The Long Dark Challenges - Whiteout - Episode 1

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foreign welcome back to the long dark so we're going to start a new series here it's gonna be the white out series [Music] a monster blizzard is on the way will you be ready when it survives the storm arrives in 30 days stockpile enough food water and supplies in the Coastal Highway Quonset garage before it hits let's get started Astrid that'll work okay so we got 30 days to stockpile enough food water and supplies in the Hut before the super storm lands all right what time of the day is it uh it's um okay he's here memory serves everything here has been looted occasionally you have the locked locker I'm not sure if it's still I'll take that can though um but we're gonna get right out of here and start looting the surrounding buildings as quickly as possible weather looks pretty good they have 11 degrees Celsius a little bit nippy let's look both ways there can be wolves and uh bear in this area uh I want to hit these two houses over here they're kind of in this particular area they're sort of the most dangerous houses to get to because there's just blind Hill here but luckily the uh yeah there's a lot of holes out on the lake right now I see four of them right now sort of in a diamond formation all right so let's head on in here already Highland and let's start looting I don't have any uh any way to wow sure I don't have any Lantern or anything yeah they give me six matches so I can't really use that to stay looting after dark unless I make myself a torch which I guess is a possibility but uh the goal is to find a lantern as quickly as possible so Loop through here as quickly as I can got a some accelerate there get lots of food and once we make it back I'll show you a list of uh everything that I need to collect I don't think I need simple tools but I'll grab it anyway water see oh there's some stuff remover pretty sure I don't need that but uh I'll take it and then we'll just make a series of uh loot runs back and forth I got some mittens we'll take that of course the matches sometimes they hide matches around here I don't see any one piece of wood any oh there's a newspaper roll we can break that down for Tinder we'll need that I haven't searched this cabinet let's search that one some Lantern fuel that's good we will need a certain amount of lantern feel as well stockpiled all right let's head over here nothing there okay well there will be a new project zomboid series coming here soon it's going to be uh I want to up the difficulty with uh some mods and uh change the loot table so that it's like insanely rare loot should make it a lot more exciting and enjoyable to watch just the uh killing Sean Hilton got to the point where it's more like The Sims with uh some zombies the occasional zombie um it really wasn't much of a challenge once we got established at that Firehouse but I want to try uh try upping the difficulty from the get-go and uh probably try to kill one of our other producers okay so that that house is gone I think uh yeah I'm gonna try to sneak out here if I can it's always a good idea to check those mailboxes but I want to get up there to that house the hill there just some drops uh Island House there so we should be able to thread a needle between that wolf and these wolves I'm gonna skip the I'll probably hit this fishing hunt right here but I'm gonna skip these over here for now until we venture off that way to look for items so I'm hoping I can find a storm Lantern here if not here hopefully Jack grab it and then we'll kind of circle back through these fishing hooks on the way back for a drop off of the loot but uh you need to definitely make hay or in this case make loot while the sun is shining because we don't have any way to loot at night and at night it basically it's pitch black you guys won't be able to see anything I'll just be fumbling around missing stuff that house over there looks like it's not burned down so that's good got a new set of headphones um I got the uh Sennheiser oh there's some that's oh those are pistol runs I don't think we need pistol runs I think we need 10 rifle rounds and a rifle but if we bump into a pistol we can use that to stay safe we'll grab this uh wood we do need some reclaimed wood take that wood as well Whetstone I don't think that's on the list but we'll grab it anyway basically just kind of grabbing everything from the time being but I got some uh Sennheiser momentum fours so far I like them a lot I had the hyper X um oh there's a wolf coming down the hill here we're gonna just kind of Dodge him if we can might run over here and just Loop these first yeah we got lots of daylight left so let's do that someone bust over here hit these two because it looks like it might be two now there's sometimes a wolf over here as well but uh that'll give that that wolf uh time to either reset you know sort of disappear or uh call that from a different angle no big deal either way we'll know for a wolf country here maybe it's just that one's burned down right there maybe it's just this one house yeah sometimes it always seems like just this one house let's just run up here real quick okay we're gonna be collecting sticks as well they're different than firewood oh there's a there's a house right there I'll go for that one as well do you want to have extra privacy and flexibility while online sure we all do nordvpn is the leader in Internet privacy and allows added flexibility by routing your internet traffic through any of their over 5400 servers in 60 countries through an extremely intuitive and