What Does It FEEL Like To Be In A COMA? - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit redditors who have been in coma what was the experience like did time fly by did you have any contact to the outer word I can tell you what a friend of mine told me he went into the hospital for surgery right before Thanksgiving and it didn't go well he slowly came to in the hospital and he noticed his wife beside him he croaked something out because his voice was terrible and his wife burst into tears when he was able to get to the point where he could ask why she answered you've been in a coma for over ten weeks it's February he thought he was in the recovery room after surgery holy shit imagine that thinking your surgery had gone fine and you just woken up but BAM nope you just lost 10 weeks and Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's I was hit in the neck with a machete about two years ago and fell and hit my head someone tried to kill me over something stupid after being life-flighted to the nearest hospital I was put in an induced coma for a week I didn't do not remember a thing my quick answer to your question weigh oh if you don't mind could you give the backstory to that I live next to a rough neighborhood and didn't realize how bad it was I've lived in some bad places and this seemed no different I decided that since the roads went in a big circle that would be a good place to walk my dog he was a shar-pei and big at that so I thought I would not catch any shit well my mistake for being nice to a guy that said hey to me one day and we chatted and got to know each other he seemed nice I would talk with him about 10-15 minutes a day and go on my way well one day he asks if I want to drink a few beers with him and I told him to let me take my dog home and I would come back after doing so we start getting a little drunk and playing a game of cards on his front stoop he loses the game and as I didn't know how angry a drunk he got flipped the table and started cursing me out push comes to shove as I am NOT going to let anyone talk to me and push me like he was doing so I hit him and I guess the alcohol made him easily knock out able and he fell out as I was walking away he had come to went into his house and chased me down as it was dark I could only hear him not see him but when I turned he chopped at my neck with a machete the next thing I know I wake up a week later in iku here is a potato pick off my neck the scar goes all the way around to the back of my neck edit after loosing about three liters of blood I passed out on the walk home and hit my head on the concrete and the person's house I ended up in front off called the EMTs that caused the swelling in my head I am still not sure why I was put into a coma I was out of the hospital in a month and never really questioned what they did I was just happy to be alive and not addicted to all those kick-ass meds they had me on I was in a coma for five weeks do Turman and go Cockell I had a lot of dreams most night I can still remember pretty clearly you can definitely take in what is being said from the people around you I was 12 at the time 22 now and my mother was reading Lord of the Rings to me while I was out I had some pretty vivid Lotter related dreams like eating some ice cubes under a bridge with Bilbo Baggins when I woke up it felt like I'd been gone a long time but without knowing how long edit row' thanks for the gold stranger a friend of ours fell into a coma at age 25 1992 and woke up at age 36 2002 she was a Rhodes Scholar nominee I think second hand information and quite brilliant she was still 25 mentally as if everything was just on pause her body was really well preserved she's really fun and cool and sort of the ultimate cougar plus she totally woke up to the Internet holy shit it must be absolutely terrifying to wake up and be 10 years older seemingly overnight I spent eight days in a coma last year after a particularly traumatic surgery my waking thoughts were wondering if I had died or made it I couldn't open my eyes and I was on a medical air mattress so I felt like I was floating this led me to think that I had and I remember thinking it wasn't so bad and wondering if my dad would come find me once I realized that I was still alive I thought I had been injured fighting in a war and worried that my wife might not know I was still alive trying to communicate with the nurses while intubated and drugged was very difficult what I learned later from my wife is that she was there the whole time and while I was fighting against the doctors and nurses I would immediately calm down and cooperate when she held my hand and sang to me it still brings tears to my eyes to think of the love and devotion she has shown to me during this time my dad emergency room doctor told me about this woman in a coma he sought during his residency the experience taught him that you need to treat everyone like they're a fully aware and conscious person even people in comas him and the other residents would all do their rounds they had regular patients at the hospital and they would go from room to room checking on them with the attending physician who instructed them one woman was in a deep coma for weeks months I'm a little hazy on the details but it was a long time every time they'd come in he'd say hi Mays coma I'm doctor and I'm just here to check on you he talked to her like she was listening to him explaining what he was doing to her step by step and a lot of the other doctors thought it was kind of silly I mean she's in a coma so she can't be listening right well time goes by and the woman wakes up all of a sudden they're doing their rounds and he walks in the room and says