Q & A and the breakdown of a dry aged bone in Ribeye with Chef Eric with Steakager

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hey chef Eric here again with steak ager I say thanks for joining me earlier this afternoon hopefully you did for the dry aged cheese steaks which were phenomenal so after sufficient digestion and a nap we're back again so we're doing the breakdown of a 35 day bone-in ribeye hopefully a lot of the newer folks to the state Gager page are actually going to join us to check it out see what it takes and I'm pretty excited every day you take something out of the steak ager is a good day remember that so I'm going to go over to my fridge right now and we're gonna pull this thing out it's dark and there it is hasn't been opened in 35 days I have my muffin fan that sits on top of my steak ager and put it up there and I've got my satchel push it toss my fridge town I've got my Inc bird that's the probe for the entry and that's the anchor coin that now I'm gonna pull a little steak eater right out of here if you want to take it out because I am gonna clean it in between sessions honey here we go what do you clean up with I'm gonna clean it with the solution of vinegar and water you want to you know I'm not too powerful vinegar because you don't want it to smell like vinegar but nice fifty-fifty solution let it dry really well and that should take care of it okay so here we go stager Wi-Fi addition I'm going to slide and here it is this is a bone-in ribeye we bought this at Nicks maybe yeah or oh this is your shop right one Arachne water or something this is my shop right one because they had a killer sale during the holidays Thank You peanut gallery so we're gonna slide the Shelf right out that's looks beautiful so this is the charcoal filter meat from Kevin homes look now how many teenagers do you have I have my original state agent and I have the Wi-Fi model I want to just point this out before I get to me you have to Wi-Fi munch thank your wife I left I want to point this out before I get to the meat that this is the carbon filter the charcoal filter sits right in this little slot near the fan that evacuates the humidity all right so this thing will minimize the odors in the fridge what you do is you'll rinse it off clean it out nice with some soap and if you sit this in the Sun it'll recharge you can use it again it's pretty cool smells like dry aged beef say hi to Carla hey chef Karl Ruiz joining us how is California my man your I'm sure I hear you going to a party with some some nice ladies from the Food Network which by the way was hilarious the other night anyway so chef Carla's awesome chef he's a judge in guy's grocery games he's got a great restaurant here in Jersey and love him to death he's a good man he's a good man so I'm gonna get right to this meat so here we you can see it's got a beautiful pellicle formed you can see it's all around it's beautiful to waxing you guys a lot of you veteran guys have seen me do a video before like this it's definitely lighter than it was when I put it in and we're gonna get to the meat and potatoes of this thing so here we got bones 1 2 3 4 5 bones there's also the round bones which are here a lot of butchers will take those out so it's easier for you to carve up but for our purposes we keep it in further protects the meat because when these come out they're holes alright so those holes can Harbor we're gonna call cooties so we don't want that here you can see a couple of lines here if you get a cut from a butcher you can actually get what's called the flat bones that go right here that are in place if I if there there I like that because it further protects the meat and they're just flat bones you just got to cut them right off this one being that it's a supermarket roast it these these were removed before I got it I can tell that this dry aged nice and gently sometimes the ends will pull in if you know if it doesn't happen gently you know so I just want to point out that my temperature was about 35 to 37 degrees and that's exactly where I like it I don't worry about the humidity it starts high as the agent goes along it goes lower and I'm gonna encourage you guys to not worry about it you want to worry if the temperatures too high but the stake ager does what it's supposed to do keeps the humidity below 78% yeah you go up in the 90s for any period of time it's not good no bueno as my friend says so we keep it below 78 and I've got more than a dozen maybe 15 or 20 Aging's under my belt my humidity's been everywhere on the scale don't worry about humidity please I beg you the eggs are a lot of conversation on the family group so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to first remove these round bones it is a little bit challenging you just got to work at it and pull them out they are kind of conical in shape so the point goes down into the meat so you really want to using the OJ Simpson whole you want to just go around them and Kevin Kelley is doing the cheesesteak thing for dinner Oh fantastic that makes me happy come around alright come around try get a good camera angle you know they all fall in