Anvil Saga 1 - CARRYING ON THE FAMILY LEGACY - (Crafting & Selling Sim) First Look, Let's Play

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greetings and welcome to Anvil Saga I'm Catherine of Skye and I'm kind of excited to play this game a huge thank you to the Developers for sending me a code to play this game um this is a game about being a blacksmith and you kind of hire people to work with you and you kind of expand your Smithy and um make different kinds of things and your choices are meaningful we we understand and there is like political decisions you got to make and stuff like that it's kind of interesting I played a test game and I I found it pretty fun so I want to show it to you and you might enjoy it as well so let's start the game um let's just do a new game down there so I remember we'll just go in story mode do I need the tutorial you know what I didn't make it to the end of the game in my test game so we'll just add it just in case we forget stuff plus I haven't played it in like probably a month or so so I forgot how to play okay well then it's more like a barn than a home nothing to be done about it at least the Smithy itself is in decent condition okay okay then yeah that's fine you will be managing a medieval smoothie and the main source of income for Smith is of course his orders let's open the shop for business and accept your first order to do that press the sign next to the stall with the left Mouse button that's this little sign here okay so let's open the shop okay we have our first customer come on dude okay take a look at the order window they want some chain uh you'll find the item the resource is needed so three bars and the reward okay continue set the order by pressing the green check mark That's not a very good price that's for sure all right so um so then we need to here's our orders it's very like a a cafe or something where the orders just appear on a little uh order feed okay except the other order okay you can set their priorities and you do that to click on it and there's a number that appears at the top okay five priority levels total uh orders with the same priority are worked on based on the remaining time uh because they do have a time limit okay oh okay let's just go dude why did it go black oh 13 years later wait why did it not let us finish the tutorial before going I didn't even change any speed settings or anything that is so weird I I didn't experience this when I played on my own this is maybe because I'm talking too much it took too much time father and that's it hold the hammer tight swing your arm up and strike the blank I can't I'll never become a master like you listen when your mother and I came to France we didn't have a single penny on us nothing but the fire in the eyes and my old instruments really not a single penny not more than a couple of thailers to be sure this is Arthur the hero of the story and your main character since childhood B's been helping his father in the Forge but he's pretty good in any kind of craft we have a lot of work today son go flip the sign we're opening okay look it's Finley his whole family comes to the fair every year the young lady next to him is his daughter Olivia is it the merchant from gascony yes judging by the look on his face he's happy with my forging there goes Jean-Jacques Jr oh I can't stand that guy there there his father's respectable Craftsman and Jean-Jacques Jr isn't too slow either though he didn't inherit his father's Talent don't let your emotions get the better of you learn how to conduct business because that's what he excels at Oscar you're here too how are you faring thanks for the instruments and the harness is also perfect glad to see you at the fair what brings you here Finley I'd like to order a small trinket approach from my beloved daughter do this for me would you it's a piece of cake right son you got this Mr Finley and Mademoiselle Olivia I'm glad to see you both hello Arthur Oscar why didn't you order this approach from my father his shop is just over there for a lady as Charming as the fair Olivia I could have given you a discount thank you Jean-Jacques but Oscar and I have gone through hell and high water together any orders I have are only for him well let's see how Arthur does it then sometimes you'll have to make a choice that will affect defense further in the story you'll see one of them now each option has a chance of success and failure study them carefully you won't be able to go back on your choice so the merchant ordered a broach for his beautiful daughter my father brought a jewel for Baron's ring with him I could probably use it okay so we could either use the jewel and basically steal from the baron which probably isn't the best idea but if we're looking to attract the young lady's attention we might have to do that oh my gosh I just lost some of the others okay um we could use this make a simple brooch which the brooches brooch is spelled wrong here b-r-o-o-c-h is the correct oh or use a fake Jewel I think we'll use the jewel we'll explain to the bear and it's fine it's fine okay so now we right click on the Smithy and make the thing all those Hammer pools next to the gem ah Dad it's all done here good lad here it's all done it's lovely isn't it let me see the work is absolutely stunning look hmm not bad not bad at all never would I have thought Arthur had made it if I hadn't seen it for myself geez he's rude do you think your blacksmiths are the only ones who know their way around a forge my Arthur is a natural my God what a Marvel thank you so much Dad look at all the way it Glitters in the sun wow my friend I'm impressed here I'll gladly pay you extra Maybe we should gem for that you better be ready tell everyone about your amazing skills hello blacksmith still working hard hey Baron yes more or less my son's helping out a lot he's even much better than me at some things now ah he really looks like you now then will you make me a ring we'll do our best get to it son good