Proof Chris Hansen Is Lying To Save His Now Disappointing Career – Body Language Secrets

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does body language prove chris hansen is lying to try to save his now disappointing career and keep his sleazy quick cash grabs alive find out next [Music] welcome back to the channel shakers derek van shake here derek van shake derek van say why does that name sound so disturbingly familiar maybe because your secret screen name is i'm shaking you what do you mean by i'm shaking you derek that's right chris hansen it's time for you to get shaked you all surely know of the now 60 year old chris hanson from the mid 2000s with his to catch a prayer tv series on dateline nbc how you doing all right you have a seat overnight shirtless what are you doing here i'm chris hanson with dateline nbc we're doing a story and what was going on in their mind come on over here and have a seat please it was intriguing and also seemed to provide a civic good whether it was technically entrapment and tv sensationalism that's for people with law degrees to battle out but chris hansen was at the top of his game then and was even spoofed on south park why don't you take a seat oh i don't want to take a seat have a seat no i'm just gonna go take a seat right over there however that was until he got caught in an extra marital affair sued for 105 million dollars over the texas district attorney's death was fired by nbc and then in january of 2019 was arrested for writing a 13 000 bad check for what you may ask it was to buy his own promotional items yes chris hansen was apparently crumbling financially and in a last-ditch effort to make money he was sadly trying to peddle have a seat t-shirts and mugs online so what does a former tv host do when he's over a million dollars in debt and the mainstream media doesn't want him back on their networks yeah start a youtube channel he immediately amassed a substantial following because of his name recognition however his internet presence started to seem like it was just a cash grab to get some quick ad revenue and to promote scam offers now with pressure mounting from other influencers exposing him chris hansen decided to have a seat i will be the guest and i will take your questions as i have a seat for you to clear up what he defended as just one big misunderstanding but was chris hansen lying to you to keep his cash grab schemes alive we're gonna break down chris hanson's of body language along with the evidence to finally reveal the truth now let's get started there's been a lot of criticism and quite honestly a lot of misinformation being peddled by content creators i know exactly where this is coming from and i know exactly why yeah as you all know chris hanson speaks like a turtle so we're going to cut out many of his oz ums and pauses so we all don't die of boredom let's talk about this john crossani situation some call john chrysonia scam artist chris hanson has been known as the voice of justice what's going on so it was quite eyebrow raising when the two started working together occasionally i will do video projects that are a little different than the traditional journalism i've done at this moment when chris talks about working with john crossani he leans back in his chair with his arms crossed indicating defensiveness and some insecurity surely because he's now being outed for seemingly using his name anywhere he thinks he can make a quick buck so one of the content creators said it was a scam it's a scam because they said it was a scam that's not the case chris there's real evidence a new breed of criminal looking to make a quick buck at your expense this is scam report that's right chris hanson is the face of an internet company called scam report and it seems to be the home where chris hansen promotes his uh very curious products look at his company's website this tactic is commonly referred to as inoculation in psychology and marketing ever get an email that says in the subject line this is not a scam what do you automatically assume right it's a scam the best way for scammers to promote their scam product is to make you think they are the biggest scam fighters just because it's marketed as as free and easy and it can make a ton of money don't just fall for any shiny object that's thrown your way it's to give people the perception that they are the good guys should be trusted and they couldn't possibly scam you legitimate products don't need to announce everywhere that they're not a scam because they come across as legitimate and not a scam let's look at chris hanson's debt relief secrets offer isn't this a little ironic since we recently heard that chris is over 1.5 million dollars in debt and look at this product chris is promoting with john krasani salaries in america are decreasing every single year you need to add way more to your current salary to increase your quality of life chris anson what are you doing supporting this ridiculous get-rich-quick scheme stop trying to create your own path as an entrepreneur you will fail here are more real results from people just like you but he's helped a lot of people with with his projects did you notice any possible deceptive body language watch again but he's helped a lot of people with with his projects yes when chris was defending john krasani we suddenly noticed him giving a self-comforting hand massage a slight stutter with his projects pulling his cheeks back a bit and showing his bottom teeth and looking away out into the distance which together in that body language cluster indicates massive uncertainty that he doesn't fully believe what he's telling you he's being deceptive