Patricia King - Defeating Jezebel

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everyone is looking for love and they're desperate to find it we must show them or we must introduce them to love to Jesus [Music] but this is true revival love is all they need everlasting love rise up and go and show them revival was supernatural Jesus is love Jezebel is a ferocious spiritual entity that has caused a lot of tragedy and harm to many people too many ministries too even geographical locations and that spirit has been overcome and conquered by Jesus Christ and we have someone with us today Ryan Lestrange I'm so excited to have you on today's program because you're the founder and apostolic leader of the tribe apostolic Network but you're a passionate believer you're a revolutionary and you're going for it in God and you have a whole online course on defeating Jezebel and we're so excited to hear what's on your heart today and and to hear you know about how to implement the tools that we've been given to overcome this spirit but first of all I would love to hear how did you even get interested in this subject of the spirit of Jezebel yeah well I'm thrilled to be on by the way I love your ministry of program you know I was I was young in my early 20s I was a prophetic person and I was planting churches local congregations gatherings of people we were going into regions that had a lot of religion a lot of bondage and we were you know breaking open and healing breaking open and prophetic and we started getting resistance and attacks sometimes within our own group we were leading and we started to notice repetitive patterns you know it's like you would have an attack but it wasn't just what was happening it was this overwhelming urge to quit this almost I caught like a dark cloud over you that it seemed like it was much deeper than just what was happening the natural so he sort of noticed these patterns I say God something's going on here but what is this now at that time I was very young and inexperienced so I didn't know the things I know now that we teach in the eCourse but through a lot of Revelation I came to understand a lot of what we were battling was the Jezebel spirit and I find that prophetic people people that love to prophesy they love revelation or they are prophets they're gonna have a consistent opposition from really several spirits but Jezebel is kind of one of the chief ones because that spirit loves to get the middle of prophetic people prophetic prayer meetings prophetic worship gatherings and just start twisting everything up and that was what happened to us and honestly there were several times that if I didn't get this revelation I would have just given up because I felt so defeated but thank God when he started showing me this I got the tools to come out I remember when we first started doing television ministry we got really hit by that spirit in fact every single week when we would air the program we would get so hit and it would come with like a big punch in the gut sort of thing you know and that's the thing about Jezebel I've noticed that when that spirits operating it kind of hits you deep in your spirit kind of takes the wind out of you and then we finally realized what we were fighting as well and thought Jezebel you have no you have no right to this you cannot get away with this and so once you know the tools you can totally stand but just about I've noticed especially attacks prophets and apostles apostles and prophets now in the Bible with Ahab and Jezebel he was a king but he had a landing strip he had landing strips because he was a wicked King before Jezebel ever came right around but then she comes in on that begins to control the nation through that governmental position so do you find that the spirit of Jezebel is almost like on a governmental level like a you know a strong authority level yes absolutely so one of the things that I I taught about and I have taught is in Ephesians 6 when it talks about the different demons like principalities that a word in the Greek is Ark we get the word like Ark Angel and those things from that and it means supreme really so there one of the things I think believers must make mistakes and they think that the demonic Kingdom is just some scattered confused to group but it's not you know demons have leagues they have ranks they have assignments as do angels but many believers never study that or understand that and so Jezebel one of the times she appears in the Old Testament of the Spirit appears is that talks about the Queen of Heaven and they're worshiping the Queen of Heaven this indicates this is not a low-level deal this is a ruling spirit and and so when you deal like with apostles prophets Ephesians 2:20 said they're the two foundational gifts it not just the offices but those anointings that the in apostolic governing ruling breaker and awning with the prophetic seen decreed when those two work together there's a synergy to break open entire territories so there combated by Jezebel because that spirit wants to grip those territories and shut that breaker and oiling down right in in Ephesians 6 it talks about a hierarchy of principalities and powers and rulers of darkness so what category would you find a Jezebel spirit in would it be a ruler of darkness um I really believe the Jezebel spirit in total is actually principality that it actually rules over regions and people groups now somebody asks me a very interesting question they said you