efficient user interface in addition you can access specialty servers for added security such as double VPN onion over VPN or P2P VPN servers but for a casual user like myself I personally use their proprietary Nord links protocol for maximum speed but wait there's more such as kill switch to automatically turn off your internet if the connection to the VPN server is lost or how about this split tunneling which only routes certain application 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feel not too bad not much clothing yet maybe we'll find something upstairs oh they just threw that in there just to make a liar out of me right there but that is that is some decent clothing that is some decent clothing uh Parker worn by people who know what they're doing how are you unlike people who loot the same place over and over again like me well that Parker's gonna feel nice that's for sure we're gonna be collecting things that we can rip up into Tinder plugs too I think we need about 10 or 15 of those or something like that I think it's this stuff will come in handy I'm gonna leave that book behind it doesn't do any good for us we're gonna throw that shirt on though that was just a t-shirt it basically has real value but we'll take it anyway this type of house pretty good to find clothes in because all these drawers upstairs these clothing drawers and it's already there there we go we'll take the Ragged work pants if we find a uh sewing kit we'll be able to do some repairs um those are leather shoes I'll take those just for the weather in case we find some nice gauntlets or something like that we can always tear down stuff at night we just can't repair without light we have light that we're okay so I'll take all this water because we do need a certain amount of water as well stop here real quick and show you guys the list I don't want to take too much time looking at it but right there if you guys want to pause it so main things that are going to be gold or rifle rifle cartridges uh Hatchet Lantern um lamp oil everything else is going to be pretty easy to come by so all right let's head on over to that other house how are we doing away we should be just fine with weight oh yeah we're good we still got another six kilograms space and that's carrying up a lot of water so let's uh let's make a run for it check the mailbox real quick ammunition like a single bullet in these and you get lucky but not today here we go okay let's see here what do we got I hope nobody needs this I already have one of those I knew like shell produce print uh fire log sure paper roll it'll take us long to get overweight uh this loot table appears to be like a Voyager or Pilgrim or something like that there's a lot of loot that we're running into it's definitely not uh it's not lacking the match is okay I'll take that there come on man where's that store the winter yeah you got me right here somewhere all right I don't want to like half loot a room because then I'll come back in and I'll miss a whole section of cabinets or something you thought I wanted to run into the next room and immediately just check for a storm Lantern gonna be something in one of these oh wow oh maybe this one there it is coho salmon huh that put us overweight mittens newsprint okay so we're overweight now but that's okay it's a good problem to have when you're trying to gather as much loot as possible I'm just picking up everything at this point trying to move quickly if I can drop any of this gear oh you'll be all right you'll be just fine wow lots of junky clothes more junky clothes I think I need that shirt though let's throw on that scarf though while we're here and I'll do a quick check here throw on those pants see if they're kind of meh you know which one's better that one's better for now that one's in bad shape that's a dress shirt so I don't think it's gonna matter anyway we'll find something better that uh put on some mittens which one's the best uh those are pretty good are those those are wool mittens oh okay those are uh fleece uh these are wool so these are definitely gonna be the best ones put those on we got some extra socks I know we do all right here we go throw those on and we got a nice selection of horrible shoes so I guess we'll just keep what we got they're brand new what the heck ah dead guy I don't think I've ever seen a dead guy here before wow he looks different too that's a different ah nice okay we'll take that and we're gonna weigh ourselves down with even more water we're gonna be waterlogged um yeah it's interesting that's that's a different it's a good person what I'm used to we're gonna leave those for sucks though don't bother any more of those lots of uh lighter fluid okay let's see if we can get up to this and throw-ups without you know getting chewed on too much by this wolf that was on the hill all right all right well we're gonna go for the cabin right in front of us I'm gonna kind of drift this way in case we get barked at go straight in that Green Door this there's a lot of little bumps and things this little blind uh bunny Hills here that so what I'll do is I'll probably just work my way up the back of the Hill here there's also a bear cave here so I need to make sure the bear is prepared I'm gonna check on this I don't see this real status if he's still wandering around or another or if it looks like he's gone can we run yeah we can't run we're not that way down quite yet oh we're only five over it's not too bad it's not too shabby they're just where I can't see them I want to go for it I think that's the same wolf right there maybe maybe not it looks