Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher

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- Today we raise the 'steaks' on cooking beef. - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical morning. - Steak, steak the magical meat, the more you cook, the more you eat. We asked you, what's you're favorite way to cook a steak, and you responded, Emiliano said sous vide at 120 degrees for 45 minutes, that's the cool way now. - Yes, Kathleen said, the way that Gordon Ramsey does, I seen that video in a pan with some butter, mmm. - Jeff said no sauces, it's used by steak heathens who don't have a tongue for the intricate flavors of a well cooked slab of beef. Agreed Jeff. - All great answers, all sounds delicious, but as you know, we like to do things a little bit differently here on Good Mythical Morning, so Let's Get Weird With It, Cooking Steak. Now all these methods you can do using just stuff that is around your house right now that you have probably never cooked a steak with. (lush music) - You've heard of a flatiron steak, but what you may not know is that it's called that because it should be cooked with an iron, which I have here. I've never known what to do with this thing until I realized, - That doesn't surprise me at all. - That a flatiron steak, at least the way we cut it, is exactly the imprint of a flatiron. Or at least, this is not a flatiron, this is just a regular iron. - It's just an iron. - Flatiron is for your hair, I do know that, use one every morning. - You use a flatiron on that thing? - Oh, every morning, try to straighten it. Okay, so what we're gonna do is take this flatiron steak, and we are going to first marinate it, I got some teriyaki sauce loaded into this iron. - Oh baby, baby. Talk to me. Spray me down. - And of course you might want to leave that marinade for a good while, but we ain't got time for that. - Just go ahead and sear it son. - So I'm just gonna go ahead and, - Hit the steam button, that's teriyaki steam. - Teriyaki steam guys. Now I'm applying a little bit of pressure as you can tell by my bulging tricep, yeah, did you notice? This is gonna take about 13 minutes, but we ain't got time for that. - And we also have another iron, because we always go two-iron style around here. - Looks like we've been testing with this one. - Okay, Link, oh look at that nice pattern. Okay, hold your iron up. - Okay, here we go. Now get it, turn it, square it up. - Square it up right on there. - Square it up, there we go. - And then I'm gonna just come right in here. - Oooh, burning a little bit. - Burning a little bit, and now turn it, turn and burn. - Push, push, feel the burn in the tricep. - Now this is gonna take about six and a half minutes, we ain't gonna make you sit here for that long. (clock ticking) Alright you think that's good? - Yeah, yeah, let's move it over. Tilt it this way, and then you let go. - Oh, I got a little stickage. - No, nope, nope, oh, wait, wait, let me help you. - Oh there we go, I got it. - And then flop right there. - Oh boy, this thing looks purty. - [Link] Get rid of that, get rid of this. - Oh nice, that's a nice cooked steak right there. Take your piece of your liking there. This looks like a steak commercial, though. - You know how much I like to chew, so I'm gonna halve that just to spare you the chewing. It doesn't taste like shirts at all, which is reassuring. - You can get a little extra spray if you want, just. It's a little awkward to have an iron at the kitchen table. - And a little dangerous, but it's totally worth it. (lush music) - Okay, we know you have a toaster in your home, but you probably been putting bread in it like an idiot. Time for a change friend! Okay, we've got some New York strip, but that's a little too highfalutin for us, so we've cut these New York strips into the shape of toast, because we gonna make some Texas toast, and by Texas toast I mean beef, that's going in the toaster. Now you're gonna wanna be careful cause putting metal into a toaster, not necessarily advised. - I just want to clarify the steak is not metal. - The tongs are. - But the tongs are. - As you can see, I didn't make any contact with it. - Look at that, and it's nestled down in there perfectly. - Here's what you're gonna do, you're going to run your toaster on the highest setting. We found that if you run it for four full cycles, you're gonna get medium-rare. - She's cranking up. - Look at that, can you see it happening? Can you smell it, do you like it? (clock ticking) - Woah! - Woah! - Alright that, it didn't pop up because it's heavy steak, but that is the fourth cycle, throw it over here good buddy. - There's yours. - And there's yours. - Your's is bigger than mine. - I knew that, okay, alright, so. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is toast sucka, don't cut it yet, get the butter. The perfect way to finish this off is take a little herb butter, and just rub it right on the top. Now a lot of people don't know this, a great way to finish a steak is butter, but now you do know it, because we just told ya. Just like some sweet Texas toast. - I did not think this was gonna work, like when it was conceived, but now that it's birthed, I'm like, I was wrong, and I'm happy about it. - It is something getting hot in there, which usually the process that things are cooked by. That's nice, that's even better than the last one. Who needs a grill? - Who needs bread? - Why did they ever invent them? Show em what that looks like, get a nice little cross-section of that thing. Listen, you can throw out the oven, you can throw out the grill, all you need is a toaster, and an iron, so far. Where else is this party gonna take us? (lush music) - You know I've always thought that a dishwasher looked like an oven, from the outside. - Right, a windowless oven. - Right, but when you open it, it looks like a dishwasher. But that's not gonna stop us from trying to cook a steak, and we're gonna do it sous vide style, meaning we're gonna put it in a vacuum-sealed bag, and cook it at a low temperature, which is whatever the dishwasher does because sous vide is the cool hotness. - It's been around for a while, but we just found out about it in America cause of Food Network. - So I'm gonna hold the bag open, and you're gonna touch the meat somehow. - We all think we're experts now because we watch kids cook on television. It's like, oh yeah, I know about the sous vide. I have never done it before though. So I'm gonna just drop that in the middle of the bag there. - That's good enough. Alright, and then I'm gonna, I'm gonna get out some of the air, and you wanna vacuum this thing so that we can