Borough of Dreams (Ep. 9) │ The Unsleeping City

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live like a rat die like a rat a helix of rats swarms over her and as they crash down she is gone we're looking for a 16 or higher [Applause] hey everybody let's take a little trip to dreamland slumber slumbers easy zzz the train rocket i make eye contact with pete and in my mind say i owe you an explanation and an apology come let us walk here in the sixth borough welcome one and all back to another episode of the unsleeping city oh our numbers are foxy today wow look at this uh say hi intrepid heroes last we left our intrepid heroes off they uh had miraculously fought the ghosts of new york's crooked cops commanded by the onyx badge of epona cirillo since hastily by rats and summoned the train to dream making the l train run on time for once as the train to nod pulled into the station uh the heartbreak of pete's knowledge that words had been said about possibly having to deal with pete through means of violence had left the party shaken trust damaged however arriving at nod apologies and amendments were offered not only by kingston brown but also by not the monarch of dreams who also said an apology and an explanation was owed the shimmering star-filled skies of the sixth borough snow rising from the streets into the celestial heights all of you exit the l train purple sparkling with gold the unicorn skitters off into nod see y'all later make sure to hit me up if you got some time to party oh exiting the train is the six of you not who begins to float towards a diner and oh yeah and like a creepy way creepy way to serve still jet black eyes unfocused staring ahead this is fine um alejandra walks off the train as well takes his hat off and goes i can't believe it not land of dreams this presents a ripe opportunity for some study i can't believe i am seeing it here in the flesh and not through a crystal ball this is really cool uh you have a crystal ball i have like a hundred crystal balls did you show me my way around one one time i just i got an ex-husband i'm curious oh i know it's not healthy oh for sure i gotta tell you look between you and me i've been married many many times the first time is rough but you get used to it we're in this place is crazy right you're right um you guys see that the little like driver's door of the l train opens a little like the driver door opens up uh and wally walks out uh and goes oh dang this is not canarsie ah uh that's this is my son wally oh my god go say hi do you wanna i'm a rat okay i'll go over excuse me sir oh thanks okay sir hi i'm a firefighter i'm here if you have any questions yeah oh thanks sir thank you i got turned around they promoted me to conductor but i think i took the train in the wrong dang place you are molly i'm your dad what i'mma do can you see me [Music] red jesus um it's you're my dad i'm your dad i'm your dad um listen i'm so that explains so much but my real dad is the man who raised me and his name was bruce cugrich and i understand that you might be my biological father but somewhere out there is bruce and he's the man who raised me god am i part of rat can i fit through stuff molly the way you resp you're not believing the wrongs like we're in a magic world do you can you see what do you see here wally does it look like a lisa frank trapper keeper it does look like alicia frank trouble he's seeing all right uh well wally i am i am bruce kulgrash i was i was kug rich rather i i was turned into a rat [Music] just starts crying and sits down he says so wait i want those messages from red jesus it was my dad the whole time yeah exactly we i wally i've been uh i didn't know how to tell you because i thought that it would uh i guess i didn't give you enough credit i thought this would uh like uh screw you up more knowing that your dad was a rat but i i think maybe i just prolonged it and uh wait a minute so david said that you did a bad thing that you were bad and that you had to flee the country and you were like on a tropical island with a bunch of stolen money that part is not see david's a ball buster he's mostly right i am a piece of [ __ ] uh but i uh i never i never got away i was uh polymorphed uh you don't know what that is i was turned into a rat uh permanently uh by a curse uh by somebody who i i i screwed over so i your your your brother's right about uh most of this stuff about me being you know a bad guy takes his hard hat off that's a lot to take in yeah that's a but you know wally i was gonna uh there's this whole other magic part of new york and uh you know i've been uh afraid to kind of show myself to you for my own selfish reasons but i i i think this is really good i think you know i i know you've been lonely kid and i i think uh i think maybe we can you know make you some friends pigeons talk and stuff what yeah yeah there's a pigeon that's got a hard crush on your father oh what's his name uh perry that's cool uh chewy hug dude is that cool are you mad at me you see lucy says i thought you were mad at me i should absolutely start bawling i could never ever be mad at you while he is he picks you up and goes you're way fluffier than most rats sophia takes out a disposable camera and gets some pictures ricky's just openly weeping oh my god this is beautiful he gives you a big hug and says i always thought i always knew there was a big rat in the sewers and the tunnels that was looking out for me nobody ever believed me none and i always thought it was rat jesus cause it was like you know i lost having a dad when i was young and then sort of like out another city or someone upstairs was looking out for me it means a lot more than it was you the whole time dad wally we abs i do not deserve you absolute beautiful bastard no truth truth be told yeah you you helped me when i was first uh you your brother your brother was right i did i did a lot of bad things i stole a lot of money from people and um i was punished for it i was i was turned into a rat that's why i don't look like i used to um and i was i was a bitter angry person and i was just hiding in the tunnels wasting away but i you know i i would watch you and i would see the way that you know you treated people and uh you know i you helped me more than i could ever help you wally well shucks that means a whole awful lot and and now that we know we can find a way to turn you back from a rat uh yeah i you know i kind of don't mind it at this point my life's been a lot better since i've been a rat yeah you should see him with a perm he's actually very attractive okay then we'll turn me into a rat eh that would be cute as hell do you want to be a real one all right i don't know this is the gang by the way rich i work for the mta uh this was supposed to go to canarsie we're gonna get this as a maintenance issue so we're gonna get this fixed the shooter's passed you don't have to you don't have to do that okay just enjoy it why don't we go get some food yeah that's something there we go um nod has already sort of progressed down oh the great babies uh uh you see nocturne's ryan says nod i prefer nod to gray baby i am gray but i'm fully not a baby hmm what did the great baby say it's too far away would you say you're not a baby not yet a woman or a man oh that was a britney spears reference i'm so sorry i'm not going to go i'm dropping myself out of here like how do we get involved with all of these [ __ ] idiots and all of these people have focused on like the right answer just met his son um you see that uh uh wally without even asking picks you up and puts you on his shoulder oh yeah uh you ride around he goes my dad's a little rat please heard uh absolutely who does no we don't deserve it you don't deserve me yes ox is like playfully jumping around as you walk um uh everyone here make uh make uh uh uh perception checks if you'd be so kind everything was so sad i would also like to take a look around with my mirror of bananan and sea do i still have magic do i still have my powers uh uh as you guys walk so anyone that beat a 1500 perception check as you're walking and you're going to suddenly going while he's kind of talking excitedly also alejandro is casting identify on the different magical items he's got from the bodega um so there's a kind of stuff going on and it feels really wild and fun here also there's a lot of noise coming from nod i would say that there are at any given point between five and 20 shooting stars crossing the sky here and they do make it kind of cute noise and you can hear kind of bubbling and chattering from inside various buildings although the streets are kind of open and not very populated here those that beta 15 notice uh as kingston walks through this realm everything here is missed on the ground that goes up to about your ankles where kingston walks the mist recedes from kingston a little bit and kingston is walking on sidewalk uh that appears underneath him cool um uh and this and therefore the snow doesn't kind of hit him because the snow is issuing from the mist um you had a 19 right pete you look at this and it is somewhat melancholy as you look at it the dream world is receding from kingston out of respect for his station and the power that he represents in the same way that you're able to tap into wild abilities when you're in the waking world but as a result of that this sense of whimsy and wonder and joy that everybody else seems to be able to partake in while they're here seems to out of respect and deference but abandon kingston kingston doesn't appear able to see the reflections that you guys are seeing the fun house mirror of the glassy buildings that you pass by where you guys see all these strange potentials and images and fun illusions kingston's reflection remains his own here and doesn't change into something else and there is a stoic silence that reflects a deep sadness as kingston walks through this place whoa i'm glad i rolled low on that perception check it out yeah yeah i think it was made even sadder by the fact that nobody else notices and everyone's just like wow um you see what a great baby can i fly do you wish to fly you begin to float up into the air i grabbed her edges you grabbed his ankles misty your umbrella pops open um and you i got you i got you you see the ox jumps up and grabs onto your purse sofia you guys whisk away off into the night sky you see that the woman in the moon turns around and goes oh lovely it's been it's been so long you look great you look great you look great um you see uh she uh swirls a wind of moon dust around you all of your clothing sparkles and you see that all the denizens of this place start going hey it's misty moore and they start clapping um you see kind of shaking like uh no days off uh as you fly away um you see that there is this incredible uh public marble statue at a flying grand piano that begins to twirl around you in the air and says ladies and gentlemen the incomparable the one and only misty more climb you to the moon a free misty moore show uh that is a 26. um incredible uh misty you your illusion magic doesn't even cost spell slots here uh you watch the most heart-rending performance of fly me to the moon as this statue plays the piano and accompaniment you actually fly up to the moon and as you sort of hit the last final note uh the moon actually leans and kisses you on the cheek uh uh you are effectively blessed uh while you're thank you uh you see she says i loved you my whole life oh no i've loved you my whole life uh you see she looks like i make out with the