like he's patrolling really far out that's him if it is he's nope he's turning around so that would be a difference well if he's on the back side of this hill we're gonna come face to face with an orange back to outrun him the follow was said there's a backpack down there I'm not gonna mess with it right now I want to get up to where I'm not at a sprain risk I think I'm just gonna run for it I got the stinky food and all that so let's go not worried about picking up sticks or anything at this point lied okay I'm gonna slow down a little bit just so I rebuild build a little bit of my stamina back up here how stinky am I just two stick lines but I think I got like three three or four pieces of meat one of them is raw which doesn't even stick here let's get inside here I'm not sure where he went to but he disappeared for the time of year and I'll take it how dark is it going to be too dark to loot yeah we can do a little bit of looting scarf that might be better than what we have okay some more matches that's good another sewing kit we'll take that peanut butter stale peanut butter we'll take it okay foreign food is that by calories oh it's uh yeah it's total it's going to be days of food so they have a certain amount of calories per day whatever that equals a go energy drink I don't think that so we're looking the higher the calorie food the better for us see a cooking pot here I'll take the disinfectant because I haven't messed with any old man's beard yet some more matches sure yeah uh do I have any advantages I do not let's go we're going to want to go ahead and craft up some bandages tonight before we get complete to a bleeding status and then we're trying to rip up clothing and you know make bandages and stuff like that that would just be not a good situation to get into when we can avoid that um I guess I'll take that too heavy to carry oh it's too heavy yeah it's I might have to drop some of that I probably have to drop some of this clothing that I picked up that's sort of redundant necessary but uh all right let's head on upstairs what I can also do is I can also make like a drop point halfway between here and uh the gas station then just kind of shuttle things back and forth a little bit but have have what I want to take with me we'll be tearing these up into Tinder plugs but at least we won't have to come back up to this you know house amazing how fast you actually weigh yourself down we'll take those those on for sure all right I think we got a couple things we want to throw on here let me see here this is 63 45 92 yeah that'll be better let's throw that on was it wasn't it a nice shirt the green one yeah there it is yeah we'll take that put that on needs a little repair but we'll take it okay there's some new hoodie uh new sweatshirts um how's that compare to this stuff so that's better than both of those that's a 48 that's cotton heavy cotton okay we'll put that on That's Heavy it says it's not wool but we'll we'll take it foreign being sick it's the last one always the last one to get hit by the sickness man it's like watching a horror movie unfold and knowing you're about to experience it as soon as you walk out the theater that's how it kind of feels [Music] big bucks no whammys come on sure we'll leave that behind we'll do better obviously we're gonna find wool pretty much everything before we end up uh going too deep into this here there's some more wool for example now we're gonna have double wool socks so paying triple sewing kits and we got water here that I can't even carry so I think what I'll do here is I'm gonna go ahead and uh tear this up make some bandages real quick here while I'm thinking about it let's Harvest those and disadvantages there we go all right let's see if we can repair some of this stuff while we're sitting around we're still only like half tired let's rip up some more of these let's see if we can get something repaired and we'll just go we'll just stay the night here that's what we'll do let's see what we want to do what do we want to repair let's take a look at our condition of things here got a lot of things that I can Pro oh you know what let's double wool socks up here 's those and then we have one more I think oh wait we got we got 80. oh we got three pairs of wolves geez this is an embarrassment of riches there's 78 I think the other ones were 100 yeah well that's good we're already up to a warmth bonus of plus 10 degrees Celsius and a Windbreak of uh six six degrees and we don't even have like really good shoes and we're still missing some item overlap here right here we got looks good yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna start dropping some of this stuff because these are these are gonna add up so let's drop that one you know what hold on there's an easier way to do this yeah let's drop things at work carrying or not don't have other hand uh do I want to do that whatever I want to do this or this well that one's definitely better it's 29 that's 59 and yeah I'm gonna put this on I'll drop these scarves here we go these mittens socks shoes best socks best uh look at all this clothing that we have shoes are gonna add up too well I guess if we need leather badly we just come back to this house but it for for a preparation thing where we're not trying to ride it out for you know 100 days or more I don't think it's gonna be that critical I think we're going to run into stuff everywhere all right let's take a look here at the weight of everything so this is the heaviest that we have we're starting to get back down a little bit I could probably leave that I don't think I need the