E1 Creo Parametric 6.0 - Tutorial for Beginners w/Training Guide

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hi I'm Chris Sakura and I'm gonna take you through exercise one inside creo parametric 6.0 and today we're gonna take a look at is building this part that you see right here and right now it's in the rendering mode I'm gonna turn that off and you'll see some of the features that it has on it we have a through-hole we have some champers as well as fill it's actually and criolla they're called rounds but different systems you might have been heard them referred to as radii blends billets and so on but in creole the cult rounds and we're also gonna shell this out as you can see here it's going to be a thin walled part and so let's begin now first of all if you'd like to see there's a extra PDF training guide that you could access if you just go to like a Google Chrome or whatever browser you're in you could go to www.petland.com a is an apple and is an ANSI you acts as an x-ray and then the one.com and if you go to instructional manuals you'll see here a creo parametric 4.0 I'm in the process of updating it as I'm making these videos to 6.0 so as we click down there this will for the most part it's very similar it just needs to be updated with this training guide those of you who are actually taking this course through the Community College I teach at there's a sample syllabus inside there the intent of what you're going to cover or what we're going to cover and you can see the evaluation scale the points totals so for example your exercises that's what we do together in these videos every week there's an exercise and that tallies up to three points and that's 30% of your grade your midterm which will actually have a review video for your midterm but you can't watch the review video as you take it especially those of you who are online will figure out a way to work that as well as the final there's a review video for that and those are worth three hundred each and then the labs which come just after the exercise so for example lab one is in book the exercises are organized kind of like chapters and so at the end of exercise one you'll see lab 1 and then lamb 1b usually there's typically about two labs as they get more complex we go down to one lamb per week and those you should know how to be doing those on your own remember when you get a job out in the real world you're not going to have a video to show you how to do that job so that's why I really recommend you do those try those on your own the videos though I have the video that continues after this if you want to fast forward if you're stuck in the lab you could always go there and again don't rely too heavily on the videos for the labs because I don't always use the proper dimensions and those of you who turn in your work that's where I'll check your work and find those dimensions are in error and then it actually allows me to know that those of who are might be struggling or relying too heavily on the videos and maybe we can adjust some things to help you out okay so that tolls to a thousand points and a thousand so if you got nine hundred points at the end of the semester out of a thousand you're in an a above that 80 to 89 be seventy seventy nine C and so on and so forth now the general course outline you can see here is covered in weeks and like I said there's an exercise for every single week required hardware well now if you're taking it online it's actually just make sure you have a Windows PC and it should be 64-bit the last version of Creole to actually support 32-bit operating systems was in 3.0 which if that's the only computer you have you can do 3.0 and I have a series of videos not the whole series of those that you can watch or else watch the 2.0 videos which are very similar okay if you need the software you could actually this link is needs to be updated this is for the old software what you can do you can actually just go to google it you can type in Creole student and you should be able to find free software make sure you go into PTC parametric technology corporation they're the developers of this software and you could go there and get a student license now when you do register that as a student license be sure those of you who are my students to use your student email address that way you could get an extended license of this versus I believe you might only get a 30-day if you use a 30-day license if you use like a Yahoo or a gmail account but I'm not sure on that but I think that might be out it okay so looking here you can see there's also links to these videos here and it talks about each chapter and and you can actually see a little image of what we're going to cover usually the exercises sometimes I put a picture of the lab if it's interesting and there's even a video how to make a can port folio so the lab so those of you who are taking my courses online currently the labs I encourage you to do those and turn those in at the end of semester in the form of a portfolio and include your parts and your assemblies and drawings that you create as well you'll have a very nice thick portfolio now portfolio is like gold out there when I used to hire people in industry very few actually had a portfolio or L some of them might take a drawing or two from where they currently work or used to work and it's like that's not good remember though that almost all those are proprietary so you don't want to take those things to work here you actually will have of open-source you might say portfolio you don't have to worry about anything like that and so that shows how to do that now go through that in some of the videos and now here's the totals if you're wondering how this all tallies up even in more greater detail so you see there's 11 exercises II 1 which is 10 points it's actually that's 3 10 points if you going to do this it's extra turns out to be extra credit later but the labs tally up to 15 for this exercise 2 which is next week be 30 points and you can see there are all 30 points from then on and then all these the labs are between 5 to 10 points apiece and I encourage you to do those labs and do them right now if you finish the exercises if you can if you have time because what I've noticed over the years as students will forget what they what we covered in the exercise together and almost all the labs are based off of the actual exercise that you've just done so you could apply those things that you've learned to the labs reinforce it in your memory ok um in the training guide you'll see there's an introduction to creo here and this is the 4.0 interface the 6.0 interface and they just came out with seven not too long ago and unfortunately that's not in student burn yet essentially with this you can see there's the model tree on the left hand side there's the ribbon up at the top with the icons there's view options that's this bar right here allows you go to shaded while your frame or rotate things like that and then there's the origin axis Center XY and Z and there's three planes front top and right that intersect each other and that's origin which is your zero marker in space and then of course this is the viewport area here and we're going to go through that I'll discuss a little bit more detail note with your mouse buttons now the mouse buttons and cRIO a little bit different than what you might be exposed to if you've used other CAD systems the left mouse button no different that's for selecting objects drawing lines sketch you just click and you drag and you can make your lines or it's like on points to make the lines in between the right mouse button again not anything really different here too much with the exception I'll talk about a second it's for opening up context-sensitive menus now one difference here though is you'll notice it says you must hold down the button for about two seconds when you right-click in most Windows applications when you right-click you usually get the pulldown menu or little menu to expand immediately this one just give your skin a couple seconds while you hold that right mouse button mouse button down for it to turn on and I'm not certain why that is um it might be from Creoles roots and things like that because Creole is one be of regional I mean it is like the original parametric modeler came out in 1987 and they've been updated in and ever since extremely powerful software and it's the you might caught the granddaddy but yet with the updates that they add to it it's it's quite a nice package could pretty much I'd always talked about how back in the day when I used to use it the 1990s it was one of those software's they could pretty much do anything we