Prayer Request Service - with Prophetess BeBe Angel

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[Music] [Music] is here for you everyone in my heart i have made for you i am not of my own i belong to you jesus oh [Music] i'm here for you every room in my heart i have made for you [Music] [Music] i sweep if i don't my god [Music] it's made for you you are my treasure my song i live for you i leave if i don't who shall [Music] [Music] no stone anywhere will cry out in my place [Music] no surprise you better than i not even jesus here will worship you for me [Music] i am here for you [Music] my [Music] cause i am here for you jesus the man you made is here i'm here for you [Music] prayer banks [Music] discover ancient secrets to making prayer deposits and withdrawals order your copy of this prayer life-changing book by hubert angel from the amazon kindle store or visit our online shop at or call the number on the screen now [Music] the bible says you are the songs of the prophets and of the covenant so the dna of prophets runs through every believer every christian so christians should be able to prophesy do you have a strong desire to prophesy and know more about the prophetic then the international prophetic seminar is for you the international prophetic seminar is here with two of the highly sought after prophets of god prophet yubert angel and prophet prempe these internationally renowned prophets are used mightily by god to change the course of many lives through the delivery of accurate prophecies and they are transforming nations through detailed international prophecies this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be equipped in the prophetic with the prophets of god to learn the practical secrets of the prophetic register now spaces are limited go to or call the numbers on the screen [Music] many christians don't understand what grace is or the little they know about it is not even put into practice a lot of parents will name their children grace and companies will even give a grace period but what is grace truly what is the true meaning of it so i want to encourage you right now to get a hold of this book here the grace-driven life this is a powerful tool that will remove all the legalism that we have in church today all the rules all these things that you have to do to appease this god that you don't even understand what do you actually need to do to appease him anyway how many times you need to fast for him to be okay with you how many times do you need to pray for god to be okay with you so you want to know all the answers to those questions so i want to encourage you to get a hold of the grace grace-driven life this is a manual for your life you refer to it and you understand it you see there are so many christians who are living their lives thinking i still need to do something for god to be happy with me well i don't have a business because god is not happy with me i don't have a new house because god is not happy with me but if you understand the grace driven life you'll understand that none of those things make a difference god is not credit scoring he's not checking how many times you've done well in order for you to gain a house or okay now you've done well you you've gained a car because you've scored the right points so it's not about that so if you want to understand what grace is the true meaning of god's grace what it is exactly then you want to go ahead and go to our website the details are on your screen just go to the good news store and order your own copy of this life-changing book try it it'll change your life read the life-giving scriptures that are in this book and the book is called grace-driven life for a reason your life ought to be driven by the grace of god and nothing else but by god's grace so go ahead go to the website right now go to the store and order your copy today in fact i encourage you buy it as a gift for somebody you got birthdays every day you've got anniversaries every day or you just want to bless somebody buy two copies buy three copies and just share them with somebody it'll change their life go to the website right now and order yours today [Music] [Music] i'm one person who wants to impart something in my people let me tell you something if i'm the only one who is healing the sick then this church is lost if i'm the only one who is able to prophesy then this church is lost if at any time listen to me good if in any time you hear you better angel opening his mouth and saying to you i'm the only one on earth who hears from god please take me to a mountain put me in chains the same oil i put on you in prayer pour on me tie me to a tree pray for me i would have lost it that's what we call building a couch when a man begins to think he's the only one who hears from god a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing the demon of poverty is more powerful than prayer and fasting combined if the demon of prophet was not more powerful than prayer and fasting combined africa should be the richest continent on earth human being if a demon goes out of a peasant it goes to the dry lands and when it does not find rest it comes back dry lands cannot mean dubai kuwait and all this because if dry lands many deserts then dubai should be poorer than you nowhere but it's so amazing demons find a location with no worship team with no prophet with no pastor and they sit there saying it's not comfortable here it's too hot let's go back to the christian's my house who is in a church who worships praise fast and calls that christian my house defeating the demon of poverty by hubert angel how to break free from this spirit of lack hard copy available now from the good news store app or order from amazon kindle or at [Music] spiritual warfare by the best-selling author of supernatural power of the believer eubert angel this book will show you how to enforce your god-given supernatural authority to neutralize demonic activity how to overcome demonic strategies and deal with the devil get an expose of satan's lies and trickery in this book spiritual warfare by eubert angel available to order now at [Music] hubert angel ministerial association uama is an exclusive membership club created to equip ministers of the gospel all around the world this is a unique opportunity to be under the tutelage of the prophet to christianity prophet hubert angel is not only a prophet of god he is widely known as the word surgeon because of his unique ability to unbox the deeper hidden revelations of the word this is your time to be personally impacted by the ministry of the highly esteemed prophet hubert angel become a member of uama today go to prayer banks [Music] discover ancient secrets to making prayer deposits and withdrawals order your copy of this prayer life-changing book by hubert angel from the amazon kindle store or visit our online shop at or call the number on the screen now [Music] the bible says you are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant so the dna of prophets runs through every believer every christian so christians should be able to prophesy do you have a strong desire to prophesy and know more about the prophetic then the international prophetic seminar is for you the international prophetic seminar is here with two of the highly sought after prophets of god prophet eubert angel and prophet prempe these internationally renowned prophets are used mightily by god to change the course of many lives through the delivery of accurate prophecies and they are transforming nations through detailed international prophecies this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be equipped in the prophetic with the prophets of god to learn the practical secrets of the prophetic register now spaces are limited go to or call the numbers on the screen [Music] many christians don't understand what grace is or the little they know about it is not even put into practice a lot of parents will name their children grace and companies will even give a grace period but what is grace truly what is the true meaning of it so i want to encourage you right now to get a hold of this book here the grace-driven life this is a powerful tool that will remove all the legalism that we have in church today all the rules all these things that you have to do to appease this god that you don't even understand what do you actually need to do to appease him anyway how many times you need to fast for him to be okay with you how many times do you need to pray for god to be okay with you so you want to know all the answers to those questions so i want to encourage you to get a hold of the grace driven life this is a manual for your life you refer to it and you understand it you see there are so many christians who are living their lives thinking i still need to do something for god to be happy with me well i don't have a business because god is not happy with me i don't have a new house because god is not happy with me but if you understand the grace-driven life you'll understand that none of those things make a difference god is not credit scoring he's not checking how many times you've done well in order for you to gain a house or okay now you've done well you you've gained a car because you've scored the right points so it's not about that so if you want to understand what grace is the true meaning of god's grace what it is exactly then you want to go ahead and go to our website the details are on your screen just go to the good news store and order your own copy of this life-changing book try it it'll change your life read the life-giving scriptures that are in this book and the book is called grace-driven life for a reason your life ought to be driven by the grace of god and nothing else but by god's grace so go ahead go to the website right now go to the store and order your copy today in fact i encourage you buy it as a gift for somebody you got birthdays every day you've got anniversaries every day or you just want to bless somebody buy two copies buy three copies and just share them with somebody it'll change their life go to the website right now and order yours today [Music] discover ancient secrets to making prayer deposits and withdrawals order your copy of this prayer life-changing book by hubert angel from the amazon kindle store or visit our online shop at w or call the number on the screen now [Music] hello and welcome glory be to god [Applause] glory be to the most high god it's an honor to be able to worship the lord with you guys today and just honor him and just love on him as a body of christ so really welcome to this broadcast thank you so much for tuning in from all over the world clap hands for yourself [Applause] it's gonna be a very good service today because we are focused on you today is all about you and your prayer requests which we have received in abundance so many many many many prayer requests and we are really grateful that you send them through because we're taking this very very seriously and even now as uh we came into the studio earlier on the