Reposition For Your Vision | Sunday Night Service

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hey good evening good evening let's get to our seats unless your come forward to worship stay up here if you'd like to come forward to worship you're more than welcome let's just lift our hands to heaven Lord we love you and we've come to adore you tonight how just begin a thinking I'm out loud come on just begin to thank him for even those things that seem so small so simple just lift your voice come on out loud begin to thank the Lord I want to take a few moments here and I want to hear the sound of Thanksgiving come out of your mouth so you begin to fill the room fill the room [Music] father thank you for the blood of Jesus thank you for the precious cross that you bore Lord thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit we lift our hands tonight and I welcome you wonderful Holy Spirit we welcome you come on this wealth of the Lord's presence we welcome you here Lord we ask that you would move and power but you would move in beauty tonight and that you'd be glorified your holy and wonderful and kind and pure and majestic your the light of the world you are light and in the no darkness at all thank you Jesus for your words your supreme words thank you for your love thank you Jesus for your mercy thank you for your fire tonight that will fall on every on every hungry heart thank you that you are the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and fire Thank You Jesus for saving all of us [Music] thank you so we praise you tonight we lift your voice we praise you tonight Lord we praise you tonight [Music] have your way in Jesus name it's Jesus name we come hungry and thirsty like little children right now Lord we declare gladly we declare that we need you tonight we need your presence we need you too you touch us and Jesus stands come on lift this shout of praise and seal it seal it with [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] choose this [Music] No [Music] choose this day [Music] give your praise with an open heart [Music] see you [Music] thank you [Music] I'll tell you thank you [Music] playful [Music] we just passed 'we can [Music] you say [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sky way [Music] [Music] [Music] true how key [Music] gee that [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul it's my joy [Applause] [Music] my time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 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[Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] our hope [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] you Oh [Music] [Applause] say it straight to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's lift our hands for lord help me David wonderful Jesus Oh welcome here welcome just healed your heart all over the shrimp to the Lord I want you to hear the word of God the Lord begins to touch you as I read just give yourself away to him after these things I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven it says revelation 4 the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne I said one sat on the throne I'll say it again one sat on the throne and he who sat there was like a Jasper and a sardine stone in appearance and there was a rainbow around the throne in appearance like an emerald around the throne were twenty-four Thrones and on the Thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads and from the throne proceeded lightnings thunderings and voices this is no ordinary scene friends seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God before the throne there was a sea of glass like crystal and in the midst of the throne and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in the back the first living creature like a lion the second living creature like a calf the third living creature had a face like a man and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle and the four living creatures each having six wings were full of eyes around and within and they do not rest day or night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come I'm gonna read that again holy holy holy Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and when the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne who lives for ever and ever the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying you are worthy O Lord come on make this your prayer right now you are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created and I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back sealed with seven seals and then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals and no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or even look at it so I wept much oh man I feel the Lord because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll or to look at it but one of the elders said to me do not weep behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of david has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals and i looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as though it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth and then he came and took the scroll out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne now when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and 24 elders fell down before the lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints and they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain you need to thank him right now for you were slain and you have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth and then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and every creature which is in heaven and on earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them I heard saying blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb for ever and ever I want you to lift the shout that's worthy Jesus Jesus we love you Jesus [Applause] you are worthy you're worthy the lair is the lamb it's allowed [Music] hallelujah oh come on give him praise one more time [Applause] [Music] oh you're happy to be in this presence tonight all right all right all right if you've come forward please grab your seats quickly you are in for a life-changing night Jesus is here I said Jesus is here come on quickly find your seats thank you Father Jesus we love you can we thank our worship team come on let apply your level [Applause] oh it's gonna be a good night have you come hungry are you in faith are you in faith I was with the Lord today and in while I was I saw myself as a little child sitting there tonight hungry for fresh bread I hope you've come the same way I have no I hope nobody believes that they've arrived how many of you are hungry tonight you want war I said half of you are hungry tonight you want more yeah hey if you've come if you've come from out of the state of Florida thank you David I'm good buddy if you've come from out of the state of Florida or yeah obviously if you've come from a different nation would you just lift your hand okay come on would you stand up please we want to honor you would you stand stand would you stand please stand if you come remain standing yeah remain standing this remain yeah please remain standing where where have you come from Indiana you're hungry for Jesus come on man it's beautiful welcome where are you from Ohio what part oh you're from victory in Youngstown come on yes yeah welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome where are you guys from in the back you're from Texas come on let her know you love her [Applause] Turkey Wow did I get that right are you here from Turkey wow that's amazing incredible whiteant you from Germany Wow incredible where are you from where oh hi oh this sounds too normal okay new hampshire welcome man welcome you there Maine welcome Yeah right here where Rhode Island Wow you there in the back yep you California Wow so cool so cool anyone else did I miss anyone no no going once okay if you came if you just stood up I'm gonna ask you to stand up again I felt this in worship that we were to do this David help me just something really really soft I want everyone to get a hand if you're around them I want you get a hand on them right now and if you're not around them you don't have to run over you can stretch your hands my faith it'll still work so I want everyone at least engaging so if you're not near them I want you to turn towards someone stretch your hand in faith it's just an act of faith it's a point of contact someone everyone here stretch your hand everyone here at least stretch or touch that come on now I want us to pray down the fire of the Holy Spirit so I'm praying in the spirit all over come on come on pray pray pray pray father in the name of Jesus Lord you honour hunger you said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled so we pray right now in the name of Jesus that these people would carry Holy Ghost fire the fire of the Holy Spirit back to their States and back to their nations in name of Jesus come on pray I want you to pray for about a minute pray big things declare big things over them father give them Souls give them nations give them a hunger for the things of God let their cities feel what they catch here tonight let them carry it back in Jesus name I pray that a tremor that a tremor would come upon them a holy tremor in the heart and that that would touch their cities states and nations in the name of Jesus thank you for revival represented here in this room thank you for Germany Lord seeing a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit Jesus thank you for Turkey see come on pray a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit thank you for Ohio and Rhode Island and Texas and New Hampshire God move Indiana in the name of the Lord Jesus move move move touch them today Lord we