Does the Name of God (YHWH יהוה) appear on the Eastern Wall of the Jewish Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

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we are at the south part of the city of whole city you can see the walls from the 16th century and even the top of the electromask and the downgrade the garbage gate is in front of you if you will climb up we will visit manzion but i'm heading now to the eastern wall of the temple to see something special or not to see for that you can see part of the excavation that's running now of city of david and every day we find new things palaces chakra coins vasas whatever you want we find it here the world with legend let me show you let me show you let me show you i can see it here in the posture golden bell and it's actually connected to today's video because tomorrow it's yonki for the day every tournament and the high priest is going to the ceiling pool which is at the cell part of the city of david and purified himself and then he wears a lot of bells and everyone knows that he cannot you cannot you cannot touch him because he's pure you can see the way that we found from swimming pool to that temple um two weeks ago i think it yeah it was two weeks ago i went to city of david's special tour to a place that that's still not open to the public and it was uh an amazing um amazing tour in a road that was built by pontus pilot yeah at the same point that is salem paul part of the city of david and i do have so many videos of it then just go into my youtube account and write it down pure for god stamp this is the most important place you can see that excavation is still going on and you as a family can do that oh look what's happened to that poor child the entrance to city of david is to your right side what i'm going to see or what i'm going to look for first of all i want to yeah why should it stop for me it's only by love i want to see i saw a video and you actually sent me that video with the four letters of god on the eastern wall of their city and guess what although i'm skeptic i promise to go and look for it let's see if it's there why i'm a little bit skeptical because i didn't see any evidence in there any biblical uh nearest any of uh of the israeli side and even the christian side but it's um the one who uploaded video to youtube you can look for it it got a lot of viewers and because you asked me to do that i will do this in that part we had two entrances to the temple what you see there is the wall of the southern wall of the temple that king herod originally we had two entrances one you see a little bit of it there i'm putting on it and another one with three arches right there you will see it from a better place that is called the offil i fell from the word hebrew word to climb up as you can see you have to climb up but you can see so many layers because jerusalem have been destroyed so many times then the million layers here from king solomon time until now let me show you a wall from king solomon olive tree it is look like that and you can see it right there according to a latin mazar this is the awful walls of king salman some scholars actually think that it's not really the truth but you know let them fight because i don't know what to tell you i never dig here but why not you believe uh i like bizarre the excavator the one who dead here it can be what you see in front of you is mount of olives let's stop here first of all let me tell you that alimony was hot now it's beautiful it's a little bit um humid but not as in august and um we are the 14th september 14 now oh half of september that is the jewish cemetery they believe that massage will come from mount of olives and he will enter to the city and will show exactly from her and they will be the first one who will resurrect on top of the hill you can see the top of the tower here it is this is the ascension church that is where jesus ascended into heaven but he promised us to come back again and i will show you where he entered to the city and when he will come back when he will enter again when he will come back for the second time not so far away from there there is a small chapel beneath the trees the sun is actually hiding here for me this is domino's plavi that's where um jesus saw jerusalem and wept and here again part of the wall of king solomon time you can see the three block arches of the entrance to the temple and we are visiting soon another uh gate that's been blocked by whom we'll talk about it later later on are you staying with me yes you are thank you um and that's the southern wall and we are heading to the eastern wall and um if you want to write me you can it's very easy first of all uh if it's the first time that you're watching my video then please subscribe my channel and even push the button the ring and you will get more um more videos especially the newest one and i have 19 000 videos in my channel but at the description you will find another important thing and that and uh i'm trying to cross the road but i'm not afraid it's not so it is a little bit dangerous here uh you will find uh my instagram my facebook account be my your part of my family already that corner is very important but that bus will hide it from us then let's cross it so many things to see here unbelievable that corner is a very important corner according to the bible jesus was tested by the devil three times twice at jericho once at the corner of the southern and eastern