needed to do so I'm very powerful now the center button options used for rotating so we'll see how that works I also believe not dimensioning you're gonna have to click on points and then middle mouse button and it will drop the dimension in so that's kind that's where it's different and if you could remember that takes a couple times the deal you'll see how it works and then zoom and now the scrolling that works too it also cancels commands so like if you're drawing lines and you have line chain you can middle click and it will end the line chain which is actually really nice and control key and pan or for pan I'm sorry a pan when holding the shift key in the middle wheel button to fuel with them okay so now there are options and properties and that's what we're going to cover next here there's the options menu let's do that make sure you have this up on the screen go to file and go to options and there's a couple locations for options inside Creole so for general part modeling sites we're gonna look and we're gonna see this this is pretty much the main heart that you're gonna find inside Creole now later on with drawings it has its own little area that we'll go into for setting up fine styles and Arrowhead styles and things like that but we'll cover that neck sir size six but let's take a look here so the environment you'll see you could set on sound dull for prompts and messages and I'm not going to turn that on but let's go to and you have a working directory so for example you could set it up wherever you want your files if you want to save them okay then system and appearance now you have here there's a default theme if you have the little arrow to the right of it you'll see light theme and a dark theme it depends on your preference these are really nice because you can click on them and it sets everything up you don't have to go change the line style you don't have to change the the solid view style they're pretty decent I'm gonna go with the default theme though and I might recommend I recommend to you maybe stick with the default theme at least through this first exercise till you familiarize yourself with the interface a little bit better because there will be times I'll say okay now you're gonna click on that green glowing green dot and if you set yours differently yours might actually be orange and so it might be a little confusing for you so that's why at least the first day I would recommend keeping it in alignment with what I have and you can see there's an interface that their system color is black and white waiting on black custom and let's move on here model display now I actually like the default model orientation to be in the face symmetric and that's the preference you might want to set it isometric I'm gonna set mine and there's actually a show the orientation center which I could show you how to turn that on off later as we move down here there's set shade quality now dependent upon your graphics card you may want to keep it at the default settings right now later I could go back and adjust it make it very smooth and clean looking you can see when you saw the model up earlier I have it just set to quality of three I'm on a 1080 monitor so it's not even 4k but it looked pretty darn good so I would leave it at that for right now but again you could go back and adjust that also there's a shade very small surfaces so if you want even finer details you can do that beware though when you start adjusting some of these your graphics card especially if you were gonna tablet or something that might not be very powerful as far as graphics it might have some issues with it so it might be a little slow and that's the GPU performance typically I'm not talking about the software it's just the GPU and the OpenGL interface okay let's go to entity display and I have shade with reflections I have that set to my default but shade with edges is actually very nice for learning the software because it will highlight the edges and so it's very nice to see that tangent edge display will leave that solid now anti-aliasing beware again if you don't have a decent graphics card if you turn that on it will look really smooth but you may find it crashes at least that's that was my experience in previous versions usually when you don't have a graphics card like if you're not if you don't have a professional graphics card in particular that might be an issue so if you have a gaming card or something but quite honestly cRIO works pretty well on most graphics cards but if you set that up really high again there might not be support for that on your graphics card and you can issues if you adjust this and then find yourself maybe having crashes it will actually tell you usually like you know the OpenGL driver is having issues that's an indicator that you set your graphics too high here for the road for smoothing it out that's what aunt hailey is and does it smooths out the jagged lines makes them beautiful and clear but just be aware if you don't have the graphics trying to support it might have issues just go back to change that okay um also here I think we're pretty good on that page let's go to selection pass that up we're not gonna go through every single one of these just a few that are important go to sketcher and one of my favorite settings and I guarantee people who watch this online and they watch later videos or skip past this are gonna be to leave little messages hey how do you get the plane parallel to the screen it's this check box make the sketching plane parallel the screen one of my favorite options and mind you once you set this he'll remember that okay and line thickness sometimes I have students take it with that believe it at one point oh four right now I've seen students in my classes like they make like super thin you can barely see it and they were working on it the whole semester and I didn't realize it until I actually take a little closer look and it's like oh gosh you punishing yourself with such low very fine resolution on the lines okay and now that's pretty decent you can go through and look at some of the other options there but I'm gonna go ahead and hit okay now it's like you know the configuration settings that you made will be applied in the current session only hit yes but you could save the configuration and if you just leave it as config Pro you can just go ahead and hit OK and when you bring it up it should automatically access that configuration if it doesn't you have to you might have to direct it to it or put that in the proper area okay so now we could go ahead and go to file new oh actually cancel here one other area I'd like to show you is under prepare let's see here oh actually let's start a new part first let's go file new and this will appear you want part selected now note we'll never use a notebook in this class we'll never really go in to edit the format but you can do we are gonna use drawing we're not going to use the manufacturing module in here but it's very powerful we're not going to use it this is a cat class we will use assembly so parts assemblies and drawings are the typical ones we're going to use and we'll even use a sub type of sheet metal near the end of the semester just to show you how that's done so solid but but most part of it will always be solid let's go ahead name this name label it capital e and one and use default template that's fine hit OK and let me bring my window over here ok now you can see the part pile the browser tree here a model tree you have bright top and front planes there's your origin let's go ahead and we're gonna sketch on the front plane to start off now cRIO allows you to select the plane first and start sketch or you could select the feature you know that you want to create and then select the plane so it's really quite nice it gives you either or options and eventually the more fluid you get with this you'll find yourself probably picking out the feature first and then going to the plane but in the beginning what I find as new users typically like to start with the plane now what is the plane the plane is basically your sheet of paper that you're gonna start sketching out and when you decide how you want to sketch it if you have a concept or some sort of drawing like let's see use a phone here this is the front and that if you're going to sketch this profile you a sketch on the front plane if you're going to sketch on the weight side profile first you select the right plane and draw this profile and the same goes with top so if you're drawing the top you would be drawing that profile so that's kind of a logic behind it but don't put too much effort into it sometimes parts don't have a very clear