Childlike Faith | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Night Service

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[Music] [Music] good evening jesus image church [Applause] oh just lift your hands to the lord he's here he's here you know the power went out and in the sanctuary the presence of the lord just fell the presence of the lord just fell and so he's here and so if you've come tonight for him he is here if you are tired tonight he will refresh you if you've come for a miracle tonight he is here he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and so tonight we draw near to you knowing that you draw near to us and so jesus we invite you holy spirit come better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere better is one day in your courts there is nowhere else we'd rather be than here jesus to look at you to worship you to love you we've come to love you tonight jesus in you is everything so we have found everything by looking at you tonight jesus oh come holy spirit come have your way come on begin to lift your voice and worship him begin to lift your voice and offer embrace because he's worthy to be praised come holy spirit come lord jesus come have your way thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] we are healed by his nail pierced as we're free and by his blood we're washed clean and now we have the victory [Music] the power of sin is broken jesus overcame [Music] jesus has won [Music] you have one [Music] you have you are the reason [Music] you are the reason [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he overcame [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you have [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see that majesty [Applause] you are the reason [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus overcame it all [Music] he has a one [Music] the power of sin is broken the power of sin is broken [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold you down [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are the reason [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you overcome it all the time [Applause] overcome it all [Music] you overcome it all no greater power no greater power no greater power no greater power than the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you silence [Music] the heavens are roaring [Music] now [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes is [Music] is what a powerful name now i can wash [Music] what can make me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can't wash [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is nothing but the love of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] jesus [Music] thank you for your love thank you for your blood thank you for your love your precious blood thank you for your love [Music] let's thank him for his love [Music] just [Music] is how precious is the blood of the land [Music] our precious [Applause] [Music] um how precious how powerful [Music] precious and powerful precious and powerful precious and powerful the blood of the lamb precious and powerful for the blood of the [Music] and spotless [Music] thank you for your love thank you for your blood thank you for your love thank you for your blind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you for your love thank you thank you for your love thank you for your love thank you for your blood thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh how precious how powerful how beautiful how wonderful thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Applause] thank you for your love [Applause] thank you for your love [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] is the [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] yes and i can see you now [Music] i can see the love in your eyes laying yourself down raising up [Music] i can see the love in [Music] laying yourself down raising up the broken [Music] and i can see laying yourself down amazing grace like me [Music] was [Music] like me [Music] was [Music] oh i remember i remember [Applause] [Music] was [Music] the sound [Music] oh [Music] [Music] making [Applause] [Music] i can [Music] [Applause] i can see yourself down [Music] [Applause] [Music] i said [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i can see the love in your eyes [Music] oh i can see you now i can see yourself down [Music] you raise the broken [Music] you [Music] [Music] you raised you raise the [Music] [Music] you raised [Music] to [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] today my pastor he made a statement it is so strong in my heart tonight he says i will remember the one who has remembered me he has put us back together this is the blood of jesus he has remembered us [Music] and i just keep saying lord i remember i remember i remember i remember i remember can you remember can you remember how he put your world back together again can you remember how he healed you can you remember how he redeemed you how he saved you oh can you remember how he put the broken pieces together can you remember how he made all things new can we just take a moment and remember let's just reflect on the goodness of the lord he's so good oh think about it oh i remember you raised the broke into like you raised the broken to light you raised you raised beautiful rashes you raised abroad the wall of joy from morning a garment of praise oh i wear it proudly garment praise for heaviness [Music] i can see your eyes laying yourself down amazing grace [Music] was [Music] amazing grace how sweet [Music] oh was blind but now i was [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] has found me just [Music] forever [Music] singing [Music] your graceless [Music] empty [Music] forever i am changed [Music] [Music] just [Music] your craziness [Music] my majesty [Music] forever [Music] i can sing of your love forever [Music] oh i could sing of your love forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i could [Music] your river runs with love for me and i will open up my heart and let the healer set me free i'm happy to be in the truth and i will daily leave my hands for i [Music] oh [Music] oh i could see for the mountains over the mountains and the sea your river runs with love for me [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] foreign oh how magnificent is [Music] oh i feel like dancing it's foolishness i know oh oh but when the world has seen the light they will dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh i feel like dancing i feel like dancing and it's foolishness i know [Applause] [Music] with [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just singing [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] i still feel like dancing [Music] [Music] [Applause] dancing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] i could see [Music] i just [Music] foreign [Music] let's lift our hands and pray in the spirit come on just sing sing in the holy spirit [Music] come on sing in the spirit [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] bless the blessed [Music] keep singing keep singing [Music] so [Music] oh lord my god [Music] [Music] our hands of the lord [Music] display then sings my soul my savior god how great thou art [Music] this is my soul [Music] myself [Music] how great [Music] oh lord my god [Music] [Music] [Music] i see the stars [Music] thy power throughout the universe displayed this is my soulmate of god [Music] my say give god my soul [Music] [Music] god [Music] this is [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how great let's sing that again softly just very softly oh lord my god consider all the worlds the hands have made i see the stars i hear the roaring thunder thy power throughout my how great thou art [Music] [Music] thee [Music] one more time o lord my god [Music] my god [Music] oh just look at him now i see the stars look at jesus you're the rolling thunder sing that again oh lord my god oh lord my god amazing i see the stars [Music] and sings my soul that sings my [Music] how jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] [Music] just lift your hands to the lord and begin to love him come on out loud just begin to minister to him [Music] [Music] thank you father thank you father holy holy holy come on every eye close settle into his presence [Music] we worship your lord [Music] would you lift your hands to the lord [Music] holy and wonderful jesus we look to you tonight as the beautiful king the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace and we worship you gladly tonight i said we worship you gladly tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and what a privilege it is [Music] you know i'm reminded of the words of kathryn kuhlman never forget the privilege i grew up hearing that as a little boy my father-in-law would say it all the time never forget the privilege and so lord especially our team john janae aaron the whole crew what a privilege we have to be up here what a privilege we have jesus in its staff and what a privileged students what a privileged church all of us here in the glory of god week after week after week father we do not take it lightly this is not normal this is rare and we we we