Pull start rips out of your Hand? lets Fix It. Busted Pressure Washer.

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you guys how's it going I'm at a friend's house that is uh having a problem with a pressure washer I'll let him explain it better than I can what's the deal with it it will run for about ten minutes and then just shuts right off okay I haven't tried to start it today I ran it yesterday I went through the whole thing last year I put a new coil in it new spark plug basic tune-up stuff clean the carburetor adjusted the valve it's never run right my neighbor gave it to me it's just when I got it didn't run at all okay what did you do at that time that time I found out that it had no spark so I replaced the coil make sure I checked the Woodruff key I made sure the timing like it hadn't broken and the timing was off or something it just it's never run right and when it's running it runs fairly good just getting it started is awful then just shut off and it grips the pull start at the end like you pull it five six seven eight times and you know eventually it'll just kick back the last time I tried to start it after it shut off it backfired really bad hmm are you holding the trigger down on the gun when you can start it okay yeah sometimes that fights you - yeah right so you you've cleaned the carp last year you put a coil in it when you first got it and did he ever have problems with it running or was all you never had probably just safley so it's that had an issue when you got it when you enjoy firing it up you put a new hose on it looks like yep and now you're frustrated because it runs for 10 minutes and shuts off all right cool I'll bring it back to the shop we'll see you figure out what's causing it and if night and go buy a new one all right okay so we got it back at the garage let's just get a couple of pulses you know we get guesses on shoka's off trip is on now and it does have fuel in it he's talking about yeah that's not good for the fingernails all right let's get up in the air and now take a peek see we can find so it's like it's a roughly eight horsepower Honda I don't think it's a Honda clone I think it's a natural Honda I don't want they're cheaper machines do you see looks like has a low oil pressure shut off not quite sure what this is doing in the circuit and then it has an on/off switch it looks like it's all in series so we got so now we think to ground is what we're looking for it's probably getting a signal if it gets oil stars for oil it may go to ground and then if you kill it on the kill switch it also goes to ground and then that signal continues on and through whatever it going probably that Craig goes right through the coil itself to complete the path around because he will just cut for quality of fuel light yeah unfortunately yeah even somebody tells you everything that they did you kinda have to go back over it a little metal ring of key or something down there probably off the gas cap maybe it's a little cloudy but I don't see like it has water in it sitting on the bottom yeah a little ring went on the end of that yeah generally stuff like this doesn't really shear the flywheel key we're gonna look at it anyway but it's not something like a lawn mower we can hit something and the engine stops suddenly and then the mast of the fly over wants to continue moving forward and that's what shears the key it's a pressure washer so the only thing anybody has a water pump I'm not saying that a water pump can't lock up and cause it's issues it's just not normal get that plug out of there we'll give a couple Yanks and take a peek at this park real quick guys are commenting on the motorcycle video the Yamaha and my cell phone was going off in the background buzzing fell off get out of the way about my cell phone it's there's a bottom of it right there that little bit of white about the gas cap way over there an air conditioner and hearing the air conditioner just cycle that's all on the on the dark side see see any sparkle on the weak side a spark I wouldn't exactly call that great though gently go for break blue not gonna call that our issue but we're gonna continue moving forward what you want to do is go up pop the float ball off the car but take a quick look make sure there's no water in the fuel which of the gas can be able to capture see if we can Ashley just looked over it out I like to get what's in there so I can assess what's been going on if you see a little bit of water in there that's definitely a go cause you an issue and the water will sink to the bottom it's heavier than gas and dirt and debris but just having a pressure washer always it's always around water looks pretty clean people I do not see anything normally there would be a little tiny puddle of water I got nothing point with you kind of see like with that dirt is right down in there and probably most of that dirt came off of the outside of the bolt trying to get it out of there so much of an issue there I love to sit in the corner sometimes it the water gets so mixed up in it it actually gets suspended a little bit and you let it sit and you look at it 10 minutes later and it could be a little puddle down in there ya tube so we'll put this to the side actually know what let's uh let's let it flow a little bit more just in case there's some sitting in the pet where the tank you know was he wanting to see it runs for 10 minutes and dies also another indication sometimes it could be water in the fuel again I'm not seeing anything right now let's move on so my hunch is telling me it's spark related that's just a hunch so we're still gonna go over all the basis of things that can possibly cause it one of the things we're gonna look for is valve adjustment I don't know if this engine has a built-in decompression valve and