Creo Generative Design - Topology Simulate Live - Creo 7

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[Music] hello today i'm going to show you creo topology and generative design combined with ansys simulate live creo parametric i'm using creo parametric and i've modified my system configuration to use millimeters kilograms per second as well as modify my default parts and assemblies to also use these units okay let's get started by creating a part i'm using my default template set previously and i can verify that the units are correct if i click file compare model properties and i can see millimeters kilograms per second i'm going to create a simple extruded block with three extruded holes this is a very simple example just to demonstrate the power of the tool in topology and generative design here's the extruded block now i'm just going to put some extruded holes the block that we're making right now is called the starting body and it specifically contains the material that will be reduced and optimized but this tool requires multi-body design because we also need the material that we preserved after the optimization called the preserve body now to create the preserved body we're going to click on extrude body options create new body and i'm just going to place the sketch on this face here and preserve geometry is required for placing loads and constraints on the model now in this example the material we're going to preserve is going to be around these pre-extruded holes so we're just going to extrude this to the same thickness as the starting block as you can see here we have body one and body two so now we're ready for our topology optimization let's go through to the generative design tool just click applications generative design you'll see this workflow down the side here we have design spaces loads and constraints and design criteria so first up is our starting geometry so we'll click this button up here and we'll select body one this is the material we want to remove through the optimization you can see it goes as translucent color next we'll select preserve geometry using this button here we'll select body two we can pick multiple preserved geometry and you can see it goes this nice blue color we're not going to select any excluded geometry in this example be aware there's the excluded geometry feature also now we're going to pick our constraints and in my case i'm going to put my constraints on these two holes as if the model itself had been pinned in place as mentioned before constraints and loads can only be placed on preserved geometry now i'm going to select load and place it on this extruded hole here and for this example i'm just going to put 10 000 newtons in the negative y direction we can see up here that the study is not fully defined this is because we haven't defined a design criteria to do that we'll push this button up here add design criteria let's launch a window so what does design criteria represent while it represents what the design is trying to achieve like reducing the mass of the overall design or reducing the volume my example here i want my optimized component to be ten percent of the volume of my starting block and then here we have the design constraints which includes the manufacturing constraints and the geometric constraints the manufacturing constraints in particular are very useful for additive manufacturing we also have geometric constraints and a good example here is the symmetry option and i should mention that the design constraints portion of the design criteria is not compulsory for the design optimization and now the final portion of the design criteria is adding the materials so we click this button here it launches the materials window out of the box creo parametric contains pre-defined materials you can define your own import keys as well in my case i'm going to use the grant to design materials and select the medium carbon still if i now push the ok button my optimization will begin if yours doesn't begin automatically you can change this preference using this generative design options menu here just tick the check box for start optimization automatically and this is a really useful feature on models that are low to medium complexity right that's our first optimization complete let's have a look around we can see that we've achieved 10.3 percent of the starting volume that's against our target of 10 that's brilliant our next step is to add another set of design criteria in this case i'm going to set the volume limit to 5 i'm not going to set any design constraints and for my material i'm going to set it to titanium so the optimization begins again this time processing design criteria two keeping the same loads and constraints as previously defined as well as the starting preserved geometry so here's the design solution generated from my second set of design criteria you can see it certainly uses less material than the first design criteria if i want to revert back to my previous and right click and push this activate button here again it will run the optimization this time reverting back to design criteria one i can also right click and edit my design criteria and change the values to optimize further in this case i'm going to change the volume from 10 to 8 percent the optimization will run again and i'll get a more refined model output i can also modify my loads constraints right click edit and in this case i'm going to change my load from 10 000 newtons to 15 000 newtons the optimization will run allowing me to refine my design on the fly so once i've achieved a design that i'm happy with i go down to this menu here to materials expand right click and then set the material that i want for my master in this case medium carbon still at this stage i want to use generative design i go up here and i click the generate design button [Music] i have the option to replace the current part in session or create a new part because i start with a generic block in this case i'm just going to replace the current part in session and i can pick what geometry output i can have i can have tessellated or i can have reconstructed geometry this reconstructed geometry can be at various resolution levels and now i'll push the generate button and the generative design tool will start reconstructing my geometry and creating a robust part model i can use later so here it is here's my generated part and what i want to do now is use creo's live simulation feature to verify my design so i go up here to the live simulation and because i've pre-defined my loads and constraints as well as set my master material all i need to do now is click the simulate button and within a few seconds i have a simulated design so right now i'm looking at a scaled version of my parts deformation under the 15 000 newton load i can also go to this menu here and verify the stresses another fba criteria against my generated design at the beginning of the session i had an extruded block and since that point i've now generated a model based on loads constraints and design criteria i've then generated a part and not only that within the same tool i've then feathered that part using live simulation so what else can i do at this point well it's still a parametric package so what i'm going to do is go back to my original block and change the dimensions in this case i'm going to change the depth from 350 millimeters to 250 millimeters now i return to my generative design tool just by accessing the utility i can see it's optimizing it for me automatically i haven't had to make any further changes and here's my new optimized design you can see it overlaid with the previous design also in this case i'm going to go up to the update design button here it's going to ask me if i want to replace my current design and click yes as before we're going to return back to our live simulation package so in almost no time at all we've gone from modifying our parametric part by changing the depth of the extrusion all the way through our generative design workflow back into live simulation so using the suite of tools we're able to verify and validate a range of different designs very quickly that's it for this session thank you for watching and if you're interested in any of the packages you've seen today please get in contact with your local pds vision representative or by visiting us on our website
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Id: nw-xR8P1b-c
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Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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