a different area so you know this one's really close to the edge you know so you really just want to cut around don't worry about cutting too much meat the pellicle kind of saves you from going too deep but you really want to get underneath it like that and you really just got to take your time and work at it it's better it's better doing this than having having them removed before you age because it really does protect the meat right working away at it feel free to ask any questions guys while we're here alright so here's the first one it's out actually why don't you show that looks like yeah I want to show you I want to show you that this is what it would look like if it was removed prior and you can see that there's meat here so we see sometimes when we cut into our roasts there is the darkened meat which is oxidized it's perfectly fine to eat it's just oxidized because the air got to it that's what's going to happen in each one of these holes if these are removed before if they are removed don't worry about it it's still okay but optimal situation is to have them in so we go to the next one and you just got a feel around the bone with your knife fantastic we are planning our trip down to NOLA in July because it's not hot enough here in New Jersey in July yeah we're really excited okay so I'm cutting it around isolating it and then I'm going in sideways and again take your time work at it you can see why the butcher's will remove it to make the cutting of the roasts easier there's new yeah most of their customers you got to remember are buying it roast to make a prime rib so they want to there they want to take it all and throw in the oven cook it in a couple hours and then be done and slice it up for their guests so we're doing something different so we got it you asked for something different from your butcher to again feel with the knife you'll feel where the bone is around you shut the dishwasher off working at it working at it any questions out there any questions from the peanut gallery yes well it's important you got to tell them what you're doing let you know that your dry-aging you know again most of the people there ask the butcher for just a specific weight like I'm feeding this many people what size roasts do I need and you know that's pretty much what they do all day long so when we go and ask them for something specific like we know what we're talking about they they actually like it but it takes them by surprise okay yes very important a lot you know a lot of times you know we've discussed this on the page a lot of times the butcher will also remove the fat cap and hinge it so you can actually lift it off and then you got to cut it and they'll lay it back down they'll also remove the bones and then tie them all back on together we want to ask them not to do that we want one with the bones left attached not tied on and the fat cap intact and question from Michael maximum so if you break that down and only want to eat two steaks can you vacuum seal the rest and freeze them you absolutely can it's a great question because the removal of moisture from the dry aging process the dry aged beef will freeze extremely well you know vacuum seal on the last they will last longer than they will last because they won't last because you're gonna eat them first how's that free it's like circular logic yeah and Brian last your first suggest you have a shop with meat accessories and corner and what covered sure I could do that show you what i'm using i'm actually gonna switch that a japanese boning knife edge on one side but it's very stiff let's see if it'll make this go a little easier like i can use in add some leverage because i'm not afraid of bending that the blade and kevin holmes Ladell did you ask for specific rib numbers when you went in I didn't want this was because it was a supermarket sale I did not ask the guy for really anything special he gave me in cryovac the way he gets it a full sub primal and I took it that way but when you go to the butcher you've taken the rack with you yes you go to the butcher take the rack with you as a template you know and ask him to cut it the size so you don't have to buy the whole thing I mean they say I was so cheap it was you know it didn't make sense not to buy the whole thing and like yeah you can definitely if you're going to a butcher you definitely don't hesitate to have a conversation and tell them exactly what you want one left so I know if Carlos still yeah but he did a video yesterday as he often does when he lands in San Francisco a restaurant called the prime rib now this restaurant I don't know if it would it's been there a long time yeah I was thinking boy I wish we had a restaurant like this near us these guys like specialize in prime rib and they have the most amazing setup ever they have a carts in the dining room and they're kind of like giant fancy chafing dish carts and what these guys do is they lift the hood of this thing and inside our whole sub primal prime ribs cooked standing on their aunts and the waiters who and I wish they would do this in New Jersey have white coats on just like the good old days they