Creo Tutorial for Beginners | Complete tutorial | Creo Basics modeling | Introduction to Creo

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system automatically create necessary damaging for me in the sketch if you create centerline as a datum feature the system automatically create or change dimensions and create the diameter dimensions so I like to finish the sketch ok yeah and you can see here I will switch off the date displaying of the planes and if I use the right mouse button over there is the function show section dimension so you can see here a system automatically creating the sketch for me the diameter dimensions so you can specify the dimension in the schedule directly here you can change it is no problem so for example 20 and 40 and you can come from so create the real feature is really easy you need to specify only that you would like to create a river feature you would like to specify the sketch plane and in the sketch specify the shape yeah so I'd like to specify the new shape here as a rectangle and centerline if you always create centerline in your sketch the system automatically create dammit the dimension here also 300 if my sketch is attach it to centerline the system will create the closed shape if it is not attach it you can see here the system will create for me the rebel feature as a whole with hole there's no problem you can combine open brave all feature it close it and it is necessary in the future you can create a hole if you create a hole here you can again use that existing exists and use the whole feature here and specify from which surface you would like to create a hole you will specify the diameter and depth yeah so for this example the depth of the hole will be 2 all it will be directly go through the whole 3d model so it was a really quick example how to create whole place it on the axis but I like to focus and continue with revolve feature so over here we would like to create some cuts again if you select a real feature you can specify and select the schedule sketch plane or you can use the placement define and over there is the function use preview sketch and the system automatically jump the previous sketch if you would like to create another shape for example here I'd like to attach to the surface you can use the Alt key and system automatically add this information as the reference you will specify the informations or necessary dimensions and you can change it again so for example like this and or if you would like to modify more you can use the right mouse button and over there is the flyout menu with modify icon and again you can set the new numbers and confirm with enter from the keyboard directly here there are two option how you can modify the dimension directly by double click or use or select the time engine and use right mouse button modify or over here you can see the modify icon or function if you come from okay right now you can see that I don't specify the central dialect in the sketch okay it's enough for me this time engine so I will confirm okay right now the system asked me can you select the curve or edge or axis for what because we need to use the axis of revolution a system automatically recognized that is the possible to remove the material yes it's true because I'd like to remove this material and I'd like to remove around the axis 360 degree angle so okay everything is fine from now it was really easy select feature create a sketch and finish but what will be happen if you will start with different shape different angles and so on so I like to focus on the next example but I need to start with extra feature you know that we can create excellent feature really easy and it's a really similar terrible feature we need to select our function extrude and directly from the model tree we can specify the sketch plane I will use the symmetric rectangle with any dimensions okay and for example that like this okay and if you would like to continue with regal feature here you can see that it's the possible to specify revolve under any surface and the gain we can specify the shape what we would like to revolve with the image in here I have created rectangle and right now I like to add the river feature here so if I select okay the system ask me select the straight curved edge axis or so on and so on so if you select this edge the system will automatically rotate or make her axis of revolution around this edge if you select that edge you can really quickly change the axis of revolution and the system automatically add or remove the material yeah what is the defined the axis is defined here so if you would like to change it a problem you can change it here or you can use the inner axis what does it mean I will go back to the sketch and if I select XE directly I'd like to create a centerline in the sketch and it will be looks like this and if I come from ok maybe if I will add material you will see that I can use the internal axis and the system will add material for me or remove dynamic preview you can recognize it really easy and see what will be happen okay right now I use the 360 degree of angle I don't want to use the what I don't want to spin around axis for a 360 degree I'd like to use a different angle and you can see here that is the possible to use the custom angle and you can use the custom angle to one side or another side if you'd like to remove the material you can switch over switch on yeah and then you can specify the angle the ankle orientation or specification can be defined the symmetric lifts to both side or you can go here and I don't want to specify symmetrically either I would like to specify the first here there will be 120 degree and the second side will be for example to select it and will be so that surface yeah and right now the system ed material here or you can specify the variable and a different angle and again you can choose if you would like to add material or remove material it was example how you can work with revolve feature and specify different axis of revolution for one sketch or how you can specify the angle the last thing would I'd like to show you is how we can use and create surfaces with revolve feature okay I will start from scratch and I'd like to create real feature and my sketch plane will be front datum plane and in the scheduled game I will create a center line and open shape what does it mean I will use only one line and if I close or if I finish and come from okay the system automatically show me the message that it is not solid because the shape is not closed okay I'm satisfied with it so I will go back here confirm okay and the dynamic preview you can see here right now that is the surface so if you would like to pick about a surface modeling you can really easy jump to surface it here so if you finish the river feature the system will create the surfaces for you but Alec can show you more so if I will celebrate the definition and go back to the sketch and I will close the loop it's this time right now I work with surfaces so if I will only would like to see the final version no no I don't want to use the surfaces I like to create a solid right now you can see the system change the colors okay so right now it's a solid model but we don't want to use and create a solid model we would like to use the Ravel feature and again I'd like to use the preview of sketch and in the sketch I like to create similar shape and close and ripple feature ask me about the centerline and we'll be surface modeling so you can see here again two different colors that if you create the solid model it's a definite by different color like if you create a surface surfaces so it's really easy to recognize what was defined as a solid model or other surface you can specify the thickness for the crap for the line I will select something bigger in my sketch it was created only one line I have specified that this line is a 5 millimeter of a fake as a fake and for better explanation you can see here and how its work if you create only line or open sketch you can specify that we will like to add material as a solid model with specified thickness the system can add material on the one side of the sketch or inside of the sketch or symmetrically so if I specify the different thickness again you can see here I can go outside from the sketch inside from the sketch or symmetrically so right now it's up to you how you would like to specify the thickness and angle and you finish your sketch I'd like to thank you for time and in today video tutorials you have seen couple of example how you can use an edit wriggle feature with creo parametric 4.0 hi folks in today video tutorials I'd like to focus on the sketch feature in the creo parametric 4.0 for better explanation I will create a solid model with some you have to specify some names and you can see here that I will start a directed from the extrude feature and my sketch plane will be for example the front I said that for better explanation I would like to define some shape for the extra feature so for the quick example I will make a symmetric excellent feature okay if you are working with 3d models you have too many times specify for example the extra feature revolve feature or run on the type of features and inside of this feature is necessary to define the section or you can select the sketch feature and directly use and create 2d curves I like to focus on the sketch functions and for better explanation I will create another extra feature you can see here directly from the ribbon is the possible to select the icon create extrude feature or you can select the map key X or if you select the sketch plane you can specify the another feature for example X will revolve each row and so on okay so we would like to focus on the sketch so I will select this surface as my sketch plane and for better visualization I can switch the shading with edges you can see here the system automatically spin the model directly in the sketch for the x32 and if you spin the model you can select this icon and system again jump the schedule over here is the question if you would like to use this orientation or you would like to specify your custom one so for the sketch at the beginning is necessary to set up the correct orientation the best practice is if you will prepare your orientation directly in 3d so before you start work with extra feature for example you would like to see the orientation of this 3d model directly here so I will select the extrude feature and the system will spin the model directly in the sketch only a little bit hey you can see the spinning wonder was not so if I will jump and orient model a little bit right now and we'll select the gain extra feature the system will spin and orient model correctly for me okay so right now we know how to prepare your 3d model if you would like to create a sketch and the system will create a correct orientation in the sketch here is the question if you are satisfied or you would like to modify this orientation we have a couple of example how to orient the sketch and the first one is the sketch setup so if I will select the sketch setup you can see here that system will show me which surface is my sketch plane and orientation plane yeah and you can see here that you can select for example different orientation plane so I can remove it or I can select another one and set the placement yeah so for example I'd like to use the selected surface on the right side and the system will spinned the 3d model rather claw how I need for my sketch okay so this is the first orientation directly if you finish the schedule Rhian tation the system will select some references and you know that in the sketch is necessary specify the references if you would like to attach some line arc self close and so on for a sketch so right now the system will select this pattern references and you can add the another references yeah you can set an add how many references or how many you need in your sketch and the question is for what gives it good these references this reference is again you can use for your orientation so another new things in creo is if you select reference directly in the sketch and you use the right mouse over there is the function section orientation and you can use these reference for example us horizontal and the system will orient that reference as horizontal or you can select another one right mouse button and select again for example horizontal the question is how its work with sketch set up the sketch set up is independent of this orientation so if you jump here again you see you can see here that I have select the first sketch plane and this is my orientation plane yes so the system doesn't care what you have specified in sketch setup because you have specified the modification of the orientation directly in the sketch so right now you know how to orient model directly for example for the sketch setup or base it on the references if you add another reference for example this one again you can spin an orient like a need for example vertical yeah and the question is how the system will have a look on the 3d model in the right mouse button section orientation you can see here then you can have a look from front the back or opposite so you can flip sketching plane and the system will in the going the opposite direction if I will go back to schedule I can see here that my sketch plan is on the back war yeah it's on the back or if I still have scheduled annotation flip sketch plane right now I can see that is in front off yes so you can see here it directly in front of of the sketch in the right mouse button you have a lot of possibilities what to do you can reach their section orientation you can flip section orientation yeah so what does it mean you have select this reference as the orientation is vertical but you would like to see it opposite way so no problem you can set flip section orientation and sister have spinned although about 180 degree again and here is the question if you will delete some reference yeah I will delete some reference and for example later we would like to add this reference because if you would like to create the line you would like to directly snap to the to the existing lines you can is not problem you can select the reference window and you can select any line surface or edge directly from 3d and add these features as the reference and if you use these references in your sketch the system will remember for example I will create really easy rectangle only I will connect only two edges here you can see here that I will attach my sketch directly to two references and the system automatically will remove and use it references so if I will confirm this sketch and then I will go back to the sketch so you can see here placement and edit the system removed the references so that's perfect you can add how many references you need and the system will use only what you select so for now you know how to use the sketch setup and how to use the references in the sketch and you will ask me if it is possible to add references on the fly when I said yes no problem you can delete a sketch yeah I'd like to focus our over here and I'd like to create another lines or shape so I will create a new line you can see here the system will automatically snap the edge of existing edge and the system will automatically add this reference or you can use the Alt key and select the surface or agents and you will add the reference on the fly and you can follow and finish your sketch for example create standard lines so here is the answer how to create references on the fly and what about another features I will go straight on and create another features so you can add the another objects for example extrude and continue if I will create the extrude feature and I will go straight on you can see here that we would like to create for example for this extra feature directly in the sketch the axis therefore what is it good because next time I'd like to use it here some all on this axis the best practices jump in the sketch selected the definition and in the sketch create a datum point if you create in the sketch datum point for example here the system will transform this point in taxes while the system will create the extrude feature yes so you can see here right now the system created for me the axis this axis was placed at directly in the section for extra teacher and what about another datum features in the sketch if you will create only sketch its mean you would like to create the 2d curves again you can use the map key from the keyboard s and the system will create a sketch for you or you can select the sketch service surface or sketch plane and over there is the flyout menu you can select