Global Prophetic Service (GPS) Part 7 with Prophet Uebert Angel

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[Music] now [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] no is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] your [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] little more [Music] alright [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] welcome welcome welcome this is good news kids i'm so excited that you get to join us this evening for our sunday service so first and foremost i just want to honor my men my man and woman of god prophets yubit and bb angel thank you mom thank you sir for the opportunity to be able to teach people to teach children the word of god and you know bring the good news into people into kids homes so thank you so much for that opportunity and with me today again is my co-host sister emily how are you today i am blessed thank you pastor it is an honor to be here and i would love to honor my man of god and woman of god um it's a blessing it is an honor to be here and to be part of this broadcast thank you so much mom and dad i thank you so much for this platform hallelujah amen okay so today we've got an interesting topic our topic is a new you a new you so we're gonna get straight into it and read the scripture but they're at home make sure you're typing for your children the answers to the questions that we're going to be asking tonight um it's going to be an interesting topic so i really hope the kids are tuned in and ready to do this let's go so we'll do the scripture right our scripture tonight is second corinthians 5 17 the word of god says if anyone belongs to christ then he is made new the all things have gone everything is made new amen amen amen amen i love that scripture because it's teaching so basically tonight we just want the kids to understand that when you receive christ into your heart when you receive jesus into your heart and be and now a god's child you are a completely new person you're a completely different person from the old person that you know came out of your mommy's tummy you know you're a completely new person everything about you has changed your thoughts have changed your thinking has changed your your heart changes everything about you you might not necessarily change on you know your face the way you look when you look into the mirror but you are a new person and that's what we're going to be talking tonight so i really hope you are ready for this you are ready for this so we're talking about salvation isn't it so you get saved so when you receive christ into your heart it means that you've received salvation it means you've received salvation so we've got a few questions here what are our questions our first question so if you answer this question wherever you're connecting from kids just send us your answers so we can read it out okay our first question is how do you get salvation how do you get salvation right we can ask jesse to answer it first and jesse how do you get salvation receive jesus in your heart amen okay he says we when you receive jesus into your heart that's really good you get saved that way isn't it okay what do you think nathaniel by asking jesus to come into your heart okay by asking jesus to come into your i love the fact that she used the word ask because the bible says that when we say with our mouths so it's when you say it we say it with your mouth and you believe with your heart that jesus is lord isn't it and that he's god's son and you that's how you get you you get salvation that's how he comes into your heart and you're saved and you're saved amen so now that he now that you were saved let's say you know not that you're saved um i won't talk about i want you to talk about a little bit but i will talk about that tonight but now that you're saved so let's say maybe you die but it's not everybody was gonna die but some people have died and they've received jesus into their hearts where do they go do you know where they go where do they go heaven they go to heaven that's right where do they go to heaven they go to heaven isn't it yeah do you believe that yeah good so you get to go to heaven you are now god's child so you will stay where god where god is and that's in heaven yeah that's really good i love that so i want to hear what you people at home are saying and are thinking i've got debbie uh maswabi saying accepting jesus as your lord and savior that's right thank you for that answer that's really good and i've got tongai chichaya um i think your son enoch is eight years old saying i got my salvation by receiving jesus christ into my heart fantastic that's a really good answer and that's really good you know jesus and he's in your heart amen yeah okay so whilst we're getting um continuing uh with it we want to start getting into our experiment today we're gonna show you what a new you what god can do with you yeah we're gonna be showing you a little bit of that so whilst i'm talking sister emily is gonna get straight into the into the experiment so we'll be talking as we go okay okay got something here so we've got vinegar you can also use lemon lemon juice that should work as well and we've got some salt and we have a two p coin here we picked a bigger coin hopefully you can get to see um properly the result of what happens after this stir it up so has any of you men have you have you spoken to your friends about jesus before yeah that's really good what would you say to them what are some of the things you've said to them i've got you on this phone it's always good to talk to people about jesus isn't it because they get to know jesus and they get to go to heaven and it's good for them to go to heaven yeah right the vinegar is the word of god and the salt is the holy spirit so you are the penny so right now we're gonna dip the penny down about halfway and leave it down that way you get to see the see the difference so some of the things that when you receive christ into your heart he takes away all the unclean stuff when we were born we were born not having good stuff like in us like the stuff that god has in the inside of him and that makes who god is we were born we were not born with any of that but when we received christ he gave us all the good stuff all the clean stuff all the wonderful stuff that make god is what we now have when we received christ there we go here's the result to our experiment can you see that that's exactly what happens like when we receive christ you become a new you this this penny looks very new now from the top there that's the that's the color that the penny was before it got all the dirt and the unclean stuff just underneath there it got we get clean like that you see when we receive christ we be we we we are new we look new all the unclean stuff is taken away all the bad things is take uh they're taken away yeah you know what i'm so um you know it's so it's a blessing and it's just so um i mean it's i'm just so in awe of this um pastor because you know it's not just part of you that god clean you know it's everything about you it's you know your body yours your soul your spirit it's everything about you that god um um changes and renew you you know it's like jesus when when you receive christ in you when you receive jesus in your heart he makes your life beautiful and you know everything about you becomes you know it has a purpose you know you become you know so so um um you become so uh um you know when you're so blessed that you are loved by god you know to be loved and to think that you are the apple of god's eye and his eyes is on you and it's everything about you he he um he thinks of you know and he wants the best for you and everything you know when he comes into your heart everything about you he changes and you become a better a better version of yourself i love that i love that you talked about love okay we can go back to our seats i love the fact that you talked about love you see everything maybe you used to do maybe you never used to like listening to your parents maybe you never used to maybe you were bullied who knows but you see those things it's like god begins to clean you it's god in fact begins to clean you of all those things that you used to do that were not good and begins to put his love in you and he puts his love in you the minute that you receive christ into your heart so it's easy for you to love people it's easy for you to tell people about jesus now and it's easy for you why because god is love god is love so does god make you good yeah god makes you good god makes you good because he is love every every good thing that is found in god becomes a part of you so you begin to walk in the goodness of god amen yeah and when you begin to walk in the goodness of god and you begin to let your the spirit of god lead you and guides you that means you are walking in love that means you're walking in the spirit yes yeah i love that i hope you really love that i've got cadence say caden ganura saying god saved me i love that well done caden um i've got um salvation let's read that a little bit um i've got um oh sarah saying this is beautiful thank you so much i've got faith here pastor and she said receiving jesus into your heart oh love salvation oh that is lovely thank you so much for sending in those answers and you know and just letting us know what you think salvation is all about but basically this is what you know this is what happens when you get saved you begin to walk in god's love you begin to walk in god's goodness you are heavy you are going to heaven you are going to heaven and that then that's exciting and you want everybody to go with you that's why we have to tell people especially now because there's a lot of things happening with the with you know with everything that's happening with the coronavirus you know a lot of people are talking about the coronavirus but we're not afraid of the coronavirus because jesus makes us brave and he makes us and he makes us not the new you doesn't get sick i love that the new you doesn't get sick and when you do i mean when you when something does happen and you start and you get sick maybe from something else or whatever it is you can always tell that sickness to go that's amazing isn't it why because there's power in you when when you become a new person god brings power into your heart as well into your life so you're walking in the power of god yes amen and it's the holy spirit that um give you that boldness to speak the word in you know in speak healing in your body you know and remind yourself of who you are you are heavenly defended heavily protected right that's right so i really hope you caught that it's an amazing i really think it's an amazing topic because we're telling children about salvation and they in turn can tell their friends or other people that they meet about salvation so i really hope parents you were you were listening in with your kids and you can help them do this because it's an amazing thing to just give salvation to just bring salvation to someone else yeah so before we go we're going to do a few affirmations and then we will close amen okay thank you if you can repeat this with me kids i am a new creature i am a new creature i have the nature of god in me i have the nature of god in me and i am blessed and i am blessed and i walk in power and i walk in power and victory and victory amen hallelujah so stay tuned for the global prophetic service with our man of god prophet youbit angel it's coming up next you don't want to miss it so make sure you share share share about the broadcast because it's starting in a few minutes yeah you don't want to miss this so until next week bye bye we love you [Applause] [Music] say in the branch of science there is something that they call autosomal dna in autosomal dna it is a term used in genetic genealogy to describe dna obtained from autosomal chromosomes and when we talk about dna we're talking about something called the dioxide ribonucleic acid [Applause] when you want to know your relative you check autosomal chromosomes to figure out if this one is my relative now the bible says in the book of leviticus 25 it is impossible la liga it is impossible for somebody who is not your relative to redeem you now we have what we call in theology tension in the text when you have tension in the text now there is a problem you can't find out who is jesus how can he be my relative because if jesus redeemed me i have a problem because it's not my relative and according to leviticus 25 he should be my relative then i go to ephesians 4 6. he is my father i go to galatians 1 19. he is my mother i go to proverbs 7 verse number 3 and 4. he is my sister hebrew 2 11 he is our brother leviticus 25 49. he is our anger and our cousin he is everything in everything to the extent that's ephesians 4 he tells us one thing he says he went far above all the heaven so he is on top then the bible tells us that he is our mediator so he is in the middle he tells us that he is our foundation so he is at the bottom then the bible also tells us this thing in the book of revelation 1 17 he says this way he is the first and the last so he's on both ends the jesus we save brothers and sisters when you wanna know your relative you check autosomal chromosomes to figure out if this one is my relative and jesus fulfills everything he is at the top in the middle then the bottom every end he is my father my mother my sister our brother our uncle and our cousin he is everything and everything a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth i hearing some time back when possible prayed for revelation of the word to increase in me it was a simple prayer simple prayer the revelation of the word will increase the lord granting you a greater understanding of his word a greater level of wisdom that which you have desired but give it to him today give me your hand [Music] but from this day that grace you'd be able to use it you will use it for his glory that's it suddenly my spirit opened to it [Applause] scriptures begin to run towards my spirit words came to me and demanded to be spoken simple prayer no sweet god somebody said what was god doing before he created the world that question implies the person is thinking time in their head god lives in the circumference of himself where the center is everywhere and where the circumference is nowhere from a tenant past lieutenant future he is god he is alone he has never been with anybody there is nobody like our god he is august ah the old preacher said no foreseeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his show supply you can't live without him and you can't outlive him you can't vote him in and you can't vote him out and he's not gonna resign but our god when he found he was alone he split himself into three and he said father son holy ghost i'm still me but i can communicate with me so i'm in a community of the godhead so there is communication and communion and diversity in the community of the godhead this is the gospel according to prophet angel a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing in epistemology the start of knowledge you have three kinds of knowledge that are chief edo dinosaur and epignosis epignosis makes you a master you gain mastery of your art whatever you do you gain mastery over when the known is now in participation with the noah when the no one knows deep down in their noah that the nun is now operating with it you are no longer putting a mercedes-benz there no you are inside brother operating the thing you you you understand you understand you understand on gynoscope you have revelation on aid you are away information has been made part of your knowings on epignosis you have gotten a hold of the thing you are now touching it you're operating it you're now in possession brothers and sisters this is real brothers this is real a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing the difference between me and other people and you and other people in this church and other people is this in the discipline of what we call theology in the branch of theology that deals with preaching we have three kinds of discipline which is hermeneutics and melodics and apologetics and hermeneutics is the science of preaching hemalytics is the act of preaching apologetics is the proof of preaching for a preacher like myself who is best in the world should be hermeneutically accurate or politically flowing and apologetically convincing i exit scripture to a point where the sinner comes clean or stays away and the other years and [Music] the agnostic has to believe god is there i wish i had people i'm stopping this a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing sometimes you read some few things and you don't understand at all that in the scriptures there are some spiritual conundrums that can make you if you understand them spiritually when you spiritually comprehend them they make you a spiritual juggernaut a force to reckon with i'm not talking about you understanding it from a a celebrity approach no i'm talking about celestial comprehension [Applause] how god stepped out of nowhere when the earth was nothing there was nothing there and he reached out into nothing and grabbed something that was not there because there was no something he had created and created something out of nothing and called it the earth and told it to stay there yet there was not there to stay because there was nothing he had created that is a quandary my brothers and sisters with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing i'm so thankful that god gave me people like yourselves see this bible is literally letters sent to partners when when you think paul that's why it's called the letter today the letter to the the letter today these are letters partnership is much more than being on a mailing list you can say that partnership is a bridge that connects two sides on one side you have individuals businesses ministries and on the other side you have the work of the ministry the rewards for the work of the ministry and the ministry's grace the bridge of partnership rests upon two fundamental pillars one pillar is prayer and the other is finances these two pillars are designed to benefit you as a partner just as much as the ministry the benefits are a two-way stream from your side you pray for prophets hubert and bibi the staff and for god's grace to be upon the work of the ministry coming back to you is the commitment of prophet hubert and prophet bibi along with the good news world staff to pray for you every single day in addition to your prayers when you sow your financial seed you are exercising the full measure of your faith toward the work of the ministry this opens the door to the rewards of partnership 1 samuel 30 verse 24 in the amplified says for as is the share of him who goes into the battle so shall his share be who stays by the baggage they shall share a life it doesn't matter who does the preaching or who supports the preacher both activities are sacred to god and the rewards will be the same for both rewards like the grace for healing the grace for prosperity and financial