PTC Creo 4.0 tutorial: Assembling with Constraints

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so folks in today video tutorial I like the focus on the assembly mode and it will be first lesson about assembly how to place components into assembly I will slice crumbs I'll go start from scratch its mean I'd like to create two base 3d models the first model will be m1 and it will be really easy shape so for example it will be definite like looks like this so came a second and I will create the first base model I'd like to modify the dimensions for example this one will be 180 cleanse some another value layer so will be fine and it okay this object I would like to place into assembly and we would like to many a little bit maybe in the future I'd like to place it in the symmetric Linda assembly so I use the extrude this symmetrical and we don't want to say nothing and for example I will create a whole because into this whole we would like to place some screw or nuts or something similar yep ok so it will be diameter about 25 it will be okay and some that okay what we can place there for example it will be some chamber because I like to orient the model directly base it on that surface and I will a little bit change the visibility of the object so I'd like to apply some colors so for example that surface will be red one and that's our we'll be clean and for example the blue one will be this one yeah and I'm okay with default color okay so right now we have a first model and the second model will be some screw nuts okay so I will create the second model I will use the shortcut ctrl n and will be named screw you know that I have created hole with the diameter 25 so I will create a ripple feature and it will be base dimensions like this and diameter of the 25 and length of this screw will be 50 for example okay and what we need to do is create excellent feature here and specify the head of this crew so we can use the palette and hexagonal head will be totally fine totally fine and the scale will be like this and you know that is the possible to define dimensions and set your custom one and this one will be for example 30 ok and this is the high end of the 5 centimeters if you need to create of something bigger is no problem for example 40 the system will regenerate it and for example some chamfer here transom damages okay you know that is the possibility if you would like to finish the screw you know that is the possible to place the cosmetic feature you you can found it here let's mean the chromatic thread and you need to specify the placement yeah you can see here then you need to specify the depth and the system will show you how it look and you can specify the custom dimension or you can specify the predefined iso standard and you can choose for example like this yeah so it's mean you can choose and sell your custom value and finish it okay so I will finish and if you would like to see this threat you need to jump and for example say like no hidden line or easin line and the system will show you the threat of this object and it is under modification of the title ok so it was really quick example how to create a screw okay you need to create some cut feature here but we would like to focus on the assembly modeling it was really quick example and again I would like to focus on some modification of the surface color and I will play with that color of yellow it will be again for your better explanation how to orient model directly in there something okay fine so I've created one model screw and second was was m1 and I'd like to show you right now how to work with assembly if you create new assembly you need to specify the name so it will be the name page one and if I come from al-qaeda system they'll create for me the standard assembly here is the question how to create the datum plane and if you go to view tab you can see here that is the possible to show plane tax and the system creates for you the default datum planes and then the system will create for you the default parameter in relation everything depends about configuration options responsible for template for assembly if you would like to see the information directly in the model tree you can go to the three filters and you would like to see for example that features directly in the model tree so you can switch and confirm okay in the future you can save these preferences and again with configuration options the system will automatically load the visibility of the information directly in the model tree if you would like to go back to the model tab I'd like to focus on the new placement of the 3d model you can select assemble or you can select the map key a and the system automatically open the window for you you can browse or you can specify the working directory or you can jump to the to the session right now in my in my session you can see here that I have a open assembly in two models and one and screw I'd like to place the first 3d model it will be n1 so with the double click you can select the first 3d model in today video tutorials I like to focus on this placement and I'd like to go through almost all of these features if you create new 3d model the we'll create for you the datum planes for these objects and coordinate system yeah and if you work with assembly the system again create in the assembly mode datums features for example datum planes and coordinate system the first component into assembly you can place for example datum plane to datum plane coordinate system to coordinate system on entity to entity the best practice is if you place an orient your 3d model correctly same as you create 3d model and then you can really easy select drop-down menu and use the default it's mean the system will align the datum planes from the assembly datum datum planes from the 3d model or coordinates of the coordinate system yet so it will be default orientation and if Ike will confirm it the system will orient my models frame like in the 3d model so if I will select right now I'd like to spin the model and I will use the control D or