moon misty and this giant moon start really kind of going at it what's happening you're holding on to her legs i'm pulling on your mouth clothes open for dark mouth for like 1940s hollywood there's like a lot of laws about how much you can kiss so it's like full closed mouth but like moving back i feel like there's [Laughter] you feel incredible here uh you also have a lot more control here over how you appear uh uh your your illusion magic you think you can kind of cast it here kind of without too much trouble at all uh so it feels very elementally similar to fairy here which you haven't been back to centuries uh the only difference between this place and ferry that you can kind of feel intrinsically is weirdly fairy is a little bit more conservative than this place is fairy has like kings and queens and hierarchy and laws about like eating food in places and doing favors for people why did why else would i leave no kings no masters that's what you get in new york city exactly so you're having a ball here um you eventually descend back down um you guys follow nod uh into towards the banks of the east river and you see that nod just starts walking into the east river uh just submerging in the water and starts to kind of glide effortlessly underneath the water of the east river um i'm going to follow you just follow i take out a little nip let's do this you guys go down the water exists purely kind of on the surface and as you go through uh the sound is the quality of being underwater but you're not wet it just feels very chilly and brisk down here uh housekeeping doing yeah just stopping wet and unable did i like i see all of these things like i watch her kiss like make out with the moon yes it's just for me like there's no flying or those sorts of you are unable to fly here and as you approach the water the water parts as you gather uh can i run up to kingston and hand him like a little tupperware salad that i had in my pocket you hand kingston a tupperware salad hey man i got this to go at a restaurant i was at earlier i don't know if you're hungry all the drugs in the salad no did you put drugs in this this is so it's actually a sober cell so this is this i mean the fact that you have a word for salad as opposed to this one is a sober celery you just put ketamine over the tomatoes um it's funny sounds good but this one isn't like that thank you pete yeah uh i don't know appreciate uh you know maybe i'll eat it later yeah um you hold this sweet thing as you hold the salad from pete you feel kingston a little bit of the joy of the dream realm seep in through your fingers through this little tupperware of salad um and you see that a bunch of the little cherry tomatoes in the salad turn around and pies pop out and they go we're good for you [ __ ] this [Laughter] i thought you said it was a super sad it is a sober story why the cherry tomatoes talking to me we're in the dream world man okay ollie look at the tomatoes oh look at that what's your guys names and you see they say we're all named as steph i took some of the cherry tomatoes in here jesus christ oh my god we're gonna make him strong and healthy thank you tomatoes for your nourishment are you religious i feel like you and wally should hang out ricky see why i said i oh man look at you he says i i think i see you before i got the fireman's calendar cause i love heroism oh yeah i definitely i'm mr march on that hi i'm wally kogrich i work for the mta nice to meet you wally we could be really good friends i feel like okay okay great okay you're my best friend awesome you're my best friend so he puts an arm around your shoulder and then grinch's crying on both of you oh my god this is just such disgusting grubby tears um you guys begin to walk along the floor of the east river um as well the floor the east river you see there's a bunch of like uh sort of toilets filled with treasure down here and bathtubs overflowing with silver coins you see that on little like anchor chains covered in algae and sort of seaweed there are these giant king beds that are just floating partially in the water and you see that each bed has like a little mobster in a pinstripe suit with a bunch of fishes sleeping with the fishes are they pixies human monsters i mean that's so peaceful do these kind of bad guys deserve such a nice issue yeah look as again they may be mobsters but they're great supporters of the odds so can i try and wake one up oh who's i'm trying to sleep here you're waking up on my fishes as the fishes start swimming around what'd you do to sleep with the fishes what'd you do to sleep with the fishes i crossed the don i ratted them out to the feds which god don confetti oh no uh lucky luciano oh okay all right good work wow hey ricky you're gonna get a clue soon i'm serious i feel like it's coming i feel like i'm eventually gonna figure a thing out yeah you can tell sester about it uh do you have service um uh only people that have sprint have service here um amazing you guys uh continue on um you see this enormous diner at the bottom of the east river uh called poseidon's diner and you see there's a huge statue of poseidon holding a trident up on the top of it but inside it's like chrome milkshake machine form mic account or top uh you see that there's a bunch of merfolk waitresses but they are like you see that there's a very like big broad uh mermaid woman older like in her 50s she's looking at a cigarette and those like horn rim glasses with a chain around them uh seashell bra but then like a little waitress apron around her fishtail swimming around and there's a little name tag on the seashell bra that says uh helen on it hey um will you you guys try this idolity yeah yeah i i do have a little quick question about i don't want to be rude but and as a fairy you know where i'm coming from if we eat here we can still leave right oh yeah there's no rules about that no i don't know what about that i just need you to know she's looking out for us look there are a lot of strange rules in these other dimensions and let's do it when you go to another place it's good to know about the collection we have a low cow menu oh for sure sweetheart okay yeah we got the whole hands a little thing it's at the very bottom after beverages on the last page oh this is great it's not just cottage cheese everything that's every other question i understand um you see that the menu is like the thickest menu in the world like gleaming diner mints in a silver bowl up at the front counter uh and a bunch of these mermaids sort of swim around it seems to be like a lot of different like greek myths here you see some like you know dryads over in a corner there appears to be some like tritons and various there's like a parking lot outside that has a bunch of hippo campfire like giant seahorses and stuff and they look at the mints yeah you take a look at them yeah you see there's some other little mints there okay question them about dawn confetti uh cool you take a minute see the mint looks up at you and goes know this i am intended to be eaten after the meal to freshen your breath should you hold on to me for too long i will get chalky and crumbly in your pocket and you may wash your clothes with me and there will be a sticky patch on them for aeons to come it's a risk i'm willing to take ask him if ask ask the men if it's true that there's little there's uh lots of pee on them i saw 20 20 and they said that there's lots of pee on mints just a quick question what's your name my name is ronaldo renault and caster renata manticaster do you are you covered in pee by any chance only my own thank you too you guys sit at this giant corner booth uh alejandro uh finishes identifying the objects and he says these are truly some remarkable treasures from um the bodega of lagrangata that you have discovered uh you see he says this here is the grill of persuasion by putting it in your mouth you have honeyed words that can affect the hearts of those that you speak to sick um this uh is the holy grail detergent it can restore not only the clothes but the very soul of the wearer this is a really jacked up thousand hour energy it can i mean this will put some pep in your step for a long time and this is the bagel of all things you see he says the bagel's toppings contain everything in creation in microcosm simply shake some of the toppings onto a paper plate and you can read the fortune of the world in the toppings themselves sick hell yeah oh my god i'm glad you didn't eat it yeah i definitely almost said i'm sorry i really encouraged you to eat it i mean your shits would have told some real stories there if you consume the bagel of all things you will disperse your essence throughout the universe what a way to go is that good it's supposed to be it will destroy your ego and your identity but bring your consciousness into alignment with all of the cosmos also it's very good toasted i hear you should get it toasted maybe i'll get it toasted and then maybe if i'm like about to dial pop it okay yeah you're probably gonna make sense i can unhinge my jaw did you see how many mints i just ate should i just drink this now yeah don't don't do it right that was an hour energy that's for 42 days she's louise you just don't sleep once consumed the imbiber is immune to sleep effects and exhaustion could i just not sleep for 42 days oh oh my god i'm not telling you what to do first don't drink that on an empty stomach let's grab some food do you have huevos rancheros here can i tell you yeah we got yeah we gotta wait i would actually love some cottage cheese with some fruit on top of green yeah we got your egg cream for sure right uh can i [ __ ] is an egg cream oh my god and cream is um and you see that uh helen brings out your various orders they come out right away it's diner food it's the best the lighting in here is perfect you guys can talk as loud as you want and you could have this feeling of wholeness and oneness you're slicing into my egg cream hey you need to get your egg your fork knife out of the glass you get an egg cream which is an old depression-era new york delicacy it's seltzer chocolate syrup it's sort of a and eggs no eggs in it it's basically a sparkling milk fluffling chocolate milk sparkling chocolate milk it's a low rent milkshake from the era of the great depression and but thank you but thank you but thank you egg creams are for everybody there's a turkish uh carbonated yogurt drink that i tried a little while ago and now i felt the same way about that oh i might like that yeah maybe fermented things you see nod uh is sitting next to pete and nod is just leaning their head against pete's arm and kind of nod looks very much like a little kid whose like beloved older brother has just come back from college and is just a holistically and warmly just obsessed with pete leaning their head against pete's arm um and you see that nod looks up and um can hear your bottles like of stuff rattling around in your coat and just opens up their hand and makes a bunch of insane uh purple gold-flecked pills show up in their hand what what is that if you want i don't know it just seems like you like that kind of stuff so i thought i'd make something oh that's uh well that's a perfect segue um you guys i uh i'm gonna try to rain and reign in the drugs uh you know it's great i i get it you know there's a lot of things i'm learning right now so there it's gonna be hard enough sober so why you know why add mushrooms you want a drug go for a run anyway none thanks again um i'm gonna just pretend that i didn't scroll