increase and the grace for victorious faith on behalf of the good news world we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us as written in philippians 4 17 not because we desire a gift but rather fruit may abound to your account standing in faith for one million strong i decree and declare in the name of jesus that they become kingdom financiers that their seed develops a voice that is more eloquent than their cries they become magnets for resources accumulators of money with a mission to finance the gospel and to win nations in a day i decree and declare millionaires and billionaires let their names become big let it develop value in the name of jesus become a partner with the good news world covet 19 vaccine so before i talk about coffee watch this now there is an agent virus that needs everyone individual attention that virus is called hunger which has killed an innumerable number of people since the world began however the unsettling thing is the virus has a vaccine and the vaccine is called food no side effects no government wants to sponsor the eradication of that virus is a global pandemic even though the perfect cure is none they don't want to end it but they force us to wear masks for a chinese virus so we won't be able to speak against the ignoring of a real virus called hunger perhaps is because the color of the skin that is affected by that virus is us people of color so it doesn't really bother them imagine the irony how italy spain britain america are the ones suffering from this virus the chinese virus and yet they want to test it on africans first [Music] yet they ignore the real virus that we suffer from which is anger like i said perhaps it's the color of the skin that is affected by this virus edward bob this argues in his book the half has never been told slavery and the making of american capitalism that the forced migration and subsequent harsh treatment of slaves in the cotton fields was integral to the establishing of the united states as the world economic power just imagine he says slavery continues to have an impact on americans even on america in the most basic economic sense then he says we don't want to hear that at this root the economic growth depends at large extent on slavery america to this day is surviving on slavery britain to this day is slavery it is slavery they are rich because of slavery the civilization that they talk of and they call us and civilize in africa is because of it is the main event sunday service it's the gps global prophetic oh come on somebody people are excited welcome to all of you all around the world whether you're on good news tv your miracle tv here super d welcome to all of you welcome to all of you on the mighty mighty atom gram the number one social media on the planet if you're not on there where are you that is the place to be so welcome to everybody on atom gram also on hd welcome to everyone all across the social media channels it's an interactive broadcast as always so we need your comments to be coming we have our brilliant comment team in the house ready to read your comment in the studio are you you excited it's the gps and we know why we're excited we're excited because the move of god is happening here today that's it my name is pastor ricky doolin international director for events and spokesperson for the brilliant wonderful marvelous spirit embassy the good news church i'm going to start by honoring my man and woman of god prophets yubit and bb angel we love you so so so so much thank you for everything thank you for not only leading our lives but leading the whole world into the love of christ into the reality of the good news of the gospel of jesus christ we love you so much thank you thank you all right so gps miracles are taking place today all right listen miracles will be taking place in people's living rooms in people's workplaces colleges universities wherever you are wherever you are tonight miracles are taking place so make sure you receive yours all right it's up to you it's really up to you to get your faith to the point right now before the man and woman of god come here and release miracles into your life we have seen on the gps's this is part seven by the way seven and seven's a powerful number seven is a powerful number so today is your day all right we've seen people healed instant healings live on the television like this we've seen people get miracle money in their bank accounts sitting watching on the screens on their tvs like this we have seen angels appear in people's living rooms this is gps this is what gps is all about and now a man of god prophet you bit angel in the house he's back from nigeria [Music] and now a man of god has spent time in nigeria feeding from his mentor and his spiritual father pastor chris oyakolomi and we are about to receive that impartation today this is the day all right it's gps so i want everybody right now wherever you are wherever you are around the world text message atom call is the best yeah but if you you need to use another one it's okay it's evangelism text five people and tell them to tune in tell them we're live right now in fact tell them that their miracle is waiting for them now all i've got to do is switch on to this broadcast all right five people this is the challenge five people and you can do it we've seen people come to christ because of this five people challenge so go and do it right now don't waste any time don't think you need to look at the screen while i'm here now five people message them right now these are the end times the rapture is coming the lord is coming back soon imagine your friends your work colleagues your family members who have not yet received christ now is the time it's not a time for embarrassment it's not a time to fear rejection it's a time for you to reach out to them people and bring them to the to the knowledge of jesus christ this is the time all right so we've got plenty going on in the good news world and today of course as always we have the amazing good news music in the house and we have um worship and prayers coming very soon we've got pastor femi in the house we know pastor femi's the cockroach killer the yellow bone that it is i we know the guy we also have pastor savannah of course wonderful pastor savannah will be leading us in worship very very soon are we excited i don't know if we're excited [Applause] [Music] so here at the good news world studios we are ready we are ready and don't think we'll not be receiving our miracles we've seen in fact we've been getting miracles in here these past seven weeks we've been getting miracles on the gps services even here as the staff and the artists and the people here working behind the scenes we've also been receiving our miracles so if we are receiving them here how much more you who is watching at home so i hope everybody's excited first i've got a few announcements but before that i want to thank all of our global partners all around the world you are the people that make the difference you are the people that make it possible for us to be streaming right now all around uh england all around europe all around africa america um india australia the whole world every continent on the planet somebody is watching right now and that's because of you the global partners you enable the good news of jesus christ this message of jesus christ's grace the free gift you enable it to go all around the world and we thank you all of our global partners we thank each and every one of you you are so precious to us we love you so much thank you for all that you are doing for this move of god now also do we have any partners in here the excitement was like there's no [Applause] and of course our man of god prophet yuba angel won not one but two awards for his for here's our woman of god's partnership with the spiritual fathers ministry in um christ embassy so can you imagine leading by example and when we talk about winning them awards on um on love world it's not a small thing it's not a small thing that means the heart of giving the heart of partnership is in our man and woman of god and we also follow that lead all right so important that everybody knows um that coming up very very soon is two mentorship courses we get so many calls about mentorship we have some of the people in the studio here today who take your calls and inundated with calls that are looking for mentorship from our man and woman of god prophet jubit and bb angel but there are courses set up this is what's important for everybody now because the calls are so many the inboxes are so many there's millions of people right now tuning into this broadcast so so many people are looking for that mentorship so courses were created so that you can access that mentorship from our man and woman of god coming up very very soon and it's your time to to get enrolled right now in these courses we have the millionaire academy coming up all right the millionaire academy is a course that is designed for you to learn the principles and secrets that prophets yubit and bb angel used to become successful in business whilst also being successful in ministry it's so important it's a balance that people don't realize needs to be there some people will go all the way business some people will go all the way ministry it needs to be a lifestyle and to do that the millionaire academy was set up to teach you them principles so if you're somebody that wants to push forward succeed in business maybe you're already in business maybe you haven't started yet but the millionaire academy is there for you now also osborne institute of theology is also starting very very soon the intake for 2021 will be starting soon the intakes began in terms of people enrolling it's your time to enroll osborne institute is teaching you the deeper theology of the good news it's keeping you teaching you the deeper theology in christian theology and in fact you come out with qualifications in christian theology real qualifications that will serve you for the rest of your time before we rapture all right it's important that you get there if you're somebody who's so hungry for the word then osborne institute of theology is for you you need to enroll now and you can enroll to them two courses by going through you but all right gps are we ready so our man and woman of god prophet ubit and bb angel will be right here very very soon but first we're going to get into a time of worship all right so it's important before we go over to worship just to let you know as the miracles begin to flow today we have our team of pastors who are in the call center are ready to receive your calls and your text messages if you have a testimony if you have um a miracle that took place then it's important that you get in touch with our team the screen is the number is coming on the screen now if you have a testimony of a miracle then or you're responding to a prophecy use text message all right text the number on the screen and put in capitals testimony or put in capitals prophecy it's so important it's so important because the traffic is so heavy they need to see which one you are talking about before we go to worship we're going to get across to worship very soon with our very own pastor savannah but first we are going to switch to a video right now just take a look at this video it's so important you watch this all right but we'll be back very right two minutes we're back with worship just watch this video all right covet 19 vaccine so before i talk about coffee watch this now there is an agent virus that needs everyone individual attention that virus is called hunger we just killed an innumerable number of people since the world began however the unsettling thing is the virus has a vaccine and the vaccine is called food no side effects no government wants to sponsor the eradication of that virus it's a global pandemic even though the perfect cure is none they don't want to end it but they force us to wear masks for a chinese virus so we won't be able to speak against they are ignoring of a real virus called hunger [Music] perhaps it's because the color of the skin that is affected by that virus is us people of color so it doesn't really bother them imagine the irony how italy spain britain america are the ones suffering from this virus the chinese virus and yet they want to test it on africans first [Music] yet they ignore the real virus that we suffer from which is hunger like i said perhaps it's the color of the skin that is affected by this virus edward bob this argues in his book the half has never been told slavery and the making of american capitalism that the forced migration and subsequent harsh treatment of slaves in the cotton fields was integral to the establishing of the united states as the world economic power just imagine he says slavery continues to have an impact on americans even on america in the most basic economic sense then he says we don't want to hear that at this root the economic growth depends at large extent on slavery america to this day is surviving on slavery britain to this day is slavery it is slavery they are rich because of slavery the civilization that they talk of and they call us and civilize in africa is because of the inheritance our parents left enough they left that in their hands to loot the african continent and become rich in europe become rich in the western world when we cry for that one virus called hunger to be eradicated they want they don't listen they are telling us a chinese virus is more important than hunger look at what they left africa with we have an economy that has no jobs it's like everybody somehow is self-employed that means i have to go out to get my money i have to sell something to get my money i have to go out to get my money the average person in africa has to get out of the house where there is no job outside in the market and goes out to sell whatever they can find to sell now then all of a sudden they're told there is a virus stay inside so if they stay inside what do they eat because inside there is no food outside there is a virus african economies require aware of it forget the forget forget the inhabitants of of african countries we're talking about the economy itself requires welfare we're talking about the governments require welfare the only thing that is between an african and and the thing that they require is jesus now all of a sudden a chinese virus comes and says stay inside no there is no food inside don't go out and if you go out there is a problem we'll arrest you so what does an african do when you ignore what we are suffering from the real virus wireless you know the real vaccine is called food watch this no side effects so a pine a pandemic not even a pandemic not just condemning like this one a pandemic is already in existence there's already been in existence it is hunger and here are the statistics for you to see 1.44 million people have died of covet 19. to death wireless nine million people die of hunger each year that's according to the that's more than the death toll of aids malaria tuberculosis combined the u.n secretary general said who needs at least 35 billion listen 35 billion to produce and deliver a global vaccine for covet 19 while it's according to the international institute of sustainable development 11 billion per year is all we need until 2003 to end listen to eradicate world hunger finish it i'm not talking about african hunger world hunger nobody stopped it they have the money for it they need 35 billion to stop a chinese virus right now we talk about the government of britain what has it done it cut its aid to other countries and 74 billion in the process just last week that means they were delivering more than 4 billion out there that means every year they had enough money to end world hunger never did it but they are so they are there so much into anything that should tell you something about this something is wrong somewhere something is not ending up at all look at elon musk tested himself four times twice it became positive twice negative some bogus thing is taking place and nobody wants to address it like i said perhaps it's the color of our skin that i don't think it's a pandemic millions to this right now as i'm talking to you over 2.5 million like water right now they need water nobody's talking about nothing zero they just keep quiet if you didn't hear me correctly i'm not talking about african hunger i'm talking about global hunger requires less money now somebody said your buddy you said 35 billion no what you don't understand is the the this virus they are telling us that it mutants that means every time it mutates you have to change your vaccine so you still need that 35 billion every year we can enter just by 11 billion we can end world hunger 11 billion [Music] now if you understand this that's only about 1.4 of the 8 trillion economic stimulus packages put in place by g20 leaders to ease the impact of kobe 90 just imagine 8 trillion that's 1.4 percent of the 8 trillion that's all we need and so many people say but what are you doing angel we have you better in your foundation not only giving 20 millions in countries we put half a million in other countries we pledged half a million and we went over 1 million just every country every week we are feeding somebody so trust me when it comes to philanthropy i have end my stripes i can talk about it that's why i keep saying the most important thing is to deal with the pandemic that has been killing our people for a long time good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing [Music] do christianity is the size brothers and sisters page seven hundreds kissing of the thunder dictionary column one in paragraph seven say science is knowledge gained by observation proven by experimentation and demonstration refined by classification you can measure this thing with christianity you can put christianity in a testatube like this and take the whole thing and figure it out you can you can mix it up and come up with a solution that's why the bible says it this way that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god that means our faith is based on information if you don't have information you can get knowledge this is not blind christianity is a science hello everybody welcome to the gps service it's going to be absolutely amazing i can feel it in the atmosphere and i hope you can too i am excited because god is about to do something in your life somebody's life is about to change not for the better but for the very best so we are really really excited and i want you to get ready share the broadcast as we usually say uh we're about to go and prophet is already here and he's ready to fly before we get into today's worship service because pastor savannah is also on standby i wanted to come on here on behalf of the ubit angel foundation first of all to give you a massive massive thank you to all our partners for how exceptional you have done this year we have been a huge blessing together to so many people thousands of lives have benefited from your partnership and i want to say on behalf of prophet hubert angel thank you so much as the patron of