Real Doctor Evaluates Injuries In Video Games Ft. Doctor Mike

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where are these guys doctor oh this is the best part about GTA you fly the physics of the game is incredibly real but then the medicine of the game is absolutely false hey I'm dr. mike marsh off sky but many of you know me as dr. Mike I make youtube videos where I try and educate people about health have a little fun on the side but I'm also a practicing board-certified family medicine doctor treating everything from your common injuries to diabetes heart attack strokes pretty much anything but that's what makes my job incredibly fun and today I'm gonna be evaluating video game injuries when I think about video game injuries I always think about things being extra exaggerated allows your imagination to sort of run wild and as a doctor I have to sort of wrangle our imaginations back in and explain can this really happen if it were to happen how bad would this be could this person survive and in most of the times it's not gonna happen this is so violent this is not how my patients would react if they're getting hit like this I don't understand how all of this blood is just popping out of the person's body if we're gonna have a cut then it makes sense of the person's bleeding but if they're just getting hit why are they why is there blood splattering all over the place you see this person getting hit and they're getting hit what seems to be in the chest but without even having a cut there's like splatter coming out of their chest that's not realistic in order to have some sort of blood come out of the body there needs to be a break in the skin unless the person breaks your skin what happens is you'll develop a hematoma which is a bruise and you have bleeding internally I will say if you're getting hit in the head this much you can develop a hematoma that same bruise the bleeding inside your body that I was talking about but it can happen inside your cranium which is your skull and why is that dangerous well if I have bleeding and say my arm my arm will swell and make room for that bleeding but in your skull since your skull is a fixed bone it actually can't expand and when that happens you build up pressure and that pressure is not good for your brain oh oh oh first of all I don't know how strong these guys are that they're punching through rocks that's gotta hurt and I feel like you might break a bone or two inside your hand there's actually a common fracture that happens when you punch with a closed fist it's called a boxer's fracture ah it's breaking the bone right here horrible where are these guys doctor oh that looks like an Escalade so these are the worst types of injuries because you're going from a high rate of speed to zero very quickly and you know what happens when you bring something that's moving fast to a complete halt momentum happens so all of their organs move forward hit the body the brain goes forward and it can actually get bruised and have major damage to it on the front area you're not getting up from that look at the car damage if that's the damage to a metal car what happens to the frail human being that was just going 30 miles an hour on a scooter that flew off and they're not wearing helmets i re disapprove because they're speeding and they're driving on the wrong side of the road oh no oh no oh and a car goes flying oh this is the best part about GTA you fly the physics of the game is incredibly real but then the medicine of the game is absolutely false look at this car it's mangled but then this superhuman is just gets up like nothing happened if your car goes off a hill like this and you fly out of the car first of all you're not surviving that your neck is breaking your spinal cord is getting severed you're bleeding everywhere oh oh oh that looks like a better oh my god the car just crushed that construction worker oh my god idiots face that's a belly so it's probably a heavy car 4000 pound Bentley is gonna fall on you you're not gonna get up and get ready to get hit in the face again you're gonna have crush injuries and crush injuries are quite dangerous because when you damage muscles you damage bone there's all sorts of issues that can arise infection low blood pressure from not enough blood circulating if you have a crush injury of a bone you can have something known as a fatty embolism where literally a piece of fat leaves the boat and starts traveling about your blood vessels they can get trapped in the lungs and the heart and the brain and that's obviously deadly oh my god alright I'm gonna have to pause on that this insane wrestling like move just got this gentleman's ribs broken that's pretty realistic like you got lungs there let's see one two three four five six seven all right the rib number is a little bit off but that's okay considering it's a game they even made the back ribs break what I will say is incredibly unrealistic is ribs don't shatter upon impact like this I mean unless the impact is absolutely crazy but generally what happens is you get a fracture most the time it's a hairline fracture but if you have a displaced rib which can put a sharp angle there and you can puncture your lung that can cause a pneumothorax that's a collapsed lung that's that's really bad so you