35 Day Dry-Aged Ribeye At Home! | UMAi + An Easy Hack!

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thank you for stopping by blessing barbecue on today's video not only will I be showing you how to dry aged a seven point eight three pound boneless rib roast using my dry method but I'm going to show you how to do it without needing a vacuum sealer machine well let's get going and here is the star of today's show seven point eight three pounds USDA prime rib roast boneless look at the marbling on this thing is spectacular you know as you can see this is not cryovac it came off the butcher shelf and it's a little drier than meat that's being packaged in cryovac so there's some preparation we need to make now if you have the meat that's in the cryovac bag that's a good thing basically you're going to just drain the purge off and then using the clean exchange method you'll put it in the bag I'll have a video linked up here now this is actually it's right here of a brisket that I've done showing you how to do that dry exchange method it's very important when you're going to be using the umai bags that you do not blot them dry with a paper towel it needs to be moist now if it's dry like this or if you do happen to wipe it off and then you're having trouble getting a good tight bond we need to reactivate the proteins in this meat I'm going to show you how to do that right now right so obviously this is my sink I'm just going to turn on some cold water really complicated stuff here I'm just going to basically rinse off the meat get it wet I'm not going to dry it off I'm going to transfer it onto this tray now one thing you need to make sure is that the surface that the meat is resting on is nice and clean and the tray that it is resting on right now it just literally came out of the dishwasher so it's pretty much sterilized all right now all there is to do is allow this meat to sit here and rest for about five minutes the water on the surface this roast is going to reactivate those proteins it's going to get nice and sticky on the outside which is perfect for getting that nice tight bond inside this boo my bag so I'll see you guys in five alright five ten minutes have passed and this meat is ready to go the surface is nice and tacky now for this particular dry-aged session I'm using a strip loin bag which is actually way more bag than I need this is 16 by 24 the roast bag would have been perfect but this is all I had so this is what I'm going with so first thing I'm going to do is just cuff the bag now a couple things this is not a regular plastic bag it's not a regular plastic bag it's more of a membrane it's going to bond with those proteins on the outside of this meat and it's going to allow for an oxygen exchange and it's going to allow for moisture to leave the meat it's going to leave the meat it's crazy stuff and there won't be any you know foul odors penetrating or anything it's in also your refrigerator smell fine I'd get those comments all the time this is not wet aging what aging is done by simply leaving the meat in its cryovac bag this it'll desiccate the outside of the meat I mean it's it's kind of magic stuff so what I'm going to do is again just cut the bag just to keep the outside of the bag the rim of the bag dry as far as from meat juices now pick up the roast this thing out of the way and I'm going to place the roast in the bag and because of the shape of the water vessel that I'm using the container I'm putting basically at long weighs in the bag now for the next step again meat standing on end here so I have a large zip tie here I'm just going to put it around here now I'm not going to cinch it down tight I'm just getting it basically set ready to cinch it snuggled down there right now this is one of the containers I use for what I'm doing sous vide it's an 18 quart container and obviously I have it filled up about no.13 courts or so so I'm going to go ahead and place this meat in the water this is your doing sous vide we call this the immersion method and I'm going to press it down and you can see air is evacuating go ahead and reach in and just sort of massage the air bubbles out it's not imperative that this is like perfectly snug against every square inch of meat but you want it to get as snug as possible a lot of people panic when they're using a vacuum sealer that it you know it's not that perfect vacuum it's not a vacuum bag you just want to you know get as much bag making contact with the surface of the meat as you can all right now I'm going to go ahead and cinch this zip tie up [Applause] now I'm going to take one more zip tie and here we go as you can see very very tight bond I mean this is as tight as you'd get from a vacuum sealer machine so that's great we're on a tray here now I'll go ahead and snip the zips now this probably this next step I'm going to do probably is not necessary but I'd rather be redundant when it comes to things like this I'm just going to twist the top of the bag kind of loop it over one more zip ties are cheap and there we have it so what I'm going to do is just Pat the outside of the bag dry now but the next thing is to simply put it in my refrigerator you want to make sure that it is on a rack like a wire rack so you get good airflow around all