day esteemed Baron if you've given the order to my father you already have your new ring I'm aware of your father's skills as a Craftsman however Oscar can do the same work for half the price and guarantees quality apparently we're not charging enough okay I what do we do tell the baron that we've lost the jewel I think that's best it's always best to be okay basic success chance 20 this one is a zero percent should we risk it for 30 losing a small jewel won't bankrupt this money back but it could come in handy for my father and I it is better to tell the truth hasn't arrived yet there's no gem what do you want about my Lord you know perfectly well that the roads are unsafe who knows what could have happened oh really but maybe that's true all right I'll look into it well if I treated my customers like that father would have beat me half to death if not worse ah the road isn't safe you're gonna get beaten for the roads being unsafe that's just ridiculous I don't envy you boy Jean-Jacques doesn't know the meaning of Mercy sorry about that is there anything else you might desire not really I don't need anything else now well done Josh Junior take me to your father maybe he'll be able to honor my request follow me we'll do our best okay he left without a fight he could have done something far worse looks like it's time for us to head home close the stall okay then let's close continue I'm not big on story I'm kind of like bored here but we could skip all of this and just basically spam spacebar father what do you think about me and Olivia can we be friends we are not just not their equal son but in a Merchant's family a groom is judged by how fat his purse is cheer up everything is in your hands wait if this wasn't the point of trying to woo Olivia why did I why God okay my father's words were no surprise to me inequality boasts The Scourge and the foundation of our society however the sincere smile and Charming eyes of the Merchant's daughter made my heart ache the fair was coming to an end so we gathered our belongings and set off home it was the last fare I got to visit with my father the disease hit him hard but even to his last breath he did his best to transfer his Knowledge and Skills to me even when he could barely hold a hammer in his trembling hands I had no choice but to make my father proud and become a decent Apprentice okay game all right we're we're having issues there we go okay you have a small house and a forge at your disposal it's not much but still better than starting from scratch here are your glorious path to wealth in the heart of your beloved girl begins but all the slides far ahead and for now Kindle the forge time to blow off the dust off my father's Anvil let's see what I can still remember like dude you just know like this doesn't make any sense dude okay so let's what we need to do is we need to convert or into bars and that's what we're doing at the smelter each of these is different skills we got sharpening we got mining smithing and melting okay so we're melting smithing is using actually making things at the forge so let's open up our thing we also need to keep a very steady supply of ore can I buy this no no I forgot how to buy dang it okay we can buy this though so we only have a certain amount of space um okay let's just buy that and have it delivered dude oh it was on pause okay I forgot okay it's fine no worries okay so let's see what we got first we got a chain okay that's fine let's make that first now I forgot how much this stuff is so let's look again oh we can't talk to the merchant until he's back okay [Music] so where is our speed there it is up there okay let's see chain four to ten I think it's like it costs two two monies per bar I believe okay now let's look at the merchant okay the merchant is not there okay debt about okay so what I experienced is whenever these people are like hey I'll pay you back tomorrow they absolutely never come back they literally never come back so no go away and yes they are unhappy for it so okay so 10 let's see this is slightly cheaper but not a lot cheaper uh let's buy another one of these so it's 10 for 17. this is like uh 20 would be 20 for 34 so it's only one gold more expensive so this is basically it's a little less than two monies per thing but it's always good to have keep plenty of bars okay that's an okay order but yeah that's even better order look at that that's crazy good okay this I'm not gonna take because that's gonna lose me money okay and now that we're down past let's go buy one of these nope sorry you don't want to lose money on orders there's absolutely no point in that okay three and five nope okay this is a good deal okay time to dig a shaft okay sooner or later you'll start expanding your Forge building more rooms and even even digging deep into the Earth each Forge needs a constant supply of ore you can purchase it from the merchant but it's much more efficient to mine it yourself let's dig a shaft right in our Cellar to expand and upgrade the forge open the construction menu with a hot key of Q alright so it pauses time when you're doing this we have a two room um Place basically what we have here is we have a resting room like a bed and we also have a kitchen over here so we need to build another room it costs a hundred I guess we can do that sure uh roof type yeah no yeah that's fine sure okay so it'll take a little bit of time to finish um go wait nope I don't know why these people are just lowballing me constantly I'll get it this is good oh whoops okay I accidentally pressed spacebar but right as he was talking to me so okay a room that doesn't have a function or required furniture will remain inactive an exclamation park will notify you of that okay we want to click on it no go away so let's fix this so we're gonna make this a working room it's gonna be a mine we also have a training room later that we can get okay so let's pick this and then we have to buy mine entrance and a crate so this is 50 gold coins for