the sketch and over here in that sketch I'd like to create for example coordinate system or I'd like to create a couple of points or I'd like to create a centerline okay for example no that one it will be good for visualization so in that sketch I have created only axis points in coordinate system directly from this ribbon from this group if I will confirm okay you can see directly in 3d the system created for me in the sketch coordinate system a few points or axes and in the future you can use these lines or datum planes than some features for your another features for example River and so on so again you have learned how to create datum features directly in the sketch but what about another options what we have to do for what we can do in the sketch I don't want to see datum features right now so I will continue with axis feature again and over here I'd like to create and use some another feature if you would like to create the the line is no problem you can select the left mouse click and create a necessary shape and you can see here that system automatically snapped some constraints for example you would like to create the shape like this but you sometimes you make mistakes and you don't specify the correct placement of the point yeah that point I have select and place it not correctly it was not select horizontally so you can select right mouse button and over there you have the function set horizontal and that line will be created horizontally or you can select another line and set vertical so you can work with constraints directly from the menu the best practice is if you create some shape and over there you like to create for example perpendicular or parallel equal and so on you can while you see the icon you can use the right mouse button and the system will lock these constraints for you and then the system you can move the mountain system will always create a perpendicular constraints for example or again if I would like to use the parallel I can select right mouse button and system will lock this information for me and again you would like to use the coincident a problem shall right mouse button yeah and confirm and again you would like to go here or somewhere the problem the system will show you what constraints you can use if you don't want to use for example this coincident you can select two times right mouse button and the system will never use the coincident but the question is are it like to use it in the future yeah no problem select right mouse button one more time and you can again Lock this coincident and the system will snap it and what about the lines here sometimes you need to move that point this existing point or you can create the corner is up to you you can use the corner and the system will create a corner between selected lines or I use the many times that I like to select the edge and select control button and I like to move it and you can see the system automatically again create a coin stand for me and the system will close the sketch and what about arc again it's a it's work same you would like for example snap it here lock confirm and select the another one and create some arc and yeah I will select the end and with control button I will and it what is necessary to do delete these lines again it's up to you you can use the control button yep for better visualization I will switch off the dimensions or I can switch off the coincident again and in the future I can switch n so this point I like to move it and sister will snap so you can really easy modify the shape of the existing line or again no problem you can use the delete segment and the system will show you the trimming line and if you go through the existing line the system will trim the existing line here again if you would like to work with time engines or constrains you can switch on switch off for example you can use the great or select visualization of this points okay so right now you know a little bit how to work with constraints you know that is the possible to create the objects for example lines or arc and so on and then you can lock the constraints or you can create a shape for example like this and then you can use the right mouse button and select the possible constraints or you can select for example the constraints directly from the ribbon and use these constraints say for example parallel or perpendicular and select references if you select the more than two references here a system will show you more possibilities for constraints so for example like this or I like to specify the same length if you would like to delete some constraints is no problem you can select the constraints and use the delete from the keyboard and the system will again show you and create the dimensions necessary okay it was some example how to use the constraints and what about the manipulation in the sketch I will spin again my sketch in 2d we can delete unnecessary edges and I'd like to show you how you can work with symmetric object for example the best practice is if you are working with the centerline here because you will create a central line for example here and then you came in on the left side create some special shape I will delete that constraints and we can change the shape here okay if you would like to make a mirror shape you can select the sketch and then the system will show you the mirror button if you use the mirror button the system will show you select the centerline and if you select the centerline the system will create a symmetric sketch for you yeah so it's really easy if you modify one line the system will show you everything if you create a dimension it's not problem you can select that the references and we'll just you will see the dimensions or you can continue and create and confirm with middle button yeah so select one reference and confirm middle button and set dimensions for example one and a fifty or so more than two references and confirm again what's happened right now on the left side and right side I specify the same time engines sometimes necessary to see both dimensions on the left side and right side but system check if you create more than if you create unnecessary dimensions if you create more than one or same dimensions you can specify create reference the image and that reference dimension will be something like in the break area information dimensions so if we will change that one for example 45 degree the reference dimension will be modified again you would like to create a reference image on a problem create the same and then you can choose which one will be reference for example the left side will be referendum engines okay so right now you know how to specify and create a dimension in the sketch and how to create the symmetric objects what about next I'd like to continue on that sketch I don't want to create a lot of new sketches here so I'd like to continue and for example I like the focus on the feature what is define it here that we would like to create a projection so we would need to project some existing edges or lines you can select the function create a project feature and the system asked me if we would like to create a single edge so I'd like to select that edge and the system will automatically project this edge yeah if I will select the another edge the system will add the projection here what about chain it's mean you would like to select the chain from more than one selected references or you would like to use the loop so I'd like to project the loop and I will select only surface and system automatically select all necessary edges on that surface so it's unnecessary select step by step it working similar with offset yeah so I will go back I will use the function of set and I would like to use the loop and that surface the system will show me if I would like to go inside or outside if I would like to go outside it's a negative values or mine fifteen for example if I give up confirm you can see the system will automatically create correct shape for me yeah so if I will confirm right now it's fifteen millimeters from every selected edges go back the sketch is no problem like here and what about thickness the thickness is I will do it again that's one and I'd like to show you how to work with thickness if you will select the thickness function the system will ask you if you would like to work with single or chain of loops okay over here I'd like to show you how to work with chain and for example I'd like to use the circular shape it will see the final result and then I will explain to you what does it mean open flat and circular right now the system will ask me for more than one edge so I will select the first one and another one the system will select if I would like to this one or next one yes so I ever can choose which I would like to use and if I will confirm a system ask me enter thickness so for example I'd like to use the thickness five and then the system asks me if I would like to go inside or outside so we can go for example inside with mean 25 millimeters and I have used the circular so you can see here that my thickness is five I specified a five and offset was definite by dimensions a of the dimensions and open flat and circular open means that you don't want to see that curve if you will specify flat it will be straight line and if you use the circular over here is the example yeah so if I would like to go the opposite way I like to use the single for example open and I've been like to select that edge and go for example thickness 20 and minus 50 and right now you can see what the system will create for me it's a offset that with 50 millimeters and thickness is 20 and ends is opened yeah so right now you know how to work with offset thickness and project features here and what about next over here you have a lot of different possibilities how to create corner lines and every DS feature are so easy that it's not hard to explain and I like to focus on more uses features and for example you would like to create the shape from the palette if you use the shape from polite the system will load the default palettes what is defined by PTC company or you can set the custom configuration options and if you specify this configuration options and in the file in the folder you will specify your custom sketches you can see here your custom sketch palette tab for now I use the default visualization so I like to use for example this you profile or I profile you can have a look how it look or you can drag and drop and move it if I was being again you can move it anywhere or you would like to place it directly on some reference yes what does it mean if you if I would like to place it directly on the reference yeah for example I have specified that vertex as reference and then I will move that point you can see here the system will automatically snap to my reference I can change the scale I can spin that sketch or you can select right mouse button and you can move the moving point yes so right now the system will spin that point this my selected sketch with no problem you can confirm and again you can create your custom dimensions or edit the sketch this sketch is independent so if you would like to modify it you can create for example another circle and make some modification there yes for example I like to tell it that shape yeah and if you come from okay again the system will show you the final results okay go back to sketch and I like to show you more so here's the question if I have placed my sketch correctly maybe not maybe yeah I don't know we will see so you can select this existing sketch and you can use the functional rotate and resize if you use the functional rotate and resize you can move the existing sketch you can move this function any scheduled you create and again you can place the moving point on different way I have select right mouse button and with left mouse button I can place it I can spin and so on or again you can change the scale it's up to you yeah for example like this again if you would like to move it a little bit you can move and you can place and if you confirm your specify new placement and I said that is working with any sketch so I can create my custom sketch for example I'd like to use it ellipse and this one and again I like to move it you know that is the possible to move maybe we would like to spin around the some point so select the sketch rotate you can use the right mouse button in place and again rotate yeah and if you finish you have set new position for a sketch so editing tools are really useful and I like to focus on the function create a divide or you how to use the divide best example how to use the divide is if I will go to 2d and I will hide it a little bit and the question is if it is possible to create a line for example and from that line I'd like to create for example rectangle Yusupov it it's only one line is not possible okay for now again I will switch off the dimensions and I like to focus on that one line you can use the divide and you can select the divided points so I will one line divided it on the four different one you can see here that it's the possible elliptic constraints yeah you can go and select the step by step and then you can move that point some from the line I have created something strange I have created unclosed line and right now we know that it's the possible to move the point or you can create a corner it's up to you what is better for you and then you can use the function create a constraints and it's up to you which constrains used if you use the directly the selected objects or you can use the button from the ribbon so I would like to use for example perpendicular between t1 and purl is unnecessary I like to use the equal yeah perfect what do you don't say sorry to do it we can select horizontal and that will be horizontal so you can see here how it's possible to create from one line the closed shape and you can use again this function if we work with arc for example and you specify this one and then you need to create some another shape here you can use the divide function and select divided points for example like this and then you can delete and add some another shape here yeah it depends what you need and how you would like to specify and then again delete unnecessary line create the dimensions and finish your shape right now you know how to specify the sketch setup references how to work with datum features how to specify some object from the sketch group you know how to edit the sketch and how to use the constraint I have explained for you how to work with dimension but only a little bit and then we need to inspect the sketch so right now I'd like to focus on some dimensions what does it mean okay we would like to create for example line this line can be horizontal and then I would like to create an arc and if you will select the arc and you will follow the line the system will create automatic tangent feature for you or if you don't want to use the tangent you need to go perpendicular and right now it's not done - selected edge yes so it's up to you how we work with combination of the line and arc feature and what about dimension I will create the tangent between these two objects and I don't want to use the whole objects and the question is that right now the radius of that arc is 22 you can see here then in right mouse button the system show you what you can do with selected feature for example you can change this diameter to diameter well this radial dimension to diameter and right now you can see the system will create for you the time at the dimensions or you can go back and it will be radius this is the linear dimension and the question is if you would like to create the different kind of the dimension you can select create the dimensions you can select arc and then two ends of the arc a middle button if you see here the system will create the new dimension for you and this is the length of that curve so you can see here the system will create for you damage and define it by length if I will delete it and sometimes you need to specify the angle of the arc if you would like to create the dimension of the angle of the arc you can select dimensions and you can select end of the arc midpoint or center point and again end of line and middle button and right now the system will create for you angle for example 125 or something less for example 45 yeah this is a forty five-degree over here we can see that I have created one straight line and some arc this line will be linked for example 104 15 and for example I will delete this line and create one more time the length of that curve and will be 50 it's mean that altogether is 200 but sometimes you don't want to count the length of these two lines you