Cashiers Silently Judge Customers On These Products (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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cashiers of Reddit what products do you silently judge people for buying nothing 10 seconds after you're gone I can't remember your face or what you bought glad to see this I worked as a grocery store cashier for years and I never judge because I can't remember you the second you start walking away I'm too busy thinking about how badly I want to leave before the days of TLC coupon clipping reality shows one woman came through my line and bought 217 bottles of assorted Kraft salad dressing she ended up paying nothing for them because of some weird coupon loophole after my manager had cleared her and she left the store I was initially impressed but then thought what the hell are you going to do with 217 bottles of salad dressing I usually didn't judge unless it was ridiculous amounts of junk my favorite was a customer who bought two cases of tuna a large pack of disposable razors and a few cans of ladies shaving cream I was ringing the stuff out and started giggling he was confused and I asked are you gonna shave a cat the guy took a look at his purchases and started laughing so hard he couldn't breathe both of us were in tears by the time he was out the door no one else heard us so we just looked insane two years ago I had a lady buy 100 farmville cards I have never judged a customer more harshly than that sounds like it was for a giveaway or a ttle of some sort why yeah that's totally why I bought them up a raffle yet that's it I worked for a liquor store chain for 11 years I really didn't pay attention too much to the actual item they bought but the cost and quantity had one lady by 3 1.75 bottles of $9.99 fodder every morning her skin was yellow I once had a couple buy a pack of unlubricated Trojans and the container of I can't believe it's not butter and I could barely keep a straight face ringing the map I doubt they were elated if they were smart they'd know that oil based lubricants can break down latex if they weren't well enjoy you're not quite butter baby for me it was the fat people diets of chips soda and cigarettes I know there's a large portion of redditors that claim diet has nothing to do with their weight problem but duck in the two years I worked as a cashier I was amazed about what fat people bought for themselves and their fat kids diet is pretty much the most important thing when losing weight I live an incredibly sedentary lifestyle usually sitting at my computer in all my free time I usually stick around 180 pounds a bit overweight by my height but moderately so however when I pack on a few I just cut all sugars and anything with preservatives from my diet the pounds just melt off even as I sit on my ass and do jack sheet this only happened once but I used to work as a cashier at a Whole Foods in Boston a man came in one day with a swollen black eye cut lip and blood all over his shirt he then proceeded to buy 50 cases of maple syrup I used to be a cashier and I usually wouldn't care what people bought unless it was a large quantity of one thing pretty suspicious but there was this one guy I remember who would come in maybe once or twice a week and buy those Trojan Magnum con he'd walk out that the only thing in hand put it on the counter with the most smug grin you've ever seen that guy was annoying he was hitting on one of the other caches for the longest time to when a guy's buying tampons and/or pants I am silently thinking you are awesome I never understood why this embarrasses guys it's definitive proof that your jet in some years ago I worked at a drug store that had an oaken Department one customer has forever stayed with me because she broke my heart she was older maybe in her late 60s early 70s always cleaner needs but clearly living on a very restricted income very polite as well she came in every day to buy the exact same thing with no variation a pint of the cheapest vodka we had a can of cat food and a lottery ticket after about six months of this I asked after her cat and she told me she did not have one that this was cheap and good enough for her to live on I was floored to think of this sweet lady eating cat food so she could have fought her lottery ticket and vodka it still messes me up anything old ladies buy at Rawls they come in every day and spend all of their money on useless items and clothes and shoes then they return everything at different Rosses and buy more junk it's an addiction worked at Ross can confirm for every ten items sold there were nine items returned everything in the store was say used and beaten up and bought and returned so many times that the store was really just an expensive thrift store I don't judge people at all for what they buy by judge customers by how they treat other patrons of the store and the employees edit holy sheet thanks for popping Myra did gold cherry I used to be a grocery store cashier I would judge people with kids on food stamps at bought no real food their carts full of soda pop chips cookies et Cie no meat beads rice vegetables fruit nothing that would be healthy or nourishing for their kids and not just a one-off thing like maybe they were having a birthday party for their kid it was always the same people buying the same stuff every week Saturday morning 9:00 a.m. ish guy walks up to the counter with two wines the kinds you get in a box and anti hangover pills and an expression of the sad face our gays meet he has a slight nod of I'm gonna regret this look I not back and off he goes I used to work in an upscale