals they've all been destroyed so I want my motion right so now I'm like okay I'm gonna get resentenced and getting a new out date and as I'm thinking that and I'm flying back on Con Air I'm thinking all right so what was up with that November 21st number 57 thing god what happened so I come back to my facility takes him like three months to do the recalculation I get called into my counselor's office she gives me my new out date and guess what it was it was November 21st 2003 which was my 57th month in captivity [Applause] [Music] look ladies nothing is impossible God he can destroy those chemicals he can change the law he can have paperwork be lost they can move on your behalf your job is to get well while you're here while God's arranging for your exit [Applause] now I want to talk about that I want to talk about that because this is important during prison and after prison the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and show me one of the biggest keys to people like you and I getting out and staying out and that is the healing of the soul now look we are three-part beings body and inside our body our body houses a spirit and a soul man your soul is your mind your will and your emotions when you're born again in Jesus your spirit becomes instantly perfect the Bible says when you're born again you have Christ in you the hope of glory the spirit of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit right now and there's nothing wrong in your spirit your spirit never gets afraid never gets depressed never gets angry never gets judgmental because it's Christ and he's perfect but your soul is different your mind your will and your emotions have to go through a process of being healed after you're born again because your mind will and emotions have gotten wounded in your life the Bible actually talks about wounds in isaiah 30:26 in the amplify classic read it in that and it talks about how we can get wounded by things like sin when we sin when people sin against us how many people have had some people sin against you okay by traumas that we've lived through and even by stuff that's in our bloodline okay when those kinds of things happen to us when sin when we when we were out on the streets doing dog doing the hustle doing doing you know drinking stealing been pimpin uh and you know selling our bodies on the streets and everything else that sin actually has the capacity to wound your soul when people sin against you like if somebody talks about you or they've ever abused you physically mentally or mostly those sins could wound you if you think about if you've ever been abused physically mentally emotionally you think about how that sin hurt you when you think of that memory you can feel pain in your soul from it can't you and even trauma I know all you ladies are on the street and even up in this place have listened to some trauma right trauma drama baby mama right if you think about this stuff you've been through chased by the police in and out of the prison losing your kids I'm setting your family being thrown out of the place you were living in being homeless running out of money all those traumas have actually have the capacity to leave wounds on your soul now the Bible says why is this important because when your soul is wounded it affects every part of your soul your soul is your mind your will and your emotions and when your soul is wounded it affects the way you think it affects the decisions you make those wounds also affect your emotions cause you have unhealthy unbalanced emotions like depression anxiety or fear we've all been through a lot it's important that we not only get saved that's the first step but then we then get healed of all the wounds in our soul that came from all the stuff we've been through I know I've been through some stuff and I know you ladies have to we have to get healed of those wounds that came from the sins and the traumas and everything else because if we don't we can't break into the next level and those wounds when we get out will control us you could be wounded from something that happened to you 10-15 years ago and you do your time here you do pretty good you try to follow the Lord and everything else then you get out in those same wounds never God while you're in here so when you get out they drive you back to the dope they drive you back to those men they drive you back to the check riding in the sin and the robbing and the lying and the selling your body and everything else that's why you've got to get healed of those wounds while you're in here now the Bible says in 3 John verse 2 you will prosper and be in health even as even as your soul prospers how many even heard that verse before I want you to say it with me now to say I will prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers you're gonna understand something yeah you're born again your spirit man is perfect but your soul is doing a lot of the controlling your mind is controlling you your will is controlling you your emotions are controlling you and if your mind will and emotions are wounded and hurt and not healed they're gonna drive you down the wrong path they're gonna make you think wrong thoughts make you make bad decisions make you be oppressed with negative painful emotions and then you will not prosper you will not prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers let me just give you a just give you a couple things that's gonna totally change your life look it says you a prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers okay so what does the word prosper there mean it refers a lot to prosperity of you know in the spirit but also prosperity in just your physical financial situations look you ladies a lot of you got into your crimes cuz you were hustling to survive right you were slinging the dope right in the checks stealing from people just so you could survive right but something happens when you get