hubert angel foundation i am so proud of what we've managed to achieve this year but i know 2021 we can certainly do better hallelujah so now because we're getting into christmas and this is the reason why i am here right now we're getting into the christmas season and we have an exciting opportunity for you to be a blessing to somebody this christmas when i was in zimbabwe last month i heard the plight of so many people who are struggling and this lockdown as you already know our man of god told us this is a poverty pandemic so a lot of people are struggling a lot of people don't have a good christmas coming up ahead a lot of people are not even looking forward to christmas this year is going to be very very bleak so we want to change that we can actually do something to make life a little bit simpler for everybody on christmas just spreading christmas cheer so what i want to introduce today is our good news box challenge it's going to be amazing and so what that simply means is you go to our website and you will see a nice big red box there which says good news box it's going to be something that we just want to do for people we want to give people christmas hampers just a nice christmas dinner uh just so that we celebrate christ together in cheer all right that's what christmas is all about so we want to give as many people we want to go around different places wherever it is globally and we're just going to be a blessing to people so i want you to please be a part of this on behalf of you but angel foundation please go to the website the details are on the screen and you can just go click uh the good news um box space and you'll be able to do something there now i know that there are some champions who think okay so my tithe will just go towards that or my offering yeah my offering is now my good news box that's totally different this is separate this is something you're doing in addition to your giving so don't say my tithe my offering i've already given it to the good news saying no way this is something that you are doing extra over and above your tithe and offering which is absolutely mandatory okay so the you been angel foundation partners thank you so much for what you're continuously doing thank you to the volunteers let's make christmas absolutely amazing we want this thing to go viral we want to go into children's homes we want to go into old people's homes we want to go everywhere let's meet with the widows let's meet anybody who has a need this christmas with the good news box it's going to be exciting so please you've got the website details go ahead and give let's start this challenge it's going to be amazing and we have to get gps service on the road pastor savannah is ready and waiting to minister to the lord in song so let's join her in worship and remember we have our call center ready everybody's ready for your testimony be quick with your testimony if prophet announces something be quick with it all right so right now let's have pastor savannah and let's worship the lord together [Music] [Music] i foreign angels everywhere the holy spirit moving in this place the presence of god rearranging destinies the power of god is active in now missed miracles [Music] in the name of jesus chains are broken by the power of the holy spirit [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yeah is [Music] [Music] can you see a healing here can you see the power of god in here right here [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] what you say [Music] you deserve [Applause] [Music] what you say you always do [Music] you deserve all [Music] our [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] god [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] you always [Music] miracles [Music] the miracles [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you always do [Music] faithful god [Music] you are worthy you are [Music] worthy [Music] god [Music] faithful god faithful faithful god [Music] you are worthy you are [Music] you do my [Music] you are [Music] faithful god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bless the is of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] hey you are worthy [Music] yes [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Applause] something good is taking place [Applause] i am i missed this one but uh we are back so a lot of things are going to take place and they were taking place in our absence a lot of things were happening and prophetess was on fire releasing releasing a lot of uh of revelation so you guys out there the lord is doing marvelous things in fact there are a lot of testimonies taking place so the global um prophetic sunday does not really just affect you it also affects us so miracles are also happening in our lives and we're going to give you some of the miracles as we move on and welcome to church welcome to church everyone who is joining everyone who is joining welcome to church something is taking place i know pastor ricky is receiving a lot of people uh uh is our ushering team today uh receiving a lot of people as they come into the uh service uh some people are like what do you mean come in the service yeah people who are joining are really joining the service and it's so brilliant that um at least now from next week right from this coming sunday changes are open [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have of course they allow a thousand people and in london we are more than a thousand so what we have done is to get another venue just just under under the one we will hold the services so we have place for the people we need so i understand a lot of things are taking place and we have birmingham we have uh manchester united uh we have newcastle we have a lot of places all right we have ireland we have a lot of places then we have of course africa we have america australia a lot of places over 150 now i believe so a lot of things are taking place and they happen every day so you you can't be like you know we say and certain number uh certain week then the following week is already changed so a lot of things what we are not doing is obstructing we are actually going up all right guys let's open our bibles in the book of eclash justice so we can start this thing but i want to pray for you before we do that further in the name of jesus we want to thank you for all those that are joining right this minute this cut off many colors this strange commission that you have sent us to pioneer and to dick trenches in father we decree and declare that everyone who is watching right now and joining even later on and joining right this minute they are increasing blessed and beautified by your power because the church is more beautiful than it has ever been in jesus mighty name amen and amen so i carry good news that the church is beautiful and i know what you're thinking you're thinking we're talking about your spirit members i'm talking about the church the body of christ we face a lot of issues and a lot of fights but the reality is this tale of the church at this moment is beautiful really beautiful trust me trust me we are stronger than before we are stronger than before the reason why we don't kill people uh when they fight us is because jesus is able to stand for himself all right you hear me now so i want to deal with something that is very very important because after you have received a prophetic word all right thank you so much there are a lot of people here in the studio you know if you're home and you're standing you can actually sit now so there are so many issues that are taking place when a person receives a prophetic word there is always a thing that comes in where something might not happen the time they want it to happen and the week before i left for uh for ippc uh to to also sit under my my mind ministry apostle chris i may mention and i'm a spark on this subject of fighting using the prophetic use the prophetic that you have received as something to ward the battle with that's what we dealt with so i'm continuing on that basis now watch this because we lay the foundation there and it still needs to be laid but after that we then built the building but here it is there is something that the lord ministered to me and he said teach my people fasting and i understand right this minute we have a lot of people joining and they're excited about fasting some are joining them like um we thought you were just here to prophesy after i've given you the prophecy after we have done the prophetic and you received the prophetic and still you haven't received what the prophet told you oh you've gone to a certain church and they prophesied to you and you haven't seen it what's the problem is it the problem that the person who prophesied is false or you don't know what to do with what he said very very important and fasting is one of those strange things that actually help your prophetic to actually come to fruition and right there i know some people who can't even do an hour without eating [Music] it might be different the way i teach it so listen carefully you might be eating more than fasting and we're going to deal with that another day do you understand that in the bible it's only very few times that miracle where miracles came because people fasted in fact if i got deeper none let's go let's go now watch this now in the bible we have every time god wanted a miracle to happen he will say feast that's why we have the fists feast of tabernacles feast of trumpets every time there was a feast then a miracle a great miracle takes place not at first so first thing changes god fasting doesn't change god so relax now so we have what we call feasting the feast of this the feast of people would eat and eat and eat after eating miracles take place not after fasting it's only when they sinned the lord would say now where cyclo then eat nothing so i forgive you but never to get a miracle now you don't get too excited so notice fisting changes god fasting changes you so you can never change god by your fasting he is the same before you fast when you fast after you fast in the middle of fasting he's the same he's the unchangeable changer you won't change so a lot of preachers and a lot of our students in the in in theology they think if i fast and get too pained god will hear me and see and feel sorry and then change my circumstances no when the facilities of life face you fisting is better than fasting we're gonna deal with that another time but then what then does fasting do when it comes to the prophetic here it is it is not what you do by denying yourself food it is the timing they have arrived and spoke to jesus and say look at your disciples they're eating he said fear with me why would they be fasting when they are with me the bridegroom is here why are they fasting in other words this is part a time when i'm with you and i understand what jesus said he said behold i am with you till the end of the age oh no they didn't get it then the bible says we are coming to mount zion that means we still with jesus he said when i'm taken that's when they can fast then he says i will come down hey and me and my father will be in you when when the holy ghost came down jesus is now in us he's back more than the first time i don't know if you're hearing what i'm saying now why do people fall under the power during this time oh they fell during the during jesus time so yeah but that was jesus time the bible says the new testament is stronger in fact the old testament is a typing shadow of the new so it's a mirror it's like a a rather a mirage you look at it it doesn't look real the real thing is the new testament so if they fail during that time they have to tumble this time amen and they were at that place and and and and and the soul just fell under the power watch this the soldiers fell under the power why would soldiers fall under the power so yeah but that's okay it is the old testament and and watch this they fell under the power because they were in the presence of an angel angels arrived and they fell under the power the bible says not just an angel is here no the bible says we are coming to mount zion unto an innumerable number of angels innumerable number amen not one angel not two angels that arrived that's right i said but but you see that was that was jesus and this jesus is now in us oh but you see those were angels now they came the third person or one rather the third personality or rather the third manifestation of the holy of the of the holy trinity or what we call the triune god third person the holy spirit who is now in us now he is better than angels if angels made people fall guards you should walk in the street and the robber tries to grab you and the robber hi yeah remember in south africa in jobin i was preaching for another apostle and and i took my jacket and got this guy to and i took here the jacket of this guy and wore the jacket myself and i gave him the moment he grabbed it he wore it a few minutes a few seconds rather and he fell under the power and people were clapping and they felt like maybe these are theatrics only the following sunday the following day rather which was a sunday this was a saturday he arrived and i see him in the testimony line and i'm thinking this brother what happened so he started giving his testimony but when he gave his testimony he was holding a gun and everyone thought maybe it was a toy no they realized this is real everyone now is hiding under the temple now they are afraid now what's happening you you understand you understand we were doing it at this kind of college thing and so some people are under their their chairs and and they're just trying to to you know when when you can block a bullet with your own hands you know you know people do that you know when they see someone with a gun they go like this like you can block a bullet and what was happening there is this guy then gave a testimony he says yesterday after the service after the prophet wore my jacket i was moving with my sister and two other people in the streets on the streets of johannesburg and they said robbers came two robbers with guns i said give us money and i said i don't have money i only have money to get my transport to do this and do and i said no give us your jacket something phones or jacket then he said no i'm not giving this guy my phone the best thing i can do is this jacket the prophet wore this jacket and i couldn't stand he said i can give you my jacket say can i give you my jacket took the jacket he handed the jacket to the robber the robber was on the floor now what's this he's on the ground now shaking on there right stood from there ran left the jacket and left the gun now he was now waving the gun like this now what's this people are like no no no please don't no no no gun here just imagine when a man knows who he is you're still not hearing me somebody under the influence of my voice you are going to awake to who you are you will refuse they came one time and this they told us my son uj had uh what's the name down syndrome uh they came to the they would come all this time you know the nurse and the doctor the two nurses and the doctor would come knock on our door and explain how we need to go back to our country of origin uh because it will be so difficult and expensive uh to take care of a disabled child it is something ahead of then they came with big one time we took our child to the hospital and they this big syringe and and and it was to test this blood whatever it is and they put it in there and the blood was more than the blood that they should need just a test we you want to test something it's just a prick boom now it's now feeling the syringe i'm like what kind of taste are this from that time i said i'm taking my child i'm off i'm leaving this place and i don't want to see you for all the the children i said no more nothing no more injections see you're still listening why because i looked at it and i realized something here if we are what we know we are amen it's not every time your faith is at that level this is where i i want to do like what they do in movies and say don't try this at home don't try this with no faith you should try this at home but don't try it with no faith now hear this what am i saying how was i able to conquer these things it was because of fasting prayer and fasting now some of you are thinking okay praying fasting that's good that's good but how do we do this now watch this here it is here it is so imagine if somebody was going to try and say take my jacket i am anointed and give to the robber the robot black okay now i need your trousers now [Music] because there is nothing in that jacket it is not bagged by the parliament of heaven amen there is no embargo put by the parliament of venezuela don't touch this thing here we go a closure is this verse number 10 and i want to read from verse number 15 the labor of the foolish with every one of them no he didn't get it says aleppa give a fool gives himself labor his own foolishness gives himself labor we are talking about fasting right now says the one who doesn't fast is a fool he wears his own self look look now now watch this it's like you are the one who is foolish laboring in your foolishness see foolishness becomes a burden to a fool then says whoa destruction is unto you all lent hey all in all and all that hear the word of the lord [Music] destruction is unto you all land when your king is a child it's not talking about little as in age is talking about it as your your king is childish nephews yeah hear this some people don't know this verse is very dangerous destruction unto you all country all land all nation all continent all church when your leader is an appeals immature and your princes eat in the morning i don't know some of you are hearing this verse for the first time says the land where the king is stupid and the children of the king wake up early to eat breakfast don't doctors tell you take lemon take apple juice they tell you eat breakfast in the morning it's so powerful the bible says if you wake up to eat breakfast you are foolish the first thing you reach out for when you wake up is food food kill me as they say in africa in frank by the side of the lamb shed near the lampshade there is some bites says destruction to that country when people who should be the son of a king sons of kings and daughters of kings queens and princes and kings eat in the morning notice the bible did not say don't eat says you eating the wrong time so your miracle might actually be hanging because of food do you understand one thing that the reason why we are christians is because of food oh they didn't get this now oh yes yes yes yes yes do you understand that the reason why creation failed to live in plenty in plush as god intended was because of food adam and eve ate and god said that's enough yeah did he get it you didn't get it and the bible says in the new testament if you eat my flesh ain't drink my blood you understand the result of the the reason why we failed was food and the reason why we are reinstating your opposition is still food your mouth can get you to hell your mouth can short second your prophecy i'm