can create a parameter dimensions directly in the sketch it's mean you can select the objects one to one is not necessary select more than two objects or two and more if you select the parameter dimension system will ask you select dementia to be driven as parameter for example that 150 will be driven and you can see here that system will create for you dimension that that two curves are to 200 millimeters of the length and if you select double click and for example I will select that I'd like to use only 100 the system will automatically change that time engines that is only 50 millimeters yeah again if I will change the length of the curve the system will change these dimensions again I'd like to use the 100 the system will automatically count that to time engines altogether if I will delete this I mentioned no problem because maybe you would like to try with these dimensions but always it will be 100 if I go solid for example 15 you can see here the system will change it for me okay right now that you know how its work with dimensions but sometimes you need to modify these dimensions you can select the gained icon from the flyout menu and use modify in my video tutorials you can see that I use this function many times how many times you do log scale you have seen in many times that I want to go back but I like to focus on the modification because over here you can dynamically see that the system will set 100 millimeters for both lines and if I will specify modification that curve of that dimension the system will change my variable diameter you can change the sensitivity its mean how quick quickly would like to modify it or you can directly set dimensions from here is no problem yeah that one will be for example 30 and that one will be 150 okay so we have a lot of possibilities how to work with dimensions I will cancel this catch and I would like to go to revolve feature and for the reveal feature is really good if you work with the Raval feature and if you will create the shape and then you will create axis of revolution so axis of revolution is a that center line and you can see here that system will automatically spin the my sketch around this axis of revolution if I will go back to the sketch and you would like to create for example symmetric sketch here yes so you can use this center line or right mouse button and create the center line and you can place it directly here you can destroy this constraints and then you can change it a little bit what is necessary to do and set the symmetrical objects so you can see here that right now I can select two point and centerline and the system asked me if I would like to use the horizontal point or mid point and so on so you can see here it over there I have a lot of constraints so I have to delete one of them and then the system will create symmetrically symmetrical shape for me war on the over there side I can use the point centerline and another point yeah so right now you can see that if I will come from okay the system will create correct revolve feature for me one more time in the sketch in the river feature we have two possibilities create a center line as axis of revolution or center line directly for the symmetric constraints and what about if you need to check if your sketch is correctly closed I will create a new sketch and in that sketch I like to focus if my sketch is correctly created you can see that right now I create a sketch if you create only sketch for example rectangle yeah I will confirm I have created a break and you can use this sketch for example for the extrude feature or on the opposite way I can use that sketch for the river feature and this is my axis of revolution we can switch off or switch on if you would like to add material or tilly material yeah you can see right now that I use the one sketch and if I will edit the sketch the system will change the extrude feature and Ravel feature for me how is work I have created one sketch here and extra feature use the sketch to an arrival feature use the sketch to here's the question if you would like to unlink one sketch for example extra two will be used his custom sketch so some effects would feature the definition and over here in placement tab you can see here that my sketch 2 is linked with this excellent feature if you use the unlink the system will create for you embed that sketch and you can see here directly in the model tree that's extra 3 use the section 1 if you change this one the system will create independent modification ok so right now you can see that I have used two different one and if I select section two we can edit section two and change the shape of the section to this sketch 2 is connected to revolve - ok so right now you know how to disconnect the existing sketch to any feature and what about another options if you need the check if your sketch is ok if you create outside sketch and if you create some mistakes for example you would like to create a corner rectangle then you will create on this line another line you can see the little bit because over here is the right points but if you come from ok is no problem for the sketch is fine but you know that sketch has a some problem and then how you know it because you would like to use it for the excellent feature like here and it's not working so I I'm sorry is not working we have some problem and then you have to go back in the sketch tree and the definition and have a can investigate what is wrong over here we have a some inspect features for example closed loop or highlight open ends you can see open it ends and the last thing what is here is the overlapping geometry if you select this icon the system will show you directly in the sketch the overlapping geometry and you can select delete unwanted edges or lines then the system will show you correct close it loop yeah you can see if I switch off it's not possible to see closed loop if I switch on its default it's always so the system will show me this information so I can check it if I will create the something inside it's ok if I will move it a little bit a system of show me sorry you have some intersection or overlapping geometry so over here you can investigate your sketch and with dynamic preview you can see if it is possible to create and use it for example for extra durable feature or not the better practice is if you create the feature directly in 2d I hope so did you like my example how to work with sketch features with creo parametric 4.0 hi folks in today video tutorial I'd like to show you how to work with whole feature with creo parametric 4.0 we will start from scratch and we will define a whole name if you would like to create a whole feature we need to create some revolve or extras feature its mean based solid features I will create some really easy shape weight symmetric rectangle and you can see the system automatically create the dimension for me we can edit it or directly come from okay lay and later modify it okay I will hide all unnecessary datum features and I don't want the spin model around the middle object survival's turning on let's in center yeah we have a couple of type of hole and I'd like to show you step by step all types of hole if you would like to create a whole feature the easiest way how to create it you can select the hole directly from the ribbon and select the surface the system will show you two points and these two points this green one you can set us reference you can select surface or edge it's depend what you would like to set as reference I prefer to select the surfaces it's much better so right now you can see really the drag-and-drop the green draggers and the system will show you two dimensions for example x and y ya for the hole you need to specify time engines and that you can see everything is the possible to specify from the 3d window or 3d menu or you can use the ribbon for the hole if you would like to create the same hole but you don't want to use the dragger you can select the whole feature from the ribbon select the primary server face and you can see the selected surface is placed here and over here you can see the offset references so you don't need to use the dragger you can click here and choose the offset references and offset references are defined here in this menu if you would like to change it you can remove one or more and again with control button you can choose the different one or you can use this dragger and move it to another reference what is necessary to do is define the offset time engine's diameter and depth if you would like to focus on the different kind of the hole and we would like to specify the depth I will create another shape here for example like this and you can apply the connection or add some another dimensions yeah you don't care about dimensions you can see the system automatically show it everything for you okay so I like the extra feature on the on the backside surface you can really easily select the shift button and the snap to that surface and system will create function to select it so the system automatically jumped from the specification of the depth due to the two selected reference and right now I will move my whole to and the system read the model tree like you see here from top to bottom some extrude or 1 X 3 to 2 and how to my hole is definite we can check if I use the Edit definition the depth is with dimensions so you can see that the system will create necessary hole now the question is if you would like to specify different kind of the depth you can choose the menu here and for example you would like to select the next surface for this whole next surface is this bottom surface or you can use through all and the system will go through all sort of surfaces and you can see the system will create a true or you can specify two different options for the selected surfaces I prefer this kind of selection because you don't care if the surface exists or not I will show you a different example what I mean so I prefer this one and you can see that I can choose the surface or edge again the better one is if you select the surface why don't use the edge because if you will create on this edge for example the round feature or chamfer feature you will love the reference and you need to repair the whole feature and again if you will specify the depth you can use the dragger shield button and select the references yeah and the system will snap automatically to selected objects okay I said that we would like to think about and understand the depth for the hole so right now we know how to specify the depth for the holes again you can create a hole on over here for example and right now I'd like to select the offset references so you can select the drop down menu from the placement or again another type is if you select off so there frenzies from right mouse button again I like this function because it's really in really quick specification of that which you button is select and system will automatically specify to select it okay so right now is specify that you would like to create hole from that surface at the end what question is that would like to go to opposite side so you can see here in the shape is the situ and you can choose different kinds of the depth for example set a number or two next through all and so on yes so on the second side I like to go with dimensions and my dimension will be for example writing nineteen millimeters yeah so right now I will a little bit repair my geometry I will delete that hole and in the View tab I like to work with section because I'd like to show you how the hallways looks like yeah so this is my hole and again if I select edit and will specify this is the depth for side so yeah you can see here or you can specify inside one year okay so right now you know how to work with different kind of depth for the hole I like to focus more so I will deactivate the section and we would like to create a different kind of holes if I will select one more time the whole feature here you can see in the shape mode that system will create shape like this but sometimes you need to specify the standard drill shape yeah you can see here and right now if you select the placement again I would select the references with control button do not forget more than one objects and right now the system will create for you shape like we need so it's perfect because we have a dynamic preview and you can see the system will create a training bit for me you can specify the depth again here if you would like to use the shoulder or tip yeah and system will specify different type or you can change the angle the default angle for the standard bit is 118 but some problem you can change it if you want or if you have different kind of working so right now you know how to work with this type but if you select this standard hole the system will create another two possibilities for you how we can modify this hole here and its mean that you can specify the automatically the more than one shape and you can combine these shapes by selecting this icon and you can see here the system allowed to you the specified dimensions and you can choose what you want yeah so for example you can really easy at the counterbore so dimensions and confer the and system will create for you the correct hole for now you know how to work with standard hole and counter bore hole for example this all was defined us linear placement what I mean if you create a hole and place this hole yeah the system will automatically place everything as linear it's mean the placement is specified by dimensions x and y but sometimes do you need to create different kind of holes for example I will delete all features and I will create a revolve for example like this for the Revo feature we would like to apply the central line and I don't care about the damage and we can change it it's no problem yeah so for now the system will create for me really huge the sketch so it's not problem we can change it for example right mouse button you can choose the modify and I will use the lock scale function here and I'd like to change these dimensions yeah this dimension for example I'd like to see as 150 the system will automatically change all another dimension for me and my base damage is 150 yeah and right now you can really easily change under the dimensions and the system will change it for you ok so we have created the real feature for other the type of holes and the second type of hole is if you would like to place the hole directly over here but you don't want to use the X Y or yep linear positions yeah no I don't want to use this one so you can go away and in the placement tab you can change the type hole for example to radial or diameter if you would like to work with Radia the system will ask you select two references one plane and edge or axis it's okay select axis and select the plane and the system will create for radius and angle so you can see here you can change the angle for example 125 and radius 55 diameter for the hole and that is the possible to change yes so it's up to you we can go through all okay so right now I have created radial dimensions if you would like to specify that diameter you can only change these options and system will automatically create the time at a dimension for this hole these type of hole is really good if you need to use the pattern feature and you would like to apply for example every 45 degree will be altogether eight holes yeah perfect so it's good it looks good and from now you would like to work wait hole feature one more time yeah you can apply hole create a hole and right now I'd like to create a hole on that axis so you can see here the system automatically changes option to coaxial but in placement app you need to select more than one option it's means solid access and control button and start surface and you can see the system will create for you coaxial hole from now you know how to create linear radial diameter and clog the holes same logic we can use on existing one year so create a hole and with control button I will select axis and stop start surface we can change the shape and depth yeah so I will create something like an to bore but it will be more than one feature in the model tree it doesn't matter the Korea is feature base it's much better if you create more than one feature you can really easy modify this feature directly and found it yeah okay so I have created the another type of koksar hole here and again you can use the pattern feature and the system automatically recognize that it's the reference button so if you confirm the system will create features on the existing button that's good and another question is if it is all about the holes or we can create something more we are