Putting Weird Things In A Dishwasher (TEST)

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I wonder how Jessie feels about that thing Rhett said

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SwissMyCheeseYet ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Today, we do our dishwasher dirty. - Let's talk about that. (steady electronic music) (rumbling) (flame bursting) - Good mythical morning! - We wanna start today by making sure you know about a truly incredible organization and their important work. The St. Jude Children's Hospital Thanks and Giving campaign is an annual tradition with a mission to further the research and treatments for kids with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. When a child is treated at St. Jude, families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food. - The good news is we can all help St. Jude reach their goal. The better news is today is the absolute best day to do it, because today is Giving Tuesday, a day of charitable giving, following the craziness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday that encourages you to support various charitable organizations, such as St. Jude. - Yeah, so please take advantage of Giving Tuesday to be your mythical best and donate whatever you can at stjude.org/gmm or you can call 1-800, the number four, St. Jude, because when your child is sick, the last thing you wanna worry about is the costs. So, thank you for being your mythical best and donating today. - Yes, and now, the dishwasher. Dogs like to stick their heads in it, babies like to sit in it, and everybody likes to stick their knives in the utensil slot pointy side up! - Agh! But, the best part about dishwashers is that they're so mysterious. You put your nasty dishes in and a couple of hours later, they come out all sparkly. Kinda makes us wonder what other magic is the dishwasher hiding up its moist and steamy sleeve? It's time for Putting things in things: dishwasher edition. - Now this is very complicated, so listen closely. We put a bunch of weird things in this dishwasher, then hit the start button. Now we're going to find out what happened to them. I hope you were able to follow that. - Yeah. Let's get our suds on! - Woo! (whimsical music) - For starters we were wondering if we could create tie-dye shirts in the dishwasher, 'cause why dye not? (chuckling) We took the dyes and we attached them to the propeller thingy. - And then we put in some plain white hoodies, just like this. - Let's watch what happened. (water splashing) You see how the propeller's not actually moving? It just incrementally turns just a little. It disperses more of the tie dye. - I thought that the propeller thing would be like going brrr! Spinning around like crazy. I mean, it's making all kinds of noise in there. What's happening in there, what's the noise from? - It just incrementally moves. That's the first thing we learned today. - All right, let's see what the results are. Were. Oh, first of all, yeah. Sorry, I forgot I left this in here. I tickled my Elmo a little too much and needed to clean it up. - Well, let's get these out. Okay, so, sweatshirt for you, a sweatshirt for me. They've been completely dried, but I mean... - Isn't Smosh selling these in their stores? (laughing) Is this what they've been doing? - It looks a little less like tie-dye and more kinda like graffiti off-spray, you know. Overspray? - I think it's cool, man. Urban Outfitters would eat this up. - All right, well let's put them on. - Look at the little, what is that? That must've come from Elmo. Yeah, that little black spot came from Elmo. - So it's... It's pretty good, I mean, It's a different type of tie-dye. It's just dishwasher tie-dye. It's a little more, yours has really got some wounds on it. - Right there. That's my favorite part. - It's a different, completely random process. - And it smells so clean! - Well, of course it does. - Like cleaner than normal clean. - It actually doesn't smell good at all. - It smells like dishwasher clean. - Yeah, it's kinda odd. (laughing) You either like it or you don't, but it's fashion. (whimsical music) - If you can use a dishwasher to make coffee, then that's one less appliance you need in the kitchen. - Yeah, and I hope this works, because I wanna use that counter space for a picture of a coffee maker. - Ah. Smart! - All right, so what we did was to make drip coffee, we filled a coffee filter here with some private selection Sumatran Mandheling coffee. - Wow. - Whatever that is. - That's specific. - So then the hot water's gonna drip through and mugs in the bottom rack are gonna catch it. To make cold brew, we took a cold brew bag and we put it in a pitcher and then the water goes into it, because, typically, you just put this in a vat of water and let it brew coldly overnight - That's what we normally do. - or for hours. All right, so, let's watch the footage. (water splashing) See, the propeller looks to be moving a little faster for this testing. That bottom propeller? - [Rhett] It's not too fast. - But it's moving more constantly in this version. - It's filling them up. This is why you don't put the cups right-side up in the dishwasher, kids! - 'Cause they fill up! I've told you this! They fill up! Look at this, this one's filled up! Drink it! - [Rhett] All right, let's see what we got here. - Good gosh. - Oh, first of all. I've been wearing this a lot. - That's mine, man. - And it's gotten very dirty. Jessie likes it. (laughing) I needed to wash it down. - All right, let's... That's mine, that's not yours. Especially for that. - I thought that, I mean... - Oh gosh, I gotta pull this slowly. I'm making some spillage, but hey, it gets caught there. Do you ever just have liquid in a dishwasher and you just chunk it into the back before you put the cup in there? - I would never do that. - Now, oh gosh, look at the... (thudding) Look at this coffee. - Which one do you wanna start with? - [Link] Well, just pour that out and we'll take a look. - [Rhett] That's not super concentrated. - Well, it is cold brew though, yeah, you really can't. I think the cold brew has a chance of being stronger, so let's go with the hot first. And we have some creamer, but you wanna just start straight? - Yeah. - Dink it, sink it. Oh, gosh, that is-- - That tastes like a motel lobby that you get a room for 29,99. It says color TV on the marquee outside. - HBO! - Yeah, right. - But the light's off. - Pool! - Yeah, they got a pool. Oh gosh, yeah, this is sad continental breakfast that's nothing but corn flakes. - That's real bad. - Shewy! It's weak. It's not good. The cold brew though? (glasses clinking) Maybe? - It's a little bit better, but it's still bad. - It is stronger. But still depression-inducing. - This