The Purity of Jesus | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Night Service

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welcome jesus image church i want to welcome everyone watching online it is 2021 we're gonna have an amazing year there's no better way to start off than worshiping so lord i just pray you would come you will come in jesus name i thank you that we have the privilege to be here today of all the places in the world we could be you chose each and every one of us to be here today so lord i pray we would take advantage of that moment i pray that we would worship you with reckless limit without any limitation we would just go all in that this would be a moment where we get touched by you god so come holy spirit fill us with your love fill us with your fire fill us with your goodness and grace and mercy and love and above all i pray your joy would just wreck this place god that would be filled with so much joy would carry us through this year people would ask how was 2021 you would say filled with joy filled with joy in jesus name so lord come do what you do do what you do best and touch us leave us not the same nobody in this room will leave the same in jesus name thank you lord for being with us emmanuel god with us thank you jesus let's worship the king of kings and lord of lords choose this day to be grateful lord i give you praise with an open heart waking up waking up i choose this day to be grateful lord i give you praise with an open heart waking up waking up to you thank you thank your you is your faithfulness is i'm waking up to you waking up waking us we thank you is is thank you thank you for calling me thank you my my soul thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you come on to start thinking in the night we thank you we thank you we thank you is thank you my thank you jesus come on just start lifting your thankfulness tonight come on start putting thankfulness on your lips release your thankfulness relieve your praise praise breaks chains come on we can run into jesus tonight he's already here don't hold it back don't hold it back there's so much to be thankful for some of you needed to sing it out tonight sing it out sing it out to jesus thank him for his blood thank him for the cross thank you for the very breath in your lungs tonight thank you for your mercies that are thank you i'm telling you thank you i'm telling you thank you i'm telling you thank you we're telling you thank you jesus his blood breaks his chains and our god is is everybody is our god is and the lamb tonight is every day every day oh who can stop the lord come on come on oh tonight our god is is is is come on come on come on everyday you is foreign jesus me confess that he's the lord let us let us holy is let us come by is foreign your shoulders holy oh holy oh oh oh ready so oh oh oh jesus the oh me come on time oh oh jesus angels so oh holy is foreign holy foreign for the lord for the lord god hallelujah holy for this is hallelujah come on me is jesus is oh oh oh oh me too oh keep singing to jesus come on voice come on he's right here come on keep singing oh is is jesus i love you jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus i love you jesus i love you i love you jesus i love you i love you jesus jesus jesus straight to jesus sleep jesus jesus i love you i love you jesus you come on my grace jesus worship you are you are worthy please every voice i will give keep it there you are you are you are i will give you you i sing phrases to your name oh lord praises to your name for your name is grace is is and i give honor to your name oh for your name is oh is great and great oh i sing phrases to your name oh lord for your name is great oh i sing phrases to your name oh lord for your name is you oh my there is every voice and that is for you are my righteousness there is no oh is there is is there there's there's no one else can't touch my heart like you do i could search there's like you if there's no one else can't touch my heart there's to holy we're in the presence of the lord every voice lifted in one accord is are you is is is is again again again come on is is everything again is is holy is forever keep singing forever is oh for you are holy holy holy lift your voice to heaven begin singing in the spirit very gently very gently when solomon commissioned the levites to sing they sang in one accord god has an agenda for the room and we join that agenda there are no individuals in these moments no individual agendas it's his agenda we join him holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord is the lord the lord of hosts holy spirit we welcome you tonight we know you're here we sense your glory and presence fill this room fill our hearts fill our thoughts have the night we have no plan of our own but you the river of your spirit is the plan flow wonderful holy spirit touch people tonight hallelujah put your hand on your heart say jesus i have come to worship you tonight do a work in me i want to love you more like i have never loved you holy spirit do this tonight set my heart on fire purify my heart purify my life i want to be like jesus wonderful holy spirit i yield to you completely i give my life to you in jesus name amen amen isn't he wonderful isn't he wonderful isn't he wonderful we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord oh we love you we love you we love jesus we love you we love you lord wonderful lord fantastic majestic glory oh jesus you're wonderful amen amen amen say hi to a few people and grab a seat will you quickly find your seats i need the next ten minutes of your undivided attention i'm gonna ask that nobody move can i theo can i have my bible and my ipad please thank you jesus thank you lord i keep my bible in a cover so it stays warm it's a fiery bible are you happy tonight do you feel the lord here i do and it's we have to jealously guard what the lord is doing or he cannot trust us with his manifest presence the glory and the anointing are way different the glory his manifest presence is tended to it is protected and kept like adam kept the garden the anointing is a gift that requires partnership view in the lord and it's where faith operates but if we're going to break through into the manifest presence of god then everything matters everything every key every song everything matters and in that moment we have to come together in one accord and the church it's not because sometimes there are motives that are off but that's not the case all the time but the church needs to learn to move in one accord in the presence of the lord to go deeper and that's my job so bear with me if i shut something down is nothing personal i deeply love all of you and i'm glad you're here but the only reason you're really here is because the lord's drawing you and if his presence lifts you'll never want to come back and neither will i i'll go to the golf course instead so i love all of you thank you for thank you for being humble enough to receive that i want to talk to you very quickly knowing moving about your soul your soul say this my soul is precious jesus made a statement he said what good is it if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul and then he said what what can a man give in exchange his soul can we give enough money to redeem our soul no can we give enough he wade away to redeem our soul no can we go to enough events to reclaim our soul no our soul is precious and think of this statement jesus said what good is it if you gain the entire world so all the world has to offer think of that for a moment every cent every building every nation every authority every business if you could own it all jesus said what good would that be if you lost your soul ben mentioned last week the words of solomon vanity vanity all is vanity everything we pursue outside of the lord jesus is vanity it's vain and it will be here one day and be gone the next think of that jesus spoke about the flowers of the field and the grass that is alive one day and dies the next and is thrown into the fire that is what life is like the bible says life is but a vapor you ever seen a vapor never held your coffee in the morning and that steam went up doesn't last too long does it that's what life is like in comparison to eternity and the scripture tells us to number our days who here is over the age of 25 aren't they just flying by now aren't they who here turned 30 and they can't even believe it it happened it actually happened you needed a sozo after it happened you never thought it would happen to you and then 40k you never thought that would happen to you life is just flying by and the devil the enemy of your soul wants to so distract you with worldly and earthly pursuits that you forget to number your days but here's the deal you can't number your days outside the holy spirit that's why the scriptures cry out for the help of the lord teach me teach me to number my days it is healthy to number your days it is healthy to remember that one day your eyes will close everyone here i don't care how many kombuchas you drink it will happen everybody here is fighting it it's interesting christians spend their whole life most of them securing their souls wanting to go to heaven and the time comes and we fight it isn't that interesting because where there is a gospel deficiency and a presence deficiency we begin to fear the grave that jesus already conquered isn't that the truth but the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord for the saint or the person who has numbered their days and has yielded their life to jesus the moment they close their eyes they open them in glory oh this is wonderful this crazy enslaving twisted corrupt world is not our home praise god is right somebody said praise god maybe you love it i'm here to change it but i am not in love with the world i'm in the systems of the world i love people like jesus loved the world but the ways of the world enslave people with distraction with pursuit and the scripture says think of this the love of money is the root of all evil so much so that the scriptures paul tells the church rather than sue each other just suffer the loss let them rob you of money or let them rob you of the situation why not be wrong but don't sue a brother so disconnected with paul from the love of money then he says don't you know you're going to judge angels what are you doing taking each other to court up your game in other words boys you can't get along you're going to judge angels one day he thought from a different place wasn't here and that's why listen carefully i said this this morning in jacksonville in the tabernacle in israel's tabernacle where god dwelled their feet were in the dirt there was no flooring for the tabernacle but everything above the dirt was beautiful and revealed jesus every color every fabric every material revealed the lord jesus every curtain the number of curtains the number of class the altar of incense the altar of sacrifice the table of showbread because he's the bread of life the seven golden lamp stands because he's the sevenfold spirit of the lord the altar of incense because only worship takes you into the manifest presence it's all about jesus the curtain is the lord jesus according to the book of hebrews all of it points to jesus but their feet were still in the dirt in other words god was reminding them you are but a pilgrim your feet are here on earth but your soul and your eyes need to be lifted to heaven the busyness of the world has an agenda