china shop we had a set that sold for between two thousand pounds for a side plate and 25 thousand pounds for a casserole dish you know they were gaudy and ugly and overpriced and yeah if you bought any of it I assumed you were a senseless prick with more money than taste not a cashier but this one time I was in the local hardware store getting some paint I'm walking around and I see this guy with a cart full of lying acetone and some other stuff I'm a pretty educated guy so I know the sky isn't about to go power wash his home with these supplies I then see him out to his cart a big box of matches and they are the wrong kind he needed to buy the individual match books with the striker strips that's where he'll find the red phosphorus I also thought why would you buy everything in one store he should have gone to a bunch of different stores I just wish these amateurs would just stay out of my territory I'm a cashier at a grocery store and I try not to judge people I only see for five minutes once a week , but goddamn net if you buy wet produce and leaking meat and bags of clams and don't put them in the little plastic bags I hate you oh my god I hate you my friend is a cashier at a seven stroke 11 and told me how people often buy cigarillos for wieder once and like 75 year old guy bought $50 worth of cigarettes and gave them to a bunch of fourteen-year-old girls he was doing more laughing than judging I don't really judge as much as I try to figure out what you're doing that night buying cake mix sprinkles pop chips okay easy you're having a birthday party buying a pack of condoms and a frozen pizza you're obviously some sort of six God who loves and victims with delectable food I worked as a cashier as my first job and there are very few customers I can remember the only one that I still remember is the lady who used to buy hundreds of dollars of canned cat food every week she brought in her own bags to get the three cent per bag discount and they wreaked of cat pee we would switch out the bags when she wasn't looking and give her the discount anyway the only other customers I remember are the ones that I liked there was an older man that came in for a newspaper every Sunday morning and he would have a conversation with me because no other customers were there that early there was the teenage boy that bought me a rose because he thought I looked like I needed to be cheered up one lady who worked at a food pantry would come in twice a month and buy meat and dairy products to give away out of their own money because the pantry only offered shelf-stable food also the crazy cat lady had no bearing on my username worked at a Walmart in a college town at about nine guys come through together and bought between all of them three containers of beer each two boxes of condoms each and then each guy had two boxes of sleeping pills it was a bad combination to buy all together my manager ended up pulling the tapes and getting the police involved literally nothing I just don't care if you buy the latest Air Bud DVD assorted phallic veggies and a bottle of Lube I don't care have a party if you buy a zombie mask and a box of condoms I hope you get laid at your Halloween party I've been standing here for seven hours my ducking back hurts my fallen arches are killing me I just do not care there's an out-of-the-way grocery store that has great prices on really high quality meat so I go like once every three months and stock up one time I left with 20 pounds of ground meat of various types I got judged hard Walgreens Kashia here a lady about 55 years old comes into Walgreens every day and buys the same three items every day one gallon of drinking water one 99-cent tube of lotion and a single roll of the cheapest toilet paper we sell that sheets like sandpaper she then asks for every item in their own separate bag I'm sorry but I judge the duct out of her not a particular product but customers who ask if I'll let $0.75 light so they don't have to break a five-dollar bill what no also people who dig for exact change for 30 seconds when there's a line and I could have handed them their 11 cents in one I judge myself for buying the Daily Mail and can only assume cashiers do too often I try to hide my shame by wrapping it in the Guardian as I Walker one day I will wean my nan off a bit lottery tickets I see people drop in twenty bucks a day on them and then using their ad for food purchases I just can't understand that mentality from the other end of the transaction I used to pull and splice fiber-optic cable and once had a two-week job way out of town every day I would drive out to the site and stop at the same McDonald's and grab a meal for the road after a sold week of this the cashier sees me pull up to the window recognizes me and says you know this sheet will help you write stopped going to that McDonald's for a few days worked at a McDonald's when I was 16 people would buy a hamburger then complained they hoarded five the cashier made an error and alarmed they'd be brought out quickly I would have to explain they only paid for one as the receipt shows so I would be happy to get them for more if they paid for them people always thought they had a foolproof plan for free food at the Dollar Tree when people used to buy the $1 boneless chicken pieces I genuinely wonder if they truly had any interest in living I only judged one customer she had three children who were dirty diaper pail and overweight she bought a gallon of milk and a ripped load of Little Debbie cakes she used food stamps when the youngest six years old asked if he could get a soda she said we don't have enough