Relatives Of Psychopaths Share Their Life-Threatening Encounters - AskReddit

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he was extremely good-looking but not to me because I saw what he was under the skin people related to a psychopath what is your creepiest moment my nephew through marriage is a crazy little shit once the entire family was playing hide and seek he was around nine he didn't like where I hid so he flew into a rage he tried to hit me I grabbed his wrist and twisted just enough to subdue him he screamed like a freakin medic I released him he then ran into another room stating he needed his nerf gun to shoot me because he shoots people whenever he's mad I looked at my sister-in-law and said seriously you're okay with this her response was that his rage was my fault I had no right to touch him and that I should have just let him hit me since he's only a boy I told her quite firmly that if her crazy little bastard ever even gave the appearance of causing harm to one of my children that I would put him down like a rabid dog fortunately I guess her husband my wife's parents and everyone else present told her that she was wrong her kid was nuts and that this was a serious red flag flash-forward two years kid is still crazy but that's everyone else's problem because he's still just a boy I'm staying at their house things have mostly settled from that prior incident I wake up very early every morning so around 4:30 I find myself awake I don't want to get up and wake up everyone else so I just sort of lie there and meditate at around 5:20 the door opens thinking it's my kids who were young at the time and still came to get us early I kind of just glanced up then I noticed that it's the nephew and his holding what appears to be an ar-15 now I suffer from PTSD from Iraq so my fight-or-flight response is triggered my heart is pounding and I'm basically in survival mode I wait i watch he creeps past the foot of the bed walks up to my side and raises this rifle up to point the muzzle at my face so I figure this is it I'm going to die today it ends the only goal I have for myself right now is to prevent him from harming my wife and kids he raises it up in the muzzle as a few inches from my face I reached up I grabbed the muzzle and I pushed as hard as I could sending the butt into the little psychos face his nose is bleeding he crying he's screaming about how he's going to kill me how I'm dead etc so now everyone is awake lights are flipped on and I see that it's a toy rifle made to look like an ar-15 apparently this little psycho was planning to stick the muzzle in my face and pull the trigger to scare the crap out of me with flashing lights and electronic gun sounds I feel somewhat torn on the one hand I just broke an 11 year olds nose for playing with a toy gun on the other hand the kid had all of these tells that he was dangerous and what he was doing was super creepy and yet another red flag my sister-in-law was pissed her chosen narrative is that I'm a mentally unstable lunatic who is a danger to all children she calls the cops she insists despite the protestations of my wife that she's having me arrested and charged with child abuse for hitting a boy for playing with his toys police arrive interviews take basically the whole day I'm a little worried that getting arrested aside I might not be able to leave this place and go home the next day as planned because these cops might not be done with their investigation fortunately it didn't play out that way see this little We Need to Talk About Kevin butthole wasn't just a crazy shit around me like in the movies he was a crazy little shit everywhere and had been for years the police had a file on him because the school was required to call the police every time he threatened a school shooting which was often I laid out my version of events much like I did here I didn't see him and have a flashback thinking he was an insurgent I saw him I knew what he is going through his head and I wanted to try to prevent him from killing my family they did let me go home on schedule and a week later the detective called me to let me know there would be no charges he also told me that his interview with my nephew was chilling and he hopes that my sister-in-law pulls her head out of the sand and gets the kids some help I told him she won't ever and when he's 30 years old and on trial she'll be crying and saying he's just a boy hopefully he doesn't hurt anyone but I know the odds are stacked against that hope before anyone asks I refused to stay at their house if we are in town we stay in our hotel he is never allowed to be alone with either of my kids and he is also not allowed in my house since he was caught trying to steal a pocketknife which he said he needed for surgery on the family cat he was almost 12 at the time I once woke up to my little sister trying to smother me but thankfully she was also too small to get the job done we were seven and five it was the first of three attempts she made on my life growing up she did it because I had refused to sleep on her bed as a sacrifice to the boogeyman longer story we had our own rooms but I hadn't been allowed to sleep in mine for two years she'd have a fit every time I tried to sleep in my own bed and our parents would convince me to stay in her room just to get everyone to bed they went so far as to install