know demons are not they can't be in two places at once so the Jezebel spirit I believe in parts its nature and works through the league of demons to influence so you might be dealing with a lily low-level demon but it's under the the rank or the rulership of that Jezebel spirit trying to grip an entire group grip a nation grip a region grip a system I believe the Jezebel spirits been very influential in the entertainment industry and that's why you see so much immorality right now God is really shaking that tree and bringing exposure but I believe that spirit is are really a print spirit that rules people regions groups territories right and I agree with you that there's leagues of spirit it would be like an animal let's say a tiger there's not just one tiger right there's lots of tigers right but a tiger is different from a lion right and there's lots of lions you know has is monkeys and everything else right so I believe that there's lots of Jezebel spirits even in the principality arena but it's just that type of spirit that we see and and deal with now let's talk about the aspects of control how how do you see specifically gives us some some examples of how this spirit controls individuals and controls churches well first of all I love the example you gave about Ahab Ahab had the authority and he became subjected to the leadership of Jezebel so this particular type of spirit looks for a leader that is weakened so you I find you never find a fruitful Jezebel where there's not an AM somebody that submits their will so that spirit will come into a church or a group because it's a false prophet we know that revelations to talks about Jezebel being allowed to prophesy call itself a prophetess it's a false prophet it gets in the mixture of prophetic it begins to release revelation people have to understand that somebody can give information but they can access the route of the Spirit through the wrong gateway so they could know your desire they can know some activity but there's no transformation there's no heart of the father released that only comes through prophetic so Jezebel will come in start boasting of Revelation sir prophesied to people usually not under the guise of the leadership's authority or structure it'll kind of operate a little underhanded secret phone calls pulling people to the side having some accurate words for people but having poor traction and fruit and then once that spirit finds a foot home it will begin to really control and I found what the Jezebel spirit people being influenced by that they'll have a lot of outbursts you know if you confront somebody with the Jezebel spirit they'll twist the fact that they're breaking rate they're breaking protocol they're bringing dishonor and they'll put it back on you and when you're confronting them you actually start thinking yourself maybe they're right because that mental warfare that powers your mind and they'll start you know hitting you with that and it's very manipulative but it manipulates Buchan really dominance through false prophetic function a lot of times people the Jezebel spirit are very spiritual you know I find when you're very prophetic you can tell people the experiences you have but you're not trying to prove how prophetic you are you let God do it but people with the Jezebel spirit they're over-the-top and that it's like I fasted 40 days you know 100 angels came to me I'm more spiritual than the leader nobody in this region knows what I know very prideful very boastful in that Wow and you know when you're sitting down with someone who's influenced by a Jezebel spirit you can feel the controlling what you're talking about in the conversations and sometimes you're just open your mouth to say something and then it'll be even well I've got the word of the Lord on that I mean I remember sitting in a in a meeting one time with someone who is very much influenced by that spirit and saying I'm not she she said I'm not listening to you because the Lord has already told me the Lord told me this already he already showed me this he showed me that no you cannot say that you cannot do that because the Lord showed me and it was like there was so much control through their their perceived Authority that they had and they were totally off totally usurping honor and the natural authority of the pastor who was in the room and it was just a control situation controlling the conversation and I'm just getting a word of knowledge right now that someone who's watching you've been in a situation this week where you were in a room I just can see the room and that you had this this person who was influenced by this spirit speaking in and you felt so punched by that spirit and you had nothing to say because they would come back with something that the Lord had shown them that they're saying no the Lord showed me this no I have this and I know because the Lord sent me to tell you this and it's prophetic and I can hear this in my spirit right now and the Lord says shake shake it off like dust it all off because it impacted you made you feel sick inside of your heart actually and so go before the Lord and get get that dust it off forgive the person and let the Lord heal that because you were assaulted by a Jezebel spirit and don't be afraid of it don't be intimidated by it an intimidation is another aspect of that spirit is that it's huge that spirit pushes you so strong you begin to question yourself you know any time you're under a spiritual attack but