PTC Creo 4.0 tutorial: How to create Round feature in Creo

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hello everybody here is new video tutorials with creo parametric 4.0 and how to create and use round features I will start from scratch and voila while I have defined a new model main system will show me datum planes coordinate system and everything what is defined so we can see here directly I will a little bit repair the visibility of the icon because on the next time I'd like to switch off or switch on some necessary datum feature here so you can right mouse button and add or remove anything what is proposed here I will continue with expert feature and extrude features necessary select the sketch plane and system will automatically orient the references in the sketch you can specify axis or symmetric axis and then system automatically create symmetric rectangle in the sketch you can change dimension by double-click or cell right mouse button and specify new values you can create more than one features directly in the sketch and you can delete any segments so I can use the function delete segments and again change the dimension if you are satisfied with with the sketch you can come from ok and with dynamic preview you can select right mouse button and change the orientation so right now I set that will be use it exit feature of symmetric and you can specify the dimensions start to here okay if I would like to show and continue with round feature you need to select the icon from here or you can see that I can use the quick met key and I can use the are directly from the keyboard so if you select that icon system asked you on which surfaces or which AGC would like to play the round I will start with edgy selection so if I select one edge the system automatically show me dynamic preview and I can set custom value or custom dimensions I will expand this information window here that I have select a one set if you select directly here the another edge the system will specified second edge so this is the third one and the second one you can change the dimension for the round feature here or dialogue tree directly from 3d view the question is that I would like to specify the same round or same radius for more than one edge so on the second side of the object I will select one edge change the radius and with control button I will select the opposite one you can see right now that in the set number three I specify two edges and right now if I will change the time engines the system will change both selected radius you can continue so for example you can select another edge and with control button another one and specified if you confirm the system will create one round feature in the model tree and if you would like to edit the system will show room necessary dimension and you can see it is possible and how it look if you set really big or huge the radius you can see it right now was a problem a little bit with creation and then the system need to recalculate the round for you it is something like this that is I will specify a really big one the system will show me sorry the round is not possible to create because it's really big so it's I like this function because system automatically show you if the round feature is possible to create or not with dynamic preview you can select edit definition function from the flyout menu and if you would like to change or add some necessary edges you can select where you would like to add for example I'd like to add to the set to the another edge yeah so right now you can see that in set 2 I have a two edges and right now the system will modify everything for me if you would like to delete some unwanted set you can use the right mouse button and delete the set so create round feature on the selected edges or men each visibility it's really easy the question is if you would like to continue and you can want to use the edges but you would like to use the for example the combination of select edge surface and so on so I will delete create that feature and I will change this expert feature a little bit so I'd like to change the sketch and you can see here that it's possible create a corner yeah and then I can delete unwanted if you come from okay the system will repair the geometry for me and then maybe I'd like to modify a little bit like this I will apply under the expert feature here and in the sketch I want to see hidden lines and you can see that is the possible to create the another shape so I will continue and for example like this yeah specify dimension confirm okay and then you can add or remove the material if you go inside the system automatically remove or add okay I know that you know how to do it so I will leave it like this and what I need to do is select and around and create a round feature if I would like to create new round feature I can specifies the edge but right now I need to select control button and specify it one more time so you know cuz I assure that it's a possible donĂ­t think is that do you want to use not edges but you would like to create round between two surfaces so one sometimes it's really good if you select a surfaces and the system will create for you the round feature directly on the selected surfaces and it looks like this I will delete again these features and I'd like to show you more so here the question if it is possible to create the round feature and select surface control edge you can see the system automatically create the round feature for me and the system always will be attach it to the to the edge either round is really small it is not a touch it if you create a big one the system will attach to this sir to this selected edge so this is the another option how you can use the round feature another options I would like to show you if you would like to create two surfaces so at the beginning I will create a third round and then I will create the another round for example like this then we would like to create a new round feature so I will select the round feature and select the two surfaces and again you can see the system