front top and right and as long as you understand or have awareness of spatial ability inside the software it doesn't matter where you sketch it for the most part there are some it's where does but don't put too much effort thinking that through so I'm gonna click on the front plane now you get the quick launch toolbar that appears here which I basically the same icons that are up on the on the ribbon now here you could start a sketch and asses the fast key for that or you could go directly to extrude if that's what you know you want to do but learning the software we're gonna start with the sketch first now it will leave a little fragments of a sketch I listed on our model tree but it's not a big deal so its sketch and now we're gonna go ahead and you see it will give you the cross and it went parallel we look at like its bull's-eyed center right now and we're gonna go ahead and start drawing the rectangle now if you hit the little arrow to the right of rectangle you'll find corner rectangle slant center and parallelogram let's go with corner rectangle and move your pointer to the origin when you get that little it's like a weight issue dot in the center go ahead and click because that you snap to that coincident now drag to the upper-left your geometry here and click and that now you have a rectangle now here's the thing you want the dimensions are automatically put in there middle click one time and you're in the middle click what I mean by middle click is here's your mouse most of us have a wheel these days back in the old days there were three button mice but anyway that wheel instead of scrolling it which zooms in and out push it like it's button so watch just click and then what you get on your screen look at this you not have dimensions now it's the template is spread out very far it's very large we're talking 117 inches now you'll also notice as I float over the dimension you get the dimension it tells us D zero is equal to one one seven point five two years might be different remember because we arbitrarily just drying that out and there's parentheses that say week now there's week strong and lock dimensions when to use them when does it not matter quite honestly creo doesn't make you or doesn't force you to make everything strong or lack but before apart as I always tell my sense goes into production you wanna mat least strong sometimes you want to actually send Astra to locked as well but for them that's kind of on the more rare side what I'm going to show you in this class but to get this to be strong basically you have to address it you have to double-click on it and now this needs to be three inches wide so double-clicking on the actual number if you get the actual digits there and look at all those decimal places how precision is incredible but we just actually want it to be three inches now what I'm teaching this I'm not just teaching the software so that you understand how it worked I'm teaching you to be expert at it and one of these suggestion I'm about to make is I used to hire people I've been using the software like I said the first time I used it it was in the mid-90s and what I would catch when I would hire people I'd sit down and I'd say rather than giving them a full test and not watch and do it I'd sit down watch and do it and if I saw them like sit here and backspace or click inside there and backspace up on it and be like oh they they're not they're not expert they're very novice but here's what looks expert if you just instead of backspacing on it notice it's all selected in black just type the number you want and don't like if it's three inches don't type three point zero zero zero zero that's a waste of time just type three in and enter it automatically puts the trailing zeros up now those trailing zeros by the way you could have the precision set higher in the options menu that was another area but we're gonna leave it at two decimal places remember actually minimum should be three decimal places nowadays some places work in millionths of an inch and we're working in inches here by the way and I'm going to show you how you can set it to inches or metric in just a minute but let's first get this one address now now I change that now as I hover over and I drag it out you'll see in parentheses it's strong also as I click off of it the colors now change it's actually it looks like a dark purple whereas the week dimension is still like a light blue so let's get that dimension address double click on it and don't backspace on I mean if you want to do that you can I'll just tell you it looks unprofessional it looks like you really don't you're not used to using the software type in five good enter all right and now what you could also do if you want there's this refit go ahead and click on that and it will zoom to fit and then you could click on these and actually get the dimensions and even closer and then I would just hit refit again right up here okay there actually is a refit automatic in the options menu and I'm gonna find that a little later and show you how to turn that on maybe an exercise too but any now we're just going to we want to take this into the third dimension because it's just two-dimensional right now so hit OK up here the green checkmark and now you could go to it should take you to the model tab automatically and find extrude click on extrude now I would rotate this now to rotate it's all in this little mouse button wheel zoom out Scrolls in and out but if you depress it push it down hold it move your mouse left/right up/down whichever direction you'll see that's how you rotate 3d you have you can see since we're looking at from the side here there's a little drag handle you could grab that and for conceptualization purposes that's how you could adjust it now you see there's a little ruler down here it's 0.78 or whatever my years it might be different you can double-click on that they've been point five and hit enter now notice up here you could be selecting the same entities now typically when you're very rare we work in surfaces in this class by the way so if it ever pops up the surface that might be an indicator that you have a sloppy sketch so just be aware that we'll cover that later but make sure it's solid and the sloppy sketch would be an open by the way and here you can see the depth there's a variety of options there we're gonna keep the default 0.5 this is the flip switch to flip them backwards or forward the little pink arrow if you click on that will flip it back and forward to alright and we're in good shape let's just hit make sure it's 0.5 hit the green check and click anywhere off of it and now you could actually see we have our rectangle so alright so now I'd like to show you where you could actually change the units if you go to file and we could go to prepare you'll see model properties model properties here you could assign a material if you go to change and they have legacy materials and standard materials you could go in here and there's bronze there's brass 6061 aluminum you'll see and they also have the properties now these could carry over to the analysis portion as well so be aware and anytime you can also looked up how much it weighs hit ok so there we could actually adjust that now the units you'll see change here and you'd be able to set the units two inch pounds second or there's this creo default you also have centimeters grams second millimeters things like that so this is how you could adjust it and change it I'm gonna go ahead and close and so those are very uh there's a variety of options there we're not going to go through all of them but just be aware that that's there too to change it and the event that you need to okay now we're gonna build on top of this surface so with the theory that we're looking at go ahead select this face and go to the sketch tool now you could go back up here and find sketch either ones fine and it will bring us parallel to the screen which I love that feature go to a rectangle and it's gonna be quarter rectangle again it should remember from last time and click up there click on this lower left corner whoops try it again here click on the corner and drag this out now you can see my line thicknesses rather hard to see there I might actually just that but bring this over to the right edge and you'll see it will snap to that edge and that's automatically establishing a relationship now we saw earlier where we had a three inch and a five inch dimension constrain them there's two forms of constraints inside creel there's those dimensional constraints and there's relations which are the Aikido combinations here it's I've constraints that you could snap coincident to the point