the mine entrance we're gonna put this as close to the ladder as possible that enables our workers or ourselves to just get in here these rooms are designed very specifically so you can only put one thing on one side okay it's just the way it works um and we need a what crate so I want to get so this one capacity of 15 ore that's 30 coins I guess we can do this but yeah you can't put this beyond that you can see my mouse moving so we're gonna put it here as close as we can to that side all right so that enables us to even buy a little bit more or if we want to [Music] so all right we're good let's get out of this uh mode um and I'll go ahead and go down there and start mining um nah the thing is is that when we we're using a particular oh your character received a new trait oh okay carefully read trade descriptions and pick the best assignment for each character okay so we have arachnophobia oh God there's a 10 chance of him looking around to watch for these creatures God fearing 15 chances worker might stop to pray while working why do I have two negative traits game come on man okay um now one thing that the uh oh God what is this called the shop owner has is they have tools right so you can boost certain traits when you give them certain tools right right now we have this thing I think the regular thing but we probably want to get these for the person who's gonna work just in smelting because it helps them smelt stuff faster now I'm kind of terrible at mining right now actually what I should do is change this out for nothing oh here we go yeah okay do that now there's no confirmation box but I think we've actually chosen that and what happens when you have higher mining level um right now you see they only give uh oh my God that's great let's go and fix that let's do that thing we'll take yours as well dude oh uh all right and some tools don't allow them to do anything else with now I wish there was some kind of like I wish this would close the window or something but otherwise there's like zero confirmation of this oh no no no no can we get it yes we can okay good these are very very slight profits right here can we hire anybody yet not yet okay let's see you are no I'll change his tools for now yeah because like with that there's like literally no visual feedback nothing no sound feedback nothing no so let's see he we have a 14 and now we have 17 okay so it's three nope sorry dude can I get a loan absolutely not I have literally never seen them come back and pay for it never okay it's hard to work in the Forge alone The Village Chief has sent you three young men who want to become your apprentices cool this young man is new into the village he came from gascony Therese Master blacksmith oh Monty's a local trickster and a rascal he tries to look like a nobleman in everything he does wow okay that's Monty my name's Montu sir I've wanted to become your Apprentice for ages if you'll have me and this is Stone winner of all the fights and wrestling contests I can do all sorts of things and I'm strong as an ox I'm sure it'll but I'll be useful so which of them is worthy of becoming your Apprentice um I really wish I could see their skills and their traits um I kind of in my test game I I picked Tuffy's but maybe we'll do Monty I'll try to okay oh wait so we do have these things relations with England will get worse why is he abandoned or something stone is English apparently and Teresa's France and all right let's just choose Monty anyway he seems very English with the monocle and all of that okay you now have an apprentice he'll need a room where he can rest after hard work that is not strictly true he doesn't have to have his own room he can use the community bed that's just fine keep on his eye on his leg will of fatigue and pay his salary on time his skills will improve with time okay and now let's get to it except in successfully complete five orders with Monty's help all right let's choose Monty okay if forges workers will demand to be paid to continue work a refusal will upset them and if their mood drops further they will leave the forge if you want to get rid of a worker you don't need to remove the stairs to The Cellar you can just fire them oh my God that's a very Sims reference [Laughter] what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have Monty he's gonna be my melter right now okay let's see oh this is a great order nice French tax manura Smith right in the name of his majesty The Delfonics I'm authorized to collect the local land tax for the good of our country all of you just prey on honest people no matter what you call yourselves are you paying or not uh sure I'll pay money where is Arthur oh I forgot I I have to click them differently okay uh sure oh your tools let's fix your tools give you Universal tools Monty can he also have the same yeah they can looks like they'll they don't need one each that's cool I didn't know that dude work [Music] okay nice oh they want me to send Monty to do this stuff okay you know what I'll send myself to go into the mine and get free stuff let's see give you mining go yes in most cases you're better off letting them finish the job before making them go to the other station keep an eye on your character's energy a tired character will make mistake while forging and may damage the work piece send your workers to sleep so they can regain energy the more comfortable the bed the faster the character rests alright speaking of oh the news is the news is getting worse and worse as a tiny typo there several French cities have been have supported the English the idiots are fighting for empty promises more than anything I hope the war doesn't reach this place where both of us will end up doing hard labor instead of hard work okay let's see if I can do some um Furniture so we have 92 coins let's see if we can furnish the room let's get rid of this give us 12 which is not a lot but it's something so putting the bed over there the food kind of want to buy a I don't really