sometimes if that's the case you can adjust the valves incorrectly if you don't have it in the right spot let's go with a bump and I'm looking to get both valves well there's no play on them this one seems like it could be a tad loose that's on the intake side I gotta go look up with the spec it's go give it a little bit more see if I could find it feels like it's quite a bit ug valves Bowser vi ow 5000 we can grab a feeler gauge just gonna go get a quick idea to see what these are right now and I don't know where I am on the cam right now but that's Tim pal the exhaust valve I'm sitting straight is 10th out maybe even 11 and this one I'm where I'm starting get on to the stroke that one feels like it's prey by eat horse cows seems a little on the high side a little too much replay so the command to look up the specs and it is six now and eight pal plus or minus one and even with that and kind of on the exhaust I may even go a little bit tighter than that let's give her a little so if you watch it you're gonna watch the exhaust valve and you're gonna see how that gives like a full compression push down right watch it right there did you see it enough you were able to pick up that last a little bit I'm gonna go around again I'm gonna do it under a little bit of speed Falk and then it gives a little bump you see that little bump that it did that's the decompression part of it it probably is moving maybe 10,000 well if you have say six sir we're probably about six out too much room 5,000 much room it's that much longer that the exhaust valve is staying closed and what happens internally when this thing spins up in is running at high speed that that little bump isn't even there it goes away internally on the camshaft there's like a lobe that as RPMs come up it takes it out of the picture it's just to aid in assisting trying to start it again for that like that kickback that you feel and it's more than lucky what's causing it this gap is too much we're gonna go adjust the valves we're gonna go find ourselves a lot of times you can do is take a screwdriver go down inside the plug hole you can go past so you're gonna have one stroke which is the compression stroke and one is the fire so both valves just right there just fired the exhaustion opened then the intake open it's letting it right now it's the Pistons going down it's letting air fuel in because it opened the valve inside piston goes all the way down now the piston the valve closes and then the Pistons going to come back up a little bit of decompression happened right there to kind of let that charge of air that's getting squeezed it let a little bit of that out so it's a little easier for the piston to come up and then it's gonna get pipe whatever top dead center is very National Park a little screwdriver or something we could poke in there hold on one second use a pick feel where the piston is just drop down so we already went to the point where the cylinder would have fired it's pushing back down its gonna come back up now the exhaust valve is the opening after the ball fire happened the pistons is probably the piston is probably about two-thirds of the way down the exhaust valve is opening it's lettuce blowing out all that spent air fuel exhaust mix now the pistons coming back up exhaust valve is closed intake opened Pistons going back down you can take your still open it's still again sucking that air fuel mix in the fresh charged Pistons down intakes closed Pistons coming up squeezing all that air fuel mix that stuff dead center of the little bump probably just happening it notice it right about now it's at top this inner the spark plugs gonna fire and it's going to try pushing it back down and I'm going to try catching it right about a little past that top dead center we're going to adjust the valves that we get feel engaged in a couple of wrenches so the outer nut is the actual one that locks it down and the inner one is the adjustment so we're gonna go crack the outer one loose even use that little line that somebody put on there as an adjustment and yeah we're at six thou not gonna be a ridiculous amount but it's enough you think like half a turn it would be ridiculous would not be much but it makes a lot with the way these are kind of - they kind of rack so you want to hold them squared off actually feels pretty good and a warn you now so a lot of times you go to tighten the outer nut back down it'll make the whole thing get tighter because you're pushing your you're taking the slack out of the threads but we'll see what we get to run that down and with the spectrum yes maybe too tight so what you do is you kind of have to keep in mind where you are and just kind of back it off and try so you're gonna go like and it's going to get rid of that much tighten it down check it still hair too tight if you do the same engine over and over again you get a feel for it like BW so I know I'm really well here cool VW's that's still too tight [Music] probably be too loose man nuu vinner 14 that's pretty good right there I can to give its watch the racking of it that'll they don't mix up here well they just don't say here too tight and even the intake is a little movie side to do the same on that one you can see that mark is now at three o'clock would we start out about 12:30 or so the mark on there right now is that we're gonna go call that twelve o'clock [Music] and you see how much so I already know from the previous one how much it changed when I tightened it down so we're gonna go call it right about the daily don't you tape and the more that you work on one engine over and over again the more you'll know how much of a back off you need to do some of you probably say me yourself really that little bit is what's causing all those issues yes that's a much energy intake but I mean