not talking about gossip we'll talk about that another time i'm talking about just you eating sitting down and eating nicely eating and god said it comes with this one from the miracle i know you're not hearing me at all but but you hear it i know you were waiting for global prophetic sunday this is it [Music] this is it sometimes you keep feeding people the prophetic and prophetic and prophetic and they are eating like they're at a party your spirit doesn't even know you're alive [Music] some people are not getting me at all see when when life touches you and gets to you if it open met you 4 verse number 1 i want to show you something that god has never did not send jesus to first nothing you get it in a few minutes matthew 4 verse number 1 then was jesus led up of the spirit into the woods to do it to be tempted to be tempted the fasting was his choice he wasn't sent to fast the bible says he was sent to be tested when he was sent to be tested he knew this one you don't eat you don't eat no you don't know you are in temptation you are eating they are gossiping about you you are eating jesus they are trying to fight against you are eating jesus was sending the wilderness to be tempted glory not too fast i know you're still slow the labor of the foolish with every one of them it says not one is sped by their own foolishness foolishness is a labor to the fool i know you're not hearing but you hear in a few minutes one to you or lent when thy king is a child and thy princes eat in the morning blessed out that all land when thy king is the son of nobles and thy princes eat in season there is a time to eat it's not every day cake cake sugar tea coffee no i can't do it i feel i start shaking if i don't eat drink tea in the morning i need 384 the bible says you are a fool you have times you can't pass you'll be shouting this is no thing no food here the angels are like look at this one look at this one [Laughter] you eating season you know your time you know these people are never eating because they're hungry no no it's time their stomach tells them now get hungry now it's about to be one your stomach is on a clock every day is a party day for your stomach so your spirit never knows it's high you see the reason is see some people have you noticed that they can be if you notice when we are praying and we are praying like this some people take time to get in there to get their gears in their spirit you know like [Music] whatever [Music] until they start praying for the preacher to stop praying to pray to god please stop this guy time our time our time [Music] i will not testify on this one but i know people have you ever had your church starts praying that please they want to cry like pharaoh let my people go you are 5 p.m church was supposed to finish at 3. and everyone is like god god make me be like pharaoh let my people go when your church starts praying for you to finish your semen then while it's you're in it oh have you ever felt you about you are you asleep you're dozing and you go like and you think you're actually opening your eyes when the preacher is preaching you know your mind tells you you're opening yours you'll be like this in the spirit but in the reality like this it's only when videos come out and you see yourself going you think what was taking place here they are getting me i can understand they are really with me i like what pastor chris says if i catch you sleepy if i catch you and that's when that's when you will be busy going like you just want to go like but just imagine it happens like that for 20 minutes 30 minutes then you start realizing wait a minute i'm back i'm back the sleep just left it just lives like a demon a demon makes a lot of noise that's why that's why prophet jerome says something very very important he says he says church members toxic church members and demons they have one thing in common they all make noise when they leave demons and bad church members they have the same thing they all make noise before they leave and it is really biblical it is they went out of from among us because they were not part of it but they went down so that they are they are there their character can be manifested that they were never part of us they will talk yep yep now watch this now what causes you to pray in the prayer team people will be praying everywhere praying nicely five minutes ten minutes you just be like oh oh yeah yeah i need to watch a movie maybe something something just tells you what causes you that a preacher goes in front and holds the pulpit like this immediately you feel like hey my god we we i need to go to the toilet immediately even you just came from there 20 seconds ago [Music] you were never coughing the guy enters you can't even control it you don't know what's taking place it's your spirit brother it's your spirit says that that is not mature yet it's not really really on the surface it's being hidden until the flesh the flesh is taking over so the prayer that is one hour you 20 minutes you're wasting time trying to think ah why now why why would we just do prayer every day prayer god knows what we want you know you are you're complaining for 20 minutes and your tongues are just kind of coming from your flesh and you're looking at everyone and then you look at your sister or your brother in the room they look serious they're instantly spiritually like these guys they're religious people fake people they're not they're not deep they're 20 minutes into it your spirit brings your issues to the surface the one you want to pray for and then you put one in you realize this one is needs more change in this one and inside 20 minutes you're not getting into it what happened the last 20 minutes your spirit was under your flesh it needed to go over your flesh so that you feel your in because this thing is a thing of the spirit you see when i'm talking about fasting you you need to understand one thing this is not something i teach you and you lend it no there are things that when i speak or when my man of god speaks oh when my wife speaks i know for sure they're not catching it why because she experienced it they haven't so those things you can't learn spiritual things are better experienced than taught i can tell you soy seed you will never you don't even say i keep sowing i keep sowing i keep so it's not happening why because you ought to experience it for you to know this works you're still not getting me now he says he says here and the princess eating word in juice season for strength not for drunkenness do you know what that verse is saying saying it for strength hey some people don't eat for spring they eat for the palate it's so nice oh it's like curry it's like this it's like this have you ever had had the uh uh british people uh ricky's kind uh really describing food oh when you tested it like oh come on come on guys no you can't be serious this wasn't like this it just melts in your mouth ah when did your mouth become so hot the meat just melts in your mouth like they know how to describe then some of my kind know how to describe they know they know how to cook it they know how you need to prepare it before it even gets to the fire they know it and when they eat oh they know how to do it why the bible says you are eating for drunkenness the way drunkenness there doesn't mean say get drunk with the word with with the food it means you are eating to be full the bible says a real spiritual person it's for strength they know it's just for my flesh to really survive but what makes me excited is the spirit test and see how the lord is good test it that means the lord can be tested have you ever had a certain word that you'll be like hey i'm not eating today that thing you become full with the word and even your tongue you can taste the word you can the prophet was given a scroll and he said it tastes like honey amen the word of god in his mouth physically tasted like honey you're still not getting me because all of you were waiting for me to just call your name i can call them your name is this your name is this lane fasting play around this this this thing listen to me and i have to repeat this one of these days the last semen would have been preached the last offering would have been taken the last tithe will they be given the last prayer had been said you're not hearing me oh the last church service would have been healed and we shall be taken in a twinkling of an eye the trumpet shall sound and yay we are out of here and it can be this minute it can be the next and you're still waiting for a prophecy about you marrying your wife you're still waiting man of god who married me no jesus is coming but if i can just get married for two two weeks i always say to people people who have uh understood that i've been taken to heaven so many times in visions they always ask me what does heaven look like i said the next time you think of heaven don't they like what i said because if you imagine it wrongly you might not like to go there because for me to explain it to you it's very difficult there are things that you can't even compare to this one brother brother was taken beyond the kitten of time so he looked back to the earth and he said he looked like a cackass look like a dead animal now just imagine someone telling you go back to the dead animal you'd be like no smelling no that thing no i'm not going there you know you're not getting me paul says i'm caught between two things ah yeah i don't know if you understand when a man says i'm caught between two things to go which is advantageous for me and to stay which is your advantage what should i do he says the only way is i don't even want to stay here i want to go hey look at that old preacher who wrote the song have never been homesick before a man sat down and said i'm homesick i need to be in heaven this cuckers won't do it hey i remember two brothers who came to a prophet that i'm well acquainted with and they were praying to go see i'm imagine when somebody puts it as a prayer request to go when i say good to go maybe they don't get it to go to heaven no i don't mean when jesus comes no they wanted to go early not in flesh like i walk no whether death or whatever let we just we are homesick we miss heaven most of you right now you are typing i want to live low live long profit longevity long long life 200 yes please these guys are like i need to go now [Music] so when we're talking about fasting you ought to understand what jesus said watch this watch this now i want you to see something he said men shall not live on bread alone the mecca of the human being that the bible calls the teklon meaning us the children of god the technology of god that we say when you were when apple created this phone you can see this marker here it is the apple sign they created it and stemmed it what does that mean what they were saying was we are proud of this go out there show them you you were made by us i don't know if you're getting this when vincenzo luca made this suit they had to steam it we are proud of this suit it can represent who we are same thing with what god did for you he stamed you i said you your mind go out they show them but notice this he was relying on the genetic makeup that he put in us you're not hearing now the same maker looks at a human being with a genetic makeup that he gave him with the dna that he gave him and says these words men shall not leave on bread alone so you who made me knows that if i just eat bread and don't fast my body is not geared for that yeah so so longevity comes by fasting if jesus said you need word without food men shall not live on bread alone what is he saying he's saying i made you with a certain makeup that requires a little bit of fasting in there that requires the word in there it says bad bye everywhere no no notice no this notice he didn't say but sometimes the word needs to be there is it but by every word that means it's possible to just live on this they came to jesus they came to jesus what did they say say master do you are you not hungry he said i have food you know not of he had not eaten nothing they went into town to buy meat and they came back to give the master some of the food maybe kebabs or whatever they were they had and they said master we have food here he said i have food you know not off he didn't want to eat he said i'm full already how we left you here with this prostitute who is just sitting there and there is only water and you were talking to this prostitute now we are back master do you need to eat he says no i've already eaten i fooled you no not off oh you didn't hear this now you didn't hear this you're not hearing me so if the creator of a subject of an object of a technology tells you this is how it functions so brothers and sisters we are the only listen to this we are the only product on earth that is the ability to go back to the manual to look at how to fix ourselves you didn't get that even computers still need other people to fix them this one this body here you can literally fix this if you understand the manual and with us we were created in such a way that this word here the product can read the manual and research troubleshoot itself he didn't get it some people are getting it and some people are not getting it so there is a lot that is taking place right now in the spirit but most people will never get it because fasting has not been made a thing i want to show you something says for strength and not for drunkenness by much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of hands the house dropped through notice that scripture is not linking with that if you look at it until you understand what it's talking about it's saying here for strength not for drunkenness but much slothfulness if you don't fast you're slow plus [Music] says if you don't fuss your idol idolness causes the house to break through he's just telling you fasting on time war is a king who is a child war is to the land destruction comes to a land where the king is a child and everyone who is born of that king does not fast but it's in the morning every morning you wake up you're looking for food this is you men of god the prophecy that i was given did not come to pass and another prophet also told me i'm a prophet but i'm not seeing nothing you won't see you are a fool you wake up every morning to eat this is your food every time some of you wake up three a.m you even bump heat against those trying to go to the refrigerator and then in the refrigerator there you are even fasting you are even fasting in that refrigerator you see that one that ice cream then it becomes a battle of the spirit you an ice cream ice cream says come here fasting is like you are fasting one tab little tub like this of ice cream written 200 grams is fighting with 80 kgs he gave me one drumstick 10 grams a whole human being born again fighting for that drumstick you are on your own alone in the dark only the light bulb only that small light bulb of the refrigerator is the only one that's providing light in you no one is tempting you except one drumstick never respect the man who is saying am i yeah i was in the spiritual office ask what spiritual warfare someone spiritual office just one guy standing with the refrigerator next to the refrigerator looking for that drumstick i'm telling you that's it now i i break this one while he's just standing there you break ah war is a king is a land whose king is a child and the inhabitants and the princes and the queens and the princesses what they do is they eat in the morning but strength is given to those that eat in season they know what season they're in everything is full of food everything is food some even hide food in blankets they're supposed to be fasting even for their own diet in the blankets like this chicken and chips this is your only room you are the only one who can enter there who are you hiding from then there are some generals who do all the gym routines you can think of they will run run for 15 kilometers and come and load more food for 20 kilometers why waste your time this time here just to test listen your mouth was not created to eat that's why it's called suma it is that word means that it means means weapon it's a knife to cut down to size the enemy and here you are you're using it to eat eat it say well but man of god i've tried this fasting oh it's very difficult notice what the bible says he was led by the spirit that means you ought to be in the spirit really fast i know you're waiting for us to be like yes there is someone here your name is this we will call you and you still be eating in your house and nothing will take place we call that um in africa we call that sleep paralysis where you are you are sleeping like this at night and it's a dangerous thing then it might be just your hand that goes over your nose and to remove it you can actually wake up you become conscious of it that somebody's blocking the airway you know and you you listen you are not dreaming it you are you know it that listen i need to do this i only need to move this end here to remove this thing here on my on my face it might be the blanket that is it won't happen you know this need to move or maybe you you you are you your face is facing the the you know it's again as the pillow and you can't breathe and you know all i need to do is move my head like this and i'll be safe and nothing happens and most people be like no it is because of demonic entities no there's no demon in that place the only thing close to a demon is you in that house trust me nothing no witch you wake up early in the morning you're like whoa these vistas that came today that are sleeping you start pointing at the door your own children's room where they're sleeping now i send fire through to the neighbor to the do they do the vistas no it doesn't it's not fire to the visa it's fire should go to you it is not caused by some demonic entity it is caused by your flesh which is heavier than your spirit so your spirit is the one awake but your spirit has not been fed on the real food you feed your spirit one cold snake a week you know that kind of uh you know prayer that that just happens you know circumstance of prayer you know you already go like this oh my god father bless the food that prayer is nothing it's one you memorized when you were in grade one i caught you now you know the prayer for food you pray you lend it to kindergarten this is the one you do 45 years used to bring it 99 years you still pray that prayer you know it's memory it's kindergarten prayer prayer from another man's book that's the one you're still praying now for food food needs to be fast and it's not like you know when we're praying for problems eh the father in the name of jesus i send fire in fact lightning food just bless the food bless good food bless in the name of jesus ah i remember going with the man of god in that that was he was joking so he was just giving you know i went with my sisters and my wife and uh to this place in london called shaggazula and we said they were the brilliant man of god and this general of god sat there and we said you can you pray for food he said no no no i'll pray after i eat i said why or during