a bunk bed in her room but she still insisted we share just one bed one night I woke up to her wetting the bed I was angry because I didn't even want to be there in the first place and now I was covered in pee she screamed at me to get back in bed and when I didn't she got up and tried to attack me smearing yet more pee all over me so we were both shrieking at this point and our parents woke up and came down I don't remember the exact conversation since it's been almost 30 years but the gist of it was that first she demanded I sleep in the piss puddle and she would just sleep against the wall and we'd pretend nothing had happened and when my parents didn't agree she became very distressed and admitted that she thought there was a monster in the closet and had been insisting I sleep in the same bed with her so it wouldn't kill her and she was terrified that if I moved back to my room or even to a different mattress she'd be eaten remember she's only five my parents pulled the mattress off the top bunk and dragged the p1 outside and convinced me to be a good big sister and defend her from the monster reluctantly I let myself be shuffled back into bed with her I don't remember if it was that night or the next night but as soon as we were alone she whispered to me that she makes me sleep on the same mattress with her because someday the monster will come out to eat one of us and she's going to escape while it's eating me without a word I got up and moved to my room I was willing to be there to defend her from her monster but not to be a distraction for it when our parents came down to investigate the screaming I refused to move back to her room and they finally relented later that night I woke up because I couldn't breath my sister was on my bed trying to suffocate me with this blank dead expression on her face when our parents came back to investigate yet more yellow she told them she'd just come into my room because she was scared of the monster they didn't believe me that she was trying to smother me I started sleeping with my door locked I didn't think my sister would murder me per se because she enjoyed abusing me too much to straight-up kill me one of the biggest things that sticks out from my childhood growing up with her abuse was occasionally if I was sitting on the couch back of couch facing kitchen she'd come up behind me and run a butcher knife along my shoulders and neck until I turned around and realized she had a knife I think she just enjoyed the fear in me realizing what was going on that look of oh my god that was a knife why the hell do you have a knife my sister did stuff like this my whole childhood and even after she was 19 and I was 17 she'd do crazy stuff like throwing a knife across the living room at me if she was mad enough at me I cut contact with her as soon as I was able to leave at 18 my mom was 19 when I was born and we had a very close relationship when I was little she was always more of a friend than a mom and that's just how our relationship was before my stepdad I was always sarcastic all the time and we joked around a lot one morning my mom asked me to take the pizza boxes from last night's dinner out to the garage where we put the cardboard recycling I jokingly told her no as I gathered up the boxes to take them out I took them out put them on top of the stack of other cardboard and turned around to go back into the house and I bumped into my stepdad who had come in behind me without me noticing he then proceeded to lift my 13 year old body completely off of the ground by my throat and pinned me against the wall of the house he got in my face and was screaming at me about disrespect I remember flecks of spit getting on my face my feet were back on the ground but I was still pinned in his hands were around my throat I was able to get one of his hands in my mouth and I was biting and scratching him I don't remember what happened next I don't remember how I got to school the next thing I remember is sobbing in a private ensemble room in the band hall my mom still doesn't believe me over the next two years he continuously got worse and permanently destroyed my relationship with my mother I started sleeping with a knife under my pillow when he was home I started running away on doing drugs eventually my behavior became bad enough that my mom sent me to live with my biological father life is better now I am safe I still have the occasional nightmare and cannot stand any sort of confrontation whatsoever but I'll be okay I have a male cousin who I strongly suspect - some kind of sociopath when I was a child I'm female by the way I lived next door he was in high school and I was in grade school his family had a pool and we would often go over and hang out which I dreaded because this cousin would when no one was looking sneak up on me and either throw me into the water or get in with me if I were already in and hold me under until I was so out of breath I would actually breathe in water and go limp he would pull me up with me coughing and choking or I would claw desperately gasping for breath he was laughing all the way it was horrendous and it was creepy how jovial his expression was he did this all the time and his parents were one of mine usually my grandmother would either mildly admonish him if caught or he would do it when no one was around for some reason I was afraid