exhaust but we still have a problem he said like this like got a little too close he said that when you would start it up and when she got it running it would say run run but it would die after 10 minutes that would this would not be that problem there's something else kind of going on and that's pretty good right there that's it that's guy it's got a nice uh because if the gauge is too tight you're actually pushing this the valve down you don't want that you don't want to be you influencing that your measurement by actually from the collapsing the mouth they can come off probably here yeah we're gonna leave that alone like that both right at 6:00 what were you able to park this far I am gonna pop the ear cleaner off carburetor rough-looking is already off and let me get that soap and give it a clean just because some time to good you inspect that somebody else has been into before just so that in your mind you can eliminate it you're gonna be something to cut off that fuel supply well no what's that my needlenose best gifts are out somewhere let's see if we can get it with regular ones I'll bet you spit up a bolt in the end of the line to pull that mask it out pull it forward she built it rotating it enough we'll get the throttle linkage off in the spring it takes the slack out of the system got a look at what's going on underneath mainly concerned with the write down inside here that's the main jet where sucks the fuel up it's a lot of corrosion looks like the seal is uh seal me you've been sitting kind of cockeyed sure don't want to watch that because it'll destroy it pull the pin pull the needle just not look cheap dirty it's good for out that over there so I don't lose it and we're gonna want to go pull that we're gonna go pull this little filter you want to support that in the place I should've done it was on the machine nope wanna round off we may just leave that well enough alone that's the fuel intake side of it there's a spider he dead he's dead hit the road let's go over on the bench we'll get it taken down so trying to do in the air over here you see hopefully yeah we're gonna get this is the wrong side screwed arrow but that's the idle speed it's the stop for the throttle stop stepping the throttle plate stopping a certain rpm but reason what we want to take that out because there's another jet hiding underneath it that's held down by it and is this right there and it's actually got to come out even a little bit more there's a lower section that should come out of there too and all that is held in by that well it's not great to soak the plastic in the port's cleaner you get a perfect ever for that my trying to find that best fitting screwdriver you have its brass on aluminum and if the wings of your screwdriver sometimes too will cause you an issue like if you try to use this screwdriver it'll start to go in but the wings hit on the threads on the outside I'm gonna tear up threads and don't go get it out yeah she'd be able to get poked ourselves in there a little bit Moulson - sometimes they come out sometimes they don't push down depends on the card reader sometimes you push the emotion tube out and there's a bunch of little holes in it actually this looks quite good looking at under scope sometimes these little passages can be blocked and will give you uh run issues this looks fairly clean like I said but if I didn't clean it it would have needed to be clean we would have put it back together and it would have been screwed up so we'll take the bullet I'm gonna go throw that in the ultrasonic cleaner let it wash with a couple of selected pieces go have lunch I'll meet you back here in a couple minutes I really like to try to get that off before in a 6-point socket on there so you can get it if not what'll happen is it'll fill up with the park solution should just be gas right yeah there you go because they even have the screen in there so everybody taking it out before us usually I believe it is a screen that's it's down there okay I could use the cleaning and pop the rest of the valve off too if someone's been here ahead of us we called up see it used a regular screwdriver don't let me that just opens the little passageways for the feels that go through which you don't kind of really want to subject to the clue it also now I can go to lunch [Applause] well I saved you the reassembly just to speed things up but pretty much is taking everything and making it clean and putting it right back together again and then I'm gonna do one last check of the the seat and I'm gonna blow in the valve is open upside down I can't blow through it I let the float hang down I can blow through it just making sure that that valve is working correctly the Jets back in bowls back on we are gonna go through that mold back on then we want to rotate that where the drain is accessible when it's off I gotta go look at that so I'll leave that loose for a second we go to put it back on the machine which i think is something like that we'll rotate it how lucky we get just David you can have access at it I mean and it's on there for a later date you can drain the bolt the gaskets that knuckled needs to go on this it's got a pin that goes down and for the choke it's living for the choke - gaskets - bolts let's go put it back on yeah so I think we have the I have the bowl on backwards but I think we have the kickback on the starter address with the valve adjustment but running and dying I have not seen what is causing that yet so I think we still have some more homework to do possibly my guess would be spark related and one thing I didn't show you before I started film is I check the oil level in oil level with somewhat low I did top it off so there's a possibility it was running and shutting off shutting the spark off due to the low oil wasn't