Body Language of Who Won The Presidential Debate – President Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden

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who won the trump biden train wreck of a presidential debate we're gonna break down their body language to find out that's next welcome back to the show shakers derek vanshake here first this video is nonpartisan so if you're looking for a partisan take on the debate now's your time to click off of this video on september 29th 2020 donald trump and joe biden had their first of three presidential debates but with president trump recently diagnosed with covet 19 this may be the only presidential debate we're gonna get in 2020 which may be a good thing because it was widely viewed as a train wreck before we dive into the body language interpersonal dynamic here's the debate highlights like you've probably never seen before watch looking forward to this mr president not what you've said and it's not what the party is saying everybody wants to go socialist and socialist right now i am and they're gonna dominate you joe you didn't want me to ban china i got rid of the individual mandate that was the worst part of obamacare chris yeah that was the worst part of it let me ask my question i'll ask joe and we will protect the president of this debate this is open discussion joe you agree with bernie very lucky tonight as well i i graduated last in your class tonight i think i probably have a much higher iq than you do ended up in the top half of my class i was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year i graduated with three degrees from undergraduate and i'd be delighted to sit down and compare my iq to years byzan now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class that he does not have three degrees from college and that he was not named outstanding political science student in college president can you let him finish sir no he doesn't know how to do that listen you agreed with here's the deal just lost the left i i you just lost the left folks do you have any ideas socialize medicine give numbers better health care at a much lower price because either way he doesn't know how he does already he fixed it to an extent you realize if you're both speaking at the same time please let the vice president talk vote now that was really a productive segment wasn't it keep yapping man the people understand yeah 47 years you've done nothing exactly what we should be doing well you didn't do very well in swine flu 14 disaster economic recession you made up by the way maybe you could inject some bleach in your arm and that would take care of it this is the same sarcastic and then i see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute one minute and is there a way we can do something like that uh by injection inside or or almost a cleaning i would have said sarcasm so here's the deal and by the way to the scientists that are in charge by the way they will have the vaccine very soon you'll have the vaccine soon you want to pick up 47 years you've done this let's add this to ben if you would have had 200 feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask i've ever seen president trump has tested positive for coronavirus he tweeted just about six minutes ago and i have a mask right here unless he gets a lot smarter did you use the word smart there's nothing smart about you joe from nancy pelosi right now in the united states people should not be walking around with masks you're sure of it because people are listening really no closely to this right now people should not be white there's no reason to be walking around with the masks i want to ask you both i'm the one that brought back football big ten football because you aren't president screwing things up you're the worst president that america has ever had taking care of you're talking about billions of dollars because and you will have a depression it was the weakest request wait wait china with mexico china he made a fortune in ukraine in china in moscow that is my son did nothing wrong at first i think he did mr president he got three and a half testified moscow i paid 38 million dollars show us your tax returns of the people who are testing you've already fired most of them because they did a good job it's hard to get any word in with this clown can i be honest it's a very important try to be honest the answer to the question is no ukraine no i sir with a billion dollars that is absolutely not true okay you're doing it you're going to be okay true i said you're not getting the billion i'm going to be leaving here and i think it was about six hours i looked i said i'm leaving in six hours if the prosecutor's not fired you're not getting the money well son of a [ __ ] got fired such a single one of them this is not about my family or his family all right that's the end of the segment we're moving on it didn't take you were interruptions i'm appealing to you sir to do that sir there's plenty no less than you have but you say it is i i know a lot more about it are you in favor of the lord stand back and stand by again i don't know who proud boys are but whoever they are they have to stand down let law enforcement do their work that is he has an answer for hurricanes he said maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon i never said that where they want to take out the cows [Applause] is did any of you actually expect a normal presidential debate in the year that's as messed up as 2020. doesn't 2020 seem like we're now living in an alternate reality kind of like what happened in back to the future too somewhere in the past the timeline skewed into this tangent creating an alternate 1985. but now let's get into breaking down body language along with interpersonal dynamic and debate strategy to reveal who seemed to have won possibly the only presidential debate we'll see in 2020 now let's get started we see donald trump first wearing basically what he always wears dark blue suit white shirt and a tie with some kind of bright color in it in this case it's red his tie is a little bit more muted with less red in it than