you can make something tangent to another entity you could make parallelism and things like that between entities and that extra layer of constraints combined with dimensional constraints completely constrains the model and you're gonna see some examples of how we do that and that's our goal is to always make sure it's constrained when we finish cRIO kind of does it automatically but there's some really neat features here so let's go ahead click on this edge right about where I'm located and the middle click and you'll see another thing this kind of purplish color indicates it's a water type boundary condition if you don't see that after you middle click remember I use the little little mouse button one click of the dimension that would be an indicator that you have extra lines or it's it's sloppy geometry where lines don't connect and there's maybe a gap and you want to fix those gaps especially if you're solid solid modeling otherwise it won't let you extrude it the way you would expect okay this is a weak dimension so double-click on it and let's change it to 1.5 now in the event you wanted to lock it you could by clicking on it and hit lock the reason you might want to do that during conceptualization sometimes you can pull and tug on these quarters and we'll move all over the place certain things you might not want to move or you might not want anyone to move so you can lock it and then you're able to move the other GM geometric points for conceptualization purposes it's really quite nice let's go now and hit OK and let's go to extrude rotate it a little bit let's set it up here to 0.5 again and hit enter now what it's going to do it's gonna actually merge the two bodies hit enter and hit the green check all right now let's explore cutting a hole now there is a whole tool in here that has like as you see here we're not going to use that just yet that's not until exercise 4 we'll talk about that that's a really nice tool it has standard holes like it has for example counter bores and counter sinks and things like that that you can just pick out and click where you want to drop them now we're gonna I want to show you how to cut material so we're gonna cut our own hole so select this face right here go to sketch it'll go normal to now go to circle and in this upper left quadrant click and drag out a circle and the middle click and you'll see the dimensions appear here I'm gonna drag the dimension that's just so you can see them okay and you might want to do the same so this you want this hole to be actually 0.75 and that turn it strong now this dimension that was here double-click on that because this is the locator dimension this should be one we want a one-inch off of this edge okay now here we have this weak dimension here but we don't want that dimension we actually want one inch off of this top edge and you might want this for manufacturing purposes maybe you don't want to base it off of the bottom edge so what you do is you add a dimension so go to the dimension tool now make sure this one isn't strong or else you'll have a conflict if there are two strong dimensions they'll fight it and you'll get a little message which isn't a big deal you just delete one but watch this this will override that weak dimension I'm clicking on this top edge I'm clicking on the center point and remember was five inches in height this is about four inches located so it's it'll be one inch off the top edge so make sure make sure your pointer is over here on the left and this is one of those moments to that once you know this little trick it's not really trick it's just the way it works it you realize this is a bit different than most CAD systems to drop the dimension it's not a left click it's actually middle mouse button depressed once and there it goes so don't forget middle mouse button it's gonna take you a few times usually the first three times you'll try cleft clicking it's like wait why isn't the dimension working and then the middle click and I've had students who came the first day they figured it out and then they they might have been sick the following week they come back the week after that and they'd already forgotten about that middle mouse button so just beware it's a little different let's type in one inch there now it is a middle click and middle click also if you milk the choice it will exit you it's almost like an escape key legs you out of the dimension tool so you don't accidentally dimension something additional now you could take and move these dimensions and lay them out how you might expect to see them on a print now there's two reasons for the some offices are starting to go paperless believe it or not when I use this software back in 1995 we were a paperless office virtually paperless we only made drawings at a customer's request but we didn't really need it we were making we were doing 3d printing and now I thought we were unusual because no other company knew of was doing that at the time way back then but now a lot of companies from what I'm talking my students who are working in industry they're starting to say yeah we're trying to go paperless so it's pretty neat ok anyhow lay those dimensions out so that they're easy to interpret for the next person because change will eventually happen usually with these models remember because designs change quite often first time you design it usually the last so hit OK and now go to extrude rotate this a little bit and let's use this flip arrow button and says the default option has been switch to remove material very nice it's a little AI built in there or an expert system if you want to call it that that knows that it recognizes behind there there was a solid so really you wouldn't add material on material so it flipped it and this is the remove material button that you normally would have to hit if if it didn't recognize that note that sometimes that expert system isn't gonna recognize it if there's a strange way you're modeling things which is common actually but one other thing we talked about how change occurs in design and there's something called design intent now design intent is your plan on how you want this model update if it changes which is highly likely now imagine this hole right now it's going to point something five deep and you're like oh it's cleared it's only a half-inch thick what if a change comes down after this is all modeled and so it says let's make that one inch thick for the plate then you have to remember to go back and change the depth of that hole too so design intent is like thinking that through a little bit and my new students don't think about too much I want you to just model and have fun and enjoy this but as you get better you'll start recognizing design intent I'm going to have several opportunities to mention it but I find if I tell students off right out the gate like think about design intent when you're modeling they could sit there for hours and not get anything done so I implore you to just put it in the back of the head know that you're gonna use it sometime but right now just focus on the modeling basics here that I'm stepping you through okay so but anyhow what can we do instead to ensure that that always goes through as a through-hole well right here they have the quick launch if we hit the little right of that next to the dimension you'll see blind is just the blind depth that's totally good I want a half inch and that's where it's gonna stop no matter what but you have symmetric which would go both directions okay we don't need that because it's just cutting err on the other side here there's two next if there was something else that could stop at at a certain point it would will use a will use actually all these some point in time in this class now there's threw up that's what we want in this case so we go ahead and select through all and now hit the green check and that will ensure if we ever make a change that dial update let's test it double click on the side face you'll see the dimensions appear and you'll see there's a hat the half-inch depth right here you can double click on that and let's change it to one inch just to see what happens hit one and hit enter I've rotate and look at that goes through okay so very simple explanation for design intent it does get even warmed up people who've been using this for years don't make these models some of them who look at design intent as important make models that are so easy to update and change it makes it easier for themselves and if it gets given to a customer or someone else who needs to make a change or manager that's that's gonna make someone really happy in the future and they'll say wow that person is really good