to tell the extent of his abuses there were smaller things little acts of harassment like scaring me taking my stuff pulling my hair taunting me but the near drownings were the worst this all went down at the edges of me being five to nine at him 14 to 18 he also picked me up and literally held me feet-first over the railing of the Royal Gorge Bridge on a family vacation I think I went into shock and I just recalled becoming very still for that he did get in trouble at least he apologized because he was forced but his eyes were always kind of dead but with a sparkle if he were doing something egregious like a happy kind of twinkle oh yeah once he had his brother hold me down while he poured tequila down my throat he did get caught for that because I had to go to the ER as a kid he was always running away and once killed a stray cat by choking it with barbed wire he had on some kind of leather gloves weird thing is is that all the neighborhood boys thought it was cool rather than call out his crazy when he turned 16 and drove he would purposefully run over stray animals and laugh and brag about it no one did anything enablers for sure about normalizing or minimizing bizarre behavior he was extremely good-looking like model material but not to me because I saw what he was under the skin the high school quarterback adored by all girls fought over him he played football on a scholarship at a Division one SEC school but suffered in the injury that ended his career in high school in college he was always getting in trouble frequent fights and DUIs but he got bailed out every time and again probably due to his athletic ability it was swept under the rug he also bragged he had his girlfriends to his schoolwork he has been married three times and has stuck with his third wife who is a martyr type scary thing is he is now a high school football coach and has been for decades and was just promoted to assistant principal scary because I think he has no business working with minors my mom brother and I came home to find all of my mother's diplomas and certificates had been gathered into a pile on the floor of our shared bedroom and burned my mom is blind and had not been given much schooling as a child so she worked her butt off once we were in school to get an education unfortunately at this time we were forced to live with my grandmother and two mentally ill uncles one of the uncles had a grow room and the other didn't approve of pot so he destroyed the room and blamed my mother dealer uncle became enraged and decided to burn my mom's certificates because you destroyed something I love so I destroyed something you love your kids are next this was a week after he shot my brothers cat because he was angry she had kittens in his boat I've blocked out the next couple of weeks because apparently they were pretty bad but I'm told that we had to disappear that night with only what we could carry in garbage bags not a family member but my mother dated a crazy person after her divorce we moved into an apartment and he moved in with us not long after he had long hair and blue eyes and a beard and was the spitting image of white Jesus and he took it to heart after a few people told him about the resemblance he pulled me aside one day and told me that he had a secret and he wanted to tell me but I couldn't tell anyone else because the government was looking for him he confided in me that he was in fact Jesus Christ and that he escaped from a government facility after being captured in 1964 he said he escaped with the help of the Pope during his visit to the USA Pope's private security force broke him out and once he was free the Pope advised him to blend in with regular people he said the Pope told him to not draw any attention to himself so no miracles and tell no one but he trusted me with this information Jesus Christ was a roofer in case you were curious he constantly carried around his roofing hammer and one day it went missing Jesus lost his mind he locked my mother my girlfriend and myself in our apartment until it was found this lasted three days I was 18 at the time and was much larger than him and would have had no problem physically removing Jesus from our apartment but my mother insisted he was having a mental episode and if I hurt him or did anything it may mess him up even worse turns out he left the hammer which is really pretty much a hatchet at a job site and a co-worker drove over to return it i sat there like an idiot and watched this guy hand axe to this lunatic and did nothing big mistake our three-day long lockdown turned into five days the final two days was this illiterate nutcase attempting to read aloud from the Bible getting maybe one in five words right remember in school when the teacher would have people read aloud and go around the room and there was always a dude you knew couldn't read and his part would last 10 times longer than everyone else's part imagine that for 48 hours Jesus would only let us eat bread and water and the bread ran out quickly there was a lake outside our apartment and on the fifth day Jesus was looking through the blinds at the lake and called me over to him he confided in me again he said you know I can walk right across that Lake and right up into heaven I replied if you do that I'll follow you anywhere go for it man I would love to see you do that my plan was to get