simple tools pretty sure that we don't need that see if it's on the list it is not on the list so let's go ahead and drop those those are kind of heavy let's drop the stumper remover that's kind of heavy yeah we're already starting to get back down something says well I could drop this because it's easy to get that you just start breaking stuff everywhere so let's drop those wherever they want we'll drop again I don't need the accelerant let me double check pretty sure we don't need accelerant yeah lantern oil is different or lamp oil is different than uh accelerant so that does not matter when it comes to our numbers here we'll just uh that a few times here as it bounces around I'll tear these up and I don't think we may we might not lose much weight from that um I got a flare in case I get into some room there's that other one that we dropped okay let's drop one more of those and that one and I don't need these cans now since I have the pot cooking yeah we're starting to get our weight back down somewhere decent honestly I'm not gonna need I'm not gonna eat this many of these you know so we'll just uh we'll just take one that'll be fine um probably won't need a whetstone I'll keep it until we see what conditioner knife is in we find one or hatch it I'm not going to be doing any fishing fishing let's do that and uh let's see if we can do any repairs I should have probably done the repairs first but it's uh organized by condition these pants repair how long does it take 30 minutes we should be able to get that done so let's go and repair this pants up probably find better pants than this tomorrow but at least these are won't be ripped off of us if we get attacked by a wolf yeah we can repair this as well maybe if we get it done maybe we will as long as we have a little bit of sun like still showing okay we got it done good oh no dude don't do that don't do that did I use one nope I don't think it used a cloth okay because I interrupted it okay everything else is pretty decent we will get these thermal underwears repaired maybe not because they're cotton um I might just wait find wool somewhere because I'm pretty sure certain we will find some wool I'm gonna drink a little bit of this water and then I think from here we're actually going to need to do a drop off because going to the next one isn't going to matter if we can't collect anything worthwhile so we're going to head back to the gas station in the morning we should have plenty of food on board 7 30 Cent we're really close really close um and I don't want to use any food to get the well-fed bonus right now because um yeah we'll do we'll do nine hours because I want to try to get as much food as I need to satisfy the requirement once we do that then I'll go ahead and start eating like crazy and get the well-fed bonus if it comes to that so okay get another drink here I'll let myself starve all day today no problem there God I did anything right about now I bet you would but I hate to have some bad news for you let's just uh restaurant what about four hours probably hopefully we get some good weather to run around in all right let's let's fumble our way downstairs here probably a little dark on your screen I can see uh maybe a little bit a little bit better maybe take a look outside see what we got okay this is this is fun got some stinky food so we need to be aware of that and uh be careful there's a wolf right there between those two trees and right there at our feet so I'm gonna go down this way so we're all the way down the hill this way might hit that I might hit that uh that fishing hunt on the way back just for good measure hopefully we'll find a hatchet in there or something we can use for self-defense all right can we make it down this traffic can we're careful ow that hurt torment close but that's okay sprained wrist all right we'll uh deal with that here in a second I'll just wrap it it really doesn't matter I guess maybe if we get into a fight with a wolf it might cause you to have a little more difficult time fighting off you especially being unarmed so we'll get into this Hut here and treat the injury see it blurs the edge of the screen here a little bit with the paint all right let's head on to here a bullet so that's one one out of the ten that we need I don't need that we'll leave that here don't need that either no knives wonderful okay so let's just kind of striking some mittens that we don't need all right let's go ahead and uh treat this real quick yeah let's do this and then we're gonna I want to get moving before this blizzard sets in because got a little bit of Blizzard to deal with here I'm gonna take some pain meds because I'm sure we're gonna find way more should be good now yeah spring risk all right let's head this way around the walls and then I'll head into town using the road probably hit this uh fishing hunt since I'm skirting wide around here real quick winds that are back so that's nice at least that's almost Sun's almost about to poke up here still almost I've seen brighter nights before so it should be interested to see what happens with the weather oh we got ourselves a knife so that's good at least we can do some deal out some damage there when we're dealing with these walls that cloth I'll take that I guess okay so we're going to one sure I guess uh the mountain rope no I don't need that I really don't want that at all okay and some more mittens they're just leaving their mittens right by their fishing holes negative 29 degrees Celsius I'd say so that's that's that's a cold day chilly day today it was woke up as 15 degrees Fahrenheit and then I think it