your soul healed when you get your soul healed suddenly the prosperity of your finances changes because it says you will prosper even as your soul prospers why would that be why would God come in and supernaturally bless you in your finances if your soul was healed because now he can trust you guys not gonna throw down and give you like a million dollars or a hundred thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars even three thousand dollars if you got a wounded soul you know why because you'll get that money and your wounded soul go pack yeah hook it up call my friends we're going out dressing up for the club you cannot be trusted with money right now you go on by Sokka don't you go out shopping spree at Dillard's Walmart Target tache whatever y'all need to get your soul healed because when you do you'll start thinking right thoughts about the money you start making right decisions with whatever blessing God gives you you'll start having the right emotions about the finances you won't get flashy with them make bad decisions with them so you have to get healed now so God can supernaturally position you for a job for a ministry for opportunity when you get out because you'll know you'll be able to handle the blessing because your soul has been prospered now look I had a lot of wounds in my soul from my sins from people sinning against me from the traumas I lived through but I have gotten my soul healed and we're gonna do that today we're gonna work on start working on it today and now you know what my ministry run is worth millions of dollars I'm not exaggerating to you I own a Christian television network called faith Broadcasting it airs all around the world I have my own television show [Applause] I'm on television show I have a hundred and thirty episodes see that guy right there that's my media producer see that we're standing up see that girl back there wearing that t-shirt stand up Heidi that's our Network showing the t-shirt some lady came up and showed me a charisma magazine cover where are you girl Deborah stand up Sean Sean all see this right here she gets this magazine this is the biggest powerful ass magazine in Christianity that magazine is number one in the United States and over the world guess who that was on the cover that was me I'm not boasting I'm telling you I've been prospered even as my soul has been prospered but my husband and I we live in a house on the lake he's an ex-con too we live in a house it looks out on the lake I Drive a car that I did not steal and I have insurance on it for the first time like ever in my life look something happens when you get your soul healed opportunities open up to you that you would never ever ever ever have because now God can trust you he can trust you the money he can trust you the income he can trust you with the blessing he will prosper you even as your soul is prospered amen now let's talk about the rest of that verse it says you will prosper and be in health even as your soul is prospered there's a definite connection between the healing of the soul and the healing of the physical body never notice that when you're completely stressed out and you've been through hell that your body starts breaking down even doctors in the natural will tell you it's true they'll say people who are dying of chronic diseases cancer the big stuff they have those diseases come upon them they're more likely to die of them because they've been through a lot of traumatic stressful events in their life see totally what doctors say they don't realize it's because when your soul gets wounded in effects your the rest of your body that's why that scripture says you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers now I don't know if you know anything about this ministry but right now see we don't have a screen we wanted to get a big screen for you next time we come we'll bring it but if I could sit here we could sit here and watch thousands thousands of hours of miracles supernatural healing miracles that God has done through this ministry okay now right now as I say these before you normally I don't say anything I'll let the videos talk for me okay but as I say these before you just know this that if I were to exaggerate or to make up any details the Lord would not let me speak any more on this podium ever so as I tell you these things though there are almost impossible to believe nonetheless they're true and I've even had women at first I didn't believe in words you said and then I got a miracle so now I believe well I'm seeing metal disappear from people's bodies now almost every single place I go I was in a prison with a woman that got run over by a car she had metal plate metal screws in her foot and one of the screws got dislodged and was pressing through the heel of her foot her friends said that they could feel the top of the screw with their fingers and they said it was quote disgusting okay that metal screw completely disappeared disappeared I know that sounds so unreal and outrageous but how many of you know the Bible says that there nothing is impossible with God I have videos videos I could show you of this one guy named Larry who had a 32 foot long metal oil rigging pipe break from its chain fall on his back at ways to 3,000 pounds break his back and his neck he showed me the scar he had a 15 inch long laminectomy scar and inside his spine they had to put 310 310 inch long metal rods two metal plates just to hold up his spine the Lord in the meeting came I know if I could show this video you would flip out the Lord came and took the metal out of his body now how do I know that because first of all a sergeant a sergeant not just regular police a sergeant in charge of the yard came with a metal detector and tested him in front of everyone and it didn't indicate and then when he left he walked to Chow and in that facility for the men they have a metal detector you have to walk through to