therefore chris seems to know the truth about john crostani we'll meet an expert in the field of home-based businesses for every legitimate work-at-home opportunity there's probably a hundred scams [Music] so who would use such blatant deception to pad their own bank accounts huge amount of money in one day online personal facebook you're using your social networks what you're doing is you're selling to friends and family you should spend a couple minutes looking up the company looking up the founders looking up who you're going to be working for make a post say hey here's a free training which taught me how to make money online check it out ten thousand dollars this is what's called a create an email and you send that email to every person you've ever talked to send out 400 emails that internet money is going to ask you for no matter what you're going to have to enter into your your best defense is common sense for scam report i'm chris hanson is there anything chris hanson won't say for a buck her screen name is at valerie plane valerie claim i'm going to need you to have a seat right over there and you won't believe what she's doing now i'm running for congress congress congress nope chris hanson will apparently say anything for money he even does political smear commercials what reputable journalists would soil and sell out their good name by hosting a political smear commercial like that any public figure who constantly sells out would start to experience backlash from their fans and following which is exactly what chris hansen is experiencing now he's selling out his long-term future for a quick cash grab and is becoming known as the man whose words don't mean very much because he'll say anything for money you are now on the front lines in a battle against a predator called kobit 19 coronavirus that's right in march of 2020 covet 19 was in full focus by the mainstream media chris hanson of course jumped on board with many many video interviews including one that seemed to be a promotion of a very curious product with an outrageous claim watch and see if you think anyone was deceptive i thought it was interesting that the surgeon was a medical director for a company nano vapor biotech and not only does it immediately kill the virus it will kill the virus that comes into contact with that service for up to 70 to 90 days 70 to 90 days this disinfectant supposedly lasts 70 to 90 days the doctor's body language appears deceptive of course with nervous fidgeting tight lip smirks etc but what do you think about chris watch again and notice his congruent reaction to the doctor's outrageous claim kill the virus that comes into contact with that service for up to 70 to 90 days 70 to 90 days this nano vapor biotech product was not at all the focus of the interview at all it was buried about two-thirds into that boring hour-long interview where fewer people would hear about it and they only talked about that product for a few minutes if it were a paid advertisement we would expect it to be brought up much earlier on in the interview and talked about longer also yes chris's reaction to the outrageous claim is actually congruent showing signs of skepticism on his face with heavily furrowed eyebrows a little inquisitive head tilt along with an inquisitive confused and even slightly challenging vocal tone 70 to 90 days and here is when he addresses the claim see what you think somehow there was this misperception created that this was a paid endorsement this was something i thought was interesting it was not a paid sponsor on the show right we don't notice any body language clusters of deception and combined with what we know about the interview and his congruent body language during the interview it probably wasn't paid however chris never seems to want to admit any wrongdoing so watch him deflect it does disinfect surfaces really chris disinfectants have been around for over 100 years there are many disinfectants on the market but they don't claim to do it for 90 days kill the virus that comes into contact with that service for up to 70 to 90 days chris is just deflecting with what the product can do because he doesn't want to emit any wrongdoing of allowing that apparent scam doctor on his channel and this is approved by the government by the fda this is an fda approved product you're going to hear a lot of sales but we really need to stick to scientific evidence we've all heard the expression if something sounds too good to be true it probably is you know how some people are just gullible well that's chris hansen being gullible is usually not a major problem for most people but when you're an investigative reporter and people rely on you to be inquisitive and critical yeah it becomes a real problem who is anonymous gene it's suspected that chris hansen knows this anonymous gene who seems to do chris hanson's bidding of getting dirt on suspects see if you think chris hansen's body language is deceptive and then we'll break it down and why is he working for you well this seems to be one of the questions of the hour i do not know who anonymous gene is i do not know who anonymous gene is yes a few indicators of deception which formed a small cluster first chris tries to give a convincing head shake but winds up subconsciously transitioning it into an incongruent head nod we also notice a subconscious eyebrow flash along with the start of a duping delight smirk while trying to hide it by looking away indicating he seems to know who the person is notice his duping smirk builds as he continues talking while we also intertwine some additional evidence proving his deception again i don't know who gene is i don't know