acknowledge that forgive our forgive the way we are in your presence as though we deserve to be in your presence so we don't deserve to be anything but hellbound but for your mercy because of your mercy we are here tonight you shed your blood to bring us in to the presence of the lord into the very glory of god and so jesus thank you thank you for your mercy wonderful father you have invited us you have called us to be a kingdom of priests to minister to you so why don't you everyone just thank him for the privilege with your hands uplifted thank you jesus say that say come on just begin to thank him you could be a million places right now but he called you to be in the room those of you watching online you could be anywhere watching anything but he stopped you tonight he's inviting you into the same wonderful presence of the holy spirit thank you thank you lord thank you lord for your mercy thank you for your holiness lord we tread lightly tread lightly tonight we we're aware that the great god the great god of awesome wonder is in the room who formed the stars [Music] and breaks the cedars with thunder wow you are our father and our great king so lord jesus we worship you as the risen lamb of god and i pray tonight holy spirit that there would be a literal divine impartation for everyone who's hungry in the name of jesus now i have a sense that many of you are going to have the opportunity to be touched by the holy spirit in a deep way tonight and i want you to become very aware of the invitation and approach the lord with hunger our approaching of the lord oftentimes determines how he touches us and what he says to us something very wonderful going on right now thank you lord thank you jesus put your hand on your heart and say jesus please don't leave me the same touch me deeply that i would love you more and be your true bride in jesus name amen now lift us out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you lord if you if you are scheduled my lord i was looking at my water during that praise eruption and it was bouncing and bubbling up i can only imagine what's happening to our bloodstream with the volume lord help us um if you're scheduled to be baptized tonight please get in line let's get them ready church we're going to watch many many go into the watery grave tonight come on give the lord praise [Music] hallelujah guys people are about to be baptized um before before before we get started uh hey gina what i heard some was esther around where's esther hey hey esther good i hope can we give esther the mic real quick hope we love you you are wonderful so wonderful that's okay oh weird um i heard the lord moved in children's church people got healed today hey wait real quick sorry sorry stay come close come first the pulpit won't fry you um i taught sunday school today at church this morning it was so fun and the kids were so receptive and it just made me want to hang out with the kids the whole time so maybe jess and the guest speakers can take the main service and i'll be with the little guys but esther you've done an amazing job your whole team they're amazing and uh they're poking it in and i think that one of the coolest responses was i was walking them through reading your bible how to read your bible prayer how to pray and how often you should pray and then going to church how important it was to be around people that love jesus and so i said i asked i asked the children how many of you know how long you should read your bible for and one of the little guys goes or girls goes until jesus says stop and i said bingo you got it and it was the same answer for prayer how long should you pray they're like i said stop i said man the kids get it they get it so well but i heard the lord healed some bodies tell them what happened yeah so it was amazing michael came in and spoke to the kids in just every heart like he said they were so fixated like the presence of the lord was truly touching each of the kids and right after michael left we started praying over the kids and then um we were moving on and so your team started praying for us yeah and there was a little girl in the back and she called me over and i went over there and she said um my back was in severe pain and when you guys started praying uh the pain left and she was crying and so i was like okay can you come up and share with the group so she went up there and she just started weeping and she was like you know my back was in pain and then when they prayed like all the pain left and so it was amazing so i was like okay if anyone like has owies or hurts i was with kids always yeah that's how i talked to them i was like that's what jose calls them i was like please stand up so the kids um that needed healing stood up and then instantly all of a sudden it was like contagious uh someone stood up she her uh race got healed and so then she started praying come on this is amazing thank you lord jesus wow and there was a child in his stomach he had severe pains he had a surgery to drain the acid in his stomach and he was still dealing with severe pains he couldn't sleep at night and he said that he was sitting in his chair and he was dealing with pain well the little girl we all stretched our hands and started praying and immediately the pain left wow i think you should all stand and thank the lord like so beautiful how they just pick it up um and like they just if you tell them man like god's gonna heal you like they just they are so far and ready so it's so beautiful to see that it's already in the hearts of the kids so if you're a parent release them have them pray have them do it because they truly have such a beautiful faith to release it yeah that's so true and um yeah it's always wise to follow what the children are doing but jesus said such is the kingdom and we can learn a lot from them um maybe we should talk to the parents get a hold of the ones who got healed and see if they would be okay once we get permission with the children sharing their testimony and then we could cut the children loose on the adults to to pray for the sick wouldn't that be good [Applause] i just want to say very lovingly that you know when the holy spirit comes you you can actually pick up what's on the hearts of people some of you are blown away by what you just heard some of you are trying to figure it out some of you feel like you're doing the lord a favor by listening to these testimonies it shocks me to watch people with their arms crossed sit down when the room full of people jumps up and prays to testify of little children being healed and you look at it like it's just normal jesus died so we could have it so here and this is a very loving correction here we give the lord honor if a blister on a pinky toe gets healed so if you came i'm just i'm just i feel the anointing and so i'm going with it if you came with a desire to tell your friends you came to jesus image and leave without jesus tonight you failed you walk into an environment like this and leave empty-handed and just watch now if you don't know jesus that's different you can't see the kingdom and tonight you'll have the opportunity to give you all of jesus and step into what is called the kingdom of god but if you know jesus and you sit there like this when you hear testimonies like that you need the fire of the holy ghost that's what you need it is real it is real there's something about the lord you know this is all very biblical by the way in case you're trying to theologically pick my statements apart because our meetings weren't always like this they cost me everything everything and that's why some of you are here because a lot of the meetings you go to are not like this so church this is a church and my job is to pastor you and see this testimony is holy if children start ministering to the sick and they start getting healed it will change the nation that's better but jesus addressed the lepers who did not thank him or actually expressed how loud i should say only one returned to say thank you so he he feels it and jesus lives in us and so we should feel it when and it wasn't all of you but some of you just sat there like this well homie if you got it like that go do it but these little kids are just putting you to shame and you should thank the lord the devil has a hard time arguing with childlike faith flowing from children and this will smash the devil's face in i want to follow these children who simply put their hand on the sick and the sick recover i'm going with them some of you all like this you can't debate a child i've tried i have three critics would have a hard time debating a three-year-old trying to tell them why they didn't really get healed all they'd say is my owie is gone and i don't know who you are or what you believe but it's gone i love you i love you look i i do love you but i'm your pastor i'm not i don't i don't i'm not your entertainer i'm your pastor and i'm trying to take us somewhere it's the only thing i live for i live for the manifest presence of jesus and there's a way to go and there's an attitude that takes you deeper and there's one that kicks you out and i'd rather die than get kicked out and the one that kicks you out is the one that says i'm not very impressed by the stuff