don't want them coming to encounter Jesus image we want them to meet Jesus all over again here fire of God fire of God fire of God fire of God but them carries something substantial something real then catch something tonight that only you can give but only you can give all right come on seal it with praise let's go come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay we're gonna receive tonight's offering Thank You David yeah there we go good good good job that was so much better so now just do it again there you go good so much better wow you guys are learning I want to read the verse from second Samuel chapter 24 man I I know you've heard this before but I love what Robert Morris says about giving he says we were born takers we are born again givers say men the nature of our Father is is a giver he gave his all heaven was bankrupted for our salvation heaven went bankrupt so that you could sit here tonight as a child of God so the nature of our Father is that of a giver now how many of you remember David taking a census has anyone not read that in the Bible how many of you have no clue what I'm talking about you kiddin raise your hand somebody's lying cuz no hands have gone up for either question okay I have so much to teach on here I'm glad we started this church Nathan David took a census the judgment of God came on in when God starts to do something in your life just let God do it and don't start to measure it with your terms just just look at Jesus and the more you stare at that and begin to measure it the more you'll take credit for it how many of you understand the Lord will not share your affection with even that that he gives you he will not he said to Abraham I am your exceeding in great reward so he would not even share Abraham with Isaac that's why he demanded that Isaac be put on the altar Jesus wants the fullness of our affection so David takes a census he wants to measure his great success if you measure it long enough you'll begin to believe you did it so the Lord knows what he's doing regarding his instructions and verse 18 the scripture says in God came that day to David and by the way judgment fell on David and the Kingdom of Israel because of the fact that he did take a census and the scripture teaches here in verse in chapter 24 that a great plague fell on Israel so in verse 18 David is trying to do something about it it says in GAD came that day to David and said to him go up erect an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite so David according to the Word of God went up as the LORD commanded and now I do now looked and saw the king and his servants coming toward him so I do not went out and bowed before the king with his face to the ground then I do not or if you're from Nebraska or Alabama you would say era una which is so sad that you'd butcher it that way why has my lord the king come to his servant listen closely listen closely and David said to buy the threshing floor from you to build an altar to the Lord that the plague may be withdrawn from the people and now our own us said to David let my lord the king take and offer up whatever seems good to him look here our oxen for the burnt sacrifice threshing and threshing implements and the yokes for the oxen in the wood all these Oh King I don't know has given to the king and I don't know said to the king may the Lord your God accept you and then the king said you I don't now listen closely underline this and never forget what I'm about to read to you no but I will surely buy it from you for a price nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which has cost me nothing that means you don't get credit for what your neighbor doesn't obedience people always tell me making you just lay your hands on me I want I want what you have and and and and I get that I believe an impartation but there's some stuff and God in fact there most of the places in God that he's calling us to reach you cannot get through the laying on of hands you need some scars you need some battle scars you need to walk through things humbly you need to spend time with Jesus you need to create your own history with God one of these places in the Lord is our generosity so David said no no no no I'm not gonna bring a sacrifice that has cost me nothing so costly sacrificial giving gets the Lord's attention now how many of you believe that the Lord wants to build a city set on a hill in this great city of Orlando I do you're gonna hear from Nathan Morrison just a bit I'm so pumped I hope you guys are excited put your seat belt on but I remember before Nathan moved the Lord told Nathan I believe Orlando is being marked to be a hub and a center for evangelism around the world and I believe that I I believe that with all my heart I believe God is shining his glorious light on this city now God has blessed us with resources to build the kingdom to build the kingdom now if you have made this your local church bring the Lord your tithes it actually belongs to the Lord we think we're giving to the Lord what is not his in the tithe we're actually not we are returning to the Lord what is already his now the tithe does not merely pertain to your finances but I'll say this if God I say this every week if God does not have your finances he does not have the entirety of your life we just need to be okay with that we need to get over we need to just get over it if God does not have our obedience and Finance he does not have our full surrender it's very true now the Thai speaks to every aspect of life that's why I teach our students the importance of morning prayer I believe it's a tide of the day it's it actually sanctifies the entire day I believe that the scripture says if the first if the first is holy the entire lump is made holy so as I give the Lord the first of my day rather than Instagram the whole day feels better how do you understand that if I put my marriage first the entirety of my marriage continues to see a blessing so I want to lovingly invite everyone here if you've made this your church tithe if you have not if you if the another church is your church home you need to give there you need to be faithful ty there but I would ask everybody in the room to do something tonight do not offer the Lord anything tonight that has cost you nothing amen amen okay so if you like to give you can give by text to give and if you're watching online there should be a link there on the comments feed you can give by clicking that link if you'd like to give by check you can write your check out to Jesus image and if you're if you're not giving my check for giving my cash or you can also give via credit card there on your envelope if you're giving by cash please be sure to fill out your information very clearly so that we can connect with you as the week's go by all right love you so much all right guys can we can we bring the buckets guys come on let's think the team's gonna lead us here and come off you guys can rush the buckets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright grab a seat and get ready I want to quickly before I introduce the video right we're gonna run a video first are we you want to okay is that cool you want to do that yeah yeah I'd love it yeah so by the set what what dates as we talked about in the greener second week of November we will have our what H zero to three nursery children's church ready to roll you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome why don't you just thank the Lord again for that yeah I know the feeling so yeah Carlin Ryan would you guys stand up mrs. Carlin Ryan maybe they have moved from Salinas yeah it remains standing guys so I can embarrass you more it's wonderful they have moved from Salinas California which is 20 minutes to Pebble Beach which is like a golfer's Jerusalem and they left bubble beach to come here Wow it must be the Lord so they are helping plant the children's church and and it's gonna be wonderful I am listen this is not gonna be a babysitting I know some churches babysit your kids long enough to keep them out of your hair that's not our goal our goal is that they get absolutely plastered by the power of the Holy Spirit and that your children actually learn the word of God and learn to walk in the presence of God our goal is to see them prophesying event dreaming dreams then having visions that laying hands on the sick then leading you know I just remain standing because it just feels good doing this to you I was at my hash table does what Bill Johnson and these kids were dancing around the platform and they were going around the building and Bill looked at me he goes we should be following them he wasn't joking he's like they know what's going on in the room and I pray that our children that aren't that something is that there's a well being dug here that'll impact the generations to come and I pray that our children will set the standard in our homes of what it looks like to burn for Jesus okay so your kids may just experience what happened to me when I was a kid and my father wants me things you may have to carry your kids in the car lamb in the backseat and they're gonna sleep gloriously through the night they can't argue with you when they're speaking in tongues it's gonna be great it's gonna be great so would you let them know you love them and I just want to make that mouth yeah god help you both god help you both it's been such a joy Nathan's gonna come up right after these these videos we're going to show but it's been such a joy to watch and celebrate what God has been doing through shake the nation's through Nathan and Rachel Morris I'm so grateful for their yes I remember going to the bay revival on Mother's Day and I was late to the Mother's Day brunch thereand Daphne I just wanted to chop my head off she said where were you I said on the floor and I went and