but again don't put too much effort into it just yet all right now to change it back we could double click on that dimension again or we could hit the undo button or ctrl Z go ahead and try it hit undo one time don't go crazy hit undo too many times because it will systematically undo everything you've done if you keep in it and I recommend that to students I've seen way too many students in class who get in trouble with the salt the software and basically they hit undo like 20 times and then there's no part I'll come back and I'll help them get caught up again and then I'm lecturing and I was on the raise in their hand and they've hit undo like 20 times so just beware don't hit the head and do one time make that a general rule if it doesn't do what you want it to do then pause and think about it before you hit it again all right so um because usually that means if it didn't do what you wanted to undo it's not going to do it if you hit it another 10 times all right little quick let's go back to model all right so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the round tool so go ahead and click on round you want to put some rounds on this corner and this corner so set the round actually let's leave it at point zero one so you can see how this works its really pretty neat click on this edge okay now go ahead and change it to 0.125 now with that you'll see little yellow points track you're having the point dragging it down and look at the dimension update see if you get it to one inch exactly remember you could type in the explicit value up here too now go ahead and select this edge don't add any more other than that right now hit the green check to apply so those are rounds the radius is it's like if you took a sandpaper on an edge and you rounded it off now we're gonna take a look at sham for next so sham fur is right below it go ahead and click on edge chamfer and we have distance to distance or 45 degree angle the distance for our specific angle of distance you name it they have it here let's go ahead and change it distance the distance at point one two five little round it to point one three but that's okay I'm actually internally it will still maintain the point one two five and and a 90-degree edge that's gonna make it 45 degrees so technically we could do point one two five by forty five look to you let's go ahead and select that edge right there and select that edge then you should get a preview hit the ok button notice that is a straight angle or forty 45 degree angle I guess straight wouldn't be the right word for that okay now rotate around and I want you to rotate remember we're rotating with the wheel hold the hold the wheel bound like is a button and move the mouse left right up and down to to move it similarly to how I have it currently up on screen now we're gonna use the shell command go to shell and set the shell do not hit enter do not hit the green check until you select the faces that need to be open otherwise it'll shell it out internally and you'll only be able to shell it once and if you don't know what you're doing you're gonna lock yourself out of shelling okay but anyhow let's have some point one and now select this face right here I had to click twice on it or don't wake up and look at the preview we're not done yet though now hold the control key from multiple face selections hold ctrl down don't let go now click on this face right here and by the way when I'm referring to clicking on mouse buttons as I described over I'll see I'll just say cliff click when I'm referring to the left mouse button which is 90% of the clicks you're gonna make the other 10% are the wheel as well as the right mouse button but I always make sure I'll say sometimes you let me say middle mouse button click that's usually referring to the wheel you're holding it down like it's middle mouse button that's usually for rotate or ending a line chain I'll make sure I say twice to right click so I'll say right click and I'll leave long get it right click just so you realize you're not clicking on the right button ok that's holding control still select this face so look at that the faces we selected we opened up so you can now hit the green check mark and there we have it ok let's let's go to some different views if you click over here you'll see they're shading with reflections shaded with edges shading no go ahead and go ahead and go to hidden line and you can see kind of get a wireframe there and there's a straight wire frame there's no hidden ok there's also a shading with no edges you just see it like so and then there's shading with edges which that's what we've been using and then they're shading with reflections which is really its enhanced some engineers don't like all this but others love it so it's up to you if you want to see all those shadows and things like that there's also rendering options so you could click on this there's ambient occlusion and scene background which there's not a scene background that you can really identify with this one but you could leave ambient occlusion just remember that one slows down your graphics card those of you who have like a very old laptop maybe not very good graphics turn that one off it might slow things down a little bit ok I can do it I have a pretty decent system that I'm running on and that brings up something if you're wondering what I'm running that here there's a product out there it's free it's just cpu-z CPU or central processing unit and Z you could google it and you could install on your desktop and I I just started it up and I'm gonna bring it over to show you you could see what's inside the computer that you're running without having to even open it up okay in this case this is the feedback I'm getting from cpu-z I'm running a AMD Rison 939 50 and the lower right you'll see it has 16 cores and 32 threads some students ask like what type of processor should I get that's the best thing I'll tell you most of the application runs on single threaded performance that means one CPU at a time but for photorealistic rendering and some of the other features a few features take advantage of multiple threads so if you're gonna do a lot of photo rendering things like that definitely get something with more threats and the 16 cores 32 threads that's pretty high right now that's quite good there are some with more like the thread Ripper I believe is up to 64 with 128 threads but you're talking thousands of dollars just for the CPU this computer I built also if I go here you can see the mainboard I went with an asus motherboard and the memory I only went with 16 gigabytes now 32 really is probably where you want to be as you can see I'm getting by just fine I'm just doing training videos I'm not doing anything large but 32 gigabytes or even more depend upon how many's how large your assemblies are or complex your parts are might be helpful and quite honestly it's a low investment for another hundred bucks I could I could double this Ram so if you want get more RAM get 3-2 if you're doing this out of your house just for school 16 is gonna be just fine you're not going to need anything more and remember you could always update it now the nice thing about this you could go over here to this memory it tells you what memory you have in there but if you go to the SPD this these are the memory slots now you'll see slot 1 I have open slot 2 I have that piece of memory there slot 3 I have open slot 4 I have memory in it don't always trust this open up your computer or your laptop or actually look for a video on it before you go and find the memory because I've trusted this before like on a laptop and Ireland I got more memory and I've really found out even though it showed 4 slots there were only two slots and both were taken with large chunks of RAM to begin with there wasn't really much of an upgrade path so just beware don't always trust the slot feedback I see that where in fact I have worked at an HP workstation behind me with a 12 core processor and I have 32 gigabytes of RAM on that and when I go here I don't even see like I see the slots but they're all blank and I know every single slots filled up so there's sometimes it does weird things so don't always trust this now the graphics the graphics card I'm working on is the AMD Radeon Pro WX 3100 that's a it's a modest card it's around 200 bucks I believe don't quote me on that but there's also newer ones this one goes back to a couple years ago and AMD actually sent it to me to use for these videos and I've really liked it it's very nice anyhow they have much higher end cards this one's pretty darn good though 4 gigabytes of RAM and it's a professional the Radeon pro means professional