then, - Yep, and now pump it, pump it Link. - I'm not gonna pump it, I'm gonna suck it, I'm sucking the air out man. - Oh look at that, look at that, this is so, I feel like, it's like a pro, man. - It feels like a pro. - I feel like such a pro cooker, what do they call those? - Chefs. - Chefs. That's right, Chef McLaughlin, Chef Neal, welcome to our kitchen, we never leave it. - So Chase go ahead and take that and throw it in the dishwasher. - Okay, so what you're gonna do is toss that in your dishwasher and run it on a full cycle, a heavy wash, which in our dishwasher takes about two hours, and then you're gonna break out that steamy steak, alright. - It doesn't, - Super appetizing, but you know what, it's not how it looks, it how it tastes, man. - But we know this is to an acceptable temperature that our USDA rep on site, - Well we don't really know that. Yeah, but we know that. It looks like a fresh liver just got pulled out of a person. - Ewww, gosh. - Someone just went up and was like, hey, snatch it, I'm gonna snatch it right out of you. Don't cross me boy. - I think you got it. - I threaten my kids with that all the Time, I'm like, - I'm gonna snatch your liver - I'm gonna snatch your liver right out of your living body. - You can't live without a liver. - This is not appetizing to me, I mean at this point you could sear it either with an iron, - But why would you do that? - Or something else. - Because it wouldn't look like a liver anymore if you did that. - Eww, don't say liver anymore. - Liver anymore. It's like prime rib. - Prime rib. - Now this is a, oh, you know what, we forgot the sauce Link. - You mean the dishwashing detergent. - This is an all-natural dishwasher detergent that we made, it didn't come in this, we replaced it. It is lemon, vinegar, salt, and water. - Which is a homemade dishwashing remedy basically that you can put into your dishwasher, and it will wash your dishes. I don't know that it's steak sauce, though. - Yeah, but we're making it that today. This is from the plate cut, we're really staying with the theme here, so that's why we put it in the dishwasher. - Lemony, chewy. But I do, I can tell that it's done, so it is cooked. I would just prefer to then throw it on an iron and sear it. - Oh yeah, or throw it in the toaster, a big toaster. - I love it. - I don't know if this one's worth waiting for. - Hey, but if you oven goes down, the dishwasher becomes into play. (lush music) - Now we've seen SaltBae cook a steak with another steak, very impressive, but we are about to one up the Turkish steak lord, we're going to cook some steak inside of a chicken, we call it Birdie and the Beast. So we have an upright chicken, or actually an upside-down chicken, the chicken taking a dive into something. - Nose dive. - And we have some, wow, that's hot, should have used this thing. Very hot - Wow! - Chicken broth, we have the juices from the chicken that was cooked, along with some chicken broth, and it has been heated up to like a boiling temperature, you know just like they do with pho, and then I'm gonna take, we got some thinly sliced brisket. Gonna just throw, you just want one piece, just you wanna jam it right in there in that chicken, let that chicken know who's boss! - Just delicately - Or delicately. - dangle it. - You can stuff as much as you want, but there's just two of us, we're doing two beef strips. - You're taking the broth and you're pour, creating some pourage, well it's not porridge, you're pouring it. - Yeah, here we go. Could you further the legs a little bit for me. - I don't want you to, I don't wanna get splashed. - Oh you'll be fine. - Oh, you got me there. Keep going man. - I'm sorry. - Keep going. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Gonna just fill up the cavity. - I wasn't doing anything anyway. - You can just fill up the cavity just like so. And then you just sit back. - You're just waiting for it to cook, it's kind of like putting beef in pho except it's in a chicken. - Wow, Link, you gotta let it rise, let it rise a little bit, too. Yeah, you gotta turkey neck it a little bit, turkey neck it. Okay, now we're oversalting, now we're oversalting. So now you're gonna jam that thing right back into the chicken, and you should have a nicely, oooh. Look at that. There's one for you, there's one for me. - Man and lookit, I bet it, - And lookit. - Lookit man. - [Rhett] Let's eat the whole, - Tastes like chicken noodle steak. - It's really good, and the salt, the way you did the SaltBae. - My piece was really, really salty. Really Bae. - Your piece was on top, now as you know, one out of every eight rotisserie chickens, if you look hard and deep enough, you'll find a fully boiled egg. - What? - Look at that. A lot of people don't know that, you gotta go deep in the chicken to find that. - That's cool. - Not all of them have that, but I saw it peeking up in there, and thought I'd go for it. - Is there a Sprite in there? - No Sprite, but I want this egg, you want some of the egg? - You can have it, check us out tomorroW where we're gonna freeze our brains, but for now thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Gracie. - I'm Anna. - And I'm Ethan, and we're in Kingston, North Carolina at King's Barbecue. - [Together] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Now these steaks weren't bad, but if you want to hear about some of our secret techniques of getting nasty foods to stay down, you should preorder Rhett and Link's Book of Mythicality from - And click through to Good Mythical More, we are gonna cook a steak with blowtorches while we open mail. - BYMB, Be Your Mythical Best. Today we ask you to be your mythical best with this challenge, next time you go to the store, post on Facebook, anyone need something from the store? Pick one response and actually get it for em. - Nice. - And then document that with a picture, hashtag BYMB. So we can see. - [Link] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And click the circular channel icon to subscribe. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, vlog rhett and link, season 11, Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher, Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher good mythical morning, Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher rhett and link, rhett and link Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher, Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher gmm, gmm Cooking a Steak in a Dishwasher, cooking steak, dishwasher, dishwasher steak, dishwasher cooking, steak, toaster
Id: rWUx8F7CGq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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