during eating he said why he said because the bible says oh that is in you praise the lord so the food is not yet in me so all that is in you so let's get the food inside they will praise him but i understand what i'm trying to say here we have a big problem of the flesh being heavier than the spirit so while it's the flesh you feed it three meals a day and if the spirit is lucky one god's neck and that was that is like something that is an afterthought you're already driving like this and then you see the police behind you and you have no insurance you go bala a prayer by fear [Music] a fear prayer circumstantial one this comes to need to be fixed a letter arrives from the home office there's a denial in the name of jesus ah food is blessed blessed blessed bless bless please plastic sometimes you just eat after finishing eating like thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you mighty father god is like okay is this what we are trying to do say yeah yeah yeah good thank you thank you so much thank you and that's all so when you are sleeping and this thing happens what it simply means is imagine having 80 kgs of flesh one ounce of the spirit trying to lift 80 kg so it moves it and it's the only one awake it knows you are dying if we leave you like this and by god's benevolence an act of benevolence god just shakes your spirit gives it energy you know because your spirit can boost itself notice here when the spirit expands it can go back so if it has ever been taught something and it got in it contains it but remember there is a lot of vacuum in there because it's not being fed to strengthen it so the size is big but nothing is happening have you ever seen some big people being beaten by small people you wonder what happened the bigger they are the harder they fall and and you wonder what's taking place somebody has the technique and the strength inside but this one is just flesh so you have too much flesh if you have two dogs and you feed one and you stuff the other one the one who is really starved the one this dog that is really stuffed can make a lot of noise more than this one this one's backing is different this one's backing is a cry but if you make them fight it will put up a fight but it will be beaten why because it's not fed same thing with your spirit it needs feeding more than you feed yourself now early in the morning breakfast in the you'll never forget oh you never forget even at work like yeah i just um my lifetime how come we never see you in my prayer time never you ever reached for you for your lunch time and you know your lifetime is one hour but your prayer is two minutes you don't need to be told by me you are spiritually mature if you have a one hour lunch time in two minutes prayer and in your head it's the same thing you know prayer is more powerful so even if i do three minutes doesn't matter god already knows why don't you eat just one slice and and you say my stomach nose your stomach itself will begin to to complain in the middle of people among people what's happening rambling of your stomach it will happen body of the spirit now you have no ears to listen to what god is saying complaining you have no relationship with him you have a relationship with your flesh so you feed your flesh you dress it up right now say go to church oh my god you you bad scrub everywhere perfume is already set you know which one to wear today and do you think we think you want to smell nice to yourself no you know there are people around that will feel you when you get into the into the elevator they will they can come in and like susan was here that perfume is known can they be able to trace your spirit when you walk can people say he was here i can feel this there's a difference in this place there's the way the the atmosphere is here i think i think pastor ronnie was here i think so and so was he the way it just is here there is an issue here is something is here can can that happen can people tell when you have left you're still not getting me i know what you want today is a different global prophetic sunday and i know you you want something but notice what jesus said men shall not live on bread alone then what did he say next watch this now but on every where that comes from the lord now says why was he being questioned and why was he answering like that he had said tend these stones and make them one why why why didn't he do it when jesus was fasting he knew fasting can load enough power for your spirit to actually come out and change stones into bread they didn't get it jesus is literally telling you you want to change bread you want to change stones into bread this is how you do it so the devil knew the time it would be working you are still not getting me remember fasting is not a reward from god like oh yeah i'm gonna reward him because he's doing no it's your spirit now taking precedence and your flesh has been subjected so whatever the needs of the flesh are the spirit is now dictating and from the spiritual realm everything is controlled remember prophet is ministered last week when she was dealing with the issue of a and aaron how they were raising the hands of moses and nobody told them ah yeah nobody told them that that you see there is a link between that moses was just quiet going like this then you get tired he never said guys you see my hands here are very powerful they are controlling everything they just looked in the valley and go like wait a minute they didn't look at the withdrawing of israel and say ah the prophet is being beaten no they looked at the advance they know all we do is concentrate on the advance if we are winning we look at what the prophet is doing like there is a link between the winning and the raising of hands there's a link so moses look look look look look everyone's is like uh a is like he's like wait a minute dude yeah something is happening here something has happened here man not aaron aye something is happening something is taking place here what yeah look at this look at the prophet boom they say they put a link they knew the spirit controls the natural immediately they knew so when your spirit now is on the surface and your flesh is under what happens is simple you can now dictate anything you want in the spirit to be given to you [Applause] brother branham was so anxious by the spirit and saw grace by the spirit that one time he called a woman and said ask anything you want it to be done even if you ask a pink for a pink elephant it will come now a pink elephant what causes a man to be so bold and say ask for a pink elephant now it will drop here the church is everyone is there who would have said you're a fake prophet if it failed he said ask for a pink elephant what causes us to stand in uh in botswana in the stadium and tell people now if i be a man of god put your hands in your pocket man will come out in other words if i'm not man will not come what caused the men to hold money like this only 200. it was 100 in the city sports 100 when i said god multiplied camera focusing on it and another one appeared underneath your own money not mine i didn't give them money that is attached with you know some kind of you know prop money no their own money what causes us to be so positive when we say miracles are taking place right now i know something is going to happen like this why we have gotten deeper with the lord and our spirits have gone above our flesh why why is it why is it that we stay calm even in the midst of all the pain and the sufferings and and the in the and the attacks why when your spirit is raised up and your flesh is under your flesh can't react that much because every time your flesh wants to react the spirit says ah you don't control this i'm here control the flesh what causes people to shake everything like shake they can't eat what happened ah things are very bad i'm not eating flesh is involved the spirit is lower the flesh is high no wonder when you pray you feel invincible after prayer what has happened your spirit has gone up but just wait for two hours you will see your spirit going under why because that boost in the prayer room was not a lifestyle it was just momentary and if it's momentary you're also going to have a momentary high so people think oh no i think he's stupid i think he's arrogant he thinks he thinks he's beating all his enemies no it's the spirit that dictated it so my flesh has nothing no need to fear no need to even fight anything nothing zero no one and most men of god don't respond why because they know this better is the lord's amen i don't know if you're getting me some people are not getting this i wish i wish people are getting it now look for verse number one look for from verse number one and jesus being full of the holy ghost so you need to be what fool okay returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness there's two being 40 days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing notice he did it nothing and i want you to go to matthew 11 19. notice he didn't eat anything i don't want you to see the the bible matthew 11 19. uh-huh remember matthew 4 1 says the same thing so we're still in matthew and then we've got matthew 11 19. uh-huh he said the son of man came eating and drinking so jesus differentiated eating and drinking in this that's it jesus differentiated eating and drinking the bible did not say he didn't drink nothing amen come on now say they didn't eat anything amen so don't go around saying 40 days dry fasting means do not drinking water [Music] according to jesus he ate nothing not didn't drink anything we have a lot of pastors in southern africa dying trying to do for the days of jesus no water nothing the recent one was three years ago or two years ago where the intestines way they entangled when they did the autopsy of a pastor was trying to fast 40 days and 40 nights like jesus with no water he ate nothing not did not drink anything at nothing i'm not saying there is no dry fasting i've done it for days all right i'm not saying that but i'm saying read the scriptures the way they are some people are getting it and some people are not getting it are you getting it yes sir now now if you read mach 9 28. so you understand how powerful this is i'm about to finish mach 9 verse 28 and when he was come into the house his disciples asked him privately why could we not cast him out they said there is a problem we're going to cast this demon out verse 29 and he said unto them this kind can come false now watch this this kind he is talking about another kind of demon listen there is no big demon for a christian all demons submit to the name of jesus amen but the same jesus that they submit to he's saying these words this kind can come forth by nothing by nothing nothing there's no listen don't if you don't do the things i'm about to tell you this demon will not come out but by prayer end fasting if there is no fasting this demon will sit in there it might even confess that it's out yes but it's still inside demons lie don't be like i'm out i'm going like how are you speaking when you're in there it's so good have you ever heard demon saying i'm out i'm out already i'm out i'm out black people pastors go like yes you are free now the demon is still talking that he's out he's lying to you he's already inside he's still controlling the faculties of the person and telling you he's still in jesus said buy nothing in other words don't even take it another route and say oh demons come out like they say there is a kind that requires fasting when demons don't come out of uh people that they are trying to uh you know remove them from uh people like oh listen you know the pastor is not powerful no he didn't fast what does fasting do it gets your spirit to the surface so demons don't go like whoa it's fasting who is not fasting no no no no no no no they have no idea they just see the level the buoyance of your spirit and say this one is floating too much i can see the spirit moving everywhere here is the spirit in the flesh i can't see see the reason why people don't see angels is because they don't fast how do i see angels man of god how do i see angels your spirit is close by your flesh that's why when i say angels are just right there what do people do they go like what is happening their flesh wants to see so the spirit is way back that it has not been called to the function it's not been invited yet it's the flesh that is looking like ah these guys they just lied to us there's no angel here nothing zero no they're angels but they're not seen by this they're seen by your spirit but your flesh is too full of food you eat too much you enjoy it too much some of it is fasting on just feasting on natural things where it's a movie you have to watch you have to watch that movie you can't be stopped you have to watch it one time just laughing with my wife and it was we were in ashton and there was an earthquake that hit britain i had no idea it happened i woke up like a baby and i was like they were talking about oh it was something it shook i said last night said yes you know at that time i was a light sleeper i don't care what you do you can go i wake up i never heard it not even the shaking no nothing so i found the vest immediately so that my wife will not talk too much he giveth his beloved sleep the reason why i wouldn't hear hate i'm loved more than here he given this beloved sleep so in the midst of the flesh could have woken up like oh my god what's happening my spirit says no don't worry we'll fix this issue you sleep fasting causes your spirit to awaken and your flesh you know it will be the spirit that will tell you there was an earthquake it is early in the morning god says no ask these people anything exciting happened and you don't know why you're asking those questions they're like yeah there was an earthquake like wow you're joking right they know it's real so the spirit told me something happened ask them but the flesh had no idea why because new boss is in town you who is ruling your life is it your spirit or your flesh how do you respond every time you hear somebody was talking against you what do you do do you pick up the phone there hey what were you saying or the first thing is anger somebody said there were there was a group of people that started attacking you for for talking about the covet stuff like that and this was inevitable because i was talking to this person about some other things that you will see in the in the future uh so it was inevitable for him to give me for him not to give me that feedback when i had the people that were opposing me i said to my wife i had there was a group that said this my wife like okay tell me when they are real people that people don't bother me their opinion does not matter nothing it doesn't mean at all at all as they say in nigeria doesn't even bother me one bit how do people get so they said yeah so how does angel know because everyone has been vaccinated in the past did you not listen to me when i said the technology in this one is different i had already given you the differences and did i say this is the 666 no i said this is the building block of it once you receive the foundation get ready to lay the bricks it's the foundation but when your medulla oblongata is infected by spiritual syphilis you can't even listen to what is being said you can't you don't listen to points you're just like no no no i need this vaccine now now what is he saying he's going against me no listen and what are you doing here why are you listening to me just go somewhere and i'll be doing part two watch again [Applause] and most people don't know that they are now even producing what is called an alternative for the vaccine they know people won't receive it easy like that and the british uh government is now set out that it's not mandatory they didn't even need to say it we were going to refuse they didn't need to say that anything we were just going to say no force wu for what they should start forcing africa to eat food send food there that's right you say oh we are not responsible for africa who stole resources from africa very much responsible send food they say we are forcing you all this is a vaccine for anger yeah force me to have vitamins i will receive what made we have a vaccine that i have not arcade ah why anyway that's another story for another day i don't know if you're getting this the son of man came eating and drinking and they say he is a glutton a drunkard a friend of text collectors and of sinners now imagine imagine imagine this but wisdom is proven right by a deeds do you understand what jesus was saying saying i don't care what you say my wisdom is defending me say he said he's a sinner he drinks he does this he loves he's moving around with prostitutes say if he was really spiritual this man would have known the person who is doing this is the prostitute jesus is like that's exactly what i'm trying to do to to to to be taken care of by a prostitute they were they would say the same they're still here today so the biblical new testament first only is three days not more than three days 40 days we're doing 40 days 60 days 70 days no problem go to you please did i say 21 is not good no did i say 30 days not good no if you are led by the spirit and if you are full of the spirit do it i'll be participating i'm joining you for your four days fasting i'm joining you it's not like a football football team yeah are you living living place yeah yeah i can see you at nine i'm joining full of the spirit denying your body food is one of the most difficult things if you're used to it food is addictive if you come from where i come from we eat something called sadza trust me it's a testless thing oh i can see someone like no you don't understand sansa fufu as they call it i believe in another way foof is where nigeria nigeria ken gay in ghana these things are tasteless puppets of the brain they are testless but after some time we will understand the test we really get it that when we hear somebody saying it's tested like you you you deserve a slap yourself you don't know what you're talking about because it's become part of our being when fasting becomes part of you that's when we say you live a fasted life you don't even remember if you as many times i was asking my wife did i eat i actually asked this question when lasted it's like i forget how you are there eat it every time eating thing food workers you just know how to eat that's you eat it eat it in the morning right now to say what can we do uh christmas the first thing you come up with it's not the location it's food we just bry and then we barbecue um i think there's some midday nice from you already know the butcher that you're going to buy you this is not this is no longer eating this is not an obsession so you don't understand is it t-bone where did you buy the t-bone from the butcher no no no not from that one there is a butchery anyway someone says in milton keynes in milton keynes that one hey that t-bone is different they've already put it in in in classes like this one from waitrose this one from newton kings they say but no no no no you don't understand mutant kids don't there