prayer requests were still pouring in even now as i'm speaking to you they're still pouring in and so if we don't call out your prayer requests don't think also my situation is just going to stay the same then no way we're going to call out a few prayer requests today we've got a few here and i've got a few uh here behind me we have so many hundreds and hundreds in fact thousands of prayer requests and so we're going to be calling out a few and if anything that somebody requests covers your own situation and your own case then receive it there and then as we are praying for them catch it for yourself too take it for yourself and so that's what we're going to be doing tonight and so we want to appreciate our man of god prophet hubert angel for this service and it really is amazing to have a watchman for a man of god he's a watchman he's a seer and he is the prophet of this dispensation so we are so excited uh to have him and let's appreciate him one more time and we also have our zoom church we have uh our youtube church welcome welcome to you guys facebook we are live on instagram and we're also live on atom gram welcome all of you it's going to be a very very special night and we are mostly praying tonight that's what we came here to do and we are praying for you we are praying for each other the prayers that we're going to be doing tonight are mostly prayers of intercession and so some of the situations may not match yours or pertain to you or in fact maybe you're really okay nothing much going on but something needs to happen somewhere um but if you're not in trouble it's possible for christian to never be in trouble but maybe you might have a challenge not trouble but a challenge maybe it might be something to do with your business or you're not really in trouble but you have some good challenges i do appreciate a good challenge myself and so if all the things we call out here are not really for yourself still be here to pray for your fellow brothers and sisters the people that we're going to be calling out tonight some of them we don't even know them these are just names from all over the world in fact i was just going through these papers right now we have people from germany this one is in the united kingdom cameroon someone is in togo someone is in tanzania and uh where is this one someone is in rochester square in the uk and all over the place uh rajkot india all over the place we have prayer requests from pretty much everywhere around the globe and so tonight it's all about intercession we're gonna be praying for our fellow brothers and sisters so when i call out um a situation or somebody's prayer request if i say something um that matches yours number one you take it you say okay that's my similar to my prayer request so i'm gonna receive it for myself and also you're praying as if it's your own case even if it's not even if it has nothing to do with you you don't even know the person just like we don't we are all connected spiritually so you need to take it seriously for that reason we are all part of the same family under one father one glorious majestic father in heaven and so we look out for each other so my brother's problem is mine too my sister's problem is mine too so when we pray it's as if it's my own situation and that's how we're gonna be doing it tonight so it is all about you guys who are watching all these prayer requests that we receive from all over the world some of the people may not even be watching tonight but we just want to make sure that we call out certain situations and we didn't pick uh any of the best ones we didn't say okay let's gather very nice ones we just took prayer requests in fact i can see here one sentence migraine headaches you know so uh uh someone here is um okay just a business something to do with their business and so some of them it's not like we sat down and said because there was it was just too many to sift through so we just picked some and obviously we know the devil has no new tricks to play so he doesn't have anything new that he's going to do to you or anybody else is the same over and over and over again and that's why you'll find that some situations that took place in the bible are taking place in your life that oh yeah that's something similar uh happened to me yeah i i faced a problem just like that one and yet it happened thousands of years ago so he has no new tricks he's got nothing new up his sleeve it's always a rotation of the exact same things so there is nothing new under the sun so whatever the prayer requests are regarding is not unique to anybody it's similar situations everywhere we've preached around the world in various places stadiums little auditorium some middle sized you name it it's just the same different racial backgrounds cultural backgrounds you name it situations exactly the same even with non-christians ask them what their problems are the same thing it's just the same things over and over and over again and so we're going to be praying uh tonight and i'm really really looking forward to this and i'm very very excited and um i was told by the guys in the studio that we don't have as many people who have joined this service as we usually have and i said that comes as no surprise the moment a service has prayer in front of it there are people who think right uh that's not for me definitely not for me it's so common and honestly for you to be that kind of christian who does not like to pray i don't know what kind of christian that is if we say this coming sunday is miracle money service how many will you be zoom church [Laughter] how many will our youtubers be we'll have thousands we'll break the internet you see so you shouldn't follow after those things just oh i just need a miracle i just need a prophecy i just need this you're following after the signs alone whereas you're forgetting that the signs are signed posts pointing to jesus and so they are not just signs for no reason it's not called a sign for no reason when you read a sign that tells you london is coming up in 30 miles 30 kilometers in that direction we've got london coming up or we've got birmingham coming up it's a signpost telling you of what is ahead it's a sign for a reason and so you should never never be caught up with the signs and when we are in the prophetic when they are miracles signs and wonders they are mostly for the unbelievers the people who don't know what you know the people who are not born again those are the primary targets for those things to happen because once you become a christian you don't need any other sign you've already received the sign into your life so you're not seeking after them all you're doing is wanting to just grow and know him better and better every day you just want to love on him you want to fellowship with the holy spirit and you just want to know more glory be to god that's what you desire when you are now a mature christian you're not waiting for the next i just need the next miracle service that's when i show up to church or the next service where they're actually doing something exciting or music i like music so i'll attend that one a mature christian is there 24 7. in season out of season you are there whatever is happening you are there that's how it ought to be and so you need to congratulate yourself for being a part of this service tonight and so we're ready to pray and it's going to be really really awesome and i just want to say one scripture and then we'll get right into your requests if you open your bible to the book of mark chapter 1 verse 35 mark chapter 1 and we're going to go all the way to verse 35 and if you are there i'm happy you are there [Laughter] what does it say it says and in the morning rising up a great while before day he went out who jesus and departed into a solitary place and there he prayed see how important prayer is imagine this is the ceo of the universe the one who created everything waking up early in the morning this is rising up a great while before day that's the importance of prayer because before the day even began he was awake and he would go to a solitary place and he would pray there all by himself so prayer ought to be a lifestyle it shouldn't be something that you are forced to do this should be something that you put into practice get it going it's just like going to the gym at first when you go there it's not it's not exciting it's painful it feels like torture and you wonder what am i doing here but before long you get hooked and you can't stop going to the gym and so that is exactly what your prayer life ought to be start with five minutes tell yourself because i'm telling you right now you might think five minutes that's too little there are people here who've never ever ever prayed more than five minutes in their whole life especially now remove chech let's remove church services we're talking about five minutes on your own with the lord the two of you in your house not on sunday when you go to church not during prayer time here with us in the studio your own personal time and so you can start with five minutes train yourself i need to pray five minutes praying because while we are very excited to hear from you and receive your prayer requests it's not what it should be for the life of a christian all these things and a lot of them are just things that just normal things that happen in a lot of people's lives but you are a peculiar being because you carry christ in you and so as much as we say bring your prayer requests you need to have practice this fest at home you see the thing i like about spirit embassy is we're not here trying to get you to think we are the only ones who can pray for you we're not here for that we are here to empower you so that you can pray for yourself and you can pray for others too and so your prayer requests are very amazing but if you didn't try to pray on your own in your own home if you did not pry try to pray that situation away then that is wrong so after this service let prayer be your culture if it was good for jesus christ and it's not good enough for you how does that even work if jesus himself knowing full well understanding that i am the lord god jehovah in the flesh i am the one who created i am the creation walking under the stars i created i am the creator walking amongst my own creation he understood all that but still he would wake up before the brick of dawn and he would pray and so let prayer be your culture let it be something that is a part of you let it be something that you do let it be something that you practice and when you start with your five minutes before you know what's happening you are now on seven and before you know it you are on 10 minutes 15 minutes at a time 20 minutes one hour more than an hour and before you know what's happening even half the day is spent in fellowship with the holy spirit and you don't even want to go anywhere and you don't even know you spent half the day praying that's the life of a christian and so that's what we want to do uh i really hope you are listening uh to that one