in a problem so we would like to continue and I'd like to create a hole on that surface okay Sully the surface and right now we need to specify that the first dimension will be offset that from that surface yes so right now you can see the system will create for me the offset dimensions and then that hole is the orientate directly to the middle axis so it will be good if you will be specify the angle so select the middle plane and the system will create for you the I will change the damage in a little bit yeah and you can see the system is always oriented directly through the middle axis and offset it by dimension you can see all dimension here so select X surfaces this one and offset references is surface and datum plane so you can change the damage in here directly and for example 45-degree but somebody asked me if it is possible to set a different orientation you would like to create a hole here but you don't want to orient that hole directly to the middle axis yeah directly here I do what will go perpendicular to that datum plane so no problem you can see here the system will change it directly it looks nice so over here is the whole orientation you can remove it system will go directly there you mean the to the axis or you can change the orientation of the whole you can see here the system will create right now the whole perpendicular to surface the selected surface okay maybe for more better explanation is that I'd like to make some another modification so again I will create a release shape and okay so for example I'd like to create a chamfer here the chamfer will be specified with angle and the angle will be a little bit different why I have created this type of the chamfer here because I'd like to use the whole feature over here we can place it and specify the placement dimensions and I'd like to orient this hull directly the to that chamfer feature and right now you can see that I can drive my whole orientation directly with this chamfer if I was specifying again the section for example here you can see that if I will modify the chamfer dimensions the system will orient the hole for me so it's not necessary to use many times but sometimes you need to create these relationships between two features and I like it I observe did you like it is that example two and four more orientation you can use for example datum planes or datum features what I am what I mean I will directive eight again so if you to create the hole on any surface for example I'd like to create the here yeah and directly here over here on that surface I'd like to create a hole here's a problem create a point on that surface and set placement yeah it means that you have specified the placement for this point the point is place it on that surface specify the dimensions and if you select the hole the system will automatically create the whole feature dialect directly on that point if you will move with the point the system will move with the hole so you have a references and the question is if you don't want to see at this point because this point is necessary for the hole you can see it set and drag to the hole so the system will automatically make it group here and the point is hidden so if you would like to edit right now the placement for the hole is specified by this placement of the hole okay and do you think so that is everything nope we have a under the types of hole and it's a standard hole for example it would like to use the ISO standard or different kind of standards you can set the custom dimensions here for example you would like to create M 20 / 2 and the placement and set reference placement and what the system create is in the shape tab you can see the system will create for a whole US metric metric thread yeah if you finish the system will create information for you you can switch off this annotation display and if you change the visualization for for example to no hidden or hidden line you can see here that this is the whole creators in stand away and this whole is weight trapped in the drawing is the possibly gain as well as I this thread and show all dimensions so you can see here that this time will create for you that hole was created as M 20 okay and if you would like to create your custom hole no problem select the hole selector placement and you can specify the placement here and then over here is the small icon you sketch the define drill hole profile if you select this function you can jump to the sketch and the system will allow to you to create a center line and then you can create your custom shape of holes so for example I'd like to create shape like this and forget that you create something like a revolt feature and again the hole 12 is really small one I'd like to create for example 25 the best way if you select all dimension right mouse button modify and lock scale and that dimensions I will found it here yeah the dimension will be 25 and every time engines are modified automatically what is necessary to do for this sketch is that Horry horizontal line is place it on the top in the sketch and that horizontal line is place it directly for the placement surface yeah so for example like this or if you change the orientation I will remove everything and I'd like to place this hole here yeah the system will create for me the dynamic preview and specify it for me so if I finish this feature and we will show the section we can edit this section and we can drag in a little bit and you can see that system create for me our hole like we need or like we specify directly in the sketch hello everybody here is new video tutorials with creo parametric 4.0 paint how to create and use round features I will start from scratch and voila while I have defined a new model name system will show me datum planes coordinate system and everything what is defined so you can see here directly I will a little bit repair the visibility of the icon because the next time I'd like to switch off or switch on some necessary datum feature here so you can sell right mouse button and add or remove anything what is prepared here I will continue with extrude feature and extrude features necessary select the sketch plane and system will automatically orient the references in the sketch you can specify axis or symmetric axis and then system automatically create symmetric rectangle in the sketch you can change dimension by double click or cell right mouse button and specify new values you can create more than one features directly in the sketch and you can delete any segments so I can use the function delete segments and again change the dimension if you are satisfied with with the sketch you can confirm ok and with dynamic preview you can select right mouse button and change the orientation so right now I said that will be used extrude feature are symmetric and you can specify the dimensions directly here okay if I would like to show and continue with round feature you need to select the icon from here or you can see that I can use the quick map key and I can use the are directly from the keyboard so if you select that icon system ask you on which surfaces or which edges you would like to place the round I will start with a G's selection so if I select one edge the system automatically show me dynamic preview and I can set custom value or custom dimensions I will expand this information window here that I have select a one set if you select directly here the another edge the system will specify it second edge so this is the first one and the second one you can change the dimension for the round feature here or dialogue tree directly from 3d view the question is that I would like to specify the same round or same radius for more than one edge so on the second side of the object I will select one edge change the radius and with control button I will select the opposite one you can see right now that in the set number three I specify two edges and right now if I will change the time engines the system will change both selected radius you can continue so for example you can select another edge and with control button the another one and specify if you confirm the system will create one round feature in the model tree and if you would like to edit the system will show you necessary dimension and you can see if it is possible and how it look if you set really big or huge the radius you can see it right now was a problem a little bit with creation and then the system need to recalculate round for you it's something like this that if I will specify the really big one the system will show me sorry the round is not possible to create because it's really big so it's I like this function because system automatically show you if the round feature is possible to create or not with dynamic preview you can select a definition function from the flyout menu and if you would like to change or add some necessary edges you can select where you would like to add for example I'd like to add to the set to the another edge yeah so right now you can see that in set two I have a two edges and right now the system will modify everything for me if you would like to delete some unwanted sets you can use the right mouse button and delete the sets so create round feature on the selected edges or manage visibility it's releasing the question is if you would like to continue and you don't want to use the edges but you would like to use the for example the combination of select edge surface and so on so I will delete create a feature and I will change this expert feature a little bit so I'd like to change a sketch and you can see here that it is possible create a corner yeah and then I can delete unwanted if you come from okay the system will repair the geometry for me and then maybe I'd like to modify a little bit like this I will apply under the extra feature here and in the sketch I'd like to see hidden lines and you can see that it's the possible to create the another shape so I will continue and for example like this yeah specify dimension come from okay and then you can add or remove the material if you go inside the system automatically remove or add okay I know that you know how to do it so I will leave it like this and what I need to do is select and route and create a round feature if I would like to create new round feature I can specify the edge but right now I need to select control button and specify it one more time so you know because I I showed it is the possible donĂ­t think is that do you want to use not edg's but you would like to create round between two surfaces so one sometimes it's really good if you select a surfaces and the system will create for you the round feature directly on the selected surfaces and it looks like this I will delete again these features and I'd like to show you more so here is a question if it is possible to create the round feature and select surface control edge you can see the system automatically create the round feature for me and the system always will be attach it to the to the edge either round is really small it is not a touch it if you create a big one the system will attach to this serve to this selected edge so this is the another option how we can use the round feature another options I'd like to show you if you would like to create two surfaces so at the beginning I will create a first round and then I will create the another round for example like this and then we would like to create a new round feature so I will select the round feature and select the two surfaces and again you can see the system will continue as a tangent attachment and you can specify the radius for the created run feature and confirm so in this quick example you have seen that is the possible to create round feature only on the one edge or more than one edges specify the sets you can create round feature between selected edge and surface or between more than one surfaces here so for example two surfaces I'd like to continue on this shape and speak about selection so again we would like to create a new round feature and if I will create that edge and finish the feature and then I'd like to continue and we'll select this edge the system automatically create for me the attitude and tangent round feature here again on the opposite side with control button I will select another edge and the system will drive these edges ok what question is if we would like to continue and go through the whole shape and again I will select control button and it's done so right now I have selected four edges and the system will create correct shape for me the question is if it is possible to specify shape on the one selection existing edges and I will modify a little bit again so something difficult and for example like this the question is if I will change the shape right now a little bit and then create new round feature you can select one edge and if you select shift and next surface the system will create surface loop so you can see that right now the system will create a round feature around the selected surface okay beside erection one more time select any edge and use shift button and surface and the system will create for you a round feature straight on here for what is it good if you will create and apply any feature in front of this selected round its mean you can move the inside here you will add some another features for example chamfer feature or another round feature here so you a little bit destroyed the geometry which was selected originally and right now if I will move inside here the system create a round feature on surface connected edge again I like this function I use it many time that I select one edge and then shift button and surface and system will create for me the round feature on the other loop [Music] I'd like to continue you can see here that one easy shape of extrude feature I can use and explain to you almost everything what is applied for the rounds okay what about next the question is my colleague asked me can I create a sketch and use this sketch as a driven round feature place that yeah this is no problem so here is the one example I will change the shape a little bit and I will create a new sketch and my sketch point a little bit that's her face and I'm satisfied with the orientation over here I like the clear creative spline and for example I will start out from here and this is the final shape of my round feature so I'd like to show you how you can create a variable round feature base it on the curve the curve is exist on my 3d model and I can create around the system ask me you can see here it is the that I need to select reference so I will select the edge reference but I don't want to use the the standard round feature I'd like to create variable so and over here you can see that is the function true curve if you select this function the system ask you can you select the curve okay I'd like to select the curve and right now you can see the system will create for me variable round based on the curve I will go back in my sketch and change the shape for it example a little bit so I'd like to change the shape of my spline so you can select double click and use the at point and you can move right now here or add or remove the points yeah and if I come from okay and come from okay the system will create variable round for me better than the curve okay it's the first example how you can use the variable round there is a question if is the possible to create different kind of variable round feature okay so we can continue solid edge and if we use this point it's mean that we'd like to change the radius you can use the right mouse button here and use the function at radius for now if specify that you would like to use the two points at the beginning and at the end and it will be a variable round okay but again can I create more than one or two dimensions variable rounds yeah and a problem select again run right mouse button and Tet radius right now you can see the system create for you the moving point on the selected edge this moving point has a dimension and if you select it's a percentage value so if you would like to be in the middle of the curve you can select the number of point five and radius the selected radius will be directly in the in the middle or if you specify two different kind of radios manually or you can just select and drag no problem and you can change for example twenty percent of the end or another side its mean eighty percent yeah Oh point eight and if you finish the system will create for your valuable round this variable round was created on one selected edge the question is if you would like to create a variable around here our problem select the edge Justin will create continues round yeah and again so right mouse button and