terribly low but Oh enough I know on generators they're really picky I've seen them where they're just on the lower of the acceptable marked I've seen it where it's been on just the lower of the acceptable mark it's the high and a low limit and it was still shutting off for it so I did not the life of me see the air/fuel mix on the side that I never took out right and I cannot live with myself knowing I just not be that why did I not see that why did you not tell me actually that I'm gonna grind off the flat that is on there and unscrew that out and blow that passage out it just goes right through there it's just an air-fuel mix rookie I tell you let's try that again and we'll give that a bath [Music] all right put the rest of the air cleaner back on plug-in it cleaned it give her a shot I think we're all set guests on rookies on kefir bricks out of her I would say he still has a problem with spark it seems very intermittent yeah still got issues I think we're gonna do some removal of things that can interfere so we want this is the lead that goes to the coil let's disconnect that and that should bypass all of this stuff see if we get any difference he's on I move it over so don't punch the Vice I wonder if we have no structure no spark it all now hmm just let that play out let's [ __ ] that plug out last shot before we open up insight leads to the magneto plug wire Ron think we're good to go no joke we're free to commit this bark checker on there I mean eyeball what's happening she see it breaking the signal where we're gonna put you I mean I kick you to the left can you see that yeah I'm missing something you're gonna go in take a peek at what's happening in by the magneto possibly there's an air gap that's touching or something along that line [Music] [Music] what you'd see your fly lucky to be an option get some light setup with takeout check out that mag and see what you got don't look that's wrong I think it was parked in that position for a while huh - rough spots that bottom half you can see it the bottom half of that magnet it's really close to hitting a flywheel like the air gaps you tight on that one that looks okay that one not so much let's go run that past the magnets and take a look at the magnet sure loose or anything let's take the center bolt out of crank this right here and we'll take a look at the flywheel key lines eye view looking down it it looks like it's okay but that is not a promise I'm actually going to go take a puller we'll pop this thing off here I wanted to leave them up to surface anyway to get a better air gap on the coil I gotta push that up let's go pop that off there see we got looks okay I do not see general what you'll have is you'll have half a key left in the groove and half a key over to the side now a couple things are coming to mind again that the coil being rubbing I'd give that a 10% if that we're gonna clean that up I'm kind of wondering it to decompression may have broken inside the engine there's another possibility could have a back coil then you coil could be bad I'm gonna take a minute and clean these surfaces up and we'll readjust that put that part of it back together if not years ago I meant to go in just a couple thoughts I got the file cleaned up in back on neck is he here yeah and I'm looking at the airspace and right over there in the airspace break did you see that it's cocked down can you see that so it is definitely cocked a little bit further but he did say he'd replaced the coil on this so one thing I'm kind of wondering if maybe it is the wrong coil again I don't have the old one to go find out let's go pop that off we gotta take it off anyway to set the adjustment correctly let's just go pop that off we'll take a quick look that's the kill wire without that on there getting grounded it'll always have spark I don't see that we should probably I ball that make sure that's not rubbing or cutting into anything well let's get that coil right off of there see if we see anything odd or goofy she had a part number on it see part number kind of compare it let me Google a picture as long as it the other thing too is if you keep mounted it wrong that would change the timing that wouldn't it they have enough wire to reach down below and go like that we're gonna go like of that and that good definitely so what when you pull something over and it does that pre-ignition and that's exactly what what is it it's firing too early when it kicks back like that so the engine is spinning and the Pistons almost up to that top dead center and sunder compressions got the fuel-air mix in it you go to light the spark plug to push the piston and continue the path but what happens when it's ripping the pull-start out your hand is just spinning up here's the magnet that triggers it what I do it the celeritas magnet triggers it sends spark out well this happens a little too early in the piston slot up all the way and it fires that's a ripped that full start out of your hand and close enough that happens so that's kind of a couple things we're looking for that and the fact of the compression to compression release can add to that another thing I'm thinking up to is the quality of fuel if fuel is really old and the octane is its resistance to fire resistance that needs higher temperature higher compression to fire the higher octane you have a lower octane it'll fire easier but at some point you get what's called pre-ignition again it's kind of like what we're dealing with right now so those are things I'm just kind of keeping in mind while I'm playing with this what were you going to do we were gonna look up the coil and see if the one that comes up and looks aesthetically the same as that so I do believe one of my hunches was correct so the pictures I found the coil does look like that coil and