sat there hungry and the Lord has used them to really shift nations for God they are dear faithful covenant friends to us to us to what God is doing they are partly responsible Nathan is he just showed up how many remember that meeting at the old building at st. Andrews don't you kind of miss that little wooden you got you don't huh you know it's too cold but uh my father-in-law actually came through to announce on my behalf without telling me that this was a church and then Nathan just walked in and sat on the front row and I thought this boy has some guts he's just coming right in late while my father was DJ sat on the front row I thought he was gonna get ripped and my following us Nathan came for a reason made them what is the Lord spoken to you and Nathan actually looked at me with a wild look in his eyes a couple weeks prior and he said until you call this what it is the Lord will not bless him it was anybody there that night yeah yeah you remember it and and then he came at night and and he's always had a word for us as a movement and for me personally in times of discouragement in times of struggle so I just want to thank you both we love you so let let's let's uh let's give our attention to this video and then later I want you to do when they think it's up here you know how to honor here okay you know what to do let's kill those lights [Music] Stadium by Senatus nastagio liars who reported nobody here babbles Jesus we give you all the glory [Music] [Music] mrs. Oscar has not been able to walk with a straight back before - either coming out couse we find that day Rachel touched him you're not the core he can walk straight Dianna will and Camilla - show the people have you useful hey brother come on mr. novice now chosen what Jesus did now and singing it up and shoot each would be somebody had a stroke on your right side understated managed to not overeat oh god achieving that paralysis screw your body right now but paralysis convinced upper went to Puerto what is happening right now and get that up for 7:00 instead momento a short yeah I was in bed for two years and I couldn't move you could not move your body nobody ever said hello but at the time it was dead the son was dead completely walk away with you later move your head [Applause] remember this man came up on the stage he was pleading to God because his daughter was in the car and it's not a time I'm gonna plug this weekend I'm in coma I can't cuss on my lord today right now right now don't the people what happened be on Twitter look at the Passover and we pray [Music] to something and I fell in a ke we have not even five minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this lady testified my snack that gotta touch the right now this is her smile our ancestry go this child was blind in the in the left eye and gases in Neos palace Kevin Love was fearful and look the doctor has verify in the hotel already be called tell the child to do what I do [Applause] [Applause] - this whole those never Sakura dies that you died tonight he won a Cessna no change where would you spend [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on and give Jesus a mighty shouter praise come on lift your hands in the presence of the Lord we love you Jesus we love you Lord come on keep your hands lifted all over this place I want you to pray in the Holy Ghost all over this place praying the Holy Ghost right now Spirit of God you're welcome in this place we lift up your name for your name is above every other name so lord I declare that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord of all to the glory of God the Father there is no sickness there is no disease there is no stronghold there is no addiction that can stand against the name of Jesus so I speak the name of Jesus Christ into this place over every heart over every life I rebuke the Devourer I command the enemy to loose them and let them go in Jesus mighty name Lord I declare that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty so let Liberty reign in this place we speak joy we speak freedom we speak breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus Spirit of God come like a fire bird in every heart burn in this place Lord we make this place an Upper Room fill it with your glory if you believe in I want you to shout hallelujah in this place we welcome you snort of Ghana we welcome you is anybody ready for an incredible night in the presence of God you ready just give Jesus one more shout you may be seated in the presence of the Lord you know I can't describe to you how full my heart is just to see what God is doing through Jesus image can we thank God for the lives of Michael and Jessica Cooley on us come on give it up the Bible says keep honor where honor is due we love you you know I remember at C fan when I first ever met Michael by the way I have a funny accent I'm not from America I'm an American right now I just became a citizen but I was originally yeah you can't get rid of me right now you can't get rid of me that's it I was originally born and raised in England United Kingdom God brought me over here in 2010 what what I thought was gonna be for two nights this has been the longest two nights of my life but I always said to God Lord if you will move I will serve my visitation you know we've been holding those Crusades all over the world but I always believe that God that was gonna move in the Western world that there would be another outpouring of the Holy Ghost when we came in 2010 and what became known as the bay revival I remember meeting Michael and ever since I met him God just put something in my heart you know I can be in an airport waiting for a plane or and suddenly the Lord will drop a word for Michael in my heart and I that's why I know what God's doing in your mitts right now is a special thing and I want you to protect it with everything you have because when God is birthing something that's when the enemy tries to kill what the Lord is birthday but I know God has planted you here not just to fill seats but to be an instrumental part of what God wants to pour out in Orlando Florida can you say man you know I I had no intention of being in Orlando Florida during the bay revival I was with Pastor John Kilpatrick and I was gonna set up base there I met my beautiful wife Rachel during the revival she married me you got to pray for her she has to put up with this 24 hours a day but it was during the bay revival that I felt the Lord say it's time to move how many know when God's pouring out his spirit that's not always a good time for God to say move when God's moving we want to stay right but I've learned over the years to obey the Lord and God was pouring out his spirit and yet I felt the Lord say it's time to move I said God where do you want me to go - he said Orlando Florida I said Lord Orlando Florida why all under Florida we don't know anybody there the only person I knew was Daniel kolenda we didn't know anybody and I said Lord if this is you you better speak to my wife cuz she's the boss I said Lord there's no way I'm gonna take her from her family from everything that she knows take her all the way down to Orlando Florida my team my staff for no reason and I remember one night I was praying and I felt the Spirit of God just speak to my heart so clearly and I saw what was like the leg the the Panhandle and it looked like the leg of Florida but the Lord said it is the arm of Florida and I saw the on the floor that became to reach to the nations of the world and God said to me in the next years to come this will be the hotbed and he used those words and I saw calls all over Florida he said this will be the hotbed of evangelism for this generation [Applause] that is why when the send came to Orlando people didn't realize it but that was heaven placing its mark upon this land that doesn't mean that Florida especially just means that God is raising up an endtime generation of harvesters that will go from this place to the ends of the earth and I believe you're a part of it if you believe it give God praise right now removed everything that we've got we came down here literally my staff had to sell their homes everything to come to Orlando Florida and when I see what God is doing in Jesus image and see fine and so many other evangelists there's like a clarion call going out right now over this place evangelists are coming in to this region and I believe what God is raising up is the next generation of evangelist and harvesters you know I thank God pastor Benny Hinn has been such a influence in my life people don't know this but when I first came to Christ I was in a vast crusade it was in Birmingham England and God told me to go to the meeting and I remember I've never told this story publicly ever ever I was in the meeting and I went with a pastor friend and he said listen we got some great seats and I remember I was sat just where that young lady sat right there I was like three rows back fully in the center I mean I couldn't believe it out of 12,000 15,000 people it's like God had given me the best seat in the house I was gonna be right in front of the pulpit it was a Benny Hinn crusade I said god I want to watch him move under the anointing I want to see the glory of God move I got to the seat i sat there I was praying I was being spiritual bah-bah-bah and God said to me you see that woman over there I said yes Lord he said give her your seat I said devil I rebuke you in Jesus name so I kept on praying like I've never heard it and the Holy Spirit said to me again son you see the lady over there give her your seat where that lady is seated right there I can't believe this this is like perfect in the arena the very seat that the lady was in was directly behind the pillow just like that and I went over to the lady have you ever offered somebody something and you