it supports it actually has drivers that are certified and written for CAD applications so as I was talking about before when you adjust some of those settings a lot less likely to have issues with a professional card than a gaming card per se now those of you taking my classes if you're just taking this your gaming card is going to be more than adequate if not actually exceptional but just beware if you're doing this for a living and working for a company get a pro card Pro cards also are more expensive typically than a gaming graphics card but companies can afford it and it's worth their while to get it to prevent the issues that you might get with non with a gaming card for example but Creole works really well with all graphics cards that I've experienced like I said sometimes if you adjust some of the settings you might have some issues but yeah the radiant prose is a great one to get also NVIDIA has the blinder quadrille line there they're both up to par with each other excellent cards they're on the pricier side they're not very good for gaming necessarily for like gaming there just fine but for general for CAD outstanding well worth the investment and they could go up the mass amounts like in as far as memory to be where four gigabytes is more than enough to gigabytes is fine I run with one gigabyte because if you're not if you don't have a lot of textures and things up on your models but you can which I'm going about to show you how you can put textures on your models you don't need the large amounts of RAM although you do want it for 4k so if you have 4k displays especially multiple displays then you want more memory because it has to spread that out but be aware like on a single 1080p or 1080 screen one gigabytes gonna do you just fine two gigabytes for two screens four gigabytes maybe for four or even more anyhow okay now what's really cool about this little cpu-z you could benchmark your system now first of all you could select a reference processor you want to compare it to so for example here's a red ripper or there's the core i7 1070 which is one of the latest not the greatest necessary it's it's up there it's actually an exceptional processor but they actually have a ten 9910 900 that's out that's even faster but let's compare it to that now here is showing us the benchmark results that they achieved with that particular processor let's compare it now remember this is multi-threaded this is single-threaded most of what we do and cat is actually single threaded unless you're doing photorealistic renderings or some other types of like analysis most of it is single threaded so that's what you want to stress now what I did I just hit bench CPU you can see my CPU multi-threaded performance is actually almost off the chart there I'm gonna get control-alt-delete and task manager and so we can actually see the performance and open resource monitor and this is just a Windows you don't need anything to download for this and here you can see all my threads and operation actually they've finished their little applicative the finished running and the test is done so this processor is single single thread performance isn't quite as powerful as the core i7 10700 but the multi-threaded because it's just it's overwhelming has twice the threads of course it's going to be much higher so you know it really depends on your application 520 versus 560 isn't all that huge difference but for example i7 770 as seven seven zero zero processor from Intel which is already a few years old has the same single thread of performance as this processor that I'm running which is just within the last year so just beware there's things to wait and in price like this processor I've paid from 650 and was $700 the whole system I created here was about $1,500 so just beware I spend a lot but you could get a nice bang for the buck I've run the software on very little computers like netbooks not like a Chrome netbook but a Windows netbook with like 4 gigabytes of RAM you can run it on is it going to be fast absolutely not but for the parts that we do this class it's just fine if you're going to do it for work get something much more powerful okay all right and finally if you go to about and there's Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit I'm going to go ahead and hit close okay now let's take a look at rendering this and adjust in the so first of all we could go to view think of it something you want to see and views another name for see you have the appearance gallery right here you hit this little arrow and let's say let's look at some of these if you hover over them I'll tell you like here's polished aluminum click on it now before you just click on individual surfaces it says all here just so you know the lower-right is a filter so if you want an individual surface or if you want the entire part let's go to part let's have the whole part colored so click one time and then middle mouse button click one time and it applies the characteristics of that polished aluminum now let's go to the pearance is here and here we have metallic gold let's see if they're polished one there's polished brass well there's gold polished so I'm gonna go ahead and select that now instead of all I'm gonna select surface and I'm gonna select this and I'm gonna hold control now remember selecting more entities and select specific faces and even the whole I'm gonna rotate and the select this side face too now middle click one time and it's applied that gold to it now you'll see the it's like imagining isn't if it's sitting up like that I'm on it actually more flat on a base you would go to the scenes editor right here and you could select from different scene so you could see there and go to edit scene and here's the scene editor now if you go to environment at the bottom there's 4 X Z change it to X Y and now the floor is on the underside there okay and you could adjust the intensity saturation tinker with those if you like you could turn off shadows if you don't want to see the shadows and I'll leave my shadow off there and then the background there's different environments you could adjust the colors and things and then the lighting you could put new lights in by clicking on lights and add them tinker with it have fun with it it's really impressive what it can do now I'm gonna hit close there's also perspective view perspective view is going to make it look realistic because when you take a photograph perspective is given knows how the wall like a back wall and seems to get smaller the further away you get from it that's what perspective does so it's a reality almost of life that we see everything if the perspective but perspective off the veterans look kind of fake so just beware perspectives very important for that now once you get this where you like it you can now go to applications and render studio and I'm not sure I don't think render studio comes with all licenses of pro engineer creel so just be aware you may not have the render studio it comes it apparently it comes in this version so I'm gonna hit render studio this is the student version and then we could actually see the rendering and let's take a look at my microprocessor and see what's going on here look at CPU is up to a hundred go to performance open resource monitor and this is where the app multi-threaded application is taking place it's photo rendering that very high quality scanning through I could even hear my fan increase in speed because the processor is heating up using more power and look at that all the threads are being used so this is an application where multi-threading is very important it's gonna every one of those reduces the time and it's going to take to render it versus if you have an older processor that has four cores imagine this can take a lot longer to photo realistically render than you see here okay I'm gonna go ahead and cancel that now just be sure to turn off real-time render and I'm gonna go back to the scene here and edit scene I want to turn my shadows back on so environment shadow clothes and and sometimes it's nice to break the edges now there are options in here to do this like you can put additional fill its on and have a little fun with that I'm gonna go back to the model and go to the and I keep calling Phil it's actually rounds here so go to round and set this to very small like point zero one and like in this corner here to break that edge a little bit you know and you can select other edges I'll give it more of a realistic appearance possibly there is this built into it's somewhere inside those options where it will automatically put phillotson for you but let's just go ahead and do it the manual way