want to buy it right now 50 is a lot okay so Arthur Arthur just go to sleep go to sleep wow 2 for 12. jeez yeah let's take it I want you to come back more okay so we got our wow chains are selling them great nowadays helping the devil to heaven with you okay I guess he must have been from the wrong faction maybe he's British or or French actually I think we've displeased them both at this point the higher your Forge is prestige the more appealing it'll look to rich clients by increasing your Forge forge's Precision upgrading the soul you can attract money bags who are willing to pay much more for their order than peasants in addition stall upgrades will increase your maximum Works shop storage space for wood and ingots prestigious increase when you complete orders but it has an upper limit upgrade the house decorations to increase your prestige limit yeah that's a big thing in the game where you have to upgrade like everything you can um before you get to the next level of stuff with a stall like this you can only expect bumpkins time to change this ramshackle shed for something more respectable to upgrade your stall open the room construction menu and press the stall upgrade button okay so if we do this so upgrading requires 200 gold coins and fame level 50. that's the hard part because what we need to do if we change the room design let's see if we do this this will cost us 65 monies but see we have 20 uh popularity so now we have a limit of 25 popularity okay good okay let's look at Monty's skills uh uh oh wow he will leave us more quickly if we run out of gold worker has a small oh worker smells profit a mile away he has a 15 chance of getting additional coins for a metal item that he created wow I should have him doing all of this stuff God fearing okay that he might stop to pray just like my main character you know what maybe I'll make my main character do the smelting part of it and I'll let uh Monty do all of the smithing this seems good what is this what Monty help wait do I not know how to make this or something I bet I don't know how to make this why oh it's in red but I thought it was just fancy oh no he's making it now that's so weird that it's like huh weird okay no sorry not enough money dude okay workers need to be fed okay they might starve to death that would be bad okay let's buy stuff um I'm gonna buy um this first of all and then food let's buy this okay let's feed Arthur real quick so you can click on the food Provisions things or I think you can click on the fire as well okay I want to get this okay after Arthur eats I'm sending him to work Monty oh we need three bars to complete that one one two three I guess we can take you as well you done Monty okay Arthur come over here please [Music] um let's change his tools okay dude what are you doing go over here come on darn it let's just send him away because I don't think we can get it in time okay that's fine even though it's not much profit Monty I want you to go and rest a bit no game in the forest sorry dude wow we have already none again holy crap that was quick [Music] okay we can get it done wait what okay I've never seen this Merchant in our village before Monty go find out who he is and what he wants okay so Monty's taking his time dude walk faster hey you peacock call the owner I didn't come here all the way from long dog to talk to an um Apprentice Gonna Move On You horse's tail jeez really gotta be so rude every time that owl Hoots I'm just like oh my God it's my alarm on my phone it's a cuckoo have you come from afar how can I help I came from the south and I'm setting up some trade links I can bring you whatever you want for the best price from Damascus steel to Precision Instruments wanna work together that might be good don't even think of refusing I barely escaped the bandits myself so dude why are you like you have to Brave them if you're going to be trading you know that's how it works you got to move the goods the roads are unsafe the thieves and bandits gather like vultures where armies have passed recently you should agree as I'm the bravest Merchant of those prepared to offer their services to you Bandits are all we need right now if we're talking business would you be so kind as to take an order from me what should I make for you okay they want different things oh this one wait what which one is 30. this one is 30. wait what okay it looks like this one is 30. um we get three Prestige sure five crates of something whatever that is uh but we gotta hurry we gotta move on man I can move on Arthur you go there please he really got me in a bad spot because like we're kind of in a crunch where we're serving a lot of people right now these are just too profitable just too profitable oh okay more [Music] okay go away dude go away gosh I'm really short of money hey you why don't you go work here please I'm gonna have to turn away some of these people I think because I really need to get these things done sorry okay [Music] I have enough potentially I think let's see let's just do these and then get those horseshoes and things done so this needs you need we need four times four so we need 16 for that actually I shouldn't have dismissed that one that was 16 gold geez this is worth for only one piece of thing this is also worth for nine gold no still need two times four so that's eight I can do those now oh that's ten Monty what are you doing dude oh he must have just eaten you know what I'm gonna have to close the shop right now okay there's Jean-Jacques hey there Arthur it's been a while have you decided to follow in your Father's Footsteps hey Jean-Jacques if not me then who Hauser's mystery doing quite well off thank you like that said my father recently passed away just like yours so now I'm just Jean-Jacques it is all the will of God I have quite Grand prospects for this Smithy oh my condolences why visit our humble smoothie can't handle the orders we're handling them quite well quite well indeed I just wanted to see how you're doing