Creo pattern

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hello everybody welcome to this tutorial and this tutorial I am going to show you how to use coupons or questions so we start with a new part and make a skip over the right plane I'll take a century tangle with these dimensions now I'll exclude this to ten minutes then I'll take another sketch and space this time and make a circle with ten minutes diameter and eight units from the center now I'll exclude this to 25 units then okay now that we assume that we need to make a pattern on or repeat this part all we need to do is to select it from the model tree here and then select bathroom okay now that we talked about the first type of bathroom and its dimension button as you see here I have these dimensions and once we take one of them that can specify the direction of the copies of the passport pattern of this cylinder so for example let me take this dimension and set it to minus 50 okay as you see here I have a black point and this point represents the location of the second grab of the spot so we can control this distance between them by entering it in this field as you see let me now show you so this is the result now if I edit the definition for this assuming that I need five copies of this part all I need to do is to enter five in this field as you see now okay again if you assume we don't need this copy to appear all we need to do is to make a click over this black point now as you see it's a white point that means it will not be clear when we finish like this okay now if we move on to something with a higher level now if we assume that I need to make an entrance in the height of this cylinder so all I need to do is to make a clicking on this field hold ctrl and select this dimension now let me make an increment with five minutes for each copy then click OK now as you see I have an increment with five minutes for each copy the cylinder okay by the same way I need to make an increment in the diameter for this circle so what I need to do is to make a click here hold ctrl and select it and specify the instrument to be too then okay as you see now I have two increments one of them in the height or elevation of this cylinder and the second one on the diameter by the same way I can take the increment in a negative values so let me take this 2-2 as you see now okay so this is the first type of Cleopatra classroom and it's a dimension pattern and one direction so let me delete this pattern now and edit the definition for this rectangle now if we take another circle here okay now I select it again from the model tree and make another pattern as we previously said let me take this dimension and set it to minus 40 are repeated four four times then okay now that we specify another increment in this direction so we make a click here then select this dimension and set this value to be okay now as you see I have another copy of all this pattern but this time in this direction if we show that okay now I can make more than one copy of this let me take five for example visited two before then okay as you see now if we talk about the increments so if I need to make an increment okay let me assume that we need to make an increment the elevation in this direction so we make a click here hold ctrl and select the elevation dimension and set the increment to be five and okay now as you see I have an increment but in this direction okay and let me take an increment but this time to be in this direction so I'll select this field hold ctrl and select the diameter dimension and set it to 3 then okay now I have an increment in the elevation on this direction and another instrument and the diameter but in this direction okay as we talk about something else let me delete this and make the increment in this field I will help hold control and take this and set it to 3 then okay now as you see I have two entrance but in the same direction in this direction I have an increment in the elevation in addition to the increment on and the diameter okay as you see now so this is geometric dimension pattern in the two directions which you like welcome again now which we talked about another type of clop elasaur Russians so let me take a schedule in space and specify another preferences okay in order to know that we have the square with 200 dimension okay now I'll take a sketch on the space and take a circle H 5 in this direction and 85 in this one I'll take this to be 25 units then ok also that this extrude now and click bathroom ok now we move to the second part of q+ buttons and it's the direction pattern as you see I don't have any dimension now so the software now is waiting for me to select a direction and order to make the Cabot's in that direction so let me take this edge for example as you see now the copy is occurred in this direction let me set this to 5 and this to 25 like this as you see I have been in this direction so that we change this let me remove this one and select this edge for example and reverse the direction then okay now as you see I have them in this direction another option is to take this knife for example and reverse the direction as you see this is the previously defined sketch I can use it as a direction for my bathroom okay also I can take it in this direction I have think others over each other we can increase the space to be in order to see this okay okay sell it now let me take it to be with this direction and set this to seven and set this to 25 okay what if I need to make this pattern and other direction all I need to do is to make a click here then select the second direction okay now I'll reverse the direction and set the spacing distance to be 25 and the number to be 7 then okay as you see now okay so let me remove this and select this this time as you see the first one goes in this direction and the second one goes with this one okay now that