especially with the Jezebel spirit there's a lot of mind battles because really we're dealing with witchcraft so you know when someone prophesized to you just like the word you just gave it light it shines light on the situation the prophetic is an illumination anointing it brings illumination you get the answers to things you have the answers for you see into the future you see the end from the beginning revelation said the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus but Jezebel has a high level of witchcraft witchcraft has control its domination and its mind battles you know the Jezebel spirit will start planting seeds in your mind when I was under attack by that spirit as a pastor I just thought about quitting I thought about shutting down you know the prayer ministry shutting down the prophetic because these areas are being infiltrated and as a matter of fact I really feel right now there's a pastor watching they say a young Hispanic pastor looks to me like you're in your early 30s and you're very prophetic profoundly prophetic the Lord has sent you into your region with a breaker anointing but there is an intercessor that's coming your inner circle that is constantly prophesied the opposite of what the Lord is saying to you and you feel such a weight right now such a condemnation the Lord is saying I put you there I planted you there shake it off so father I just declare freedom over that pastor and every minister every leader watching this that is even this week or this month been under attack of accusation intimidation questioning the mandate the purpose the assignment father we just loosenin or in a breakthrough over you today your people be free in Jesus name Amen I could feel the weight of that word that is a good word and and you know as a pastor you're getting strengthened right now just from that one prophetic word I'm also getting another word this is for a woman that you work in a workplace where your superior person who's ever the supervisor over you has been manipulating you and there's another boss or something that is over her that has favor to you and this person who is directly over you is manipulating you controlling you and got punching you and it's a it's a spirit it's not flesh and blood and the Lord says he's going to strengthen you in the midst of it you don't have to be afraid of it and you don't have to retaliate out of self-defense let the Lord fight the battle for you and claim Psalm 5:12 over your life that he surrounds you with favor as a shield because he's going to remove that person out of the position where where where that person can hurt you and there's going to be a direct line of the favor on you so it's all gonna work out you've been wondering if you should quit because you can't stand working with this person but the Lord says get filled with love get filled with assurance he is with you and he's gonna work it out it's only a spirit and that person's being influenced by it and not because she would want to be but she doesn't understand we're gonna take a break right now we'll be right back and we're gonna talk about the way Jezebel seduces and about sexual seduction and the things that are happening in the body in this day that we are facing on a continual basis that need to be addressed because there's a spirit behind it we'll be right back Robert hotchkins the now of God CD reveals the power of the great I am in your life discover your ability to reach past time into the eternal realm of heaven to lay hold of the breakthrough order today for only nine dollars plus shipping and handling call 866 nine eight zero five four six four and ask for an offer three six four or go online to Patricia King calm life affords us many opportunities to leave an eternal mark in history in the end all that matters is what we've done for others what I love about Patricia is that she is just a solid laid down lover I see everything that she does what you see is what you get just a real person it's encouraging to see what God is doing or her life we can do more together than alone I love this ministry I love their outreach to sex trafficking and kids at risk when you partner with this ministry you get to make global impact into people's lives feel like the Lord has aligned me up to just surrender her mantle and gifties you partner with Patricia because she is a sold out lover of Jesus just because I'm connected I receive it it's just like sowing and reaping they're just so you're gonna get abundant so when you break through for him he breaks through for you God blesses us when we look forward in our faith I just encourage everybody I'm a partner it just takes you up to another level partner with Patricia King to spread the love of God around the world well welcome back we're in this fascinating discussion about the Lord's power over Jezebel and Ryan we're so glad that you're with us and we want to encourage the viewers to go find out about your online course that they can you know you can learn everything that you need to know about overcoming Jezebel so we just encourage you to go to the website that's on the screen so that you can sign up for that eCourse today but we want to talk in this segment of the program about the way that Jezebel seduces and especially with sexual issues and so because she can seduce with like you know pride issues and that but we want to specifically talk about the sexual aspect so what are your insights into that yeah I well I we were discussing this earlier