default orientation yes so defaults under orientation it will be same orientation like in the 3d model so you can see here that I'd like to directly from the model tree open the 3d model and then over here if I use again the control D the system will spin the model same like in the assembly so everything depends how you will create your 3d model how you will create your first X through the Raval feature we can try the same orientation on the 40 screw so for example I'd like to go back to the assembly you can select here to drop down menu and the system will jump to assembly mode you can see here in the model tree that right now a media assembly I said that I'd like to place the screw so for now I don't want to use the datum plane and datum features so we can automatically switch off this data feature and spinning and moving is the same like in the 3d model so you can I don't want to use the spin Center right now and we don't need to see the annotations again this option is possible to configure by conflict profile I said that I would like to assemble the screw so I will select assembly and we know that in my session is the screw so I will select the screw and I will open it you can see here that is the possible to move with new 3d model directly with 3d dragger you can switch ON or switch off yeah like you need the treated rugger and then you can spin the model or you can move with model so for you it's really good that you can use this dragger and if you don't want to see it you can switch off and then you can finish right now you can see that I have select medal button it's mean that I have finished my component placement in the model tree you can see that this object is not placed correctly you can see here that is there only square so I will select at the definition and you can see here in the placement app you do not select nothing and we would like to select the surface from the screw and where it is necessary to do or place it over here so you can select surface the surface and the system automatically jump from the automatic to continent and again you can select new automatic placement and select from the assembly item or for the 3d model ID so it's up to you you can select the surface from the 3d model or select the surface from the assembly doesn't matter which one is the first you can select and confirm if your object is placed correctly you can see here a system show me information that is a fully constraint and the system changed the color so if I will go back you can see that right now my color is defined differently and if an object is definite partially and if I will confirm the selection yeah the system will select the information here and the system said fully constrained and if I confirm my model is automatically placed and automatically spin it so I'd like to focus on the another placement constraint so we can continue so I'd like to select the assembly mode in the session and I'd like to place my right now you can see that I will switch off or switch on the tracker and I can move I can rotate and we can start to place you can select any surfaces so I will use the automatic placement surface the surface but I don't want to select back surface this surface effect options you can spin the model or spindle assembly and then select that surface or behind the mouse is another surface or more than one surface so you can select right mouse button and system will show you where which surface is predefined and with less mouse button the system select and set the display slinging you can set that surface that's your face and then you would like to select and attach this surface and bottom surface yes you can spin and select for use the right mouse button left the system is set object fully constraint you can see the system change the color again I will finish and right now we would like to place the screw one more time we have two possibilities you can select that screw and you can make a copy and paste or you can assembly one more time yeah so I will play the screw one more time from the session and then I don't want to use the dragger because you know that is the possible to drag refer the orientation and modification but in the Creole is the possible to select control out and left mouse button and the system allows to you to drag the objects for control of and middle button and you can spin the model so it's really cool and really quick so so you have two possibilities use a dragger an oriental model or use the ctrl alt and middle button and right mouse button so you can a little bit prepare your orientation and then again we can start a selecting you can use the automatic placement and select surface the surface and that surface and surface what is behind so left and right right now you can see that system set for me the placement to continent you can change it and for example you would like to use the distance so you can set for example distance for that screw and set the number of the distance from the 3d menu or directly in the ribbon so for example one millimeters it will be distance and it will be enough and here is the question if it is in the millimeter or if it is in the inch yes be careful right now I use the default configuration for the assembly so if I will select properties for food assembly you will see that I use the different units because this is not one millimeter yes if the hole is 25 this is not one millimeter and in prepare top is the other properties right now you can see that I use for my assembly inch and creo parametric default so I will change it I will go back to millimeter kilogram second seconds and I will set and here the question if we if I would like to change one inch to twenty point five twenty five point four millimeters or I would like to use the one inch to one millimeter the first option is okay because this is the twenty five millimeters so I will come from okay close and close this option right now you can see if I go select edit definition in the placement tab the system changed offset from one inch to twenty five point four ministers so