it seemed issue with it but the orientation she'd be like that the first thing that was picking on so that I'm sure could make for a week spark and the timing of spark to be incorrect I think there's a diode internally I wonder if you're fighting against that that's just a guess on my part but while we're thinking aloud I'm also mentioned it let's get it off the magnet first of all and they are not that picky to an air-gap it's not like points points are really trying to be right on the money we'll just run these in real quick you need a half piece of cardboard piece of cardboards 25 to use that I also cleaned the flywheel to it cleaned all that rust off and everything is gonna suck that right down I'm gonna bring it by the magnet I'm gonna see how it looks it's a that looks decent I'll check the bottom one who looks that might be in the larger side yeah you've got to do that one more time I think that bottomless need to push down a little harder go tighten that when I first that feels pretty good Anita and that explained why that wire was so long why there was so much space on the kill wire it's the first thing I kind of noticed with it it seemed a little funky in this she just like just be able to go up oil I'd say we put it back together for one more shot till we get from there so motion if I covered it earlier so you wouldn't be seeing this the flywheel key if the flywheel key shears might be easy to see what this off but it's a file shear key shears off where the position of the crank is in the piston when it's at top dead center well if that that key is shifted the flywheel itself could be any position compared to what the crankshaft is and the flywheel is what fires the spark so if the flywheel is out of position say 20 degrees let's say that it's normally lined up right where it is I mean and then the magnet is actually over here it's gonna fire that difference in the timing where it's off so that's why the flywheel key was important to look at because that can directly influence when the coil decides the fire by what position is compared to what the actual center of the engine is that make sense I hope so I don't want to do it again hey it's all back together forget the wires plugged in to me on let's see if it'll rip out of making it joke is off actually that would help put the original plug back in it too so I talked back together with this original stuff didn't hurt that's a good sign try that again ha got it backwards course you can see that coming did you alright I think we need to hook that sucker up to some water and it'd be fair to him he got this not running and no spark and put a coil in it so the could have been the person before him put it in backwards made it so I had no spark and I was what was wrong with the original coil they just screwed up as far as I'm concerned and he just copy to put it back to the other in the same fashion so no uh no what shoes on his Dam is just yeah is what it is comedy of errors they think they call that he's been sitting for about two hours [Applause] although she'd be doing that he said something about a leak you may want to fix that go fire it up see what it does Auto priming should be able to put some through the gun though yeah I think it needs a little bit more love but I think we also have found what the engine issues are with it so that's pretty cool you'll be happy with that I'm not sure with that I think that might be the notice the pressure relief valve or what not to go look into that but again our part was to get the mechanicals to working so where the engine would stay around and start easy so it's pretty good because see from you go fire it up one more time I got to pull the trigger on the hose yeah can't do that one-handed hold on yeah you got to pull the trigger the only machine that can clean itself it's not worked out pretty good anyone a hit up for the gas tank too much but that was it backwards coil and some of the things that need some love too but that was the primary reason why I was doing what I was doing and a valve adjustment a little on the large side too so with that guys I'm gonna go sign off and he's gonna go take care of the incontinence problem it's got there I'm hidden but finding out why the engine was not performing like I should and cutting out and doing everything it was doing we will figure it out so thanks for hanging out with me in the garage doing some wrenching and troubleshooting and figuring out what was happening take a little bit of a journey to go find this one but I'm glad we're able to do it so the next one guys I'll see you later all right I forgot about the the fuel sitting over here for about two hours and it definitely has water in it they tell how much yeah quite a bit - and that was just what was in for the most part the carburetor that means the rest of the tank has it in it's got that cloudy kind of look to it it wasn't clear through the bottom of it so you should probably purge that out let him deal with that myself Lola wait your ball go find it okay I know she's off you smell it Hey well I'm that note we get the ball later I guess would you got that's it game over
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 484,262
Rating: 4.9415312 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, pressure washer, pull start, pull start spring, pull start cord, small engine kick back, power washer wont start, power washer no pressure, power washer carburetor cleaning, mustie1 new videos, will it run, will it run mustie1, cold start, mustie1 will it run, barn find, engine teardown, craftsman, dewalt, troy bilt, toro, ryobi pressure washer, karcher pressure washer, simpson, how to, pull start repair
Id: NS2xdk9-9uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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