will continue as a tangent attachment and you can specify the radius for the create a transition encounter so in this quick example you have seen that is the possible to create round feature only on the one edge or more than one edges specify the sets you can create round feature between selected edge and surface or between more than one surfaces yes for example two surfaces I'd like to continue on this shape and speak about selection so again we would like to create a new round feature and if I will create that edge and finish the feature and then I'd like to continue and we will select this edge the system automatically creates for me the attitude and tangent round feature here again on the opposite side which control and I will select another page and the system will drive these edges okay the question is if you would like to continue and go through the whole shape again I will select control button and it's done right now I have selected four edges and the system will create correct shape for me the question is if it is possible to specify shape on the one selection existing edges and I will modify that a little bit again so something difficult and for example like this the question is if I will change the shape right now a little bit and then create new round feature you can select one edge and if you select shift and next surface the system will create surface loop you can see that right now the system will create the round feature around the selected surface okay provide erection one more times select on the edge and use shift button and surface and the system will create for you the round feature straight on here for what is it good if you will create and apply any feature in front of this selected round it means you can move the engine here you will add some another features for example champion feature or another round feature here and so you are a little bit destroyed the geometry which was selected originally and right now if I will move engine here a system create a round feature on surface connected edge again my life is function I use it many time that I select one edge and then shift button and surface and system will create for me the round feature on the other loop I'd like to continue you can see here that one easy shape of extrude feature I can use and explain to you almost everything what is applied for the round okay what about next the question is my colleague asked me can I create a sketch and use this sketch as a treatment round feature place there is no problem so here is the one example I will change the shape a little bit and I will create a new sketch and my sketch going will be that surface and I'm satisfied with the orientation over here I like the clear creative spline and for example I will start out from here and this is the final shape of my round feature so I'd like to show you how we can create a variable round feature base it on the curve the curve is exist on my 3d model and I can create around the system ask me you can see here it isn't that I need to sell a branch so I will show the edge reference but I want to use the the standard round feature I'd like to create variable so and over here you can see that is the function through curve if you select this function the system ask you can you select the curve okay I'd like to set up the curve and right now you can see the system will create for me variable round basil and the curve I will go back in my sketch and stage the shape for its center a little bit so I'd like to change the shape of my spline so you can sell a double-click and use the at point and you can move right now here or add or remove the point yeah and if I come from okay and come from okay the system will create variable round for me based on the curve nothing the further example how you can use the variable round there's the question it is a possible to create different kind of valuable round feature okay so we can continue solid edge and if you use this point it means that we'd like to change the radius you can use the right mouse button here and use the function edge radius for now you have specified that you would like to use the two points at the beginning and at the end it will be a variable round okay but again can I create more than one or two dimensions variable rounds yet in a problem solver again run right mouse button and each radius right now you can see the system create for you the moving point on the selected edge this moving point has a dimension and if you select it's a percentage value so if you would like to be in the middle of the curve you can select the number open five and radius the selected radius will be directly in the in the middle or if you specify the different kind of radios manually or you can select and drag a program and you can change for example twenty percent of the end or another side it's me each person yeah four point eight and if you finish the system will create for your valuable round this variable round was created on one selected edge the question is if you would like to create a valuable round here a problem solid edge just angle create continues round and again so right mouse button and specify value if you would like to continue you can use the edge radius and move right now the system will move on the first selected edge but no problem you can drag and continue and system will jump to another one then so again you can use the ads or deals or bill it and you can move and change so how many radius point you would like to add you can specify and you can use that every line from the selected edge and if I confirm I have variable round created on my trading model that sound good another question is if you select around the system automatically continue on the selected edge you can see here the system continue on the selected edge but sometimes it's not good because you would like to stop this round feature yeah so it mean I'd like to create around only on this page I don't want to continue over here in the ribbon you can found the PCs and right now I have pcs one so if you only select the piece is one you