to keep you from numbering your days until it's too late until it's too late reinhardt bonkey used to say tomorrow is promised to no one eternity is not in front of us it runs parallel with us you can cross over at any time nobody here is guaranteed your eternity and here's the deal some of you think you just came to jesus image tonight to check off your little jesus image visit because you saw it on youtube no no you didn't come to jesus image tonight god brought you to jesus tonight the holy ghost brought you here tonight for a reason before you were ever born the lord knew you'd be right here tonight and he brought you to save you to save you and the sad thing is is we don't even know what that means anymore i live the way i want but i am say i am saved no you're not you can't tell me your eternity is secure when your current lifestyle is not changed of course everyone wants to give jesus their eternity we just don't want to give jesus today the proof that your eternity is secure and the scriptures do say make your election sure the way to know is that your current life is yielded that your current life has been cleansed that your current life has been liberated that's why jesus said unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom in other words he's saying you don't need to be fixed you need to be born again you need me to become your life you need your old life to die and i need to fill your body with my life not a changed life you hear this every week a new life born again a second birth a new birth that word means born from above there is a way to know that you're born again john's epistles first john ii john and third john make it very clear how to know who we belong to and in a nutshell it's very simple is the life of jesus being expressed through your life it's very simple that's why he tells us to love one another he who doesn't love is not one of us he is not of god for god is love what is he trying to say if jesus is living through you it's proof of your salvation if he is not you need to give the lord your life this thing's been clouded when it's so clear so simple not easy but very simple and so jesus said things like this before a man builds a tower he should count the cost lest he begin building and doesn't have the resources to finish the tower and bring shame you only know what is worth living for when you discover what you're willing to die for then you'll be alive the moment you are willing to lose all for jesus you'll be truly alive jesus said that he said he who is willing to lose his life will find it and he who desires to keep his life will lose it we don't run our own lives and expect jesus to accept us on that last day no no no we lose our lives into his arms we give all to him we give our future our agendas our plans our sin our everything our will our pursuits of things that do not bring satisfaction we give all to jesus we lose our life and everything we know about it we say lord here i am have me and in that moment you come alive with this presence i want everyone to stand please i want every head bowed and i closed please if you feel the holy spirit tonight convicting you that is a sign that god is reaching out to you friend and the bible doesn't say today is the day of salvation the bible says now now now is the day of salvation now is the time i want to invite you to give your all to jesus with every head bowed and i close you say michael i want to give my life to jesus tonight i want to fully repent and surrender i want to fully lose my life and hand it over i want every hand to go up that wants to do that thank you lord thank you lord i give you praise if you raised your hand or you wish you did i want you to get down here right now come on there are many of you come on come on come down here i want you to spread out when you get down here come come give your life to jesus come let nothing hold you back let nothing hold you back come give your life to the lord young and old young and old children children if you want to give your life to jesus tonight you tell your parents come come they're still coming look if you children if you want to give your life to jesus tonight tell your mom and dad go down there with me i want to give my heart to jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah did you come with this young man yeah please come with him please come with him come on give the lord praise give the lord praise god thank you lord listen carefully listen carefully if you brought someone tonight you're here with someone and you know they may need to come down there i want you to look them in the eye with boldness and say do you need to go down there and if so tell them you'll go with them do it right now do it right now this is the time this is the hour there is nothing to be ashamed of come on give your life come on give your life to jesus tonight thank you lord thank you father this is wonderful this is wonderful hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord there is nothing in this world worth choosing above the lord jesus christ nothing nothing come come come come thank you father look at this world shaking at its core filled with uncertainty only jesus is a rock come come young man him over there there ryan lead them over there hallelujah isn't the lord wonderful isn't the lord wonderful isn't the lord wonderful thank you father he's so good the holy spirit's moving friends if you came forward look me in the eye please look in the eye this is a holy sacred moment the last thing we're going to do is just go through some vain repetition some routine so that your sins can get blotted out they will but there's something much more beautiful there's gonna literally be a life for life exchange tonight you're going to give the lord your life all your sin everything you've ever done to grievous heart and that happens thousands of times a day in all of us and by faith you're going to hand your life over and the lord will nail all of that to that cross to a tree and the bible says that we were crucified with christ because we've been crucified with christ we will be raised with christ jesus this is awesome so we're about to begin praying and as we do i don't know how to say this any better but this way make it as childlike as possible and make it as real as you know how to deepen here let your heart connect with your words and here's the beautiful thing the scripture says that if we come unto him he will not cast us away he doesn't know how are you ready to pray close your eyes just lift your hands as an act of surrender i want all of you in your seats to stretch your hands towards these precious people stretch and this is again this is what you're praying as i'm praying with them you're praying that they would never know a day away from the lord that they would live a victorious christian life filled with the holy spirit and that they would remain in the fold forever and change the world amen let's all pray this together let's go heavenly father i come to you tonight a sinner save my soul wash me in the blood of jesus cleanse me i am sorry lord forgive me lord i repent of my sin i turn from my sin i turn from the world i turn from the devil and i turn from my own will and i put all my trust in you lord jesus all my faith in you all my faith in your shed blood i give my life to you jesus i believe that you came to the earth that you suffered and died on the cross that you shed your blood to redeem my life i believe that you died but you were buried and raised again you are god almighty raised from the dead and you have ascended to the right hand of the father you are returning again to rule and reign you are the king of kings jesus christ i give you my life i give all to you come into my heart save my soul in jesus name i am born again amen give the lord praise oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh come on give him praise one more time one more time thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus would you just look at me just for two more minutes i know that gets boring just but just bear with me is no reason you have to live in defeat ever again there's some things i want you to do some things the lord wants you to do number one now that you are his read his word every day every day take your bible and just begin reading like a child and when you have questions ask every day how often will you read your bible every day number two pray every day that's very simple you just go in and talk to the lord the word of god will birth prayer inside of you because you're going to have questions you're going to be amazed the lord's going to show you himself you're going to be blown away and that's going to come out of your mouth and before you know it you'll start praying it's that simple number three you need to be baptized in water and john and jenna john in general raise your hand they are leading our new believers and it's vital that after this service please please look at me i need you to go find them after the service because it's vital that you're baptized in water and they're going to help make that happen when you go into the water you are literally cut off from this generation in the world completely separated from it and the old man it's vital that you're baptized in water so one read your bible every day two pray every day three get baptized in water number four you need to plant your life into a body of believers that's called church don't let the word church freak you out you still need it as jacked up as the church is and has been you still need the church it is the body of christ we would love to have you here if god calls you somewhere else thank god but you need to plant your life and i don't mean just attend i mean become a part of the life of the church find a church that believes the whole bible the whole bible and not by word only but is willing to take the risk to actually live it number two number two find a church that loves the presence of jesus because the presence of jesus is jesus and the church should love the head of the church don't you think it's important lastly jesus promised that you would receive power say power all of you say power why is that important because it was the power of the holy spirit that grabbed your soul tonight and god wants you to do exactly what i did tonight maybe in a different way maybe you're not called to stay on the platform but the lord wants to lead many people to the beauty of jesus through your life the good news is you don't have to do that on your own god doesn't want you to do that on your own he wants you to do that through the same power that jesus walked in on the earth the power of the holy spirit so number one read your bible every day number two pray every day number three connect with john and jenna all of you after service to be baptized in water and so that we can walk with you number four plant your life in the local church number five ask jesus to empower you with the holy spirit so that the world around you can be changed many of you have family members who need jesus they need to know the peace that you just discovered tonight god can use you god can use you through the power of the holy spirit amen amen let me just pray a quick prayer over you heavenly father bless them keep them protect them use them i plead the blood over them and empower them holy spirit come upon them and use them for your glory touch them as you did in my life as a young boy here in the city fall on them the same way in jesus mighty name amen amen can we give the lord praise all of you can go back you can all go back to your seat but after service the table is right outside the door make sure john and jenna put your hands up one more time make sure to find john and jenna god bless you let's give the lord praise one more time come on thank you lord you can be seated hallelujah babe do you want to come up isn't the lord wonderful isn't the lord wonderful let jess know you love her wow mucho oh i love you guys very much how was everyone's christmas the new year good we got a puppy he's already eaten up one of my tables but pray that he gets trained in jesus name yeah i'm going to share offering tonight it's offering time yes i was actually reading through this yesterday just in my daily devotion with the lord and i was thinking if i get asked to share offering again i want to share this and michael said i said babe will you do offering i said sure so i'm going to be reading from exodus 35 i'm going to skip around a little bit so you can just follow me but exodus 35. 