for a soda and I sure as hell ain't using my cigarette money I just thought about how completely she was ducking those kids over I work at the customer service desk and I usually don't ring up many groceries this one lady probably her mid 40s came up with a bottle of baby oil and put it on the counter I asked if that was all she was buying and she asked where's the candy located oh crap I look like such a pervert that really made my day two guys at a Safeway buying a single cucumber a box of condoms and a bottle of Labrador looked me dead in the eye and said we're not gay not a cashier but when I go to the grocery store there is one cashier that comments on the price of my coffee every single time ha so expensive as she thoroughly inspects a package the last time I finally cracked and said you're right I really need to stop shopping here former McDonald's employee here I didn't really judged fat people buying a lot of food for themselves I don't really care after all however I judged fat people buying a lot of food to their young fat kids like a large Big Mac meal for a 7 years old kid always made me kind of sad I worked in a small town so not too many stories of tomfoolery other than when you couldn't buy energy drinks with a net card anymore but a few years back when there was that huge oil spill in the Gulf Coast we decide to ask for donations for Dawn dish soap and other products we had a few boxes but as soon as corporate got a whiff of that they said that they didn't want to be associated with that until the whole thing so the next day I was restocking the shelves with the items people had donated out of the kindness of their hearts I couldn't bear to tell them so I lied and said we shipped it off to wherever I hate people sometimes mainly beats by dre expensive tablets headphones phones and such for their bratty eight-year-olds that they're just gonna break and try to return it and complain that they broke it and the company is responsible also video games rated M for their kids still aged in single digits oh it's too violent and bloody should have read the label no you can't return it cashier at a hockey shop whenever someone buys a wheelie back a part of me dies inside two stories that are only tangentially related to the topic Story one during college my roommate and I went to Walmart on a Saturday afternoon we ended up in line behind his physics prof as we were chatting I looked at his basket and noticed he had like 50 tubes of KY jelly there was visible embarrassed but told us he had a cow giving birth and wanted to be prepared story - it was my first pregnancy scare my GF told me she was three weeks late at 1:30 a.m. I flipped out a little and drove to Walmart to buy a pregnancy test the cashier asked me how I was doing and I replied I'm at Walmart buying a pregnancy test at 1:30 on a Sunday morning how do you think I'm doing I once had an overweight customer returners Shaku ate because she thought the shaking was automatic I judged pretty harshly right there Target slave here I pretty openly judge this one guy he spent like $100 on MTG cards and denied his kid a one dollar coloring book I'm pretty sure it was the kids gift card that he paid with - it was shaped like a cupcake and said happy birthday I felt like crying when they were about to leave and I ended up buying a ten dollar crayon and coloring book set from the Rashad bin when they left I heard the skeevy dad saying how the kid didn't deserve anything from the store so he sure as hell wasn't gonna get him anything that kids face was such a contrast to the euphoria ah that the MTG Card purchasing dad was experiencing I've been judging people buying foss cards ever since I remember an old guy I'm talking at least seventy bought - tapioca pudding and a three pack of condoms I have never rooted for anyone harder than I was for that old man soda for children though it's all they will drink my daughter is three and only drinks milk and water if there is no solar around they won't drink it fourteen-year-old girl bought full season disini bikini with mom behind her telling her she needed to get bigger falsies duck that mom I'm a cashier at a Froyo place once this girl bought $0.89 worth of Froyo she literally just bought a cup with maybe one or two small spoonfuls worth of yogurt at the bottom after checking out she asked me if it has any calories and whether she would be getting fat if she ate that yogurt I am NOT a cashier but a lady behind me in line at Walmart commented on my wine and chocolate purchase yes I was having a bad day thanks for pointing that out loud I used to work for Fred mayor's Kroger's and it was always super awkward when a customer was buying Ducie this one little kid bought some of those shaped rubber bands and DS or something like that that was super popular for some reason the whole time he was begging his mom to get them til she relented he slaps them on the counter with a big grin and pays with his own money after airing him up he rips into the package pulls out all the rubber bands and puts them on his wrist with the biggest smile that Smile didn't last long it slowly turned into a frown in a small defeated voice he said to himself this was a stupid idea and left later I found him on the floor near the exit poor guy couldn't bring himself to even keep them [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 147,695
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, sub, comment, awards, people, funny reddit stories, cashiers, customers, memes
Id: hEIb9zA4T9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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