sometimes he would normally wear sometimes he would wear just a bright red tie it takes a lot of confidence to pull off a very bright red tie because if you don't come across as very confident that red tie is just going to make you look like a little boy wearing a red tie but here he's not wearing something extremely bright just a little bit of red which indicates that he's not looking for a ton of attention right here okay very interesting body language joe biden did right there first let's talk about his outfit but look at joe biden's necktie notice there's no new additional colors in the necktie matching his shirt and his jacket which actually matches what joe biden wants to do in the debate which is just not stand out but just blend in not have any gaffs not to risk swinging big knockout punches at trump because those can backfire if he misses and that's all the case here because joe biden is significantly up in the polls over trump right now at the time of this debate when joe biden did that body language gesture of putting his hands out and then closing them and holding it like that that indicates that he was actually looking forward to this this is probably something that he was thinking about for some time even though he doesn't really have to do anything extravagant doesn't really need to overtly win the debate he just needs to play it safe but what this means is pointing at him like yes you're here i'm welcoming you yeah and then closing his hands like this indicates that he wants trump he's looking forward to this debate the lack of shaking hands here actually may have contributed to the animosity because shaking one's hand creates a connection between the two candidates i felt their touch i have a connection with them i'm gonna be respectful to them gentlemen a lot of people have been waiting for this night so let's get going we're not elected for three years i'm not elected for three years so we have the senate we have a president it's elected to the next during that one of the big arguments and talking points that the gop makes is that well yeah trump probably interrupted joe biden more than joe biden interrupted trump yeah that's obvious but joe biden interrupted trump first and here we actually see that it actually is the case and how much that actually contributed to a train wreck debate that's up to you to decide period of time during that period of time we have an opening i'm not elected for three years i'm elected for four years and 100 million people jill the hundred million people is totally wrong i don't know where you got that number the bigger problem something that we're going to notice a lot is how much joe biden smiles when trump goes after him smiling when you're attacked generally comes across as supplicated that's not a good thing when you're trying to come across as very strong and presidential you can handle the tough things that are going to come your way and you're going to be able to guide the country a better approach is really to just shake your head and not smile at all not saying that you shouldn't smile at all in a debate you certainly should when maybe you crack a joke or maybe you kind of get at somebody you can kind of show how light-hearted you are and likable you are but you don't so much you want to be smiling when you're being attacked it comes across as both supplicative and nervous not so much of a good look if you want to become the leader of the free world however donald trump has the opposite problem that joe biden has donald trump doesn't come across as very approachable or likable during this debate we really didn't see donald trump laugh that much during the debate or crack jokes or become light-hearted or show any likability he just really was on the attack the whole time two million people because you were very late one big thing that we'll notice throughout is that joe biden really gets distracted and seems to be intimidated by trump and you know what can you blame the guy donald trump is one of the strongest debaters strong not necessarily good but just strong which i guess leads to being good because he doesn't let his opponent get anywhere with anything usually sometimes in a debate you'll come to agree or even agree to disagree trump will just go after you and after you went after you and just make it so that everything you say is completely wrong and we'll just completely suck the air out of the debate the draw you didn't want me to ban china which was heavily infected the president also is opposed to roe v wade that's on the ballot as well in the court in the court and so that's also at stake right now and so the election is all you don't know what's on the ballot why is it in the ballot because why isn't it it's not on the ballot it's on the ballot in the court on the court this is what donald trump does donald trump is a master at this type of thing which is frame control but notice trump frame it and also not give an inch to joe biden which also comes across as extremely strong trump has a frame and is not budging on his frame normally in a debate the two parties would come to an understanding but with donald trump it's all offense and no concessions at all which basically comes across as extremely strong but there is a downside of all that he comes across as sometimes not very likable or relatable because all he wants to do is just go on the attack attack attack and it may get his base all riled up and be like go after biden yeah this is what we were looking for all year but for the independent voters they're kind of feeling like hey why don't you just admit something well there's nothing happening there donald would you you don't know her view on roe v wade i don't know what we just saw there is a massive frame control by donald trump he does that so well time and time again and joe biden caving to donald trump's frame control i don't know if he noticed donald trump was on the offense with his frame of hey you haven't really talked to her you don't know her exact view on roe v wade and you don't know her view on roe v wade but of course in an election year where donald trump wants the evangelical