5 21 22 29 let's real real quick let's go to exodus 25 1-2 there's a pattern here that god was speaking to me about the lord said to moses tell the people of israel to bring me their sacred offerings except the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them exodus 35 verse 5 and i'm gonna again go from 5 21 22-29 i encourage you in your own time to read through these scriptures they will really bless you like they did me take a sacred offering for the lord let those with generous hearts present the following gifts to the lord gold silver and bronze 21 all whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved came and brought their sacred offing to the lord verse 22 both men and women came all whose hearts are you seeing the theme here all whose hearts were willing they brought to the lord their offerings of gold brooches earrings rings from their fingers and necklaces they gave it all they presented gold objects of every kind as a special offering to the lord 29 verse 29 so the people of israel every man and woman who was eager to help in the work of the lord had given that the lord had given them through moses brought their gifts and gave them freely to the lord then in verse in chapter 36 verses 2-7 i'll just summarize they were building the sanctuary the tabernacle and they gave so willingly and so with the heart of giving that they came moses had to come to the people and say stop giving we have more than enough we have more could you imagine if you are at a church and they're raising money for a building and they say no more don't give any more we have more than we need that's the heart of generosity and i that the lord was challenging me and i feel like god is inviting us to go above and beyond not just with what we give but our time to jesus our love our generosity to others when you see people in public go tell them about jesus it's time to go above and beyond and that's why these passages i just kept reading them and i kept seeing the theme they all were so willing and that's why that's what they said go to those who have a heart that's willing to give and i just lovingly challenge you tonight i'm challenging myself my children let's go above and beyond for jesus isn't he worth it isn't he so worth it just to go above and beyond for him so yeah we know that the tithe is 10 you know my kids and michael they got cash for christmas my parents now and my relatives give me like pots and robes now so i don't get cash anymore it's like an ethnic thing my grandmother we used to get a hundred dollars every christmas i have about 28 first cousins and i would get so excited and when i got engaged to michael i got a robe instead of a hundred dollars so it's like you know but my kids got cash and the first thing they did is they of course wanted to spend it and they said no mom we put aside our tithe and we put aside our offering and then we're going to go spend the rest because that belongs to the lord but i want us all to have a heart to give and to love to give to jesus and have a willing heart amen so yeah let's just pray real quick lord i just ask lord that you will give us hearts jesus hearts that go after you hearts that are happy lord to give god because it is more blessed to give than to receive jesus so lord i ask that lord even if there's anyone in here even even me lord there's ever times in my life where i don't want to give willingly and freely and give with all of my heart holy spirit i ask that you will make us cheerful givers in jesus mighty name bless your people lord answer every prayer because you are good and you love to give your children good things your loving father so answer every prayer yes lord even salvations jesus i just when i said that this is not about offering but i just feel like there's people praying for loved ones so lord yes lord i thank you father that they will come to know you in jesus mighty name amen amen you can give text to give it's on the screen 321 320 or you can come and give in the buckets love you you're watching online thank you can we all welcome the online we love you guys we love you guys if this ministry has been a blessing to you i want to invite you to click on that link and give via text to give we love you thank you to all of you who have been supporting the ministry you know we fell about i think 50 or 60 thousand dollars short on jesus 20 and i made a simple announcement to you all into our online family and within a day it was all covered thank you jesus yeah thank you lord come on give the lord praise yeah so you guys can come rush the buckets god bless you to thank god it flows from day john took us back there that was a good moment you guys remember that night here no i do let's just close our eyes lift our hands to heaven wonderful holy spirit speak to us change us thank you for what you've done tonight and what you will do in the name of jesus amen amen okay thank you um yet this morning i spoke in jacksonville at our dear friend gary wiggins church at evangel temple it's a real historic church that really has stewarded a beautiful beautiful family in the presence of god for a long time i had the joy of taking six of our third year students with me on the trip and we had an amazing night last night together really just pouring into each other they blessed me hopefully i blessed them back but i began to listen to them and uh cammy can you come here real quick just come here this is cami cami is a come here cammy so since your third year you get to hold the lightsaber come up here but i'm trusting you and you know you want the force to stay with you so steward it wisely but cammy can we begin to talk about um here there you go kimmy cami uh began to talk about uh her life and uh the sadness that you were walking through for what 30 years how long long time and i don't get as much one-on-one time as i'd like with the students but to hear their stories last night was just amazing beautiful but can you just in a couple minutes talk just tell them what you told me i mean i know you're not going to say it the same way but it was just so powerful go ahead kim i was just thanking michael for the privilege of being here but also um i've been a believer for 30 years and for most of my children's lives they grew up with a really sad mom and depression and sadness just marked my life but i knew there was more and i came here because i knew there was more i'd walked in a really conservative environment and everything i was telling michael how grateful i am because everything that i know about this spirit-filled life i've learned in the last three years of being here at jesus school and i understand who i am now i understand righteousness i understand laying my life down before the lord and giving up everything to be here and i really just wanted to thank michael he was asking us to just talk about what the lord's done in our life and i'm not sad anymore tell them tell them when you went home what your family said and tell them where you're from and yeah because you're kind of far from home yeah i so i moved here from colorado i left my children my grandchildren and my parents my siblings and i was talking to one of my daughters in particular telling her that i feel like now the lord has the way i say it is my heart got seated here and that i'm not going to be going home anytime soon and my daughter in particular she said mom we watch you and we know how happy you are we can see where my parents always say she's finally found what she's looking for wow so you you walked in like a heavy sadness for for how many years would you say i i feel like sadness marked my life since i was a child wow and then you came to school and the lord touched you yeah don't you think we're a conservative environment no no you're laughing no i had a lot to learn i just thought that was so beautiful that you know if you're dealing with that tonight if you're dealing with heaviness and sadness and the thought that it will never turn you're looking at a living testimony right here i love you i'm glad you're here i'm glad you're here let her know you love her would you do that i want uh diane come here diane come on um this is diane she's amazing and uh would you talk to the people about what you left to come here and then what on your heart and this by the way this is not a jesus called promo but i was so moved last night because it's bigger it's much bigger than that it's a picture and a beautiful uh it's a beautiful picture of what walking with jesus looks like and what he does when you do so yeah so i was really really hungry for jesus i was a believer i loved the lord i was serving him for like 15 years here in orlando in orlando and i was longing for more and i knew there was more but i didn't know how to get it and the lord said you're going to have to lay down some things because you've made them your first love and i want to be your first love and they were good things it was a career it was a home were you in that career 30 years 30 years and what did you do what was the car i'm a cat scan technologist wow that sounds really important and and very it's not that complicated a little complicated but um yeah and so the lord started to tell me that if i wanted more that love was a commitment that it looked like something and so i needed to lay down some things and that these are things that would burn up in the fire they were wood hay and stubble and uh and he said i want you to start to build with me and you can get and what i what i got was the lord i got more of him because i laid down those things that i thought were important i thought that the world says they're important right like you need a career you need a home so i didn't think they were bad things but they were standing in the way of my relationship with jesus and so when i laid them down he became my first love wow and you enrolled in school and yeah so well i mean it didn't yeah i i laid down my career first came to jesus school someone stepped in completely provided for like a year's salary pretty much yes wow and that was beautiful but then the second year he called me he said will you lay that down again will you lay down your house again and i said yes i want more of you and when i did that he started to give me things to build on because i could build with him now it was no longer there was no longer things in the way what's happened how do you feel now how's life oh my gosh i'm like i'm like in his perfect will i feel like i am in the perfect will of god like i am exactly