go into Chow so nobody gets shanked during food he had walk through to Chow he went through that metal detector and everybody knows that every time he walks through it that guy sets off the metal detector he walks through it and that day and from that day forth it never went off again [Applause] I had a woman that watched a video I wasn't even there in person she watched one of my videos when I was praying for people with ADD metal in their bodies right and she felt a power hit her the power of God hit her heart when she was a child she had a surgery and they left a small shard of metal in her heart she feels the power of God she goes wow I think that God just took out that metal and she hears all the Spirit said I did now go down to the police station and walk through their metal detector and I'll prove to you I did so she went down there she told the police she said I feel like you know I used to have this metal shard in my heart and I know I set off the detector I'd like to go through it again right now to see if it's still there and they said yes sure go ahead she walks through it she has her friend filmed it on her phone and when she walked through it didn't go off a guy last night at my meeting he had got a staph infection in his underneath his gluteus maximus muscle when he was overseas it ate the muscle away so one part of his butt was like this and the other was like this he had an uneven buttock cheeks right so he's in the meeting and he's like I don't know if I believe all this cuz he was listening to all the testimonies and wouldn't you know God grew his muscle back and there were doctors present in the meeting last night to test him and they said oh yeah he's had a regeneration of his muscle tissue nothing is impossible with God but let me tell you why it happens and I could sit here for hours we could make popcorn and watch thousands of movies I have all this see that guy that that guy pointed to him where is he where to go yeah he can all my team can come up here and testify they've seen all this miracles he's the one that shot him and Heidi back there she shot him okay so we have man gosh next time I'm coming I'm gonna rent a TV if I have to but it all happened because I first was prospered and brought into health even as my soul prospers and then I teach people how to prosper and be in health even as their soul prospers so how do you do it look that's it tell me out loud thirty I look when you got born again the Bible says in acts 1:8 you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you Holy Spirit comes to reside in you when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but when he comes in he doesn't come in alone he brings power with him Holy Spirit is not power he's a person he's the third person of the Trinity but when he comes in to live in you he doesn't come alone he brings power with him now that word power in that scripture and many others is the Greek word Dunamis everybody say Dunamis say Dunamis say Dunamis say to Nemus Dunamis is like dynamite because it has so much power available to you that it can do anything that you need it to do and that's why God has given you supernatural ability that's why you have to be born again because man you need supernatural help to get through everything you need to get through now so here's the Holy Spirit he's living in your spirit he brings Dunamis power with him one of the meanings of the word Dunamis if you ladies go back you get your Thayer's lexicon out look it up one of the meanings of the words Dunamis is this excellence of soul so that means anytime you got wounded from sinning and selling crack and you need to get healed of those wounds you can because Holy Spirit is gonna release dunas power into those wounds and make you excellent of soul and he said anytime you got beat down by your old man and you're wounded from that beatdown that you went through you can ask Holy Spirit to go Holy Spirit released said doing this power into those wounds and when I was abused by my husband or my boy oh my man and he heal them he will make you excellent of soul you hear what I'm saying it means anytime you lost your kids maybe you still awesome you still don't have them and all you can think about is the pain you're feeling because you messed up you screwed up you miss them you wish you were a good mom you wish you had them now and that woundedness is just controlling the way you feel controlling your thoughts that means that you can actually ask Holy Spirit because he's right here to release the Dunamis power that he brought with him into those wounds that are making you feel guilty of said hurt grieving and you can get healed you can become excellent of soul everybody say I have the Holy Spirit and Dunamis power living in me now Dunamis means excellence of soul I believe that if I'm hurt upset offended wounded anxious depressed or fearful that I don't need to be anymore I can ask Holy Spirit to send that Dunamis power to wherever I'm feeling bad and that Dunamis power will make me excellent of soul say my mind will become excellent my will will become excellent my emotions will become excellent now I want you to turn your neighbor and say you are excellent of soul turned your other neighbors say so are you you were excellent soul to turn to your neighbor again the other one say you're full of the Holy Spirit and Dunamis tell your other neighbor likewise you're full of the Holy Spirit and Dunamis say we're all full of the Holy Spirit and Dunamis all right so this is what we're gonna work on this morning we're gonna work on trauma we've all been through a lot of trauma led through a lot of drama we need to get healed of that because the traumas the memories that are still haunting us and all the members are still holding on do the grieving and the pain are preventing us from being prospered and brought into health we've got to break through that trauma with the holy spirit Dunamis