wall the devil told him to jump if you trust god he will catch you and jesus answer i'm not even uh and no one actually supposed to check god then it happened right here and look at that yes million things to see remember it's mount of olives this is the jewish cemetery actually it started there and here and there you can see more of us i mean you can see the lower house and are right there here it is and you can see some holes on the wall those are ancient jewish tombs and that one looked like a house it's um the the daughter of pero a pa pa rob um uh the ferran king that gave a daughter to king solomon and king son of palace of 1009 jewish ladies were there now it's a beautiful monastery you see where it's covered with trees and two more tombs zakarayatum from the time of kia and hazir the absolute is right in the valley and the golden onion church is a russian church maria magdalena but before we will climb up and you will hear me breathing because of my asthma and yes yes yes some people say um why are you chicken why don't why not to take a video relax a little bit and then in your hearts uh actually add the voice over it's i tried it it's not the same because the excitement is now then all right and you will hear me breathing i will survive done before we'll climb there i want to show you that beautiful church this is the garden of gethsemane think of me walking in that area pass overnight with jesus himself going to the garden of gethsemane and then one of us one of the 12 will betray us beautiful beautiful church i do have hundreds of videos about garden of gethsemane and i think lately i uploaded one more unbelievable i don't know if you can see another tomb rock cut tomb because of the sun it's cannot see thing it's next to that tree i'm trying to point out that i don't know if you see it it's abshilantum son of king david although the tombs are from the first century from the time of king herod maybe they renovated it or maybe it's not their terms beautiful now you can see the eastern wall and the world of jova soon four letters is there a g is not supposed to mention those four letters mainly because it's too holy and mainly because we don't know how to pronounce it no one knows i'm using the word jehovah because it's already used by some of the christians but this is only one of the options at um that sea scrolls with the daddy scrolls you can find a lot of letters a lot of scrolls from first century and even before that written in [Music] hebrew but which is a little bit like arabide but the word the four letters of god is still written in ancient hebrew it shows you that even at that time they didn't know how to pronounce the name of god what you can see in front of you is a muslim cemetery that muslim cemetery is uh from salhadin time and here you still can see stones from king aerotime don't want to stand on the turn of course let me respect everyone but those are stuns from the time of king herod you can see by the fram and he didn't use cement then you can see like two centimeters gap between each star it's all dirty here i don't know why it's supposed to be a very holy place we're heading to the golden gate the mercy gate amazing isn't it look how beautiful his mount of olives all right the side of the movie is supposed to be very close to here here we are reach that place with a little bit of imagination you can see it here it is the letter yod the letter hey the letter valve and some here we lost the letter hey then skeptic not it's there but maybe we are very close to the days of the messiah he wasn't wrong i'm asking for his forgiveness your tears are delivered good and here you can imagine that the last letter he is what can i say what can i say let's talk about the meaning of the eastern wall we want to understand the meaning of that word the eastern wall of the temple was built originally i mean by king here we saw it but that part been destroyed so many times the wall that you see now is from the time of [Music] i'm still amazed by the followers the world that you see now is from the time of documents cinnamon the magnificent build it at the 16th century gosh it is amazing i can see it from here yid and four letters um i already mentioned the word jova and no one stole me look how beautiful is mount of olives and what is the importance of it the messiah enter will enter from here it's all depends who you're talking with let's start with their jews because they've been here before the christians and many years before the muslims in that area we had another gate i'm not sure that it was dead gate but um it's called shushan gate and it was um open few times a year mainly at yom kippur the day of a tournament um i'm still with the word with those four letters ah wow the one who sent me that video and asked me to check i don't remember your name but i'm blessing you for that then in that case um the high priest is to go out from let's say that gate or the gate it was here before twice a year two months of olives well i'll look up pilofy casino uh garden of got70 church mary magdalene magdaleno church and domino's valve love love it the law webs and the jewish cemetery then the high priest the one the only one who could enter to the uh to dolly of the holly he did it at the day of a tournament he wore white a dress and enter and he had two goats next to him um one he had to to choose one to sacrifice on the holy of the holy which is a wow because he's doing it only once a year the other