you do lord i've been there done that i'm doing you a favor by sitting in this seat we need the seats we need the seats so i want to go deep and if you want to come with me you radical people can come with me but that's where i'm going i'm not i'm not doing the other stuff i'm not doing that thing i love you bring the baptizees out and let's get some work done bring them out line them up come out all right hello [Laughter] they're happy and they should be guys just one more time can we welcome these precious children of the lord hallelujah all right all right you can be seated now you get to be a part church of kingdom work this is the work of the ministry what a glorious privilege it is lift your hands to heaven heavenly father thank you for the holy spirit i pray lord as you promised in genesis chapter 1 that the spirit of god the spirit of elohim the third person i feel him now already the spirit of the lord the holy spirit as he hovered over the face of the deep would hover over these baptismal waters and kiss them with his presence and glory turn this room into heaven on earth in jesus name amen amen now now hallelujah everyone who's getting baptized i just want you to hear a few scriptures everything is about to change now this is a wonderful blessing and there's much that takes place that you need to know about matthew 28 verse 16 and 20. this blows me away the 11 disciples left for galilee going to the mountain where jesus had told them to go and when they saw him they worshiped him makes sense but some of them doubted jesus came and told his disciples i have been given all authority in heaven and on earth therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teach these new disciples to obey all the commands i have given you this is the new living it's not my favorite on this particular particular passage but it's still very powerful and be sure of this i am with you always even to the end of the age yes amen guys look look what's about to happen right now i want you to think of this has been taking place since the moment jesus established baptism in the new testament you are literally entering what we call a sacrament of the church a a holy institution that has been taking place since the days of jesus you are a part right now of fulfilling the great commission and jesus image we as a church right now are stepping into the fulfillment of the great commission this is incredible now let me read you another scripture so you can know what's going to happen to you first peter 3 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward god it saves you by the resurrection of jesus christ so the waters do not save jesus saves however however listen baptism cleanses us even to the depths of the conscience your conscience is going to change tonight and the depths of your being stain is going to be removed there is a washing that will take place colossians 2 21 having been buried with him in baptism so tonight you're going to be buried buried with the lord you are going to identify with his burial because he identified with yours he took your death so you could have his life you need to thank him listen having been buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of god who raised him from the dead so tonight you will go into the waters you will experience the burial of the lord jesus and by faith in the lord jesus you will also experience being raised with him it's amazing ephesians 4 verse 4 through 6 there is one body and one spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called one lord one faith one baptism think you are entering the one baptism of the church something the church has held dear for 2000 years one god and father of all who is over all and through all and in all acts 22 thank you lord acts 22 16 and now what are you waiting for i love that get up and be baptized and wash your sins away calling on his name baptism washes away the old life you say who am i baptized into galatians 3 26 listen and 27 so in christ jesus you are all children of god through faith for all of you were baptized into christ who were baptized into christ have clothed yourselves with christ tonight you'll be baptized into jesus himself and be clothed listen listen listen clothed in jesus himself you are going to take your robes of worldliness your robes of stain they will go into the water and when you come out you will get a new wardrobe called robes of righteousness you will leave you will leave wearing robes the robes of christ jesus oh hallelujah now in every baptism there are a few principles number one there is a baptizer with water baptism the church we the leaders will be baptizing you number two there are baptizees that's you number three there are there is the element of baptism in this case the element is water there's more than one baptism there's one baptism in water but there's also the baptism of the spirit and another one called the baptism of suffering we'll go into that another time remember jesus said are you willing to be baptized with the baptism that i will be baptized with speaking of the cross what the early church called the baptism of blood the baptism of carrying your cross and walking with jesus but we start here number one the baptizer is the church the leaders of the church number two the baptizee is you number three the element it's water why water i just mentioned genesis chapter one water has been blessed since day one water is blessed all over the world why is water a good thing because the holy spirit hovered over water and whatever he touches is blessed water washes water nourishes water hydrates without water you die all right now the result of baptism in other words what is the result of this water baptism it is this you're baptized into jesus into his body which is his church so the the baptizer is us the baptizee is you the element is the water the result is you are baptized into jesus himself and his amazing family called the church of god isn't this wonderful isn't this wonderful now before we go into these waters i want all of you to count the cost every one of you count the cause this is important it's better you go sit down right now than to not authentically count the cost or to go in half-hearted the waters of baptism are not for the half-hearted jesus said that a wise person counts the cost who building a tower he said builds before he counts the costs and having begun the building runs out of funds and the tower is not complete and it brings shame so going through these precious precious practices of the church without counting the cost don't do it what is the cost are you ready i have to be faithful to the lord and one day stand before him so i have to be faithful to what the scripture says the cost is everything everything your whole life your breath if need be your blood whatever whatever comes our way we stay with jesus that's the cost he wants my dreams he wants our will he wants our future he wants our past you've you've given him your past hopefully he took it and nailed it to the tree when you came to him by faith he wants your future too he wants to be lord yes savior also lord he wants you to give him the liberty to tell you what to do to follow him now jesus said if any man wants to be my disciple he must first deny himself take up his cross and follow me there is no way to follow jesus without denying self there is no way to follow the lord without carrying the cross he hands you so you need to know this before you go into the waters perhaps you're asking in your heart what does he want from me he wants you all you are 100 so you need to answer that question right now in your hearts whether you're really ready to give him your life or not your entire life now your loving lord was baptized in water which is amazing john 1 29 listen the next day john saw jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world he approached the waters of baptism and god himself found it necessary to be baptized by his own creation and jesus set the standard that day became our pattern in the waters of baptism are all of you willing to give jesus all tonight to follow him no matter what i just need a yes from you yes yes okay i would like us all to stand and we are going to confess one of the creeds of the church this in this case is the nicene creed it has been in existence for 1800 years and has been a confession of faith to the church and through the church for that long tonight we're going to declare in whom we believe we're going to declare the one that we adore and follow and i want us all to do this there are a few words in there that may confuse you like we believe in one holy catholic church it's not saying the catholic church as you know it today it's speaking of the universal church that's what the world me that word means the church worldwide let's confess this with with fire in our bones and let's declare it so that the these the heavens hear our declaration and so hell trembles beneath our feet are you ready are you all ready we're going to confess it with you say this after me loud and boldly we believe in one god the father the almighty maker of heaven and earth of all that is seen and unseen we believe in one lord jesus christ only son of god eternally begotten of the father