where he wants me and i have have more i mean i have jesus i have everything he's so beautiful yeah beautiful come on let her know you love her so wonderful can you make sure that's off ryan that mike isn't the lord good isn't he good i just felt to share those two um well we had one of our students uh burn her hand and i heard that her hand got healed is that what happened her wrist got healed um is she is she here tonight what victoria are you here tonight by any chance does it does does anyone know about the testimony someone shared it with me dion come here buddy come here buddy this is dion by the way come here come on up here bud tell the people what happened uh first is is victoria here or she in the overflow i read there no she's not here firsthand all right well we have a student named victoria and um i don't know exactly how she burnt it but it was her it's like she shared this with you yes yes she did she gave the testimony in front of the the school okay i want to hear it but she had burned herself right here on her arm right below her her palm and it had gotten infected and the infection had gotten so bad that it literally ate her skin all the way down to the bone and she could see the bone in her wrist and um so she went to the she finally went to the emergency room because she she couldn't sleep through the night because of the pain and everything and the doctor was like do you want to lose your hand why didn't you come sooner like she could have lost her hand because the infection was so bad and so she went home and um and her her daughter i think i can't remember how old her daughter was but her daughter was like don't worry mommy the blood of jesus is over it and she was like oh i know baby i know i understand i understand but things like this take time to heal and her daughter was like no mom the blood of jesus is over it and so she went to bed that night uh she hadn't she had wrapped up and everything and when she woke up the next morning she realized that wow i slept through the whole night because she had been waking up every night because of the pain and so she woke up and so she took the bandage off and everything like that and her wrist was completely healed like she had like in one night yeah one night thank you lord thank you jesus you are worthy lord do more do more do more wow but she showed it to me and like she literally had she it was like pink baby skin like a brand new skin and everything what did she think was she i don't know you have to ask her but i'm serious i'm sure it blew her mind though dion is leading our outreach teams so how uh how long were you in prison i was i had received a 10-year sentence in federal prison i ended up doing eight years nine months so about nine years and you got saved in prison i got saved the six year in prison and and you have baptized in water in prison i got baptized in water and then uh how did you i know you received the baptism of the holy spirit what happened well um first to get saved i was working out and i had herniated uh some discs in my back or a disc and this christian brother came up to me and he was like i went through pain for a whole year you know i kept going to the doctor and they just kept trying to give me ibuprofen and this christian brother walked up and he said you know what's wrong and i was like man my back is killing me and he said sit down and he told me about jesus and he said jesus will heal you and he said can i pray for you and i was like whatever you christian people do just do it dude and so he prayed for me and like with day or two all the pain was gone wow and so i was i was like oh god you're real and i got convicted and i ran down to the chapel in the prison and like busted through the doors and i was like i need to get back and they were like what and that's all i knew like i had no comprehension of anything christian i just thought i had to get baptized so i went down there and he was like he was like oh you're serious and he said come back in three weeks and we're gonna do baptisms in three weeks and like that night i had a dream and in the dream the prison chaplain was trying to baptize me and then the guy that prayed for my healing was trying to baptize me and it was the most vivid dream i had ever had so i went to the guy that prayed for my healing and i was like man i don't know what this dream is about but i know it means something i said you were trying to baptize me and he was trying to baptize me and he was like well you know there there are two baptisms and i was like what does that mean and he said well there's a baptism in water and then there's a baptism in the holy spirit and i was like okay what is that and so he gave me this book about the baptism and i read the book and i was like well god supernaturally healed me i guess i guess this could be real too and so i met him i got baptized in water three weeks later and then like a couple weeks after that like two or three weeks after that i said all right dude i'm ready to do this this holy spirit thing and um so he he took me he got five brother christian brothers from the the prison chapel and he said let's go over to this area over here and i was like go this harry over here we're at the church where are we going and they wanted to go to this a little more secluded area and uh in my head the whole time i'm walking there and i'm so nervous because the book just said pray in tongues like you'll pray in tongues and so in my mind i'm like what does tongue sound like like i can't fake it like i don't even know what it sounds like good for you it's like well if it's if it's real then it's gonna be real yeah and so i go out there and he says he said all right lift your hands and i lift my hands and he says in the name of jesus receive the holy spirit and he touched my forehead and he said if anything you feel anything bubbling up in your or you want to say anything just let it out and i'm sitting there and i just and i like start this tongues just start coming out and i mean literally pouring out out of depths of that i have no idea existed and i'm just like and uh how long were you in that it was it went on like it was going on for about five minutes i'm calling out and then you feel the power of god the power of god coming through me and in my mind i was like how long is this going to last and then after a couple of minutes i'd say about five minutes i came out of it uh and i stu i stopped praying in tongues and like i was tripping over their feet and i'm tripping over my feet and they're all looking at each other like whoa and and i was lit then did you start leading people to jesus after that it was over after that like i was lit on fire i was consumed by god because in prison all you have is time from like 5 a.m to 9 00 p.m it was it was jesus all day for two years straight and yeah incredible oh man testimonies are an invitation to see it happen again they're not merely to impress us uh the word actually means to do it again one of the words for testimony means to do it again so when you hear these testimonies the lord can do it in you do it in your family if you have a child in prison or a family member in prison god can do and then what he did in dion now look he's leading our evangelism teams i wonder if his family thought when he went off to prison that he'd be leading evangelism teams isn't the lord amazing so incredible i wanted to have a family night tonight and uh we didn't cater greek food if that's what you're wondering the our students were like that only means one thing because my father-in-law comes in once a year and gets them all lebanese food well we didn't do that tonight that'd be a big bill i'd hate for john reed to have to pay the bill i want to update you guys on some things and kind of let you know where the church is going um i feel like i need to cast some vision and so we can walk together into the plan of god so as you guys know uh i'm not sure if you know actually but i did i pastored years ago in california and it was pretty sad to watch i always say that if you you wanted to stay lost not get saved and stay sick we were the church for you super encouraging we had 400 people our first week and we grew to 70 in three weeks and i i used to tell our team every week we are a mega church we're mega small yeah but you know the lord the lord has to uh show you how helpless you are without the holy spirit and he's willing to take all the time we need to discover that the lord glories in our weakness not in how ready we think we are typically we think we're much more ready than we really are and then you you begin to realize uh when when you think the lord is delaying that it was actually his mercy uh the i love how bill johnson says he says the pres the blessing of the lord requires the presence of the lord and the presence of the lord is weighty and weight always reveals fractures you know if you're doing squats and you have a stress fracture in the shin you're going to know really quickly because you've added weight to your life and so the lord will take all the time you need to expose the fractures heal them get you through it and create the character in you to carry the blessing of the lord it's really important i said it's really important maybe some of you maybe that helps some of you who think god for has forgotten about you not forgotten about you he's he's loving you he's loving you and let me tell you when he blesses you and the responsibility comes just remember you asked for it but we pastored there god did great things looking back but it was such a brutal environment that my own wife wouldn't listen to my sermons i'd be like babe you coming today she's like i'm gonna stay home that was just no no she's watching church i was on tv and i'm out preaching you know so that's when you know you need a little help i also learned that uh that my father-in-law's encountering with the lord was not my own and you can't you can't look at a and say in the name of my family member get up and walk you either have oil or you don't that's why a lot of pks never really meet their potential because they think they deserve something that they have not paid for if you're a pk sorry but that's just the way it is few few really meet their potential because they have a sense of entitlement and god has to blow all that out of you he has to become your jesus has become your savior your provider your healer your sanctifier you have to meet him on your own so that was really the process and we moved here in 2010 at the end of 009 november of 009 and um i i said i will never pastor again ever so jesus image was birthed as an evangelistic ministry i began traveling and i preached everywhere man i preached at women's ago meetings at marie calendars the pie shops i just preached anywhere storefront churches home groups i'll never forget my first women's glow meeting they loved me i was like their little baby they just they thought it was awesome i got to speak at the christmas banquet and everything it was awesome one time i got a pie as an honorarium didn't pay the bills but it tasted good but i kept going i've never preached for money i think it's a sin i think it's a sin if the gospel is not for sale why should the people preaching it be for sale that's a horrible putrid thing that god is blasting out of the body of christ and may he pummel it even more until it's all gone we don't preach for money we preach because jesus died on the cross and shed his blood and he's worthy of a people an offering worthy of the