got up to about 28 or so chilly here as well but had my house uh had somebody come out blackouts lately because of where we live there's a apparently the freezing it's kind of unreliable we had two Thursdays in a row we had blackouts for about four or five hours and it's not uncommon to have three four even even five in a year where I'm at so I had to pack them out for a like a whole house generator estimation and uh I'm gonna get a couple more quotes but uh yeah probably gonna end up doing that the problem is the lines that Supply this area in the substation or whatever go through a really rural area and then it crosses a river and in the middle of the river there's an island the Island that is uh has a lot of trees and uh they have to it keeps they keep breaking there during these windstorms and uh then the lion Crews have to go out there they have to go up Island area and they have to uh walk in about a mile with their equipment because their vehicles can't get there and then if the river if there's rain associated with the storm a lot of times rain causes the river to overflow and then it can't actually make it to the island to do the work so then they have to wait for that so it's a really bad situation situation because I mean a lot of the houses around our area still have lights on which is like a 250 house group here that don't for whatever reason dude Heavenly filters align it along with other equipment routes you know to uh I'm in here so like as a redundant you know sort of Fail-Safe so I'm gonna do it ourselves we have our own electricity so I'm trying to search around here for the Locker which was the one that has all our stuff okay it's got to be the right Locker right kind of want to drop everything but I want to put it in the right Locker all right I guess I'll just lay down here there's okay okay let's just lay down and rest for about two hours see what happens should get some light eventually there we go now I can at least see what I'm doing what was I bumping into I was hitting those two why does that require a pry bar it doesn't say locked weird okay that's curious searched that's weird normally if it requires a pry bar there's a lock symbol on it so let's see normally if there's a like that okay that's really weird oh well I'm assuming that this is supposed to have that but that looks like there's some sort of error there so let's offload here see what all we got we'll just do it a little bit at a time here and we'll throw some sticks in there um matches yeah probably packs of those in here uh mono tear those up into Tinder plugs what else we got the go energy that probably counts as food but I'm gonna keep it there for now in case we need a burst of energy I'm wearing all of this which is good really need some new shoes badly and we'll throw this in here yeah this condensed milk are going to be great um some coffee I'll keep that with me and probably keep the tea with me some traveling food in case I get it hurt but I can't see that being too big of an issue here look at all this food one day of this is crazy one day of uh Scavenging okay I'm just curious where we're at with the all this let's transfer all that over oops I need to put all my water in there take a H I'm gonna need a little more than that let's take that oh I did that wrong I did that the wrong way around let's try this again here we go transfer I did it again such a [ __ ] I keep thinking I have it in my own inventory [Music] yeah let's just there Chris for that over that's what I want goodness gracious all right thinking ahead to how much I'm trying to like calculate calories in my mind and I'm not even thinking about um oh so we're almost halfway there when it comes to food hardwood softwood okay reclaimed wood this will be easy 50 sticks yeah 25 Tinder or 10 bandages matches were there we got enough matches so that's good uh we need a rifle rifle cartridges Hatchet Lantern Land lamp oil potable water um we can just cook like crazy water once we get the uh wood set up we'll start just getting a bunch of wood cooking water if we have to until now it'll just be all toilets so all right well it doesn't sound like it's too bad outside now so um let's let's see here I think I'm gonna go this house back here stay close here since the weather seems to be a little unpredictable today it seems like this those clouds are moving pretty quick and they make me I got a few houses here we can search anyway so there's another flare a couple flares that'll be good um until we get a better way to actually preemptively fight back like a firearm of some kind this will come in handy yeah okay yeah if you say so I guess it's okay check here for bullets nothing and I'll tear up the uh tear up the newspapers tonight when it's dark things to do food oh yeah yeah we're gonna be in pretty good shape these houses are really opened up we might have enough food by the end of the day today if I could hit enough houses uh fast enough in this area because there's probably gonna be about four or five more houses to hit here maybe right in this immediate area okay they haven't even searched for it yet did I see a bottle of water there not even what 30 37 minutes or so in the game we're doing we're doing good guys playing tricks on me oh we also got a new puppy so uh French French Bulldog and our German Shepherd is I don't know why I keep picking that up because I end up dropping it anyway it's like I don't need that um I guess it's this habit of the first few days to grab everything thank you thin wool sweater out that's gonna be better than what we have I can't remember exactly what we have