god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made of one being with the father through him all things were made for us and our salvation he came down from heaven by the power of the holy spirit he was incarnate of the virgin mary and became man for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried i love this on the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures say that one again hold on on the hold on on the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end and we believe in the holy spirit of the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son with the father and the son he is worshiped and glorified he has spoken through the prophets we believe in one holy church we acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen amen amen that is your confession that is your confession that is your confession the bible says we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth and you just confess with your mouth don't you love our faith there is no one like jesus you can be seated baptized let's go line up there hope are you ready am i oh we got ryan in there tonight and john wow thank you jesus they are the altar boys what a good night to wear this shirt he is risen christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen christ is risen come on christ is risen amen what's your name where are you from and why are you being baptized i'm jaden i'm from saint louis why are you being baptized i'm just ready to give him everything to just renounce my old life all right come on come on come on let's welcome her [Applause] [Music] all right now listen up listen up um while they're being baptized i want all of you to pray i want all of you to pray and and and you know it doesn't have to necessarily be verbal but i do want you to be praying for their life in jesus for their their eternity for a faithful christian life that they would literally walk in victory and as true disciples i want you to pray things like this i pray this over my children let them never know a single day away from you okay that kind of stuff you're praying that they'll be faithful until the end and i'm just telling you it's about to get really powerful in here and when i start praying for some of you if some of you need to go it's best to go now because if you leave during that moment it's going to be really frustrating to me so i'm just saying i love you but when people start being touched by the holy spirit it's very hard to digest that so if you need to go i completely understand i love you this would probably be the moment to go and you just need to know when you come to a sunday night we're going to be here like till 9. it's who we are it's what we do so just come in knowing that come in knowing that okay because it's about to get very powerful in here and i felt today as i was preparing that that many people would be touched by the holy spirit tonight and and and the lord will begin revealing who those people are and it's just not right to walk out of the house of god in moments like that it's just not it's not so you've got to roll i love you now's the time okay god bless you jesus loves you too even more than i do all right sorry he's been in the water the whole time and it's freezing i'm sorry buddy i'm sorry but this is going to be a long baptism it's going to work beautifully it's going to work beautifully all right jaden are you going to give jesus your entire life do you renounce the devil do you renounce the world you fully turn to the lord now jayden tonight we baptize you in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit amen [Music] amen right now i'm going to i'm going to anoint each of them with oil that has been going on since the inception of the church it is not a formality i believe that when the oil touches them they will be touched by the holy spirit amen receive the wonderful seal and blessing of the holy spirit in jesus name amen amen amen amen now you you can jump up and stand but you're going to be doing it 30 times if you do the math because there's 15 of them so if you want to that's fine i'm just telling you you don't have to stand the whole time if you get excited just do what you need to do it's fine totally fine but you get a you're going to end up doing squats 30 reps up and down up and down amen that's a good thing huh what's your name i'm pauline and where are you from i'm from new york city new york city do you live here now no i flew down you last night to come here you flew in to be baptized and why are you being baptized because i'm ready to give my life to god yeah have you have you fully yielded your life to the lord jesus yes wow come on in come on they flew all the way down from new york [Applause] god bless you you came all the way down from new york to be baptized it's a precious price you paid and the lord's going to give you much more than you than you paid pauline right pauline do you renounce the world do you renounce satan himself and do you fully yield your life to the lord jesus christ tonight pauline we baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen come upon our precious father hallelujah hallelujah receive receive the wonderful wonderful presence of the holy spirit [Applause] would you guys stretch your hands and just pray for her receive the wonderful presence of the holy spirit paulie you'll never be the same in the name of jesus amen amen give the lord praise hallelujah oh i love this this this this is a declaration of such victory and it obliterates the powers of hell obliterates the powers of god oh hallelujah what's your name lizzy lizzy yes and why are you being baptized um i'm ready to give everything to jesus and where are you from orlando orlando you ready to give all yes come on come on in [Applause] get down there lizzy i feel from the holy spirit to tell you that all of the pain and darkness of your past is gone listen and every lie every lie you believed everything spoken to you and over you that came from hell itself even lies you've believed about yourself are dying tonight in the waters and even any fear or anxiety that you've walked through even certain nights the difficulty the racing of the mind and just all of the what seemed like darkness these dark seasons that you walked through that stole your rest stole your thoughts and even your your emotions even the health of your we've never met before right yeah i know we haven't but i want them to know we have tonight listen the mighty victor who is clothed in light is coming to destroy all the darkness all of it it's all gone you're about to come out of the water shining like your bridegroom are you ready do you renounce the devil himself do you renounce the world you're fully yielding to jesus now lizzie tonight we baptize you in the name of the father i feel the anointing so strong in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen say amen [Applause] receive receive the precious seal the gift of the holy spirit in jesus name amen amen amen oh come on come on know i'm not sure we realize the power in the amen of the church when you say amen you're coming into agreement i'm telling you there's so much going on right now that we don't even see or understand hell hates the waters of baptism hates this it hates this is the true work of the ministry this is this is a glorious privilege the enemies of god are being defeated tonight in the waters of baptism so when you say amen what i'm praying over them it's enforced you're getting in on their destiny you're literally praying and fighting for a soul you understand it's a big deal it's a big deal hi what's your name zach zach where are you from orlando orlando and why are you being baptized for a six year period i kind of turned away from god completely and it took a miracle to rip me out of new age beliefs and run to jesus and i've like never been more in love with jesus than i am right it now you from new age yes come on come on come on this is true power true power jesus is king and he's risen from the dead amen zack huh zach do you renounce the world do you renounce satan himself do you renounce these dark powers do you fully yield to jesus christ as the lord of your life therefore we baptize you in the name hey john come down here john wiles in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit amen amen all right come just stand next to me i i in the authority of jesus christ just everyone out there praying in the spirit in the authority of the lord jesus christ i cancel every assignment of your life i rebuke every demonic lie and every demon that came to steal your destiny and by faith in the lord jesus and according to his word before i formed you the scripture says i knew you and i declare that god has good plans for you and that as for you and your house you will serve the lord and the generations after you your children and their children and their children will be followers of jesus and i plead the blood over you receive the wonderful gift of the spirit of god the holy spirit be filled with the spirit in jesus name amen zach give the lord praise the lord [Applause] what's your name kevin kevin where are you from i'm from orlando a lot of orlando people getting baptized i love this and why are you being baptized