35 Days FILET MIGNON Dry Aged Experiment!

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I've dry-aged quite a few things including prime bone-in ribeyes, beautiful strip loin which I cut them into incredible New York strip steaks and of course we can't forget the queen of all meats picanha which I did for a hundred days, that is just insane. And most of my experience with dry-aged has been wonderful and one of my favorite things to do with beef. If you never had dry aged before it is hard to understand the reason why we go through this entire process but always in the end it leaves you wanting more every single time . I even dry aged a brisket for 60 days and it was probably one of the most delicious and surprising results I've ever had with this dry aging stuff. And today I'm going to try to dry age one of the most popular cuts there is; it is the filet mignon which comes from the tenderloin. Filet mignon is already tender as is and my idea with this experiment is to find out if it is worth dry aging it or not because usually dry age does two things one it makes the meat a lot tender and you also changes slightly the flavor profile of the meat. So I'm really excited to find out how this is gonna turn out. So let's do it! I started with a whole tenderloin as you can see it is not trimmed. I got it from sterling silver premium meats. It is very important that you use an untrimmed tenderloin because when you were dry aging you will create a crust and you want all that extra fat and silver skin to be there before dry aging. To dry age it I am using a special bag it is called UMAI Dry I hate to call it a bag because it is not just a regular standard bag that you have at home. UMAI actually calls them a membrane. And what this bag does it allows moisture out without allowing any of the bad stuff to go in so in essence it evaporates all the moisture out of the meat tenderizing the meat and also changing the flavor profile. And when you open the bag it comes with everything that you need in the kit. It is simple and easy to use. Once that's done dry it well and you are ready to start dry aging .You can use a regular cutting board but I prefer aluminum paper to make everything easier. Try to keep everything as clean as possible I use gloves and I recommend it. Then the next step is pretty easy just transfer directly into the UMAI bag it is important to keep the meat moist. Remember this is a membrane and the moisture will help it stick to the meat this will give you a much better result. Once the meat has stuck into the membrane it is ok to wipe out the excess, but never on the meat itself. The kit comes with this special little fabric that allows you to suck all the air out with your vacuum sealer. Once the air has been removed it is important to seal it twice. Right after that just fold all the additional parts. Now I'm afraid that my tenderloin would just lay flat completely and then when I cut it open I won't have perfect round shapes so for that reason I'm tying it up so that it keeps its shape. Once that was done I transferred it to a cooling rack so that the air can circulate throughout the entire thing allowing it to dry from the top and bottom in all sides. Now when I did this I had a little bit of extra air towards the edges it was a simple fix, I just cut it out pushed all the air out as much as I could and resealed it with my vacuum sealer. After that my tenderloin was ready to be dry-aged and all there's left to do is put in on my regular refrigerator for a total of 35 days. After 35 days this is what it looks like. As you can see the meat shrink quite a bit. Tying the tenderloin was a perfect decision because he kept its round shape. I removed all the butcher's twine and opened it up. As expected it had a wonderful smell, the smell of dry aged which is difficult to explain. Now all there's left to do is cut him into steaks check it out . As you can see, they turn out as good as it gets and I'm very pleased with these results. To do a real fair comparison I am getting another tenderloin. I want to compare and see if there's a lot of difference between a fresh tenderloin and a dry aged tenderloin. I'm looking for tenderness and flavor. So I quickly trimmed this one up and I put one next to the other and here you can really tell the difference between them. Check it out. Once that was done I cut the fresh one into beautiful filet mignons and all my beautiful steaks were ready Then I had a real hard choice which is to choose which ones to try it out today. So I went with the best ones I could find and these are today's contenders. As you can see the intramuscular fat is quite similar so this is gonna be a good test. Then I quickly removed all the trimmings from the dry aged and I was left with two beautiful steaks. To really taste the profile of the meat I am not using any garlic powder or pepper. I'm only seasoning with salt and basting it a little bit with regular standard unsalted butter. I'm using regular table salt so that the penetration of the salt can be as quick as possible. Today I'm going to be cooking the steaks in direct heat instead of reverse sear. I'm first going to put a beautiful sear on them and then slowly cook them until they come unto an internal temperature of a hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit. But enough talking it is time to cook them. So let's do it! I'm going, I'm ready to go man. Are you ready to go Angel? My nephew Angel he's ready to go for this one and I don't blame him. Today I use a different technique everybody and the reason I use a different technique which is just a regular way you normally cook a steak because I wanted to get a very nice and strong sear on these filet mignons. See that color? Really nice on the outside. Very good. Maybe wanna eat fast. You hungry? Let's gooooo! Okay so we have our very first steak here. I want to know if there's any difference for you. So what's this one? This one I'm not gonna tell you we're gonna tell you after all right so that we can find out if there's a difference on taste profile my friend. Cheers! Let's go for it. hmm lord have mercy Wow I think I like this one. You think you like this one? I think I like this one bro. All right enough talking you ready for the second one? Let's go oh my god this one is way okay enough talking cheers buddy. What! What! What is this Angel? All right bro. Okay which one do you think it's better more tender and different flavor profile? This one is more tender. Definitely this one is like chewing I would say that texture of jello. Almost. Yeah like jello you bite on it there is zero resistance. I think it's just a little bit tougher than jello I could break jello with my tongue. Yeah I think we might be able to break it with you in with your tongue on this one. But the crust is so pronounced right I've got a really good sear on that one. right this one here is do you think it's so soft that is too soft? No no no it's perfect. It's perfect, you know when I started this experiment I really thought that it's not worth, by the way this is dry-aged Angel. We got the dry-aged filet mignon versus a traditional filet mignon. So is it worth dry-aging a filet mignon? Yes I agree with his a silent man right now. It is worth dry-aging. As long as you'll do it untrimmed if you get a tenderloin that is already trimmed I think you're gonna have too much loss but if it's untrimmed it's good. Yes? I think that if you keep explaining the flavor uh-huh. You're gonna keep finishing? Im gonna keep eating. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy this video make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody. Bye bye Alright bro. Hold on bro we gotta share! Bro, I have a knife tranquilo I have a knife. I have, I have teeth! You have teeth? Ha, ha!
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,860,002
Rating: 4.9091015 out of 5
Keywords: dry age, dry age beef, filet mignon, steaks, tenderloin, how to cook a steak, best steak, medium rare, beef dry age, tender steak, dry age at home, how to cook filet mignon, tenderloin on the grill, how to cook filet, grilling filet mignon, best cooking channel, steak channel
Id: irbMhzSZvxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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