here where we have control now I'm gonna go to application render studio oops turn on there we go and real-time renders on and with the shadows it gives it a much more realistic appearance the longer you let it sit the higher the qualities can be but just remember to make sure you turn it off because it'll keep running in the background and it will slow down if you're continuing on to do additional parts so I'm gonna turn off real-time render and just close that all right now going back to the training guide here you can see we have when you get to the end of the actual lesson here and here's the end of the lesson on page 23 oh there's the regenerate button which if you ever make changes and you need to use that the regenerate button right there is very useful for updating it looks at the features on the tree and updates them and the event that one of them was changed and so it's just nice to know we didn't need it in this particular instance but note that that's the way it worked okay now here the two lap now if you want download this if you hit download and I'm doing on Google Chrome comes up at the bottom left I click on it and now it could rotate it so I could get to that page and hit rotate and let's get to those drawings because the drawings now this is where I like my students to do these on their own not watch the videos so I recommend to my students pause the video try doing this on your own if you can figure it out when you get stuck watch the video or when you finish it watch the video and you'll see additional tricks that you haven't seen so there's bonus material inside the labs and remember the labs always coincide like if it's lab 1 it's an exercise 1 video if it's lab - it's in the exercise 2 video and so on and so forth okay so this is like sideways F and we see it's a 2 by 3 and a half and then we have some 11.75 - two and a half now what I usually do is I I have dual screens you just can't see the second screen here I'm gonna drag it over and use the dual screen I'm gonna start a new model and I'm gonna label this l1 and make sure it's part hit okay and I gotta bring this over here and select the front plane start a sketch and go to the line tool now make the first line here to scale so draw a vertical line out and I'll change it and it's supposed to be two inches in height and now we could go back to refit move that in a little bit you could hit refit again and use your wheel if you want to zoom in and out okay let's go back to line and draw the next line out and I'm gonna make that that's needs to be I'm it'll click twice by the way three point five and we could use refit again to Center it and I'll go to the line tool again and drag this off and this one's going to be only like one inch but we'll put that in later drag this down about half way click drag this across notice those little green boxes with the horizontal birth clients those aren't relationships that we were talking about that extra layer of constraints those vertical and horizontal relationships are being added automatically so that you don't accidentally have that twist at an angle but if you want an angle you draw the angle in like that but anyway I'm going to drag this out this one aligns I'm gonna click it made it equal I don't know if you saw that there's an equal symbol now here's the thing be careful of the equal you could turn this off as an option but look carefully to the right of my pointer when you're drawing multiple lines for a sketch there's an automatic equal and it could be great if you like it it could be if troubling sometimes to avoid getting that equal see how I snap back a little bit the equal symbol to the right of my pointer disappeared I'm gonna click and drag it down now in this one I'm not gonna go try and get no equals at this point click across here stay away from any equals click drag this down oh darn it you know what I went a little too far that's okay I didn't go far enough I should say click here now I'm gonna middle click two times to end the chain I need to trim that off now I could grab this and drag it over here but I want to show you the trim tool trim this alt delete segment so click on delete segment and just watch this I'm a scribble through and I'll trim up to that a little click let's change that dimension again to 3.5 so that's what it needs to be so let's start any dimensions in our own way the way it is on the print so this line here does anyone remember how to drop a dimension it's one of the mice funds it's the middle wheel you have to click on it alright type in 1 now it's we have a baseline to mention here so from this left edge click to this edge here click and that way up here little click that's going to be 1.75 now click on this edge here to this edge here and zoom out and the middle click up here and that's gonna be 2.5 remember middle wheel click to drop that dimension alright now we still have dimension let's click on this line over here middle click and that's going to be 0.85 now click on this line so this bottom line and go over here middle click and that's going to be one inch and we're fully defined we've got everything let's now go to ok and go to extrude and we're gonna go ahead and drag that it's only supposed to be a half inch you can double click on this type of 0.5 enter now I mentioned this before and I'm gonna bring this up now early on because some companies don't like you starting a sketch right away like I just did there because take a look at this feature tree we have sketch 1 that's the sketch that we drew out but then it creates another sketch here now if you're working at a company that's dealing with millions of Park piles each one of those little sketches that's doubled up I was told actually adds data and it could slow down the system when you exponentially calculate it so here I'm gonna show I'm gonna make the same model I'm at compile all the dimensions in but with the extrude first so but first um we've got this one let's go to new and you don't have to do this part I'm just gonna show it to you I'm gonna go to part I'm gonna call this l1 an underscore test ok just to show you now notice I put an underscore Creole remembers a granddaddy it likes underscores I haven't tested it lately when if you leave it out but typically if instead of space you want to put little underscores and if instead of space otherwise it doesn't necessarily I identify properly I won't let you save it but I it might actually do it now but I'm not sure it's but it's just my habit because I've been using it since 1995 all right so I'll one test I'm gonna go ahead and hit okay and you can see what happens here so I'm gonna watch this I'm gonna click on front I'm gonna go to extrude first and I'm just gonna go ahead and drop what I had earlier I'm not going to add the dimensions like I said I'm just gonna kind of draw something that looks like it middle click now watch when I hit okay it automatically went to extrude I didn't have eliminated that extra step because I pre-selected it so it is actually a more efficient way of modeling if you could think that way through okay now watch this I'll just apply it and look at the feature tree of the model tree let's compare it let's drag this over here's the other model that has an additional sketch listed there this one does it so I show this to you because there are some companies out there that have been using creo for years they have millions of parts especially like aerospace companies and things like that really want efficiency they expect efficiency this is the method you're gonna want to use in that type of an organization other companies if it's like a small shop you could do what you want as long as your manager says it's okay but always just check some cut some managers don't even know that that is the case here but just be where I wanted to share that with you as a side note these are little things that are gonna make you look very impressive to a potential employer if you could remember these little things so okay let's move on to the next lab and lab 1b is this rectangle which is 3 by 5 and one and a half inches thick it has a cutout centered which is one inch deep and then there's four holes that are half-inch diameter spread out point seven five off of each corner this is a good implication for either a pattern and ramier let's show you a mirror feature in this case and it's getting out as a feature about a sketch so select part let's go ahead and call this owl one bees and boy hit okay get that over here now go to the let's try on the top plane let's see what happens click on the top plane and let's use that new method I show you let's go to extrude because we know it's going to be extruded