when I first started to study this spirit I always focus on the control the false prophetic the manipulation and I really had to look deeper like even in Revelation it 220 it said I have a few things against you because you allow the woman Jezebel which calls herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants and then it goes honestly to commit fornication and they eat things sacrificed to idols so it says in my version numeric insanity leads my bondservants astray so that they commit acts of immorality she actually leads them astray his bondservants and a bondservant is not just an ordinary person it's someone who's actually given themself to God completely so in and that's really one of the cornerstones the spirit there's a very unclean sexual side of the Jezebel spirit and when you find this spirit out of work in society in the life of a person in the life of a minister like we were talking about it opens up this sort of sexual deviation of impurity and I really believe even when you look at John the Baptist and and his beheading that was the manifestation the Jezebel spirit the Bible talks about Herodias bringing her daughter into dance I believe there was seduction involved in that there's a scripture in the Old Testament where they're talking Jay who's talking and says what piece so long as the whoredoms of my mother Jezebel and or witchcrafts are so many so you see literally the spirit of whoredom they're working and it really really looses in the realm of powers witchcraft power against the mind that you begin to be drawn away one of the means of the word seduced is drawn away so in the area of sexual sin we know the Bible said it's the only sin that we commit against our own body and oftentimes especially dealing in the ministry if somebody's got a sexual bondage they've got something they've dealt with maybe they've gotten deliverance they've gotten free from it now they're functioning a high level ministry and they get busy they get tired they get weary and the enemy tries to find that vulnerability and come back in but we gotta stress this is not just a desire they thought this is much deeper than that it's actually a demonic onslaught against the life of a person and in corporately I really believe this has been the spirit that has totally dominated the entertainment industry from backroom parties and dealings that we're hearing about to actually the content of so much media that's really changed the sexual identity of our entire nation and the nations of the world it's been that Jezebel spirit because part of prophecy and you know this is using the voice so that's why your ministry uses the media voice what Jezebel has used the media voice to prophesy uncleanness to bring identity confusion and seduce or draw generation away from purpose Wow whoa I tell you please pray for your leaders this spirit is a governmental level spear in the demonic realm and it goes after governmental leaders in the church and many church leaders over the years and especially over the recent 10 20 30 years have been taken out by the Spirit and it actually says very clearly very clearly there that that that she leads she teaches and leads the bond servants of God the bond servants these are as ministers these are the ones who who have sent their life apart to serve Him leads them astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols this is a witchcraft a heavy duty cursing spirit sometimes people will say to me well if we're in the Lord we can't be cursed but the thing is Jesus said the Prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me so even the Son of God himself so we have to make sure our soul is congruent with the life of Christ and that there's nothing in us that a Jezebel spirit could land on if you've got landing strips I was just working with a minister just recently beautiful man of God gifted in every way with so much potential but there was landing strips within his heart that he did not take care of and this spirit got him big-time and it destroyed him his ministry his marriage as his team I mean it just attacked everything and of course the whole body gets affected and that is what that spirit wants because people start jumping ship they leave their churches they they don't even follow God anymore and that's what that spirit is after so we have to walk very carefully well in like you said it hits at a governmental level so the Jezebel spirit excuse me it's coming after high-ranking leaders is coming to affect groups of people and in the seduction is to draw a bond sir in a way but then delay a trap for the whole group involved yeah and we have to be so merciful and caring and praying because when someone gets snagged by this spirit we'll also then go and condemn them to death as well so yeah it's it's it's a heavy thing isn't it I want to share the prophetic word from Johnny and lo he delivered this word it's a long word he got it on March the 25th at 4:47 p.m. and so I'm going to read part of this word he goes into a warning for the body about pretty much giving over to this spirit but in in this one portion it says if you're a pastor spiritual leader or otherwise anointed in quotes he said it is never ever okay for you to engage in any extramarital sexual behavior period just because you can feel still feel the anointing after illicit sexual encounters does not mean that God has an exception for you Sampson was deceived by this very reality he still had physical strength though he was