past that in my feed um that's really nice of me i'll just keep these you know but uh thanks nod smiles as i've stated before welcome all of you to the dream realm not i'm so happy that you're here pete you saved my life thank you so much yeah as i was saying before i owe you an apology and an explanation dark forces are moving against the will of new york city both the waking world and the dreaming every so often in a time of great peril and change it has fallen to me the gray orphan of new york to select a champion to fight for and advocate and wield the power of the dream realm because of the dismissal that most humans give to their dreams for getting them upon waking and the cynicism and realism that pervades most people's waking minds the dreaming cannot send a message to this champion beforehand because these messages would be dismissed and batted away even you pete for so long believed that your role as the vox phantasma was simply an illusion or hallucination yeah i thought i was going crazy and i'm so sorry for that no that's fine i i mean you just entered this too right this is nice i mean i thought i was drunk for a while which i was i shouldn't i shouldn't say i wasn't i thought i was high for a while yeah but it gets out okay yeah maybe you should start a sobriety club i'm gonna do a dry january but i'd like to enjoy the holidays so yeah [Music] you see the nod looks over and says so unfairly and unfortunately the only way for me to make contact with the vox phantasma is to choose one which means that you didn't get a say in receiving these powers and for that i'm sorry that's okay yeah it's it's been cool so far i'm glad i think i chose right you saved my life and i think for whatever it's worth pete you're a pretty good hero oh god it just means a lot to me thank you thanks um you see that nah looks out and says there's some other business to discuss though which is that robert is moving against new york city yeah what is robert's deal why does he want to control the flow of magic why is he he it seems like he's trying to like create spaces that cannot be accessed by magic and scribed upon and are confusing magic in other burrows robert moses constructed what the gramercy occult society understands as the highway hex see alejandra's eyes go wide as this is said she goes so i can't believe that that's true you see that um does he have anything to do with the fairy you see that nod sort of acknowledges that and says mr moses wanted wealth and power above all else and therefore sold his soul to hell and to ferry i actually meant a different fairy but go on you see uh nod looks up and they say [Music] if nothing else robert moses is one of the most proficient deal makers and power brokers of all time by selling his soul to hell and to ferry he was able to capitalize on both sources of power through magic for most of his living career and when the time came for him to die neither party could collect without risking angering the other faction so it was just double dealing he just he pretended like how do you sell your soul twice isn't there some sort of proof that you would still have it and i mean look i gotta say fairy is not great at paperwork okay you see uh you see nod points to misty and says he made the deal with ferry first knowing that their bureaucratic record-keeping wouldn't reach helen which is like it's no fun we're like a real fun focused people and he loved paperwork he's like oh we trust you bad idea always bad uh you see that nod says uh [Music] robert i do not know robert moses's plans i do not know what he's doing or why he's moving against this but i do know that his mind is fixed on that thing which pete summoned forth at the beginning of his powers which is what i was referencing when i mentioned the words of lazarus misty would you be kind enough to uh share with us uh the new colossus emma lazarus was a very powerful caster this is definitely a thing that i know off by heart just give me a second to remember what it is uh why did i have to look in a mirror to get you why did robert moses have me look into a mirror um you see that nod looks at you and says uh the dream world is a reflection of the waking world and there's a powerful connection between dreaming and mirrors and reflections of all kinds if you remember falling through that puddle the first time you came here they're an easy way to access these other realms well dreaming in the waking world have some they can exist in harmony but more often than not they exist in conflict and a lot of that has to do with the values that are espoused by each you see nautilus even says the nature of this realm is a chimeric one and by that i mean it is the ephemeral axiom in dream and you see that nod summons a little twirling thing of smoke and light and says take for example a child's wish and you see this child's wish kind of manifests in the smoke and you see it is a trip to disneyland and a new bicycle and having a superpower to stop a bully at school and this other thing shifting and shifting and shifting and shifting and shifting and shifting and shifting and then nod looks at you and says but well you already know pete that when you cast your magic in the waking world a thing that can be multiple things when it comes into contact with the waking world you see there's just a bike stationary has to be just one thing that's the power of the waking world when you take a dream from the dreaming and you bring it to life all the things that could have been die and only the thing that it is survives as soon as uh nod says that sophia you and your head here it is what it is um you see that nod looks sort of blankly ahead wally kind of goes wow that i get that um um i do have a little bit of signal down here even though i don't have sprints so uh yeah you can borrow mine no no no it's fine is that a a galaxy note 5. that's huge that is huge yeah i like it i can see a little better i can read it like a magazine no right um not like the brazen giant of greek fame with conquering limbs a stride from land to land here at our sea washed sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is the imprisoned lightning and her name mother of exiles from her beacon hand glow's worldwide welcome her mild eyes command the air-bridged the twin cities frame keep ancient lands your storied pomp cries she with silent lips give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming shore send these the homeless tempest tossed to me i lift my lamp beside the golden door at the words golden door pete you feel above the sky here in dreaming in new york city the golden rectangle that first appeared to you when the voice started speaking start spreading the news nod looks up the golden door what did i do what was that there was a there was a golden rectangle and i think lazarus was talking about lazarus was a powerful fox phantasma in her time in the mid-1800s she was the voice of dream and the dream behind the golden door was what those tempest tossed were seeking you see that citizenship you see that they kind of actually nod and say but the mother of exiles lifts her lamp beside the golden door prosperity opportunity and you see that the black eye shimmer the american dream it's a very powerful dream indeed you see that nod looks and says when you call a little wish or a figment into the waking world it can become a spell a moment a flash a joke a little bit of joy there are dreams that are so large and important that they represent a threat to the cosmos if they are brought into the waking world they're called paragons dreams of such magnitude and importance that causing them to manifest in waking life would break or rupture them just in the way that that wish becoming a bicycle destroys all the other versions bringing something from dream to waking if that thing is a paragon destroys so much there have only been three paragons before this one the golden door is what we call a paragon doorway it is something that is created when a dream is so powerful that its meaning keeps moving back and forth from dream to waking the golden door exists because of all the people that came here looking for it and all of their belief in it and questing after it means that it starts to become realer and realer these doorways happen and they represent a success of a dream becoming so important but also a great danger in its ability to be pulled into the waking world what are the other two was one of them the grand canyon you see the nod shakes their head looks up and says there were three before and they were all a long time before not even anywhere near this part of nod the three paragon doorways that existed before were the pearly gates the mouth of hell and the road to ferry so let me get this straight what i hear from you is that the american dream is one of these paragons and you think that in some way robert moses is trying to bring the american dream into the waking world and so that there's a static meaning for the american dream i think he wants to create a fourth space right there's like a fourth oh like a new very american dream can i do like a history check on this history church how is my history [Applause] how about a nine uh you've got no the so the guesses so far were like creating a fourth space and then also this idea of like bringing it out would create that fourth uh or would yeah dragging it into the waking world would give it a static meaning um you see that uh nod looks to you and says taking the paragon doorway that has existed in new york city for centuries and bringing it into the waking world what club's it dreams shouldn't have just one meaning not dreams that big and not dreams that important i agree so then who was saying spread the news i'm leaving today nod shrinks a little bit at that and says whatever was on the other side of the door oh god it's not the protestant work ethic is it because that is exhausting and i have had enough of it so this guy this guy robert moses also does a lot of uh business in the in the waking world because i knew him uh in the 80s yeah uh so what could be business driven so what does all of this have to why would he want to hurt you why did he want to kill you because i've barred his entrance into nod i think he saw it as an opportunity to capture me and finally get access to the door i haven't allowed him entrance here he's uh deals with like real estate right is it like a certain amount like does he want to be like the first person to get all this land you see nod kind of shrugs says i don't know what robert does or doesn't understand about this place robert is or was undead undreaming can't come here other than physically you know i am old enough to remember when [ __ ] like that used to live in goddamn westchester why they think they can come into my new york city hey wally here what were you where were you on the train i was in the conductor's uh little room the little conductor's uh place where he dried a train and there wasn't you're by yourself i think it was alejandro's music um uh because yeah i was doing by myself i cast dispel magic on wally you see wally goes wow wow just making sure bud hold on not i got one more bone to pick with you with regard to the to the you know the dream folk who we had to deal with in brooklyn i mean what was that about the bugsters you see uh nod says nod it looks a little bit troubled at that and kind of almost like glares you a little bit kingston not says they escaped because pete gave them permission to leave pete wields the power of this realm some something