whether it's a man [Music] he is a woman you know i would tell him not to do a lot of the things he's done whether it's a group of people what his actual motivations are i don't know i have no control over him for anybody to say that he does my bidding it's just not true yes he definitely seems to know who anonymous gene is and notice how chris gets stuck in between pronouns very typical of a liar he does what they do what they do whoever he is what were your motives in selling the onision story if you're unfamiliar onision or james jackson is a famous long time youtuber he's recently got a lot of attention for his numerous fake crying fits and has been accused of some terrible things chris hanson i'm chris hanson was covering the story on his youtube channel by basically just interviewing anyone who has ever heard of onision more on that later chris wasn't doing real investigating or conducting sting operations instead he was acting like those slow-moving network news channels that repetitively cover the same story night after night with just a different guest even though chris's coverage on onision was slow moving his viewers were interested to see it all play out on his youtube channel however news broke that mr mainstream media sold it to network television well i didn't sell the onision story television has the potential to take this to a wider audience and to increase the potential that we will see justice here a larger audience doesn't really have much to do with justice being done clearly chris sold his rights to the onision story but didn't want to come clean to his audience about the facts so listen closely to the words he uses to try and deflect using a technicality you just don't take a story and sell it it's just not how it works yes chris says it's impossible to outright sell a story you don't own and chris is correct because chris hansen doesn't own the story as a whole but what does chris hansen own yes he owns his telling of the story that's what he can sell seems to have sold but just doesn't want to admit it whether or not we continue past youtube on any of these things something that we'll take a look at at the appropriate time chris hanson is such an old guard old school news reporter and seems to look at network television as the major leagues we're the big money and seems to be using youtube as a way for him to springboard back into network television what chris doesn't seem to understand is that times have changed and if you have a big youtube channel you're in the major leagues i'm not a i'm not a youtuber i'm a reporter who has a youtube show and for him to say i'm not a youtuber just shows his antipathy for the youtube platform kind of like i'm not like you all i'm a real corporate elite establishment news reporter who would want that title apparently chris hanson does as you all know i love being called a youtuber i'm proud of what we're doing on this channel and for chris hanson to put down what most would consider a dream job it's just sad and apparent that he's a corporate elite establishment media drone i think that at some level there's frustration on some content creators part they couldn't advance the story as much as i did because i have a background in journalism and in television and the ability to garner a larger audience oh really chris hanson you think you're being attacked by content creators because they're jealous of your mainstream media news reporting skills only a corporate media drone like you would put out boring interview after boring interview on your youtube channel and call it value i believe that i was able to take it to the next level go out to washington state to knock on the door one thing he does have though is name recognition which made onision's 9-1-1 call hilarious 911 what are you recording hi uh there's a person who's been stalking me online and they just showed up to my house i didn't see any weapons i just saw like six guys in my driveway and one of them is knocking on my door and the one that's knocking on your door is he the main one that you said has been stalking you yes okay and what do we know his name at all what it's chris hanson how much research do you do for stories there's been a lot of uh speculation that chris anson would interview just about anyone as long as they'll say something dramatic that would give him a quick catchphrase such as this lady who never met onision but somehow got obsessed with hating him when she first saw him in a youtube thumbnail image watch holly hayes has a site called and one girl he told her he looked like shrek and we never heard from her again well i do a lot of research i log on youtube one day to thumbnail of shiloh and some guy standing beside her every hair on my body stood up on end there are a lot of folks who just don't make the cut i could feel the darkness coming off of him i could tell he was just completely hollow as a human being check backgrounds an unbelievable number of victims who are like oh my god he reminds me exactly of my ex there are some people who have come forward and claim things and i could never verify it i'll never be on the show when you say starve yourself to death people didn't actually die no they died thin inspiration zen inspiration stands for thin and inspiration you look at a picture of a really really thin woman and he'd use it as inspiration i think he could go to prison for the rest of his life and i think his wife should too the inspiration is part of her reasoning for wanting to put onision and his wife in prison for life i have no idea what's really going on with the onision story i just know he used to throw fake temper tantrums and videos because some