there are only two smoothies left in the province neither of us really needs competition in times like these what would you say if I offered to buy your Smithy you could be my right hand man with your talent we could be magnificent thank you for the offer but my father doesn't work himself to the Bone for me to just sell the forge yeah yeah I didn't think you'd give it to us so easily well next time we'll see how we compare at the fair by the way I saw Finley's daughter Olivia a few days ago she is blossomed into quite a beautiful woman I'm not surprised she's always been Fair why do you care well you know I just remembered how you looked at her back at the fair Finley will only agree that she marry a rich man he's a smart one so don't get your hopes up and do think about my offer to buy the forge thank you for the advice Jean-Jacques glad to see you as always I'm must take my leave the word is work isn't going anywhere and I don't have time to wander around and get up in people's business you're a good lad Arthur Samuel have to work in the fields before long have fun with your Smithy while you still can he's rude he just is rude uh let's see all right so you why don't you go to sleep they're both tired and that's not great oh wow we're out of ore oh God okay fine let's buy this uh Arthur are you hungry you know what why don't you go and eat we have no food either oh that's a shame okay you know what dude go into the mine I guess okay at least um he's come along here um so okay after he drops the ore or okay I'll just have him process it oh there isn't a space I don't think okay here's a mercenary greeting Smith I'm the leader of a mercenary band the boys and I are planning to set up nearby we could do with restocking some equipment wanna help us out so we can make five Shields which is money 100 gold yeah I think that's good I'll help you if you set up camp here maybe the village will be safer great not Everyone likes our elk but we're good men and we remember when we've been treated with kindness okay so apparently that ore went to waste because I didn't have space for it which makes sense um okay uh Arthur let's find food oh my God we have no food we really have no food Monty okay so this is five times four we need 20 uh stuffs here you can start working as well [Music] I can't I have no money all right so we need 12 bars [Music] and with this we'll get a hundred gold that's gonna be good I spent too much money on like making the mine look better oh my God okay let's pause order food let's order five food I don't think we can oh that's three okay let's buy this buy this and we can buy this okay and now send Arthur here we need one I guess one oh okay professional mercenaries order prices are hiders higher soldiers come more often Knights merchants and monks don't come okay that's okay I guess it's okay I hope we have enough volume so let's make a little bit of stuff or do this that way we can fill that order okay here's the merchant all right profitable partnership okay and we should have gotten 30 money for that okay very good now I think we're gonna feed Arthur he's hungry right now Monty why don't you get to work making bars and we'll open the forge again I would really like to hire another person but we don't have enough money yet but that person will save us so much money in uh mining costs oh my God four for 32 wow [Music] okay four five six there's six okay good yeah the order prices are definitely going up really much higher let's do five or eight oops no no no no no no darn it where's Arthur you done dude if you're done come over here and help please okay four for twelve is good that is good that is good and that is good I'm hoping we have enough let's get more or ordered in foreign let's skip this guy and just just build up a little bit of a an extra amount here okay now it's going better Arthur you're back your father was quite the Craftsman such a shame he passed away he did good work and most importantly his prices were low I see you're restoring his old business that's right my Lord so much work has been put into it and it would be a travesty to let it all go to waste well we always need a good blacksmith around here especially in times of War you know I've always had given the best orders to your father but you know I'm not so sure about you you'll need to earn my trust dude I made that nice oh no I lost the thing whoops okay uh good that's the spirit now make me a few swords they're fine if they're a bit dull but they need to look good what I'm only gonna pay you for the materials if you can manage this simple task I know that you can be relied upon you can count on me my Lord may I ask why you need the swords you might not it's a matter of national importance probably some kind of parade I would guess uh well then Arthur don't disgrace your father's name okay so if we want to we can put effort into it six ingots each um not works of art but there's something to them for these are two ingots each uh I think we put effort into it I want to earn his Trust okay but I think this is a good time for us to stop this episode I'm really having a lot of fun with this game it's it's kind of fun to manage these guys and get get things going so thank you so very much for joining me take care of yourselves and each other and I'll see you next time thank you foreign
Channel: KatherineOfSky
Views: 3,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KatherineOfSky, Katherine Of Sky, kos, Anvil Saga, Anvil Saga let's play, Anvil Saga guide, Anvil Saga walkthrough, Anvil Saga lp, Anvil Saga review, Anvil Saga game, Anvil Saga gameplay, simulation games 2022, new simulation games 2022, strategy games 2022, new strategy games 2022, tycoon games 2022, new tycoon games 2022, management games 2022, new management games 2022, blacksmith game, recettear, crafting game, selling game, medieval game, pixel art
Id: 93kNkIixcM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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