want to act fast in those situations oh I watch those crazy videos on YouTube of where chiropractors are doing adjustments okay this look it looks like some of those YouTube videos where it's like wow and they're just absolutely just breaking stuff oh so the bone breaking there is called the jaw bone medically we call it the mandible and what happens is it doesn't even look like it broke it looks like it dislocated and you can imagine how painful that because you have ligaments and muscles attached to it in order for it to move and win and all that breaks all that tears that's pretty good I'm not gonna lie that's a good anatomical description of what a jaw dislocation would look like oh that looks like a frontal own fracture so the frontal bone is obviously the front part of your cranium in real life for that to happen you're gonna need to have massive trauma I think car accident going from 70 miles an hour to zero hitting a wall and then airbag not coming out or something Oh Oh see it doesn't make much sense to me because if you have a shattered skull like this you're done that's it you're not functioning oh oh so that chop right there that went right to the cervical vertebrae that's the vertebrae that protect your spinal cord in your neck there's seven cervical vertebrae in there and when they got chopped they shattered bat if they shattered that means the person is hitting with so much force so they could sever your spinal cord and if that happens everything that's connected by your nervous system down below that level is no longer going to be functioning injuries like this happen people get into fights they use objects they strike each other it happens if you come into the hospital like this right away the first thing I'm gonna do is order a stat CT scan which is a cat scan in order to figure out a is there bleeding in the brain do we need to act quickly to is there any kind of fracture that can pose a threat to you like we talked about displaced ribs that can cause a puncture in the lung if you don't correct a lot of these issues quickly you can lose your life the sound effect sounds like he's getting slapped but it looks a lot more violent than that Oh see the way that he fell and the arm rotated in like that I feel like that's gonna be the biggest issue like yeah he got slapped around a little bit he fell down the stairs but the internal rotation of that shoulder and going past the normal range of motion guess what's gonna happen tearing of your rotator cuff you're gonna need to get surgery long recovery time oh oh slow motion oh so I'm not a gun expert the way these people are flying back it looks like they're getting hit by like a 12-gauge shock when a patient experiences a gunshot wound right away the first thing we do make sure that they're getting enough fluids through an IV if we need to get a blood transfusion right away we start a major bleeding protocol and we get them to a level one trauma center fast as humanly possible and let the ER doctors and trauma doctors step in and hopefully save that person's life Oh what is that human oh oh okay that looked like a burn I don't know if this thing is human or not but burns are obviously dangerous because you can get a whole host of issues happening with a burn dehydration infection when you get a burn you get something known as a contracture which is where the skin sort of scars and contracts on itself that can be quite painful on its own limit your range of motion I feel bad for that creature whatever it was I got sliced and then burned that's not a good way to go oh no oh my god that was a innocent person Jesus oh my god anytime you have a knife wound that's incredibly dangerous why because this gentleman did not insert a knife and leave it and when you do that you actually cause more damage because if you get stabbed by an object the idea is not to take it out until you have emergency services around you in order to perform any kind of procedures that may be necessary keeping that object if it's a knife a stick whatever insert it into you you actually put pressure on the blood vessels and reduce the amount of bleeding that's occurring well that was not surprising a lot of these injuries are exaggerated the characters are superhuman they can seemingly survive anything in reality humans well we are resilient we're still fragile and if we're gonna be falling off a cliff and experiencing significant amount of g-forces we're gonna have injuries if you want to see more of my videos check out my youtube channel dr. Mike just remember dr. spelled out as always stay happy and healthy
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 4,071,283
Rating: 4.929781 out of 5
Keywords: BAg7, Dr. Mike Varshavski, GkpE, buzzfeed, buzzfeed multiplayer, dead by day light, doctor mike, doctor mike reacts to, doctor reaction video, doctor reacts, doctormike, dr mike, dr reacts, dr. mike, emergencies, god of war, grand theft auto, gta v, injury, instagram doctor, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, mortal kombat, multiplayer, real doctor, real doctor reacts, real doctor watches, the last of us, the witcher, video game, video game injuries, youtube doctor
Id: RYibowrZJeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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