actually will cut the prime rib from these sub primals to order in the dining room table side it's the most amazing thing they've got piping hot gravy right next to it and they got mashed potatoes and they dish him up right in the dining room and it looks phenomenal I regret well actually I don't regret it because I'll tell you this story we were in San Francisco and we had a reservation at the prime rib that was until I got a call from or a text from Carl call me 911 so I called him up and he had happened to secure us they very hard to get in desireable reservation at a Michelin star restaurant that yeah I wouldn't I will never regret so we just have to go back to San Francisco and going to the prime rib okay house it's called a House of prime personnel quickly thank you and Kevin Holmes you know he got salmon there and Scott Quigley has been there many times what is your review oh I missed that I think you said it was very good it's an excellent restaurant eaten there many times I feel like and from Blair fire he said Lauer's just been doing it in Chicago for forever nice yes New Jersey is behind Kevin was kidding about the salmon Wow takes a sucker born every day so here we got the round bones they're going in the pile a lot of collagen in there I'm going to use it for my beef stock so you just throw it in the bags the other stuff in the freezer odeon freeze another okay so here we go you see those holes there you don't want that you want it you want to have those bones in and then pull them out once it's dry aged okay sue I am going to start out with this space and you can see it's a little concave it's also very close to this bone so like why are you choosing this shot well I gotta cut the sides off okay so here I'm gonna try and go very thin here you know and oftentimes it takes you know a couple of cuts don't worry about getting it off in one shot and go this way yeah you basically just want to shave the face till you reveal the red meat which is there so keep going and you know what this is completely safe this pellicle you can eat it this is the dry aged beef stock you know that I'll make out of this you know so here in this case it's very close to the bone so I may leave more pellicle on they say than I normally would just because I can't get it unless I want to take the ball off so I'm gonna keep going down as far as I can and this is a shows you know every roast is completely different so it might help to ask the butcher if you're going to a butcher that actually yeah cuts down me himself that you really you need to be not so close to the bone all right this is where the bone is right here so you know you do the best you can not to worry about it it's not that serious do the same thing this one also is very close to the bone here so do the best you can nice so I'm gonna cut this at an angle sharp knife really important here folks and that's beautiful beautiful color nice but as close as I can get because of that bone so I'm not gonna sweat it those two end pieces we'll just have a little bit more dry aged flavor than the others all right so I like to keep the bone on my steaks so at this point I am just simply gonna go along the bone and we're gonna get some big steaks out of this thanks I'm gonna cut in here and this is when you really see you know the penetration let's hear yes yes yeah beautiful mahogany color exactly what you want it's got a beautiful eye it's got a little bit of a spinalis around here nutty 35 days could have gone longer but decided not to so here I'm gonna do is I am going to cut a thinner bonus this way well maybe have a little taste of it dinner dinner Eric do you have a Sookie not really sure do tell Bryan what's a home seeking mmm what is that Oh Sookie day kevin holmes live outside small store scene and beautiful huh I believe he was describing your make yeah yeah so this is beautiful nice marbling you know for this was a Certified Angus so I think it's a pretty nice so the home Suki knife Bryan says it's a sharp point boning knife very triangle triangular knife I'm thinking that that is like that we had is it like that Ryan very stiff pointy at the end laid on one side single edge so now you could choose right to cut couple steaks off of this and then keep the rest for a whole roast it's up to you you also could if you know if you wanted to you could do what a butcher might do and just cut all the bones off and then cut steaks whatever thickness you want but I kind of like them hefty because you know you can you can feed two people on a stay on one steak you know cook one steak feed two people mmm hi Eric what are you going to do with the dry cut-offs we're gonna put them in the freezer I am going to accumulate them until I have enough to make beef stock that's what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna cut this maybe even it off a little bit and we'll eat this or maybe I'll save it for grinding this will be a good taste I'll throw in the pan maybe beautiful so now my question is flat steak taste it I think I'm gonna keep this as a roast this will be good maybe throw it in the smoker this is gonna go out work and he's gonna get