power now I want you to just sit here and I'm just gonna ask the Holy Spirit right now to just remind you of something that you're still holding on to you a traumatic event or a stressful situation or circumstance that's still in your memory that you still dwell on you still think about it still controls you that still makes you grieved and sad the reason why I want you to do this is cuz we're gonna get it healed right now last night in the meeting a woman came up in people's spines I know you know this is hard to believe but if you saw the videos you know I ain't making this up and God would remove me if I was but people's spines were moving into place where they sat in their seat says one woman came up and her spine moved in place she had no pain left in her back but she's still any problems she came up the French goes I said what are you how are you feeling he she goes my pain in my back is completely gone I said terrific then she started to cry and she I said what happened it's just well thirty-one years ago I got into a horrible car and she couldn't even talk she's like I don't know people know I'm not making fun of her but if something happened to you 31 years ago and you still can't even talk about it you're wounded I said whoa whoa whoa she said I came in for my knees but they're not healed I said all right I said I'm gonna administer holy spirit and doing this power to your soul because you are traumatized still after 31 years and I began to pray for her I had to repeat the same prayers I'm gonna have her you repeat she fell down she laid there for like I don't know an hour when she got up she goes thank you I feel so much better so when you think about that accident how do you feel I feel like I can't it feels different it doesn't feel the same and she started to walk away now she started walk away she went no she did that right you don't saw it raise your head if y'all saw it she was prospered it brought into health even as her soul was prospered think of that trauma right now what is it you can't let go of what is it that hurt you you may have even thought you're over it I saw what I got beat when I was a kid I'm over it but we're survivors we just act like ruin what's really still in your soul bow your head father thank you show every woman in here what is wounded then right now right now and we're gonna put some holy spirit and doing him is power so you can be healed of that so they can prosper and be in health even as their soul prospers thank you Holy Spirit even now either or you're bringing it to their remembrance you're releasing your power right now you're releasing your power upon that pain what is still bringing you pain what are you still grieving what are you having a hard time getting over is it cuz you lost your kids is it cuz a man betrayed you is it cuz your family don't call you don't come to visit you is it you you're still being feeling condemned because of what you did on the street is it how you were treated when you were a child what is still causing you pain ask the Lord to show you right now because we're gonna deal with it right now so you could prosper in Jesus name right now now you feel that pain God wants to heal it I just want to keep your head Bob up put your hand on your belly your hand on your heart I just want you to pray after me say Holy Spirit I'm in pain I've been through a lot and I'm wounded because of everything I've had to live through Holy Spirit you know how crazy my life has been you know everything that I've had to endure and you know how much pain it's caused me I've been rejected I've been abandoned I've been beaten and abused I've been used and I've sinned I [Music] know I need healing and I'm gonna receive it right now so Holy Spirit I ask that you release Dunamis power into every part of my soul heal my mind so my mind doesn't have to be captured by pain heal my mind of all those painful memories that I can't let go of that keep haunting me and tormenting me heal my mind of those flashes of guilt and shame and regret and heal the rest of my soul to heal every wound that came from the trauma that's controlling my will those wounds have made me make bad decisions that's how I ended up here because I was so wounded I made the wrong choices but you Holy Spirit and Dunamis power are healing me now now I'm gonna think different I'm gonna make good decisions and I'm gonna have good emotions Holy Spirit I've been in pain in my emotions I've been feeling depressed anxious fearful doubtful angry offended and bitter and I repent for all that and I asked you invade my emotions with your power let Dunamis make me excellent a soul I want to think excellent thoughts I want to make excellent decisions I want to feel excellent emotions i decree my trauma is no longer mine I'm being healed from the wounds that came from every single painful event I've ever lived through everyone connected with my family my kids my men my drug dealing my hustling my whoring my robbing my stealing everything I went through it's being healed now by you Holy Spirit and Dunamis power I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul I am excellent of soul we're gonna sing now I want you to really see why something happens when we worship that that Dunamis power flows even more it flows even more something happens when you worship the Lord that Dunamis starts going to the deepest place where you thought I'll never feel good about that I'll never forgive that person I'll never be able to get over that but something happens so we're gonna say just you don't have to stand or anything but but make sure you're engaged if your engagement means just stand or if it means you raise your hands but no matter what you do open your mouth and sing amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in your presence in your browser [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bad [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right