very very important uh we do have our prayer lines in churches we do love as preachers we do love laying hands on people and we know that when we lay hands on the sick they shall recover they will recover we know that is for sure so it's a very very interesting uh side of ministry it's fascinating and it's really exciting to see people jump up completely healed but you need to practice first at home before you send us your prayer requests practice at home that headache the migraine headaches you send us i'm having migraine headaches did you try praying about it did you try commanding those headaches to leave your body understanding who you are and if you've been watching uh the services that we've been having and we were talking about the secret place on sunday then you will know for sure sickness has no business being in your body because your body is not your own your body has a tenant in it in fact you're the tenant and you have christ in you the hope of all glory and so any sickness if anything does show up on your body anything at all and you know this is a problem you need to speak to it and you keep speaking to it even if it doesn't budge if it doesn't go away doesn't mean you give up keep on talking keep on saying it keep on telling it eventually it's gonna pay attention it's gonna listen and it'll vanish from your body that's how we do it and so we want to get into your prayer requests and so um guys who are watching remember it's more of an intercessory meeting tonight so sometimes you have to put your own needs aside and just pray for others these are your brothers and sisters maybe it's going to be you that we are praying for still after we've prayed for you then pray for somebody else when we call out their situation when we call out their prayer request then set your own aside and then pray for your fellow brothers and sisters and are we are we here guys you're here right awesome and i have with me the prayer team is with me today our friday session prayer team welcome welcome to pastor k and uncle christian everybody calls you uncle christian so yep uncle christian it is um i was it was so funny one time a lady was giving a testimony and this is somebody i don't know from india and she said i spoke to uncle christian i was like wow see you are uncle to people in india too and uncle of nations all right i like that one okay and so we're gonna be reading them out and they're going to be helping me to read some of your requests and also i have the team in the studio all of us are ready to pray for you we're ready okay and the people watching me on zoom to my left and to my right i can see the zoom church even in front of me on the screens zoom church i hope you are geared and you are ready to pray for others today so i want you wherever you are i want you to get up out of your seat if you can because some maybe you can't stand up just uh for now but for those who can uh i need you to just rise to your feet so that we call out some prayer requests and pray now i want you to know that once we are done with this service tonight number one your life will never be the same again i said your life will never be the same again jesus said something that was very profound he said only believe that's it not believe in me believe in him so it's not about looking at the person who is holding the presence or no i think maybe if it was someone else or i would listen better if it's another person or that person or whatever the case is you are you are looking at the telephone and not the person who is actually speaking through the telephone and that is the lord god himself so i want you to focus on him and only believe that's all you need to do tonight only believe that all things are possible cancers are vanishing tonight in the name of jesus we have meningitis that is vanishing tonight whatever the sickness whatever the problem if your sickness was spiritual you have a problem spiritually you have deep deep issues then that situation is being dealt with tonight if your situation is emotional it's mental you have a mental sickness and right now people don't even know that you are going through this mental situation you are going through a mental meltdown and now they have all kinds of names for those things nervous dis positions or whatever nervous uh whatever it's called and so all of those things whatever it is all you need to do is believe belief only believe that all things are possible that situation the doctor told you this is an impossibility today it is being transformed into a possibility that situation they told you you can never have children let me tell you something you're gonna be so in fact you're gonna come back and say right i've had enough please stop these babies keep coming no matter what i do i can't stop them from coming anymore so whatever the doctor told you it shall be of zero effect by the time we are done with this session tonight anything you were told anything you have been living some of you had problems since you were little children you've always had eczema growing up and since you were a baby your mother told you this has just been there since you were a baby and eczema is disappearing tonight i said eczema is vanishing tonight you have used all kinds of creams all kinds of solutions you bath in all kinds of waters and all kinds of things that you are given to try you've tried herbal solutions but nothing is working i said by the time we are done tonight by the time we are done tonight with this prayer session it shall be a thing of the past for you i said it shall be a thing of the past for you some of you have tried to open businesses you tried this business and it doesn't work and then you try another one right now you don't even remember you lost count of the number of businesses you've had in your life and nothing seems to work tonight i said tonight that shall be a thing of the past now right now i want us to we're going to call out a few names and then when we call out a few names we'll then pray for the first batch and then we call out a few more and then we start praying again uh just short intervals of prayer as we are calling out the names by faith receive what belongs to you so we're gonna be calling out names uh right now so uh in the studio we have people that are gonna be helping me call out those names as well also from the people who are watching online we see you and we're also going to be reading out your requests okay all right so i'm going to read this one um some of the names are not very clear on some of them i noticed but this one is coming from christabelle uh hove i think she's in germany uh christabel she's saying her son donnell saying pray for my son donnell health he's been sick from the age of six months and he's turning four in november he develops a pimple and it'll turn to be a hard big wound because uh okay i think a little bit okay i don't know what she's trying to say there since time after time it pops out on its own and a white secretion comes out like pass so the doctors even told me that there is nothing wrong with him after doing a lot of tests he goes to hospital after every two weeks because of this i pray for divine healing now i didn't plan to read this first i just grabbed some prayer requests and i just this one was just at the top i didn't plan to read this first but do you see why it's important for us to come together as a body and pray for each other these are real people these requests are coming from real people with real situations this is not a fake prayer request this is somebody who is possibly watching us right now who sent us this request and this is a mother imagine how she's saying her son um just imagine that from age six months imagine that six months old and this baby's turning four in november this little boy's turning four in november and every little pimple turns into a massive wound full of past and the doctor said there's nothing wrong what do you do what do you do with that you see you turn to the lord and so what we want to do right now is i want us to pray you've heard the name we are all praying for uh this um little boy donnell we want to pray for donald those wounds have to stop immediately in the name of jesus so we're going to pray for him we also have um miss glory paul she's in dar es salaam in tanzania she's saying uh i pray for god to give me strength and courage okay i think for suffering okay some kind of suffering there is an absence of uh joy somewhere um and for not standing up for myself okay she's asking god for forgiveness for not standing up for myself and allowing myself to fall and fail while knowing that god's children never give up listen you've already been forgiven the moment [Music] i like what prophet said when it comes to forgiveness if your prayer request is about something that you did and you're feeling guilty like this lady she said i keep failing and i keep falling uh glory if you're listening to me this is glory from dar islam in tanzania listen to me god forgave you the moment jesus christ did what he did on that cross you were completely forgiven so when you make a mistake always have that reality have that mindset that i've been forgiven so don't look down on yourself don't condemn yourself you are not condemned and then you continue to grow in the word the grace of the lord and the grace that comes by the word of god because that's how you're growing grace that same grace gives you the ability it agrees or it induces the ability in you to never fail again and so keep growing but you've been forgiven already i also have i'll read out maybe two more before we start praying uh i have uh someone called tafadzua taringa this is somebody in vinduck in namibia and he's saying my prayer request is for me to have a spiritual walk in different dimensions okay i think that covers a lot of people and he also wants favor and grace from the lord and we have uh this one hamza dureed he's in hungary uh seged in hungary hamza duraid is saying um he wants to pass his pilot exams okay so he's starting to become a pilot okay that's awesome and also for god's perfect will to be done in his life all right and he's also praying for the salvation of his father and then i'll read this one as well uh janet joseph um has been praying for her son k ron to be completely healed from autism he's had autism for six years so okay so she's saying let this be the last prayer before his healing so i know you've been praying janet this sounds like you've been praying about this and indeed it will be the last prayer today yes okay so that's uh k-ron with autism and if you can remember their names i want you to say their names as we are praying and uh we also have uh this one from nego sunita and she's saying um okay this one is a financial uh prayer request she doesn't even know how to pay her rent lost all her clients uh doesn't even know where to begin all right okay so this is sunita sanita we are praying for you she is in a bua cameroon okay so we're going to be praying for you guys so right now i wanted to just pray