was able to tip them off and what was that gray baby i don't know i don't know in order to create a fox phantasma i have to give a piece of myself and it means that i'm not as powerful here as i would otherwise be who did you give a piece of yourself to [Music] [Laughter] so you're telling me that there's something going on here in dreamland that is uh that is leading to people wanting to come to the photo dream they had to come to new york and you don't know about it the vermians that went to astoria they they're around here they're they're kind of a pest or a parasite mostly the rest of the dream world can keep them at bay but something managed to make its way here and tip them off not robert who can't come here what do you mean by tip them off though let them know where pete was going to be and trick him or or take advantage of pete not understanding his powers to get into new york i think what kingston is saying though it's like where how what is creating the desire to leave the dream world for the waking world or is that just is that just it's great here why would you ever want to leave nod says every night millions of people come here so why wouldn't the people here want to go to the winning world sometimes hey look if you want tickets to the premiere of midsummer nights here let me just wow they have popcorn uh they don't have popcorn but you can get a little bag of mixed nuts okay and a tiny little sippy cup of wine like you're a tiny child but you're drinking wine it's great i love it oh i love those you just ripped the top off nod goes i like the second of the sippy cup uh you see that nod says um but um what's important to remember also is that within the aspect of all the things happening here in nod pete saved me and robert is not allowed to come here there there is a degree to which the golden door has already started to slip into new york since emma lazarus wrote that poem it's been partially there in the waking world but mostly it's still here and not and i have taken precautions robert moses can't come here also the door is locked and can't be opened key to the city the key to the city someone has the case someone stole it from the city could he open the door great baby i would thank you not to call me that again he means in a respectful way like hey baby that happens to be great like a like a uh you see that actually uh uh nod sort of acknowledges that and goes uh and you feel something changed in the dreaming uh nah goes okay i'm glad to know there is no longer a lock on the golden door like punch code we can you can trust us god shakes their head and says so the door is both locked right now but also does not have a lock any longer um does that mean that the american dream is unavailable for the people coming to new york now i do have this done you see that uh the you know nod looks even says maybe you can all go back to the waking world and then i can open the door again or at least let it be unlocked so that those coming here can go through but for maybe a day or two you see the nod kind of looks sheepish maybe for a day or two it'd be better just to keep it shut all the way so as the as the door slips from dream world into the waking world does that mean that the many paths to success become less and less and fewer and fewer and fewer you see nod sort of agrees there's like a there's like a gradient they say they say the paragon doorway is the vessel through which the paragon comes so the golden door becoming more and more real makes the risk higher and higher that something could draw the full paragon on the other side through into the waking world and the closer that is to happening the closer we are to it being one thing for me yeah uh he can't come here but can he go to ferry cause fairy i know is adjacent robert moses won't leave new york city the he owes his soul to both fairy and hell and they sent people to collect on his debt and by the time they got there he had finished building the highways and they could no longer scry through or enter i'm sure you're well aware misty that no one's been able to come seeking justice or things owed to them for a while yeah yeah what does that mean why would you know uh i may not have left fairy on the best of terms but look everybody comes to new york city for a reason i felt like fairy wasn't you know i wasn't growing in ferry uh there's a very strong hierarchy there and you're just like oh god i how many more hundreds of years do i have to pay my dues so they're just coming to claim your presence well that and i may have uh taken a little tiny baby little souvenir with me a baby like a rattlesnake like a gray baby look uh you mean fairies are pretty allergic to iron and iron is pretty prevalent in the in the waking world and especially all this is real gold thank you i appreciate it but you may not investigate to see if that's absolutely good it's all real gold i guess dude that's real gold all right cool they have to verify oh yes no it's beautiful they're beautiful rings um yeah no my shoes uh may have uh technically still belong to to tanya but uh she wasn't using them she never leaves fairy like what a waste of a beautiful thing do you know what i mean titania from the show oh titan oh well i'm sh to tanya from the show but also to tanya from fairy wow so you embodying her on stage is kind of like a [ __ ] you to someone you already stole from mm-hmm a tribute or an um if she can get here and i have her goddamn shoes god damn mister oh misty i mean i didn't think i could love you anymore jeez uh you see that nod smiles and seems so happy with all of you being here alejandro is just in a daze looking around um diner food is delicious i put a little kahlua in my egg cream um that does sound great do we uh do we want to use the bagel to do we have a theory the bagel lets me do uh divination kind of like ask a god yeah let's figure out what's really going on with them my feeling is that there's still maybe i'm harping on an old thing that no one else is still thinking about the laundry of the souls and the trying to i almost wonder what's going on there is he trying to like i don't know i guess the question is is he trying to get into these type places or is he just trying to like keep people out keep people out i think he's trying to make his own he's trying to be the king in new york i think he needs to he needs he needs to be somewhere he can't be like i don't know hell and fairy he can't leave new york yeah i think he needs to say gates though that's a different thing is he trying to get the head he's trying to make it harder for other people he's trying to launder i don't think there's any other souls involved i think robert moses is trying to make himself a newspaper that's a really good theory he doesn't can sell it to heaven maybe or maybe a third place you see that uh nod speaks up and says if you wanted to investigate remember those three realms hell heaven and fairy all used to be dreams before they were so loved that they became real so are there any other oh my god can we go together i don't feel super great about going let's go to hell you see that you see that nod smiles and says misty i would never send you into harm's way but there are some neighborhoods where those doors bless you there are some neighborhoods where those doors used to be so there's a big fairy neighborhood up near carnegie hall where the road to ferry starts oh great do they have manna there do they make i just have not had a drink of mana you see nod kind of like goes you see that helen actually no helen your mermaid waitress says oh they do a manna hat in there that'll knock you out of socks oh my god i love a manhattan this is so great about new york you take these fusions of ideas and and foods and thoughts and dreams and uh you see that not also says way far into brooklyn also the uh the pearly gates are near there as well you could you could or or where the pearly gates used to be before they left but there are forces around there it's the border of the dreaming where it borders on these other realms if you wanted to go and investigate you can investigate these three spots and then use the bagel with what we found yes i think that's a good idea i i do feel compelled to also um meet up with my brother as much as i don't want to see anyone from can we get him to come over to brooklyn we can tuba oh where's hell how do we get to hell's kitchen hell's kitchen you see that yes guys thank you did it i've grown to really like ricky i'm like he's just honestly pure i was waiting for the other shoe to drop and you know skeptical person and you're like there's no way that this guy is i read people i read people for a living you know and i'm just waiting for it uh nod says there's a bunch of ground for us to cover while we're here also at some point pete i would and anyone else is welcome to come as well i know that you've been struggling with your magic i would love to fix that up for you we could head over to the metropolitan museum of memories and give you all of the knowledge of arcana of all the past fox fantasma i would really appreciate it oh my god i tried to do a good job okay i i work hard and really the only thing i'm good at is drugs okay so sometimes when i'm not doing good it's something else i go back to what i'm good at i dip back in the well you know my hand instinctively reaches to as a vlog bag and i whip it out don't don't you don't hand them over kid hand them i'll take them for i'll for safety's reasons um incredible you and the other ones are all of these drugs um and you see that each time you empty a pocket you see that nod uh each time you empty your pocket nod fills one of your pockets that is empty with material components for spell casting so like a little bit of magic gold dust and a deck of tarot cards covered in runes and a bunch of dope magic [ __ ] just starts going into your pockets backpack here awesome jacket damn you look much thinner i just had kilos on me at all times does anybody have a bag of infinite holding because actually this stuff is very heavy and i'm a small one so much lighter everywhere if you can't make money now um i'm sure uh wally uh you know might have a place for you to crash he's kind of i've also got that guest room in staten island cool cool um yeah i well i was kind of staying with um gigsden it's still open to you yes cool uh yeah then i'm sorry to thanks uh cool so you see that you guys wrap up uh you see that um helen comes over with the check puts it down you see that nod looks up at you and says i rule this entire round but i don't have any money i'm a kid oh cool um yeah we can i take out a visa gift card you put it down um dale got this for me for my birthday and i've been waiting to spend it um helen runs the thing you come over you sign for the check your husband got you a visa i told you things weren't going well that's progress you know that's probably i know i've had it for a while uh you see he's good to spend it the check is settled up and nod smiles and says uh while you are here none may harm you feel free to cover as much ground as you like uh i've told you the location of the other pericon doors if you wish to go and investigate them and uh just to double check again uh a fairy just generally distrustful of riddles and and twisted words is there a person or a being called none who can harm us you're so good at this no there's nobody's gonna hurt okay um what about nobody is nobody gonna hurt us uh you see nad goes i don't know god damn it well we'll see you here um i'll be mistrustful