now listen to me very carefully I just want you to reach out like this you're not gonna pray you're not gonna pray in tongues you're not gonna pray you're gonna do nothing but receive while I pray all right hold out your hands father in the name of Jesus I suspend time right now and I decree right now the power of the Holy Spirit is loosed in this place with Dunamis power to heal every tomb and that these women are dwelling amongst every wound that is controlling them from their trauma from their stress from their sin right now you are penetrating into the deepest parts of their mind their will and their emotions I Lucy and tell the chrome right now to make to bring healing and to remove the enemy from this place and to take him out and to dry her places where he can never return and now I speak to you Legion in the name of Jesus and I say come out of these women now I said now you come out right now you come out of their mind you come out of their will you come out of their notions you come out of their physical body you come out of their families you come out of every part of their life you come out of their jobs you come out of their prison sentence you come out right now come out come out come out come out come out come out say it after me say now now now now stop your foot when you say it do it like this ready Stu's like this aegis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gentle shut up to go right now [Music] okay listen we hardly have any time left I need you to check your bodies did you have pain did you have something going on with your body before I want you to check and see do you have less pain do you have more movement did that thing that was bothering you is it gone now if you feel like you're 80 to 100 percent healed um you gotta check you gotta check if I don't see you wiggling then they don't count you gots to wiggle you gots to move you gotta shake it baby shake it shake it shake it now if you feel a difference if you feel 80 to 100 percent better of something that was afflicting you something can you wave of you right now come on let's give God a big praise for that [Music] [Music] okay sit down sit down Scott I want to ask now who had a physical healing to where you feel like you're like a hundred percent better or something who had physically healed all right come on let's find out what's going on what happened girl I just feel better all over 100% better under percent better all over amen who else without a physical healing did you get physically healed of something what back pain completely gone you had back pain what level between 1 and 10 was it and what is it out zero gets give God a praise did you have a physical healing what happened sorry my shoulder is like I can move it around I feel no pain in my shoulder and I'm thankful thank you God so what level pain did you have 1 to 10 before 10 did you have limited movement yeah so pain now I don't feel any at all let's see you move that shoulder too else who else did you have a physical healing would you have [Music] worse than labor worse than that worse than Labor where do you have no pain level let's give God a praise did you have a physical healing what's right see what you have shot in my knee today and it felt it's painful and it felt I don't feel better was that better what was your pain level before was it now I don't feel it's fine you had a ten now you have a zero come on let's give God a praise what what did you have happen to you um I had a car accident back when I was 17 years old was said were never supposed to never be able to walk again afterwards my pain was it over a ten about a fifteen every day how long did you how many years since I was six year or 17 years old so six years six years level pain higher than a ten now what is it now it is a zero and I can move no problem come on let's go guys physical healing what happened to you over 25 years ago and I've been experiencing pain back pain it's gone hit me back completely gone so come on let's give God a praise who else had a physical healing physical healing come to me if you had a physical healing come on what happened my physical healing has been my heart for the longest time I feel like Satan has been really been nipping at my tail but today I feel 100% pure and like God is just here with me how many do you feel free in your soul right now how can you feel free in your soul right now tell me you're gonna do yo marinate Alicia what happened I'm today I've just been feeling so much better mentally physically everything I'm just been battling with depression and everything today I just feel so free of everything let's give God a big grace all right look we're being told we has to go how many other people got a physical healing stand up and wave your hand at me go stand up wave your hand stay there till I count everybody they got a physical healing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - month so - three - four - five - six or seven 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 the six seven thirty 39 40 41 42 43 come on let's give God up at 44 let's get out of it Freddy's all right we gotta go do you want us to come back we'll see you we'll be back love you I got six brain surgeons I am screwed all through my head and they feel better the screws can you feel them anymore they're gone okay I gotta go but I know it's true can we read and you guys will see that it's true come on she has a spirits missing from the screws are missing from her head [Music] you [Music] you you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 4,898
Rating: 4.7674417 out of 5
Keywords: Katie Souza, Prison Ministry, Chillothe Correctional, Lisa Stribling, Lisa Bickle Stribling, Bill Corum, Gina Hanna
Id: bOl-1TZqheE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 34sec (6154 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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