ESCAPE THE DARKWALKER || The Long Dark || Part 3

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hey everybody accuracy here welcome back to the long dark here we are and uh i do believe we just slept right yeah we did okay i'm gonna check the map i forgot we had a map in this okay so we got to go over here too all right i know exactly where it's at that's gonna be um that's to be the uh homestead over there that farm farm over there so i had a feeling it might be there i'm just glad it isn't on the back part of the map so this shouldn't be too bad when i first log back in after playing the regular stalker custom i was like there it is i was like yeah i think you know what i'll just uh rest and wait for daytime yeah i forgot i forgot the parameters what is that oh a prey bar we'll take that probably not necessarily maybe we'll maybe we'll use it so we're just going to shoot over here see what we can find and then if i can make it down to uh if i can make it on down to uh forlorn muskeg if i can find a rope over here we should be good we're gonna need a rope might be able to shimmy our way down the mountainside might be a fool's errand to try to do that i'm not sure uh sorry i was adjusting my uh earphones there make sure i can hear pretty pretty decently which way he's coming from so we're gonna find a rope in here maybe maybe perhaps i know there's not gonna be rope here i'm just looking to see what they have in there sometimes there's a uh stacy's grape soda there not today let's check around behind the cabin normally the ropes behind the cabin so see here is there a rope here not today we're gonna have to try to make our way down i probably should have collected the rope back at the camp office in order to make it down there i think this is number four isn't it desolation point coastal mystery lake that's number three and this will be number four what do we got here give me a rope what have we here that's a good sweater let you guys read that i think i already have a storm launcher now let me check yeah i already got one what shape is this one this will come in handy it's about the same i forgot to pick up one of these things there we go i think i'll take that we're 30 calories okay let's uh let's start we're dropping some of this stuff um yeah let's start dropping some of this stuff here let's get a little bit more organized actually i don't need i don't need that we'll keep the fuel i guess honestly probably don't need the rifle because there's so few animals out here and what i do need to be worried about is him not not animals got lots of spray paint to use i think maybe what i'll do is well you know what let's see if we can shimmy our way down i think i'm gonna put a glyph over here try to draw him over this way we'll lower them over this way and then i'm going to go back and grab that rope i'll check to see if there's a rope here i doubt there is i'd be so upset if i went all the way back there to the ranger station picked up that rope ran it back and then discovered that uh there was a rope here the whole time oh one more thing one more thing i do want to do where is it um the hoodie let's see yeah that one's better thin roll sweater worn hoodie way better there we go oh he's over here by the he's gonna be coming up the hill he's coming from over there i'm like there oh son of a gun had to scare him away let's check for rope oh there it is i'm gonna have to leave something i just had a i just had a weird feeling that there might be rope there all right well that worked out good wanted to drop some ammo i'll just uh i'll drop it that way i'll just fire it down range get rid of it that way i remember exactly where this is yeah i think it's over this way i think it's like this way and up the rock i can attach my rope to shimmy down and then head off to four lauren muskeg that's the goal i hit that and then i head on down to uh broken railroad hopefully it's not broken anymore and that'll be my six that i need easy peasy let's see how he died probably dark walker death by dark walker where are you at where are you at it's hard to see when there's no get out here he's walking over there i can't remember which way to go i normally don't use this path that's all blocked off okay i must be up over here i'm actually kind of walking towards him sort of funny and the wolf's still running around here remember he'd probably reset oh i think i hit him i see blood okay there it is is this it maybe oh he's getting scared there it is yeah the wolf's still down here oh there is a rope here i didn't even need to bring a rope [Music] it's got to wait here for a minute you know what let's go ahead and take a drink let's do yeah let's do some coffee oh only one one pain at a time okay i got you okay to encumber to climb okay oh really i'm right at the limit um i don't care let's drop a freaking yeah let's drop those [Applause] two encompa what do you mean i'm underweight now let's try about half that what how am i too encumbered to climb how am i too encumbered to climb i'm underweight fatigue reduced spread all right fine so be it we're dropping the rifle i don't need it i got the pistol i need that oh let's drop this rope all right let's pick up the rifle there we go forgot i had that 11 pound rope with me or whatever that is in metric i don't know the lure's still working though 14 minutes until the fog sits in here well we're not coming back here so no big deal i don't know why it was encumbered though because i had i had uh i was underweight right more rope here well we're jacked up on coffee now at least oh sprained wrist let's let's let's fix that up here now we can hold to a two-handed weapon there we go let's head on out of here i'm not really good with navigating this area here i think i've been down here twice but it's pretty wide open that's just a deer scared me a little bit there i think i'm going the wrong way let me go this way that lures last in a long time oh there he goes he just broke it i don't know if it took it looks like it did just didn't paint itself on the rock didn't appear on the rock that's all it's all good normally i would have slept at the last fire but i just slept at the rangers office so no need to do that i don't think i think i'm gonna lift the fog just so i can see where i'm going otherwise i'm gonna get lost here there we go that's so much better wait now i'm going the wrong way there we go how'd i get turned around there i think maybe i did a circle good thing i just spelled the fog wow that's a pretty big area to walk through but it's fine really not that cold out either okay i think now we're heading in the right