if i encounter any uh some question while we're here can we spy on other people's dreams yeah holy [ __ ] yeah but you'd have to go like all the way to staten island you see nad says shouldn't be hard you can all fly up up and i don't like this at all um and then nalux ewen says uh pete you wanna head over to the museum yeah sure um the museum the metropolitan museum of memories memories cool um rad uh so where are you guys all taken off to we'll start with whoever wants to go wherever someone should go to the faye and supposed to go to heaven and hell i don't think we're good on hell i can uh i feel like i kind of belong in hell i'm a bad guy okay i could go to hell could i go to the statue of liberty just to check it out i have a question so i can't talk to my brother right now because we're in the dream world right yes that's correct where would we go to spy on someone else's stream i'm not saying i'm going to do it you see nod says you just have to find them oh but if we like couldn't find them in real life it'd probably be equally hard to find them in it'll be easier to find them here okay uh so if you need some support i'll go with you if you want to no i'm i'm thinking of a selfish mission that has nothing to do with the greater good so i um i have a completely fake set of online accounts to stalk my ex and uh it always sounds like a good idea but boom five hours is gone it's 4 30 in the morning there's a piece of pizza on your chest cause it's resting there while you scroll yeah and it's just you got nothing there yeah you know you're right that's a dead end it's not all that i'm gonna end pizza on my chest and buried eat focus on the pizza focus on the pizza thank you so much pete hey then a dessert you know it's nice to have them but you don't need it oh my god yeah i believe men aren't yeah so why are you that's gross what i'm a firefighter i could just go to hell you want to go to hell yeah well let's go oh well you want to go down yeah i'm going to do that that's your thing i'm sorry does everybody go outside look fairy is going to be much more fun i'll come to ferry then great so no one's going to heaven i'll go to heaven then i guess oh i see that uh alejandra says i will keep you company too okay yeah um so alejandro sofia are going to heaven kug rash and ricky are going to hell kingston and misty are going to ferry and uh pete's going with nod to uh the uh to the museum mitchell museum of memories let's go ahead now and see where we go first cool um awesome uh ricky and cubgrass you guys head out with wally and ox um you make your way all the way hell's gonna get you familiars hell's kitchen is fully burning um huge it's like raging fire here's it's like nightmare has a lot of pull in this realm i got uh just a rag out and i put some water on it just um covered walking along uh you hear uh yeah yeah uh and you see that there's a bunch of demons like crouched like gargoyles around here and again you're not in hell you're in dreaming so these might be demons or they might be nightmares that are wearing a demonic guys whatever the case it looks like it's sort of elementally aligned with that place and you see that a gate opens up you hear a shot go off and you see thousands of little rat men looking much like cug rash like same height same kind of build all wearing suits start running after a sack of money strapped to a little zip line like at a dog race and all these rats they're going and you see that they're like knifing each other and biting each other um that's me um you see that uh one of the guys looks over and goes holy [ __ ] bruce congrats how you doing randy i'm out of the race you see he's holding his guts spilling out of a slit stomach holy [ __ ] man slap slap bloody handprint on your like a little cave you look good man how's it going you look great life was awesome when we were partying all the time and [ __ ] right dude are you still alive yeah dude i lost all my money in 2008 and i blew my [ __ ] brains out in the closet though holy [ __ ] dude hey do you have any money no i live in the trash [ __ ] dude i hear that ah i'm always in pain dude dude me too life sucks so goddamn we are [ __ ] we are yourself we are so funny why you got reconnected with my son hey do you have any money dude and you see he takes a little knife back um this is [ __ ] hard you see um uh ricky do you do have your divine sense active um i can oh no uh actually both of you guys make uh make a perception check for me cool i'd also like to i still want to see if yeah cause i'm seeing all these rats i was turned into a rat by gabriella i guess i want to see if i sense any kind of like witch magic or anything like that for it okay exception i got reception 20 not nat 20 i got a 17. cool you're looking for mad stuff you're looking for the perception stuff you see that it seems like uh there's there is still some connection that you could reach hell through this place your axe is gleaming very brightly uh and you actually hear your axe kind of saying to you like you for the first time hear your ex speak this is a wicked place ricky matsu i'm saying this is a wicked place ricky matsui it's a wicked place this is kug rat my act and i gotta call an act okay this is a wicked this is a wicked place just so you know i think it means wicked like bad not wicked like awesome justino do you mean do you mean looking like bad or weird like cool we could like bad it's a bad place oh okay um you start to notice something which is as you're looking for witch magic you see that the thing that turned you into a rat that magic weirdly has a sense of justice or purpose to it like you're turning into a rat because you deserve to be the reason you became a rat is because your soul already looked like this in other words that spell didn't if i was a good guy it wouldn't have worked if you were a good guy wouldn't work and the reason that your body turned into in other words gabriella didn't turn you into a rat gabriella made your body take the form of its soul and you were destined to look like this and had you died you would have been with these rats thank you gabby [ __ ] me um you see you also notice and see little sort of burning scraps of money flitting around and as you look you see this weird thing nod is already kind of ephemeral but you see at the corner of your vision dollar signs moving around ephemerally they're even for dream they're illusory but you look up and see in the distance the golden door hanging in the sky over the city and you see that literally the thing far away in the harbor that the torch of the statue of liberty is lifting towards she is pointing to the golden door hanging over the city and as you look up you see uh there's something there that's going to require you to like look for magic basically but you can get yeah can i go to the torch or the statue of liberty yeah you guys can fly there and see that you guys fly out you start flying there and you see the statue turns to you uh hello hello are you doing this way looking to the statue of liberty are you here for our guided tour i'm not here for the guided tour i wanted to talk to you about the golden door and also your torch what's going on with your torch i lift my lamp besides the golden door i hold up my axe oh similar problem it's good to see you it is good to see you you are one of new york's bravery is this uh i'm just doing my job to spend your life saving those who are still doomed to die it is not heroism but also a loss you are truly a hero reiki matsui [Music] [Laughter] uh you see that uh the statue uh turns uh to you car crash and says ah and you i studied the rat man yes uh you have come here to see where i point you can see that golden door but so he's something dark at work uh you guys from this vantage point you see that the statue of liberty cast this incredible glow over the city and you see that there is something issuing from and towards the golden door and she illuminates almost this sickly branching cardiovascular system that appears to be overlaid on top of dreaming and you see like blood moving through veins thick green dollars moving all throughout this realm you see that they go towards the golden door and come from the golden door as though a heartbeat over the city is this like the wants of people are people dreaming about is this like greed corrupted by money yeah can we people are always just dreaming about the things they want right yeah you see that the statue says it's a golden door beyond a life worth living prosperity opportunity the things that people came here to seek and yet that dream however pure it can be accomplished through these acts of power and wealth the danger of course lies in losing the dream in the pursuit of your ability to obtain the dream and kargeras the second she says that you think back to your early life and what made you want to be rich in the first place to you know have the power and wealth to determine your own life freedom your family having them go to whatever college they wanted to go to and at some point in the pursuit of whatever lay beyond that door you were unfaithful to your wife you abandoned your kids you never went home and you see that the golden door is shining but this weird overlay of rooting money is in and of itself like a virus that has wedged itself in between the door and the people seeking it and is feeding off of the dreams of this city dude let's fly up and get a closer look at that okay ball of dollars to put it poetically um you guys fly closer go ahead and give me an investigative check oh not perception come on 16. yes again uh 14. you guys uh snoop around up there um uh are you guys using any magic or spells at this point or no i'm getting pretty low on skulls you know what i might i i think i do have a level one spell left i'm gonna cast eating wasn't a short rest right eating was a short rest okay um i'm gonna try to cast like cure wounds on this like virus money that's up in the thing you cast cure wounds and you see that a lot of the money shrivels and turns to dust under your hand as it would do you think with certain healing spells working on it's hard to say you wish you could have gotten a better glimpse of it but as you burn it you get a smell of like the burning money ricky and a similar smell flashes into your head that you smelled a little bit at bethesda fountain and it is the smell of undeath the cat's divine sense you see this weird infected blood system in the realm of dream and somewhere deep within it in the tangle as it goes downtown there is some force of undeath that is tapped into this and is not fully responsible for it but is able to command it to some degree vampires right it seems right yeah all right all right uh and but that is all that you guys are able to glean from there and we're going to cut over to sophia um uh so what's how's it going you and alejandra are flying i'm just like as we're flying i just want to turn to alejandro and say alejandro i got pretty [ __ ] in that fight and um i know we had a short rest and you know i i can i can roll the dice as it were to see how much i but you have like a hill on you or anything like that uh nothing on me i'm afraid sorry all right then um uh you arriving sophia's mind is also on dale right at this point no no that was a good pep talk that they gave us so i'm like not i'm not it's like i'm kind of like i use the gift card i'm like i feel like i took a step in the right direction um cool you get to the pearly uh gates you fly all the way off you're actually near you see that the