here you can see that is really good if you prepare your template for the assembly you will specify the name of the datum features you will specify the parameters and relations and units you will store it and set correct file and pad and configuration options and the system in the future will always create assembly correctly okay so we can continue and I'd like to add another and one object so I will select from the session object m1 and again I'd like to place it so for example we would like to place it here or opal I wait here if you know how to place the object you can leave the automatic or you can specify for example pointed and directly so I like to use the pointed end function and set that red surface will be connected to this surface yeah it's good and again you can see in the placement of systems this option for me you can set will constrain and again you can set for example that will be coincident and that surface and that surface will be continent and here is the question if I have set all surfaces and connection correctly if you finish you can see that object is not placed correctly if I will celebrate the definition over here you can see that object is not placed correctly and where I can move the object you can use the 3d grogger and the system will show you where is the possible to move with these objects and if you don't want to use the dragger you can use the ctrl alt and right mouse button and move with the object and the system allowed to you and detect where is the free already the possibility move it isn't it so we would like to add the new constrain you can use it here or you can use the right mouse button and over there is a lot of nice functions so try to investigate the right mouse button and system allowed to you to add some constraints and property and certain properties and again I would like to for example you the distant value and set that this time that surface and that surface for example will be with the distance the system will allow me to set a custom value here or you can change it a little bit if you want and come from this object is possible to what's possible to set by distance so you can set and modify by Eddy definition and the system will show you the dimensions so you can set for example 25 then you need to regenerate objects or you can use the control G and the system will set new placement all if you would like to change it you can select edit definition and you don't want to use the distance so you can select double click here and for example you would like to use the Jeannette and the system will change it here or the system will change it here so it's the same you have a lot of possibilities how to set and define constraints okay and we would like to focus about another placements because for now I select almost always automatic but it's ok you can always use the automatic placement so for example you would like to place one more time than one and you can see that it's really quick because you can select only surface the surface and use and confirm it was really quick but I like to only show you that you can always leave the automatic placement and system recognize the selection and you would like to change something no program changed here and set some distance for example yeah and it would be fine okay I'd like to apply some screw there and you know that is the possible to set the screw to surface the surface and right now the system will place the screw directly inside and I don't know where it is because you can exam imagine that this assembly is really huge no problem you can select this small icon and system will show you the object what you will apply into assembly and you can select the references directly from here so for example that surface will be connected here and I don't want to use the normal cone but coincident and what is good you can see here that I can spin right now this object yeah because it was placed upon the surface the surface cylindrical surface the cylindrical surface and planar surface the planar surface so you can write here feed that is the possible to spin the model but I like the orient model so if you like to orient model for example yeah I will select it I will set the parallel surfaces and this yellow surface will be purl to this green surface and the system orient object for me and if I will finish the system show me it was oriented correct and right now I'd like to place this crew one more time with same orientation so you can select you can copy this object and you can place this object by paste function what we need to select is the screw was placed in the cylindrical planar and orientation if you need to change something because the system remember the placement and you can flip the object or you can flip the angles yeah so you can specify the orientation and for example you can specify that you would like to spin the model for example 50 degree or you can select the pile and the system will use the parallel yeah right now you can say that system will set up a side because I have a little bit spindle model and if I will select the definition the last our orientation al you can flip and again orientation will be same so it was quick example how you can make a copy of the objects and last thing what I would like to show you is that is the possible to place object directly not existing surveys but datum planes so I will place again the object m1 and right now I would like to see the planes yes so you can see here and you don't want to see the small window and you can choose that object or datum feature from the 3d model can be placed on the datum feature from assembly and you can specify distance angle coincidental and then you can combine for example that you would like to use the surface from 3d model and surface from another 3d model and sit some time engines or again you can check what is the possibility move and you can select the datum plane or existing surface so in the selection you can combine if you would like to place object directly with latent features or selected surfaces and set some dimensions