um so i was actually talking to zach maybe two weeks ago and i was saying hey you know i was kind of like encouraging him to get baptized and the holy spirit kind of convicted me and said you need to get baptized so tonight i'm getting baptized and i'm forgetting the past past hurts thoughts confusion and i'm leaving it all to walk in true freedom with jesus with jesus and you fully yield your life tonight i'm sorry fully giving your life to jesus completely surrender come on in come on kevin do you renounce the world to renounce satan himself and do you fully yield to jesus christ we baptize you tonight in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit amen come guys pray for him pray for him come upon him in power keep praying you guys pray pray that when they go into the waters the power of the holy ghost will fall upon them receive the precious precious gift of the holy ghost in jesus name amen amen help him out yes lord thank you jesus thank you jesus oh this is wonderful what's your name micah micah where are you from texas originally i live here now i live here why are you being baptized given given him my full yes um surrendering um and i wanted to to do this myself i've done it before and michelle guys he met carla he may need a little help in a good way it's beautiful so just take good care of him maybe sit him down in a chair right there so he doesn't slip or anything guys sorry you're fine with good problems yeah what why are you being baptized just giving jesus my full yes [Applause] micah you renounce the world to renounce satan do you give your full life your full yes to jesus christ we baptize you tonight in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen amen amen receive the wonderful gift of the spirit the presence of the holy spirit in jesus name amen amen amen give the lord praise what's your name matt and why are you being baptized because when i got baptized when i got saved i only did it because cool kids were doing that because i wanted to okay and so why are you doing it tonight because i gave my all to jesus it's wonderful everything everything come on what's your name again matt matt do you renounce the world to renounce the devil you fully yield to jesus christ confess him as lord tonight and you'll follow him for the rest of your life therefore we baptize you in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit amen be blessed with the wonderful presence of the holy spirit in jesus name amen there's a lot of work getting done in these waters a lot of work getting done refuge my treasure lord you are you're my friend and king sing that again john we have to follow the holy spirit yeah sing it softly my safe refuge my treasure lord you are [Music] mostly my hiding place my safe refuge is my treasure my treasure lord you are my friend and king anointed one most [Music] my safe my refuge lord you are my friend and king anointed [Music] [Music] i will exalt you every voice every voice you are my god i will exalt [Music] wonderful presence of god i will [Music] what's your name joseph why are you being baptized because i want to go home i want to go home to who to jesus where are you from florida you ready to give him everything everything come on [Music] you [Music] you are my joseph do you announce the world satan himself say it say i give my life fully to you lord jesus we baptize you tonight in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen receive the wonderful presence of the holy spirit in jesus name amen hallelujah i will exalt you i will i told you it would get good [Music] don't you love him hope you are i will [Music] my name's tayden what is it tavian tayden taven yeah you got it where are you from michigan do you live here now yeah i live here now and why are you being baptized ah because jesus is everything and i'm tired of getting in the way you're tired of this world yeah it's exhausting it's exhausting it is isn't it jesus said come unto me if you're weary and heavy laden and i'll give you rest my yoke is easy and my burden is light he said i'll give rest for your soul come come on come on save them oh i will exalt you i will do you renounce the devil saying softly everyone sings off i keep singing john do you renounce the devil you renounce what's that on your arms [Music] christ is the center well i'd rather see a cross okay renounce all that stuff but christ in him crucified let him determine who he is to you okay you renounce everything you've known everything in your past you renounce it all the devil himself false beliefs all of it and give all to jesus yes say i renounce the devil himself and his lies and i give all of my trust to jesus christ of nazareth amen hold on don't baptize him yet i rebuke every lie i rebuke it all every voice in the dark i rebuke it every counterfeit i rebuke it and rebuke it all now jesus you are the way the truth and the life show yourself strong in him tonight we baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit into the true faith the faith of jesus christ go [Applause] see the wonderful gift of the holy [Applause] spirit [Music] [Applause] are you all okay up there you're okay good i love you you are he gets so nice in his presence don't you just get so loving you want people to be comfortable he's wonderful i [Music] and why are you being baptized to give jesus everything where are you from ohio ohio i love ohio they're like the salt of the earth up there good people you ready to give jesus everything come on come into the waters [Applause] alicia do you renounce the world do you renounce the devil and put your full trust in jesus we baptize you tonight alicia in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] receive the wonderful presence of the holy spirit in jesus name amen amen come on give the lord praise [Applause] [Music] close your eyes my safe refuge my treasure lord you are my friend and [Music] you're my place my safe refuge my treasure lord you are my friend [Music] what's your name hi i'm morgan morrigan yes where are you from orlando why are you being baptized because i asked god for help and he answered hey what i asked god for help and he answered and this is what i need to do and you're going to give your whole life to jesus tonight everything come on morgan do you renounce the world to renounce the devil renounce the powers of darkness and fully give your life tonight and confess jesus christ you walk with him all your days we baptize you tonight in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] receive the wonderful presence of the holy spirit and follow him all your days in jesus name amen amen she's happy she's happy [Applause] [Music] they're beautiful it's beautiful what's your name i'm alex alex alex why are you being baptized the beginning of my uh you know jesus school he told me he wanted to marry me and um i don't know a better way to say i do than to be baptized that's actually what's happening [Applause] you gonna give him everything yeah because that's marriage right you lose your name in his name yeah come on come on do you remember when you can be seated for a moment do you remember when the bible says the disciples of john came to jesus or to john and said the one who you baptized he's they're baptizing over there and there are so many people coming you remember that and john makes a statement in the context is water baptism and he says he who has the bride is the bridegroom in other words what's going on there is the washing the preparation for marriage that's why esther bathed for months before she could approach the king so he's very right in saying i want to give my heart to my bridegroom the marriage that's what's going on this is the heavenly washing of the bride to one day actually marry the bridegroom at his return isn't this wonderful oh hallelujah [Music] alex right do you renounce the world do you renounce the devil and fully yield your life to jesus we baptize you tonight in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen a father come upon him receive the wonderful presence of the holy spirit in jesus name fill him use his life for your glory in the name of jesus use his life for your glory all for your glory in jesus name amen amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's your name isaiah isaiah how old are you 13 13. we need you buddy we the world needs you we need god to use you and he will why are you being baptized um because i first got baptized um probably like two years ago but it wasn't out of my own will and so i kind of felt forced to do it but actually it was at one of your morning services i felt the holy spirit forcing me to get baptized and deliver my life to jesus and so i only will i went up there and gave my life to jesus wow come on come on [Applause] our team our team's crying they're crying bringing these precious souls into the water isaiah it's a good name do you turn away from the world turn away from the devil your own will and fully commit your life you give your life over to jesus and jesus alone tonight we baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen [Applause] receive the wonderful present the holy presence of the holy spirit in jesus name fill him with your glory and use his life use his life use his