pearly gates are kind of hanging over where jfk airport is oh my god um uh and you see that sort of through there you see this like airplanes kind of coming in and out of your dream okay i like that uh and you see that there's a bunch of people that kind of are like passing away in new york city that get into this little like airport and take off you see way in the distance there's like pearly gates uh wait you're going to pay five bucks extra to take the airtrain to heaven everything in this city is a grift [Laughter] uh you and alejandra look out and are looking up at these pearly gates um uh go ahead and give me an investigate check okay um [Music] it's gonna be seven so you're you're kind of sort of flummoxed by you're looking around this place doesn't feel as you know heaven the force of like celestia and you see to the pearly gates you can even sense through this like other divine realms too like maybe it's the pearly gates to heaven but there's also like maybe the roman elysium past there maybe valhalla somewhere past there as well that there are like all these realms of like reward and peace and lives well lived uh you are kind of taken in by the peacefulness of it and just those sort of these dreamy airplanes alejandro kind of smiled along with you and goes someday i am going to go through those gates what do you think is on uh what do you think what do you think your plane lands where is my plane land yeah it lands on a runway next to beautiful buildings and happy people kids playing out on the street with hopscotch and my wife wow i have missed her for quite some time as you say that you suddenly hear sir sir sir sir and you look and see a commotion up at the pearly gates you see a bunch of angels absolutely getting their asses kicked alejandra let's get into this uh he looks up and says i think if we go there we might actually die that's beyond dreaming that's that is heaven through there okay well someone's in need so we should probably you see some insane and in that sort of anime way a bunch of angels all fly back in a circle the same time oh my god and lucy renaissance painting you see dale in a little white short sleeve button-up shirt little skinny black tie black pants thick black rimmed glasses kicking a bunch of angel ass and charging out of the pearly gates and zooming with this incredible otherworldly leap uh tears streaming down his face dale has the most cherubic like handsome boyish face and is just jacked as hell incredibly muscular with a couple little like uh you know like a little like name tag for the accounting firm where he used to work and he damn lands on the ground in front of you can he see me he can see you dale what the [ __ ] are you doing here listen i don't i don't have a lot of time sweetie they're gonna drag me back there in a second that i don't understand i thought you were with isabella in fear no he reaches out takes your hand and says that text was very sweet sweetie i would never [Music] i've been there and he points to the pearly gates isabella is the reason that you haven't seen me but not for the reason you think i haven't been in the waking world for quite some time so you're in dream world you see that you can hear angels coming he looks down to you and says sweetie i know this is hard and we don't have time i'm not alive anymore that's really [ __ ] up i'm sorry that i left you know it wouldn't have been my choice i'm so sorry he looks the angels are coming closer he's like you'd have to be crazy to leave sophie bikes and i got your text i wish you the best too you see tears stream down his face he goes when you get to the top i know what it'll seem like but there is someone there there is someone there on top of what you see angels grab onto his arms and begin to pull him back um and fight the angels i attack an angel i use all my key alejandro points i cannot i am a bystander to this i have did not attack an angel you see as you're hitting the angels each time you wallop one of them you see they go i get it fair don't take i'm not taking it personally as um uh but you see eventually go ahead and give me an athletics check i got a 23. that's not going to beat an at 20. what um no they didn't yes they're angels baby uh you see they restrain you and they're they're like bleeding from the nose and they're like we do not hold it against you we know that you're coming from a place of rage and we get it and we're not oh my god do not speak down to me no one hey no one's speaking down but don't tell me you're just doing your job here we go he's gotta be he can't be coming down here he has a job to do on earth oh he's got deer in the backyard to watch who's gonna watch the deer you see dale is almost back to the pearly gates and he yells out he says also what's the problem with a visa gift card you knew what you liked the best and disappeared it was very practical it says i'm trying to always be practical tell jackson i said hi jackson what's the actual [ __ ] my husband is [ __ ] dead uh alejandro looks around and says well this is a lot to process oh oh okay let me sorry let me [ __ ] hold your hair back while you [ __ ] process this my husband's [ __ ] dead i thought he left me and now i find out he didn't leave me which is a cool thing but you know what's worse than that him being dead so let me hold your hand through this alejandro yeah yes so so i so what i said i do take back i thought yeah that was the wrong thing to say i thought you might you've all said wrong things and this was your [ __ ] turn um wait so isabella and fierno killed my [ __ ] husband as you say that you uh feel a like crackle of something around yourself and a bunch of magic wraps around your fists as you say that i'm gonna [ __ ] kill her and i don't think she's going to the great big airport in brooklyn we're gonna cut from there over to um uh we're gonna come from there over to uh uh glamour uh over near carnegie hall this incredible like three-story very swanky fairy bar hmm uh appears uh and it is just decked out and gorgeous this is very much one of those like broadway like where the stars come to drink kind of places i am going to cast um disguise self on me just because i don't want anybody snitching to titania but it's i'm just basically like uh liza doolittle in um at the beginning of uh [ __ ] doctor dude oh my fair lady my fair lady thank you i was like that's not right so i just like have very obvious like dirt splotches across my face and then a very silly little hat with flowers to me incredible blimey this sucks call you some else are you still misty or are you gonna lie oh blimey look at this bar then uh you see a little oh blimey uh riding you see like riding a little pot of gold is a tiny little leprechaun crazy red mutton chops and a bowler hat with a shamrock roy 10 and welcome to glamour oh green gold everywhere i'd like to be kidnapped ringtone oh yeah i'll take one of your manhattans please hold on a hundred comments open for you sir i'll just take water you'll two beautiful sparkling fairy drinks appear in front of you are you crying right now um uh yeah these two drinks appear uh yeah two manhattans up here they are delicious um uh go ahead and roll an uh investigation checks what are you guys checking out oh investigation i have is very low uh i have very high what are we looking for uh i don't fully understand i mean i guess we just came to have two delicious drinks i'll have another round of man ahead you guys just get [ __ ] blasted i guess you guys what are we doing here no we're supposed to be looking for something we this is the thing with fairy you come here for one reason and then you're like oh god i can't remember oh we're like looking up to see about uh oh we should and his soul we should've been seeing about soul the soul is still there anybody around here that i feel like let's roll an investigation check oh have you got any tiny nuts uh modify 20. um you see uh uh a modified 20. i also got a 10. that was pretty helpful right you see that um uh the leprechaun goes what you want some snacks then uh and you see that a little ring of perfect red with white spot mushrooms grow out of the bar in a little circle and good to eat they are and good for you as well oh thank you maybe you should need these like i i don't know what the human digest is that's great i'll i you know i'm good i'll thank this is my favorite um you see in a long beautiful navy peacoat this like quaffed stunning man with purple eyes and sort of elephant ears uh at the end of the bar speaks of the leprechaun and he comes over uh with another two small things of little like absinthe shots with floating lucky charms in them well thank you kindly good sir we are two but humble normal people here yeah we're both humble and normal you know that this guy this this person in the bar clearly is in some awareness here and you can also tell kingston dream land or not you know when people are new to town this guy's new to town um uh what's your name sir oh uh it's nice to meet you my name is bobby goodfella oh new york are born and bred ask him if he's related to robin good felon the second you say that you recognize this person's eyes the form is different but the eyes are the same and you speak to the puck himself oh hello darling it's so good to see you good to see you i understand that i guess all of our mutual glamour's falling away ah well you know lahayam hey salancha do you know each other uh you might have read about me puck robin good fellow if we shadows have offended think but this and all has mended he does a great bit where he pretends to be a stool and then whips himself away at the last minute that that's ever happened to you that was probably him that's me a great bit it's a great bit every time you do it it's funny you see that the costume of bobby goodfellow disappears and there is a tiny little butterfly winged goat seder boy standing there with fuzzy ears uh with a little wine skin hanging around his bare chest how's that [ __ ] peas blossom it says oh she's she's just awful she's always chattering on and oh [ __ ] he's still terrible yeah it's true listen love i've come to tell you she's coming for you how you got my mirror didn't you that was your mirror sorry i know what the orders are lord oberon demanded it oh no she's not back with operon is she i think they're just [ __ ] i don't think that they're moved in together again they're worse when they're together because then they're like trying to one-up each other with helping but it's just [ __ ] everybody else over and then oh it's exhausting you talk about all the characters from the play right the play you're doing these are real people yes i mean shakespeare was a great bod and spent a lot of time in his youth in fairy you see that robin looks at you and just goes um uh i'm comfortable on you right and looks around puts bobby goodfella back up darling you gotta understand you owe centuries of glamour she's coming for you and she's coming for the dawn as well he has not been paying his taxes like he should darling i get my glamour from the people of new york city and all of the bridge and tunnel people that come and watch my shows i don't owe nothing to titania well you and her we're gonna have to hash that out uh you see this is like the most theater bar in the world because everyone's changing their disguises and doing accents for each other someone's like right scottish accents like this no this is this like this is no it's deeper deeper from the resonant here um just a bunch of fairy actors all talking to each