now some of these actually financial obviously if it's a financial one a lot of uh people are going to be covered by this one if your child is sick this uh what's his name again danal he's representing all the children and this lady as well has a child for six years her child has had autism and so all the children we are praying for them if your prayer request is for your child this covers you if your prayer request is for finances it covers you uh we have somebody who's starting to be a pilot that means anybody who wants to write examinations you are at university you want to qualify in something we are praying for you right now remember the prayer requests we have thousands here thousands and so we're not gonna read all of them but we know that you're gonna be covered by somebody else's request is gonna cover your case so right now i want you to begin to pray let's just pray right now pray for these people pray against the spirit of autism right now right now pray against autism pray against any sickness that is happening around the world around the world i want you to just pray pray even if this is not your case remember these are your brothers and sisters we are interceding for these little children who are sick in their bodies pray for them pray for them pray pray pray as if it's your own case pray pray right now for families around the world pray for families around the world any sickness any sickness that is in children any sickness that is in any child that is watching if it's your children that have a condition whatever the condition the doctors have given you we remove it we remove it we remove it we remove it we remove it in the name of jesus we remove it we remove it we remove it in the mighty name of jesus no more autism we come against the spirit of autism lose these children lose these children in the mighty name of jesus all those wounds we are praying for you right now we are praying for you now all those wounds dry up right now dry dry dry up in the mighty name of jesus pray pray pray [Applause] they are done away with in the mighty name of jesus these families shall never suffer again you shall never suffer again christopher you shall never suffer again in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah we are praying for you we are praying for you vangelisa in lusaka zambia we are praying for you uh this is a situation of marriage saying we are all in our 40s she and the sisters all in their 40s nobody's married we are praying for you guys we are praying for you guys tonight and um okay someone okay the other sister is married uh for eight years no child uh that one it is done in the mighty name of jesus david dundoro we are praying for you uh david and dora he's praying for his career marital uh breakthrough uh andrea bistric this is somebody okay that one was in south africa this one is in the united kingdom mariama camara we are praying for you and um okay this one wants peace and happiness and just just to be content all right that's a good one and you're in ellsbury in the united kingdom uh we see you mariama and we have robin uh let's hear some of you guys as well robin mube and this one um this person okay it's miss robin movie she is uh in uh blue or zimbabwe and you want us to pray for you to go back to your first love you want to be a soul winner and we also have oseihi uh he's in edo state nigeria he's uh wanting us to pray for deliverance from addiction to smoking he's smoking and drinking heavily and also he has he's in a lot of debt as well yes do you guys have some that you can read out kanti rua from kampala uganda she he's praying for prayer requests for uk visa approval and here's zol philip from new york united states thank you for accepting my prayer my prayer requests i need to get married a godly spouse and for god to heal me from fibroids in the womb that i've suffered for so many so we have marriage we also have uh fibroids we have somebody who was asking for a visa so if you want to travel to whichever country and you need a visa or it's somebody that you are trying to bring to the united kingdom you're trying to bring your family members to the united states to australia or wherever you are you want your family members to join you or it is yourself who is looking for a visa you want to travel you want to have the freedom to travel somewhere we're going to be praying for that just now and i've got julie jane i pray for complete healing for my son nathan from a blood disorder and to dissolve the tumor mass located in the right lower leg he has had it for a long time and his health has been a problem what's the name uh julie if you are watching that wound is closing right now it is drying up in the mighty name of jesus it is drying up it is drying up and i also see you caroline kanja that issue of blood is done away with in the name of jesus i see you there's also marcia gordon she's watching from canada and she's having problems at her workplace god is opening better opportunities for you martial you will be surprised at what god is up to and embrace the changes i see god changing a lot of things that you never expected embrace the change god wants me to tell you to just tell her and that's marcia gordon you are on dickson crescent in canada and god is doing something god has in fact he's already done something for you uh grace ellie bariki you're watching me from tanzania and you want your family to rise and that's pretty much everybody who's here you want your family to rise in a mightier way um you want you want the glory of the lord to be in your family okay all right we see you and you're in dar es salaam in tanzania uh uncle christian do you have i have this one from uh tombi kaise in south africa and she says i had my gall bladder removed and still suffer in pain pray for my complete healing in my body that gall bladder is healed in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus if you have any issues not just this lady here any issues with your goal with the gallbladder right now right now be healed in the mighty name of jesus receive your healing receive your healing receive your healing in the name of jesus um mom you mentioned something to do with mental sickness and you said that some people could be walking and some people wouldn't know whether they're suffering from mental sickness or not i've got this um request that's come that came in and it's from stephen johnson in mumbai india and he says please keep my sister elizabeth johnson in prayers she has run away from home and she is mentally disturbed pray for recovery and family restoration let it be as you have said it in the name of jesus a mental recovery we remove any in fact if you are watching and you have a relative who suffers mentally and doctors obviously don't have any solution for it sometimes they do what this young lady has done they disappear and you don't know where they are you don't even you've not heard from them and you know that they are suffering uh mentally they have some kind of condition then we are going to be praying for you i know there are people who are watching many of you are watching right now and this is happening in your family you have members of your family that are suffering the same thing we're going to be praying for you shortly we're going to be praying shortly and i also have susan mavurumeshi is in glenview in harare and she needs a visa to come to the united kingdom and uh also okay and then we prayed for uh people who are in uh education so also the visa and uh we also have venetia lloyd uh lump in the left breast to disappear without any hospital intervention we're gonna be praying for that uh spine healing for my father this is coming from prasanna kudasansu from uh india okay we're gonna be praying for that any more from you guys david korea here um prayer request um for my family especially my in-laws to receive salvation and also for my business to flourish so that i can give more for the gospel to reach the unreached man and lastly for my ministry that i may get clear direction from the lord what i should do in my life towards the ministry all right awesome so right now i want us to pray let's get into a time of prayer again and as you are praying i want you to begin to declare things into the atmosphere so when you're praying remember we're not asking oh god please do something about this can't you hear that these people are desperate no we are declaring things we are declaring things words are objects they take form they take shape so we are declaring right now tonight we are prophesying and we are decreeing we are declaring so all these situations whether it's a visa whether it is uh you can see a lot of people are suffering a lot of problems mental health issues whatever the situation is i want you to begin to pray even if you don't know who these people are right now we are all a point of contact for all of us for each other for everybody who's watching and so right now i want you to just raise your hands and i just want you to virtually let's all just virtually hold hands in the realm of the spirit as we pray for our brothers and sisters as we decree and declare as we prophesy and break these chains of oppression that are following some of these people begin to pray right now begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray pray pray praise just pray just pray just pray just any mental sickness any mental sickness is done away with right now in the name of jesus any mental sickness be gone be gone loose that person right now in the mighty name of jesus no more mental problems no more mental problems right now let a sound mind come into your body right now let a sound mind a sound mind the one that you were originally given by the lord only a sound mind let it take place in your life or in the life of your loved ones a sound mind a sound mind a sound mind in the mighty name of jesus no more mental issues no more mental sickness no more mental problems decree it's decree it's prophesied right now in the mighty name of jesus christ we pray amen we are still praying we are still praying for you guys we are still praying i said we're going to be reading out only a few of your prayer requests today because we received a huge influx of prayer requests that we try to sift through you can see right here we have piles of prayer requests that we cannot just hear behind me we have piles of them that we cannot possibly all read in a session or even to it will take us months to finish uh reading them all in a broadcast so what i want us to do is just call out a few situations and we know that this cover majority of the people who are watching sickness will never stay in your body it can never stay in your body anything even the things we don't mention here tonight whatever your situation that we will not mention here still god sees you as you are praying tonight something is shifting and you will come back with the testimony i have uh here uh this is from someone called olive olive is also in dar es salaam in tanzania she's got fibroids kidney