specify value if you would like to continue you can use the edge radius and move right now the system will move on the first selected edge but no problem you can drag in continue and system will jump to another one yes so again you can use the authorities or delete and you can move and change so how many radius point you would like to add you can specify and you can use the every line from the selected edge and if I confirm I have variable round created on my 3d model that sounds good another question is if you select around the system automatically continue on the selected edge you can see here the system continued on the selected edge but sometimes it's not good because you would like to stop this round feature yeah so it's mean I'd like to create around only on this edge I don't want to continue over here in the ribbon you can found the PCs and right now I have pieces one so we fill only select the piece is one you can drag this option and set i'd like to create the round feature on only first pc and the system will create something like this yeah so I hope so did you like this function I use it many times huh and I can set only one piece or more than one piece on the selected edges that's good the option is if I would like to create another round feature on that edge I don't want to use whole selected edge I like to use only only a few percentage yeah so how I can use it okay don't create a round feature but at the beginning to create a point it's the quick way how you can specify the reference and then if you have a created point you can see here that you can specify the ratio it minigame if you select 0.5 it will be in the middle or if you select 0.2 0.1 t5 in the quarter of the selected edge you can specify the next end it's dependent where you would like to stop or you can set the real numbers which will mean 90 millimeters from the start point so specify the placement for the reference point and right now I would like to see the point here so switch off and you can see that right now the system will show me only point in the View tab you can switch on the point AK for displaying and right now you can see the name of the point what you have created go back to model tab and select run feature and if I will select the edge the system will create for me the round yeah I like to speak about more in the transition so you can see here that is a transition tab and over here is the icon switch the transition mode so if I will go here a system will show me that end of the round feature is based on some transition on the left side or right side if I will select the left side and right mouse button the sister will show me how can I work with this transition and I'd like to stop at reference and my reference will be point that's good so here is the example how you can stop a round feature on any selected reference the reference can be point or datum planes you can try and for now you can again create on the small edge for example something like this and again another round feature here between two surfaces and finish so I observe that you like the example how you can the stop at any selected reference I have stuck to speak and show you how you can work with transition so if I would like to show you more about transition I will delete all created features all round features and I will again change the shape a little bit so for example will be looks like this and we have spoken that is the possible to create round feature on selected edge so we can select one edge and specify the radius and if you select the another edge and specify different kind of the radius here the system will create for you the intersection of these two radios sorry it's it's better for it's better example if I will select more than two edges so I will add the another one and you can see here the system will work with transition here and specify for me intersect yeah you can see that final result will be intersect corner shape all round only so if I will finish you can see that right now I have round only or I can select the definition and choose okay from drop-down menu right mouse button and use for example intersect so the system will change the intersection of the three rounds by transition mode you can specify this transition again if you will work with different kind of round feature and again you can see here as a system will create for you some transition yeah it's depend about the shape what you have here and you can specify how we like the stopped the round feature and the system will change a little bit the end of the round okay sometimes you can create the small round feature and then if you specify the round feature between two surfaces you can create a bigger run this kind of the creation of the round feature is useful if we have a problems with small surfaces and it's really hard to create the bigger radius so it's something like tip how to modify and create rounds we can go back and delete these examples and I'd like to show you how you can create full round feature I will change the shape again a little bit and something bigger okay so if I will create a round feature and if you select the first edge and control button second edge you need to create sometimes full round it's mean you need to specify it correct dimension here so you need to automatically attach these edges you don't need to found the dimension or problem you can use the sets and over there is the function full round if you will select the function full round the system will create a full round for you and if you would like to continue no problem you can select the another edge and control button and again you can select the button full round or select right mouse button and function full round so this is the my example how I use the full round feature and it worked for outside edges or if I will create new extra feature and for example like this yeah and I can create the full run feature here I like the crea because it's not necessary to spin the model because a system automatically recognized inner edges and you can use the right mouse button full round and again you can see here as a system create a first set for you and you can select another edge and another one and for round so we can combine right mouse button or selection from the sides okay so it was quick example how you can use the full round feature and you ask me please enough it's not possible to select surfaces yeah no problem you can select surfaces too so here is the quick example how you can create round feature full round feature with selected surfaces so select the round feature select opposite surfaces and system ask you over here that you can select top surface for full rounds of selected top surface and system else create full round for you again if you change the shape the system will always create the full round feature with dynamic preview okay so it was quick example how to use the full round feature i'd like to show you that sometimes if you create the complicated shape is really hard to create the round feature i will create a new sketch and in the new sketch it will be only two lines directly from the surface and you can see here that i like to show you how to create and use the sweep feature with creo parametric 4.0 it will be only quick example because with suite feature we again create more and more so quick example how to use the sweep feature I am select sweep feature and select the curve and in the sketch I will create some centerline so circle and for example like this something bigger is okay right now the system do not connect the surface but no problem you can select the option tab and use the merge ends and right now you can see the system automatically merge ends to the predefined existing solid geometry and I'd like to use the sweep feature or use the function copy a paste so I will use the copy and paste and the system asked me select the curve what they would like to place it okay it's fine maybe we can change a little bit shape of the edges so I will use the modification like here yeah that will be fine okay and right now is the question if it is possible to create a round feature here on that edge if you select the edge and the system will show you only this preview its mean that is really hard to create a round feature here and where is the problem if you have a look here in the sets you can see the system will create a round feature as a rolling ball but you can change the rolling ball to normal to spine and right now you can see the system will change it down in preview and it's the possible to create a round feature here so if you have a complicated geometry do not use the rolling ball function but normal to spine and you can specify the dimensions and the system will create the round feature for you again maybe some example what does what does it mean and how it work over here you can see that this rolling bolt it's mean the system will create the round feature how you will roll the ball on the radius PT because it's a circular but in the sides is the possible to create the different kind of the connections and then for example you would like to create d1 and d2 conics so what does it mean a system will create for you different kind of radius so for example parabolic or hyperbolic radius yeah so you can see here the system will right now create for me hyperbolic or parabolic radius for me so you can specify the different kind of the quality and what about quality if I will create a round feature here the system will automatically create a tangent connection I can say that the system will create the tangent connection because we have a analyzes curve a cheat sheet for example music reflection and if I have select the surfaces you can see right now that system will create for me the tangent connection yeah it's not continuous mirroring or reflecting geometry but if you change this round by definition function and you will specify that you would like to create a c2 continues you can see here that round using and spline cross-section with the curvature continues to the surfaces and if use the same analysis reflection you can see right now that system will create for me nice a connection between two surfaces this function is really useful if you work with surface modeling okay [Music] so I will change the shape again a little bit and I will tell it some preferences and features okay I'd like to show you how you can create automatic round for all ages what does it mean you don't need to select edgy step-by-step and use the control button and specify the Imogen or you can use the ctrl button shift button and combination yeah for example here again inside radius will be for example oh yeah outside radius is 25 and inside radius will be only time yeah so you can use the combination and again this is inside radius so you can use the two selected edges and functions and you need to continue yes select another edges and continuous spend here two minutes now I don't want to select edges manually I'd like to use the function out around and you can see here that you can specify I outside radius will be 25 and inside radius can be same and something smaller bigger is depend what you need I said that my inside raters will be only 10 if I confirm a system automatically create rounds feature here yeah everywhere for what is it good if we will change the shape for example I will create another round or extrude feature here something like this I can add material and I will put insult here so the system will automatically create for me the correct round feature or I will select the definition and I like to remove and create a hole yeah so system automatically creates the outer round feature for me and you said ok but I don't want to create out around everywhere for example you don't want to create out around on this selected edges because you would like to create it later you can select outer out ad definition function and you can exclude any edges for example I'd like to select all vertical edges from this extrude feature again you can select one by one or you can select right mouse button and left mouse button and the system automatically select all vertical edges for you ok so if I come from ok the system will do not create round feature on excluded edges you can do it same here right mouse button and left mouse button and continue whoops Wow perfect you and folks in today's video tutorial I'd like to show you how to work with jumper feature with creo parametric 4.0 at the bidding at the beginning we will create new 3d model if you start from scratch the system will create new 3d model and over there are placed at 3 datum place and coordinate systems the system will start from the template and this template is possible to define in configuration for creo parametric how to configure the creo parametric stay tuned and I will show you in the next tutorial how to define and specifies two templates for a solid sheet metal and assembly but today I'd like to focus on the chamfer feature so we have to create some for geometry I will create new extrude in the extras will be really easy shape some rectangle and we can specify the new dimensions here there so you can use the right mouse button and function modified set new value I come from okay specify the depth size and done okay right now I don't want to see the datum feature so I will switch off these datum features and I'd like to see the model shading with edges if I spin the model you can see here that right now the system will spin model around the spin Center you can switch off the spin Center and the system will spin the model R around the mouse so right now if you will spin the model over here you can see or if I will move the mouse on the left top corner the system move the object around my mouth I use this function for the big objects or whole assembly because sometimes you need to focus on small part and you need to spin the model around this edge and so on it was only explanation how to manipulate with the mouse we would like to create a new chamfer feature and you can see here that we have a two possibility we can create a chamfer or cone a chamfer I will start with corner chamfer and it's really easy what we need to select is vertex of the object so select vertex and system will create three dimensions for you you can see T 1 D 2 and D 3 and you can specify separately from the ribbon menu or directly from 3d it's up to you if you would like to finish no problem you can finish or select the definition from the flyout menu and in the placement tab you can change the vertex for example over here and if I come from ok you have really easy changed placement for your corner so it was quick and really easy so which corner chamfer you can really specify the corner time engines and finish if you would like to continue with chamfer feature you can select select edge chamfer it mean that you can select the edge and the system will create the chamfer on this edge you can move the dragger or you can specify the dimensions right now you can see the system will create the chamfer for me DPD 40 you have a lot of option how you can specify the chamfer and you can for example selec damage one per dimension - right now the system will specify two different dimension for the chamfer for me and the first one will be for example number 15 and another one will be 80 the question is if you would like to flip this function is no problem you can flip directly here so the system will change the orientation d1 and d2 it work same if you select another edge for example I will select the edge you can see here that flyout menu automatically show me that is the possible to create a chamfer here and you don't want to create d1 but you would like to create another type it's an angle paddy and you can see here that you can specify the angle or dimensions or another type is the 45 per dimension so automatically the system will create 45-degree dimensions under the options is you can specify open oh and oh one pair or one the better explanation is if I will show you in another example okay I don't want to see this information so I will delete and I'd like to start from the different shape you know that is the possible select that the definition from the for the extra feature and over there is the function at taper and I like to specify the taper on this example I'd like to explain to you what does it mean all pair all again you can select the icon from the menu or you can select the edge and icon from the flyout menu it's up to you what you want to use right now you can see the system will create for me deeper D or you can switch or I will select the diamond 20 and right now the dimension is 20 millimeters from selected edge to active point to the dragger ya but if you