direction let me open up this map a little bit there there we go that's what i want look just looking for that transition zone that's all really nice they gave us a map the deer run at us another deer got three deer uh it says new location discovered up there it looks like it's stuck on the screen i don't know if that's burned in or not i never left it up there it doesn't let's see it up there in the upper left we'll see if it disappears i hope it's not burned into my monitor kind of what it looks like well as long as i can get the uh forlorn muskeg and get uh that one and then i can get the uh the one over there broken railroad i'll be i'll be happy yeah for me i definitely need the map here i'd have been lost forever but it definitely got me starting to get a little tired yes let's leave the region someone said a good strategy is to take so i need to go over here okay that's near the rail cars i think so i need to take a uh lure and use it here to draw him here first all the way across the map and then hold on and then so he'll waste his time coming all the way here and then he'll have to track me from from there so um i'm gonna try this strategy see how it works i'm just gonna slide down this faster as long as i don't break anything okay there we go and we need to go this way you know what let's yeah let's go this way gonna sleep here in a minute oh yeah go back here behind the uh signal tower let's get my rifle out ready just in case a wolf comes up here that's that's my thing just don't be surprised by wolf they're pretty sparse but i just don't want to get chewed up by one right now i got enough bad things going on in my life right now so jump out here negative five okay see we can shimmery shimmy our way down these rocks i think we should be able to this looks good from i mean other than will's protesting about it what what happened to the lure why is it not there anymore did not what not take because normally there's above my health stats there's a lure um bar did it disappear already i didn't hear it break hmm not sure not sure why i feel so tired i don't know you're running for your life here okay we're good going the right direction oh i see it i see it right there in the distance between the trees straight ahead right in the center of my screen just saw flicker there it is i barely see a flicker i might stop at the uh well i guess once we get there we'll just stop at the fire i might camp out over here behind this huge rock out of the the wind i think once we get out of the wind we're gonna be okay uh for for warmth might be able to camp here actually well you know what i don't want to do that because if my fire burns out i'm dead i'll die of i'll die from freezing i think i don't think i don't think it'll wake us up i do have a couple energy drinks i might pop one of those i'm gonna go ahead and pop one of those now as well there we go that helps all about all about using the supplements today anyway i'm just gonna put this away we're so wide open here the bad thing is this wind is in our face it's slowing us down so slow oh shoot oh all right time to start a fire time to start a hot fire and warm up this is one of those emergency situations where i will use an accelerant cold i got i got coal so don't worry i forgot i forgot that they had a frozen or thin ice on this side i'm gonna lie down here let me see here yeah i'm gonna lie down and rest because that should warm me up and pause him from coming after me all right that should work there we go we warmed up just need to figure out my way across here i could eat anything right now i hear him like right over there or yeah like right that way we're gonna get some good sleep here at this fire i think i need to go this way there we go we made it across without breaking through the ice again it's been a long time since i've had to do that so i've had to fall through some ice having the this is sort of annoying i looked at it i'm like why is my glyph up on the screen and i was like oh no that's the uh ice is about to break symbol i got him confused i was looking at it going why is it you know because if you're not an area where you can spray paint it'll look red and that's what i thought it was i was like why did it pop up suddenly see i still got the new location discovered on my monitor i don't know if you guys see that if so it's somehow it's burned onto my screen i'm not sure why i don't leave the game on my screen so okay we made it yep okay let's keep it another glyph thing let's check out the trunk bearskin bedroll all right let's go and eat drink get changed into some nice warm clothes uh bearskin bedroll warm wool socks those are sports oh yeah trying to empty out my pockets here bit everything's looking good let's eat up let's just feed ourselves was that my cat again oh my gosh either that arm hearing things you never you can't tell in this mode i can't tell what's normal what isn't eating dog food goodness gracious all right what do you guys think you think she should i think we should cook here [Music] let's cook up a little bit here yeah let's do it he can sit and spin for a lock here oh you know what hold on do i have purification tablets no i don't all right let's go for the last one shall we let's see here you know what actually i think what i'm gonna oh you know what i can drop that that's a bit heavy to carry around see here drop these drop this one how much time's left doesn't oh it's an infinity fire i forgot that's got the ward though i don't think that'll protect us for too long so i'm gonna try sleeping for a couple hours here just to get a little bit more energy okay yeah let's do that let's uh let's sleep for one see how much time comes off is the fire out that's not good i thought it was an infinity fire i guess it's the lure right it was an infinity fire but it's actually a lure so when the lord stops the fire stops i guess i'm gonna try to keep going i think yeah we're gonna try trucking on through to uh broken railroad yep we'll head up this way head down the railroad while he gets distracted by that lure we're gonna sort of pass each other and when i get tired again i'm going to take the energy drink and this last one should be our achievement at least we can follow the railroad it makes it easy for us what i don't want i do want to check here real quick make sure it's not like some more energy drinks or something accelerant cup of coffee there it is energy drink light shell first aid what do you got stem i will take that take some food okay revolver ammo okay fine not that it really matters you know he should be breaking through the ice now he's probably gonna be