stones as well and people die prematurely in her family those fibroids if you are watching me fibroids fibroids fibroids if you are watching me right now and you have similar problem you have fibroids the doctors told you this is a fibroid or a cyst or some kind of growth any growth any lump that has no explanation as to why it's there even the ones that do have an explanation any lump that is in your body fibroids cysts you name it whatever it is right now in the name of jesus kidney stones right now right now in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus by the authority that we have in the name of jesus you have no right to stay in that body i'm not talking to the people i'm talking to the fibroids because the fibroids are hearing my voice right now i command you in the name of jesus to leave those bodies leave those bodies in the name of jesus heal heal heal in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus no more cysts no more growth no more growth things that have no explanation as to why they are there disintegrate in the mighty name of jesus and that's where you all live in dar es salaam also jessie muanza jesse monsa has a similar situation her brother has been missing we had something similar area early earlier we have a marriage somebody is praying for uh marriage uh things are not well in their marriage uh healing for my son zuriel and this is coming from let me see what the name is on here loi misloi quaccenera you are in harare zimbabwe and we prayed for the children earlier i hope that you were praying for zuriel then a lot of allergies okay also liver problems that liver problem is done away with now in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus that's loy uh quachena we have tracy pandy and she's in papua new guinea uh debt cancellation and also um she would like to have a baby and receive your child in the name of jesus it's so easy just breathe in your miracle just breathe it in it's as easy as that just breathe it in do you guys have any requests you'd like to call out tonight i have um request here by mr pray and tanush and he says i am requesting a prayer i need prayer i have a sore throat migraine headaches and body pains and fevers that have been there for the past three to four months wow and he's in india all right okay erasmus hamond in the united kingdom prayer for the visa and i've been married for 10 years now and no child also suffering from premature ejaculation ever since i married and i've been given medication but nothing works for me and i also need a job i've never worked ever since i came to the united kingdom i've watched and listened to the word but things haven't changed for me okay i also have one here from vangelisa evangelisa or something like that i hope i pronounce your name right um saying i feel depressed all the time depressed and low all the time praying for mental healing which we've already done i hope you've received that mental healing in the name of jesus uh jesse um okay jesse we've read out yours jesse um mwanza and you're in the copper belt in zambia we've just read yours as well carolina um carolina is in the united kingdom in swansea uh saying uh please pray for my daughter who slipped who has never slept well since she was born and is now three and a half and this has affected her and me both physically and mentally right i want you to listen to me carolina banza i know uh if you are watching then uh we dealt with this already remember when we pray for something once it's faith twice becomes what doubt so once is faith twice is doubt so if we read a prayer request and we've already dealt with it it means it is done so when we pray tomorrow when you're praying regarding that situation that you're in it's no longer asking for it to happen it's no longer commanding for it to go you are now just thanking god for your healing thank you lord i am totally healed in the name of jesus thank you almighty god my child is healed my son is healed thank you almighty god my skin condition or it's not yours so don't say my thank you lord the skin condition that was illegal in my body has gone come on it has gone it has gone it has gone in the name of jesus so once his faith twice is out so if we keep praying for the same thing we prayed for children right at the beginning maybe if you're just tuning in now i want you to know that we've prayed for children any issue to do with children sickness that is on children we have dealt with it it is broken in the name of jesus and it will never return again and uh i have this one called coming from cepiso from south africa limpopo uh saying okay she is five months pregnant and discovered i have hiv a month ago i'm asking for prayers for healing and also for the unborn baby preservation and protection over our lives do you see that i mean these sessions are very important it's important that we come together and pray for one another because you see if you're not careful you will never ever pray a prayer of intercession in your life because every day it's about you if you want to check the prayers that you've prayed in the past year since we began this year we are about to conclude 2021 how many prayers out of those sessions were for other people nothing to do with you you will be surprised to find that maybe not even one that's true maybe not even one prayer was for somebody else what are these people then supposed to do we are supposed to be there for one another these are real situations these are real people and these things are happening in their lives she's just imagine five months pregnant and you discover you have hiv just last month and you are five months into a pregnancy so i can imagine what this lady is going through listen to me tepiso god loves you and don't you dare feel condemned for any reason whatsoever because you are not condemned and so right now any form of hiv because it has forms hiv aids whatever it is that hiv is checking out of your body in the name of jesus that is a foreigner in your body that is a foreigner it has no right to stay there it has no right whatsoever so that foreigner has to go that foreigner has to go that disease is a foreigner that sickness is a foreigner and it has to leave your body right now in the name of jesus right now hiv aids hiv aids any person who is watching tonight and you have hiv aids that thing is done away with in the name of jesus i said it's done away with in the mighty name of jesus listen healing is very easy and a lot of your requests are healing and all these things it's very easy very very easy if you begin to walk in the light of who you truly are and this is why it's so important for you to be in every broadcast because this is where the lessons are do you know that it's possible for you to be healed for uh one hour and then it comes back do you know it's possible to be healed for one day and then it comes back you can be healed for a whole six months or a whole year and then it comes back what has happened you see healing ought to be maintained as well any miracle not just healing whether it's a new job you give us a testimony i got a new job celebrate with me and we celebrate with you but what do you do after the after is also important and so the after is what we are dealing with in every single service so when we say let's gather and let's get into the bible let's dissect the word and see exactly how it can benefit us this is where this is one of the areas it helps you to maintain your healing to maintain your miracle whether it was a financial testimony maybe you got married you wanted to be married and you prayed or you brought your prayer request to church and you're excited because now you're married but there's a whole life after marriage then what happens you see so you need to know how to maneuver when it comes to spiritual things um do you guys have some that we can read out before we pray yes on youtube i've got rebecca massey pierre she's saying can you please pray for my salvation it's a prayer for salvation and i've got influence who says i'm i've been smoking too much and i feel so bad about it and i can't stop and i feel this is very we break every addiction we had something um and i've seen a few as well uh for any addiction it's not just smoking not just smoking any addiction and you know an addiction can be some of the simplest things it's not just things that are like drugs or the things that you might think or the things that come to mind or pornography or whatever it can be simple things and because you're doing it too much and you're too much in fact you can be addicted to the gym and it becomes it gets to a point where it's now unhealthy it's now too much because you do not pray anymore you have no time for anything anymore your exercise time is way better than the time you spend uh in things to do with the kingdom and it becomes an addiction so you can always tell when something has gone overboard and so every form of addiction we cancel it right now in the name of jesus we cancel it we cancel it we cancel it right now it is cancelled it is made now it is made void in the name of jesus any addiction we had one lady who had an addiction of having she couldn't sleep without a hairdryer blowing on her she had to have a hair dryer in her face in order to fall asleep you see so it's not just things that you might think oh i think they mean this or that it can be very simple things or you can be addicted to coffee some of you are addicted to coffee you are addicted to energy drinks i know people who are like that when you wake up in the morning if you don't have your coffee then it's gonna be a bad day if you don't have your energy drink it's gonna be a bad day i know i have witnesses who are watching right now you must have your latte you must have your teeth and so if you don't drink your tea you even start having headaches i know somebody was addicted to coca-cola and everywhere they went they had to keep coke in their bag coca-cola in their handbags you see so that's also an addiction it's not healthy anything that you can see you know yourself this is no longer okay because instead of the holy spirit lifting you up every morning your cup of coffee has taken the position of the holy spirit where you want to or you are craving certain things you no longer crave the word of god you no longer crave the things of the lord but you crave certain things that really don't do anything to your health and those things are very bad for your health if taken excessively and so that's also an addiction so any addiction i repeat any addiction right now whatever that addiction is you know yourself you know what you're addicted to it is broken right now it is broken it is broken it is broken in the mighty name of jesus anything that is taking up the time that you spend with the lord anything that is taking up the the space for the holy spirit to work in you it is broken in the mighty name of jesus and uh shelley thomas we are praying for you um we are praying for you yes shelley thomas i'm going to be calling out maybe just some