we talked about the increments so this is direction one and this is direction 2 for example let me make a click here as you see I have all the dimensions now so as we previously said we hold control and take the regression for example and city to 2 then okay as you see I have an increment in the elevation with 2 units by the same way I can make the increment and the diameter for this direction and this one as we agree viously side ok now that we talked about something else so as you see this is how we select an edge and make a passion about it so we have more than this option here so this is the rotation 1 and this is the translation so if we move on to the translation 1 so now we select the edge but this time the software will take it as an axis to make a rotational copies of the item you selected about okay again as you see now for example let me take this one over this one now all this part will rotate about this edge so let me set this to 10 and set this overtone as you see now this is the angle okay I was needed to definition for the Sun and this type is the coordinate system okay as you see here now I have XY & z so I show this one and selected then it will be my reference now to make the covers so for example let me make it's funny cobby's or uses b5 garbage and this to be 25 on the x-direction as you see my ex now is here so let me take this to be 50 then okay as you see now I have five copies of this item with a space that separate each two of them by a 50 minutes on the x-direction okay which we take another 15 on the y-direction as you see now I have an X component in addition to Y component like this and we can add z-component like this okay now what if I set this to zero on this as you see now I have used this method if I have a coordination so all these were in the first direction so in addition to this I can take another direction for example it is B this or to be a rotational motion or repetition so with me over seven okay now as you see the first direction was a coordination for this and the second one was this angle but with a rotational motion and we divided the angle so as you see I have this coordination and these results from the second direction I can control the number here also I can't control it here so it to be so this is the second type of creo parametric patterns and it's dimension pattern look at this okay now with me in addition to all that I can and add an increment in the first direction also in the second one okay now let me delete this button and go back for this okay now if we talk about the third type through parametric bathrooms and it's the access question so now we need to define an axis to make a revolution about it so I'll take this one and it's the x-axis now I need to make ten copies of this part and I need them to be with equally spaced angles what I need to do is to make a click over this button to set the right value of the angle then okay now as you see I have them with equally spaced angles by the same way I can define a second direction and define an increment from here but for now let me take this second direction to be three as you see now I have three circles of the same pattern with separating space I can defined it from here so I can set this to 60 as you see or sit it to minus 30 then okay as we see now also I can define an entrance so let me take the first direction for example hold ctrl and set this to 3 then okay okay as you see now I have an increment but this time just in the first direction okay let me set other increments now but this time on the diameter and this will be in direction too I mean this one as you see once we move on the second direction I have an increment in the diameter so this is the second instrument I've just defined okay so this is enough for access button click ok and now with me keep this one okay now we'll talk about other important type of classrooms and it's the fill pattern for that let me make this we take this plane and take a central line from here and take an hour and take it quite this way then I make a revolve now and click ok ok so now I'll take extrude tool and go to pattern and define a full pattern okay now the Saffir asked us to define the space that will be filled so we go to reference define and take this face to make sketch over here so what we do now is to define the area that we need to fill this pattern and so I'll take a projection and take a loop over this part then ok now as you see I have multi cavities of the spot but all of them will be included inside the sketch that I've just defined now from here I can control the space between each car behind the other so if you take this to be 30 as you see I have many copies now okay also I can control the shape of the arrangement so let me take this one for example or take this or this one as you see I can control the arrangement type okay now if we talk about an option now here for that let me show this then edit the definition for this one okay now if I go to options and take photo surface shape before that let me take the sketch before bathroom and take this evolve 42 pocket now I go to options and select the surface for example then okay now I hide this as you see the distribution as it goes and take the shape of the surface again as you see we can't control them from the options now we have many options now here okay so this is the tide that we call fill bathroom it's a very good one so let me leave this one now and show you something I'll take this to be in the center now I'll take Phil person and define this sketch now let me take this as you see I can also take this so this is how we use film fashion I'm sure for mistake
Channel: Mohammad Alzghoul
Views: 53,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pattern, PTC Creo
Id: Vwf4Uhq9bds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 20 2015
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