passing right in front of us here in a second there he is but he's going for the lure so unless we happen to cross paths i think we're okay i think we're okay i'll let him pass in front of me trying to figure which way he's coming i think he's over here to the left now i think he's crossed the tracks i'll be panicked here in a second there's the steps right there see him right there had to do it guys had to do it kill myself all right time to use some energy cup of coffee where's my cup not thirsty i just want it for the uh caffeine that's all i'm pissing him off now playing games with him yeah i knew we were going to kind of cross paths there so i think that's the first time we've ever seen him it's like little foot well not really seen him but his footsteps i still have an emergency stem left four degrees celsius that's fine we're getting close we're almost to uh broken railroad oh we broke it and we kind of got to see how fast he travels so we have a pretty good head start on him could probably drop some of the water but it's a little overkill at this point because my my only goal when i started out was just to get the six after that i'm pretty much done there's no i got nothing to prove after that getting tired again you get five degrees but that barrel is pretty warm so i might just sleep here for a couple minutes and uh get in behind cover here see what it looks like two degrees that's good i feel pretty comfortable since we have this barrel now let me find a good spot protected from the weather all right hop in that sucker yeah we're good let's hop in that thing for about eight hours hopefully we live let's do ten hours let's give it a shot guys hopefully we stay left hopefully the weather doesn't kill us soon find out here it's a gamble yeah we're fine all right now we're all raring to go got some pep in our step again someone said that the he doesn't stop when you sleep that's not true obviously he stops otherwise you'd be right up on me right now there'd be no way you could ever sleep that barrel roll was huge that was a good find feels like one degree yeah okay that's out in the open too not even protected all right well we made it broken road hopefully it loads and doesn't break i'd be really disappointed if it hangs here i don't think it will because i have faith poor guy poor guy's just so lonely he just wants a friend all right we made it hey all right we're gonna put our we're gonna put our lure over here to screw with him such a good suggestion i love it there we go let's head on head on down the tracks we're just gonna follow the tracks all the way down we do have to divert here just a little bit where the it's all busted up here but nothing too hateful i was actually moving with some good speed like it remember where it is we have to cut down i don't know if it's down there let me think here yeah we gotta cut down here to get across it's been about a year since i've come this way um i kind of get down there i just follow follow the yellow brick road so to speak yeah trying to be too hard on will's legs poor guy war poor guy let's see where this one's at yep i don't know where it's at exactly where you're at yes he's over there he's gonna have to go all the way over there first and then come after me we should be home free but i'm not gonna do a victory dance yet i could keep going but i mean i don't know you guys think i should i'll probably keep going if i really wanted to go for a long period of time though i probably shouldn't have come down here i should have saved this one for the very end but uh i'll just have to dodge him and pass by him again i think on the way out let me know in the comments i'm gonna uh before i leave this area like after i get to this fire i'm gonna end this episode here and i should get my achievement once i get my achievement let me know if you want me to keep going or not to me it makes really no difference but i'll do what you guys want me to do because honestly when you have this many lures to use it's not that hard to just kind of just get past him sort of bait him into one area and go the other way and things like that and he's not overly fast so it's not that big a deal we should start seeing the the fire here soon we'll say getting a little bit of target practice back in there is good thing so he's still all the way back where we started at the lure and we're we're uh yeah we're over halfway across the map i imagine this is probably gonna break sometime soon once i get too far from him he's probably gonna break it it's probably coded that once he gets to be so far away from you just go ahead and go we got in here i'm just curious now i don't even need a crowbar i don't even know why i brought one honestly wait a minute i got lost there for a second i thought that was blocked off i'm like did they change something yeah my eyes were just playing tricks on me there so the lure is still going i can hear him but man he's really far away we got zero concerns guys should see the fire any second now there it is there it is all right well yeah i know where that's at okay we gotta just go around gotta go around the back here i think to get up there well we're doing good real real good here all right i think yeah this is where we go up this way because i was here last time on broken railroad i started here and i came to this fire and then i tried to leave broken road and it hung up on me so this should do it for us victory victory is ours all right let's pick it up badge received all right guys we got it we got it all right let me um he's pissed he just broke the he just broke it finally let me go ahead and save the game here actually hold on let me grab some things in here probably energy drinks or something end up being useful revolver ammo all right volume of flare shells lots of ammo pork and beans that's an energy drink i'll take that another great spray paint so i'm gonna go ahead and save by sleeping this episode ran a little bit long but that's okay all right there we go well fed benefit oh gosh all right you guys take care like comment subscribe thank you so much for watching let me know in the comments if you want me to continue on or just uh be done with it here let him get me so just let me know and we'll make it happen y'all take care you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 32,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TLD, escape the darkwalker, hinterland, halloween, event, the long dark, darkwalker, challenge, survival game, pc, games, game, glyph
Id: YH7TCkl7-sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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