names and if you are looking for an indefinite leaf to remain uh helen you are in the united kingdom indefinitely to me remain listen wherever you want to stay you will stay there your father owns a kettle on a thousand hills he owns everything and so don't be worried about that i also have sarah silas he's in papua new guinea and um okay saying uh please pray for me i've been suffering from plural effusion since 2017 and was treated with tb medications for nine months after the treatment i still experienced pains in my chest and shortness of breath and a very severe back pain i stopped going for reviews because i just don't like to drink medicine anymore right now i okay so now she's saying please pray for my complete healing are we gonna be praying for you just now sarah silas if you're watching me we're praying for you shortly we are praying for you shortly and uh your sister as well betty andikan again she's in papua new guinea betty and akin and we have cell groups in these areas if you do not know about our cell groups please do ask let us know the guys in the studio will put up the correct email address for you to use to request for sale groups don't send an inquiry about a cell group to a prayer email because nobody's ever gonna see it it's gonna drown in our prayer um requests that come through on a daily basis so always make sure you're sending us your uh you're sending your request to the right place so we're going to be putting up an email address if you want to know about cell groups you want to join us our group then please write to us and let us know i know we have something in papua new guinea and i can see a lot of people writing from papua new guinea and i'm wondering if you are aware that we have a cell group that these cell groups are so important because that's where that's where you learn more of the word more of the word in your cell groups all right so so what's happening with betty uh last month betty discovered that she has a cyst in her fallopian tube the doctor said that she'll undergo an operation but she wants god to heal her and we already dealt with cysts right all right we've already dealt with cysts so that one is done any more that you guys want to read we've got um we've got a prayer request on uh zoom church from melvin de souza he says please declare that my mother-in-law to be out of icu blood pressure to be normal and no medicine for life and her rectum lump to be dissolved in jesus name melvin de souza your mother-in-law we are praying for her we are praying for your mother-in-law that blood pressure has to come down now in the name of jesus there is an anointing that is in this house oh yes there is an anointing that is on our man of god that causes some serious changes that's right it doesn't make sense because you are told it is done it is finished it is done it is finished and you wonder how how do you just say it is done it doesn't sound right you want something else like don't don't say it's done isn't this something else but i tell you healing is easy hallelujah i said healing is easy healing is easy i remember one time we traveled to i think it was zambia and our man of god we went to this crusade it was absolutely awesome well it was between zambia and south africa i think you guys will know which one it is and prophet just walked up to the stage and god told him what you had prepared to preach don't preach that don't tell them that just tell them healing is easy that's it that's how that expression started here in spirit empire so he walked up to the stage and there were thousands upon thousands of people in that crusade that day in that stadium and he said healing is easy amen he said which of these two is easier and he read the scripture said healing is easy we are comparing two things that are easy said which one is easier that's what jesus he said oh which one is easier healing is easy it's so easy just breathe it in the way you are breathing air you know breathing is a miracle it's a miracle that we have oxygen a miracle afforded us by our father in heaven so if i'm breathing in oxygen that i absolutely need to survive i can breathe in my miracle so just breathe it in just receive it in the name of jesus amen uh gloria jones is saying she has um [Music] okay okay i think it's migraine headaches since her 20s i don't know how old you are now but it sounds like this has been going on for a long time all right so since the 20 is and not the excruciating pain not to mention i desperately need a touch on god okay that's fine knox you're in knoxville united states okay gloria we're praying for you right now so i want us to just go back again and let's pray guys i want us to pray we are declaring things we are declaring we heard a number of situations that are taking place here and so we want to just continue to decree and we are going to declare so this uh prayer is going to go on a little bit longer because i want us to cover as much ground as possible all right i want us to cover as much ground as possible so we want to pray that's what we came here to do so whatever the case is whether we mentioned it or we didn't mention or the thing that you are thinking oh maybe they'll say this that's the one we are going to be dealing with now the one that we don't need to mention but your father in heaven knows the a to c of it the one who created you knows exactly what it is that you're facing right now he knows absolutely everything and he's given you and i the power to deal with these situations so we're gonna deal with those situations tonight so we're gonna be prophesying just now we're gonna be speaking things into existence just now you are looking for investors in your business you are looking for somebody who will just give you some kind of investment so that your business can go to the next level those are the things that we are dealing with today it's not just healing these are the things that we are dealing with you wanted to uh or you wanted to go to university they told you you don't qualify apply again again and again and again they are going to accept you and for those who are looking for whether it's marriages we've already dealt with that one it is done in the name of jesus so what i want us to do is we're going to prophesy so when it's time to prophesy it simply means you are going to be a child of a prophet because prophets give birth to other prophets that's what they do and so you're gonna prophesy because you see i know people in the bible who just literally did pedicures on prophets and because of those pedicures they also received the prophetic this happened in the bible just because you are among them just because you are associated with prophet hubert angel that means you have the ability to prophesy that's exactly what that means and so right now i want you to prophesy you are going to prophesy to yourself not to anybody else you're going to be prophesying to yourself so we're going to go we're going to stretch it a little bit this time and you're not here to spectate either you're not watching us in the studio you are doing you while we are also i'm prophesying for myself as well tonight and so this is what we want to do i want you to touch on that thing that very thing that we didn't mention here as we are closing i want you to touch on it yourself i want you to prophesy prophesy concerning that situation some of you are facing a divorce right now you are facing a divorce in your marriages and right now i want you to prophesy the right thing some of you are facing all kinds of problems i see uh somebody has just been given a sentence in prison i see some people there in prison you are worried about your your relative or something and this person is in prison right now we are going to be we're going to be prophesying we want early releases and so we are prophesying in this place tonight so right now i want you to just get up out of your seat now this is the opportunity for you in this atmosphere in this particular atmosphere while you are there we are here and the zoom church is here we are all all of us with one accord not after this so don't try to now prophesy after we said now right now in this atmosphere it's a different one when you pray at home when you get home or some of you are already home but when you pray after this that's a different prayer all together it's going to be different this one is totally unique completely unique and so i want you to take it very very seriously right now you are suffering all those things that you're suffering in your body colon cancer some of you pancreatic cancer breast cancer that's what they told you you have breast cancer any form of cancer spinal cord injuries some of you have knee pain you have knee pain right now and some of you you even have to have it drained your knee pain it has to be drained all the time you have to go to the hospital and they have to drain some of you are on dialysis you have kidney failure you have to be on dialysis and you have to have those visits you have to go for those visits all the time and i know these people are watching me right now you are watching me right now some of you have psoriasis in fact i see somebody who has i think it's like hair loss but your hair loss has it's like you have some um some scabs on your scalp you have some scabs on your scalp and you can see that there are now patches on your hair and when the hair goes it's no longer growing you have scabs in your hair you've tried to put all kinds of things on there that hay is coming back i said that hay is coming back to you that hair is going to grow again and that condition is done away with only believe and you can prophesy it it will happen today when you speak it in this atmosphere not the atmosphere that's coming after in this particular atmosphere things are going to happen things are going to happen i said things are going to happen you are going to receive phone calls you are going to receive phone calls i said you're going to receive phone calls and it'll be just the phone call you needed the exact phone call you needed the very one you needed and some of you have you have chronic shoulder pain i see somebody watching you have chronic shoulder pain and the pain now goes to your neck it was in the shoulders but now it's in the neck and you are really struggling you really really struggle because now you have a dull uh tension headache that comes from your lower neck from your lower neck i want you to prophesy you're going to prophesy those things are going to be done away with it's going to be done away with so are you ready guys are you ready are you ready we are going into a prayer right now we are going into a prayer we're gonna pray we're gonna decree we're gonna declare we're gonna prophesy you're gonna speak you're gonna utter words whatever you wanna call it this is the moment for you to do it in this atmosphere this is about you this is about your life this is about your family begin to speak right now begin to speak begin to speak begin to speak begin to speak speak into this atmosphere