surfaces of the meat and I am going to dry-aged this for 35 days so I will see you guys in 35 days and we are back 35 days later check it out so as you can see we have a really nice bond on this meat it looks really good let's go ahead and unwrap this bad boy [Applause] check that out so what smells good I mean it actually smells really good just nice beefy smell it's not pungent or anything it's uh how much weight we lost here so as you guys know from the beginning of this video this went in the bag at seven point eight three pounds and it now weighs six point one two so it definitely lost some water weight and that's good let's get this bad boy sticked out first thing I'm going to do is just cut off the ends here gorgeous nice and something that I'm going to do a little different than I have in past videos is I'm actually sticking this out without any trim first then I can just trim the individual steaks which I think will be easier this is actually suggested by one of my viewers there's actually some people that are really hardcore into the dry-aging that leave this this bark on but I'm gonna trim it off but again individual steaks going through about one and a half inch thick [Music] and there we are beautiful and again it smells really really good really really good so I'm going to go ahead and pull out one of these beauties out of the herd here and give it a quick trim then I'm going to cook it up we're gonna try one of these beautiful dry aged boneless rib eyes cooked up we're gonna do a forward sear on it this time though and this will be a steak that I'm going to be cooking up here in a few minutes I'm just going to remove this this desiccated this bark on the outside here and there's some of this fat that I don't need I'm just gonna use them a boning knife and here we are beautiful it's over a pound meet you guys outside we're going to grill this bad boy up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here is a quick recap on what I did with a steak first thing I did was gave it a quick sear about a minute on both sides on the grill grates piping-hot pulled a stick off that direct heat put it on the indirect side shut down the kettle dampers about a quarter of the way down on the bottom and about a quarter way on the lid put the lid on with that lid damper right over the steak and I let it go until the internal temperature came up to about 125 pulled it off let it rest now we're ready to eat so let's give this thing a try here smells really really good so I'm really happy with this I mean that in my opinion is a perfect medium-rare let's go ahead and cut this into some slices and there we go my kind of sexy restaurant presentation so right off the bat I mean that that char smell that that really nice beefy char smoke coming off from using those hot grill grates it's coming through let's give this a try I mean look at that perfect medium-rare beautiful sear on it again that that char smell smells like victory some people will get that mmm just a screaming steakhouse again you're definitely picking up you know that dry aged affect you get that concentrated beefy flavor the tenderness comes up this is so good there's a slight earthiness but it's not like a funk this is for me the sweet spot for you know steaks I like between 30 and 35 days I think that's the sweet spot for me some people like you know that more of that kind of mushroom flavor but for me this is perfect just perfect I'm so happy with this just everything the dry-age process and the cook I'm just this is perfect for me I'm really content right now talk about the goo my stuff I get a lot of questions regarding my dry bags one of the questions I get a lot of is do you need vacuum sealing machine to do this I think I proved that you do not again I just use the bag a couple zip ties and a tub of water and this is what I ended up with perfectly dry aged meat another email I get a lot of it's sort of a panicky email you know they used a vacuum machine but it didn't get that nice tight bond like you would expect from a vacuum machine remember you want it to get tight I guess but it doesn't need to be perfectly like like vacuum sealed cheese you know that makes any sense more important than that is you want a nice weld the heat seal needs to be very very good so again err on the safe side always seal that that seemed twice but again tub of water some zip ties and you're good to go as well so pick your poison I guess anyway guys thanks for stopping by I appear shady if you're interested into my I'll have links down below see you next video Cheers
Channel: Ballistic BBQ
Views: 101,052
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Ballistic BBQ, UMAi Dry, dry aged ribeye, dry aged beef, dry aged, food, steak, beef, dry aged steak, dry aging, ribeye, how to dry age beef, recipe, how to cook a steak, review, restaurant, cooking, meat, dining, restaurants, foodie, eater.com, roast, eater, easy, grilled, street food., street markets, street, Ribeye Steak, Rib Roast, Best Steak, Seared Steak, Texas, Angus, Prime, dry age steak, dry age, how to, prime rib, experiment, steakhouse, the meat show, dinner, how-to, grilling, DIY Hack
Id: K9B7pozroe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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