vote he's not going to nominate a supreme court justice who's pro-choice he's not going to do that to get someone to be on the defensive you need to be on the offense and that's what trump does throughout the debate is just constantly offense offense offense and very very little defense and if you're on the offense the whole time and the other person is on the defense the whole time you're usually going to win the debate usually however there's some rare circumstances when you're too much on the offense and you're just over the top and you don't allow your opponent to actually get into any trouble where you don't let any of your blows to actually land and you don't let your opponent actually squirm you're not going to win the debate because you're just offense the whole time and you're not letting your opponents squirm or showing their weaknesses at all because you're constantly just getting them out of trouble by saying more and more things the worst part of it let me ask my question a big criticism in this debate is that the moderator were just getting talked over and no one was really listening to the moderator here's what i think about that i don't think debates should have any moderators at all you may be saying oh you're just being facetious no i'm actually serious i don't think these presidential debates when it's just one-on-one i don't think they should have any moderators at all so basically we could just see a cage match between the two opponents round one settle it out in front of the american people for an hour and a half i think that would be freaking cool also both sides should have a piece of paper in front of them that says all the issues that should be covered in the hour and a half that's it and the american people and the media we all know all the issues all the topics that need to be covered in the hour and a half and we get to see what they are like working with each other and disagreeing with each other arguing with each other and managing time and who takes the initiative who takes leadership who says hey you know we're talking too much on this topic let's move on or hey hey okay all right we'll agree on this or disagree on that and let's move on you know actually see the two work together i think that would be freaking cool what do you think so we're cutting health care what about all of the things that we've done yeah it's very rare specifically for us to see joe biden look at donald trump and attack him very few very rare face-to-face argument type head-butting interaction between the two and instead what we notice is joe biden looking at the moderator when he talks or sometimes looking at the camera the camera is actually effective to actually address the american people that's that's good but joe biden doesn't look at trump very much and some may be saying oh well maybe he's just trying not to give trump too much credit or he's just so hard to look at because he's such a bad person or anything like that that could be the case but in addition to not looking at trump he also says the word he and looks at the moderator does not say you looking at trump or suggesting trump you and the reason that he seems to be doing that is because donald trump intimidates him and when you feel intimidated you are more likely to lose your train of thought and that's the number one thing is not lose his train of thought not come across as a stumbling bubbling old man not have those elderly moments of not understanding what's going on or what questions asked or anything like that it's just the beginning if we get reelected from the time i got to the senate 180 years ago you know as well as my tenure as vice president and keep in mind he's not just some guy that's just rarely on tv he's a career politician he's as career of a politician as you could possibly get i think his first job out of law school was being a u.s congressman on the manifesto we call it man that gives you socialized medicine look hey are you still not gonna listen to him right here it's obvious what's going on donald trump is trying to antagonize him trying to get him to lose his train of thought because that's what's really gonna actually create the headline and you can see both candidates strategies perfectly right here donald trump is trying to heckle joe biden and trying to get him to lose his train of thought and joe biden there is like okay be quiet i'm trying to think i'm trying to focus on what i'm saying i can't really focus when you're talking i can't really talk at you when you're talking at me on the manifesto we call it man that's because you socialize medicine look hey are you still not gonna listen to him it's hard for anyone to go toe-to-toe with donald trump actually having your opponent heckle you as you're trying to say something coherent and intelligent back is nearly impossible and donald trump surely knows that and what he's trying to do is trying to get joe biden off his game and trying to get those moments where joe biden has one of those gaffes or or just loses where he is or has a long cricket pause but here's the problem as i was saying before if donald trump all he's doing is heckling donald trump is filling that cricket time with his own words fact of the matter is i beat bernie sanders not very much i beat him a whole hell of a lot i'm here i'm here standing facing you joe biden gives a little bit of a jab at donald trump but notice he points his finger says you but doesn't look at donald trump again it's very intimidating to actually look at the person who's attacking you and speak coherently and not kind of lose your train of thought especially when you're in these early signs of dementia like joe biden may be i'm not here to call out his lies everybody knows he's a liar more looking at in addressing saying he to the moderator and not saying you and looking at trump but you i just wanted to tell you that i i i i want to make sure you ordered less in your class now watch joe biden attack trump and give him a rare look while he's doing it and see what you notice you picked it be surprised the wrong guy the wrong night at the wrong time listen right he didn't