Fool - Proof Prime Rib

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hey you got special company coming to mash an error here oh my gosh stick around folks we're gonna show you how to treat that company right with some Red River range prime real [Music] you know whether it's holiday time special time or you just want to treat somebody to something really special what is that man to me it don't get no better than a good piece of prime rib cooked right foolproof method now takes a little doing takes a little time but I guarantee it is well worth it we got about a 6 pound rib roast standing rib roast prime rib it's just a ribeye you can see the bones still in here this is a pretty expensive cut of meat I promise you if you got a lot of folks coming over to slice it really thin if you got some folks coming over you don't like don't slice it at all because it does cost some money but it is well worth the first thing you want to do if you're going to have this safe for suppertime tonight I think is how Shannon would say at dinner time that's the night meal you want to take this roast out that morning the thing that helps this more than anything to get an even cook time throughout is taking it out for hours ahead of time let it sit right there on the cabinet let it warm up it's got a warm so we get to even cook throughout let's get ready to season this thing and we're going to season it really good so let's just set it right here on that cutting board see how nice it stands up now softened me a stick of butter let it out here at room temperature mix me I'm some of them folks that Shannon really got me fond of and that is them Herbie's fresh rosemary fresh thyme four cloves of garlic a little smoked paprika some coarse sea salt some coarse ground pepper a little red river ranch whoo-hee just gonna be good pretty good consistency is what I call nearly like really softened butter so you don't have to get your hands dirty now but we're gonna rub this rest for really good everywhere we want to make sure that he's coated every where he's showing that side everywhere now when you cook this in a roasting pan you're gonna make sure that the it is the rib side down the bones don't forget to get these little ends in here so we gonna gently pick him up put him right there like that you can see we done got it camouflaged up it looks a little different what it did all them herbs and that butter all that goodness is going to just sit right in there but right now since this is such a big chunk of meat I want you to take some of that coarse sea salt and go right back over the top of it 500 degrees that's hot so how long do you cook that at 500 degrees well it weighed six pounds and we're going five minutes a pound so that's 30 minutes at 500 then we're gonna turn the oven off plumb off and we ain't gonna touch it we ain't going to look at it wing gonna do nothing and when you pull it out there what's it going to be delicious prime rib medium rare so it's preheated it's time to go folks let's do okay I know you're a watchdog I want you to sit here and watch that and make sure nobody gets near it thirty minutes where does it say off and remember you cannot open that door until two hours we're going to check it then we're going to take a meat thermometer and we're going to see if it's about 120 to 125 because we bring it out to let that thing rest before we cut it the internal temperature in there as it sets is going to rise so it's probably going to jump up another five to ten degrees which you'll still keep it in the medium-rare range and it needs to be cut and served at that point but do not open that door what we're going to do for the next two hours Frank's done went to sleep you want to pan over there and get it Shin Franks doesn't passed out on me so he ain't no help ain't got nobody to talk to with him so I'm gonna talk to y'all about prime real what is prime rib it is the premier roast to cook comes from the primal cut up there close to the front the ribeye section you're getting it all the bone in you're getting that great Martin Lee that great fat layer on the outside right there on the top it's gonna hold all that juice in this is why you're paying that premium price for a piece of prime rib because it's the marbling it's got the fat it's got the juiciness so let's go to the grocery store the butcher shop the meat shop let's get a prime rib now I'm gonna pick out Certified Angus beef that is what I use when you're getting a piece of prime rib a lot of times they're not gonna be sitting out there for you to see so ask that butcher behind that counter he's there to help you say sir I would like a prime rib we're a standing rib roast tell him about how many people are you expecting to feed feed is fed a word tell him how many people you're expecting that you're gonna have four company or you want them to feed this six pound roast will probably feed about seven to eight people I'm gonna bring it out there let you look at it look for that marbling in that red piece of meat that's what we're after it's snow white flakes of marbling throughout that prime rib that's what's gonna make it tender that's what's gonna make it juicy look for that the more small little white flakes you see in that meat the more flavor you're gonna have the more tender it's gonna be but what else is gonna do the more it's going to cost but you get what you pay for folks so start out with the best it just gets better after that ain't it Purdy it looks like a pretty good piece of meat to me so we're gonna check this rascal do not hit a bone when we go into the center of the meat which is there 120 122 123 is exactly where it is so it's gonna warm up as it sits here a minute so we're gonna let this rest we'll sit just a little bit and then we're gonna put it on the board and we're gonna slice it I mean the bigs gonna eat I checked it again we have risen in temperature to that one hundred and twenty-nine point five degrees so letting it rest done the trick let's transfer this rascal right over here to this cutting board you can see there's bones sticking out here now if you want you can grab the shank of them right there come on tilt your knife just a little to hit the bone and then just follow that curvature around and it's gonna come right off there now you can do this either way you want we can take the bone out or we can leave the bone in cut the cap end off this the other end of this one I always slice that end off fair because I want to make sure that this thing is what I want it to be temperature will tell me that but I love to see it and you see when you let that sit we're not losing none of that juice that's just running out of there folks we went ahead and debone der check that outside edge always less that cap off the end there because I wanna see I'm in a hurry I want to know what's happening it is right took her out against the grain now the grain of this meat is running long ways with this rib roast and we're going to slice against the grain every trip slices like butter it does got that good crust on top worst thing you could do to this piece of prime rib would to be what overcook it I promise you it is meant to eat rare or medium rare the longer you cook this piece of meat the drier it's gonna become let it rest so all them juices are gonna stay on the inside there ain't nothing better to eat folks you see this here drippings that's left in here you can take that makes you a little cream with it little flour make you some gravy I think they call it all you I call it drippings and I'll tell you it is good I'm going to dip mine back in there or you can also reduce this down with a little red wine cook it abuse it that way but don't throw that out I hope you learned something from this today because I sure did the Beagle and Frank are starving that's what I learned every time I come in the kitchen but don't be afraid to get you some prime rib it is the greatest holiday meal you can put out there and this is a foolproof way you can cook it but remember start with a really good cut of meat that's where you got to start and don't open that oven door I'll hit you if I see you open it early so from our camp to yours we hope you enjoy this god bless you each and every one he to subscribe button just remember you cannot open that door until it's time on that oven that is the most important thing whoa brother whoa
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,582,369
Rating: 4.9237595 out of 5
Keywords: prime rib, certified angus beef, standing rib roast, roast, beef, cowboy cooking, camp cooking, grilling, cast iron, dutch oven, food network, chopped, outdoor cooking, cowboy recipes, holiday recipe, red dead redemption, Christmas recipe, easy prime rib, recipe for special meal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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