a nice pan there you go well this will go in the pile let me keep this as a roast so here we got the steaks now we're gonna work on the pellicle you know we're gonna cut each individual steak it's a lot easier to do this than to try and trim the whole thing and then you know and then cut your steaks so we do it this way so all this you really want to feel for what's really dried and art and I gotta say that this pellicle is actually pretty soft it's not as hard as the edges were like these you know this is pretty hard so I'm just gonna trim just a little bit off really like dry dry stuff I typically don't want to cut off too much of the fat because that fat would melt as you cook it but you're going to trim it down let's go all around it just get that dried stuff off and now here you see the tail always has a lot of fat on it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna French the bone on this one show you how to do that before you go there yep from Ray Ortiz I found rubber grips on the knives work best for me when I'm cutting into dry aged Kevin Hoagland he asked about bacteria in the cut off and he says he can smell this all the way in Texas nice so I want to talk about bacteria after this French no I'll talk while I am frenching the bone all right so bacteria okay so this we have a in the steak ager we use UVC light tec-9 she washes the air as if blowing over the roast so like I said this is completely safe to eat it's just not palatable because it's hard you know it would be hard to chew so yeah as far as bacteria yeah there is none there's no bacteria if there you know any bacteria it's absolutely safe and stuff that you know isn't even on anyone's radar because it's a naturally occurring thing but yeah as far as this being not usable it's absolutely usable and Kevin Holmes Liddell what temperature do you prefer to this cut to be cooked at I will go 115 to 120 which is a high wear low medium rare that's what I typically do all right so I want to show you this I'm gonna French this bone fine so here you got all this fat here so I want to keep a little bit of it you're gonna lose a little bit of this but it's okay you know the goal par for the course so you're gonna cut down to the bone you're gonna go across against the bone dan this is Wren this is the stuff that you're gonna render for beef tallow absolutely gorgeous okay so I'm cutting down the bone cutting the sides on the sides go to my boning knife now twist it turn it twist it you want to not forget the back it's got this membrane on it right against the bone take all that meat off there in fact turn it against the ball and sharp knife you basically watch this bone clean [Music] definitely nutty firmer and again if you if you your flavor profile likes the dry aged beef a little bit strong the flavor a little bit stronger then leave some of the pellicle on but you know like I'm not cutting off all this because it's darker I mean it's still soft it's not like this so I'm keeping it I'm keeping it on this will be a nice dry aged flavor so there you go French bone beautiful when you do it that way do you cook them any differently or do you have a way that you like to have them cooked how do you mean when you French the bone no it's just really first a texture and if you want to be Neanderthal and pick it up like that pretty much you know and it's also a way you know to get rid of all this fat because you really you really don't need it in the time it takes to cook this thing all this fat won't really render so you know it's just I prefer to cut it off so that way you can use the fat and it looks pretty exactly well this is a nice this stuff is what tallow is made out of it's what you want it looks like Chris has a little tasty morsel for us over there [Music] thank you yeah if you can see the color in here see the color of that meat it's absolutely gorgeous they do need a little salt i salted hmm even at 35 days phenomenal tender nutty beautiful mmm it's really good from Walton Meryl woods I from Roatan made some butcher blocks just like that one what was yours mine is Honduran rosewood was made from a hundred year old reclaimed black walnut what about the tell ya finish my thought of that the this is a hundred year old reclaimed black walnut from a barn in Ohio USA had it made by a reclaimed wood guy it is absolutely phenomenal love it so yeah the tallow I am talking about I know I talked about it in my last video but you'll take the meat pieces off of here as much as you can cut this into smaller chunks you put it in a pot and you will slowly render it that is draw the the fat out of it we call it liquid gold and you know do it for as long as you can like ours you know very low temperature let that draw that out and what happens is you get and then you'll strain it out really well and then you get dry aged beef tallow so this is the container it solidifies in the refrigerator it's it smells you know like dry aged beef and I cook everything in here vegetables you know Brussels sprouts with in their eggs everything you would cook like everything you use bacon fat for you could use beef tallow for ever adds that that