say it very confidently and say it with a lot of conviction and strength like he probably practiced they asked me would i like to debate this gentleman and i said no i said if we were in high school i'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him [Music] it's surely because of what trump is doing is intimidating joe biden right here we get to see trump's tactic of how he's trying to get joe biden to fumble watch you agreed with him sanders said the matter of fact there is no manifesto numbers let him speak mr number two he just lost the left and pause see right here as we said before it's obvious what trump was trying to get him to do joe biden goes blank in the debate that would create the biggest move for him in the polls kind of like you may not like everything that i do or tweet but i mean look at this guy he doesn't even know where he is and he just goes brain dead and you know would you really trust him around the nuclear button number two you just lost the left number two i you just lost the left and at this point right here this is where trump should have stopped talking but when i hit play notice what happens you agreed with bernie sanders on a plan right donald trump then bails out joe biden let him finish let him talk trump already flustered him he was going to either say something dumb or go blank but he bailed him out and he kept doing that throughout the debate donald trump just can't shut up and just have joe biden have the moment that donald trump was trying to get joe biden to have you can even notice his loss of train of thought when he resorts to calling donald trump a clown socialized medicine 10 million people their health care that they had from their employers because of his recession more submissively not looking at trump and instead looking at the moderator and addressing trump as he and not you oh i want to give numbers better health care at a much lower price because he doesn't know how now in this next part notice trump doing his heckling and then notice joe biden and what he kind of blurbers out it's quite odd but again trump was just talking so much that he just bailed biden out from having that moment watch he doesn't know how to do that he fixed it he has never offered to fix it to an extent he has never killed as you might know but probably does as you might know but probably does oh between 750 and a thousand people today are dying when he was presented with that number he said it is what it is well it is what it is because you are who you are this moment right here and these types of moments were very powerful for joe biden what he was able to do is look right into the camera address the audience point at donald trump look at him briefly call him you instead of calling him a he and then addressing the moderator those moments of joe biden's were extremely powerful however they weren't very frequent because trump was continuously heckling him and then joe biden didn't feel very confident or comfortable looking at donald trump and attacking back and pointing and shouting and saying you did this you you you instead as we saw what he would do is go the more submissive route even angle his body a lot look at the moderator and call donald trump he not fully addressing donald trump addressing someone who's heckling you is hard enough for anybody nevertheless someone who may have some form of dementia you may be asking did joe biden have any of those senior type moments that donald trump was surely looking to get out of him and everyone was waiting for and seeing if he actually was going to do excuse me medicaid you just lost the left you should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and get in in your golf course and go in the oval office car but i was asking a sir about masks well mask must make a big difference you have 19 companies 91 companies federal i mean in the fortune 500 manufacturing went not whole excuse me number two number three they said it would take no you were number two no chris chris they said it would take a miracle are you talking about i'm talking about my son beau biden you're talking i don't know i don't know beau i know hunter hunter got thrown again there weren't that many and the ones that did come through kind of lost their impact all joe biden needed to do in the debate to both win it and to accomplish his objective is just survive is not to give any of these big hits or to come across as stronger than donald trump or tougher or more of a leader or more of an alpha he didn't need to do any of that he just needed to survive because donald trump was lower in the polls than joe biden he needed one of those big moments basically to turn joe biden into a meme so who won the debates basically joe biden was able to accomplish his objective donald trump was not able to accomplish his objective therefore i guess joe biden won the debate joe biden was generally able to come across as someone who is not completely in dementia where you know you're afraid that he's gonna push the wrong button in the white house and something terrible is gonna happen to the nation so therefore that's all he needed to do his bar was so so low now in the comments why do you think donald trump or joe biden won the debate let everyone know in the comments below hit that subscribe button now because we don't want you to miss out on new body language and investigative videos and always seem to shake up youtube and i'll see you at the top [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Derek Van Schaik
Views: 200,474
Rating: 4.6514106 out of 5
Keywords: body language, donald trump, joe biden, gop, 2020 debate, trump biden debate, 2020 presidential debate, presidential debate, who won the presidential debate 2020, who won the presidential debate, who won debate, stand back and stand by, presidential debate highlights, presidential debate reaction, who won the first presidential debate, donald j trump, trump covid, trump covid 19, trump has cornavirus, debate hightlights, first debate cold open - snl
Id: lnMiCMA_0-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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