think they're never gonna say yes I said do you want my seat and I thought she's gonna say no I can't take your seat she said yes thank you so much she goes and sits right in my seat and now I'm sat behind a pillar and I'm grumbling and I'm groaning and I'm having this conversation with the Lord and I remember the Holy Spirit he smoked my heart he corrected me and he took me to the scripture when David said Lord you know your servant and yet you have promised me this greatness the Lord was testing my heart and I remember that night I was worshiping and pastor Benny came out he was in full floor miracles were happening and then all of a sudden he looked like this and he stopped and he said there's a young man right there with spiky hair he said yes you you I knew it was me and out of that crowd I remember he called me out and the closer I got to the altar it felt like I was wading through mud the glory of God was so strong I could hardly lift my body they had to drag me up the stairs and I remember pastor Benny he left me in that meeting the whole rest of the service and he changed my life I left that service they carried me out of that service and he wasn't a few months that the Crusades began literally months later the Crusades began in the first year we'd already witnessed over 30,000 Muslims come to Christ after two years that had multiplied to over a hundred thousand Hindus and Muslims giving their lives to Christ that's why I'm trying to preach to you I'm not trying to tell you that anybody's special I'm trying to tell you that God has ordained that you're here right here right now he's putting something on the inside of you that no devil in hell will be able to quench it's a fire that burns in you you're not here just to learn rules and regulations and methods and techniques you're here to let God nurture that fire in your heart it's a fire that burns in you that's why I love Michael and Jessica because I feel that same fire burning in there how many are hungry for the fire of God in this place but you see I love pastor Benny I love evangelist Reinhard Bonnke we could name the Great's Billy Graham that's gone to be with the Lord but guess what it's time for a young generation to arise it's time for a young generation to arise with the same fire and the same DNA and the same heart to go to the nations and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ [Applause] you know this year we've seen an acceleration in the harvest something's happening in the nations right now what you see happening in America politically that's a sign to you that there's a fight over this land right now the Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord will raise a standard against him and God is raising up men and women I see young people around the world they don't compromise they're not playing Church there's a fire in their heart and God is using them mightily I'm talking about teenagers that God is using mightily it's time for America I said it's time for America it's time for American are you ready for the Word of God tonight are you ready for the word I want you to go to the Gospel of Mark the Gospel of Mark chapter 8 are there any evangelists in the house any evangelists any evangelists under the age of 18 19 this young guy right here yeah what's your name Daniel wow that's a powerful name right there I want you to have that okay there's over 40 messages on there okay you get that any uh promise you it'll set you on fire somebody say Amen the Gospel of Mark chapter 8 and I'm gonna read from verse 22 this is speaking of Jesus Christ it says then he that is Jesus came to Bethsaida and they brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him so he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands on him he asked him if he saw anything and he looked up and said I see men like trees walking then he put his hands on his eyes again and made him look up and he was restored and saw everyone clearly then he sent him away to his house saying neither go into the town nor tell anyone in the town I want to read verse 23 just one more time so the Bible says so he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town I want to speak to you tonight on a message that I just gave a little title it's called reposition for your vision reposition for your vision we are that generation God has called you for such a time as this I thank God for those that have gone before but I want to tell you their ceiling is now a platform every generation will give an account of what they did for the sake of the gospel in their time and in their generation that is why I looked at those that have gone before but I realize that God called me for such a time as this I must answer for what I did with the gospel in my mouth that's why every one of us were called to be witnesses you're not called to be a pure filler you're called to be a witness you're called to be filled with that same fire that every other generation is carrying I remember that I used to come into all the calls and say God if you could just see me here I know that there's people more qualified than me I know that there are people here that know the word more than me but God if you see me I promise you I'll go see when we come to Christ we must realize the Bible says in Romans 2 those he foreknew he also predestined see there's a destiny that God has purposed for your life that's why the Bible says that he called you according to his purpose I wish I had time to preach to you but throughout the word you realize that there's books that have been written about your life that's why David said we're not we're not my days numbered for me in your book before there were none of them in other words when God birthed you when he made you he wrote your story he gave you a purpose he gave you a destiny he gave you a dream he gave you a vision that's why whenever you get into the presence of God you will never leave his presence without fresh vision in your life that's the problem with our generation we lost our identity when you don't know who you are you believe the lies of the enemy over your life we got to preach the truth right here right now see the problem is with our generation I'm seeing this time and time again you got people preaching that perception instead of the truth see when you preach from your perception you create a narrative that is God that is not God but you call it God that is why we have ministries that the enemy has infiltrated there's now sin in their lives and we're the generation we're looking at saying God what is this preaching the gospel that is a cheap message that doesn't demand change that doesn't demand that we live in holiness and holiness or not rules and regulations holiness is relationship it is intimacy with Jesus it's not wrong to preach holiness the Bible says be holy for I am holy since the law but you see when your perception is blinded you lose the truth of the cross of Calvary the Jesus came that we might know him that you may know him and the power of his resurrection that's why Paul wrote to the Ephesians in 1:18 and he said that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and his inheritance in the Saints do you know what's in you do you know your inheritance in Christ see when you know your inheritance you stop begging for what God's already says is yours you stop begging for what God says is already yours but for that you need an encounter with him but the eyes of your understanding the eyes of your spirit man may be enlightened so you can go to church for years you can sing the songs you can be right alongside the greatest ministry and it never changed you you're never changed because you've not encountered him that's why it's all about Jesus it's all about the Lamb that was slain it's all about the King of Kings in the Lord of lords that's who we preach that's who we point you in the eyes that their understanding being enlightened they may know well that I may know him that I may know him see the most powerful thing that will happen to you in these meetings is that God opens the eyes of your spirit man that you really see him but you're not just quoting scripture but that word becomes alive in the spirit man but suddenly it takes root and that's when power that's when virtue begins to flow from your life see my friend I've met so many people that their vision their perception has been blinded that's why the Bible says without vision people perish I want to ask you what do you see what do you see do you see him I say I said I saw the Lord High and lifted up what do you see what are your eyes perceive how Victor some young ladies for a moment you know the greatest thing I would ask a guy that I think God told me to marry what's your vision not what your salary is not what's your vision because without vision your marriage will perish when you're following somebody you better know where they're going and that's what I'm trying to preach to you right now because there are some people in this place that God's about to open your eyes and you're about to see your destiny like you've never seen it before is there anybody in this place that believes what I'm saying to you right now [Applause] open our eyes Lord open our eyes what's your vision what do you see right now because you tell me your vision I'll tell you where you're going we're not here just to play Church that's a vision that God has imparted into this place and unless you see it you'll never flow in the annoying that God is releasing right now when God called me to the nation's he didn't call me to television he didn't call me to be a famous preacher he called me to the nation's to see Souls come to Christ that was the eyes of my understanding he showed me the nation's I remember being in his presence and I would see vast oceans of people and the Lord would ask