change it to open all the system will change dimension from 20 to 20 27 pair 27 millimeters 0.03 and you can see if I will go back to deeper D it will be again 20 so over there is the some math and the mud like I said I will explain on the attach a picture again over here I will specify time engine 20 but I'd like to change it to open oh and you can see the dimension a little bit different okay again here I will change the paddy it's 20 and if you change back to open oh it's different value everything depends about the angles of your shape okay so right now you know how to work and specify different type of the chamfer scheme the chamfer scheme is the possible to set in config options and configuration editor and over there you can add chamfer scheme we have the set for example 45 pair D if I will add this configuration options here okay you can come from okay and the system will ask you if you would like to save it for now I'd like to only use it I I don't want to save this function what does it mean if you will specify the configuration options and you will create new chamfer the system will automatically use the predefined scheme so it's really useful and really practice but you have to be careful if you have a note 90 degree shape you have to change it to open oh and then is okay I will change it a little bit again and I don't want to use the taper you can switch off directly from the ribbon or from the right mouse button and again create a new chamfer and you can see right now the system will show me deep predefined default scheme 45 per D I will select specified dimensions and with control button you can specify more than one sets yeah one in first sets I specify two edges and the another set I like to specify different value so it's really similar to round feature you can work with sets you can come from if you need to add or remove some sets or you can select at the definition with control button you can add or remove the edges or you can go here and delete sets or add a new one so everything depends about your shape in my last video tutorials I was poking about the really quick selection of the edges for round feature it's a similar if you will work with chamfer and work same so I'd like to create the chamfer on that edge but I don't want to use only that this one edge but I like to select the right mouse button and then the system show me information that the system will create a chamfer on the intent edges from the expert feature so we can use the vertical in ten edges yes so we only sell like that's right now the system really quickly create the chamfer here yeah I will finish it and for what is it good it is really powerful because if you if I will delete yeah in my model tree I will leave only chamfer to created chamfer on intend edges on vertical internal G's while I would like to use the in turn edges if I will change shape for extra feature and for example I will add another tape here shape here so you can see that I can something and if I will finish the system automatically create the chamfer on definite intent edges yes so if I will selected the definition you can see the system will automatically create a chamfer for me correctly and the question is if I will delete the information from adultery and I'd like to create internet Gees on top or bottom surface select the chamfer feature move the mouse to one edge and select right mouse and left mouse and left click the system will create the chamfer as int and edge you can use it on the bottom too so for example if I use the control button and then right mouse button and left the system will create the chamfer or same chamfer on this edge ease and you would like to ask me if it is possible to create vertical intend change is to select the gain control button that I'd like to add and right and left right now you can see that I was really quickly make a same chamfer for whole edges on my 3d model I know this shape is really easier but I'd like to show you how the system select the information from the menu using the sides you can see the system will create for me three three sets no in one set was creative selected three in 10 edges top one bottom one an article you can delete or remove if you need okay I'd like to continue the best practice is if I will show you everything on one file I didn't want to create 1,000 extra to feature a river featuring different shape I'd like to describe the chamfer the question is if you would like to create a chamfer on that edge and you would like to automatically connect this chamfer to this point so you would like to use something like create chamfer but not specify the dimensions that specify the reference over here is the information that you can use that you don't want to use the values but you would like to use the reference and right now I will select that point for what is it good if you will change this shape to system will automatically will be attached at this chamfer to that edge and I collected okay which is working with chamfer it is working with round feature to yesterday okay you don't know how to do it spin the model create round create round here and right now we would like to go here okay no problem select sets you didn't want to use the value but reference and select the point and if you change the shape of this one the system will automatically change the radius pays it on the reference okay it was example how to work with reference for the chamfer and run dimensions and what about if you create tangent edges so you would like to create a chamfer on that patch and you can see here again the system will automatically continue as a tangent so he will continue with chamfer feature you can go again to pc's select piece one and you would like to create chamfer only as a piece and the system will create similar like wait round feature so the logic is same and if you would like to stop at reference no problem you can create new chamfer and right now you would like to create a chamfer here but you would like to stop a reference you can create datum point on the fly so select this menu on the right we want to create a point and that edge and you can choose if you would like to work with ratio real and you can specify the dimensions so for example 120 millimeters it will be my reference point yeah it was created here and I'd like to continue with chamfer feature and use the transition mode and this transition will be stopped at reference on that point perfect I like it very powerful and if you work wait surface modeling you can create a chamfer as quilt so no problem specify the edge and then you can select it I'd like to create only surfaces and over there is the function create n surfaces and system will create necessary surfaces if you want yeah so for example like this and for was it is good you can use it for the intersection and you can copy some faces and make a solidified feature yeah for example really quickly make a cut by surface a chamfer and solidify feature how to use the solidify feature again stay in touch and I'll I will show you later in the next tutorials how to work with all creo features ok let's continue with chamfer I have show that is the possible to create different type of the chamfer and how we can many do references and create and stop the information at references and if you have question about the transition okay let's start we can create a chamfer again on selected edge and specify the image ends again you can specify different type and you can see here that system will create the intersection here yeah if you have a three or more or less select added geez the system will create some shape if I will use the only I like to see how it will look okay no I'd like to change the transition over here so select it and you can use the patch and right now you can see that what Bill looks a little bit different like default or you can use the corner plate and you can specify how it look yeah so right now is up to you what is better for you and always depends how many edges and what dimension do you have defined again for example I will change the shape a little bit and for example this one will be the front okay let me choose something different right now the system will always create this one and the patch is the front okay so it was a quick example that again with chamfer feature it's really easy to manage the transitions and last but not least it's the example how we can use the chamfer on predefined selected edges not one but more so again I will delete existing one and here is the question where you would like to create the chamfer I'd like to show you that is the possible to create a chamfer between two surfaces and I would like to change it a little bit so I will change the shape directly from 3d and if I will select the chamfer the system will ask me select one edge so I can select one edge or you can select opposite and you can select surface the surface and again the system will create the chamfer between surfaces so you can see it is really similar that you can work with edges or selected surfaces and how the system will specify if you will select the chamfer on one edge and you would like to work with pieces I like to work with this piece and I like to go around that edges so you can see here that right now the system will work a little bit different and the system will create really nice time for something like belt but you said okay three are correct and this one is not so good no no no you can go back to transition mode you can select and use the function blend and looks perfectly smoothly like you want okay so this is the final results how you can work with pcs in another example [Music] yeah [Music] into this video tutorials I like to focus on the feature shell with creo parametric 4.0 again I'd like to start from scratch so we will define the new 3d model name we would like this working with shell feature we need to create 3d geometry so I will prepare the couple of features it will be really easy shape and doesn't matter about the damaging and symmetric so I'd like to only create based 3d models and I don't want the c2 datum feature here and again I'd like to create more than one feature so we can use the projection for example or create any shape yeah so I will combine the icons and right mouse button and I can delete unnecessary stages the system will create for me the shape if I will finish you can see that my shape is pretty easy yeah again we would like to create a full round feature here so I can select the round feature and right mouse button full round I said that I'd like to show you how to work with the shell feature we have a couple of options how to work with shell and the easiest way how to use the shell feature is select the shell and select surface to be removed from the part so if you select one surface the system will remove this though this selected surface if you use the control button the system will remove more than one surfaces you can change the thickness and you can go opposite direction and the system will add material from existing geometry so I will go inside and spell if I the thickness the thickness is possible to specify from 3d or directly from the ribbon menu if you confirm you have created first shell feature here if you will change the dimensions for example of this extra feature is not problem the system will automatically regenerate all visible features the question is if you would like to specify the hole here and I'd like to create a hole and I'd like to create concentric hole I missed the axis so it's no problem you can select from the right menu create the datum axis select the surface confirm okay and then you can continue with the whole feature with the control button you will select the start surface and the system will create whole feature for you right now you can see that system created everything correctly I need to specify the depth and the depth will be true all yes so right now the system will go through with the hole if you need to change shape of the extra to you can with dynamic preview again really easy change it the question is if you will make some modification in the model tree I will spin the model like here and right now the system read the information from top to bottom if I will move the whole up to shell will change the shape of the created object a little bit for better explanation I will switch shading with the gist yeah it will be better for visualization so how the system read the data I will create I have created extra to each one extra teach feature to then I have created a round feature Hall yeah and then for the shell feature was selected two surfaces top surfaces and left surface if you would like to edit that hole you can select the gain at the definition for shell feature and you can in the reference tab select more than two surfaces and the system will remove the whole tool so it depends how we will manage the feature in model tree and what about another modification of the shell you can add or remove the feature because over here you can see the menu where is removed removal feature so for example you can remove that surface or we can use the menu from here from the ribbon or you can use the control button on the right side here is the specification known default thickness if you click here and you specify one or more surfaces the system will show you the another dimension thickness over here is the thickness of the material for whole 3d model and over here you can see that is the possibility to specify different thickness again I will finish and for better explanation I will create a section as a planner and I will move it a little bit and you can see here how its how it is defined so why if I will select the gain at the definition for the shell feature and in reference window I can select the another surface for example that surface I can specify different thickness yeah so the system will change the visibility for me if you don't want to work with the sections you can deactivate in this example you have seen how we can work with shell feature and specify different visibility of the remove it surfaces or how to manage the feature in the model tree in the next example I'd like to show you how you can exclude some surfaces from the shell feature I will start again from the scratch so I will create new shell feature new 3d model and I will create some privileged shape I'd like to create for example some cap so folder will be really easy shape for the cap and if you work with rivo feature we need to specify the the revolver shape and axis of revolution if you confirm the system will create base shape for you okay what for what we need to do is the specify the another feature and for example I'd like to show you how we can create the ear on the cup so I'd like to create a sketch and in the sketch we will create really easy shape if I would like to set the references that surface so I can use the Alt key from my keyboard yeah this is the shape what I would like to use for the sweep feature in the sweep I will select go to section and in the section I'd like to place the predefined sketch from the palette over here we have a shapes of several shapes and I will use the drag-and-drop and I'd like to place it here and for example spin a little bit change the size yeah I will finish the placement of of the sketch from the sketch palette and then I will finish the sketch system will automatically sweep predefined sketch and in the option tab I will use the merge ants because I like to merge these ants directly to create a surface okay so you can see the sweep feature is working the system will follow the sketch if I will change it a little bit so I'd like to change the original shape we can use some fillers here and the system will create nice ear on the mic up and now we would like to focus on the shell so if I will select the shell feature and the system and ask me can you show can you select the surface two rib two will be removed ok no problem you can see that system will remove all surfaces and in a surface is from the ear too so again I would like to focus on the section and I will go directly here so we have a two possibilities how to manage that you don't want to create a shell directly inside of the cap you know that is the possible to move the shell feature up to sweep drag and drop and everything is that it was really quick but sometimes you have a parent-child relationships and it's really hard to remove this feature for example you have a your sketch is connected to existing geometry and then it's not possible to move like here so I will go back yeah and I don't want to see the visualization of the section to activate and I will edit definition of the sweep feature of the shell feature over here we have