PTC Creo 4.0 tutorial: How to create Hole feature

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hi folks in today video tutorial I'd like to show you how to work with whole feature with creo parametric 4.0 we will start from scratch and we will define the whole name if you would like to create a whole feature we need to create some revolve or expert feature it's mean based solid features I will create some really easy shape weight symmetric rectangle and you can see the system automatically create the dimension for me we can edit it or directly come from ok lay and later modify it okay I will hide all unnecessary datum features and I don't want to spin model around the middle object so I will turn it on just in center yeah we have a couple of type of hole and I'd like to show you step by step all types of hole if you would like to create a whole feature that easiest way how to create it you can select the hole directly from the ribbon and select the surface the system will show you two points and these two points this green one you can set us reference you can select surface or edge it depend what you would like to set as reference I prefer to select the surfaces it's much better so right now you can see real easy drag-and-drop the green draggers and the system will show you two dimensions for example x and y ya for the hole you need to specify time engines and that you can see everything is the possible to specify from the 3d window or 3d menu or you can use the ribbon for the hole if you would like to create the same hole but you don't want to use the dragger you can select the whole feature from the ribbon select the primary server face and you can see the selected surface is placed it here and over here you can see the offset references so you don't need to use the dragger you can click here and choose the offset references and offset references are defined here in this menu if you would like to change it you can remove one or more and again with control button you can choose the different one or you can use this dragger and move it to another reference what is necessary to do is define the offset time engine's diameter and depth we would like to focus on the different kind of the hole and we would like to specify the left I will create another shape here for example like this and you can apply the connection or add some another dimensions yeah you don't care about dimensions you can see the system automatically show it everything for you okay so I like the extra feature on the on the backside surface you can really easy select the ship button and the snap to that surface and system will create function to select it so the system automatically jump from the specification of the debt due to the two selected reference and right now I will move my whole to and the system read the model three like you see here from top to bottom some extra or 1 X 3 to 2 and how to my hole is definite we can check if I use the edit definition the that is with dimension so you can see that the system will create necessary hole now the question is if you would like to specify different kind of the depth you can choose the menu here and for example you would like to select the next surface for this whole next surface is this bottom surface or you can use through all and the system will go through all sort of surfaces and you can see the system will create through or you can specify two different options for the selected surfaces I prefer this kind of selection because you don't care if the surface exists or not I will show you different example what I mean so I prefer this one and you can see that I can choose the surface or edge again the better one is if you select the surveys widen use the edge because if you will create on this edge for example the round feature or chamfer feature you will love the reference and you need to repair the hole feature and again if you will specify the that you can use the dragger cheat button and select the references yeah and the system was not automatically two selected objects okay I said that we would like to think about and understand the depth for the hole so right now we know how to specify the debt for the holes again you can create a hole on over here for example and right now I like to select the offset references so you can select the drop down menu from the placement or again another type is if you select off so there Francis from right mouse button again I like this function because it's really is in really quick specification of the debt which you button is selected system will automatically specify to select it okay so right now you specify that you would like to create hole from that surface at the end the question is that we like to go to opposite side so you can see here in the shape is the side too and you can choose different kinds of the vet for example set the number or two next through all and so on and so on the second side I'd like to go with dimensions and my dimension will be for example ninety to nineteen millimeters here so right now I will a little bit repairing my geometry I will delete that hole and in the View tab I like to work with section because I'd like to show you how to hold looks like yeah so this is my hole and again if I select edit and we'll specify this is the dead four side so and you can see here or you can specify side one year nothing so right now you know how to work with different kind of that for the hole I'd like to focus more so I will deactivate the section and we would like to create different kind of holes if I will select one more time the whole feature here you can see in the shape mode that system will create shape like this but sometimes you need to specify the standard drill shape yeah you can see here and right now if you select the placement again I would select the references with control buttons and I forget to more than one objects and right now the system will create for you shade like we need so it's really perfect because we have a dynamic preview and you can see the system will create the training bit for me you can specify the depth again here if you would like to use the shoulder or tip yeah system will specify different type or you can change the angle the default angle for the standard bit is 118 but some problem you can change it if you want or if you have different kind of working so right now you know how to work with this type but if you select this under hole the system will create another two possibilities for you how we can modify this hole here and it means that you can specify the automatically the more than one shape and you can combine these shapes by selected this icon and you can see here a system I love to you the specified dimensions and you can choose what you want yeah so for example you can really easy add the counterbore set dimensions and confirm your in system will create for you the correct hole for now you know how to work with standard hole and counter bore hole for example this all was designed as linear placement what i mean if you create a hole and place the hole yeah the system will automatically place everything as linear it's mean the placement is specified by dimensions x and y but sometimes do you need to create different kind of holes for example i will delete all features and I will create a revolve for something like this for the Revo feature we would like to apply the center line and I don't care about the damage and we can change it is no problem yeah so for now the system will create for me really huge the sketch so it's not problem we can change it for example right mouse button you can choose to modify and I will use the log scale function here and I'd like to change these dimensions yeah this dimension for example I'd like to see as 150 the system will automatically change all under the dimension for me and my base damage is 150 yeah right now you can really easily changed under the dimensions and the system will change it for you okay so we have created the real feature for our new type of holes and the second type of hole is if you would like to play the hole directly over here but you don't want to use the X Y or Y a linear positions no I don't want to use this one so you can go away and in the placement tab you can change the type hole for example to radial or diameter if you would like to work with radio the system will ask you select