nations so i just went for it and i would spend every tuesday with god i mean every tuesday start at six stop at about five and i had nothing i had no i was preaching a good bit but most people thought i was crazy and i wanted to know jesus and began seeking him and slowly doors started opening and the nation started opening and really fathers began to stand around me fathers and mothers heidi my father-in-law reinhard was a massive encouragement and support to me bill tommy reed paul teske many many great people the sisters who are in phoenix the evangelical sisterhood they really just gathered around me and really refused to see me not step into the call of god looking back that was really the mercy of the lord at the time in 2010 our jesse's family walked through a difficult time thank god it was all restored and totally healed thank you jesus thank you jesus but man was it a tough time to launch a ministry really tough people looked at me and said bro we love you but you're kind of a liability i said wow god bless you too and and and the lord began to move and people started being healed and amazing miracles took place blindness deafness tumors exploding literally falling out of people's bodies and and the nations really opened and and i began to discover jesus in private and he would jump out of our meetings in public and people began to know the lord my heart was really burning for the nations at the time then i had a dream and in the dream god began to stir my soul for america this was 2012. i began to feel a deeper connection to the states not realizing what was coming to our country but how many of you know that now we can send full-time missionaries into american cities america has no idea what is about to hit it i'm telling you many of our jesus school students will take long time long term assignments in american cities preach jesus and carry the presence of god the devil has no chance i said the devil has no chance so that that started stirring me and uh i began to travel in america more in 2014 we hosted our first jesus event jesus 14 took place right here in longwood florida at one church i think we sat 600 and i thought 100 would show up uh we had my father-in-law and reinhard and then a bunch of my other friends and what a joy it was to get those two together it was really historic even though it was in a small room but i remember thinking will anyone come and they did they came maybe some of you were there i don't know i know eduardo was there we'll talk about that later but anyways and god really moved and then we had jesus 15 heidi joined the the squad i think that's about when todd came around as well jesus 16. bill jumped in we had spent a year or six months in reading just resting the lord spoke to us to get get ready to see our lives completely transformed and oh my gosh how our lives were impacted there just watching bill and lead the way he led and it was a great time of rest and really just beauty for our children little benny was encountered the holy spirit in like science or some class i don't know i mean they went to school there in reading how many think we should like have schools here where your kids get absolutely rocked by the presence of the holy spirit so that happened and uh we came home and went back one more time because the lord asked us to and on our way back the second time right before we left something dropped in my spirit i was driving down the road on a eureka highway 278 is the highway number there in redding and something landed in my spirit i don't know how to explain it but i could see i i don't know how else to say other than it was a holy spirit moment i could see the mastery of the wisdom of god on how to watch god build something here in orlando i just saw i saw the school i i i saw that god would send the nations to orlando once again like he did when i was a little boy and that the wonderful wells of the presence of the lord the preaching of jesus and the healing power of the holy spirit that that would return again to our city and i felt the lord adjusting my heart and it was scary while traveling was tough on my body the sense of responsibility in beginning of school was a bit overwhelming you know i just because i didn't start the school to end it quickly i knew it would be an all in assignment jesse and i talked about it bill and i had dinner i said bill i'm just driving and this blueprint landed on me you know i think it was that spirit of wisdom and revelation and i said i don't know what happened and he just looked at me and goes oh yeah it's in the air here i go oh that helps gee thanks a lot and so then bill gave me a prophetic word before we left we asked bill to pray for our family we went in there were many dreams prior to that and all my time around bill and my friends there i've never seen bill do this but he instantly laid hands on me and us and he said the day is coming where these movements will become family and he said and when that happens a great move of the grace of god will flow from the west coast to the east and a great move of the holy spirit will take place i thought wow so i carried that in my heart and came home i called uh i called our our board and uh spoke to some of our team jesse and i prayed about it and we said we want to start school and in the school we want to freely give away whatever the lord has given us and we want to spend extended stents of time in the presence of the lord and we want to teach our people how to minister to jesus and live in his presence and how to love the holy scriptures that a bridal heart would emerge and we exposed our students to those people that we had been walking with and who touched our lives so we just went for it in the first year 76 76 students came it felt like a stadium you have to remember now i had been on the road since 2003. much of that time with my father-in-law and then from 2010 to 2017 on my own and i was a bit tired but as i began teaching and walking with the students something happened in me and i began to enjoy the journey and see the lord change them and something the school provided me was the ability to see what actually changes lives and what does not because you're with them every day and the good students let you into their junk the other ones are just learning to trust us and i understand but as i would get into their lives and hear about their lives jess would get into their lives and our team i began to discover what ran the devil out of their life and i said i'm going to do more of that so they got the word i mean the word and i began to teach john 1 i thought i would teach it for two days i taught it for eight weeks and what i found is is those who had bondages were being set free under the sound of the word of god so they would minister to the lord for hours in the morning we would come and teach the lord would come in and crash in on the room and then we would just step back and let the lord move then another desire was planted in my heart and the desire was create a space for worship on a sunday night it doesn't matter if it's big in fact i didn't want it to be big i mean i had already seen a crowd of three million people in 2205 with my father-in-law so i the amount of people do not equate to blessedness so the amount of people do not feed the soul only his presence feeds the soul so whether it's a massive meeting or 76 students in the room i'm satisfied i was no more satisfied at jesus 20 than i am tonight thousands are on the field there are hundreds here i'm equally satisfied because it's the same jesus say amen so i thought let's just start this sunday night meeting i felt like the students needed some type of chapel setting where they could gather and do nothing but minister to the lord and the lord spoke to me he said on those sunday nights i want you to preach a clear gospel every sunday night or i will not send the lost to you that makes sense why would the lord send the lost to us if we don't preach the gospel so the lord blesses people who preach the gospel he sends people their way the lord is an amazing leader slightly so i began to preach the gospel on those sunday nights the lord would come in we were in that little building at st andrews well actually i told austin just get me a room that seats 70 people he goes bro what's wrong with you i said just give me 70 people he goes i said i don't even think that'll fill up austin goes what is wrong with you like we're not doing 70 people dude i go all right fine what is saint andrew's seat it was like 400 packed in 300 seated 400 packed in i thought 50 people would come and i didn't care i just wanted to be with the lord all of a sudden we booked it and i pulled up and there were people parked all over the place then i got scared like no no no that's not what i wanted we just want to sing but not with all these people and they were standing there and the air broke that night how many of you were there the air broke it was so hot i said austin what are we doing so we burned them up that night the lord did beautifully come it was awesome oh man it was powerful the next sunday came i pulled up and as i'm pulling up i go there's no way people came back too hot it was too hot there's no way it's sweaty smelly there's no way they came back packed again well a few months later people started saying uh hey bro this is a church and i go not a church man i said there wa well what is it i said it's a gathering it's a jesus knight we're like oh okay so michael miller came through i think he preached like a month in as we were meeting he looks at me he goes bro this is a church i go you stick with up a room you let me handle jesus image it's not a church yes okay and while we were sitting there in the glory of god you guys remember those nights he would just wait on the lord and he would come miller looked at me because i just had a vision i see this this sunday night meeting in a building that has a massive balcony and there are thousands of people there and when we stepped into calvary on two sunday nights i go i go oh there were people up on the balconies 2 000 people waiting outside and miller's vision it was brought back to me amazing right so as the weeks went on i started having other friends in so nathan morris came in nathan morris does not have a passion deficiency when he preaches all right he's full-on and i love him so he's walking and he gets this wild look in his eye so he's walking and he looks at me he goes call it what it is like mid-sermon i'm like what are you talking about you call this what it is this is a church nathan keep it moving your time is almost up well then we had danny still and i'm trying to introduce danny and danny's on the front row and i hear him talking to jess and he goes uh i can hear him i'm at the pulpit like praying doing the offering and i hear him talking to my wife and i hear danny go so uh that's what i heard how often do you guys meet jessica's every sunday night he goes uh-huh and uh does he teach the bible every sunday night she goes yeah he goes do you guys give offerings she goes yeah he goes yeah this is a church i'm listening to this i'm like let's sing hallelujah i'm gonna forget about what danny said well then bear with me i'm just being funny here then i made the mistake of having my father-in-law which let me tell you something childlike and pure-hearted but he cannot keep a secret at all in 2005 when uh theo was when jesse got pregnant with theo he was at a meeting and we were backstage about to go out and preach i said hey bob