a possibility go to option tab and over there is the function excluded surfaces you can select the excluded surfaces step by step surfaces from the object and then the system will allow you to select which shift button attitude surface and then if you finish the system automatically create the selected surfaces automatically and the name of this selection is seed and boundaries yeah okay so right now you can see that it's not the system will automatically exclude selected surfaces from the shell so you can see it is working really nicely and what about radius yeah again you if you have a look here I'd like to create a radius because this cab is not look so good so I will delete this feature one more time and I will I'd like to show you that is the possible work with round features for example I will select that edge and that edge which control button and specify some rounds and then over here I'd like to create a round feature here oh it looks good and again if you create a shell feature select the top surface you don't want to see the round here yeah inside because I don't want to create a shell feature directly over there so go to option tab click exclude surfaces select the first surface shift key and surfaces here and system will create automatic selection for seeded boundaries if you finish your Cup's looks perfectly and right now you can make a visualization for example with creo rendering hi folks in today video to tell I'd like to show you how to work with the rip feature with creo parametric 4.0 we'll start again from the scratch and I'd like to create the rip feature you can see here that is not possible the create rip features because you need to use the rip feature for existing geometry at the beginning I will create the first extra feature place it on the sketch plane and in the sketch I will create a base shape and you can see that it will be really easy shape and if I will come from okay I'd like to use the symmetric yeah orientation for the text to teacher okay I don't apply the dimensions or set the dimensions for example for the quick example it okay right now I have created the first geometry and it's the possible to create two different kind of the rip feature I will start with profile rape its amongst users rip or if you work with plastic parts you need to create trajectory okay so let's start with profile rip if you will if you would like to create a profile rape you need to select the sketch plane and the system I love to you to create open sketch don't close the sketch that sketch has to be opened so for example my rib that looks like here you can see here the system automatically again create dimension for me I can change it now I give one and specified a new dimension and so on so if you come from okay the system will create for you the first type of the rape and if I will specify the thickness for the rape you can drag the dragger or you can set the custom dimension for example 20 millimeters and then the system will create automatically symmetrical rate for you from the sketch plane but sometimes you need to specify that you would like to specify the on the other another side it you don't want to use it symmetrically so select the arrow here and the system will plays The Rape on the left side right side or symmetrically yeah so you can change it really quickly or you can specify on which size from the sketchy would like to create the rib on the left or on the right or inside outside air so for now the system need to attach to existing geometry so if the arrow are placed inside the system will create the rig for you so it was example how to create profile rip on the extra feature yeah the second example how to create a rip profile rape I would like to specify on the revolve that sketch so really quickly again I will create some geometry in the sketch and if I will finish the system will create for me the nice shape and right now if you use the function create a profile rip yeah you can create directly sketch in the feature again or opposite way to create a sketch first and then apply the function so for example I like to use it here and if you would like to attach is not problem you can use the coincident for example and the system will attach to existing geometry specify the dimension and finish ok yeah for now have created only sketch here and if you use the function profile rip the system ask you where you would like to create it outside or inside and again you can specify the thickness if the system attach the Ravel that feature you can see here that rip is follow it by that surface so it's really nice and really cool that you can really easy create a rip feature then if you need it more than one time for example you can create a copy and paste and specify that you would like to place it on the different side or you can use the button feature for this example I really use the axis pattern it's me in the system asked you select the axis and [Applause] how many objects you would like to place there for example I like to place there 7 ribs and the system can automatically count that 360 degree divided about 7 is and the system will count this angle for you automatically so if you finish the system will create 7 profile rape here if you would like to edit no problem you can change it for example you would like to apply for example create the fire rape and you can regenerate okay if you have created this rape no problem create a round feature and for example you can sell it with control button and use the full round and again you would like to use the reference button and the system will automatically create correct round feature on every rape if you would like to create another round select edge specify the dimension again you can use that automatically pattern feature and system will create nice shape for you so it was a quick example how to use and work with rip feature and for example how to use the pattern for this feature in the second example I'd like to focus on the trajectory rape and again we would like to start from scratch I can create again for example really the shape and for example it will be defended by rectangle yeah definite by time and Jones and some shape okay in that example I'd like to create a shell yeah over here you know how to create a shell that is necessary to select the surface what you would like to remove yeah if you use the more than once or face the system you'll remove it specify the thickness for example two millimeters and finish in these box inside directly i'd like to create the rib so you can see here that is the possible to create trajectory rate but I'd like to create a trajectory directly inside this box so it's the possible to create a plane and this is the sketch plane and I like to move it a little bit a normal plane can be directly inside a specified value how you would like to and then confirm if you select a trajectory right now the system I love to you to create the directly for example one line you can see here yet I can attach the inside surfaces or you can directly only created necessary line if I will specify okay the system will ask me what I would like to create the rip okay I would like to create a directly inside and you can see the system automatically attached inside geometry and create a rip for me what is necessary to do specify the thickness for the rip and then you can work with another function over here in placement tab you have created the section or in the shape you can see the thickness if you would like to work with under the features directly in the trajectory rip you can add the draft for example yeah so the system will allow to you to draft as the draft and specify the angles for the drive or add the rounds on internal edges and you can see here it with dynamic preview the system automatically add internal radius again specify the radius confirm or you can add the top rounds here and again in the shape you can specify all time engine and directly see with dynamic preview how it's working so in this cage right now I used only one line if you would like to create more than one rip with no problem you can jump directly to the section and create the another line here yeah it mean that you will specify the under the ribs again you can in the sketch you can attach to existing geometry but isn't necessary you can confirm and you can see here that system create for you the correct shape and again you would like to add more and three ribs go to the placement tab edit and add another lines and you can create intersection line the trajectory rip is the special feature then directly in the sketch you can use the intersection line and final results looks like here so you can see that it is possible to really quickly create the trajectory rip and you would like to edit no problem you can for example edit in this first extra feature and system will show dynamically new shape and if you would like to modify externally the rounds not problem cell right mouse button and over there is the function externalize rounds and the system will ask if you would like to do it and if you confirm the system will create for you trajectory rape without the round feature an external rounds here so again you can add remove the references by sets and work with round feature separately hi folks in today video tutorial I'd like to focus on the sleep feature and orientation references how to use the more than one curve in the sweep feature with creo parametric 4.0 and I will start from scratch and well see ya okay so I will create new 3d model and it will be named panel like sweep for example and if you would like to use the sweep we can directly start the use with predefined sketch or you can use the existing geometry I will create some existing geometry here so for example I will create the symmetrical rectangle and I like to place it directly in the middle okay so I will it'll be modified and okay you can see here that if you would like to use the sweep feature you can select the existing edges so if you would like to see the better existing edges you can use their sweep switch on the shading with that jeez and I don't want to see the datum planes or datum feature and ok times more modification for visualization of datum features ok I will try to create the first sketch here on the datum plane in the middle and over there will be really easy shape it will be only straight line yeah it will be predefined sketch for me and if I will finish it you can see here that system will allow me to place the sweep feature on the created curve or you can select the existing edges I would like to try to explain to you how to use the reference orientation here you can see here there is a lot of controls buttons and possibilities how to orient the sweep feature if you were with sweep it necessary to select edge or curve and then you need to select the section directly in the feature for better explanation again I will use the small rectangle here if you use default the system will automatically use the reference and orientation will be section plane control normal to trajectory you can see here that system will always create the section Orient by trajectory what does it mean I will finish and I will a little bit modify the source curve and I will add there for example arc so I would like to follow the tangency in some dimension yeah okay so you can see right now that if the curve is straight the speak feature follows the stride and if the curve is as arc the sweep follow this trajectory the question is that right now the system doesn't close this object here no problem select the definition and use the function option merge ends so you can see here that right now the system merge this ends with existing geometry and it's the reason why I have created for you the first extra feature here so right now you know how to place the sweep feature and it is the possible to merge two existing geometry so that's good the question is how the system orient this section I will create the chamfer for example here and the chamfer will be definite by angle and some dimensions but what is it good I like to use this chamfer feature for sweep orientation so if I will select the sweep feature and any definition at the beginning I'd like to show you how it is possible to use the plane control so for example I'd like to use the normal projection what does it mean you can select the normal projection like here and right now the system always use the normal projection to selected surface for better explanation again I will change the sketch and we can delete the information here and for example like here so you can see that default orientation was like normal to trajectory yeah but no multi projection is definitely here so right now if you will sweep your sketch the system will always follow that surface then of the possibilities is if you change this constant normal direction the system ask you Direction reference so for example I will select this one yeah so consumer direction and Direction reference will be top surface the situation will be the same like the first option normal to projection but over here is the possibility to select the X Direction reference I'd like to use that surface and the system will orient my sketch pace it on the selected surface what does it mean if I will jump to sketch right now the system will orient my X orientation directly normal to this surface yes for what is it good if you would look if you would like to drive your sleep feature for example with chamfer you can really easy edit dimensions and the system will spin around and follow the orientation of the speed feature yeah perfect I like it the parametric modeling is really cool and really quick so for now you know how to use this week feature how to use the option tab with mer and merge ants or how to orient your sketch the second example is for the sweep feature you can use the more than one curve so I will continue I will tell you this existing sweep feature and I like to edit existing sketch in existing sketch for first example I'd like to add only one curve yeah for example same like this and it will be some art right now you can see that for sweep feature I can select first curve it will be selected like origin and if I use the control button the system automatically jump to variable section sweep yeah and the system right now allow to me in the sketch use existing curves here the orientation is normal to first curve yes so you can see here but is no problem for example I will create standard rectangle here and I use the reference that point if I could have come from okay you can see the system will create for me the correct shape and you can follow and change it like what for beta explanation I will start for totally from the scratch yeah control this default orientation and I will create really quickly a couple of curves here so for example the first curve will be my origin and another curves okay I can create a separate sketch or we can use the same and on the left side are we used like this and over there will be different shape okay and that sketch I like the copy and orient so I'd like to use the under the function copy and paste special I'd like to show you always more and more so follow my video tutorials and you will learn almost every feature with creo parametric 4.0 if you will select copy and paste you can use the apply move and rotate and then the system ask you if you would like to move or rotate and then you can spin your sketch and define the dimensions here so it was quick example how you can create a copy of existing curves and right now you can see here that I have specify my shape it's a really similar to to the icon yeah you can see here over there in the icon was use it only three curves but I'd like to show you more select again the sweep feature and at the first you need to select the the reference curves so origin will be in the middle doesn't care yeah you can select the first one or another one and then with control button you will select another one but remember with the origin you have the specification of the orientation of the section so right now if you don't use the x-direction orientation the system automatically spin the model and directly there you can create a curves you can create a straight lines for example and the system will follow the existing curves and if you finish you have created really nice shape basing on the curves and if you change something the system automatically modify the shape again you can use the solid modeling or surface modeling yeah right now I have created surfaces or if you select the option tab you can use the surface modeling and use the function kappa ends and right now the system creates on me the surfaces but with Capitan's it was quick