two references one plane and H or X's it's okay select axis and select the plane and the system will create for radius and angle so you can see here we can change the angle for example 125 and radius 55 diameter for the hole and that is possible to change yes we talk to you we can go through all ok so right now I have created radial dimensions if you would like to specify the diameter you can only change this option and system will automatically create the time at damage and for this hole these type of hole is really good if you need to use the pattern feature and you would like to apply for example every 45 degree will be altogether eight holes yeah perfect so it's good it looks good and from now you would like to work wait hold feature one more time yeah you can apply hole create a hole and right now I'd like to create a hole on that axis so you can see here the system automatically changes option to crack CL but in placement tab you need to select more than one option it means solid access and control button and start surface and you can see the system will create for you Clark CL hole now you know how to create linear radial diameter and Clark's air holes same logic we can use on existing one yes Oh create a hole and with control button I will select axis and stop start surface we can change the shape and depth yeah so I will create something like counterbore but it would be more than one feature in the model tree this is another career is feature basically it's much better if you create more than one feature you can really easy modify this feature directly and found it yeah ok so I have created the another type of coaxial hole here and again you can use the pattern feature and the system automatically recognize that it's the reference button so if you confirm the system will create the features on the existing button that's good and another question is okay if it is all about the holes or we can create something more yeah no problem so you would like to continue and I'd like to create a hole on that surface okay some of the surface and right now we need to specify that the first dimension will be offset that from that surface yes so right now you can see the system will create for me the offset dimensions and then that hole is the oriented directly to the middle axis so it will be good if you will be specify the angle so select the middle plane and the system will create for you the I will change in damage in a little bit yeah and you can see the system is always oriented directly to the middle axis and offset it by dimension you can see all dimension here so select X surfaces this one and offset references is surface and datum plane so you can change the damage in here directly and for example 45-degree but somebody asked me if it is possible to set a different orientation and you would like to create a hole here but you don't want to orient that hole directly to the middle axis and directly here but you want to go perpendicular to that datum plane so no problem you can see here the system will change it directly it looks nice so over here is the whole orientation you can remove it sister will go directly there in the to the axis or you can change the orientation of the hole you can see here the sister go creates right now to hold perpendicular to surfing to the selected surface okay maybe for more better explanation is that I'd like to make some another modification so again I will create release shape and okay so for example I'd like to create a chamfer here the chamfer will be specified with angle and the angle will get a little bit different why I have created this type of the chamfer here because I'd like to use the whole feature over here we can place it and specify the placement dimensions and I'd like to orient this hole directly to do that chamfer feature and right now you can see that I can drive my whole orientation directly with this jumper if I was specifying again the section for example here you can see that if I will modify the temper dimensions the system will orient the hole for me so it's not considered to use many channels but sometimes you need to create these relationships between tube features and I like it I observe did you like it this is an example - and for more orientation you can use for example datum planes or taken features what does what I mean so I will deactivate it again so if you would like to create the hole on any surface for slide line to create home here yeah and directly here over here on that surface I like to create a whole is a problem create a point on that surface and set placement yeah it means that you have specified the placement for this point the point is place it on that surface specify dimensions and if you select the hole the system will automatically create the whole feature dialect directly on that point if you will move with the point the system will move with the hole so you have a references and the question is if you don't want to see at this point because this point is necessary for the hole you can sleep set and drag to the hole so the system will automatically make it group here and the point is hidden or if we would like to edit right now the placement for the hole is specified by this placement of the hole okay and this thing so that is everything know we have a under the types of hole and it's a standard hole for example it would like to use the iso standard or different kind of standards you can set the custom dimensions here for example you would like to create m 20 / 2 and the placement and set reference placement and what the system create is in the shape tab you can see the system will create for you whole US metric metric sight yeah if you finish the system will create information for you you can switch off this annotation display and if you change the visualization for for example to no hidden or hidden line you can see here that this is the whole creatives in stand away and this whole is weight threat in the drawing is the possible gain which will reside this threat and show all dimensions so you can see here let's this tango create for you that whole was created as M 20 ok and if you would like to create your custom hole no problem set up the whole solve the placement and you can specify the placement here and then over here is the small icon you sketch the define drill hole profile if you select this function you can jump to the sketch and the system will allow to you to create a center line and then you can create your custom shape of holes so for example I'd like to create shape like this don't forget that you create something like a revolve feature and again the whole 12 is really small one I'd like to create for example 25 the best way if you select all dimension right mouse button modify and log scale and damn time engines I will found it here yeah the dimension will be 25 and every time engines are modify automatically what is necessary to do for this sketch is that horizontal line is placed it on the top in the sketch and that horizontal line is placed directly for the placement surface yeah so for example like this or if you change the orientation I will remove everything and I'd like to place this hole here yes system will create for me dynamic preview and specified for me so if I finish this feature and we will show the section we can edit this section and we can plug in a little bit and you can see that system create for me our whole like we need or like we specify directly in the sketch so over here you you have seen a couple of example how to work and create different kind of whole features with creo parametric 4.0 stay in touch and thank you bye bye you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 75,647
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Keywords: creo, parametric, tutorial, proe, proengineer, Pro/E, Pro/ENGINEER, video, hole, ptc, vpalffy, 4kside, pattern, feature, creo tutorial, proe tutorial, creo tutorial for beginners, creo tips and tricks, creo for beginners, 4kside creo tutorial, vladimir palffy, creo modeling tutorial, 3D basic modeling, creo basic modeling, 3D modeling, creo tutorial for mechanical engineering, ptc creo, creo parametric, How to create Hole feature, hole creo parametric, creo hole tutorial, creo hole pattern
Id: 18z1SGlr0uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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