sleeping with Delilah and so it says he did not even know when the Spirit of God had left him until it was way too late the original gift from God will always be on your life but at some point the erosion of your character will cause your gift to fall off as it were and no longer be accepted many of you are in the sleeping with Delilah but still feeling anointed stage but don't be deceived by it there is always a consequence for sleeping with Delilah even if people are still being healed delivered getting saved or otherwise minister to I think that's one of the deceptions is not right in that that you know the Spirit will come and seduce but then the anointing is still so strong that they don't even deal with it right away so it gets worse and worse and worse yeah that's a fascinating thing that's a sober warning but the anointing is really a gift you know if you're called to worship ministry you have an anointing for that and you could stand in front of a crowd of hungry people and they're gonna draw that anointing but I've been saying a lot recently on the glory round and I believe the glory realm is totally a deeper realm than the anointing don't get me wrong I love the anointing we need it but the glory realm is really that up close proximity goodness of God manifesting that I fill you only get with intimacy and a lot of times when Jezebel begins the seduction and you fall into the trap maybe you start engaging wrong thoughts then maybe you are having wrong conversations you haven't maybe crossed a physical line but you're crossing emotional lines but like you said the deception is just still sensing the anointing but that glory is not there because that glory comes in the place of surrender I believe one of the things God is doing in prophetic people in this hour is releasing words like that clarion calls trumpet words because deliverance never happens without clarity and there's a lot of wonderful people I believe people watching this that are anointed that are powerful but they're being ensnared right now that seduction is at work and they've yielded to it and they've got to close that door because Jezebel wants to say to you look you're still in on it you're still able to worship you're still able to pray you're still able to prophesy but those things are gifts the glory is that up close intimacy and I believe we're in a time God is really calling his people into the glory and I believe the prophets are prophesying the glory of God but Jezebel wants to shut that glory down and one way is through this seduction and I believe that every leader every minister needs to take evaluation they need to have people in their life that can say to them look this area over here is dangerous they need to be submitted in to people speaking they need to be in services where other people are releasing the word of the Lord so it shuts these doors not you know you said it early not that we're fearful Jesus overcame so we've got victory but we need to be wise to shut those doors exactly and you know have good accountability that spirit works in shame and all kinds of stuff that will oppress you and make you feel that you can't even go and talk to someone about it but you can and good accountability will help you you know if you're starting to feel a little bit seduced by that spirit you know in in the beginning stages go tell someone have some prayer into that because you are an overcomer and you are not is not in God's plan for you to be down in anyway and if you know people who have been seduced by this spirit pray for them and pray for the recovery pray that they'll get out of the deception and cleanse and back on track because together we are going to defeat this spirit in the face of the earth and it won't be able to trouble anyone that spirit will be sorry it ever tried I want to thank you for joining us on today's program and join us again next time know this above all else that in the midst of whatever you're facing that God loves to you with an everlasting love he really really does and will you go and share that love with someone this week god bless you life affords us many opportunities to leave an eternal mark in history in the end all that matters is what we've done for others what I love about Patricia is that she is just a solid laid down lover I see Jesus in everything that she does what you see is what you get just a real person it's encouraging to see what God is saying or her life we can do more together than alone I love this ministry I love their outreach to sex trafficking and kids at risk when you partner with this ministry you get to make global impact into people's lives they're like the organiz align me up to just under her mantle and gifties you partner with Patricia because she is a sold out lover of Jesus just because I'm connected I receive it it's just like sowing and reaping like just so you're gonna get abundant so when you break through for him he breaks through for you God blesses us when we look forward in our faith I just encourage everybody I'm a partner it just takes you up to another level partner with Patricia King to spread the love of God around the world
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 73,159
Rating: 4.8677044 out of 5
Keywords: defeat, jezebel, patricia king, larry sparks, apiritual entity, cross, calvary, Ryan LeStrange, PKEL18-34, 1834, ELTV18-34
Id: QG8itRQrW-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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