example how you can use the surface modeling with sleep feature later you can create the another surface for example like this and for example I like to specify the different shape here and the system will automatically jump the surfaces and what I need to do is create a surface and then if you use this drop down menu and you want to say in the future you can really easy jump and select the quilts the system allowed to you select only quilts and if you use the control button and you select the axis create a sweep feature and extra feature you can use the function directly from the flyout menu and use the merge for the merge you can select the arrows and choose what you want and the system will create for you the final shape if you don't want to see the sketches select and use the height function or hide everything what is here and at the end is necessary create a solid modeling zuv use the function solidify and a system will create solid model for you so it was quick example how we can use the sweep feature how to orient model directly with sweep sketch and then I have showed you how you can use more than one curve directly for the sweep [Applause] [Music] hi folks in today's video tutorial I'm going to show you how to work with mirror feature I will start from scratch so we will create new 3d model and we need to specify the name of the 3d model and for geometry what I would like to create is extra feature if you select sketch plane you can directly create your custom sketch and over here you can see that I create some base rectangle if I feel like finish ok you can see here that right now I use the creo 5 so you can see new user interface and the dragger is a little bit modified with visualization and you can specify again the depth for the object and come from ok you can see that for my sketch I didn't use the symmetrical rectangle and for example if you would like to use the mirror feature it will be good if our shape will be directly in the middle so you can change the sketch and specify the constraints or you can create new datum plane for example and select reference her face so for example I'd like to select the surface what is not possible to see so we can select right mouse button and system will select the next surface so I will select the first unvisible surface and then with control button I will select the opposite surface system automatically will create middle plane and you can set name that is made one for example yeah so this plane I like to use for a mirror feature in the future so this source or base datum feature is possible to hide I'd like to focus only on the middle plane okay so it was a really quick example how you can manage your custom inter plane and I will start to continue so for example we will create a first whole feature and we will place the first hole here and is necessary drug the references for x and y reference dimensions and specify the dimensions for the hole yeah the diameter and the depth for example this hole will be for example 100 of the diameter and some damages we would like to focus on the mirror feature so if I will switch on the datum plane what is played in the middle you know that right now if I will select the hole from the model tree and we will use the mirror feature is necessary to specify the datum plane for the mirror feature system automatically created the feature you can confirm with middle bar middle mouse button or directly from the ribbon and this mirror feature is dependent what does it mean if you will change any diameter of the hole or that for the hole yeah you can see that system automatically modify mirrored feature for better visualization I'd like to see the shade that shading with edges and it was further examples of mirror which one is dependent the question is how to create independent mirror feature if you need it so again we will create plane between surfaces and the system will create second middle plane again you can change name over here and mirror - for example and this datum plane I like to use for the second mirror if you select more than one feature with control button you can create a group or directly from the flyout menu create a mirror or jump here and choose the mirror feature here the system ask you again for the datum planes of select a template for the mirror feature and in option tab is the option that I don't want to use the dependent copy right now the system will create independent copy what does it mean if you will focus on the whole one and you will change the time engines for example dependents will be between these two holes but over here is not dependent so this is much modification if you would like to manage in the first direction some dependency and in the second direction some another dependency what does it mean mirror - is dependent between this hole and that hole so if you will choose for example how to and you would like to change the dimensions you can modify it and you can see that in first Direction is that is dependent and in the second Direction is from the this way is independent so you can really easy manage this position and you can reuse it it was really quick example how you can specify dependent and independent mirror feature and then how you can modify the custom position diameter hi folks in today video tutorial I'm going to show you how to work with extra feature with creo parametric 5.0 we will start from scratch and at the beginning is necessary to define the name for the 3d model I will start to create extra treat extra feature directory from the ribbon so you can see here that is possible to select a icon or is the possible to use the map key X from the keyboard if you select the feature you need to select the sketch plane and system will automatically jump the sketch you can see that right now I can see the new ribbon where is the possible to define the line rectangle circle or base sketching feature a system will always orient in entreaty as a default so for example if you would like to jump to the orientation you can select this icon sketch view and system will orient the sketch to 2d if I will create for example rectangle so you can see here the system automatically created dimensions and it's the possible to set some custom new value an automatically system regenerate the sketch for confirmation okay you can see the system jump again to to 3d and you can specify the depth the specification of the depth is the possible PI dragger so you can choose the side or you can use the arrow specify the depth for example 300 and come from okay for now I don't want to use the datum planes so visibility of the plane display I can switch off how to orient model you can see right now that model is always oriented around spin center so this is the point directly in the middle of the object if I you want to use them orientation based on the mouse don't use the spin center right now the sister will spin the model around mouse if you would like to zoom in zoom out you can see the system in going directly to the mouse I said that if you use the under the expert feature or extra feature and if you select the sketch blind assist I will always leave the orientation in 3d you can change it I'd like to show you how you can manage your configuration options so directly in file options is the possible to select configuration editor and we will add the new configuration options and the name is yep I'd like to use the function for type of keyboard and over there is the starts and I'm looking for the sketched sketcher starts in 2d you can see the default is the no and I'd like to jump to the yes and exchange and close you can come from ok and sister will ask you if you would like to save this new configuration options directly to your default config profile here you can confirm yes and save it or for now I'd like to just only use it so the system will remember my selection and how it look if you select extrude feature and it will select sketch plane the system will automatically orient to 2d it's no problem you can jump to 3d you can spin the model and if you would like to jump again to 2d the select schedule you can continue with creating of the on others catching geometry so for example I'd like to create some another base shape and set some values so for example new value of this one and right now you can see that if I will come from ok the system would like to add the material if you go inside the system automatically remove the material over here is the icon for the remove so you can jump and add or remove the material if you finish your feature and if you select the definition the system right now doesn't recognize if you would like to add or remove the material the system will remember the last configuration will be certain specified if you would like to add material is not problem you can add and system at material always so be careful if you finish feature or not ok we would like to specify some another options yep and for example I'd like to create some chamfer here because I like to use and show you some another option what is possible to do with extrude feature and the spinning of the orientation will bill this way it will be ok I will select a new extra feature and right now maybe we can select the surface and over here the system automatically show you in the small flyout menu that is the possible to create a sketch extrude Revo feature and so on so for example extrude feature right now again we'll continue with bishop with base shape with rectangle specify dimensions change if you come from ok you can see that it's possible to specify the depth in the options you will see a better configurations so you can see here that I can select for example to select it and I'd like to select that surface the system automatically continue with following to select the shape and here you can specify if you would like to offset yep from the selected surface and system will automatically measure as offset or you can use the function as a exports translation and you can specify the number of the offset in the selected reference and for example 25 the question is if you can specify it in one direction if it is possible in two directions yes it is possible so for example I'd like to show you here on the opposite side so again I will create really quickly the transfer feature here and we will create new datum plane a sketch plane so if you would like to select that surface but it's not visible here you can solve right mouse button and then left Mouse and system allows to you to create a datum plane and this new datum plane will be for new extrude feature and for example that type and over here I'd like to explain to you the depth options yeah this tutorial is focused on the depth options so you can see here that is the possible to use the dragger it's the possible to use right mouse button and you can choose if you would like to select the symmetric yep value for the extrude feature or you can choose it here so we have three option how to specify the depth and how to manage it use the base icon or directly in the dragger you can use the right mouse button again I'd like to use the function to select it and the first direction will be to select it here but I'd like to offset value so I'd like to go back a little bit for example five meters yep and second direction again I like to use the two selected for example that's our face and then I like to use the translation so le I like to expand it a little bit more so for example ten millimeters me or something bigger it's no problem you can change it anywhere so it was some really nice example how we can manage the extra feature and the depth option with creo parametric 5.0 well folks would you like to understand the damage in pattern here is the quick video tutorial we will start from scratch and we will create new 3d model with base shape and our base shape will be basil under base rectangle okay I'd like to show you how to pattern and how to use a dimension pattern for better explanation I will create for example whole feature and the whole feature will be definite by the time engine selected from the left side and bottom side okay over here will be 50 and for example 60 and diameter will be on the 10 and depth will be 20 yep so 10 20 50 60 it will be good for understanding how I'd like to manage a button yeah you can see here that right now I created one hole this hole we would like to pattern so you would like to use the pattern feature directly from the flyout menu or from the ribbon so it's up to you we would like to go here in this time direction so I will use the dimension 60 and every for example 70 millimeters I'd like to create new home so you can see here that right now I'll create a second member and for example in this direction I'd like to create 4 members we can see here that in the dimensions I use the number 70 if you come from okay sister will create for you the correct pattern if you would like to modify you can select the definition and in the direction to you can select here or directly here you would like to sell in dimension of 50 and you would like to go from this surface to here for example 55 in the system automatically create viewpoints where the members will be created if you confirm the system will create for you the necessary pattern what you selected but question is if your object will be created in different way I will delete holes have a create a new one one more time Sonia who will be definite from that's her face but I'd like to select this surface folder for the second reference and again we will specify the depth for example 20 diameter 10 this one will be 15 this derangement will be for example 350 yep and be careful for the pattern feature because if you select the pattern and you would like to go here decides to the right you need to set negative value over here I have to select minus 70 and again you can choose how many members you would like to create you in the dimension be careful and use negative value because the time engines and specification of the dimension is how the system will create the pattern feature and but remember okay so you can see here that in Direction one I'd like to create and specify the direction based on the dimensions okay the question is that for example you would like to create a first member based on the original dimension and honor the members will be a little bit bigger you can select the definition and if you use the ctrl button you can specify for example that another Hall will be bigger for five millimeters so add by ctrl button the dimension for the diameter and if you finish it every another hole will be bigger and bigger again if you would like to specify the different depth use the control button and specify for example every another holes will be bigger for example three millimeters if the finish you can see right now that system specified the big adapt and bigger diameter and how will it be looks we will specify the direction - yeah select and for example every 60 millimeters will be another one and for example three times every hole in the first direction will be changed by the diameter and depth and if you would like to change dimensions here in the second direction you need to sell a control button and for example I'd like to create a bigger dimension in the direction - so for example 10 millimeters and if you finish the system will create a bigger and bigger value so you can manage the depth damage and position and which member will be created really easy because right now you understand how to define the direction 1 what does it mean positive and a negative value how that is the possible to specify the direction to and you can choose which members will be not created so unselect call from you can see right now the system doesn't create this feature member or you can select the definition and add this member that you would like to create it it was quick example how to manage dimensions pattern feature stay tuned bye bye what you mean you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 36,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, creo parametric, creo 2.0, creo 3.0, creo 4.0, creo 5.0, whole series, compiling, single video, Extrude, Revolve, Sketched feature, Hole, Round, chamfer, draft, shell, rib, sweep, scale sketch, mirror, pattern, Introduction to Creo Parametric 4.0, Introduction to Creo Parametric 5.0, core modeling, creo skills, main topics, sketching, part modeling, creo for new users, quickly as possible, creo 5.0 tutorial, creo basic tutorial, Creo Beginner Tutorial, Complete Creo tutorial
Id: 4mX0y-5rvu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 15sec (13275 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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