for if I would like to open this object I like to open it and I will create some round here over here will be good if I will create some round and program where - yes if I will close it this window you will be apply for everybody everywhere and I'd like to show you the another placement so I like to continue and assemble again from the session object m1 and here is the question that you can select for example that surface will be placed directly on that surface so you can see here the system will set the tangency little bits good object is select by tangent and then you can use your candidate placements and for example I'd like to place this object as angle of sight and I would like to click that surface will be oriented to touch your face you can see the system will always leave the tangent and set this object correctly what is the possibility move you can move it let's divide and in front of and back so we need to specify in more than three placement definitions so I don't want to move in these directions yeah you the question if it is possible to move yes directly you can check it is the possible to move here so another constraint what I would like to specify is set that curve so you can select the curve will be placed directly on that surface right now the object is specified to fully constraint system change the color and right now I cannot move with the object and you can see that you can combine the placement like you need so it was combination I will select one more time the placement of that object was definite by tangent surface surface the surface J or you can specify the angle or you can specify placement with surface the surface or under the combination curve the surface right now it's question if it is possible to orient object by point or vertex no problem select assembly and come from okay open the system remember last object would you have placed and it's menu the need to always jump and select the object if you need to use more than one time the object you can only place and come from okay and over here I'd like to show you that is the possible to orient object by vertex or curve so you can select vertex this vertex will be placed on that curve so if it is possible is if it is not possible to select that curve you can use the filter yet or you can use the right mouse button and sister allo to you to choose the unn the predefined reference or you can use the Alt key again you have more than one definition how you can choose the curve so it's up to you right now you can see the system specify for me that vertex is offset from that curve with some dimension so you can set custom value I will set zero because I'd like to show that in reality the object is placed here on the point and again you can select new a new constraint and I'd like to place it directly that point will be placed on that surface right now the system allowed me to orient model based on the two intersected references vertex and surface vertex and curve and then you can continue with your placement and you can set your custom values you can specify the angle of sight or you would like to specify the another angle offset yeah what is the possible to orient over here yeah so he's fine so here is the question that you would like to set the orientation like this and then last orientation you don't know so you would like to fix this orientation we are satisfied with your intentionally but you would like to fix it no problem you can set the new placement and over there you can see there is a drop-down menu here and you can say that I like the fix and it means the system will remember this orientation and everything is placed correctly vertex on curve vertex on surface some objects are definite but by angle but the last orientation is fixed if you would like to move it or edit then it fix and change and set correct orientation like you're needed in the this tutorial I have focused on the placement of the objects and I'll show you how you can modify and set some custom orientation for 3d model you can have a look here that is more than I'll show you but if you select any references and if you leave the automatic placement system recognized would you need a place and where you need to place and system set for you the correct orientation and if you do not satisfy with the orientation you know you can change it how you need for example you would like to change the angle offset for something different you can set the pointed end and the system will set correct orientation for you be careful if you will fix some information you need to delete it and then repair the previous placement you can use the drop down menu or you can use the ribbon if you don't want to use the 3d information from the ribbon you can select any object and set edit definition and write or remove the information directly from 3d so for example this distance you can again the set the coincident and if you miss some information for example you don't want to spin this model you can add new constraints use the automatic placement at the beginning and you will see that is really intelligent and the system will finish the assembly placement for you I hope so did you like my tutorials of assembly placement of the components and in my next video tutorial I'd like to focus on the mechanism constraints stay tuned and thank you okay Roger you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 65,514
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Keywords: creo, parametric, tutorial, proe, proengineer, Pro/E, Pro/ENGINEER, video, constraints, 4kside, vpalffy, ptc, creo tutorial, creo assembly, creo parametric, ptc creo, creo constraints, creo constraints assembly, how to assemble parts in creo, how to assemble parts in creo parametric, how to assemble in creo 6.0, creo tutorial for beginners, creo tips and tricks, creo for beginners, creo modeling tutorial, 3D basic modeling, creo basic modeling, creo tutorial for mechanical engineering
Id: pCDyFsBugsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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