but our German shepherds playing really nice with them he's doing pretty good as far as he's going out potty training and all that stuff these uh three and a half months old and his name is Mac so we have Mia and Mac all right six toilet we'll take all that please might be closer in the water actually if you can't keep hitting all these toilets like this okay all right that looks good grab that flare I should probably have a flare out while I'm running around for safety okay here we go let's see there's some mailboxes there but I think we'll just head over to this very patriotic oh there he is he's right there oh it's a bear there's a bear over there see if he's gone by the time we pop out here I don't know if you will be or not but we'll figure it out he's gonna hurt us don't worry he does that's okay we'll just patch up and move on he'll rip apart the clothing that we saw happily gathered thus far but trying to think what else everybody's sick in the world it seems like was that moldy that kind of looked moldy it's okay still counts it's calories all family's sick going to be sick I know it in a few days kid I always get to see the horrors but um it's gonna be fun watching everyone puke I'll take it knowing that's what's in store for me foreign I'm leaving behind a lot of this stuff like those Sports socks and you know anything else that I run across it seems really redundant I don't know if his pants are better than the ones I'm already wearing no they're not uh what about these jeans though they will be better than those jeans throw this on as well we'll drop those okay what about this it's a new sweatshirt That's Heavy cotton it's not gonna be that's the wall and this is uh heavy insulated wool so you get rid of that one and uh it's a 92. what about this one oh they're both 92. that's what three months there drop those those are great still need better shoes I don't have any accessories yet light shell I hope nobody needs to take the bandage they'll take the amoxicillin I don't need any more I don't need any more uh disinfectant it's heavy I'll leave that behind grab some more water here okay I think we've pretty much looted this place uh let's see if all very poo still out there not now at least all right take I'll take yes for an answer head back here drop off everything we got there it is okay well fixed itself so who knows what happened I don't think we need to put this in here but I sort of where I'm storing everything so that's what's going to happen until I get some old man's beard going you know what I kind of liked it better when we did it this way I know we have enough matches but I'm just gonna keep throwing them in here that looks good been watching a lot of Viva La dirt League uh Dungeons and Dragons where they're playing the table top Dungeons and Dragons and then acting out some of the key key parts oh my gosh that's so funny and they're still going it's been they've been doing this series for like two years and it's uh yeah it's good it's hilarious I guess we'll put that in here maybe tear down from the leather yeah I think they're up to like 120 130 episodes somewhere around there [Music] okay we filled up an entire locker with loot so let's move over here see what we're getting here and the ominous music usually indicates some sort of weather change so probably have some weather some bad weather moving so we got still plenty of matches getting close with their food reclaimed wood sticks potable water that's going to be one that we're going to need to just we're just going to need to have a cooking sesh you know you go go Bonkers with a bunch of campfires all at the same time or something like that I saw a house over here to the right there it is we'll try to make it there without getting eaten by a bear heard him where's that freak I think it was something freaky I think he's a little freaky oh yeah I need to be picking up sticks I forgot about that I need like 50 sticks or something so I'm 10 of the way there all right all right easy you want to imagine especially like a storm rolls through the repopulate stick population right here let's see what's in here see some fishing nets up there I'm hoping to get some fish out of the oven all right is there a storm Lantern somewhere I'll take another cooking pot for our water cooking session really handy stop stop okay that was weird blue mechanic there see now foreign the electric I think it's more firewood that little there's like a little thing here I keep thinking it's a bullet at first every time I glance by right here this little right there this will come in handy yeah we'll throw that on windbreaker no we're good I don't think we need a windbreaker maybe it's better than the lights shell maybe okay I'll grab and check let's do a quick check here nope yeah okay let's see here is better that's 91 that's they're on the 93 drop the 68 or is she getting tired already how are we doing a weight we're getting close she's starting to get tired [ __ ] I'll creep down and sort of pinches on the top down there all right is that it there I think so all right let's find that the better I guess I'll take another one of those I already have already dropped a few but I guess we can two's okay to have I guess a regular dress shirt I'm gonna leave that behind what's this oh look or leather shoes which I don't need that bunch of fancy Lads around here aren't there I didn't mind I knew this to be like a blue collar town you think so being a fishing Village you have all kinds of cold weather gear just everywhere right you can leave that behind grab that water I think the [ __ ] Sports socks