of you asked me to analyze the body language on those to see if they were real or if it was just bad acting but everything with chris hansen seems to be for the quick [ __ ] by keeping the onision story going getting some easy views on a topic that already has viewers interest sarah's laptop and cell phones do you see anything in there that is evidentiary stop don't mess with it this was give it to authorities oh yeah mr lifelong investigative reporter has been accused of single-handedly ruining the onision investigation hanson apparently advised one of onision's most notable alleged victims could not send her electronic devices over to law enforcement but instead to send the evidence directly to him and his tech guy to tamper with it and surely for him to search through to gain extra insight for his youtube channel which then of course is to make additional content on it which is another cashback my cameo videos now cameo if you don't know is uh a service where people can buy a video a message charles carroll vice president joe biden derek van sheen what does that name sound so disturbingly familiar why does that name sound so hauntingly familiar have a seat take a seat right over there derek i'm going to need you to have a seat right over there but going through some transcripts we're going through some transcripts i see some very suspicious activity it's a sort of behavior that could land you in a dark kitchen be interrogated by me did you really think it was okay to sniff the hair of that young girl do you think it's appropriate to look at feedbacks during pandemic stop it now i'm gonna need to get some help day and night in your room watching youtube channels racing around town lamborghini taking young women for rides i hear you've gotten into the epstein pilot program in the meantime i'll be watching i'll be watching i'll be watching we're watching you a couple prank requests came through you also need what's commonly known as a bs detector surely this former dateline nbc emmy award-winning investigative journalist has one of those bs detectors right what do you mean by i'm shaking you derek well maybe not at all also watch this one of which involved something called the escobar cell phone hey guys chris hanson here of hanson versus printers and to catch repair i just wanted to tell you all that i've seen this amazing new smartphone called the escobar fold 2. it appears to be the best phone out right now i've been looking at the transcripts so have a seat check it out and remember i'll be watching doesn't chris anson remind you of ron burgundy from anchorman who would say anything as long as it's in his teleprompter from the entire channel 4 news team i'm veronica corningstone and i'm ron burgundy go [ __ ] yourself san diego chris is this former old school mainstream tv reporter and if you notice he seems to just focus on how he's saying everything and doesn't put much thought into what he's saying now in this next part watch for chris hanson's deflection some content creators tried to make this look like somehow i backed a real product i backed pablo escobar that couldn't be farther from the truth right he's again amplifying the accusations against him and then denying those amplified allegations against him a very common strategy to try and deceive most understand that chris hansen is not this big supporter of pablo escobar but we're constantly noticing him using his name face and voice to say anything for a quick buck so chris hansen the real question is how did any semblance of your bs detector yes detector not alert you that this could be a scam product that you would be supporting or did you just not care because he wanted to make that little cameo video so he got paid your 50 bucks yeah chris hansen's quick cash grabs are very distasteful and deceptive to all of us because we all knew him as an investigative reporter who was supposed to be all about justice and we now find that he seemingly uses his reputation to support any scam or shady product that comes along what he doesn't seem to understand is that as a media personality his reputation is everything by selling that out like he's doing he'll get some quick cash flow for now but he's quickly eroding away his reputation and soon those quick cash grabs won't be available anymore because no one will want to hear him say anything because he'll be known by everyone as the guy who's willing to say anything for money there's so much more we can cover on chris hanson along with the behind the scenes detail of that cameo video he made for me that will all be on my more channel so remember to subscribe to my more channel so you don't miss out on that extra insight give this video a thumbs up if you think chris hansen was disappointing give this video a thumbs down if you think chris hansen wasn't disappointing at all now in the comments what do you think of chris hanson's quick cash grabs let everyone know in the comments below hit that subscribe button now so you don't miss out on new body language and investigative videos i've been watching you that always seemed to shake up youtube and i'll see you at the top [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Derek Van Schaik
Views: 142,376
Rating: 4.8030787 out of 5
Keywords: body language, chris hansen, have a seat, body language of a liar, to catch a liar, Chris Hansen: From TV King to YouTube Con Man, john swan, Chris Hansen: the Internet's Biggest Disappointment, Chris Hansen: An Internet Disaster, john crestani, tehmimi, nicki swift, the truth about chris hansen
Id: xo0y4kDT24c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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