me what do you see for months I would said Lord what do you want me to see I one day the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit I said Lord I see the souls of a generation what do you see see that's why Jesus said in order to see you got to deny yourself to deny yourselves means that you've got a rebuke some things that are trying to infiltrate your life if the enemies can get you to believe a lie he'll paralyze you in your destiny that's why the Bible says that your loins are girded with truth because little as the seed of the lie will always produce another lie in your life but when your loins are girded with truth truth reproduces truth what is your vision are you blinded tonight see my friend there are many ways to be blind you can be blindness through brokenness you can be blinded through rejection you can be blinded through pride you can be blinded through religion that's why Jesus said it's like the blind leading the blind they both fall into the ditch amid men and women that they were abused as children and all their lives they've roamed in darkness of rejection and hurt and pain happy the meetings where I've seen them come out all the calls their arms cut the shreds with razor blades because they're blinded to the truth that God loved them that his love was still reaching out to heal them see my friend when you're blinded you'll never see your way out see that brings me to the test Jesus comes to a place called Bethsaida and the Bible says that they bring a blind man to Jesus I thank God that when God is about to bring a breakthrough in your life he'll always bring you away the nameless faceless ones that God uses in your life to lead you to the next encounter in here that's why if you ever want to breakthrough get around people that have already received the breakthrough you need because one thing I've learned is that broken people tend to find broken people hurting people tend to find hurting people addicted people tend to find addicted people it's like the the lame man at the pool of siloam the Bible says of the sick gathered on the porches you see whenever I go to speak to young people you'll find them that they congregate because sometimes you need someone to have the same dysfunction as you but if you ever need a breakthrough you need to find people that have already had an encounter with him because when they touch your life they'll lead you right to the feet of Jesus you need a day that have encountered him that's why when I want to breakthrough in the ministry I get around people that have already had that breakthrough because when my life connects to his life of their life I know that that breakthrough is about to lead me right to the feet of Jesus right through a fresh encounter that's gonna change my life that's why God brought some of your students here cuz there's some people around you they've already had your breakthrough God said if you get with them I'll lead you to a fresh encountering me can I preach this you okay I'm going somewhere I promise see what you're connected to it's so important see when you study the life of Jesus you realize that Jesus had connections in his life that moved in his vision he had the three those that were intimate to his heart where he shared revelation that he didn't share with the masses he had the twelve that sent out but when he was about to take a city he had the seventy you see there's something about connections that God uses in your life to cause you to walk out your destiny can I preach about the god of circles see what's around you if you look at your eye you'll see that it's a series of circles in order to see your vision fulfill your destiny you'll have to realize that God has placed circles in your life circles a divine connection that will lead you to the next place a breakthrough it's funny that on my bottle of water tonight someone had written the word breakthrough I said thank you Holy Spirit tonight is a night of breakthrough somebody's about to get a breakthrough in this house the god of circles when Ezekiel saw the Lord he said I saw the wheel within the wheel the circle within the circle isn't it funny that when God spoke to creation he said let there be light and it manifested ISM oh you'll get it you'll get it you get it when God was about to birth harvest he said let there be light and it was created as the Sun and then he spoke to the earth and it was a circle and he closed the circle to go around the Sun the wheel within the wheel and when the movement began you see the Bible says that when Ezekiel saw the Lord will wheel within the wheel was the Spirit of God and it never went left it never went right it never reversed in advance from glory to glory can I preach to you I win the wheel within the wheel and the circle within the circles began God said now spring forth the harvest you say evangelist huh that wasn't a circle well I could preach you a bit longer about it and prove that it is but let me tell you right now if it wasn't a circle it was a cycle the cycle of seat time and harvest you see when God begins to move within the wheel of the wheels that you better get ready for a harvest because I've learned in my life oh I'm getting old school I gotta behave myself [Applause] see I've learned that there are circles in my life that God has connected me to and when the circles begin to move I'm getting ready for a harvest because there's a wheel within a wheel a circle within a circle and when it all begins to move God said now to the harvest spring both does anybody hear what I'm saying to you right now but I've learned that there are some circles that God has to break you out of in order for you to move not every circle that you're connected to is living see there are some relationship that you had 10 years ago it doesn't mean they're wrong and you're right it does mean that God has moved you into a new season not every circle you're connected to means that you're gonna get a harvest I'm gonna prove it right now see I've learned in my life there was some people that God brought and they led me to an encounter but God said they've got to go in order for you to move see there are some Solis relationships that you have in your life that you know they're not of God you know God is saying let them go you gotta let go of their lives in order to move and yet you stay connected see there are some relationships they'll tell you what you're not gonna be but you need to get around men and women that see what God has put in your heart is of the spirit and they allow the wheel within the wheel the spirit begin to move and something begins to break form Jesus comes to Bethsaida they lead him to Jesus I gotta preach this a little more see there are some people in your life but they will lead you in a season of their lives but you can only rely on their vision for so long they can find where he would go they define who he would be he was flying but they came a time but he had to have an encounter and let go of what was and move into something new Jesus comes and he takes the blind man by the hand he doesn't speak to him neither does the blind man speak to Jesus he takes him by the hand and just walks him outside a best Seder now I know you think that's normal but it ain't normal if I was blind and someone grabbed me and started walking me somewhere would you not ask where am I going you know the problem is there are Rema words that are released but we don't recognize we ask you many questions you ask God too many questions sometimes you're gonna say God I need a word I need people come I need a word God told me you have a word how about follow him see sometimes you gotta say God I don't know the season right now I'm not sure what's taking place but wherever you lead me Lord I will follow you we gotta learn to move with him whatever the cost whatever the price no matter what God tells it to do we've never got to be in a place where the river dries up and we die God is always moving I said God is always moving always you have to learn to flow with him sometimes I say Lord I don't know what's happening right now I don't know what to tell my team I don't know we don't have the finance we don't have this but God you've led me this far I ain't gonna ask no questions I'm just gonna say yes Lord I will follow you is there anybody here this is Lord I surrender [Music] wait a minute lawyer I got a better idea if you healed him ambassador then revival would come God if you heal him in Bethsaida the whole city will be shaken why if you're the God of the nation's if you're the God of Bethsaida why could you not peel him in b'seder and show a miracle that would cause a city and a town to tremble oh if I could tell you the amount of time that I said God if you did it like this then I'll be okay Lord if you just move like this that's why when God's about to move in your life the first thing he will do is offend you that should make you happy he'll offend your flesh he'll find something that really annoys you he'll put a word in their mouth and that will be the word for your season will you follow I said God opened his eyes in Bethsaida and then I saw it I've never seen this before see the Holy Spirit said to me we walk by faith and not by sight see what did Jesus know some of you God is moving you right now because you don't see what he sees see I didn't know this but Jesus had already placed a curse over best Seder he said woe to you bethsaida for if the mighty works which were done in you would have been done in tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago sitting in sackcloth and ashes but it will be more tolerable for tyre and right on at the judgment then for you Bethsaida was locked in unbelief could it be the best Seder was contributing to his blindness Bethsaida would not repent if you study the word you realize that