who cares now this house is kind of raw like really blah it's a cloth some toilet water foreign all right well let's head on back and do another loot loot dump here I think it was the flag flapping around I think sure maybe of course not let's check out these cars real quick here another flare we'll take that I guess if I do a cooking session I could probably use those recycled cans but I think we're gonna get a lot of water Superfast if we have two two pots boiling at the same time it shouldn't be that big of a deal there okay but maybe again maybe it won't matter so we can just bust these pallets up and get tons of wood from them we just need it obviously we just need the Hatcher first otherwise it's gonna be a slow road to oh this stuff will come in handy I'm gonna leave those behind I'll take that vanish though I think I'm good on managers I think I have about four of them now which should is almost Overkill at that point search is true okay and uh already checked the truck I do believe it yeah oh yeah that looks good that one look at all these pallets back here at all to get enough reclaimed wood should be one right behind the counter it's like laying on the ground all right so yeah there's light around here I did it again that's what threw me off okay let's uh switch this up I don't need all those matches leave these sticks behind yeah that looks good good I'm trying to make good choices I think we're gonna drop a lot of this water again not gonna make the same mistake I did last time there we go finally finally I'm gonna leave these behind because I don't need those and I really don't need four flares don't need the slanted fuel don't really need a marine flare they're same weight so I'll just keep it um I'll uh keep those in case I come across one of those and I need those in a pinch only one sewing kit I'll leave that behind yeah should be good there just in case we need to make a repair on the Run due to get an attack or something okay so it's midday six degrees inside and ready to go on another run but she's starting to get tired so we need to take that into consideration I'm gonna go I guess we could make a trip out to Jackrabbit Island and plan on staying the night there so yeah let's do that well excuse me finish oh I hope it's not the sickness hope I'm not getting down with the sickness feel fine though not nauseous or anything oh he's just doing weird stuff how how foggy is this it's okay yeah we can make it okay I checked this house already looks like a chicken sauce I should forget about this one get the one back there but then I forgot about this one but let's check this house and see what happens with the weather maybe it'll clear up maybe it'll get really bad and we'll just be like yeah you know what let's just hang here for the day I'll take it yeah we'll take that for sure because it was the visibility was definitely dropping quick there I think we have enough for the Tinder that we need there foreign a lot of food here we just want to run right back immediately probably end up just holding up here for the for the duration of this storm that's coming in I have a feeling it's going to get worse we're definitely do I already have one of those I don't think I want to grab one just in case perfect not really perfect like moldy but okay still no storm leaders oh it's killing me hopefully we get some good clothing upgrades here geez oh thank you nope I'll know how to dress for Runner that's probably what happened that's probably what killed the town there was it wasn't the uh the solar flare that killed him complete lapse of civilization we're gonna fix those up though those are nice cool long johns it was their whole preparation for their first winter and they 'll froze to death all right well you gotta hear anything anything worthwhile just give me something I mean the long johns were pretty good I shouldn't be too too ungrateful that was a pretty good time foreign we got some more water of course well let's throw on those long johns that we even had a completely wide open slot there so that's even better now we're up to two plus 12 Celsius for warmth and plus six for windproof so yeah not too bad too bad we're getting there she weren't her Oh I thought she had the uh the vest on because it's the same sort of color I missed the arms right at the very last second before I escaped off of that screen I saw that and I was like wait a minute he'll tell me I'm still wearing a vest when I got this parka that I should be wearing okay looks like things are lifting a little bit oh wait let's run this back since it's right here right you can drop it off kilograms I think that was our traveling weight was about 12. and we set off so we should be able to lose about eight and we'll be ready to set off in them a minute here we go okay looks good everything's fine there good stuff ah I'm having issues with transferring water today [Music] there we go I think I already have one of these I'm gonna keep that with me in case I want to eat some food that way I don't lose any other food okay so I'll probably hear is you can only put one pot on that fire Barrel so we'll need to start a fire outside probably unless there's another Fire Bear nope yeah I need to do that or we can maybe find a cooking like a stove in one of these houses all right let's make it over there before the end of the episode I'm looking at the clock I'm seeing it's like 56 minutes in so I thought I heard footsteps I think they were mine yeah it's weird because after you stop you still get so good the sound of footsteps so it makes you think there's something else around just