life use his life and use his life come on pray use his life in the nations of the world to be a bold mouthpiece of the gospel let him be a light let him be a light in a dark world in jesus name amen amen amen is that everyone i will exalt you come [Music] on [Music] you are my god [Music] i will do i will do you are my god or my hiding place you're my hiding place [Music] you're my friend and [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my friend [Music] [Applause] my [Music] you're [Music] anointed my [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] my treasure lord you are you're my friend [Music] anointed [Music] every voice [Music] with every head bowed and i closed you just witnessed the power of the gospel everyone here you witnessed the freedom the joy of the holy spirit that came upon those who were baptized you these are testimonies of the power of jesus that he changes lives that he sets people free from the devil from sin from habits from supposed unbeatable unstoppable cycles and these people came forth from the water and newness of life it wasn't the waters that saved them it was jesus and there are many of you here in this room that you need to repent and you know it this invitation isn't flowing because god's mad this invitation is coming your way because he loves you so the bible says that the son of man wasn't sent to the world to condemn it but to save it jesus will save you tonight he'll save you from generational bondage [Music] from stuff you thought just belonged to you if you want a changed life in jesus christ to repent from it all repent from your sin and turn to him and him alone i want you to lift your hand all over the room all over the room all over the room this is wonderful if you raise listen listen carefully children if you're in the room you can hear my voice look at your mom and dad right now and say if you feel like you need to get down here i want you to say mom i want to give my life to jesus tonight if you brought a friend if you brought a guest tonight i want you this is for everyone if you brought someone tonight i want you to look into their eyes and say do you need to get down there and give your life to jesus you know them you know whether or not they're a child of god look them in the eye and say i'll take you down there if you raise your hand or you wish you did if you're anyone i just addressed and you feel the pull of the holy spirit i want you to get down here right now get down here give your life to jesus but they're already coming they're already coming come give your life to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on church give the lord praise [Applause] i will exalt you i'm telling you there's mercy flowing there's freedom flowing tonight if you need to get down here come come there's a merciful merciful king a merciful savior waiting on you come come give your life to jesus oh i love this i love this i love this thank you jesus look at this people getting free come come don't give your life to jesus john go stand with her [Music] now everyone who came forward look at me please look at me jesus loves you jesus loves you sir jesus loves you he's going to change everything tonight everything i don't care what you grew up around he's going to change it all i'm going to leave brand new you ready for that yeah you ready they're weeping they want the lord jesus is phenomenal [Music] he's phenomenal and he knows us tonight the lord is not calling perfect people you who've come forward you've tasted the emptiness of the world the darkness of it and what's happening in this room is the presence of the holy spirit how old are you 28 the presence of the holy spirit tonight if you repent we'll come and live inside of you and this power and presence will be your inheritance forever and the search is over what's your name angel the search is over tonight there's no one like jesus no one and he loves you and he bled for you and he saw you when he bled for you so the bible says that he saw you afar off when he hung on the cross and he bled and died for you no one else has done that [Music] are you all ready all of you come forward to give him your life in your brokenness in your filth and in your stain are you all ready you have come forward i'm going to begin praying with you and anybody who feels while i'm praying that you need like you need to get down here you do it you do it stretch your hands church i want everyone who came forward to lift their hands lift their hands you're lifting them because you're actually yielding your life you're offering your life i want us all to pray this out loud out loud are you ready you ready family you ready to welcome home into the eternal kingdom of jesus christ these precious souls are you ready let's pray out loud everyone who came forward everything changes now heavenly father i have sinned against you i have broken your heart forgive me for looking elsewhere father forgive my sin wash me in the blood of jesus cleanse my soul from every stain and every trespass i am sorry for my sin i repent of my sin i turn from the world i turn from the devil [Music] and every evil spirit and i turn to jesus alone to christ crucified and i place all my faith in jesus and jesus alone oh i feel this jesus i believe you are the son of god that you died on the cross shed your blood for me that you were buried and raised from the dead oh hallelujah three days later jesus i believe that you have ascended as the bible says to the right hand of the father and that you are coming back again to rule and reign in your eternal kingdom receive my life tonight lord jesus here's my life receive me as i receive you i am yours you are mine forever and ever in jesus name i am a follower of jesus christ i am born again i am a child of god amen give the lord praise hallelujah thank you father thank you father [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] i'd like everyone to stand [Applause] i'd like everyone to stand for all of you who came forward listen carefully you need to read your bible every day look at me look me in the eyes every day read your bible if you need a bible we'll help you get one this is true food living bread number two pray every day prayer is intimacy with god god feeds you with himself it's time with jesus you're betrothed to the lord now you're engaged to him if a marriage is going to work you have to spend time together you need to spend time with the lord you'll learn how to talk to him and you learn how to hear his voice and his voice is spirit and life you're filled with life when you hear his voice you look amazing already angel you look better happy and joyful happy and joyful i sense you tasted the world for a little while and it slapped you around a little bit now you come to the loving arms of jesus no one like him no one like him isn't he wonderful all right number one pray or read your bible number two pray number three i want you to get baptized in water not tonight next month we'll baptize again it's important you be baptized in water it cuts you off from the world your old life stays in the water come forth beaming in newness of life it's just amazing amazing number four you need to join you need to be part of a church we would love for you to be part of this church it would be an honor to walk with you an honor to pastor you we meet on sunday mornings and sunday nights it would be our joy and privilege to walk with jesus alongside of you but if god is not calling you here i just ask that you find a church that loves the presence of the lord and loves the word of god the whole thing the whole thing lastly jesus promised to give you power it's the only reason you got saved tonight i'm nothing special john and our team we're not special in and of ourselves it's what what drew you the power of the holy spirit we received this wonderful baptism of the holy spirit me when i was a little kid it changed everything it turned a kid whose greatest fear was public speaking into a preacher so that he can get all the glory it's the power of the holy spirit that will draw your family to jesus not our arguing not arguing it's the power of the holy spirit and he promised you that wonderful touch of the spirit so i want to pray for you now tonight when you go home i want you to make a date with god in your room shut the door and say lord michael said and you said that i would receive power when the holy spirit comes upon me acts 1 chapter 8 you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and the lord will fulfill his promise because the holy spirit is the promise of the father and he will not lie in jesus name amen john reed would you come please where are you champion come on come on up here this is john for all of you came forward this is john doesn't he look nice and he's friendly all right john will meet you listen very carefully all of you came forward john will meet you right outside that exit door at the new believer's table the reason you need to meet him there is so we make sure that you're on the right path and so that we can walk with you in a victorious christian life and that is your that is the promise of god no more sin and falling into sin nonstop and not being able to control your body all that that's