theologians say that when Jesus broke the loaves on the fish he did it in the territory of b'seder they have seen the god of multiplication they'd seen the god of wonders but their hearts were still hard you see sometimes you're trying to have a miracle in a Bethsaida environment they were locked into unbelief Jesus image students listen to me right now if you don't remember one thing remember this miracles will not sustain your intimacy I know people that watched Elia get out of that wheelchair it calls that revival to explode CNN ABC when you slutted in when she got out of that wheelchair 223 years have been paralyzed there were people there that fell to their knees and they sang to God and they cried and they were on fire and now they're not even in the kingdom because the miracle will not sustain you until you encounter the miracle worker see my friend when it comes to the miracles and the breakthrough of God atmosphere is everything that's why every time you want to pray the enemy fights for the for the territory that's why when you begin to worship the enemy begins to tell you all the wrong things in your mind all the lies and the deceit because he wants you to live in a best seder environment see there are some people in my life that date while ever they saw what I saw I fed them but the day my vision got bigger than them they rejected it and that's when God has to move you because suddenly it is a best seder environment and God says no in order for you to see me the way your gonna see me I gotta move you you gotta come with me you gotta follow me because I'm trying to lead you out of a Bethsaida intercept place where you can have a miracle breakthrough in your life is your faith living in a best Seder people come to me that's for prayer all the time I said you want a miracle they say yeah but I've been prayed for a hundred times I've got this wrong this wrong this is wrong this is wrong this can't be that sickness has become their identity they're living in a best Seder blindness see they saw the miracles of God but their hearts became hardened to who was the miracle worker revival children I want to tell you something when you see all that God is doing in these meetings don't ever allow your heart don't ever allow your eyes to be taken from the lamb because when you look you'll be in the best Seder before you know it because the miracles are not what is all about it's all about him Jesus the Lamb of God the signs the wonders the point they're here [Applause] he led him out of the best seder she's some of you don't realize that God is moving you right now even as I'm preaching he's moving you right now there are some people you got to stop listening to whenever revival breaks out most of the church I mean it blows my mind you we had witches coming in we had people that were ready to kill me and yet there were church members that wouldn't leave their front church building because if God wasn't doing it there he was doing it nowhere and they wonder why that God is not poured out in their churches sometimes you got to leave the place that you've been living and say Lord I'm willing to move into the new into the fresh if the bad what you're doing right here right now are you here tonight you want me to water it down a little bit the first thing that Jesus bells is moving out of a best sailor environment and into a place and this is now what do you see what do you see what a question God asked the same of Ezekiel when he said look at these bones see when you begin to profess out of your mouth what you see you make room for God to open your eyes to the greater see I've learned to begin to speak what God has put in the very depths of my heart to begin to declare to the nation's what God has told me to declare because when you speak suddenly God has room to begin to move because I'm telling you right now if you want vision start to make a noise because you serve a God that when he creates he makes a noise he didn't think let there be light he spoke let there be light and there was that's why he said island-hopping your praise I inhabit what comes out of your mouth that's why David said your praise shall continually be in my mouth in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god in him for all things and everything that was created was for created through the through the word when you're blind you don't speak because you can't see but when God begins to move you out of your best sader out of your unbelief out of your heart heart out of your unforgiveness how do your bitterness out of your pain when the Holy Spirit begins to move in your life he's getting ready to make you speak students we might talk about this some more but when you pray for the sick you don't ask sickness you tell it you don't request your command because God is waiting to come out of your mouth the word of the Lord and when you speak it you'll see like you've never seen before somebody give God praise in this house what do you see you know what the Lord spoke to me during the Bey revival he said Nathan desperation is not easily offended desperation is not easily offended cuz I know if some of you saw me coming and I was about to spit on you you'd have a change of heart see we were already getting a shower right now take it I said Lord what is all the spinning about why are you spitting on people Lord why don't you just put money in his eye why'd you spit in the mud and put it in his eye cuz got it there's something about the spit I don't care what they say I'll spit riding their eye if he gets them healed if it causes the anointing to break out Lord I'm a spitter right now I'll spit but you see whenever Jesus does something in encounter he does nothing just for sure I started to study did you know that there was a teaching in Judaism that said the spit of the firstborn son had healing properties see Jesus was already showing the blind man who was the who he was stood in front of he was already revealed that he is the Lamb of God the firstborn of the Father see when Jesus spit on him I started to study did you know that spit has the greatest blueprint of your DNA if you go to the doctors right now they'll swap your mouth and they'll get a blueprint of your DNA they'll know your makeup your structure your skin color your eye color they could even tell you what you look like if they didn't even saw you all from your spit see the Holy Spirit told me to ask you does your mission up his DNA does what you see reveal god almighty does what you see reveal the Lamb you see there are many people trying to build their own kingdoms but God is raising a generation but their vision is Heaven's DNA it's uh I'm preaching to somebody right now we preach holiness they're not afraid because they're here to reveal the Lamb that this generation does your vision happen his DNA what do you see do you see the broken could it be the God let you out of your best Seder so that one day you could be the day in their lives could it be the God heals that abuse heals that rejection so one day you're the person that is leading you become the thing in that blind person's life you know I used to not preach this text because there was something in it that used to you know that text where you read you said God have what's that about I'd gone to healing conferences many of them you pay your $200 and you're gonna get a healing anointing on your life preachers preach this text and they preach it and they preach it from the context that Jesus prays from the blind man but he didn't get it done the first time so he had to pray again and that's a lesson to you and me while it's a lesson of faith are you telling me that Jesus needed to pray Christ if Jesus would have looked at the blind man his eyes would have come out of his head turned three times changed color three times but back in his head and he would have seen are you kidding me you know who you're talking about he's the creator of the heavens and the earth you're telling me those eyes could have been recreated in a moment what do you see I see men like trees walking question how does a blind man know what a tree looks like oh you didn't get that I'm gonna try it over here how does a blind man know what a tree looks like if he said I see men like trees walking you have to know what a man looks like and you have to know what a tree looks like see I'm gonna preach something right now but when the Holy Spirit spoke to me I'm telling you I ran round my room I was having a Pentecostal little hot step I mean I was giving it the full thing cuz I realized there were some things that God takes us through there are some best satyrs that God has to bring you out of and sometimes you don't know holy spirit what are you doing right now cuz you feel the pull and you feel the stretch and you have to leave some things behind that you thought you'd never have to let go and God leads you into a place and he's trying to get you to see what he sees in your life I see man like trees walking you see the first touch of Jesus was to reposition him the second touch was to reveal what he was about to become I said Holy Spirit show me are you still with me are you sure you're getting something out of this okay the Holy Spirit said to me study the tree stop looking and his blindness and look at the dream I started to study the word and whenever I saw the tree and man it spoke of three things you want to hear them three of you I'll go home you want to hear them whenever the Holy Spirit in the word speaks about trees and men it speaks of three things being planted being rooted and being established I'm gonna say that again cuz some of you this is why you came because God is about to plant you he's about to root you he's about to establish you you're about to walk in and anointing you've never walked in before you better get ready I'm telling you