is an abattoir in scotland just takes three hours three hours don't worry i'm going there next week just it's okay i'll bring it to for you huh they are not putting requests like songs my favorite song on friday play it now you have seen now you have gone beyond now i'm not saying it's wrong to do so it's only wrong when you don't make requests for your spirit when there is the tipping skill tips food is more powerful than what you give your spirit so you wonder why men of god are the ones who are getting testimonies it's so simple because that's their job it's their job so they research more they pray more they have more time to do this why because this is their calling that's why i always say when you have a man of god who is working in the shift please try by all means meet with your groups group of people and say look we have to pay our pastor he can't work when when he's working he needs to be praying he needs to be standing in the gap for us the other problem is when you do that and that pastor now gets more money now now you forgot he forgets praying now he writes a book eight points to deliverance is it eight points or it was prayer it was prayer before you got money now we have eight points for a good marriage yet the time when you didn't have money it was really on your knees those were the only points but now ah you are now mature now you are now bourgeois who did stuck a pasta so now you want your church to read your book 10 points 40 reasons why you have not been delivered and you think yeah i wasn't delivered i need 40 reasons what reason two one two three four after you close the 40 reasons you close the book like this you realize this guy has just swindled you the whole thing was about prayer they so all these points are covered in prayer and you were reading fast like yeah number one sure did not do it i didn't do it i didn't declare against my ancestral spirit hey number two point spend time with the lord it's prayer number four thanksgiving it's prayer same thing is telling you number five talk to god number six now pray oh all these things as prayer but now he he's gotten money now he drives messages ben's now so he forgets you now there's no points points this point so you buy more books you buy more books the reality is when your spirit gains a century against the position you cannot be defeated no matter who it is you can't be defeated most of you are hearing me some of you are not are you getting it or you've gone home are you getting it isaiah 58 verse number three and i want you to see as we go isaiah 58. i want you to see it i want you to see it i want you to see it some of you are getting it and we're about to finish we're about to finish we're about to finish number three wherefore if we fasted say they says wherefore have we fasted and dowsie is not go go go to go go to a vest before that okay verse number two in fact what's number one verse number one is now listen cry aloud spare not lift up the voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of jacob their sins since show me our sins show us our sins because we're the problem here we are not getting our miracles maybe it's because of sins then god says i'm about to show you your sins sir no no no no wait a minute if people are not getting their results and god is saying it's because your positioning of your spirit is causing you to sin so i'm now showing you your real sin you read it verse number two yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their god yeah they look for me but something is wrong if they are looking for me they ask of me the ordinances of justice now they say now we need we need we need to know the truth now tell us now they take delight in approaching to god verse number three wherefore if we fasted say they and thou says not see now so they got the position they said i god answered that you see between that verse and this verse yes what it already answered that your problem is i don't see when you fast [Music] because i don't see when you fast that means fasting enough is not enough fasting enough is not enough yes sir wherefore have we afflicted our soul and that will take us no knowledge in other words god said i don't notice when you are fasting behold in the day of your fast now here is god talking when you fast the day you fast this is what you do you find pleasure and exact all your labors see the day you fast you do everything you like people just think if i fast if i deny myself food that's enough now i can go wherever i want to go i'm fasting i'm first thing what are you doing how are you man ah yesterday on the phone now in your fasting okay let's go verse four behold you fast for strife and debate and you even debating in arguments are not allowed when you're fasting yeah but but you don't understand i'm in the middle of fasting here and because she calls me and he said i need i need to put you in a position you are no longer fasting the moment you are shouting you're no longer fasting the moment you're arguing you're no longer fasting but it's nothing it's nothing it's just saying argument about phones you are arguing you are not fasting so you see what you think fasting is about food only no man it's a lifestyle and to smite with the feast of wickedness you get angry you shall not fast as you do this day but this is the wrong first this is why you are messing up to me is why you're to make your voice to be head on high say i do this so that my voice will be head that's not the same this is not the way you're not fasting to be head oh they didn't get it they know if you notice what i said when you feast you change god's mind when you fast you change yourself let's go verse five is it such a fast that i have chosen a day for a man to afflict his soul is it to bow down do you think this is the way i want first so that you you you get hungry that's what he's saying so fasting is not about hunger is it to bow down his head as a bu rush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him is it because of all these canal fleshly manifestations that i have to i called for the first will thou call this a fast do you think this is called the first in an acceptable day to the lord you think this is acceptable where you are fasting and you are angry you are shouting you think your fasting is making me hear you this is not the first thing phase six is is not this the first that i have chosen is this one now listen now to loose the bands of wickedness to understand justice whatsoever is being afflicted wireless you are denying yourself food find the people that are not finding justice help them out let's go to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free now do you do that verse is a very dangerous one because i'm about to tell you what it means if you are the one that has lent somebody money and that person you know they have no way of retaining it but you are calling them every day they don't work nothing their children are even if they have left whatever and they have no food and here you are calling them my money you think you can keep my money my money will not go like that yeah listen brother or sister if you don't like that you are not fasting you are dieting yes sir and that you break every yolk you break every yolk if there is somebody that is under your yoke break it don't even bother just tell them look it's okay that thing where the problem with it's okay forgive everyone otherwise you're not fasting that's number seven is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry here it is so what are we doing with it that means every morning i wake up are you hearing this sir i take a certain amount equivalent to the food i eat in the morning if my breakfast would cost me 20 pounds or 2 pounds or 10 pounds i take it and put it aside so because it says whatever you are supposed to eat you should give it to someone else yes sir otherwise you are just saving food oh they didn't get that say he said i'm fasting i mean that month you are saving because you're not gonna buy food your budget is gonna be very very minimal you see because you're fasting you know i'm fasting this whole week so i normally get 300 pounds food so and so i need 100 only that 200 the load is saying that 200. find a place where you can actually buy food for the homeless for the hungry and give them if you don't know your place give it to your church charity arm i believe most churches have charity arms if they don't have find a way and give to somebody who is in trouble who is in need otherwise if you don't you're not fasting oh you see right there you can see the whole 99 percent of you people never fasted fasting is not diet it's not saving money it's not being on a tight budget no [Music] and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house when thou seekers when thou seest the naked that thou cover him how do you do that take your old clothes go into town if you don't go into town you don't have the time maybe work what do you do take them to church this is it this is my these are my clothes if you take them to oxfam you know what will happen they will sell them of course they'll then take the money and and 90 or 70 percent i think they say is for their workers does that mean they never get to to the real place so if you give hundred pounds right now to oxfam 30 might get there [Music] so it says you dress those well we have no clothes you give shelter to those with no houses you bring the hungry to your house feed them the food you were supposed to eat yes sir oh i'm fasting where's the food that you're supposed to eat i don't cook when i'm fasting no problem but the amount gives somebody who is out there otherwise you're not fasting you're just playing with god [Music] and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh verse eight then shall thy light break forth as the morning ah so when i do this my light will break for this morning so all of a sudden i didn't know what to do with another situation a certain situation and like breath fall why is light mentioned immediately after fasting because it doesn't change god it changes you now your spirit now is now leading so your spirit knows the way to go your flesh doesn't yes sir glory oh yeah i don't know if you understand yes sir i don't know if you understand this let's go in thine health shall spring forth speedily and thy righteousness shall go before thee the glory of the lord shall be thy reward are you getting this and their light shall what shall break forth breakfast is the morning and then health shall spring forth speedily did you hear why you are sick because the way you fast doesn't cater for the homeless the way you fast doesn't cater for those who are hungry the way you fast doesn't care for the for the people who are naked it doesn't so when you care for these yes sir then your health will spring forth amen you can buy your way into heaven hallelujah i don't know if you're getting this now that is god telling you you can give your way to health i don't know there is this chronic disease it has been on me for a long time i don't know how to end it because i know the time you first give the poor let's see your health was spring force that's right uh-huh speedily speedly not not small small yes sir speedly so you don't have to wait like i i know i fasted two months ago so i'm just waiting for this healing to take place no it says it shall be speed yes sir and thy righteousness shall go before thee that means if you are the righteousness of god every time you get into your company on and the boss sees you righteousness speaks for you [Music] what do you want to do every time you post your video on on on youtube righteousness posted the video hallelujah righteousness begins to spread it around you wonder why thousands are seeing it you wonder why very simple it's not a strategy it's a spiritual strategy the glory of the lord shall be thy re-reward now imagine check the word real word there yes sir it's asaf uh in the hebrew together to receive to remove together it will gather just imagine around you gather all the qualities of what makes god god will be on you to be brought in to association with others in other words when they see you they see the glory amen that means to the point where they say glory of god and you turn around say you mean me they will mistake you for the glory of god i don't know if you're getting this out of one small fasting amen that you do right yes sir you want prophecy say you can have it quick say speedly prophet you need me to prophesy to you and you need to believe this thing and then go here and there and a lot of things will happen and this fasting you do it you take money you give to the poor you take money you dress people who are naked you take some of your clothes that you don't use or what whatever even that's something you use and give to those who are naked guess what the bible says you and your health will spring forth stupidly in your righteousness will come out who lead it will be the one that they shall see every time you enter a place you make the big entrance because they see your righteousness speaking every time you go somewhere people will be saying the glory of god is here hallelujah everywhere amen then shall thou call and the lord shall answer says when you call we'll answer is it because the lord is quiet no because your spirit is the one doing the calling not your flesh [Music] thou shalt cry and he shall say here i am now you shall be able to locate him why because the spirit is the one locating man if thou take away from the mist of the the yoke the pudding forth of the finger and speaking vanity pointing fingers pointing fingers now watch this blaming others still you are the one you are the one you didn't say pointing fingers to people who are wrong no even just accusing you you if you stop it so if you stop even vanity speaking vanity every time we see you you're talking vanity it's cast with every second cast where it comes every day when people talk about gossip your face flashes before their eyes they know you already know this one you are their bbc they know you you are the one who spread everything they know you are you are the gossip sender if it was a general channel you'd be called gossip central they know if they want to ask if anything is happening they call you and you say no it's not like that these people come to me why didn't they come to me why didn't go didn't they go to to eliza why why why is it not that why didn't they call bevan why why are they calling you how special are you that you receive all the gossip to you no you are the gossiper they know it will attach itself if it comes to you they know it will spread and they already know you you have your antennas everywhere so you are trying to see who is saying what at what time imagine how can it be a life that you plan against another person every minute is you how the finger you are pointing remember three are pointing back at you most times the people who are pointing at others are the ones who are actually guilty but because your guiltiness is telling you you need to come out of that that thing so you start saying this one did this this one did this this one this one so you have all these words that are taking place in your head so that you blame someone else for your own faults and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then shall thy light arise in obscurity and thy darkness say your darkness will become like a noonday come on you didn't know where to get money all of a sudden hallelujah you know if i do this if i do this it's just okay to be like there's something i just thought about yes sir you just came to you like you just came to me like this glory and you reckon moment will take place i don't know where to pay my rent boom yeah ah i can call so you don't even need to borrow you just say hello like hey i had your money i was trying to find you your moment will come power below christopher dabaski you don't need this prophecy glory you need this fasting prophet you need angel to do it first thing you do it yourself what if i'm not dead and every time i come here for global prophetic service who do i prophesy to maybe 10 people 15 people and we have millions watching so what do you do then what if i don't cover your case with these examples that i've given what if i don't cover at least there is a way when you fast something will happen follow these things that i'm telling you yes yes i'm about to finish verse number 11 and the lord shall guide thee continually how many times continually you're lying man what does he say what does continually mean if you make this your lifestyle remember there is a repeat this is a repeat of what i was saying if you make this your life style it will be a continuous leading there's no breaking you see where you call a phone call way back where you used to have phones before you were open um we used their phones where you would call and it was called party line it is supposed to get to pass regis number but it gets to brother josh's number like hello is that drinking no it's josh like oh i'm very sorry let me try again you try again then riggy answers party lines so some little children are like what were you doing like that yeah that's it that's what used to happen and it was normal very normal you just you just walk by god's grace to go to the right person this time now just imagine if brother just just runs to pretend to be to be to be pastor ricky and the whole story is finished yes yes yes we will meet at this place and say i'm just joking i'm not drinking oh and the guy is already the information party line and then he says i will lead you continually you will hit the mark every time yeah yes and satisfied i saw in drought when hunger comes oh you'll be satisfied sir and make thy fat and make faith thy bones and you you will be strengthened in your bones yes sir hey i try this no the cue of what it is amen and thou shalt be like a watered garden oh blooming with flowers every time people see you you will be smiling just beaming it's like you'll be shining every time sir and like a spring of water whose waters fail not so people will begin to get things from you in other words nations will come to receive answers from your lips yes sir very very powerful verse 12 and they that shall be of thee shall build the old west places so so i fast and my children yes sir i enjoy him that's right so you see it's a blessing that is beyond i don't call my children to fast with me no i fast my children are blessed look at what happened in china they ate a bit and we are washing our hands somebody's getting one letter on the ones we ate are in china the ones who are forced to wash their hands are here amen thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the bridge the restore of parts to dwelling i don't need to interpret that one repair of bridges when people are no longer really in in in a in a relationship you are the one who comes and says i repeat amen when deals are broken down yes sir and this one and this one have to make a deal you are the one to link it and they give you permission even in business this fasting is working yes sir you want the prophecy