prophesy into this atmosphere prophesy prophesy prophesy prophesy prophesy to yourself prophesy that business prophesy that promotion prophesy prophesy prophesy it will work it will work it will work it will work prophesied that house that house you have been looking into real estate you've been looking at a house you've been looking at a house that land you have been looking at that land prophesied to the land speak to the land talk to that land talk to that house talk to that building talk to that soil castle i command all the things that are meant to be my own i command them i command them i command them into my house into my house into my house into my house divine health is my own divine health belongs to my family divine health belongs to my children divine health belongs to my church command it command it command it in the name of jesus plenty is my portion i shall never lack another day in my life i shall never lack another day in my life my life is perfect my life is excellent my life is beautiful my life has been beautified speak it right now speak it right now speak it right now peace is my portion joy is my portion you shall never have nightmares no more spiritual attacks no more spiritual attacks no more spiritual attacks this is not the time to get tired this is not the time for you to retire this is not the time for you to be tired pray pray pray let's pray let's pray let's pray let's pray pray pray foreign let's keep praying let's keep praying let's keep praying keep going keep going keep going something is shifting as you pray something is shifting as you praise god foreign more minutes five more minutes keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing something is happening right now something is happening right now something is happening in the realm of the spirits foreign um something is shifting i said something has already changed something has already changed oh so three more minutes three more minutes let's do this let's do this let's do this three more minutes three more minutes foreign foreign [Music] in the suicide suicide suicide i heard the holy spirit just told me right now suicide suicide he said we need to cancel that spirit suicide there is somebody who is watching and you were contemplating suicide suicide because your situation is so bad very very bad in your eyes that is very very bad and you don't seem to know how you're going to maneuver out of it suicidal thoughts suicide suicide death does not have you i can't say that spirit of death it is a trap from the enemy it is a trap it is a trap it is a trap it is a trap because god is about to do something in your life and what you are suffering are your labor pains of the baby that is about to be born from you there is a dimension that you have already entered and when you enter that dimension there are problems that came with it and when you started experiencing the problems that come with you see the higher you go of course the higher dimension you go spiritually and also the demons you see the devil copies everything that god does and so when you entered that dimension you didn't realize that god has actually taken you higher because you actually love the lord but because of what you started seeing happening around you you said now it's time for me to die because my life is not moving let me tell you something you've just entered the dimension of plenty plenty like you've never known before and because you don't know that you think your life is not going anywhere don't do it i said don't do it you are watching me right now and you know yourself i said don't do it because of the dimension you have entered every dimension has unique problems that come with it always think of it that way always see it that way every dimension when you see yourself having problems like never before unique problems or the problems you used to have those kind of problems but now it's like they have gone a hundred times more intense and you start thinking well i thought because now i'm finally leading a cell group now i'm finally praying more now i'm finally paying my tithe and giving offerings and seeding now i'm finally a partner i thought my life would be good no you went higher i said you went higher you went into a higher dimension and when you went higher there was a whole new team [Music] a whole new team that was assigned for your downfall but it's a trap don't you dare touch that body number one it's not yours number two just watch what is about to happen [Music] this sorrow that you have right now it will be a thing of the past and that person will justify here that person is going to come and testify i want you to mark this date i want you to write it down because you're going to come back and you will say that night that night i heard the word and that was me now this is where i am mark my words just don't do it just don't do it we cancel any spirit of death any spirit of death any form shape it comes in we cancel that spirit of death in the name of jesus we cancel it it is done away with we it's done away with i said it's done away with it's done away with right now as you were praying you didn't realize what you were doing i know you just think while i was praying you see the bible says when you speak especially if you're praying in tongues or you're speaking in tongues your mind is unfruitful but it is your spirit and god connecting making a connection and everything your spirit says is a mystery to your natural ear unless you have the gift of interpretation and then you know this is exactly what i said and that's a different case altogether a different subject altogether but as you were praying as you were decreeing as you were prophesying so many things have already shifted i said so many things have already shifted all you need to do is listen to me very carefully all you need to do is believe it believe it have faith that it's done have faith you've already prayed you've already said it it is done in the name of jesus it is done i said it is done and this couple that was watching i saw them earlier um [Music] uh ikenna and vinda ecoema ecoeme it is done for you [Music] any form of sickness you are going to celebrate you are going to celebrate you thought your life was boring but there is nothing boring about your life at all it's about to become less exciting more than you have ever experienced in your whole entire life you see them those two i saw them as we were praying god said these two these two these two they think we have now finished living our life and you know we are we have done the best we can but there is more there is more there is more there is more there is more there is more and one jiku it is done it is done it is done john ano albertina as well i see you there uh gary rogers i see you obinna christian i see you i see you there i see you we were praying all together chris angel thank you so much for um being part of this and we see you guys we really see you and there is a young lady there is a young lady i don't see her anymore in the zoom church but she was there before as we were praying she was very very troubled but it is done it is done for you it is done joy that's the young lady joy it is done you don't need to put on the big screen as long as she's hurt me joy it is done and i want to see you smiling now joy joy yes that's better that's better that's better you think your situation is too difficult not to the lord it's not difficult and he's given you the power to deal with it it is well with you i said it is well with you and genevieve it is well with you too it is well with you it is well with you sharon ramos it's well with you it is well with you nathaniel we see you we see you nathaniel it is done it is done in the name of jesus laura we see you laura ochiang we see you it is done in the name of jesus lydia lydia koiwa yes lydia all right it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is it is [Laughter] it is actually it is actually done and so you better rejoice in the lord like never before glory be to god [Music] [Applause] that sister joy if she doesn't change her countenance the situation will remain the same you need to help her i'm telling you it's not a joke at all the sister joy i'm telling you as we were praying i saw that sister and she was very very troubled and if you don't change your countenance joy you are listening to me you are there on zoom i'm looking at you if you don't change if the level of your joy doesn't change not joy because of me joy in the lord then you are staying exactly the same because this is the thing when you pray the bible tells us that when you pray even while we are still praying do you know that he's already heard us before i've even finished the first syllable of my prayer he's already heard it and it's already fixed it's already done your duty now is to have faith you know sometimes when you are really really really really really really really really really upset very very upset and very very angry at somebody and then the somebody comes to you and says i'm very sorry forgive me i did wrong i did you wrong very very sorry do you know that the residue of your anger will still be boiling even the person has sincerely asked for forgiveness and you know that i need to forgive but still there is something in you that's still burning you still want to say something that's exactly the wrong thing that you should never do when you pray you don't keep the residue from your situation so you may be going through a situation and when you pray you have to act like it doesn't even exist people should ask you are you still i thought yesterday you told me that you you have this problem and then today is it now fixed did you get your visa because there was so much joy in you did they grant you the contract did they give you the tenant because the level of joy is as if it has already been done that brothers and sisters is called faith it's a demonstration of faith [Applause] so right now we may have this young lady or other people who are watching you know your situation is burning it's a burning situation and we may not be there in your household and you are suffering it you are going through it and you can't seem to see your way out but when we pray believe that something has happened you're not believing in the people here in the studio you're believing in the one who created you and that is our lord god almighty all right so when you pray you better believe that is done and rejoice you rejoice believe in things that are not as if they were not my words not philosophy this is your god this is the bible you believe in things that are not as if they were and so you rejoice now that we have prayed you rejoice you are still not listening joy smile joy smile but maybe she has you know your name is going is it really going against you right now oh you are going against your name it is well with you joy it is well with you it is well with you good that's better that's better that's better all right all right it'll be okay with her she'll be fine she will be okay