in Jesus name whenever God puts the tree and the man together he's talking about something that is been planted that's why Christ hung on the tree he was the seed lets the seed fall into the ground and die I said Lord show me because this is the word for you tonight and the Lord took me to Psalms chapter one it says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly Bethsaida no standards in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law does he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he he shall prosper oh I don't hear you you are the Prince gone right now cuz God is about to establish some things in your life he's establishing a fresh anointing in your life right now do I have another five minutes are you sure you see people always say Lord I need more anointing no you don't you need to be established see the Bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature that word stature is to be established that is Authority you see we got people running around meetings trying to get more anointing let me tell you I've never seen an anointing that was not enough I'm gonna say the game I've never seen an anointing that was not enough whenever the Holy Spirit anoint you it is the it is the virtue to get the job done and whatever he does shall prosper but what we don't realize is we need to be established established it's not how loud you sing how high you jump how many times you shake rattle and roll and being established is about your character because your gift will take you before kings but your character has to keep you there when Elijah came to Elijah he said I want a double portion of your spirit now we have preachers preaching about double anointings where is that in Scripture show me Elijah said give me a double portion of your spirit small s read it is that the truth in the word when it's the Holy Spirit it's capital yes the Bible says in Daniel was found an excellent spirit what Elijah as the lighter is I want the same character the same spirit that said God I believe you answer by fire now the God of all get ready cuz my god rings that's why Elijah said you see here we get the anointing like it's some come on come and get it Kiki I see people talking about the anointing like it's some cheap thing come and get it come and get some come and get some are you kidding you're talking about the holy oil that separates you that makes you holy this is not some cheap thing that I slap my hand on your head and you got some I can't anoint you the Holy Spirit has severely anointing he's the one that separates you that's why Elijah said you ask the hard thing cuz boy I don't know what's in you I don't know whether you're willing to go through what I had to go through to get what I got that's why he said if you see the mantle fall God knows you he knows whether you're gonna stay the course and what I'm trying to speak to you right now God is trying to show you as he's birthing this house as he's birthing this church as he's birthing your ministry he's trying to get you rooted and planted so that you can be established to carry the glory in these end days what do you see so in the begin to play quickly I'm gonna keep preaching for a few more minutes what do you see see I believe that there's some repositioning happening tonight see the first touch let him out that's some of you here right now that you got to move out you got to move out of your pain you gotta let it go you got to put it under the blood you got to stop asking god I need revenge I need I need affirmation oh he's all the information you need let it go don't leave in your best sader don't let it blind you some of you you've been in meetings and constants what do you see and you say Lord I see men like trees walking you see something but you're not sure I remember in my life when I saw something and it looked great but the enemy would tell me it's never gonna happen who do you think you are I used to watch videos of your daddy and dream big dreams and the devil would say who do you think you are who do you think you are when I saw man like trees walking and when I look across this auditorium I see men like trees walking I see men and women the guard is routing and planting and he's establishing that he's gonna get some glory out of your life but there are some people that you're still locked in your best Seder some of you are locked in a bed Seder of sin the same old cycle of the same old sin it needs to be broken right here right now in this place you need to run to this altar and say God I let it down right now I'm coming out of this best Seder I'm moving out of my unbelief I'm stepping out of that which is bound me and locked me down for years I know whom I have believed see Jesus said now go home but don't go to bed say wait a minute that means he never lived in Bethsaida in his blindness he had drifted into a place that was binding him from his miracle and Jesus comes right all the way into best Seder to lead him out because there was destiny it is why Jesus came into best Seder not for the masses for the one and he said now don't go back to where I brought you from my friend some of you keep going back to the place that God brought you out of you keep going back to the same old people the same old pain the same old scars and God is trying to liberate you you don't need to go back to wear a bra don't go home because your home is not the same go back to where I birthed you see tonight in the presence of God you feel that anointing right now see some people you need to come home you need to come home you're not coming to some preacher you're coming to the one that made you then formed you and he brought you here tonight because you've been living in that best seder for too long that's why you're blind that's why you started to believe the same lies of your youth the Bible said it's like a dog going back to its own vomit I know you don't hear preaching like this all again but let me tell you right now when you go back to where you came from the Bible says it's like crucifying Jesus all over again come out of your best seat see some of you God he brought you all the way to Orlando Florida he might have had to bring you from Germany he might have had to bring you from Turkey he might have had to put you on a plane and bring you all the way to this place because you're about to leave your best Seder because when you go back you'll have a fire that was never there before and it's a fire that will never be quenched it's a hunger that God brought seen you because he's asking you what do you see begin to play tonight the fire gods gonna fall across this place miracles are gonna break out I said miracles are gonna break out in this place there are people watching me online right now there's a pastor son that he's watching me right now you flipped onto this and you'd be watching you don't even know why you're watching you're a pastor's son but your bytes living you got a drug addiction in your life and you're looking at me right now and I'm preaching to you this is your message this is your moment don't turn your face God is calling you right now you know he's calling you see my friend I know where you are I had the same change the same addiction the same drugs the same alcohol I was a pastor's kid lay dying in the street one night grown up in church all my life but I lived in a best sader that gripped me and heard all the preaching I could hear I'd been in all the meetings I could meet but I had to have an encounter with Jesus I need an encounter with the fire of God and you may think about my Testament extreme but when God came to me the fire of God fell on me I was laying on the floor for three hours I was shaking and vibrating under the power of God people say evangelist do you have to shout all the time you are what your encounter is when God came to me he came like a fire I know what Jeremiah means when he said your word is like a fire shut up but you never made to live in b'seder you were never made to be bloody - the purpose to your destiny she tonight I thank God for miracles that will happen I thank God for the fire God the will fall but there are some people that you've been locked in best Seder and this is your moment see I don't believe in easy altar calls I'm about to give an altar call but if you need to be here now don't wait for the article get out of your seat come and run right now and be in this altar if you're living in that piscina right now let's go don't wait let's go let's go run quickly run right now let's go let's go right now quickly quickly quickly everyone sent to your feet all over this place begin to play begin to play worship team come right now every eye closed every height lifted right now you might have been saved for years but you're living in Bethsaida you might be saved for years but you're bound and you're addicted tonight is your night I'm gonna pray and when I do if it's you you're gonna get out of your roll you're gonna get out of your seat you're not gonna just waltz down here you're gonna run god bless you come on come on let's go god bless you young lady come on come on Jesus is waiting for you Jesus is waiting for you right now begin to worship begin to worship begin to sing begin to worship those of you watching online wherever you're watching this right now tonight is your night Jesus is here right now he's come right into your best Seder he's come to lead you out cuz you're about to see him in a way you've never seen him before father in Jesus name I break every lie of the devil I break every stronghold I cancel every lie I come on every assignment of the enemy your power is broken now in this place listen my friend right now every eye closed if that's you people are here but there's more people that need to be here right now if that's you I don't care whether you've been saved twenty