leave me alone something that works that i use myself you think we think when i want a prophecy i just go like god tell me what's gonna happen i use this one i'm like i'm fasting i can actually fast for i can just have like from yesterday i don't eat from previous day to seven that's it all this time just looking for that my position in my spirit it's not like god be like yeah you're hungry now i'm blessing you no your spirit takes precedence that's the way we should be but our flesh because of the facilities of life with what happens around us our flesh has to control you are disappointed by your sister your anger your cousin listen these family members you have been given are given for one reason so you practice what is happening on earth you have an absolute move between you you didn't hear me now you even have an adonia who tried to take your crown in the same family right now if you look among your brothers and sisters you know the judas in there no matter how you love that sucker you you know this one he's a judas your own mother's child you know they're the ones you even if you try to convince something else they will never they they just even a family group like yeah they will say no it's not true do you know what we are talking about yeah yeah that it doesn't happen like that do you have information no it's lie they never received anything even if so now i pass this and i i doubt you you we need to see the certificate here thomas is in your family who do you think you were giving brothers and sisters you think they were for you love the devil so we can hug no practice for real life they will betray you from grade one you'll be sitting there like this you agree with your own brother look i know we messed up here but when we go there our father will ask us please please don't you just sit like this like this two of you like this who did this immediately your brother will be pointing like like he has been forced like this hey okay you you you can go to you can go to bed you what were you doing even you know this one we were together in this issue they will be like this one you already know the one who report you you know in your family you know this one we can't do anything all practice but this is for real life but when you're flesh now is now mantled and muddled in this whole thing what happens is your spirit is squeezed and your spirit doesn't receive the signals from god right now where i'm where where where i am right now you are seeing me in your in your house why because there's a signal right and that signal has a receiver in your house in that on that television on that mobile phone there is a receiver if you don't have a receiver i'm still in your house but you can't catch me i don't know you didn't get it right now as i'm talking to you right now there is football being played here right yeah this yeah in this place here we just don't have a signal we we have a signal but what we don't have is a receiver so that we can capture those signals of people playing football and we show it on tv same thing when your spirit is inside the spirit and the spiritual realm is open to you but you can't receive it because the flesh blocks it until you fast and your spirit takes precedence and your flesh goes under and then your spirit is seeing clearly what's happening it is not really disturbed by anything and when any dangerous thing happened it's not perturbed it's not surprised it's not shocked not perplexed nothing it just remains stead and resolute why because it knows we are in control we control the natural and the natural is making noise it's like a bee it can go around and go around and go these stories told of a young young man and his brother who were around some bi playing around and then the young brother was stung by the bee and started crying to their older brother and as they ran and this guy is trying to stop the umbrella stops obviously the beast still here buzzing still buzzing he said stop you see this by this buzzing bee said yes can't bite you anymore so how do you know this is because when a bee bites the sting goes into the flesh but this thing is attached to its bowels so when a bee bites you it actually puts this thing in that sting is the whole stomach it's indistinct if it has any all of them are attached to this thing so it is ready to die so what is left is just the buzzing so the devil is simply buzzing around that's why the bible says death weighs your thing but if your flesh is high up there you'll start talking about oh i saw the devil he's about to kill me why because the flesh he is the buzzing but the spirit knows the truth amen the facts belong to the spirit the buzzing the flesh years and now our end on this scripture let me give you this scripture which is actually matthew 6 verse number 17 when you first put your oil on your head and wash your face ah have you seen people fasting what's happening today are you fasting you know you know when they're fasting you know you know when somebody's fasting you can tell if they don't announce it their face will announce it like it's just today today uh forgive me today they will announce it if you don't notice it on your own look like uh today just forgive me i'm on it first i'm just doing 25 days fast please just forgive me if i don't if i don't respond the way you normally the one tell you i'm doing something here now the bible says when you first don't tell nobody in fact that's the time to wear your best dress put all your on your face let it shine baby smile move around put a spring in your state let them think you're just fisting and you're about to go to another party that's what the bible says christians when they are fasting ah [Music] even the pastor himself is the one to announce it that uh during this time i just i'm just fasting i'm sorry even text you know uh i might put my phone off this week i'm just on a seven day fasting oh you just say oh oh cute this pasta is fasting yeah that's first thing so it's now you're asking is it a dry you know me i do dry normally that's why it's not working [Music] why your flesh is taking over have you said with people that say i've never i've never i've never i've sat around angel a long time i've never seen him pray hey am i praying to you this is a prayer for you the bible says when you pray go into a secret place the ones you know are prayerful are not prayerful at all they're hypocrites we have a place we pray here we know where we go when we pray whenever you're arriving like a stand up everyone in this room the lord is just talking now raise your hand ah vistas fire in the name of jesus 40 minutes the visas are just like [Music] they will leave christ religious hypocrites the person you think you know is a prayerful guy that one the liar say don't be like the hypocrites for they love to pray number one so hypocrites love to pray so loving prayer does not mean say you are a good guy you might be hypocrite then it says in public places so they can be seen say the reason they know you need to see me do it no in this place here we have a prayer room where it opens somebody gets in the locks they can be here for days in the place days and you'll never know and they'll come out they smile like they were never anywhere you will be even greeting how are you they know they fix the problem but here you are you want to be known as a prayer warrior as a person who fasts i don't know whether they are fasting warriors any in these days fasting warrior listen you don't need a prophecy okay and and what happens with um are you getting here are you getting this what happens mainly with prayer and fasting prayer and fasting gives us a certain level of character i don't know if you're getting this character is developed by fasting character prayer develops character men of great prayer are men of great character men of great prayer are men of few words everyone that you know is talking talks talks like hey this is not talking they don't pray we don't gossip why because we spend all our time in prayer the disciples of jesus knew their master as a man of fasting they grew around him that's right fasting he even told them when you first in other words they had already told them what first thing was they'd already practiced it that's why he could tell when you fast i can't just come to you and say what is one plus one when i know you don't even know what one is i have to give you the basis of it for you to know yes sir this is why those guys after some time with jesus the bible says they could tell this guy's way with jesus amen it was so obvious these guys were with jesus they could tell now we have in the church today everyone just talking about somebody everybody accusing somebody of something are they getting it everyone is accusing somebody somebody somewhere christians against christians hit each other's throats every day lack of character i don't know if you're getting this lack of character now see jesus called the sadducees and the pharisees insulting names insulting they were bad names very derogatory names jesus was so harsh and the religious points of the day in fact he called them sons of snakes imagine blind guys in matthew 23 16. since fools in matthew 23 17 he called them fools white is hypocrisy neither with graves full of dead men's bones and uncleanness he called them serpents in matthew 23 33. he said you generation of vipers meaning generation of snakes they were generations of snakes hypocrites in luke 11 44 hypocrites he said unmark the graves you look at the graves you don't even see the grave they are unmarked brutal vipers yeasty fields big gods norris thought that his disciples knew all these things they knew it they were eyewitnesses of the falls and the weaknesses of the pharisees they knew the sadducees were bad there were many times at the receiving end of these these hypocrites and their hypocrisies but when jesus called them names they never said a thing they neither confirmed nor conquered nor said master we know what you're talking about these guys are bad they never endorse jesus insults of this religious ponies never never say the word not even over opinionated peter he wanted to talk peter wanted to talk peter the pope said nothing when jesus opposed them these religious point not even all the doubtful the doubt and and the cunnel thoughts of thomas came to the surface not even the thieving judas rose to the occasion he never commanded never jesus would say anything insulting never committed never agreed with the master never said i know or went hush though they knew the characters of pharisees the reason is simple jesus is the creator of these pundits you are speaking of you could insult them anytime it wasn't their place talking against these people was not the place for them it was above their pay grade they were well schooled and knew jesus the creator was the only one qualified to speak against those he created they knew this guy could make the comments but not us the creature can't make a comment against creatures but a creator can brothers and sisters in these perilous times know your place there are things your mouth should never say even if you know you are justified never say there are things only god will create that these people can actually say something against them you can judge you stop judging you see the word the word antichrist does not mean against christ it means instead of christ so when you judge when you talk against your brother and your sister what you are saying is you have taken the position of christ you are now the antichrist you are actually taking jesus and removing him from the throne and sitting yourself in there and say wait i know what to say the disciples knew we can't say this the master is talking we all know we have seen them these guys are hypocrites but will not say now watch about what the bible says says this is only a fool decide the matter after hearing one voice don't be a fool people hear one thing and run around yes it's true only a fool decides the matter after hearing one voice take your place and refrain from taking god's place god's position should remain intact don't oppose anybody don't fight nobody that's not your place the disciples knew it and they kept every time jesus opposed the religious leaders of their day they kept quiet hush these pundits were well vested in the ceremonial laws of the day and yet and yet they were cold yeast so be careful of the east of the pharisees brood of vipers fools whitens the palkas full of dead men's bones blind guys and they never added a word when jesus was speaking they knew their place just because bishop so and so apostles so and so prophet saw and so evangelist so and so teach us so and so he's opposing another man of god it doesn't mean to say you also add to what he's saying that's not your position you are never created to do that you are only created to take your place know your position and know your place these are the end of days you don't want to be on the wrong side of god and that's a lesson learn it take it listen to me take notes don't hit now so when you realize what you are you build a certain character by fasting that every miracle you desire is there these guys were with the master every time they had lent it you don't speak like this why you are a person of prayer they said jesus prayed they saw john's disciples pray they came and said i'll teach us how to pray now why they knew something is being obtained notice they had seen jesus walk on water watch this yet they never came and said god can you give a cessation on walking on water they never they show him resurrect the dead they never said master what about resurrecting the day never they saw jesus changing water into wine from bath water to wine tasting like wine they never said what about this thing of changing this into alcohol never but one lesson they asked lord teach us how to pray and jesus said by prayer and fasting they knew the combination they had gotten half of it they had already tested fasting so they wanted another edition so these two can be won said give us a lesson then he said when you pray say he never said uh go on come on god what are you talking about who told you he knew you are getting the lesson now he said when you pray say in all this time like what you want increase your faith you say no no no no that's not my duty that's the book of luke said that's not my duty if you have a servant that he starts giving them a long lesson but when he came to pray i said when you pray say i want you to raise your hands wherever you are i want to pray the spirit in the spirit so that your hunker for things of the spirit can come today this is one of the serious services ever and i know your mindset right now you want me to be prophesying your name is this you are john you're living this place that's not for this sunday it's still global prophetic sunday but not what you're thinking we need christians in these days these are the last days a time where people repent a time where people say i need a new way of life amen i need to be one with the lord and you can only do that through fasting you can only do that through fasting he says the war is a nation whose king is a child nephews they don't understand whoa destruction to them what the princes woke up to eat food father in the name of jesus christ i pray right now in the name of jesus you give them the desire to fast they hunger too fast the strength to know fasting the strength to know their makeup their genetic makeup from you is not something that relies on food but on the word and every word that comes out of your mouth father in the name of jesus let every disease disappear to confirm your word let every cancer disappear to confirm your word let every prophetic word be fulfilled to confirm your word let every prophetic word find its mark to confirm your word let every house that they were looking for be found to confirm your word let the jobs that were not being found be found to confirm your word in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i decree and declare right now by the power of the spirit that everyone under the influence of my voice you are now a fasting machine your spirit is going to be fed more than your flesh not another day will your flesh rise against your spirit father in the name of jesus christ i give power to them to see in the realm of the spirit so that before a danger happened a calamity happens they know how to escape it in the name of jesus in jesus might name betray c'est van der rohe blinker thank you lord jesus thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost you can start today and you can do it if you want to if for those who are learning to do it you can break every 4 p.m just monday only just tomorrow for those who are starting just want to get into it you just want to get into it the spirit is already leading you and he's telling me now that for those who are starting just fast until four you can drink water but don't take any food until four you break it for start it slow and once you're doing it don't call your uncle and say i'm doing that that program that prophet said i'm on it right now ah it's difficult i didn't know yeah but you know we are strong no it's not like that at all so when you do that you've lost it remember the bible says don't let people thank you if they've already thanked you you've lost you've already gotten the thanks the things becomes your reward don't be like that don't be this trust me trust me one of these days and most of you will say one day we'll be in heaven and be like angel said it we thought it was foolish you were like yeah they are miserables we're giving vaccines during measles do you think this is measles in your brain this is measles this polly you you you think this is polio you you mind the reality is simple and i told you what the mind of a rat is where one big mama from red family goes looking for food at night gets trapped by a trap in their house the same house and the father said where's mother and say okay let me go and look for food because we are hungry not mother no a ghost dies the first one goes also dies nobody in the family says wait a minute everyone who takes this route dies they don't come back nobody they don't these rest just do it and they die every time don't be a rat minded person no study to show their self approved a man who needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth check the scriptures and then check the word let me give you something you don't want to hear and this is a conspiracy theory okay i'm about to give you a conspiracy theory maybe maybe you don't you don't understand it i'm about to give you a conspiracy or i don't know whether whether whether bevin might be able to do that but i would try and give you remember i said the conspiracy what your result please don't don't don't don't don't don't don't really kind of listen to me a lot on this one it's just a conspiracy theory all right so while it's a conspiracy theory you have to to listen so if we take the word corona are you getting it if we take the word corona c is what the third letter then o is the 15th letter ara is the 18th letter all right o is the 15th