like your instinct kicks in completely you know all right let's head on over here to this uh [Applause] fishing hunt over here first and then head straight over that way towards Island because I need to get around this wolf anyhow so no problem might not be bad to hit the fishing Village either but then there's just also this little weird Pier system right here that's like a weird dock system yeah yeah snow stopping and it's getting warmer and that's just because the fog's starting to set in it's only midday how many days we got left oh we still got 29 days 46 minutes to get all the items we need we're doing pretty well I think we're a good job this one already yeah I already checked all right well it's right there's some we're gonna head straight over this way head over here to Jackrabbit Island I think I'll check this fishing cut over here if opportunity presents itself and then that one over there to the left so the one in front of me and then the one on the left and hopefully I get a hatch it in one of these I think there's a probably a better I mean I did find the knife and a fishing boat so that was good so hopefully I get lucky and find a hatch really need to clean my screen uh what the heck is it what the heck is that oh it's a deer is facing away from me the way it was like quartered facing away from me it looked weird it almost looked like a super-sized direwolf or something like that and I was like what in the heck is that I'm about to get eaten by I mean they're adding new bodies to the game that they had a new uh is this is this where I finally meet the cougar and the cougars like um you know eight times the size it should be oh we got ourselves that's the first Tinder plug that we found that's kind of odd huh interesting oh I mean I'll take it yeah this will come in handy take that as well and I do have to remember that I got the uh the flares to use so don't be too afraid of having to run around the rolls always use the flares okay so there's an island actually you know what I could go yeah we'll head over to this one first this one's kind of out of the way I don't think we'll ever come back all the way out here just for this fishing Hut once we loot these two islands cabins on these two islands so positive let's take advantage of it now while we can't it's gonna be definitely a really interesting we've had cougars I hope they kind of just put them everywhere like on all the islands like it's a whole new Beast that you have to like move and Chuck and Jive around get to safety and you have to constantly be like looking behind you because you know they love to stock up behind you I want to be able to like fashion fake eyes on the backs of my hats outside my hats to make it look like I'm watching to throw them off [Applause] come on baby come on Hatch it please okay yeah they got some stuff in here but I haven't seen it yet so let's get the replay the wooden cedar wood and all this I don't think I've ever seen it take that oh that's always make my own out of this out of their sticks even though I need to be collecting sticks there's just so many of them it's not a problem so I think I'm good I'm gonna start leaving those newsprints behind okay well that was a that was a bust a lot of stuff in that one but it wasn't Bare Bones oh we're going over in this episode that's okay try to keep less than an hour but we're spilling over so I hope you guys are enjoying the episode uh it's a fun little Adventure now what would be fun is if you could change the loot table for this and make it uh make it uh like ultra rare loot yeah we got something we could each come here before I don't need any of that really shoes that washed up on the beach not working risking running out there and grabbing it getting back that is such a weird hitbox for those I wish they'd fix that sometimes they're just so hard to get you know it's like why bother [Applause] so [Music] I got you [Music] oh there's two of them here okay we need three per wound dressing so now we have two wound dressings I'll ditch the uh I'll ditch the uh half a kilo quial dressing through our dressing there's so much weight efficient [Music] you guys want to see what that is put it in the Box okay I think mine would be like a stake reference but it'll be like a long dark reference as well some say he can take down a moose with a single revolver shot he's the survival steak all right oh rifle a rifle round this weird salute is so abundant and I haven't found like a box of ammo yet yeah we'll get there but ski jacket that might be better than what we have dude I'm not gonna completely lose this place but I'm gonna take a quick look around here just for the just for the Lantern or anything else that's awesome oh that's new they added a suitcase to this place and they put junk in it okay well I'll see it all right guys we'll all end this episode here and jump out jump back in just to save it with what we've picked up like comment subscribe thank you so much for watching I greatly appreciate it I will see you in the next episode You all take care
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 20,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Long Dark, let's play, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, challenges, the hunted, old bear, bear, attack, flare gun, survival game, best survival, pc, survival gaming, how to, accurize2, accurize, hinterland, realistic, most, tld, steam, mystery lake, whiteout challenge, gas station, coastal highway, blizzard
Id: HaYtxiijSWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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