one it's not a good story even that i mean the first one is not a good story too because i don't like to sacrifice animals the other one is called the scapegoat he used he used to used to actually say he used to give her all the sins of the people of israel and they took her to the judean desert which is the other side of mount of olives and they threw her alive from the cliff and by that um she took the sins of everyone it sounds like jesus yes yes it sounds like jesus the red cow that was so important for uh purification of people who've been with dead people or cemeteries used to go out from here and around the place of domino's vlovit they used to sacrifice her and they mixed the hash with water holy water of jerusalem and they purify the one who entered to an unclean place for example this is an unclean place it's a cemetery another important for the jews is that the jewish messiah will enter through that area let's move to the christians did i mention that it's cold it's not it's so hot now but i'm still amazed by for those four letters whoa christians a dead gate hannah and joakim and now i'm talking about catholic and greek orthodox and thing armenian as well were here when the angel met them and told them hey listen although you tried to bring children into that crazy word and you couldn't you will chose girl god chose you and you will have child guess who that was mary and actually it was so amazing that they act hug each other and kiss each other and if you look at the art about hannah and johim and angel you can see the only kiss in christianity in art christianity jesus enter through here palm sunday procession started from that fudge but anya and that fudge and then he came to he went all the way down and entered the temple as a messiah guess what he will enter to here as a massage as well when money will come back from here the crusader closed the gate before the muslim did the two but we are talking about the crusader the closer they had to open it twice a year the first time it's um when uh at the pump sunday procession sunday the second time is when the seventh century winner eric akalius our clients came back with the true cross that was stolen by the person fewest before then twice a year it was open another time that uh they opened it is when the first christian crusader king entered to here allenby the british government who conquered israel from the turkish from the ottomans he entered from jaffa gate but there was um a plan to let him go here just like jesus did but he didn't accept it it's amazing isn't it than that for the christians for the muslims they believe that they will allah will breed uh we build a bridge from mount of olives to here and all the good uh crusaders and muslims will cross it safely then you can see just like the same idea with judaism you click you can see here and a muslim cemetery and that will be the first man who resurrect according to the jews when the jewish massachusetts will enter they um will be the first one such an amazing huh the jews call it the mercy gate the christians call it the golden gate why it's a white shield why cannot go in first of all you saw that three arches are still two because it goes straight into the temple and the muslims as i believe didn't want people to enter straight to the temple there are so many gates around it if you ask me what is in the other side of it then there is um a kind of a academy and a place to pray as well of course in muslim place but for the first time he was sealed by the first muslims who been here at 1810 and then he was it was opened by the crusader at 1102 it was sealed by their salhadin in 1887. and the ottoman wall was used as part of the wall and the gate is earlier than that um some said it from the time of king salman uh some say that it from the byzantine time but what you see here is mostly from the muslim time the omaha house of omaha early christianity maybe even was built as a triomphe arch it's such an amazing thing isn't it the right entrance is called the repentance uh okay and the mercy gate is to the left of it i'm still amazed by the four letters absolutely lovely and let me take a picture of the side here see then because of yom kippur i'm asking forgiveness from that i think it's going to tally but i'm not sure from you um i know that you know you're right there are two gates here first one is the golden gate mercy gate and the other one is there and this is the lion's gate which is the only option to enter to the city see you in my next video but before that if you reach that point um i don't know how long it's actually take because the sun is in my eyes i know that it's still video it uh write me something and send that video to everyone because the four letters of god is written on that wall hallelujah for that see you in my next video
Channel: Zahi Shaked. Israeli tour guide צחי שקד. מורה דרך
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Keywords: צחי, שקד, מורה, דרך, tripadvisor, הדרך, מדריך, טיולים, הטיולים, ישראל, zahi, shaked, tour, guide, israel, Holyland, Holy, Land, Tourist, Sightseeing, Tour, Guide, פלסטין, Zahi Shaked, מורה דרך, מדריך טיולים, מדריך תיירים, tour guide, ישוע, ישו, Jesus, קורונה, קוביד-19, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID - 19, צחי שקד, zahi shaked, jerusalem, השם המפורש, אדוני, אלוהים, הר הבית, Tetragrammaton
Id: tDebBLn8aKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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