other nightmare uh he looks over at you and says also you gotta know sweetheart titania's hurt something's happening in new york the world of mortals is not long for this world come home we miss you oh hey buddy what was that what was that you said about the world of mortals hey best of luck to you you see he looks and says you want to throw in your lot with a bunch of humans i mean look here's the great thing about humans they're mutable they're changeable everything in fairy is just always the same and then you're just there and you're immortal and then you're like i guess i'll throw out these flower petals on the bed again because that's the thing that i do every day and then i'm it's like the only that's why people are always doing tricks you know because it's so boring there that's like well all i can do is go to the mortal realm and [ __ ] with people uh you see that uh bobby goodfellow says you're a call aren't you boy baby come here i have a great agent and i'm sure he would love to see you come and play in new york uh you see he smiles and says when the chips are down remember who your people are misty and vanishes i will remember uh you see that he vanishes in case you look around at all these fairies looking at you like they know something that you don't i don't like this place i have i didn't i felt like i had no pla i i'd like to leave folks if you want to learn an authentic new york accent you talked to my friend kingston brown over here a bunch of fairies keep just your accent i don't really i don't really have i don't i don't i don't talk like um i don't goodbye you split uh awesome pete you head over to this incredible museum that is in the middle of central park where in real life there is no museum it's halfway between the museum of natural history the museum and the metropolitan museum of art um it's resting there it's at a weird funny little angle and you see that there's all this magic pouring into it of all the memories of people in new york cool um and nod um uh says uh come on in is there entry or is it like a pay what you can kind of thing there's a suggested donation good [ __ ] yeah let's go let's go walk right in just kind of you know and you see not also kind of pulls out uh their little like dress pockets and a little dream moth flies out you see that says bunch of bums your bums arch me free uh you [ __ ] walk in and start looking this place you feel as you walk in here your wild magic surge at the vampire club coupled with your uh true strike that you cast on robert as you're going to think of memories you start hearing his voice in your head but you think that it is not him talking to you you think you might have [ __ ] him up so much with your explosion that you're walking around in his mind right now [Music] okay like the room i'm in is his mind yeah well you start to you can feel him in your mind as you start walking through all these exhibits and the exhibits are of the incredible deeds of all of the previous vox phantasma that have been in new york city uh and nod just starts to kind of show you things the art kind of comes to life and moves around it's like the dopest museum you've ever been in because all of the exhibits are moving and changing and chameric and flowing um and we can actually update two things on your sheet right now cool you are proficient in arcana as of this exact moment as you begin to absorb all the memories of the previous vox what does that mean what does that go up to add your proficiency bonus oh sick i had your personal deep bonus yeah uh hell yeah um and uh nod asks you as you start to absorb all this awesome and you are fully getting like you see this like rich woman in the 1920s throwing these giant parties and making the dream of like the gilded age come to life and you see uh emma lazarus in like the late mid to late 1800s writing the new colossus and this dream of america being this place and like people coming to new york to start a new life and basically that each vox phantasma has summoned forth this time of dreams and change and chaos and it was up to them whether that chaos would change things for better or for worse um you see that uh as you're going through nod says for your magic i leave it up to you do you wish to have the wildness of your magic be restrained or do you wish to embrace it and by embracing it seek to mold it towards your vision ooh you see that nod explains you will if you choose to restrain it your bursts will happen more infrequently if you choose to embrace it they will happen as often but you may have some say in how they manifest i like that so far they've been great they've really like protected me and looked out for me but what's the worst thing that could happen in a wild magic surge you see this nod they shrug and go chaos is chaos dreams have a role to play in the waking world and sometimes it shakes things up could i kill everyone i love there's a risk of that but whether you choose to embrace it or restrain it you will have powers at your disposal to help you avoid that i say embrace it you continue to roll wild magic normally but now you will roll with advantage on the d100 that i roll back here meaning you'll get two possible effects and you can choose between them oh cool that's awesome um yeah you see you're like beginning to understand your magic you're like learning it and teaching it um i reach into my pocket and pull out like a little baggie but it has cherry tomatoes in it pop a cherry tomato nice healthy snack you're learning your [ __ ] ricky's got a lot of great tips um as you go through yeah you do hear the robert's voice partially and you're like partially in his mind cool um as you uh walk through um you see you enter a little hall here because this is all the memories everyone's ever lived in new york you do see a hall here and see that there are names on the exhibits of kugrash misty moore ricky matsui sophia lee and kingston brown i look at them um you think that it's getting late late is the hour of the day you could probably have time for one i mean kingston um you begin to walk through kingston brown's life i feel bad that i'm doing this but i'm just like that's the person i've connected with for better and worse the most you walk through um and you hear two voices running through you it gets really weird and trippy as you're going into someone's active memories you hear nod speaking and at the same time you hear robert's subconscious mind speaking as well like almost as though he is unfocused and getting weird images of this not in his conscious mind but in his subconscious somewhere oh wait um if i'm doing this will robert then have some of kingston's memories at his disposal you don't think so okay okay cool um you think that really it's like you're you just have a weird connection to robert now because you surged on him so hard um you start to go through kingston brown's life uh you see you know in the like late 60s early 70s like a young boy running through the streets of harlem surrounded by family and community uh lou uh uh you s we you see like passing images of things uh luke i'm gonna throw a curve ball at you right here and i'm gonna ask you to play kingston brown throughout the ages you got it um um you see uh kingston brown as like a six-year-old uh watching as like a young girl on this like playground outside of a public school is like crying over in a corner with a skinned knee having been pushed down by some of the other boys uh here on the playground uh what does uh kingston young like seven eight-year-old kingston do excuse me yeah do you need a band-aid they wouldn't let me play the game with them hey that's fine kids can be me but we can get that patched up and then we can play you see the scene shifts to kingston uh kingston giving up his own recess to walk this little girl to the nurse's office and showing up there and being there with her while she gets a band-aid on her knee um uh we cut over to kingston in his sort of like teenage years a little bit younger um you see uh that kingston this is a time in your life where your grandmother who's no longer with you in the present day uh is very ill and you see that there's a meeting at school where there is sort of a teacher talking um and speaking to both of your parents winston and victoria and saying kingston is a very gifted athlete we would be able to take him around the country we would travel around um he would obviously not be able to be here in new york but uh this is the potential for kingston to really shine um and you see your parents kind of look at each other and look at kingston i i can't i want grandma sick uh maybe we can talk about it in the future but um i'm sorry but i need to be here uh we see a kingston in his college years um uh speaking to a like admittance counselor to high school saying with these scores kingston if you're interested in medicine you could be a doctor you could be making hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars i mean that's hyperbole but you could be making a lot of money yeah but the problem i mean is there anywhere in my neighborhood where i could stay because i'm not really trying to be too far away i mean especially because i know it's about eight years of school and that's just a long time to be so far but we're talking about scholarships to cornell we're talking about places where you could think of yourself yeah i mean that's easy to do uh but there has to be a way to make this work here [Music] you see a kingston around the age of 30. this whole time in your head you hear nod going dreams and the waking world you represent the force of an individual's dream the need for a person to be themselves and shine their own light kingston represents the other side he has always and forever made the choice to serve those around him and you hear robert going [ __ ] schmuck look at this [ __ ] idiot every advantage and opportunity thrown away and for what and you see uh kingston is 30. there is this insane dragon on bleecker street like this long multi-leg dragon handing him this subway token and saying you will be the vox populi of new york city you have to say that again vox what i've given of yourself time and time again and now images staggered up and up enough just like kingston like missing a party to help someone move kingston showing up at someone's doorstep with food kingston's showing up at a rally for the neighborhood kingston's showing up at city hall to speak on behalf of people that can't speak for themselves like over and over and over and over and over again and the entire city you can hear thanks kingston thank you thanks kingston thank you thank you and all of those thank yous flooding into kingston's body um and you hear robert in your head say no everybody's got one time they do something selfish everybody's got one time they make the call to enrich themselves that's in our nature and you see a young kingston brown looking at liz herrera walking down the street and nod saying to invite her into his world would be taking all of what was destined for her and forcing her into the madness of the unsleeping city uh but you see this like bond of true love connecting the two of them and you see kingston's heart break and reach out and he and liz twirl around in memory until many years later you see him and liz and liz saying we could have a house we could have a car we could have kids i can't leave the city you do i i've explained this before all right you can go but i have to be here where am i you could get your doctorate and we could have a