flavor popovers I made actually Yorkshire puddings using the dry it's really really amazing and then I mentioned in the other video that a lot of the smoker guys will actually make you know not let it solidify keep it liquid let it cool down and they will inject their brisket with it before they put it in the smoker to get a dry-aged flavor in their brisket really really great so I'm going back to this pellicle cutting it off I'm gonna keep on whatever is not too dry you know the fat I will tell you takes on the dry aged flavor more than the meat so you know if you just want to trim that down a little bit that's fine and all that will be rendered down and yeah this pellicle was really not - not too hard and I hesitate to bring up humidity there's a lot of you know the theory is that your identity is lower you get more pellicle so my humidity right now is somewhere in the 30s again I don't worry about it I understand you know worrying about it I would worry if it was too high but I don't worry about it ever being too low because here I am in the 30s and I've got a beautiful prime rib rib eye with a very minimal follicle that's that's my that's what I'm gonna say about that okay and I'm cutting off this and went to French them all now let's say you're drying accession was done and we weren't having people over for a day or so that would be perfectly fine do your do your breakdown when it's convenient for you you can vacuum seal them keep them in the refrigerator if it's gonna be longer vacuum seal and put them in the freezer they'll be absolutely perfectly fine how long can you keep them in the refrigerator or vacuum shape they'll stay in the refrigerator you know five days it's actually perfect I mean there's no degradation a lot of flavor from one of my research and I do understand that if you keep them in for nine days that there is the beginnings the loss of flavor this was on an extensive study that I saw on dry aged beef but again I don't know about you in my house the dry aged beef doesn't stay around long enough to worry about it okay so we got another French bone this is the one with the end piece cut some of this off this is a little bit harder because it's on the end a lot more drier follicle and what from Mike Scott what retail price would you put on one of those steaks I never even thought of that I will tell you that there are a lot of restaurants that sell dry aged beef in my area well right you know around the country and let's say we had a tomahawk steak and it was eighty bucks yeah there's 80 bucks did not have anywhere near the dry-aged flavor that I get from my steaks that I pull out of my steak ager you know I've since I've been steak aging with the steak ager I've been actually quite disappointed with dry aged beef that I've gotten in restaurants now we all see these articles about ninety-day 125 peanut gallery is breaking their necks nodding in agreeance you know I haven't had a 200 day steak you know for $300 or anything like that but for the average you know dry aged steak that you're finding in restaurants which most likely have been dry it's 28 days and you know the somewhat capitalized on the term dry aged steak because it's hot and it's now you know so I am again quite disappointed in the available dry-aged steaks around here and this is a fraction of the cost we do it ourselves it's we let the steak age or do its thing and I know my family's real happy about it so I'm gonna try and cut this off something you should be really careful at cutting towards your from your hand and maybe you shouldn't do it from Frank Rizzo with the man in action tell me what's up Frank everybody say hi to Frank for without him none of this would be possible awesome hopefully you got to see my earlier video Frank of the amazing dry-aged we made cheesesteaks really good so there we go so here again another beautiful French bone 35-day rib eyes can be phenomenal these are most likely going into my freezer because unfortunately our dinner guests are unable to make it so her lunch guests are still lunch yes they're still here they were supposed to leave hours ago can't get rid of these people but yeah that's it so anyway I'm gonna continue I'll probably trim this trim this palate go off a little bit just you know keep it as a roast but I want to again welcome everybody who is new to the state Gager family thank you for your support we're happy to assist you any way that we can answer any questions you know look at the look at the Facebook groups file section for a lot of great information but don't hesitate to ask questions anyone can p.m. me if they have any specific questions that they may want to want to answer it I'm happy to help you and you know that's it you know those on your first state Gager session be prepared for the best steak you've ever had it's awesome and that's it I'm going to sign off I'll see you next time on the next state Gager Facebook live or video there'll be more to come peace
Channel: Eric Eisenbud
Views: 33,912
Rating: 4.3526969 out of 5
Id: -qQIhY-9w5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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