i've got good news for you he goes what i said jesse's pregnant but i go you can't say anything he goes no problem no problem i'm not going to say a word and we're behind the curtain aren't you glad we don't have curtains all right so i go bob you can't say a word he goes okay yeah yeah he takes the platform he goes you are not going to believe this jessica is pregnant oh sorry babe she goes what are you doing i'm i'm sorry so that sunday night in 2017 would have been 18 maybe by then i don't know probably 18 i don't know he basically before i even had the chance to announce that this is a church so he takes the mic goes this is a church and i'm here to announce it and i'm like bob you can't announce it's a church without me like what are you doing yes sir i can't so he did the story of my life well here was the weird thing he said while he's praying that this be a church and then he announced it at jesus 18 in front of the world and i'm like oh my gosh you know what are you gonna do so while he while he's announcing that over at saint andrews basically dedicating this is a church without me even standing next to him nathan morris just walks in i'm like bro what are you doing here he goes god told me to come and remember nathan had just told us weeks prior to call this what it is so my father looks at nathan he goes this is why you've walked in nathan to confirm it because it's at the mouth of two or three witnesses nathan goes that's exactly why i've come i was home i was home getting ready to go just lay down and the lord said get up and drive over to saint andrews so at that point i it was a real sober time i had to do a lot of soul searching a lot would have to die in my life a lot i would have to really shut down especially travel probably travel's been shut down by 60 to 70 percent for me and commit my life to the lord's presence in the people but i noticed that the events have exploded since we've been gathering as a church and they're more powerful the outreach element is into the millions now with just media and i was under the deception that i had to choose between nations being touched and god using orlando to be a city set on a hill and raising up the people in the presence in jesus you don't really have to choose you just choose him and whatever he gives you you walk in so that summer we moved down by the airport you guys remember we moved down near uh mco and then the summer was up and we needed a building to start jesus school last year and this building opened it was the only building that was available and i'm super grateful to pastor clint and judah for letting us come and i want to say that publicly thank you so much thank you thank you yeah due to facility issues not here but just in general availability we haven't been able to meet on sunday morning and we've been wanting to meet on sunday morning now most people by the time they get a church this size they have like three buildings different campuses but when you we have how many students are not here right now like 150 200 what do you think what do you think numbers 100 there's still 100 students who aren't even in the room so we begin to run into this issue how could we go to sunday morning there's nothing available coveted hit but i wanted to tell you tonight that we've had a couple facilities open that we could rent in the interim just hear me carefully and we will go to sunday morning very soon hear me i know many of you visit here on sunday nights we will keep the sunday nights as well but it is time to build a church family in the glory of the lord now austin will be meeting with people tomorrow speaking of the two facilities we will hear about the details of the availability and which facility is going to work best for our needs on sunday morning i want you to know this it will be an experience in the presence of god for your entire family we will have all of the age groups for children's church praise god you guys can drop your kids off not be nervous is michael or pastor benny going to rebuke my child for crying no you don't have to worry about that anymore this is a wonderful thing i'm really excited about this the sunday nights will remain because the nations have been flying in before covid we have on the average about eight to twelve nations every sunday night who have flown in just to be in the room and i don't want to eliminate that so sunday morning will be for those who are like jesus image is my family this is my tribe i am ride or die with jesus image that is these are my people and and i'm going to live in the glory of god with these people that is the sunday morning experience i will teach the word then we will worship the lord we're not going to cut the worship time we're not going to turn into some franchise cookie-cutter people-pleasing church that's not happening that'll never happen that will never happen as long as i'm alive and if it happens in the next generation i will appear and attack them i will attack them i will come back as one of the witnesses and attack them is not allowed you cannot franchise church you can franchise an organization but only god can birth a church and i never want this church to be marked with savvy promotion i never want this church to be marked with man's ability and strength i want the glory of god to draw the nations that's who we are that will never change it will never change ever never will it change so that being said good news your children will have a place to encounter god what it will not be is a babysitting service it will be an inferno for your children i want your children to be marked by the presence of jesus we need the next generation to be marked by the presence of jesus there will be sundays where i will not be behind the pulpit in the main sanctuary i will be ministering to your children and i'm not afraid of them i'm not afraid of your children i used to be afraid of ministering to kids because they stare at you if you're horrible i i would always say no to youth events i'm like no i don't do an euphem no way no i'm a stick with women's a globe but i'm not doing i'm not doing the youth event but i'll tell you what kids do when the glory of god shows up they're all in so we're going to see our children touched by the power and presence of the lord that being said it will be uh most likely these two facilities are in seminole county so um sunday night will stay here at least until we get our building our full-time home our almost at eternal home but it's not our eternal home heaven is our eternal but the sunday mornings will most likely be in seminole county and we should know by the end of the week hopefully hallelujah amen okay now let me also just say this last thing and then we're going to receive communion uh i believe we've had two meetings with the county in the city on the land for the land that we are under contract on that is also in seminole county i need you guys to be praying that god would give us favor so far the meetings have gone wonderfully and we need that to continue so the two venues we're looking at for sunday morning will most likely stay there and from what i've heard i don't want to give you times i'm just trying to be as authentic and transparent as a pastor as i can be most people have given me as far as a building time like the 15 to 18 month range to get the building up but the contract is on about 10 acres right now in seminole county it will house our school we will be able to put up a sanctuary that seats about 1200 which is a 100 people larger than this and i don't want it to be any bigger to be honest with you i want to keep this intimate feel we'll be able to divide it for the sake of the school into quadrants our hope is to divide it with soundproof systems so that first and second year can be in certain rooms we will have our prayer house there and everything it's going to be phenomenal okay that is on the way and i just wanted to let you know we are moving forward at light speed we are actually under contract on the acreage and we will also have a conversation tomorrow about the two rental facilities in seminole county for sunday morning and i am i'm excited the reason the reason i'm sharing this with you is because i feel from the lord we must make intentional steps into what it looks like to be a church family and i with i want to see your children's children in love with jesus and i don't have all the answers but i can tell you this as a child i burned for the lord i burned for the lord i was radically touched and i know what the glory of god can do and that's what i long for i want to see families living in the presence of god that's why ryan jenna moved to not ranjan ryan and carla it's why john and jen are having a baby i want y'all to know that they're not having a baby for the church well they kind of are they're growing the church but i want i was thinking about it yesterday they drove me up to jacksonville i said i want that little baby i want her to be under the glory of god i do i want i want her to live in the presence of god right ryan and carla moved from salinas california to live in the glory of god i want my children to live in the glory of god and it's time i said it's time i am believing the lord in faith there is no doubt in my mind that the lord can do this that we will walk into that building fully built debt-free debt-free when you need a place to pray at one o'clock on a wednesday afternoon you'll have a place to come pray you have a place to be with jesus and our levites our wonderful worship team will be ministering to the lord for hours on end and that place will be bathed in the glory of the lord i am believing that when people pull onto that property that they will know they have stepped into a different place but they have stepped into heaven on earth that's my desire and when i'm long gone i still want the nations to fly to that place and experience the lord jesus it's possible i said it's possible it will happen amen are you excited all right give the lord praise i'm excited i think it's awesome we've got about 20 more minutes can you take your communion elements please baby did i forget anything how did i do thank you don't open them yet i just want you to hold them just make sure if you don't have elements we have a a lady there on the right side stage stage right she needs her elements right there guys thank you dion go ahead and just put your communion down next to you how many of you have read the first three chapters of the book of revelation okay i do want this church to read the entire bible uh we did a survey years ago in a pastor's conference and we asked pastors how many of you have not read the the entire bible and i would say it was a 60 40 split pastors i'm like what are you preaching what are you talking about but if you look at these first few chapters here in the book of revelation it's really interesting to me in chapters really two through three as the lord begins speaking to the churches and correcting them and encouraging them he never once addresses attendance as being an issue so never once does he say to the church at ephesus your church is too small you don't have enough people i have this against you your crowd is too small he doesn't even go there it's not even on his grid attendance has nothing to do with success how many of you believe that mary was successful at the tomb when she beheld the resurrected christ it's all alone i said this last week but if attendance were the marker for success then calvary was a failure there were just a few with