him out of the apartment and locked the door so my mom and girlfriend would be safe and pray to this guy's dad that I can run faster than him and make it to a pay phone to call 9-1-1 he looked at me with his crazy eyes and said you trying to get me caught I said no miracles he raised up his roofing hammer and told me the only way I was following him anywhere was in the afterlife it was at that point I thought I'm going to die and then he is going to kill my mother and girlfriend I came to the sudden realization that I no longer cared at Jesus's mental breakdown would be affected by me beating the crap out of him that was no longer my problem mid rant about some religious stuff about two inches from my face I swung as hard as I couldn't punched him right in the sternum he still had the hatchet cocked over his shoulder like someone throwing a football so the blow caused him to lose his balance and fall over a dining room chair he crumpled in a heap and my mother ever the cool head screamed at me for hitting him I had knocked the wind out of him and he was gasping for air my mother assumed he was dying I would learn later in adulthood my mother was not the brightest light bulb my girlfriend booked out the door with me close behind after grabbing my mother's arm and dragging her out of the door I called the police and they came and got him last I heard he was in a hospital after he locked himself in a bedroom still saying he was Jesus he was committed after he used a metal throwing dart to pick veins out of his arm never did get to see him walk across that Lake though listening to my dad trying to persuade my mom they should kill me I was about eight maybe I was a difficult child and my dad often couldn't cope I remember sitting on the stairs while they were in the lounge listening to their argument eventually he persuaded my mum and I heard them moving so I ran upstairs to hide my dad came up and dragged me into the lounge he was holding me down in the floor shouting to my mom do you want me to do it I'll do it if you wanted me to she was crying and couldn't decide eventually she said no and he let me go and I ran back upstairs I think they planned to kill me a few times but that was the scariest one another time my dad asked me to give him a hand getting something out of the shed when my back was turned he hit me in the back of the head with a hammer I turned around and he was staring at me his eyes looked like they were going to pop out I ran past him to go to my mum who was making dinner in the kitchen I was crying and shouting about what just happened but she didn't look at me or say anything she wasn't shocked it was like she knew what he was going to do we were like a normal family in many ways I went to school one on holidays I went out with friends just bad things would happen at home that nobody else knew about I think the worst things happened before I hit puberty as a teenager it got better but we really got on I would barely speak to him and he used to get really angry that I was ignoring him but there wasn't any more physical violence I remember when I was fifteen maybe we were arguing in the living room and he came charging towards me it was the first time I stood up to him I charged back at him with my fists raised I was so angry and I thought I could take him he backed off straight away he looked like he was hugging himself as he ran off from what I remember he didn't try to hit me again after that I don't know if this is true but I was doubled up with stomach pain one night my dad told me my mom tried to poison me he brought it up in a few arguments my mum was a sweet woman I can't imagine her wanting to kill me off her own accord I think my dad persuaded her to poison me I left home at 18 when I went to university I don't understand why I didn't leave sooner I know I was scared of how I would cope in the big wide world and that's what stopped me leaving I felt broken like I wouldn't be able to support myself I moved into a house with my best friend in six others I remember thinking it was so weird how nobody shouts at each other I'm not in contact with my parents my dad died a few years ago from brain cancer I barely spoke to him before he died I don't speak to my mom she denies anything ever happened that he never hit me and we just had some bad arguments sometimes I don't feel like I could have anything to do with her until she acknowledges how things were when I was young I think she is scared of the truth coming out thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos like this feel free to share your own stories about Psychopaths and sociopaths in the comment section [Music]
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Keywords: reddit, reddit cringe, reddit stories, reddit top posts, updoot reddit, reddit story, reddit and chill, people of reddit, best reddit posts, reddit stories 2019, askreddit, reddit scary, reddit video, friends of psychopaths reddit, relatives of psychopaths, reddit psychopaths, askreddit psychopaths, reddit friends of psychopaths, psychopath stories real, scary psychopath stories, creepy psychopath stories, psychopath horror stories, psychopath victim stories, reddit creepy
Id: gwkb_JvWU0g
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Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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