letter again all right n is the word 14th letter a is the first letter and that gives you 6 and the word corona has got six letters that's triple six and then you put 20 20 2020 and divide it by triple six it gives you the exact number for biden now you didn't hear that the number that they put there which is 3-0 the text message where he says takes three o three three zero that's triple six again i didn't it's a conspiracy theory i did not say biden is the antichrist i know people who run around i literally said i'm giving you a conspiracy theory so don't run around and say i said it i said this is a conspiracy theory please repeat it for me because i know these people what did i call it conspiracy theory it's not truth it's just conspiracy theory that's what i'm trying to say it's just conspiracy theory please don't listen to it don't tell no one at all it's not good raise your hands wherever you are please biden is not the antichrist please i'm trying but always for you to understand this he is not you move around like okay he said he prophet even told us no i'm trying by almost for you to understand this is not the antichrist i'm just trying to show you some conspiracy theories they actually work out very nice but it's not it's by no means a conspiracy theory nope uh it's um a conspiracy theory but you know sometimes coincidences when god chooses to remain anonymous but it's not truth it's just conspiracy theory yes the numbers actually match up and go to triple six and everything but it's relaxed it's not now i want to pray for you father in the name of jesus i decree and declare in the name of jesus right this minute that the spirit of the lord covers you touches you wherever you are from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet as we give right this minute on i decree and declare every seed let it be registered in the heavens that that day as you have said when you shall give an account of what shall happen what happened on earth these things become the things we put forward and say we were part and parcel of the spreading of this gospel in the name of jesus i bless every seed every tithe every partnership every sacrificial seed right this minute every partnership every offering i bless it right this minute in the name of jesus amen go and give right now and i remember we're talking with my wife bibi and we're talking about some things that we are doing with the good news um good news world all right um we receive a lot of testimonies and i would say this testimony over and over again uh pastor ricky there is in manages of some few other things and uh is in the our portfolio there of one of the properties that will become birmingham we were just sitting there and i think it was going to cost us i don't know maybe one million or a million to fix the whole building so that birmingham can move into that building all right then just a few days ago maybe a week and a half a week ago and after going we received a um a letter from the government you say yeah the building you want to put up this this building you want to fix and do this and do this and do this whatever your cost is we are covering 80 of it now what's this [Applause] and they didn't say so that we can use the building no there are no conditions like that just imagine it's a grant it's not a loan we are not retaining it so 1 million supposed to be spent 800 000 for free now [Applause] it might not be a testimony for you but anybody who can give me 800 000 for nothing it's all right they're on okay guys okay guys i like them just imagine what the lord can do and you call this not a record breaker who gives you eight hundred thousand what government gives you eight hundred thousand for free what government liking you for what where how and still we're gonna put church in there sometimes you just want to give him a dance give him a dance [Applause] oh you don't understand you don't understand just imagine the power and we already we got our our environmental certificate to to continue building our 5000 seater so we're waiting for it for a long time so monday right we're starting monday monday the building goes up we're talking about another building here that's another building very big difference and apostle felix in africa is was with um a team uh in fact a lot of people maybe a thousand people went to to to to to the branch they already the main branch because there are some branches even in their great harare and today he didn't go to uh the normal venue went to where we are building the good news city anyway in there just praying just imagine this what do you mean this is not the the the record year of the record breaker people have a problem they think when we're speaking of the year of the record breaker we're talking to them no no we're talking to ourselves our members who are in attendance who listen to the revelation are the ones we are talking to not you you think we should name it after corona did corona give us one million that's over a million us dollars for free not from listen not from a member of a church no from the government and there you are we didn't even ask for it it was the letter that just arrived it just came like uh what you know when you think this is a you know some some some some funny joke and then you remember year of the record break i'm like call them now and they call boom ah yeah you do this this ah what i said said uh supposed to record me like what do we do i'm like you you you're asking seriously you need to ask this thing just just do this now tell them we have received before they even send the message just imagine since we've never had that so this is really a year we have broken records now we giving schools right and we're getting now into another phase of uh giving scholarships uh to university not to theological college no to universities we already have people who have been on the scholarship but we are starting again another batch of students and we're giving food every week every week we're giving food and when people here we give him food and and he said i don't post a lot about that uh they think we're just doing it in zimbabwe in zambia no america is doing it britain is doing it new zealand is doing it all right just imagine what are we doing breaking records yes we are breaking records so this year of the this coming year of uh okay come new year's eve you'll hear what god is saying you will see that is a different year altogether the blessing that i released they are released to the people that follow the revelation they are not released to somebody walking in in um in bond street in london no that's why paul says i am your apostle to some i might not be but to you i gained these tribes to be one so i might not be a prophet of somebody but to you i'm your prophet so i'm the one delivering what god says to us not to someone else to you and i that's it father i thank you for this that i hear right now i thank you that miracles are taking place that you give them days father even seven days of miracles that monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday until monday miracles miracles that will shock them miracles that will really wipe away the tears if anybody lost anything this year restoration and restitution in the name of jesus but but i i don't want to just go out i want to go out in a certain way where we have there is a better raging amen there is a better raging uh the the pastor rick's uh uh song and i want you to really go on the on youtube download it don't just hear it here download it are you getting this yes i want you to download it why because it's so so important for us it's so important for us and for those who are still giving keep giving go go and give don't be left out don't be somebody who just hears the message and doesn't do nothing about it go and give giving is very important we are doing a lot that we are doing every week and we rely on you doing it out there we tell them partners we even thank you on our social platforms to just to show the world it's not just our money going out there it's your money too that's going out you are making a difference if you look at the waste the smiles those people have sometimes will post videos and better you post videos because if you put you you look at pictures only we have the same poses some people use the same bags with our name you might think we are repeating pictures they are way different but watch the videos watch the videos with mps receiving with the people thinking you have people even testimonials people around finding a whole crowd asking interviewing them how they feel you will know this is happening and it's affecting lives and really changing lives now we have a christmas challenge also we're going to do the same thing for christmas giving food everywhere we're doing food everywhere you're hearing this now if you notice see most people what they think is like they think we sit down and like what can we do that can move say i had no idea with a christmas challenge and i'm just being told here with a christmas challenge and i'm telling you like i knew it already uh we have a christmas challenge in all these countries and i i think she will explain how it works another day but it's a christmas challenge all right and it's going to do a lot of good during this christmas because there's so many families that don't enjoy christmas anymore and when they don't enjoy christmas they forget bit by bit they will start forgetting what christmas is all about all right and we don't want one bring christmas back to people christmas has to come back to people and christmas day we are gonna do a service anyway christmas day we're gonna we're gonna get excited we're gonna be in our white whatever and jumpers the christmas jumpers and just enjoy the whole thing and then we brian eat and forget to fast at least we have a reason to fist so god can give us a miraculous fisting do you understand the point so god is ready to do something but look at it look at the world it really has gone crazy really gone crazy there is a battle raging over this land a deep damage on the people pride stops us he says from stretching out our withered hand but god has stretched to heal us just it is one of the songs with great words i'm talking about strong it's only for the mature i hope you are mature i love you so much i love you so much and we are not out of good news we just out of time bibin i love you so much and we believe in good news because we believe in god but don't god don't touch that dial don't do nothing listen to this important message by pastor ricky i love you so much see you next time [Applause] there's a battle raging over this land a deep damage in the people but pride stops us stretching out our withered hand but god has stretched out you lost this i know this i know this i know this i know just one touch from the king changes everything just one just one touch from the king changes everything everything there's a great darkness over this land a deep darkness on the people but a light is shining that the dark can't understand light of the world king jesus do you know do you really know now do you know do you know [Music] just one touch from the king changes it [Music] just one touch from the king changes everything [Music] hear the white of the lord [Music] everything just one just one touch from the king check check [Music] just one just one just one just one touch from the king [Music] [Music] changes [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] america [Music] everything just one touch [Music] everything everything just one touch from the just one touch from the king changes it changes everything covet 19 vaccine so before i talk about coffee watch this now there is an agent virus that needs everyone individual attention that virus is called hunger which has killed an innumerable number of people since the world began however the unsettling thing is the virus has a vaccine and the vaccine is called food no side effects no government wants to sponsor the eradication of that virus it's a global pandemic even though the perfect cure is none they don't want to end it but they force us to wear masks for a chinese virus so we won't be able to speak against their ignoring of a real virus called hunger [Music] perhaps is because the color of the skin that is affected by that virus is us people of color so it doesn't really bother them imagine the irony how italy spain britain america are the ones suffering from this virus the chinese virus and yet they want to test it on africans first yet they ignore the real virus that we suffer from which is anger like i said perhaps it's the color of the skin that is affected by this virus edward bob this argues in his book the half has never been told slavery and the making of american capitalism that the forced migration and subsequent harsh treatment of slaves in the cotton fields was integral to the establishing of the united states as a world economic power just imagine he says slavery continues to have an impact on americans even on america in the most basic economic sense then he says we don't want to hear that at this root the economic growth depends at large extent on slavery america to this day is surviving on slavery britain to this day is slavery it is slavery they are rich because of slavery the civilization that they talk of and they call us and civilize in africa is because of the inheritance our parents enough they left that in their hands to loot the african continent and become rich in europe become rich in the western world when we cry for that one virus called hunger to be eradicated they want they don't listen they are telling us a chinese virus is more important than the hunger look at what they left africa with we have an economy that has no jobs it's like everybody somehow is self-employed that means i have to go out to get my money i have to sell something to get my money i have to go out to get my money the average person in africa has to get out of the house where there is no job outside in the market and goes out to sell whatever they can find to sell now then all of a sudden they're told there is a virus stay inside so if they stay inside what do they eat because inside there is no food outside there is a virus african economies require aware of it forget the forget forget the inhabitants of of african countries we're talking about the economy itself requires welfare we're talking about the government's require welfare the only thing that is between an african and and the thing that they require is jesus now all of a sudden a chinese virus comes and says stay inside no there is no food inside don't go out and if you go out there is a problem we'll arrest you so what does an african do when you ignore what we are suffering from the real virus wireless you know the real vaccine is called food watch this no side effects so a pine a pandemic not even a pandemic no that's condemning like this one a pandemic is already in existence there's already been an existence it is hunger and here the statistics for you to see 1.44 million people have died of covet 19. to death wireless nine million people die of hunger each year that's according the world counts that's more than the death toll of aids malaria tuberculosis combined the un secretary general said who needs at least 35 billion listen 35 billion to produce and deliver a global vaccine for covet 19 while it's according to the international institute of sustainable development 11 billion per year is all we need until 2003 to end listen to eradicate world hunger finish it i'm not talking about african hunger world hunger nobody stopped it they have the money for it they need 35 billion to stop a chinese virus [Music] right now we're talking about the government of britain what has it done it cut its aid to other countries and 74 billion in the process just last week that means they were delivering more than 4 billion out there that means every year they had enough money to end world hunger never did it but they are so they are there so much into anything covey banking that should tell you something about this something is wrong somewhere something is not ending up at all look at elon musk tested himself four times twice it became positive twice negative some bogus thing is taking place and nobody wants to address it like i said perhaps it's the color of our skin that i don't think it's a pandemic millions to this right now as i'm talking to you over 2.5 million like water right now they need water nobody's talking about nothing zero they just keep crying if you didn't hear me correctly i'm not talking about african hunger i'm talking about global hunger requires less money now somebody said your buddy you said 35 billion no what you don't understand is the the this virus they are telling us that it mutates that means every time it mutates you have to change your vaccine so you still need that 35 billion every year we can enter just by 11 billion we can end world hunger 11 billion [Music] now if you understand this that's only about 1.4 of the 8 trillion economic stimulus packages put in place by g20 leaders to ease the impact of coffee 90 just imagine 8 trillion that's 1.4 percent of the 8 trillion that's all we need and so many people say but what are you doing angel we have you better in your foundation not only giving twenty dollars millions in countries we put half a million in other countries we pledged half a million and we win over one million just every country every week we are feeding somebody so trust me when it comes to philanthropy i have end my stripes i can talk about it that's why i keep saying the most important thing is to deal with the pandemic that has been killing our people for a long time good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing [Music] christianity is the size brothers and sisters page seven hundreds casting of the thunder dictionary column one in paragraph seven say science is knowledge gained by observation proven by experimentation and demonstration refined by classification you can measure this thing with christianity you can put christianity in a testatube like this and take the whole thing and figure it out you can you can mix it up and come up with a solution that's why the bible says it this way that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god that means our faith is based on information if you don't have information you can get knowledge this is not blind christianity is a science a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing yeah yeah
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 42,341
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Keywords: #thegoodnewsworld, angel, eubert angel, global prophetic service, miracle tv, prophet angel, prophet angel uebert, prophet uebert angel, prophet uebert angel live, prophet uebert angel teachings, ubert angel, ubert angel live, uebert, uebert angel, uebert angel 2020, uebert angel live, uebert angel prophesying, uebert angel sermons, uerbert angel, urbert angel
Id: 6CBZl-8Pi1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 27sec (13767 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.