him there jesus had massive crowds in galilee and only a few stayed with him to calvary well was calvary less successful in galilee no you there's no greater representation of the nature of god than christ crucified jesus laying his life down is the ultimate success and only a few were there so jesus never addresses church size in revelation two and three he speaks to the hearts to the heart say the hearts say this very quickly say say jesus is after my motives last night did anybody watch the instagram live i did with the send last night any of y'all watch that a few of you okay andy byrd asked me a question last night he said if you could say one thing to this generation what would it be and even to the generation coming up behind you what would you say to them i said this is what i'd say go into your room shut the door and build a history with the living christ get to know jesus i want you to think about for a moment if you were about to breathe your last and your family was standing around your bed what would you tell them would you tell them to go build a big church to go do a big meeting book a stadium i'm not against it all we do that but is that what you tell them is that what you leave them with is that what you want your tombstone to say i did big meetings i built big churches i'm a church planter i want you to think about that for a moment what would you tell your child if you had one thing left to say i know what i tell mine love jesus and once you have that answer my challenge to you is live for that and that alone and you'll never know lack in any area of life jesus listen carefully is purifying his bride deeply purifying her right now as i said to you last week a wedding is coming that didn't excite you i said a wedding is coming a wedding is coming the bridegroom is on the way and the bride is making herself ready by giving access to the holy spirit to purify her motives the why she does what she does listen very carefully to me if god didn't birth it he will not bless it if god doesn't birth it he will not accept it but there's something there's something in the flesh that longs to be the hero we want to be the hero rather than point to the hero interesting to me that on the seventh day god rested and god called the seventh day blessed rest is blessed fleshly activity is cursed god doesn't need our compromise to build his kingdom god doesn't need us to put a tool to the altar that requires no tool so what he told the israelites he told told him put no tool to the altar in other words i don't need your help i just need you on the altar god is challenging his people right now we have to let him challenge us we have to let the divine light of the spirit to get down into why we do why does dom pick the song she picks does it matter why do we pass the offering tray does it matter why was that post up why did jesus image post that does it matter you better believe it matters it all matters when god gets into the motive god begins purifying his bride we talked last we talked about this last week that god is after a bride with like nature with like image that looks like the bridegroom i want to challenge everyone here give god access to your motives allow him to say why are you doing that right now and i'm not talking about sin i'm talking about what looks like good stuff i will have to answer to god as to not only the content of what i preach whether or not it's truthful and scriptural which i pray that it is with everything in me i believe in that but i will have to answer to god as to why i preached everything i preach because he sees things that the crowds don't see he sees every manipulation and what we do is we say well god will use it well people will get saved well it will grow the church well it adds numbers and numbers are people i've heard it all but god doesn't need our compromise to add to his church with everything inside of me i want to look back at my life on the day i go home and say the lord has done the work and it is beautiful in our eyes with everything in me i have never dreamt about the size of anything i have dreamt about his presence i think maybe some of the students last night asked me did you ever think this would or something i don't remember but i remember it it triggered like did you ever think god would do what he's doing and i said i wouldn't haven't even known to ask for it i didn't know i was there i was too busy staring at him i never dreamt about the magnitude of events or the magnitude of a church or the magnitude of a school i've dreamt about the lord coming that's what burns in me it's the lord coming i want jesus to come and when he comes i want him to more fully manifest himself because that means he can trust us that's what i want i want the visible glory of the lord to shine on us and to shine in this room because that would mean something he is trusting us with his feelings that stuff i dream about chase readjusting he's reestablishing what it truly means to be successful in his eyes i have no desire to use worldly means to get people into a room i want the glory of the lord to draw you into the room like a magnet i want you to walk through these doors all giddy inside oh i wonder what will happen tonight what will the lord do tonight what will he say to me how will i touch him i wonder what will happen in worship tonight oh lord i pray we find that seam and just disappear into his presence until we forget we're even singing and we're lost it is glory that's the kind of thing i want you to think about i want you to think about who will get born again and conveyed out of darkness into the glorious light of the kingdom of god i want you to come in like a little child having no idea what will happen in the room because jesus is not a mechanism may that die in america how how explain to me how we absolutely know that god is done moving in 70 minutes how can we be so sure yet our thought process is well it's about the lost people want to get home the sunday morning we can't go too deep on sunday morning people have needs so we construct these mechanisms to get people but what if we put all of our efforts into bringing jesus i'm serious what what if our meetings that were planned around bringing people we're changed into meetings and we open the word and we go what does he love what brings his presence oh does he like thanksgiving let's do some songs on thanksgiving should we enter his courts with praise let's adjust the set let's make sure there's thanksgiving and praise out front if that's what he likes let's give it to him and should we enter into worship until we are have been benched and god takes the field as arthur wallace said should we just do that it seems to be in the scriptures let's do that let's take our time and pray if god answers prayer let's pray rather than strategize so much i'm not saying that's bad but don't replace prayer with strategy this is who this is what god is doing he's getting in he's saying look look you can have an auditorium with ten thousand people that jesus isn't there it's a failure you can have a room of a hundred and if he's there it's heaven on earth i want jesus and i want you to want jesus i know there's pastors listening i love you i get messages can you tell us how what's going on there how do you find the musicians i don't know i don't know where they came from like from mars how did you get the dancers i don't know they just showed up where are the singers i don't know where they came from how did you get a choir i don't know we just said we should have a choir god did it what about these people what are you doing how do you get them here i don't know we don't think about it they love jesus we love jesus we want jesus to come and we want them to be with jesus they seem to like it i don't know how did people getting saved we preach the gospel how they get healed you pray for the sick not a single breakout meeting we don't have a single whiteboard in there there's not a whiteboard in that room but there are tears on the carpet do you think peter and paul and the disciples were going with little sharpie markers going at 8 47 we're gonna transition and at nine at 903 we'll get out of the way and at 9 17 we're going to go into that song at which point we'll ask for text to how did we get there no i'll tell you what they were doing they were crying out in one accord asking for the living christ to fill their meetings that's what god's doing i've had the other stuff i tried it i don't want it i don't want anything to do with it i don't want to look back at my life and go i did that i did that that would make me break inside i did that the people don't know that i did that but i know i did that you and i know it lord i did that that was the flesh no no i i want to look back at my life and say the holy ghost did it and it's beautiful to watch he said what's any of this have to do with me i'm not leading the church how you walk in changes everything the way you come in determines the night and when jesus comes in the room the person four rows behind you with stage four cancer gets healed it matters how you come in if you walk in going i cannot wait to hear michael preach that's not the best way to walk in but if you come in going i'm coming in the name of jesus and i cannot wait to worship him and i have no idea what he's going to do i just know it's going to be wonderful and i have come to pour my life out i have not come for me because the church is not about me it's about jesus and jesus just helps me when he comes anyways so this is just about him all the songs are for him that's why i say stand now because i sense the lord's presence i want us to learn how to live with him there is more i said there's more i just prayed for a lady with stage four cancer who did not get healed that bothers me that bothers me it should bother you i am sick of that demon i am sick of that goliath taunting the people of god i i'm sick of the fear that it causes families i'm sick of the the damage it does and i'm tired of seeing what it does to the psyche of people i'm tired of seeing people freaking out over this thing and other sicknesses there's more we have to go deeper i want people to walk in and before the first song takes place i want those sicknesses to leave because jesus is in the room that has happened before and it is possible and that is what i'm burning for if there's eight of us in the room and that happens i'm good but there's more and jesus is restoring this bridal heart purifying us who who cares about what the world would see as being great it doesn't matter it doesn't matter at all i know i'm intense about this thing but it's it's just it's what god's doing many of you lead ministries in the room give the lord the ministry back give it to him give him your careers give him your goals some of you think you've got this great future publicly give that to him too who cares who cares about who cares about people seeing you when heaven sees you there's ten thousands of ten thousands upon millions of angels they'll see you it's a big crowd give him everything whether he uses you in a certain way or not just give it and and everyone here listen carefully and i'm going to pray for you we're going to receive communion everyone here will be faced with this crossroad you mark my words anyone here who's been handed something anyone if you stay close to jesus he will ask for it back and that's hard that's called surrender and death god gave isaac to abraham as a miracle and then he said give him back i'm sure abraham