can drag this option and set i'd like to create the round feature on only first pc and the system will create something like this yeah so i hope show that you like this function i use it many times huh and I can set only one piece for more than one piece on the selected edges that's good Hanna's option is if I would like to create another round feature on that edge I don't want to use hole selected edge I like to use only it only a few percent each year so how I can use it okay don't create a round feature but at the beginning to create a point it's a quick way how we can specify the reference and then if you have a created point you can see here that you can specify the ratio it mean again if you select 0.5 it will be in the middle or if you select 0.20 point when t5 it will be the quarter of the selected edge you can specify the next end depending where you would like to stop or you can set the real numbers which will mean ninety millimeters from the start point so specify the placement for the reference point and right now I would like to see the point here so switch off and you can see that right now the system will show me only point in the View tab you can switch on the point AK for displaying and right now you can see the name of the point what you have created go back to model tab and set a ground feature and if I will select the edge the system will create for me the round yes I like to speak about more in the transition so you can see here there is a transition top and over here is the icon switch the transition mode so if I will go here the system will show me that end of the round feature is based on some transition on the left side or right side if I will select the left side and right mouse button the sister will show me how can I work with this transition and I'd like to stop as reference and my reference will be point that's good so here is the example how you can stop around feature on any selected reference the reference can be point or datum planes you can try and from now we can again create on the small edge for example something like this and again another round feature here between two surfaces and finish so I observe that you like the example how you clean the stop at any selected reference I have start to speak and show you how you can work with transition so if I would like to show you more about transition I will delete all created features all round features and I will again change their shape a little bit so for example will be look like this and when spoken that is the possible to create round feature on selected edge so we can select one edge and specify the radius and if you select the another edge and specify different kind of the radius here the system will create for you the intersection of these two radios sorry it's it's better for this better example if I will select more than two edges so I will add the another one as you can see here the system will work with transition here and specify for me intersect you can see the final result will be intersect corner shape all round only so if I will finish you can see that right now I run only or I can select the definition and choose okay from drop-down in your right mouse button can use for example intersect so the system will change the intersection of the three rounds by transition mode you can specify this transition again if you will work with different kind of round feature and again you can see you as a system will create for you some transition yeah it depend about the shape what you have here and you can specify how would like to stop the round feature and the system will change a little bit the end of the round okay sometimes you can create the small round feature and then if you specify the round feature between two surfaces you can create a bigger one this kind of the creation of the round feature is useful if we have a problem with small surfaces and it's really hard to create the bigger radius so it's something like tip how to modify and create rounds we can go back and delete these examples and I like to show you how you can create full round feature I will change the shape again a little bit and something bigger okay so if I will create a round feature and if you select the first edge and control button second edge you meet the create sometimes full round is mean you need to specify correct dimension here so you need to automatically attach these edges you don't need to found the dimensional program you can use the sides and over there is the function full round if you will select the function full round the system will create a full run for you and if you would like to continue no problem you can select the another edge and control button and again you can select the button full round also like right mouse button and function full round so this is the my example how I use the full round feature and it worked for outside edges or if I will create new expert feature and for example like this yeah and I can create the to run feature here I like the crea because isn't necessary to spin the model because the system automatically recognize inner edges and you can use the right mouse button full round and again you can see here that the system create a first set for you and you can select another edge and another one and for round so we can combine right mouse button or selection from the side okay so it was quick example how you can use the full round feature and you asked me please enough is not possible to select surfaces yeah and following them you can select surfaces too so here is a quick example how we can create round feature full round feature with selected surfaces so some of the round feature select opposite surfaces and system ask you over here that you can select top surface for full round so some of the top surface and sustengo sir create full round for you again if you change the shape the system will always create the full round feature with dynamic preview yeah okay so it was a quick example how to use the full round each I want to show you that sometimes if you create the complicated shape is really