good life together i don't that's not a good life not for me my good life is here and with you but it has to be here you see she looks and says then i think our lives shouldn't be together and vanishes and you see that uh images of possible futures you're like at the edge of memory now going back into dream and you see kingston with an ephemeral changing happy child in his arms and that vanishes and you see you hear nod say dreams in the waking world often at odds and robert says only a fool would give up what he wants look at all that that idiot sacrificed and for what to be alone and sad uh vanishes and you are at the exit of the museum whoa dang um you see that nod holds your hand and says dreams and wishes are your domain not kingston's i'm afraid yeah dang well cool i feel like i understand him a lot more you see that nod sort of agrees and goes i think a lot of what's different about use probably makes sense kingston's given his whole life to make sure that people and places and communities thrive based on his effort and sacrifice but those things like family and community were never there for you yeah yeah i don't have that connection at all see nod looks and says i know i'm not supposed to say this because i'm team dream but there's something to be learned from both i think and uh you guys uh come back from your various quests and missions you guys uh appear back at the l train uh wally gets it uh moving again uh nod waves and says um i'll see you guys uh in a little while i'll be here and again i'll keep this place as safe as i can you guys looked variously like blasted from manhattan and also like extremely haunted i go straight up to kingston like kingston look i went to this museum and i got to pick one person from the party whose life i could go through no no b and i picked you up i feel like i've seen a lot of things you didn't tell me and i'm sorry and then i like hug you oh uh uh as you leave dreaming and cross between the waking world and pete gives you this hug you see that your both of your uh magics intertwine intermingle and for a second sophia you look and see that yin and yang from the monastery of the midnight sun complete above their head and something broken in new york is made whole uh you uh continue on your way um you're right back at the union square subway station i think there's a great pizza place and i really want some pizza just on university place just right by the bookstore we could uh does anybody want to buy a book we saw yeah we saw some uh some kind of uh greed money uh moneyball as it were not the film or the book you guys watched money balls just watch money balls skinny jonah greed okay greed uh is is has some part to play in uh what's going on here there was some kind of uh sort of cosmic uh greed that was uh sickening the city and we there was blood cursed blood too it's it's vampire stuff it seems um i think i'm gonna just drink this a thousand hour energy right now cool should we head to that what's up sofa are you okay you look uh shocked it doesn't really affect any of your lives but my husband is dead what he didn't actually leave me he was killed oh that's good that's not kill though i don't know honestly we didn't really speak and we didn't really speak in uh it was all sort of vague just [ __ ] who stole your husband do you want us to go [ __ ] her up yeah i do want to [ __ ] her up what i don't even know though if she killed him or [ __ ] her i think she killed him but i i can't even leap to those kind of conclusions all i know is that he did not in fact leave me and he is infected do you saw a divine sense acting yes you do yeah i'm just wondering if there's anything near uh well you guys are looking around um uh you guys are also still very [ __ ] up from the battle so you guys might want to like head home and rest and recuperate stuff like that um uh the next day you're gonna see uh uh that actually this next day is uh the 20th of december which is priya's art show over in brooklyn oh great um have given the polaroid around to everyone as the invite and only cub rash refused i'm not [ __ ] taking it that's weird it's cool i'll crawl through a [ __ ] vent before i uh do that come on so you guys all have this invitation to this art show that you're that you're headed to um that day before the art show uh some some people i'm sure have like stuff they got to do sophia i wanted to stop by and see mario i think i'll probably still go through the motions of that you find mario on staten island he's he's not there with the whole family um but you stopped by uh the family house while mario's there he looks up and goes hey so finally she's canceled at the last minute what's the [ __ ] deal you guys are to look at some alligator shoes i actually i think i fixed the prop okay i don't need this whole [ __ ] dog and pony show i'm honestly more of a cat person so just get to the [ __ ] point of it what the [ __ ] is our family doing consorting also how long have you been seeing the unsleeping city and you never once thought to mention it to your sister look we [ __ ] up you know that dad had ties to the mob for a long time we pushed our luck a little bit and got into the confettis there's something going on with confetti and um there's a representative from is it robert moses he looks shocked that you know that name he goes basically robert robert asked us to shuttle money wander it from the confettis and by money i mean crazy [ __ ] like baubles and you know chunks of magic [ __ ] and all this crazy stuff that was part of stuff that confetti was paying to a representative from hell this is a person who's been working with moses for a long time um make an inside check uh 15. uh he's oh i'm sorry actually 17. he's treading carefully around a thing that has to do with dale you can tell okay again just be way more direct i know that dale is dead i know that he's not with isabella and piano i don't know what the [ __ ] happened but i have a feeling that you do okay you know how you uh often called isabella and fianna with succubus yes it was small of me i know it is i i hate it when women go outside i know sophie is not no you okay i don't need i don't need you to preach to me why she is a succubus oh my god oh my god oh my god sophie you were [ __ ] right isabella was a succubus we were laundering money from the confettis to her and dale wasn't like her she's the representative she was sent from hell to look she's tied in with robert moses yes and dale started you know dale was an accountant and he started looking at the books and adding things up and he got close and so who called the shot to have my husband killed because right now i cannot confidently 100 say that it was not my own [ __ ] family look did we know it was gonna happen yeah but he wasn't from the neighborhood he was not right for you he was uh he was uh you know he was a this you know that he i was into some kind of magic right he he was like a chosen one from this monastery or whatever he was some champion who was trained to stop something or other and and he was [ __ ] around and he was nosy and he got his nose into some bad people's business did we do it know that we call the shot no all right well the only reason i'm not gonna go after you right now is because i'm not organized enough to give you the [ __ ] revenge you deserve you see that he just sort of shakes there a little bit and he's like so if you go after isabella you got no idea how [ __ ] powerful she is maybe you should have said that to isabella before she went after me you see um you hear a purring behind you and raised hackles and extended claws mia let's go hunting together you and i yeah i'm ready to sniff out not rats though rats are my friends kug is a wrap we're not going after rats we could get some rats later okay no rats can we just do mice instead of rats you see okay uh all right um and you take off uh into the city um the rest of you guys variously show up at uh this like old brooklyn brownstone loft art space ricky immediately you're looking around and it's like the windows are barred with iron and there's no active sprinkler system and like i don't know we gotta go in man come on okay but uh if i see anything i'll say something okay um you guys enter the space uh you know the prio i wanted to talk to you here you look up to this loft space and see a bunch of people gathered around this like kitchen table um and you see that there's also like a roof party sort of upstairs um uh as hugo priya goes ah peter darling i'm so glad you're here come with me um and she takes your hand and leads you through this art space to this table in the middle of a bunch of onlooking people and has you sit down and says i present to all of you cruelty an exploration of a relationship peter put your hands in my hands not only is this so [ __ ] up this is a pure rip-off of a very popular performance art piece this is so dumb um you see everyone gasps and priya goes like what the [ __ ] is from if you are gonna publicly [ __ ] with me at least let it be original you see picasso is art this is [ __ ] is not up to god as king said it yells that you feel your heart kingston's approval this moment fully heals your broken heart you can write down on your character sheet over priya danger yeah um uh so last name is danger i hate this [ __ ] uh sophia you burst through the door downstairs um uh and with that um uh i think uh uh we'll decide where some of you are in a moment um who is there's also like a big rooftop party where there's food and stuff who thinks they would be upstairs at the bigger party with the food who thinks they'd be on the middle story watching pete and priya i mean i'll always see a show middle uh i'm probably on the roof on the roof scarf and food sophia you burst through the lower level it's just two levels uh three levels there's a rooftop party happening as well archie sophia you have you're crazy jumping i'm gonna say that you probably show up on the roof as well yeah i'm just jumping roof to roof yeah anytime that there's a rooftop party i'm grabbing a drink along the way figuring out what's okay cool awesome um uh rad um uh you uh as you said people start whoo uh ricky you're looking around um you smell smoke fire everyone you hear up on the roof sofia uh a voice say oh sophie bikes i didn't think you were classy enough to go to an art show and you see isabella in fiano and all around her on the roof fire and people scream this from a [ __ ] woman who went to a david's bridal bought a dress and doesn't even have a wedding uh i do have a wedding just not to your stupid dead husband i mean i attack her all initiatives and that's it for this episode of the own sleeping city tune in next time where things heat up at this art show see you then fire there's a fire in the building the downstairs is already fully engulfed holy [ __ ] you see a water tower this is an old condemned building there may be water in it there may not be you breathe in the noxious smoke oh my god i'm gonna go down before i kill this [ __ ] a bunch of artsy devils appear these guys have already [ __ ] us up so much and i don't know how to stop them willie is that you is this your dog dalmatian yeah why all you [ __ ] [ __ ] are gonna burn you're all gonna burn you are you [ __ ] kidding me
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 358,265
Rating: 4.9693799 out of 5
Id: 22jrl5-8tNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 30sec (7290 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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