said but you gave him to me why are you taking him possibly god's response would have been i'm taking him because i gave him to you give him back do you know why because god refused to share abraham's heart with isaac and whatever you give back to the lord he multiplies lord tonight we've come to you to your table hearing hearing what you're saying lord i ask for mercy on my own life have mercy on me you know my heart you know how much i love your people and i love your church but lord you are adjusting your people you're adjusting your church you are purging her you are purifying her you are cleansing her which i need it the most help me lord help me help me actually be what i'm talking about help me live this way let everything else disappear please let it all just go be the light in my eyes be the light of my vision blind me to everything else please lord do it i don't want to preach something that i'm not walking in so i need your mercy i need your mercy here i need your mercy for these people i need your mercy lord for the school and this church that this would not just be theory that this would actually be what's happening so lord have mercy on us have mercy on the leaders have mercy on every student every church member every leader of every ministry here lord have mercy on us help us build in a way where you build you said i'll build my church it's your job and when you reward us in heaven and give us these crowns we'll cast them down at your feet you've done the work oh you've done it lord and it is marvelous and beautiful in our eyes so father in jesus name we come to the table tonight asking we repent we repent we repent lord we repent for trying to turn people to us we want to turn them to you cleanse our souls cleanse our minds cleanse our motives cleanse our deeds our works what we offer you our lives our businesses our families our ministries our children cleanse us all we ask you lord to shine your glorious light in our lives and we examine ourselves tonight that we not be judged forgive our sin lord on that night the night you were betrayed can i have another one ryan this one's not working so well thank you thank you lord on the night you were betrayed you took bread and he broke it let's lift the bread and break it don't don't receive it yet i want to pray lord you said is the bread that is broken and blessed is it not the body of the lord jesus let's break the bread don't receive it yet just break it we break the bread lord because you were broken and lifted high and we lift the bread because you were lifted on the tree and we declare your death until you return as the word says so tonight as we receive the body of the lord jesus i pray that the power of the holy spirit would flood this room and heal the sick i pray in jesus name that every emotional issue would die that every anxiety and depression would go that every disease every chronic pain every uh arthritis would go every fibromyalgia would go every immune disorder would go in the name of jesus christ now lord we come to the bread the very bread of life that you said was broken for us and we do it tonight in remembrance of you receive in faith now the body of the lord jesus receive your healing in jesus name hallelujah lord in the same manner you took the cup you said this is the cup of the new covenant in my blood that is shed for you for the remission of sin let's lift the cup once you've opened it precious lord i plead the blood over every person here tonight over every baby over every child over every mom and dad over every every person or every every preacher every pastor every person under the sound of my voice every home watching i plead the blood over you and i thank you for the blood that speaks a better word that is the better covenant and that your covenant is in the blood let the blessings and the fullness of your covenant be experienced now as we receive the blood of the lord jesus christ amen let's receive just wait there for a moment in his presence once you've received thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus holy are you holy are you if you need a healing tonight just offer your body to the lord right now just say jesus i give you my body place your hand there on that part of your body that needs healing and faith just place it there if you came with someone ask them to agree with you father in the name of jesus i rebuke every sickness here every sickness under the sound of my voice be whole be whole heal every knee pain every every arthritis arthritis if you have arthritis just believe the lord right and now believe the lord begin to move by faith in jesus name receive receive receive receive the healing power of the lord move your knees if that's you your hands your back just just move by faith move by faith in the name of jesus if you need to stand stand up and test it out in the name of the lord thank you father thank you lord lord i thank you for healing that pelvis in the name of jesus that there's like an arthritic condition either in the hip or the pelvis thank you lord thank you lord if that's you would you just lift your hand here is there somebody with that do you have like a painful arthritic or a painful condition in the hip is there anyone here anyone here anyone where all right there father in jesus name i just thank you for that be whole in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord oh jesus can we all stand please next week i'll minister to the sick again and we will take testimonies joe go ahead and check your body right now actually go ahead go ahead quickly check your body check your body how many of you felt a change in your body when you took communion anybody wave at me wave at me if you felt the change yep yep thank you jesus too there thank you another one there thank you lord thank you jesus yep another one there thank you jesus go ahead and check right now just give it another 30 seconds the lord's not done go ahead and check check your body again don't look for your pain look for your healing i'm telling you there's power in communion there's power go ahead and check now if you felt the lord has healed you it's significantly better i want you to lift your hand the moment you feel that thank you father thank you father thank you lord anyone else yep there's another one there thank you jesus i give you praise we're going to take all the details next week so i want you to come back anyone else thank you lord there's another one there thank you jesus this is how the lord works you value him and give him respect and he just keeps going yep there's another one there thank you jesus make sure we get all these another one here thank you jesus come on give the lord praise thank you lord let's do this very quickly before we go i want all of you to turn around stretch your hands to the camera thousands will watch this by tomorrow morning let's stretch our hands on faith now come on let's get in here and believe this in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we speak to every sickness and we curse it and rebuke it in your body precious jesus flow and touch those people around the world in their homes and their cars in dorm rooms and hospitals and prisons let your healing power flow wonderful holy spirit move move move and heal your people now let cripples walk let blind eyes open let ears open in the name of the lord jesus let incurable diseases go to glorify the name of the lord we bless you in the name of jesus christ amen amen if the lord has healed you as you're watching be sure to send us that message there'll be an email address there in the comment feed can we give the lord praise i love you guys i'll see you next sunday night god bless you have an amazing week good night god demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were still sinners christ died for us jesus shed his blood he died on the cross he was buried he rose again from the dead on the third day to give you life and to prove that he is the son of god who he said he was today he is seated at the right hand of the father and for those who belong to he will return in glory in 2017 we received a word from lou engle that we really believe is the word of the lord for our school our house and the entire ministry blue said that the greatest musicians in the world and the greatest vocalist the greatest worshipers that they would descend upon orlando florida to jesus image and that word began to burn in us and we began to dream about what it would look like to one day have a school where people would come to worship jesus and be in his presence and receive his word and a church was birthed in that same worshipping atmosphere what a beautiful opportunity that we have as a jesus people to come before him and to be at his feet and to pour ourselves out before him worship has the potential to unlock things that really nothing else in the world can unlock and so we decided about a year ago to launch a an opportunity within the jesus school setting for those worshipers for the musicians for the singers for the dancers for the artists for the poets and this is going to be a place where you can come and you can learn and you can grow and we have highly trained instructors who are going to be coming they're going to be teaching instruments they're going to be teaching vocals anything that you can think of with worship it's going to be there the worship is not about us we worship for him so we want to invite you to come come worship the king of kings with us so come and be a part of what the lord is saying come and give your heart to the lord come and surrender yourself to the lord and let's be ones that are willing to rise and go and we decided to name it after bethany that wonderful house where jesus was ministered to that place where the feelings of jesus were preeminent it was a place where he desired to not only move and work and teach and do wonderful things but a place where he would be adored a place where he would rest a place where he would run to so that he would receive ministry and so now jesus school has this space that's been created for all of you who are desiring to use your vocal gifts your instrumental gifts your gifts of worship the dancing gifts and give them to jesus jesus will make this a bethany you were created to experience the presence of god in a way that will transform your life family and the world we understand how difficult it can be to find time to attend a school where you study the word of god grow in your faith and build a community of believers that's why we created jesus school online we believe that the holy spirit is unlimited in his reach no matter where you live or what stage of life you're in we invite you to take part in this amazing online opportunity you'll be led by world-renowned speakers and worship leaders you will be taught to seek jesus daily be activated in the power of the holy spirit learn to share the gospel and build community with jesus people from around the world at jesus school online we are passionate about seeing a jesus people raised up to shake the nations for the glory of god you were created for this moment in history the jesus people are emerging and we have one ambition jesus himself will you join us
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 805,708
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Id: Wr-CXcgDgMk
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Length: 195min 31sec (11731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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