hard to create the round feature I will create new sketch and in the new sketch it will be only two lines directly from the surface and you can see here that I like to show you how to create and use the sweep feature with creo parametric 4.0 it will be only quick example because with sweet feature we're going create more and more so quick example how to use the sweep feature and select sweet feature and select the curve and in the sketch I will create some center line so circle and for example like this bigger is okay right now the system do not connect the surface but not problem you can select the option tap and use the merge ends and right now you can see the system automatically merge and to the predefined existing solid geometry and I'd like to use the sweep feature or use the function copy and paste so I will use the copy and paste and the system asked me select the curve what we would like to place it okay fine maybe we can change a little bit the shape of the edges so I will use the modification like here yeah that will be fine okay right now with the question if it is possible to create a round feature here on that edge if you select the edge and the system will show you only this preview its mean that is really hard to create a round feature here and where is the problem if you have a look here in the set you can see the system will create a round feature as a rolling ball but you can change the rolling ball to normal to spine and right now you can see the system will change it down in preview and it's the possible to create a round feature here so if you have a complicated geometry do not use the rolling ball function abnormal to spine and you can specify the dimensions and the system will create the round feature for you again maybe some example whatever what does it mean and how it work over here you can see that is rolling bolt it's mean that system will create the round feature how you will roll the ball on the radio's 80 because it's a circular but in the side is the possible to create the different kind of the connections and then for example you would like to create d1 and d2 conics what does it mean the system will create for you different kind of radius so for example parabolic or hyperbolic radius yes so you can see here the system will right now create for me hyperbolic or parabolic radius for me so you can specify the different kind of the quality what about quality if I will create a round feature here the system will automatically create a tangent connection I can say that the system will create the tangent connection because we have a analyzes curve a trade for example music reflection and if I have select the surfaces you can see right now that this player will create for me the tangent connection yeah it's not continuous mirroring or reflecting geometry but if you change this round create a definition function and you will specify that you would like to create a c2 continues you can see here that round uSAgain spline cross-section with the curvature continues to the surface is infuse the same analyzes reflection you can see right now that system will create for me nice the connection between two surfaces this function is really useful if you work with surface modeling okay so I will change the shape again a little bit and I will delete some preferences and features hockey I like to show you how you can create automatic round for all ages what do we mean you don't need to select edgy step by step and use the control button and specify dimension or you can use the ctrl button shift button and combination yeah for example here again inside radius will be for example oh yeah how the radius is 25 and inside radius will be only time yeah so you can use the combination and again this is inside radius so you can use the selected edges and functions and you need to continue yes Alexander geez and continually spend here two minutes now I can want to select edges manually I'd like to use the function out around and you can see here that you can specify outside radius will be 25 and inside radius can be same something small bigger is the time what you need I said that my inside radius we need ten if I confirm a system automatically create rounds feature here yeah everywhere for what is it good if you will change the shape for example I will create another round app or Excel feature here listen to my this I can add material and I will put the inside here so the system will automatically create for me it's a correct one feature or I will select the definition and I like to remove and create a hole then so system automatically create the outer round feature for me and I said ok but I don't want to create out around everywhere for example you don't want to create out around on this selected edges because you would like to create it later you can select out around edit definition function and you can exclude any edges for example I'd like to select all vertical edges from this extrude feature again you can select one by one or you can select right mouse button and left mouse button and the system automatically select all vertical edges for you okay so if I come from okay the system will do not create round feature on excluded edges you can do it same here right mouse button and left mouse button and continue what Wow perfect I'll tell to do like my example how to create and use the round feature with creo parametric 4.0 I try to show you how you can create a round feature on edges surfaces combination between surfaces and edges create a full round features or define the better quality of the round and at the end you have seen how to use and work with full round feature see you soon and bye bye polymer you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 19,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, tutorial, proe, proengineer, Pro/E, Pro/ENGINEER, video, Variable Round, Full Round, Round properties, stop at reference, vpalffy, PTC, 4kside, creo tutorial, all in one, proe tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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