gone now you are born again you're a new creation old things have passed away all things have become new john wants to help you with that and we do too okay can you do that can you meet him afterwards he'll be right out there look how nice he is nothing to be afraid of i promise you church can we give the lord praise for what he's done you can go back to your seat come on give the lord praise and the lord [Music] you praise all go back to your seats keep playing there joel thanks for working so hard the lord is about to move in some of your lives i want all of you to pray in the spirit for the next 30 seconds for the next 30 seconds out loud pray in the spirit yeah let's help them quickly find a seat nobody moving around please pray in the spirit loud you'll do it out loud so when you pray in the spirit listen carefully you're praying things you're praying mysteries the scripture says and the inner man is built up and the lord begins to move [Music] the young man who came forward i prayed for you once before come up here and the lord must love you the lord must love you pray in the spirit out loud i gotta hear you i gotta hear you i gotta hear you [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy hey ryan i need you dion holy holy holy holy holy holy everyone pray [Music] pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray just hit those drums for a second you know god chooses he chooses us before we're ever born pray pray pray pray pray come on come on come on not quite there yet not quite there yet [Music] not quite there yet not quite there yet keep praying keep praying come praying keep praying when you pray the power of the holy ghost is released [Music] what's your name kyle keep praying church keep praying pray pray pray pray pray hit those drums again jose [Music] kyle i pray the mercy of god wounds your heart that the mercy the love of god the forgiveness of god would strike your heart and that you'd finally follow him with everything in you receive the power and presence of the holy spirit the anointing of god to carry out your destiny fill him with the power of the holy ghost fill him fill him feel him holy holy holy holy holy keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying hallelujah keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying i'm telling you keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying keep praying pray he pray keep praying [Music] keep praying keep praying i want jessie to go with her she's right there carla you stand with her keep praying keep praying keep praying [Music] father in jesus name touch michelle again as he's been praying for a fresh touch of the holy spirit touch her jesus name touch her touch her in jesus name [Music] he praying pray pray pray pray pray holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy give me michael jones pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray ask the lord to touch you ask the lord to baptize you in the fire pray pray father fill fill fill him in the depths of his soul come upon him in fire and in glory fill this man the power of your holy spirit he praying church fill it with the power of the holy spirit the wonderful power of the holy spirit the holy spirit a wonderful power of the holy spirit the wonderful holy spirit keep praying guys keep praying i'm telling you [Applause] it's been a while since we had a good old-fashioned holy spirit meeting blessed be the name lord give me amy [Music] baby i want you to stand next to her bring her to me bring her to me bring her to me oh jesus fill her fill her with fresh fire filler filler filler filler filler filler whoa tiller miller filler [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] can you hear it the sound of heaven touching earth the sound of heaven touching our father all the heaven rose your name sing louder let this place erupt with grace can you hear it [Music] our father [Music] let this place [Music] is [Applause] let this place erupt with grace can you hear [Music] [Music] can you hear it [Applause] the sound of heaven touching earth [Music] [Applause] break the walls down spirit breakdown heaven come down [Music] [Music] breakdown [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we wanna see [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] wake up [Music] heaven come down [Music] tonight the lord rewards your hunger your tenacity and your pursuit fill her tonight with the presence and power of the holy [Music] jesus you're the name you're the name [Music] you are the up name glory shaking up the earth [Music] hmm there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb sing it guys [Music] [Music] fire of your spirit to use our life [Music] [Music] blood [Music] you're supposed to be here a while there is [Music] nothing but the blood nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole what can make me bring jaina [Music] [Applause] oh precious that makes me [Music] keep singing [Music] [Music] steps of his soul [Music] that makes me [Music] singing [Music] that makes me white as normal [Music] [Music] keep singing church [Music] right there that makes me sit him down [Music] father fill him with the spirit of the lord the fire of god fill him with the spirit of god if you close your eyes right now you become so aware of his presence so aware of his presence it's been a while huh church it's time it's time holy mackenzie right there put it right there come here mackenzie just get on your knees right there in the presence of bro lord touch her marker tonight i'm telling you there's a strong anointing here it's beautiful it's beautiful jose get back get over here [Music] i don't know gabby the lord has something for you tonight come over here next to jess put your hand on her baby father fill her up from head to toe from head to toe john you help me with this one come here jose ryan dion sing in church nothing but the blood you come put your hands on keep him [Music] raise him up in your power and glory give yourself away tonight jose fully give yourself away fill up i can't lay hands on everyone but the lord can't so right where you are just just lift your hands he's right here you're in the you're in the right room ask him to touch you and fill you i want everyone who's come from out of town lift your hands to the lord just lift your hands to the lord you came for a touch from the holy spirit look at all the people look all these young people here they came from out of town where are you guys from colorado you came from colorado to be here come here come here come on you two yeah yeah yeah come on come [Applause] get on your knees right here what do you want from the lord you're from california you need it even more get on your knees before the lord raul kathleen nathan team come on get around them get around them carla come on get around them why are you guys here tonight what do you want from the lord filled with the lord wonderful jesus you see their hunger and you are just and right you said lord that you would never turn us away if we came to you i will by no means he will by no means cast us away fill them with the spirit of the lord tonight deeply deeply deeply baby would you come home deeply team release it release it declare it declare the fire of the holy spirit over there john go over there too go over there too floyd bath go over there fill them amy come here come here nothing but the blood sing it again [Music] john you come stand next [Music] nothing but the love of jesus there's a preacher in you [Music] there's a preacher in you i'm telling you [Music] there's a teacher in yemen little prophetess dangerous little sharp sharp double-edged sword in your hand fill her up give her a voice [Music] come here natasha i see the ministry of intercession all over you come here it's what you're doing up here anyways people don't see it maybe you don't holy ministry of intercession [Music] sing it again lift it or just a bit [Music] tonight a new anointing comes to step into that ministry of intercession filler tonight to overflowing give her the burden of the lord the burden of the lord precious let's let him fill you [Music] again [Music] elizabeth carroll jazz receive receipt just lift your hands to the lord the fresh outpouring carol i'm so proud of you and who you are in the lord i'm proud of you so is the lord be filled be filled be filled with the love of jesus elizabeth be filled with the love of jesus filled with this wonderful love jazz be filled be filled with the love of jesus yield your life jazz god's about to start using you more in jesus name jimmy be filled in jesus name jesus name oh god be filled i don't know who else is back there i can't see them be filled be filled be filled be filled [Music] i love the blood of jesus that reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest of valleys and rescues people who are in the pit it reaches it reaches to the highest [Music] mountain and it flows the blood that gives me strength from day [Music] to day [Music] [Music] richard [Music] and it flows and it flows [Music] the blood that gives me strength [Music] it's [Music] i'd get lost right now [Music] valley that gives me strength from day to day [Music] [Music] it reaches to the highest [Music] mountains [Applause] [Music] that gives me strength it will never lose [Music] [Music] me [Music] it will never lose its power again one more time one more time it reaches thank god it reaches [Music] pray for our prayers to the lord [Applause] [Music] that gives me strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] last one last one last one it reaches [Music] oh i know it's the blood that gives me strength from day to day it will never lose [Music] to the high the highest mountain [Music] oh it's the blood that gives me strength from day to day [Music] [Applause] those of you in your seats i'm gonna ask you to do something by faith turn around stretch your hands towards the camera as we pray for those people watching around the world father come on all of you agree you know what to do father fill our brothers and sisters around the world with the presence and power of the spirit of the lord fill their homes fill their children fill their churches fill their businesses fill their marriages fill the generations touch the church again in america and the nations of the world and stir your people to fall in love with jesus stir them to know jesus be blessed be blessed everyone listening and watching be blessed with the presence of the lord in jesus name amen we shall give the lord a mighty shout of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] prayer what a night i said what a night thank you lord now listen listen listen before you go before you go you don't have to stop this fellowship carry the presence of the lord back to your house in your car i mean just just keep your heart fixed on jesus by the way what it's fun to watch she thinks i'm a little under the influence of new wine and i make no apologies for it how badly we need it how badly i need it by the way jesus 21. jesus 21 december 17th and 18th can we throw that up we have added an extra day and we are taking the larger field even bigger than last year and the the theme that the lord gave me is come lord jesus so we'll be gathering you can they register already oh wow is there a special raid or something an early registration and how long does that last till may 5th so do it now if you're watching from around the world come again descend on this city it is florida's jerusalem it is the revival land come come on down here if you're watching from around america hopefully the borders are open by then that would be beautiful let's pray that that they are and you come you come to jesus 21 you'll never ever be the same i'm believing for a greater measure of god's presence than ever before father bless you receive this now receive it bless your people let them carry the nature and the presence of jesus everywhere they go be blessed in jesus name amen oh did i not receive an offering oh sit down oh we can't come into the presence of god and not give i'm serious none of us are ducking and running come on come on i'm bringing an offering i want all of us to bring an offering into the presence of the lord if you're watching from around the world we have a great need i think we still need about 60 000 or 65 000 to cover the audio need for sunday mornings and by the way the sunday mornings have been incredible do not check out on me let's all be faithful givers to the lord and let's honor the lord's presence with our offerings so you can just text morning you know what just text give and if you feel led to give a little extra go ahead we're just going to receive our tithe and offering right now sorry ryan you were supposed to receive that and the lord took over he's fine with it let's be faithful tonight come on let's be faithful tonight we i can just tell you this this building cost a lot of money as grateful as we are for it we really are but none of this is for free and this this sunday night is blessing the world everywhere i go people are stopping me i was just in sacramento and my mom said my son was away from god and he said i want the real jesus and he turned on the sunday night on youtube and he's now in worship he's in a worship team he's following the lord because he sensed the presence of the real jesus here let's continue to give so that the nations are changed if you'd like to give the old-fashioned way with an envelope if you need one would you please raise your hand okay we've got one up there we all gonna have to work we've got two way up there a little stairmaster get up there and for those of you who like to give by text to give that information is on your screen you would text give to that number amen father in the name of jesus bless your people and thank you for the privilege thank you for your goodness our homes the clothing on our back the food you give us the everything lord we are blessed people you've been so generous and so now we get back to you bless your people in jesus name for the sake of the glorious gospel of jesus christ amen i don't know how they're going to get to the buckets because of the people on the floor so if you're going to give with envelope just come to the two buckets on the corner that's a good problem huh thank you jesus good night and god bless you and god bless you as you give we will see you next week isn't jesus wonderful all right bye-bye good night you were created to experience the presence of god in a way that will transform your life family and the world we understand how difficult it can be to find time to attend a school where you study the word of god grow in your faith and build a community of believers and that's why we created jesus school online we believe that the holy spirit is unlimited in his reach no matter where you live or what stage of life you're in we invite you to take part in this amazing online opportunity you'll be led by world-renowned speakers and worship leaders you will be taught to seek jesus daily be activated in the power of the holy spirit learn to share the gospel and build community with jesus people from around the world at jesus school online we are passionate about seeing a jesus people raised up to shake the nations for the glory of god you were created for this moment in history the jesus people are emerging and we have one ambition jesus himself will you join us god demonstrates his own love toward us in the what we were still sinners christ died for us jesus shed his blood he died on the cross he was buried he rose again from the dead on the third day to give you life and to prove that he is the son of god who he said he was today he is seated at the right hand of the father and for those who belong to him he is interceding for them eternally and that same jesus will return again he will craft the eastern sky like a whip and with ten thousands upon ten thousand he will return in glory [Music] [Music] in 2017 we received a word from lou engle that we really believe is the word of the lord for our school our house and the entire ministry lou said that the greatest musicians in the world and the greatest vocalist in the world the greatest worshipers that they would descend upon orlando florida to jesus image and that word began to burn in us and we began to dream about what it would look like to one day have a school where people would come to worship jesus and be in his presence and receive his word when a church was birthed in that same worshiping atmosphere and what a beautiful opportunity that we have as a jesus people to come before him and to be at his feet and to pour ourselves out before him worship has the potential to unlock things that really nothing else in the world can unlock and so we decided about a year ago to launch a an opportunity within the jesus school setting for those worshipers for the musicians for the singers for the dancers for the artists for the poets and this is going to be a place where you can come and you can learn and you can grow and we have highly trained instructors who are going to be coming they're going to be teaching instruments they're going to be teaching vocals anything that you can think of with worship it's going to be there the worship is not about us we worship for him so we want to invite you to come come worship the king of teams with us so come and be a part of what the lord is doing come and give your heart to the lord come and surrender yourself to the lord and let's be ones that are willing to rise and go and we decided to name it after bethany that wonderful house where jesus was ministered to that place where the feelings of jesus were preeminent it was a place where he desired to not only move and work and teach and do wonderful things put a place where he would be adored a place where he would rest a place where he would run to so that he would receive ministry and so now jesus school has this space that's been created for all of you who are desiring to use your vocal gifts your instrumental gifts your gifts of worship the dancing gifts and give them to jesus [Music] jesus would make this a bethany could he make our lives of bethany where he'd come and rest and recline among us you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 167,962
Rating: 4.8941889 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 33sec (12393 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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