she just needs to believe that she'll be okay because you know when people have issues some of the issues yeah it's it's an issue but you'll be okay trust the lord you'll be fine all right okay guys so we're gonna be closing this broadcast but before we do that um i want us to get into a time of giving and your giving is very very important today because everything you prophesied here everything you spoke into this atmosphere and i say here because distance is not a barrier we are at one in the spirit so everything that we all decreed and we all declared it is done in the name of jesus right so once it is done you give your thanksgiving offering it's a thanksgiving offering this is not a gimmick to raise money or whatever for what reason no it's up to you you can give if you want you don't have to nobody's forcing you it's a compulsory it is compulsory if you're a christian because a christian is a giver by nature but what i'm saying is i'm not here to force you to do something you don't want but a christian who believes this the the statutes of the bible who knows the principles of the word is a giver by nature you don't need to be nudged to do it you just go ahead and do it and so we have our details on the screen i want you to give your thanksgiving offering it can be a thanksgiving seed and for those who are paying their tithes you know what to do that one you already know what to do but i want you to try everyone who is there if one dollar is all you have to give or your 50 cents put that 50 cents in the ground or 20 cents whatever it is god knows your heart he knows your heart it's impossible for you to have absolutely nothing to give whatever it is whatever it is god is the one who sees it put that thing in the ground whatever it is as a thanksgiving offering to the lord all right very very important and you are blessed as you give in the mighty name of jesus may your storehouses never be empty in the mighty name of jesus may plenty be your portion indeed every word you spoke in that atmosphere while you were in your living room in your bedroom some of you are at work wherever you are those words that you spoke those words were very potent very very potent and they are changing your life right now those words those words are changing your life right now they have changed your life right now i want you to mark this date mark this day this date because something new something fresh something you never expected happened in your life by reason of the words you spoke into this atmosphere so right now just give accompany your words with your giving accompany your prophecy with your seed let it be accompanied in the right way so go ahead and do that the website details are there you are blessed as you give in the mighty name of jesus may your store houses never be empty in the mighty name of jesus may overflow upon overflow be the story of your life in the mighty name of jesus thank you so much for joining us tonight we are so blessed to have you and we have so many many many more prayer requests here uh uh iva you are so blessed either i see you either and we need to do something with iva in whichever country you are reach out to us and tell us so that we can work together god wants to use you god desires to use you and he's ready to use you if you're ready and you you are ready and so please reach out to our zoom uh just put your details or the guys in the studio we'll see you either uh you guys see her right yes so reach out to us in the comments in the zoom so that we see what we're gonna be doing soon all right so you guys are so blessed you've got a testimony oh okay we are about to close let's hear it he's saying very true mom i have been very suicidal for some time now wow wow all right odibo you're yes yes yes that's right that's right as we're praying that's something the holy spirit ministered to me straight away that suicide it's rampant it's rampant it's rampant and this is something that few are very willing to admit but they're going through a lot and so don't worry what we did tonight is not a small thing we didn't do a small thing here tonight we didn't every prayer and we will continue to pray we have teams that pray behind this the scenes all the time constantly in prayer 24 hour chains of prayer constantly praying in spirit embassy all these prayer requests are going to be forwarded to the prayer team so that they can just lay hands on your requests and right now as we are closing we're going to pull oil on these prayer requests we're going to be pouring oil on them as we close tonight and so this is to seal every miracle that has taken place i didn't say that is about to because if you spoke it it means it's done all right every miracle that has taken place believe it i said only believe imagine the mathematics of god it's not it's not difficult he said only belief just that only believe just believe it for once just believe it just because you've been going through it for a long time doesn't mean it's not going to happen this time some of you prayed for the exact same thing you've been praying for years and you think today is just like those times no it's totally different totally totally different and so we're going to be pouring oil as we close this service we are continuing in a mode of prayer as we go off air we're going to continue in prayer for just a couple more minutes as we are pouring oil on every request that is here every request that is here you sent us these requests earlier and right now as i'm here this is just anointing oil we are sealing every single healing every single miracle every single business that has started tonight i know you don't see the business just yet i know you don't see the contract just yet nobody has called you just yet and notice i'm saying yet [Music] nobody has called you nobody has said anything but right now right now right now right now we seal those business deals we seal them because they've already taken place right now we see your visa your passport whatever it is you wanted to travel you wanted to do all these things right now children are going to be born we're gonna have brand new children brand new babies born as a result of tonight's service as a result of tonight's service indeed it is done in the name of jesus so i want you as we are closing tonight we're gonna close the service a little bit differently tonight i want you to pray even for just one minute as we are going off air just one minute thanking the lord for what he has done in your life i want you to rejoice in your home and to say thank you lord i am so loved by you and i am so blessed to be called your own so right now i want us as we are closing the service i will see you again on sunday of course but as we are closing the service we are closing it different today all right i don't want you to focus on any adverts or anything right now i want you to focus focus on just thanksgiving just give him thanks give him thanks it's a step of faith it's a step of faith give him thanks and it is truly done it is it really is so just raise your hands just raise your hands just raise your hands it is truly done in the mighty name of jesus as we are going off air just begin to pray just begin to pray just one minute of thanksgiving thank you almighty god thank you almighty god thank you for every testimony thank you for every miracle thank you almighty god thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus for every testimony we give you thanks we give you thanks we give you thanks we give you thanks see cabriko [Music] discover ancient secrets to making prayer deposits and withdrawals order your copy of this prayer life-changing book by hubert angel from the amazon kindle store or visit our online shop at www dot angel or call the number on the screen now [Music] many christians don't understand what grace is or the little they know about it is not even put into practice a lot of parents will name their children grace and companies will even give a grace period but what is grace truly what is the true meaning of it so i want to encourage you right now to get a hold of this book here the grace-driven life this is a powerful tool that will remove all the legalism that we have in church today all the rules all these things that you have to do to appease this god that you don't even understand what do you actually need to do to appease him anyway how many times you need to fast for him to be okay with you how many times do you need to pray for god to be okay with you so you want to know all the answers to those questions so i want to encourage you to get a hold of the grace driven life this is a manual for your life you refer to it and you understand it you see there are so many christians who are living their lives thinking i still need to do something for god to be happy with me well i don't have a business because god is not happy with me i don't have a new house because god is not happy with me but if you understand the grace-driven life you'll understand that none of those things make a difference god is not credit scoring he's not checking how many times you've done well in order for you to gain a house or okay now you've done well you you've gained a car because you've scored the right points so it's not about that so if you want to understand what grace is the true meaning of god's grace what it is exactly then you want to go ahead and go to our website www.u the details are on your screen just go to the good news store and order your own copy of this life-changing book try it it will change your life read the life-giving scriptures that are in this book and the book is called grace driven life for a reason your life ought to be driven by the grace of god and nothing else but by god's grace so go ahead go to the website right now go to the store and order your copy today in fact i encourage you buy it as a gift for somebody you got birthdays every day you've got anniversaries every day or you just want to bless somebody buy two copies buy three copies and just share them with somebody it'll change their life go to the website right now and order yours today [Music] i'm one person who wants to impart something in my people let me tell you something if i'm the only one who is healing the sick then this church is lost if i'm the only one who is able to prophesy then this church is lost if at any time listen to me good if in any time you hear you bear angel opening his mouth and saying to you i'm the only one on earth who hears from god please take me to a mountain to put me in chains the same oil i put on you in prayer pour on me tie me to a tree pray for me i would have lost it that's what we call building a couch when a man begins to think he's the only one who hears from god a good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing you
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 8,083
Rating: 4.9747367 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 29sec (7109 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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