is maybe like a 49,95 hotel. You know what I'm saying? This is a hotel, not a motel. You open the door and you just see hall. - There's a hallway, right. You don't see parking lot. - Right, that's where this coffee's from. - But that hallway has got some stains on the carpet. - So I gotta say I don't think I can recommend this as a replacement for your normal way of making coffee. - It was worth a shot! - Yeah, somebody had to try it. - But the shot missed. (whimsical music) - Okay, the world is going to hell in a hand basket and we all know this. One of the signs of that is that now they're making gingerbread houses, not out of gingerbread. - Out of cardboard. You go to a hobby store, you say, "I want a gingerbread house", and the dude takes you over to a place where you make it outta cardboard. - You gotta embrace the times though, you gotta embrace the times. - It makes it permanent, or at least semi-permanent. If you wanna make it permanent, year after year you wanna bring this thing out, you want it to be clean. So you wanna be able to wash it in your dishwasher. - Bright! - And when it gets clean, you want it to stay together. So we've tested three different types of glues. Super glue, carpenter's wood glue and hot glue to see which one holds up the better, better, better... - Better, let's see what happens. (water splashing) - [Link] They're all getting wet. I'm questioning less the glue and more the cardboard under these conditions. - Look at that, the peppermint has just completely washed right off. The peppermint is just white now. - It looks like they, okay. - [Rhett] All right, let's see what's in here. - Let's analyze. Did you put something? - [Rhett] Oh, yeah. - [Link] Of course you did. - I needed to wash my nuts. (laughing) - [Link] All right, so. (laughing) All of the candy-- - The candy's gone. So this is super glue. Super glue held up. - Which one is this? - That is the wood glue. The wood glue did not work. (thudding) - Well, it worked there. (thudding) Look at that. Some of it still works pretty good. - Yeah, but, I mean, it fell apart. And then the, wow. The hot glue also worked. - Now, you're gonna have to redecorate these after you washed them. That the first thing I'm learning. This one candy cane somehow survived in the packaging, but there was another candy cane on this one and it's gone. - The dishwasher just ate all the candy. - But the glue, both the superglue and the, what is it? Hot glue? - Hot glue. - Really withstood-- - It really held up. - You know, this restores my hope in society. - You know what, maybe the world's not going to hell in a hand basket! - Yeah, it is a hand basket, but it's just going where? - It's just being carried through the woods to grandmother's home. - Yeah, but grandma's a wolf. - Right, you better watch out. (whimsical music) If you can use a dishwasher to make pasta Alfredo, then that's one less appliance you need in the kitchen! - And I hope this works, 'cause I wanna replace my oven with a second dishwash. - Right, who doesn't? Okay, so here's what we did. We took a aluminum foil bag, put it into a bowl, put that in the dishwasher and then we put pasta, some Alfredo sauce. - Yeah. - And peas, just all inside that bag. - It's basically like a open, when we went camping we made what we called hobo burgers. - I don't think you can say that anymore. - I'm sorry. But you'd make a pouch and you'd seal it and it would puff up and you'd be good. But this thing you leave open. So it's like a topless hobo. - Yeah, still can't say it. - Burger. All right, and we're not gonna show you footage from inside of the washer, because it's just closed up. - It's just closed up. - Nothing gonna happen. - It wasn't good fun. I mean, we could. We watched it a lot! But we're not gonna show it to you. - Nothing happened that you could see, but let's find out. - [Rhett] First of all... (chain rattling) - Why? - How many times do I have to tell you I needed to wash my nuts? - Not more than you've already told me, I'll tell you that. All right, so let's get this out. Oh, so we've got... You can see that the bowl has gathered some liquid and I don't wanna pour this into the bowl. - Do we have another? You know what, take that bowl. Pour it into that bowl. - Okay. (bowls clinking) Move this bowl over there. - All the way over there? - We don't need it and then we're just gonna, (foil crinkling) oh, look at that! - [Rhett] Oh, yummy! (laughing) Yeah! (laughing) Not going to Olive Garden tonight! - All right, so I'm gonna get rid of that. - And then you just take, dip and spin. - I'm just not, (bowl clinking) uh... - The pasta doesn't look-- - It looks like... - A little al dente? - Yeah, it looks like plastic. - Yeah, it looks like fake pasta. - Like you shredded a window shade or something. - Life-size Barbie pasta. (bowl clinking) You know? (grumbling) I'm afraid. - The sauce has turned. (laughing) - Oh look, (indiscernible) I don't think I should swallow that. - I know, it tastes like-- - It tastes like you're chewing gum that doesn't have any elasticity to it. - I honestly didn't think it would be nearly this bad! (spitting) Ugh! - What happened? - It turned it into plastic. - This is not a good idea. You know what? It's actually a good idea to show someone this but to not feed it to them. If you just wanted to impress somebody and be like, "Look what I made pasta in, "in a dishwasher". (speakers drowning each other out) I gotta save it, I'm giving it to Burt, because he fell off a ladder. And we've gotta take (laughing), you've gotta take it to his house. He fell off a ladder, he's not doing well. He loves pasta Alfredo (laughing). - This has been for you, Burt. Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Emily and I live on Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. (indiscernible) (hurling) (laughing) - Woo, those were the good old days! Click the top link to watch us do the human dishwasher challenge in Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] We've got new stickers! Put them on your window, on your laptop, on your bumper, but most importantly, put them in your shopping cart over at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,251,740
Rating: 4.8916368 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Putting Weird Things In A Dishwasher (TEST), Human Dishwasher Challenge, gmm experiment, water filter system, water filter test, water filter, gmm putting weird things, putting weird things in, putting weird things in a water filter, putting things in things, rhett and link putting weird things in, rhett and link experiment, tie dye, dish washer, dish washing
Id: u1bHR3ecJTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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