something and she immediately recognizes his voice she came into the hospital in a coma and never saw the man and never heard him talk while she was awake before that day she immediately recognizes his voice and says oh I remember you you're the one that was so nice to me that makes comas seem really terrifying to me the fact that she was conscious enough to recognize not only a voice but how someone treated her while she was in a coma still shows you that you can't just assume someone isn't listening just because they aren't talking not me but my dad my dad was in a coma for about two months a couple years ago recently we were talking about the whole thing and he told me that he had dreamed hallucinating that he lived for 10 years and did all sorts of things during that time he said it was very vivid and he walked across the country a couple times during it when he woke up got home he said it would throw him off when he would run into people he hadn't seen since before the coma because at first he always expected them to have aged by 10 years well he practically got ten years extra life experience look at the bright side I was in a coma for three days after a car accident where I hit my head pretty much I was driving then the color purple then waking up three days later there really was nothing it's not even like sleeping because when you wake up from sleeping you know you were asleep it is like blinking one second you are doing something then the next something totally different I do have a vague memory of being on a table with a cute guy wiping my nose and it hurting really bad I remember saying you are super cute but that's all I believe that was before I went into the coma after the accident I had a brain bruise or something like that and it caused speech problems for about six months after just a very short time span less than a week but it's felt like nothing you just wake up and realize shit happened you get told you've been injured what caused it what I broke etc and somewhere along the lines they also tell you you've been kept in a coma I didn't bother asking the first time around but I also remember pretty much nothing around that period in time anyway they may have told me I just forgot what I distinctly remember is the time of waking up it just felt like a dream until your brain actually decides to take notice of what's happening around you during the coma I can't say I've experienced anything at all not even vivid dreams but then again how often do you remember vivid dreams mine usually disappear in under five seconds after waking up time did fly by in a sense that time flies by as you sleep you're where time but that's it plenty of other priorities such as what's this stick inside my penis to not wet the bed wise part of my beard gone accident scar on my chin kick-ass why do I feel drunk painkillers and concussion from hell that's about all I remember from that time my catheter freaked me right the duck out I would not stop trying to take it out for the first hour or two saddest parties they did not clean it regularly and there was the crustiness built up around my urethra this was told to me by a dear friend when having her second son she had a scheduled c-section her first was also a c-section birth she had been uncomfortable during the last part of her pregnancy saying that she felt pain in her bladder anyway during the operation she suddenly screamed and then he managed turns out she had percent of Prakriti where the placenta growth through the uterine wall it grew into her bladder and intestines how this was not picked up during all her ultrasounds I will never understand her doctors saved her and it was not easy she had a heart attack her lungs collapsed I can't remember how many units of blood she needed we all thought she would die and she was in a coma for over three weeks then one day she just kind of woke up she told me that she does not remember much but was aware sometimes of voices and a feeling of panic her husband talked about how they would put the baby on her chest and when they picked him back up tears would leak down her cheeks she told me that things got lighter in her head like Sun through deep clouds as she healed they call her the miracle woman was the baby okay was he born with any problems I was in a coma for about three days post open-heart surgery I went in for the surgery on a Thursday morning at about 8:00 a.m. the surgery went bad and I apparently was on a respirator for 48 hours until I could breathe on my own and awoke on a Sunday night about 11:00 p.m. I thought it was still Thursday I had no awareness of time passed or of anything that happened while I was unconscious my freshman year of high school I attempted suicide and almost succeeded I took a bunch of pills and went to school the last thing I remember is walking into school I vaguely remember falling on my knees and hearing screaming I woke up two weeks later in the hospital I don't remember those two weeks at all I didn't even realize that the time had passed when I woke up how're you doing these days Opie when I was considered medically that I couldn't hear anyone I was in a huge white room with no walls just afore the floor would occasionally Sparkle far off I could not move I could just look around it was completely empty I could still feel emotions I had a heavy feeling of being nervous worried it felt like I was sneaking into a place where I did not belong like a part of the house that was off-limits to me as a kid time went by so slowly I felt every second on it it was only for forest' minutes that had definitely felt that long I could not think I just felt it was the most terrifying experience of my life I felt helpless