years if you need to be here get out of your roll get out of your seat come right now quickly quickly quickly [Music] come on right now creature that's it come on come on come on come on let's go go here they come come on god bless you sir come on right now let's go don't blush you cool let's go [Music] now into the swing let's go come [Music] Jesus is where [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Paulo God is here so strong at this altar but I know when I need to close an altar see something you don't realize that someone stood next to yours living in bed their best Seder and the enemy's holding the back and I want you to be that day in their life right now I don't care whether that's your wife your husband I want you to turn to that person either side and say if you need to go I'll come right now with you take them by the hand and lead them right now go ahead and speak to the person next to you quickly see if you need to be I'll come with you right now if they say yes quickly bring them right now here they come come on we're waiting for you Church you wanna praise God here they come right now come on we'll waited for you we're waiting for you let's go [Music] god bless you man god bless you bro god bless you bro come on let's go [Applause] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chances Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] power of the Holy Spirit is moving right now we're about to pray over you you're not to speak with your mouths and declare the blood of Jesus over your life you know that Bethsaida the Holy Spirit knows where you are right now I want you to call upon his name I want you to ask you to say Lord I surrender to you I move with you on [Music] holy spirit fall upon your people right now let your fire burn out the trust we break every live the enemy we break and realize that has brought bondage and pain every abuse every time we've been rejected I break its power right now in Jesus name [Music] he'll every scar and every wound let your blood flow let your blood flow I bring that spirit in Jesus name that lie that deceitful spirit that brings rejection I speak to their sons and daughters the heirs of salvation but your blood has washed every stain in Jesus name in Jesus name fire of God is fallen right now [Music] plus the blood to blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood [Music] call upon the name of the Lord call upon his name [Music] higher [Applause] [Music] Jesus blood raise up your harvesters raise up your children you'll send your daughters those that have run from you those that a backslidden Lord we plead the blood right now [Music] what the enemy meant for evil God God should turn it for good [Music] everyone right now in this place I want you to pray after me say Lord Jesus we come to you tonight wash me in your blood it's my heart tonight I step around I step free I step into your grace into your mercy I am a son I am a daughter I am an heir of salvation tonight I receive freedom I receive the anointing that breaks and Ryoka every Bethsaida no longer can hold me for there is destiny Barry's purpose in my heart I repent of every silly for every time my heart is grow cold but tonight the cycle is broken spirit set my heart on fire for you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] never the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's the fire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so hard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] second row there's a lady with dreads yeah yeah yeah yeah bring her here [Music] somebody that suffers with blood clots I feel like some clot in the lung as well some blood clot but blood clots or clot in the lung wherever you are you need to come to me right now God is healing you [Music] where are you from [Music] there's a mighty mantel on your life as you've obeyed the Lord God is birthing it the you will speak to tribes a tongue says the Lord what you dreamed is now your reality says the Lord pour out of your mouth you will speak the Oracle of God [Applause] [Music] somebody's being healed of blood clubs is that person in here if they're watching a line you need to tell us right now God is healing somebody is that somebody is come on quickly lucious you have to help them help them really quick if there's cancer in your body come to me right now from the top of your head to the soles of your feet I command your blood to be made whole I come on every blood clock there it is there it is [Music] they'll go through you ladies [Music] I cursed the seed of cancer in Jesus name as Jesus cursed the fig tree I cursed the root right now go go [Music] [Music] God keeps speaking we had somebody that you're here that you you had an accident it ruptured one of your organs I want to say your kidney or something ruptured an organ ruptured like an internal bleeding if that presence here come to me right now people watching online you can be healed in Jesus name miracles are happening right now in fact if you need a miracle in your body put your hand there quickly right now put your hand there wherever you have pain wherever you need a miracle right now somebody's being healed in your left ear in Jesus name father I speak miracles right now I command miracles to flow in this place I command pain to lose bodies right now loose right now right now right now right now right now chronic migraines is being healed right now in Jesus name chronic migraines I'm talking about pain that makes you cut shut off the lights and you have to go into your room for days God is loosing you right now it's gone in Jesus name I command Crohn's bowel disease be made whole right now in Jesus name I command pain to Lucia body in Jesus fan I command eyes and ears to open now in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name mighty name mighty name I rebuke it right now father in Jesus name I speak to every sickness every disease loosed them and let them go right now hepatitis I rebuke you right now in Jesus name I command I don't even know what this is but somebody with drop drop foot like drop foot that's what the Holy Spirit says to me so I say drop foot something like drops is some cover perilous paralyzing in part of the body right now come on bring your bring it bring it bring it bring it right now [Applause] [Music] Michael come here [Music] hi come on life to flow through him Lord your word has been released and he does not return to you void so Lord in Jesus name I command it to be made whole I come on life team player Lea Hansen in 'pretty lay hands on him right now if there's somebody here right now you have seizure cease your medication you take medication for seizures come to me right now you take medication for seizures in your body come to me if that's you right now right now right now come come come come come come come quickly quickly quickly quickly pray in the Holy Ghost pray in the Holy Ghost right now that's the power of the Holy Ghost going through you goes through you right down i commando seizures go loser loser loser now No right now if you if there's sickness in your body there's a mite you feel the anointing right now there's a mighty anointing here combined that sickness to loose your body commanding right now quickly to loose your body quickly quickly commanded to loose your body right now in Jesus name I command blind eyes to open I command vision to be restored I command someone's speech a speech impediment to be here right now something suddenly with the talk you had some surgery on the tongue some kind of been a piece of your tongue removed it affects your speech God is healing that right now in Jesus mighty name I command every cancer every tumor every disease of the blood diabetes go from their bodies right now I command pain chronic fatigue nerve damage nerve pain to be made whole I command learn this to be made whole right now Hassler loose them right now I command Airways to open in Jesus name I command healing virtue to flow to every organ of your body root stuff and let them go booster right now lose [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quickly right now I want you to test your body if pain has left your body whatever it was test your body right now test it quickly if God has healed you wave at me right now wave at me right now if God's healed you what what's happening tell me right now what's happening bro you had nerve pain where was the nerve pain in your back Jesus I give you praise I give you praise quickly right now if God has healed your body come to me quickly there was a brother here did God's God healed anybody over here what's happening brother what's happening touch your toes come on do something you couldn't do no pain no pain [Music] bring him here somebody with some kind of ringing and deafness test that right now God is healing somebody is there anybody else that God has healed your body right you're here right now wave at me come to me bring me this brother come here easy he's here the king is here right now yeah [Music] quickly join your hands join your hands together join your hands wherever you are join your hands right now that's holy fire here right now [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you what your eyes are Jesus keep your eyes on Jesus eyes on Jesus eyes on Jesus keep your eyes on him keep your eyes on him [Music] that's it that's it better that Sammy's here he's here [Music] [Music] Jesus [Applause] easy right what do you see what do you see [Music] fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 28,268
Rating: 4.8911176 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus is king, kanye west
Id: OE12RBQz4fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 18sec (12738 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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