Expert BASE Jumpers REACT to Just Cause 4 | Experts React

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
yeah yeah Apple he's gonna go for he's goin for ya he's grappling oh no he's gonna he's gonna make it he's gonna make it yeah Oh keep grappling come on sorry so rocket launcher not typically part of the equipment but whoa dude that is next I wish we had that usually you got to go wingsuit to parachute also uh I see that tornado back there festive uh-huh I don't watch you guys I'm gonna typically jump with a tornado on quite jumpy you yeah look at that look up wow these two the toggles I also say that's pretty cool but the way they had him like reach up and like pop toggles that's that's definitely how parachutes works that's pretty good and that PLF that parachute landing ball did he die x-book yes right let's pause it right there traditionally if we are wing seating we'd also have something connecting the legs as suit is too small to be flying like that but even if you were flying a big suit with the way his arms and his legs are bent like that it would just not function I mean imagine a plane trying to fly with bent wings but this is sweet this is how we fly right yeah and this is actually this slope is pretty guiding you wings like that whoa I don't know what that move is but the arching twisting thing I don't think that would really make you turn like that and it definitely wouldn't let you fly through a gas through the lumberyard yeah you would have to get a lot of speed and here he goes for ya yeah flying through the gas station is not something I'm hardly face environment Oh nor is the upward parachute deployment Wow yeah you don't know typically go up when you deploy a parachute so you guys notice that he's not flying with a helmet or God must have steel to girls yet cuz we fly it about 150 miles an hour horizontally so you can't just snowflake to the eye at that speed you're not stoked with that a rocket launcher off his back oh dude we need to get some what does yeah not said that's not standard that's not saving here you can speak to the bit about blank explosions you might get some good thermal liftoff that though now here he's sustaining some pretty high glide ratio flight there let's say the modern wingsuit the best we can do is around three two one glide ratio this looks like but eight two one nine two one eighteen yeah there's they're definitely realistic moments but this sustained yeah seven one glide ratio to wingsuit that doesn't even have a leg wing that's that's asking a lot yeah be cool Fidel a 100 K so increasing for and speed with grappling hooks yeah that would work maybe on like obviously like another planet like maybe a quarter the gravity or something but no many grappling hooks or people with strong enough arms to make those forces happen does it grab it look even a thing in your life I I think I think so but I don't think for Jeff yeah I don't think they work that way alright pause again yeah yeah so I had the angle he's flying out right now that's basically a modern we can see at the minimum flatness that you could sustain have sustained flight you need to have your feet a little bit above your head otherwise you just don't have the speed to keep that way fine yes yeah well he's gonna go for he's going for it yeah he's crap no he's gonna he's gonna make it he's gonna make it yeah he graboid come on yeah that glancing blow on the left that yeah pretty realistic yeah I did in real life when that happened to guy that we knew he's flipped a lot faster yeah that left leg would be probably off his body I mean I don't know what this game is rated it should say I'm taking a lot of that burger kids yeah man he's right back on the right back on the horse are you gonna appreciate that attitude [Applause] okay thank you so much for watching if you want to be a gemologist click down here to subscribe sounds easy right see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Gamology
Views: 669,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ma7rVuEYRJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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