everything was out of my control I felt trapped I don't remember but when I was revived I screamed for minutes I just screamed and cried far out I was in a coma for four days following a pretty bad bee after that I was responsive but not fully conscious I would respond to cues but with inappropriate responses after a couple days of that I returned to consciousness I felt well rested but extremely hungry I knew where I was but not why I was there I did not remember any of the responses I had given over the last few days I never did get those memories back I think it depends for me waking up wasn't an instant process I gradually became more and more aware of what was going on around me my memory of things that happened shortly after I woke up are a little jumbled with things that I imagined happening as well I had emergency exploratory surgery for my perforated ulcer that lacerated my artery in my duodenum after my surgery was a success with only a 15% of living I was put into a sedated coma for eight days it flew by sOooo fast I remember going in for surgery scared tired exhausted dynamic then BAM waking up eight days later feeling that it was only a night ago they had me on fentanyl propofol versed to keep me from waking up and moving about I remember having some vivid psychotic dreams so in detail that it felt real people tearing each other apart eating each other etc I was not in a coma but I had major surgery last year right after for a couple weeks I had horrific nightmares Natsu's torture surgery thrown off high things just the worst but I am over it and do not remember much at all now I knew when I woke up it was just the medication I got off the pain pills as quick as I could I hate that crap yep it was the worst giving me the night terrors I read all of the side effects and it was literally making me hallucinate while in iku I thought they were trying to kill me off torture me and it all felt so real even though all of them just saved my life those drugs are extremely powerful and will make you not think straight also it didn't help I had IQ psychosis when I woke up being in IQ for 12 days straight didn't help either this will not be seen but hopefully I can get some answers advice my friend was in an accident about a week and a half ago on Tuesday the 26th of February her her mother and her boyfriend and baby his father were on the way to find out if they were having a boy or girl they were hit on the way there her mother and boyfriend are dead she was flown to a hospital and put an induced coma for stabilization and there was bleeding on her brain she and baby are stable and bleeding stopped they are trying to let her wake up on her own now she will open her eyes sometimes and she's had a couple incidents where she has pulled stuff out but she's not awake yet is there any advice to help her wake up or even how to tell her the news of her mom and bf is there any chance of her not waking up or is the fact that she is opening her eyes good TL DR friends kinder in a coma now any advice is appreciated I'm on my phone at the bus station 14 hours plus ride I'm on my way home to see her I was in an off piste skiing accident in the Alps the 14th of December 2012 very similar circumstances to Michael Schumacher's accident and that I'm an experienced skier who had a freak accident and dangerous terrain I broke my left eye socket entire left cheek nose jaw three thief collarbone and four vertebra I was kept in a medically induced coma for nine days and I have vivid memories of my time in the coma I would describe it as very intense semi lucid dreaming where I had a measure of control however not complete control stimuli from the outside world definitely appeared and worked its way into the dreams which truly distorted my reality some of the Dreaming was pleasurable and some was nightmarish the real terrifying part was after I regained consciousness however first off you don't just snap out of it it is a very slow process that took several days when I eventually realized that I was in a Munich hospital I cou I didn't know what the hell was going on the experience really made me question the nature of life and consciousness and for a few days I believed I had died it was impossible to distinguish real life from the coma dream state that I had been which really effort with my head it was the strangest experience of my life but it has made me a better man and I'm thankful for it edit I've made a full recovery the German doctors performed excellent facial reconstruction surgery while I was in the coma and everything is 100% healed broken vertebra did not touch the spinal cord and my back is now fine my mom attempted suicide this time last year all of the drugs in her system put her in a sort of medicated coma for about a week and then she was kind of in and out of it for a month her kidneys were severely compromised and she was on a respirator so they had to give her a daven she said she can remember me holding her hand crying being moved around the nurses turning her to prevent sores and various voices this is a message from the outside world hello Opie it is time for you to know the truth a year ago you were involved in a horrific car accident you have been living in a coma fantasy ever since in one day they are going to take your fault life support you have to find a way to wake up before then stay tuned for further instructions ro you made it to the end you're ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash LIKE and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: qM1A2iKBa0M
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Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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