off of there okay go to rectangle to the right and rectangle we're gonna use Center rectangle we haven't yet used this so this is what I mean this is bonus content you're getting these aren't like smarter ways to design some things Center rectangle get to the origin click and drag out your rectangle little click twice change this bullet put three by five now remember don't type 5.000 you if someone's testing you they're gonna roll their eyes and think that you're a novice you want to look professional go ahead and hit refit if you want you could drag these down and hit refit again okay now for mirroring when you're mirroring sketch geometry the ingredient that's required with the exception of what you want mirror is actually a centerline so find the center line tool up here click on that click on the origin and drag a centerline look at that how tiny goes off at an angle click the dragon straight up here click on that origin drag a horizontal one the reason we need to is because we're gonna make one and we're gonna mirror it across the vertical centerline the mir those two cross the horizontal so I'm making the four holes that's the strategy let's draw the circle now go to circle stay away from this diagonal centerline you don't want that don't touch it because you could actually snap to it and then you locked in and you can't get the dimensions and must you delete it redraw it or delete the relationship click little click two times beautiful it gave us locater 0.75 on both of those and then this is 0.5 now you could go through and I used to suggest my students draw all four of those in each corner because it's good practice to dimension you can do that if you like um you you will actually learn a lot but I'm teaching you an advanced technique right now it's not really advanced it's actually a basic technique but it's a day ahead of time because normally exercise 2 which we cover next week we start looking at this so it's a little heads up alright so here we have this let's go ahead and what we want to do is click select what you want a mirror first so click on that circle you'll see the mirror tool appears if it doesn't appear click off of this a little bit and then we select it the don'ts like the center point select the outside of the circle go to mirror and then select the centerline you want a mirror across there it goes okay now let's try to get night control select both of those circles or you could window select let's just like a click and drag a fence or window and round those for selection and now go to mirror and select the horizontal centerline you've got it you don't have to add the other dimensions look at the little equal symbols and these are symmetric constraints so they all relate back to this so if I change this one like let's say I change it to one watch they all update ok so they're all tied together so you just saved yourself a lot of time let's go to ok and look at that when you hit OK it goes right to extrude again that advantage of efficient modeling go ahead and change this to 1.5 now there's by the way there's a dozen ways you can model this fame model I'm just showing you one way ok hit OK now select this face and let's go to extrude again you could start a sketch and go drop first but let's go to extrude since we know it's going to be a cut out go to rectangle find the center drag this out and snap to this edge now according to the print this dimension needs to be one and a half inches double-click on it change it now let's rotate it a little bit see what's gonna happen hit okay flip that arrow but then drag this in remember it only needs to go one inch deep and I like to verify because you have eight decimal places trailing you might want to just type in in this case point well actually it's smoking one inch just one make sure it's you know okay there it is hit okay now what I recommend doing with some of these parts because these are great for portfolio pieces not really just yet but we can make them look a lot more complex than they really are so if you want a portfolio and you want to make this look good and I encourage this my students dress it up a bit you've learned about rounds today click on round and let's set the rounds of them first click here grab that little yellow dot maybe make it a half-inch and proceed to select all four edges okay we'll rotate that get that one there okay we could actually even select these edges all right hit OK we'll make what looks kind of like a plug and you could go and add champers now go to the shampoo now let's say we want 45 degrees at a distance and we'll make its point one two five again right select this edge here look at that we're making countersinks all right you could also shamp for this edge and this edge and try that and hit okay you can put some little rounds in there if you go back to the rounds and let's put one in here one here okay and that's good okay now let's stress it up a little bit go to view appearances and I really like the polished aluminum or polish chrome plate let's click on that and let's put it on the whole part click middle click alright looking good now we could go to let's go with the polished gold again alright you could use whatever you like I'm just giving you examples and go to surface and Lintz and some remember you have to hold ctrl some enhancement just so you can make out what these are a little bit better okay and maybe that floor middle-click let's flip it around let's shove it go to the model go to shell and select that face and you can see it shells it out okay and we've just taken a very basic part and you made it look pretty neat now let's turn on perspective so your mom and let's photo render it so you could go to applications render studio real-time rendering turn on and look at that it's just made a beautiful part that's great for a portfolio now how to make a portfolio there's a whole video on it but I'm going to show you really quick you can do in Microsoft Office if you have Microsoft Word or LibreOffice which is free if you don't have Microsoft Word you can try and LibreOffice writer again you can just go to google that and find it and it looks just like word and I'm gonna go ahead and type in e1 and l1 and O one B and I'll put little spaces in between each one okay and enter here now let's go back to creo and find this one right here now I'm going to go ahead and hit alt and print screen and it should grab that I'm gonna turn off realtime rendered because it's actually sucking up resources right here I go ahead and hit ctrl v as in Victor and I just paste that in here now you could also go and crop this and do all sorts of really neat things there's a lot of neat tools inside here so here's crop if you right-click on it you'll find crop and then grab these corners and Center it click off of it and now you could locate it you can drag it out make it a little bit bigger if you like let's try another one go back to creel find the very first part here and it's on real time render to get it oriented to a position that you think looks good and then go ahead and move your pointer out with the screen so it doesn't become part of the snapshot hold alt and hit print screen once again now all it's the reason you've hit all before you hit print screen and you hold it down is if you have dual screens because it's only going to capture the one screen you're working on if you don't hold off you're gonna get both screens or if you have four screens you get all four and then you have to crop all those additional screens out okay let's go back here click enter ctrl V is in Victor to paste right click on it crop and get that cropped as well now I'm gonna mix more space to fit that in there and if you want to make it a little bit larger you can you can locate it so putting these together you could also put in a little description if you look at the youth on YouTube I have a description of what is done in that lesson you could go ahead and basically write in that description here and you can say a basic extrusion cut chamfer or chamfer Phil it's essentially add whatever you like maybe change the font make it look a little different than what I have but that basically concludes this exercise look forward to showing you exercise to where we're going to look at revolve features and rib features so that concludes this exercise
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 10,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creo 6.0, Creo 6, Tutoriial, Creo Parametric, PTC, Beginner
Id: tQRO6-m0OYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 51sec (4791 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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